3r FATS AND THE LEANS t: ! Lean Carry Away the tUschall Honor, Nin to Tour v The Annus Free f 4 URtiCST UTIADINOE OF SEASON i Tb.r l'aiSkucil Aititilv lhivn ia I kIJ ENTERTAIN THE TOWN m 1 '4' J l i I I i. The Daily Oreg'onian and The Argus. One Year For $6.00 this gives you Bfttf Argus FREE. No Agents Daily and Sunday andGfttf Arg'us $S.OO The Oregonian 3 6 Loaves of Bread for 25c Get one loaf and 5 checks, each good for one loaf of Bread. Buying your bread this way gives you the chance to save on your bread bill. Remember this next time you buy bread. Six Fresh loaves for 25c THE CITY BAKERY Main Street. Hillsboro J. Wolfersperger, Prep. l'he Fats and Loans played base ball. Tuesday, after supper, and I he U'ans carried away the honors by a score of 9 to 4. It was "some ball-game." all right, ali-richt. and there was more comedy in the contest than one could imagine. The game was a drawing card, a! I business house closing at six o'clock, the banks closing at four o'clock. There were no stars among the aggregation -except the stars soon by some player w h n the sphere collided w ith the bean of some fat or lean The line-up - The fats Hansen, catcher; H'vigtf. Ionian and Soars, pitch ers; Pr Sears. ll;Tr h'rwin. lib; .las Perkins, :U; Modce and Sor ens m, ss; I! isoovv and t'al Jack, rf; Hoard. If; Adams and W Will, rf. The Leans -Alfred Harring ton, catcher; L Itrown. p; J W Connetl and I'has Wells, lb; Karl Pornlson, 2b; J as Anderson. Ut; Contull and Wells, ss; Crover Combs, rf; Harney Lewis and Via Jack. If; Undertaker King.cf. The Argus special artist, as sisted by l-'ife llousc, furnished the following pictures for the gam, and the artists' wrist failed him on the photo-play of Cal. Jack driving Hoscow from the tield for a mistake -otherwise the game is depicted pictorial!', lacking only the color scheme. It was uproariously funny, and the larne crowd laughed all the time even when Pr. Keagan pronounced Pr. Sears atllictod with the heaves running home. and falling at the home plate. The Movies Harness! A new Harness Shop will open for business on Monday, May n, on Main Street, opposite Court House. See us for all kinds of Light aud Heavy Harness, Collars, Pads, Strap work, Whips, etc. Order work a specialty. All work guaranteed. We solicit a share of your patronage and will treat you right. Come in and get acquainted. "Wir Sprechen Deutsch" . T.SP1CKER Hillsboro, Oregon $?) )-Q Lanky Connoll slid home four times for the skinnies. Daily Journal and The Weehly Argus One Year, Doth Papers $5.25 Daily and Sun Journal and Argus, One Year, $7.50. Do It Now Jimmy Perkins in action with a hot one. Harrington throwing t second with no one covering the base. Mgr. Sorensen stopping ground rs "0, 1 guess not stopping them" Wills was caught asleep at the switch at second. Weekly Argus rroc" Grover Combs nearly lost a joint olf his finger stopping the high ones. For sale, cheap New six II. jP. Kllis gas engine, fully guar j an teed for ten years. Just what ; you want for pumping and feed ' cutting. C h as. F. Kobinson, j Hillsboro, Route 5. 8-10 I Link Hill, of near fiastnn. wan U in town Tuesday. He says that J crops are looking fine up his way. - - .f I.unsen caught a good gurne an was "real put out" when Ui leans carried olf the honors. .. Aa Pr. Frw in fielded the ball with both hands and feet. furl iKm.'Ison makintr cn- utional catch-and the ball is tttill glued to bin nut Adams coulil'nt get down to Mother Karth too fat! Pitcher Ugan hor rvi.U-mr of "Charley Horn.." Harney Ia'wU sjwared them with the thumb and index finger, lT; I.. Hrown wound ui like Waterbury-and ran bases like one, tiK). Heing lean, it is said that Um pire Pr. Smith got in Dutch with the fats. Hodges' spitter worked like an April shower. Anderson and Connell fivht over a hall which neither fielded Mm , Hoard, a Fat. In-aned hv a hnl I reams of the banquet at the noiei vvaHningion. Pr. SettM Morv,l I i. Pr. P-near, th, ,..,, runm r utTlu ted with lJT llotntr' t arp.-nter M,. p A."' hiii U-llo wai repair.-,!! Undertaker King undertook to touch a man out- nnd he did. - V it Shortstop Weill I. ttirn. "Vi mngle" go throng, ,m m ,h( lucond inning. Umpire Itarri rallific lk out Sttrrllt Slc ea ! icvdU Fielder We Powcow rtaiMn't catch them with a lakct. Nirftrw Ul,-C't'f U' I T O'lut ( II Kl" 'lO..l In.iol otil . f "I tt.lJOlt ! of II. r 1r.nitl I ti.il) ..r tl. UM "I itin ! W .h,i,ii.ii (jr. ilii M f 0. .Ur l VUt. Cut i ( ' M. Ih.m.ml W,t... I l" W III. il.l (l,,.l I -! I I it. I iiJI'MMt ll.f, lIHlrt. f,.f ll.n llll tn. Ui ..f mt ui- .. o. fil,w maii'lliif mi. uIt ' I . " lwltiiriiiial.Inni"l ' I- -"' p'"l"' ..II alii. Ii t.. IT. I " M "MI. IM f llMI Iiftnlmftff .l"Ol" 1mi4prif mul HrMtit . ,1 ivwi,1i lllon M..i.Ur IP. . ii ! '' '""; lull ( ll.r li.mr il I'i ." ' will .lay, at ilm n.uOi ,i.-,i "I iii " Imhiw in ll.ll.l-.. -!.. ii'io'l lliri.i., Mill al (.iihlii- an. . l OUh'' Ml l.t.l.lrr f"r rli I" l.i-l " "' lh II., liitf .r. lit. rra I- l") "'' Iwllllt ami alliiatv III W -I.,iiKI.' I ". Otf.itl , ,li -f H.l mm loi.. I" All nt H" 'tBl.t. .M i"l al.l .la.iili(1.'. tln. ,""" ll, lli...r III aii.l l.i 0.. ..ll..l fill.l iral .....r ..n lm""" ai'.iul al,iil alt fl "' " K.llirr M Hi" !H" i' "' "" : MMl llliailrf III Sr.lll.ll I J' IImWUI. Mi iiiiiiiIi I l.wi.n ! llm ,aail"l Mi. till lh" " , f (.null hall l aai'l wmitw-aai i , Hrrltun I mi rl ' "" ""'.ill la lung lolhar.iinil ' M,,'i. in liiMik MMiralii M i i"'i"" ii"-- liiinfi.ni I iiiiiilr . , ' all.lt lh hi.fi.ii.lirl"" "' ." , . i . I ,il Mill ami inr nwiwn ami "i- ...i.a ami a.l.l rlt hai.l m " I Uii.laiiitln aa nr Mil"" "', Halrxl al illM.I,r.i, un-ir " - .lay ui M.v, lull I, Itmora, Clillllly, lllrvnll. Hr J. r. A..lnfl. "I"'1,; ,...,ii(H. II T.MIKil", iil-nirr I ' l',m'" I YTMAtiyi And!so Cal'Jack ran him nlTll,.. r.i i - iieiu. HlmrllT .( W "! SUMMONS. In III" I'lriMiil I'mitl l thns";''' Or Dim, liir Waloni(l."i VhumJ- r..r V V farliMin, I'lmul"' I V" I'arl K larlai.e. ,.:rii,liil I iliilrmlaiil' In III l.all.l" f U.rHli. HHy am hiTflh r".inrrl I" 'I'I"1" H alHivn nllllml rmirt hh.I T. l-f.iri. Kfl.lny, Hi" I'tl' ''"V "' ,J'7of 'lli wlurl. I. .11 m .nUrr th" ' "J' Willi II Hill ,.ii ..,, IIHI i Li.... .,r Hi a aiiii'iii"1" nli-ail til tin. isiiiiiiUnil '""-ukI anallii.1 u, ami If V'Mi f'1 1". "J '..i.iiiUlI anattur, inr.wain " , i,ir" nml hrrriUl..rKiiiiiiK 'M'1,w, ' :.,ui at ami Ilia tiliiliililT lil'iii' ' m f..r rtrnnl ami liiliiiiimii lr.-t "" 'WU, aiiwir, i". . ...dirrr" will .ily l.Ahmii.iirl lr' " ,,,, .II.H.IVI..K Hi" Ih.ii.I""' ,,,,,lrl '1,'uw.l . i. . ....... ...I,.... ImIUIMiII J"" . Via Jack wan Badly wronged they gave him a bat with holes in it. am II (ill, nr aim inrui." - , tx.iirl mar ai-nn im-l i"l ' ()U,, Thli miiiiiiiiinala wrvcl , nl.rall..ll In II..- "Ilia r Anin ,f Irlna l.r Ml. Iirillir t( till' ' (, r U.II, j.i.Ik" -f H' o;" ' w I'liliiiljiil Wal.ll'KU.nii'l f11,, tt.at Kim, nml aalil .r.lr l'r"' rl ' ? h, ilil r..il,lirtl.. a.Mny in, 1!I M' ti, l.flll lt lllllllli'BlHlll I".I'"J',' (.,111,11, llnrr- Ymifawl'li ' noiil" 111, f,.r I'lulllllll. -I I llullilliiK. I'lirllmul, OWiiii. . For huIu or exchange - NineJ rotir acre dairy and h. J all fenced with hog wrf;"9. eroH foneed nto I wlu' i. ., ...... w - . - . MlfO acrcw in U.ll .naiiln umllll lllliur.-,., II III wwnnnn i a nn llll" exchange and easy 7m" Sa ference. (JiHMlman At - GaHton, Ore.