PARTISAN in,K.rtIIU,Bl,rfl .Vrihiitn Stall,..,,. M.... i.f th lt Sirn tli nnt). l18"". . ' follow.: 1 .. .1 .... . i i i'ii i . . m, Iiawiorn n uiuni, wuni.ty i. I'.M-rly lUruh, Kiritun. W U.ark Findy Tut' Willi""4'151; rnti. until until ;:; i a . . . . . S. IVrly Iirutt, Miilun. W.Jt.(hy (IM.ii, until ",t It.avrtin l.iv-ry Iturn, Wiilm-mlay i-ychit,... A r t. i 1 Thar';' . , .. i .. ... - - i . i'fj,,iv fi'xn; Oftl" . . ii iu.I..i r'ri.liv nfliTriiKin until In,,!, A I i iiu.-'i-" - ......... ,ij I'ki-iiin, . i str t Uv.ry I'.arn. 'IVrnW amv: i & ....i Winn S-amm, ?!; To inur.- with T( inHiirv a li.c I-. .It S'li f mrvio St run- must ! -a i ... i i i - r i . , , " num is i"it iruiiBu rii-ci nr ri-muvtij irmn ( uunty. ! $F".. ith tlM in ndv Fan' to Movent hut not fr acci hnti. 4 ' 1 J"ri. Ott... i).w.,r. (Copy) Stal!itn Kfk'itratiin liounl. Statf nf rifi n. I,i,-,.i!sii' (Yrtiflcat of I'urt I'.rnl Stallion N.. 1:;7U. Ihttvd at t'orvalliH. Onon. March In. mi:!, Tic iM-ili?mM)f th' Ktallin Partisan, ! . ..... it..... I. ..t 'I I... : .....iit.-ivii in inr iHumittia, v i in- miM iiiau l'J;i'. (OHHI.S) .rein-run lluri- llrwilr a'1'! lwl'n AitHiH-iatiun. U-Ati.-.i l.y Joe Otto, nf iI!!ti. WuHtiink'tim County. )n:n. Ilr.-.l !,v M. Ilurl.e, iL.i.ui-tMi.'iit of Sarllu', Franri', I K-HiTiUti n ft!, I '.luck: Oar l'l-tluTfi; Hruhw CUTX ii of Si m,.ii U ,.f lt-iin I 1 I I I f I I..... SUitUn ltlB' k'llt "t I 'I'M kF.'MP t t t j '-eU "i I'.llil, iSrml. IVn-htron; Foalfl in th y-ar I'.wtJ. on May K, ami l.m ixvfi i-vamiiifil by tin1 Stallion kcumtration l'.ar. of Ori m, ati i it i-1 lit rrliy CiTtiliftl that tin- wii.i Hta'.Sum i-i uf l'ur.' tht1 tt.t'iatui ttumt'tl in Bi-ction tmif of mi Art of the la is-'.ativi- of tlx? StuU' of On-tn or...; fr tht lifofisintf 'f utallMW. rlcN'tlfil in tlic oi!i-- of the Secretary of State. Ft-bruary 2:1. l'JU. nn'l that tin- atnivi D inu-.i otaliion hw tt'-o i-xamim-il ly lti vi-UTinunan ajMiintiM i,y tin Suilwn U.-iiistrution lUmrd nn! H her. hy r-irh1i f n. from inffi'timi", ri'ntak'ioun or tranmiiitie tjiwa-if or u.'ijumuhH'Ki ml I Itrreby llCfiiHt'J lu utanJ for public tirrvit f in the State of Unison. ,, , ... l-.rnnni i i iu r. Sfcn-tary Stallion li'iitratii)n "Hoard Null: 'I his licenw mmt U m'tmii tl in the o!liv of llit Krttirdcr of t ttnvi-ynnccH of the I otitity in vwurh n-h Htahion " . . ii'... . : I I .. I t u IK tn t ittu'il lor luiuic niTvu-i', unu mun in- rt-rn vM ii .tiari n 1U. l'.tl'V Hav e You Planned Your Outing A Few I Inuly SusErt n. lnauMC f niwlll fmmi Hm t mm! hi ml Btmch Kaurlt Vim t!mUI-u want l k' Somewhere tt k t away a ta!- from th' (tcady Knn.l. la t u hlj mi. for kivm June ul StrliiVr jlti l I utM top u. keu flttlll nil tiuU l llir . i'. u Ihlou,;)! V nil!' I'l 1 1 111.1 of 1't.l ml, tf trrit.tloll ml onUUm, I tic IfV Usu uU r(.U outlnu lcr. The til ul tirf Mliiiit, cm, CMll.jjr.. I olril mtxlrfiil Cl. rwiHM Omftf Hmmhmt A lie ji!ihkii.iiiiI. mly out (mm l'.m)fii.l f.nri. iiilniio .tirmiK oi tth In nitU nin(v thaiui, I rmllrmll 'i in Jmi 9 to It I'xitUn.l will ti tinr, t itlrtUluiurlit Ul)tltl. LUliiftcal ! on I lri jr. canttul ulluitl lu hum lmrlB anrf ttmrnmlmtm Hmmmrtmi T iHiiitinu in "far trow tli umtMniK i i. '!" ''' 1 I umtmue U. K Ut Si ullirto I'milu'. Mi:ittin, mt rnliiillF Klllt ll't I III! Ull Ullit tUliliiK, mi. I III Our Htm Outing Bmmklmli (Mi SUN-ilT P t I I ooiiiNiviAsnl I I 1 XQOtt r I I WHK 10 it! i M FOREST GROVE, l.llu.MM.k and Vatiin(. 1 li CutHy ( Annuiil CnvrnlM,n i kHillll II II jve an All N,hl SrioB, Wuh lljnijml, June Knii'ht.4 of I'UI ia-i i.f tnr. i. Wa,hin;'t,n. Yamhill ami liilairnxik will cotivi-rn; in annual diUrul convention, at For. - I (invc. on Saturday after. i:o.:!. Jan.' u and bold an all ni;',t H.Sni.i!!. Th. fonvention will Fv "(,',. id of the Ord.T"all! tl.f way thnnih. and tF; usual j ritualistic work v-ill la; rt'li'att'd to the n ar. j 'I h" Ki-Mhioil Wi'l he to-! i-'.-tf tT," and tie-re will he a Fan-! 'I;i"t a li a only Forest drove j knu'hM know how to prepare;! the ll,!!sUru I'jtl.ian minstrels will put on a sihow, and Yamhill w lil I e dotvn with vaudeville i w hi'.' I iasto!t will have a liromi- nci.t plare ou tin- program. rhanet-hur lluxton, of Forest llruve, ha.4 a lii committee at work to make it p'eanant for the "q t.-d - visitors, and lie has etiyai. ii tin Star theatre for the exctciM , after tell o'clock in the weeing. "Flit-:-' conventions are always very pleasant atfairs. and an For est I .rove ha. ruacniticent (juar tern in which to entertain annual meetings there ever meet with apimiv ah l here w ill he one of the largest 1'itnian parad.-s ever pulled olT, flirty in tl e eveniiik'. after which the Uissw iil repair to the hall until after ten o'clock, when they will takeover the Star theatre , for the rest of the niirht. I McMiunvii!e has promised to send down a bi delegation, and IFapt. Ira Nelson says the entire ! membership w ill be in attend- 1 a nee. MAZDA LAMPS Again Reduced Peerless Lumps blaze their Trail toward "cheaper LIGHTING IO .') (xt I(X) Watt Watt Watt Watt -V I.IO Buy a Carton Today OWL ELECTRIC UV.M. I S I A I Ii IWANSI F.k V.e.tlmi txri," Nrjwu" n.t "Ti!nwk Cmly lri.t"icji "If tlir ,". Ml f Umrly mini!"""'' '" w,l,''c ,,m l"M tic.l ln.t i.iitflloti iti.-v frrf I"' l"? nuking. Iiit h'.o mi.1 i cU on our itl Agenlt JOHN M. S007T, o- Portland, Orogon y II r. . i, t ( (; C (iUntt-r, 1.1 K ii. ti II II ! Cinii' lis" W , M tiiiii l I! 1 Kom-cibih, 47 I im . -el. . I lllto ..S4$o K 1' I tr !.i i; l. M.-itlru, 5i Vc- in .1 1 c - loo A M l till to ';; May (.', 1 luU V irt Vir to J I, An!"! tu C niii AiiiiumI, 1 lulu li ! k Ann J't'O !. ,s I. . .!-, (.. C lUcrlv, K.67 a Tii.. Hmiiflirrv .1 I C noo .1 nit .M.-Nuu.rr l. Null. McNiiiiici, J Bt finest I iinvi" W II .sou to Call Mm:. )l ti ftc 6 I J ii f i ' J W (" to Hi nnmi Wilier, i lo. il'i'hui nuo I Ilium ui t.t A Hiiimu Jr, t$ iu lliiivi v C inikc it I c I I',il.t t i ill lit Jcunic Mill, trcl in lliil Aiu- - I K C, iKmiii tul'.rmi- puvviis, juit- c'nmi to 3 lutt S I' ml V Ott.vp. 10 W 11 Si.i'.l to lu!m Sltitlloti, 3b rr it t 2 n r t v 6(o lin l it t Wiillnt, 7 a Hnwl llniek I'.inii t4o U . i!on tu t'.ro W Kmilurr, 7 a c - t x I w ' J !l lli!lr.i la Mmtiic Smiley, j KrnvKffiH ilif Slinw-rrnr to 8tnif . Mini Btiove.U5o A !: A mini to laneitc luv to, lot 34 1 ilium Aotr - 3" Kulli Kcil'v to Mm A ice Lonncll, La 16 I lk is N.'tih i'lain 5 atnr t.. S.IOU-. lot is i N rimin JJS VV H lu JKimio lUitus, 5.05 ill .1:1 I V Al'lt'K ... lieu V Ku.-ii t ) R 11 Oiilhth, 10 a h i- ifi t i r j w T I-! Tlioiii 'n to I.N Tmnpkiiia, jiiiuil I'Hii-liiiK", mm etc on jno Wililiclirfl tlii-e M K t t ivkrtt lo C Ii Ciockett, lot j.i Al.liutl ArtruK' 10 H A Wi.lumi to Title .Si Tiutt Co, W'j luU 1 j mill 16 W I'urk ail V Vt 10 !.in ,lniK!rn to Jos Ttcl, 5.6 a near Tuulntin 1650 Ku h Kiiilty to Mamie .1 kmhiv, 4 in N.itlH rliiiim - J5 J A linlitie to Anna Miller, lot III Cornelius 1 Ihc C.rari l Mina Ii tha most whoU-S'ime "two for a quarter" smoke on markt t made in Ore on, by K. SchilltT. When you indu'i,' in a irood smoke buy a Jranl .Marca. tf SUMMONS IN M Mill) N't. Urn I'lr.ult runrt i.f I recoil, f.r tl. I nut. 1 j nf TUB rihCl'IT CU RT OF THE STATIC l)K ORK;ON TOtt WASHINGTON COt'NTT. Hrnrjr llat.iill.tii, I'iaiiilitI, l. ii. ( vnnU, Amolia rivclrnl, hit nit,., !u aa titht-r trii r partia u.kwtoii r. iiiiiiiii an ritflil. Hit U'", lifn, nr intfrn-l ia Ih rral clat ilml in 11. riu.laii.t hrin, d-'Hflt. '. M. It, i ifVflaml, Amelia Hvelni! ifc. a!w a.l mlivr (rwm tr iiartuw tii ktii.wfi iiii.niif any rltflil. titli. Mitau. iit'i., .r it.Urtwi if. thft rt-ai Mlair.ltwriltMi in u rxii.: mini l.ttiMit, tlie a1vc naiiiMi "Kfii' In II. rittine of tl. Ktal of itrptritn . you, ii.l nrli of jrnn. are UrliT r'.irl l ai."l mmwr the eoiitplaiitt tiitttl .u int JT'iu In the aitovc niton nr t. -ri- trulay tli? )t!i ilayolJuii, I'.i I. ni. "liite liwii kii wk a alir th p'iltli' aU'iii o! llm amiiiitoim, and it v., 11 lii t lt 1. far ai."i aimwer, th li'iitint tl. (nr want thurwif, will aoplvtu lh j.url f ir a il;rr ai1Julirlriff anil am- rni. u pUii.tiit Ki l tki) uai.xr, in ft iiii'itt, tirn a:. l fr of any claim ul iti'l il" ffii(lanu, or anr of tlin.i.'iriif any nil"-, of Hit. toilow mi itcnll trail 01'i ol laixl. vi. W inif rt ol I.t "t, ISIik '-'". In at.H ol !iH l ily of rorwit (irovi., WanliiiiKUtn ' o.ii.iy, iri?..o anil moni partii-uiarlT Iiii.iii.I anil ilMuTilxKl ax foliown, Utwil: t oi 1111, f.. " ii if 11.1 lt iim of tl. nortlieaat 01 uitl blia-k i. in r uriwl Orove, W l,i: Kliii. ' '".'.IT. (trtv',n ttn.t rillt i..ii Nil It. IK) fivlj thriH rt Sti lift; iiihi.i'o norm lun fwt, ami i-t Hi ti tt ih plain of Iwirmiiinir ihI liirtlit r a.lj...l;iiiK ami iiwcrm that K4.l ilflfii.lni.M, i;r t-ithrr or ai.T nf thf .11. liav no rii-ht, tultt, intcrmt, hn or ! la'M in or tt m:i:I run! iitiiti, T any (tart Ulirrpof. ami Unit urn.! lit'lomlanUi. and if. I. anil all of II. mi., lie forrvrr enjoined 1 iiml erK linifil frnii. mitr claiming or wfrt UK any claim or r.itlit 111 or Ut th, and t'T cu an! dnUjiirieinenta in liii unit, and fur aucli ottior ami fnrthur ri-liff a may I jii't ami njuiiaole lirrrin. , I in sun. int. 1.4 lx mtvhI ujion yon by ' )iil,!i.Mli"iii l.y onlt-rof Hon. J. I'. I'ainp ifil. J11 li" of ili Kifth Ju.lii ial Ihatriii I nf iiri-iioii, lii"l orili-r aa maile anil ; (, in 1 i"ii i.iirt , at llillUtr", Or)fir nil April Ul. i'ii 1. ami vnirli tiim-iau inc iiulili.'ititi?. ol H,iiil HiiiniiMtna in tt.e lliii"iiro Arifim lor lt .n,-aive wk FORD. GhQ UNIVERSAL, CAR Buy It Because It's a Better Car MODEL T. Touring fc fJO fZ Cmr Delivered HJO WtlKet Auto &. Garage Company Third Street. Hillsboro. Or. .. S'ne of V. ,1 Illusion tin- Ute ol lirxt puliin aUoil Uittrctof being inn Airil ; 1:1.1. an.i ine uaut ui inc taai lii-Mti'in liKii.if June 4, 1!U4. , ,, , 1 ll".i.iii. .Vi Vailaudigbaiu, Attorneys "" ! f ,r l'.iuiilHl. i nan.. it AVill You Build ? If yon are going lo build this Spring or Summer, ace J. S. LORSCNG, for price on building and excavating. Estimate given free. All work U gnaran teed. No pay menU nntil work it completed. J. 8. Lowing, tooth Third Street, at 8. P. Track; Tele phone Mala 134. HiI!tboro, Oregon Give Me a Trial AJministratrix Notice riie p Sla.i, vn i.Itl. Iw.n HUn, Ii'!i.ti in To JitBiili Imli Bhi:i, ll.f ui If ii"i.lai.l : in till" Nr.nim.l tl.f Ktatn of On if-in, you 1 arl.rl.yr.ilrl VVM.)v.r ami j vo-ipe j, l, Klven that the onder- ..".nipiaii.l of pun, .,11 l:,..l K.'ii-l .h.'.-Th f Anril. 10.1. V".l HI 111" al'.Ve I'l.U'i""! milt. "II nr - - ' - ' lor ll.f- I'H n ,yf ..av, !:. ai.l dat " vouuiv V-oun 01 naiiiDKion l ii.K llii.pir!iti..n i.f u an Uir ii.i thf County, U e;oii, duly appoinieil Aiimini 1 ft i,l tin (.iiiiiiii .us. an. I if stuitriK of the estate of Lou II tr ri. V"i (all nil I'l ppfr or n""T iui.i i-nin- ilrce iw.l; l anil, fur want thcrnot, llif pluiimll i I spplv Ui Hit court Inr tnt rflifl pr4yt.1l Inr in I.f r compliant, I t it : l'ur a .lf.Ti tleaii:iiiK tl.f Ihhi I hi .iirutintiy n, fXiHli...;'h tin; ,il and ilflmi ln.t, tha'. i.f n.uv i.Htiii.n bur l"iruir nutnf nl 1 It. u kli, and lor sui-U and 1 irtln-r ri'lifl aa to tint rouil may i-fiu tHiuiiul.lf ,l.i jllHt. 1 hi B.imiiioiin U wrTt' l YEAGER & CORNISH LAWYERS Phone City 232 lillsboro Commercial Bank Bl?. ' HILLSBOKO. ORE. Now therefore, all persons having chum ni-mnst taul tstate are hereby reiiuired to present the same with propel vuuclirrs to me, the unrlentignnl, at the law olliee of John M. Wall at Hillsboro, Oregon, within six HKtithj from the dite of thin notice Dated at Oregon, this 3rd . (lav of April, A. I).. 1914 t'T f... it a 1 ... i : ... .1 .tiiiua r. . oiiniiri, n.uuiiusi.iiui. the Kttate of Luis Harris, deceastd. Juhn M. Wall, Attorney for KiUte, lip ill y.m ny 1 i, . v c,,., ,1,; nf tuiriliiaiini. .1. 11. ti aiiiii s .if !!itu. '. ifrimriil rln iilallon niiiili liii.1 t Hil.tiiKt rit, Un n'iii. l.y the unit r nf ! 11 .1. J lT 1 I'i.i.plifll, Juili-" of tl.f lo n i"i.!i!!l! tin, whuli orlur WiV n.alf 011 the ami lav nf April. I'.'l t, prtwrnliim; puliil.Mt.i.n . ill UilK Hill. ill. 11., Ill nai l tieaa, ttprr olt'T" j t.41 Ii Uft'k Inr fci I mil I1..1.IVH trkM. tllH iirm piililii'Hllon of thi Min in. us li.ii In tlietouiity loiirtof ltleWlenI ure- nii the nun tiay t.t April, mil. ana ifou Fur WaMhinirton Countr MIT I IF. TO I KK1IITOHS. taut on M.iy 'is, lull. A n liri'wu r, Atu.ii.ey for I'lamtill, I In tl.o Matter nf the Kilate of Henry lluti'r. tlewasi-il. .Nnt'.ce ia hereby eiven that the tinder I signed l.aa been appointed, by order of i the alnive t ut. tltft vtmrl, aa MininiJira 'trix of the estate of Henry H 11 her, tie I reused, and has iiualitied aa sui'h as by ah 1 rin. mi un.r.t.i. nn fitn.itt ; law nrt'srniieil. nil Illlllt.'l'li' it... inula au... ' . , it,... .in. .-:.....l k..n.l ...... k ,-,l ! Now 1 lieMiire, a 11 persons having Call for Warrants Not Paid For Witnl ol funds," are now payali.e at the olT.ce of the uiideisinnul, am! iuteiest will cease after Ajl 17, V. J. Sewell, City Treasuter. Hillsboro, Ore., April 16, 1914. When in i'ortland stop at the Hotel Eaton, West I'ark and Morrison Streets, located in the heart of the theatre and shop tiintj districts -with all the con veniences of a modern hotel, at reasonable rates. Glen Hite, Manager. d'Jtf are nnlilied and retiuired t preaent the same), uwether with proper vouchers therefor, to the iiiiiteminiexl at the law nlliivaol Itairiey A Hare in the American N mi.. nil liank Hui1.Ii.ik in Hillsboro, Waal.iiiKton County, Oreifon, within six liiontlm irom the date hereot. liate.1 this l'.nh day of May, 1914. Olive H utter, Administratrix of said K.statn. linsley A Hare, Attorneys fur Aiiinin- latrak.r W e must have room for gn ceries; therefore dry Roods are going cheap. If you come early you will get your share. Greer, SIIKItlMS' SALK ON IKK. 1'OUKCl.OS- N..ti in lii'rel.y (fiven, that by irtue nf im fxeculioti, ilecrcu and r Iff nf mile iKsuecl mil of nnd umler tho eI nf the Circuit Court of tho Mute ' UriK'nn, for Wniihlntrton County, Wed the -'Jiiil iluv of Anril. 11114, in almve doHfribcl Ira.-t ull of the fol low, LoumltHl ami dec M r.,. he Ki-uiitora herein to the United unwVlViiijmi.y..rporution,iHl . . ...ll.'...l .. fnlloWK. to-Wll i ......I.,..;.,,. i,t t ui Northeast l.l'Kinuti. of the Southwt'Hi l' corner of the T nst Unhurt J. Upton ntul. ' 't m I! I W. of the Will. Mt-r. ntul us wife, Kuy llurkhurat i theiu-e West 410 foot; thenco e A. IlurkliuiHl, hia wife, and f,1"' direction i.M foot ib.'inuiii's Trtiht Hiid SiivitiKH; " or (,, tl) tho Kiist Hide line 01 ti.e nf the Minn ;( rm.V f tl,0 Sotlthwost VV'U.soUoM- thn Noithoiist i)iimtor of m id Soition, ., nc, North 410 foot to the place of U7 ncros, moie t.vr,.f i'i" . ..' .' .1 '..Uiniiff. ,,u "" ' J s;,t,.ti.m ,:: 7' Z' r".r,. w r. Mor. mi IN. 1.... , v.- ..' ... t-..-... -...1 ' s ? " ... i .'I'luii, 1 onsuiiH," llln 1 1. Minn n I runt, mm " , iiiill'e OT "hk, it ii.ijiointum, tlefmuiunts, lor . SuuthwoHt w mini ,,f sr.r.U'a.M with interest .' .......or : twrenti ut tho mtw of 0 per cent per f t couU, f,0m - "."..I irnni 1 no Uliy 01 may .'t.ti M the furt her mini of $:U)0.U0 with Interent thereon nt the rote of (I per r,'"t per milium from tho 4th day of jhiy l'.ll:i, mid tho further um of U.iri ensts n,i diHtiurHomonts and cost of nm UIn,n thin writ, to mo directed mul dellvereil, comninndinK J1 t nmke milo of thn real property wi'iiuifti.r desoriliod, I hnve levied ul". timl piirKtmnt to auid cx- 'Clltlllll .I,., Ton 11 ml nfilut tt Hiild. I jH on Moiuluy, tho iHt tiny of June '''l. ut the Hoiith door of tho Court IIiIUhii !i. 11:11.1 II'.. . .1.1.,,. 1 1. .11 t. "i iiitmooro, v lnlllnKl'",, ,n!'ty, Oioiron. Ht tho hour of 10 ?.ll"k A. M. nf uniil ilnv. anil nt mill- thi'neo North boKinninK.' , Kll fl,)m this jim fMi im" 1 c, . vevancot- nil Kuaoliiw oniriiiM water pipoa, n. water ihn iironorly b'loniritr .11111 now it Shoater pose of ptinipmi; and cisterns on to William for the Pi ami ilistrilmtinft to satmty hC nill't in.i . II... 1.1, l.l.l.h.f tnr . , , v." uiu .t.niTni, itiiiMv,, .... in hun.l, nil of the riRht, title 7 interest of the defotulantH llnhert ?' Upton, nn.l-hig wife, Itny Hark rt "nil CuiiHtnnoo A. Htirkhurst, hid M1!- mid Urn ItiimtmrmonH Trunt ntul t. ak'Mlllllki oorporation, of in and fril 1 V,llowinir (loncril)otl real prop tfj '.YhiK lieiim nnd slUiate in " hjhiiurton County, Oroiron, nnd pnr-"'-""ISI ' leHcril., hb fouows, to-wit! (in,., " Wrot hl,lt of tho SotithoiiMt in it, "It CXl't,Ptitir 0V4 noroH located " jne Soiiti,i,UKt corner of tho South t nmiHor of tho SotitheiiHt qtmrtcr ul nOl'llnti !! It o M ti a 111 rem in .1 ' ,Vl ""i ' H V'-'1' "Tea contracted for by bchrock, and the Southwoat ,l tii-.illlK('4 2j,rt to rU-mption as lor Statute Samit lliiyr. 0gon, iitRlon County, uroBtm, lv - I icpiiiy. this Illl'L'lltO. K. It. Plaintiff. TONC.UE, Attorney for For Sale-Extra fine. Marshal if.n,.,iieeies. To parties wish ing to do their own picking, con- Telehone Geo. Vethler, far mers 825. y'lu Argus and Journal $2.25 On Sunday, May 31. at 11 a. I 1 4. It ... l.t.t f fll m. and aiso ai o u. m.. m ic I'eebe, a missionary oi tne resbyterian Church, of Laos, Siam, will auitress me congreKa- lion n the United luvangencai t'hurch, on Second street. Kov. !eebe is a very able speaker, ... : ,. ....,11 nj if. very entenaininK, t-u .. strnctive, nmi eyervbody should plan to hear him. Special music vill be rendered ny me eiiun, i mth services. Kay Siglor and Mrs. Stautl'er will sing a duett ntitled ' Go and MeK tne L,osr. nd Hying." A. U. Davis and Mrs. Staulier will rentier ine lAird is my Shepherd." Every body cordially invited. I represent Spirella corset3 not sold in stores. Will call at homes on request, and do the fitting, and teach how to anjust nn.l wear the corset. Our tailor ed made-to-measure corsets, in cluding the latest front lace, with an experienced corsetier service, cost no more than high class cor c,.,!ni n,ireh:ised in stores. Mrs. it 'l,' ('ntidle. Hillsboro, Fifth and Jackson Streets, i'hone No. 581 au" C C. Nelson, the Timber-Ba- nnn miiil man. was down to tne city the last of the week. The season for good roads in the mountains is about at hand, and Nelson is mighty glad of it. Fishing tackle of all kinds. Fresh salmon eggs, etc. u. tor-win. Scholls Roller Mills Wm. HANSON, Prop. Flour and Feed, Aetna Brand of Spray, Custom Chopping a Specialty, Poultry Supplies, Manufacturer of Whole Wheat Flour, and Wheat heart Flour, Graham etc. 0m Trices always Reasouable TRY US the Next Time 6 Per Cent LOANS Obtainable to buy, build or Improve farm, ranea ana city propun, move Incumbrance therefrom; Special Privilege and Reaaooable Terms. For proposition , addreaa: Finance Kept ,16th. Butch Bldg.. Dallaa, Text. SIMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Washington. John Joseph Burns, Plaintiff, vs Sarah Crowe Burns, Defendant. To Sarah Crowe Burns, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Orejron you are hereby required to appear and a, no i . '"',""- - - , .... rf-i I you in tne above eniuieu wun aim cause on before Friday the wth day of June, 1914, and if you fail to so appear and answer the Plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the Court for a decree dissolving the bonds of Mattlmnnif V, t, rat.if ,ir and now exist ing between you and the Plaintiff and for such other and further relief as tto ih. Pniirt nui aoom meet and eauit- I able and as prayed for in Plaintiff Complaint This Summons is nerved upon you by publication in me iniia boro Argus a weekly newspaper of I .ln.l. ....l.ll-t,..! tn o ... 1. . renerai cirt.uiaL.ui. jiuuunimy n. ,. injrton County, Oregon, and the date of tho first publication of this Sum mons is Thursday the aOth day of April, vju, ana me aaie oi tne .as publication is Thursday the 11th day of June, 1914, and the order of publi cation was made and dated on the 25th day of April, 1914 by the Hon. J. IT rnmntudl Ji.tlcR nf the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Uounty oi wasningxon. Clyde Kichardson, attorney lor Plaintiff, 518 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Oregon. Waahlngton Hotel, Monday. Wednesday and Friday Dr. Gertrude Phillips Osteopathic Phvaleian- Office hour, 1 to 4 p. m. Home calls. toULm. . FOUR CHAIR Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment Capable workmen Baths in connection, and a Fine Shower Bath Newly Furnished Shop. A trial will please'you. JAMES ANDERSON, Pythian Bldg, Hillsboro. In the County Court of the State of Or gon for Washington County In the Matter of the Estate of Hervey Hturdevant, dceanett. VaIIm U hMhv oir.n that th until'. signed have been duly appointed am' con firmed, by order of tne above entitled Court, as executors of the Last Will and Testament or Hervey . niiirtievani, de ceased, and have qualified as sueh as by law prescnoeii. Sow therefore, ail persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, to gether with proper vouchers therefor, to the underpinned executors, ai tbe law office of Hagley & Hare, in tbe American National Bank HuiUliiiK, at Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, withiu six monins iroul tne uaie nereoi. Dated this -8th day of March, 1911. Ed Monta Sturdevant, M. LeKhy 8tur- .l,...t l,uinl,m nf thn I Jilt W 1)1 mill TesUn'ent of llervey 8. Sturitevant, deceased. Bagley A Hare, Attorneys lor txeoumn R. F. D. 2, Hillsboro, Or. fW. 0. Donelson', UNDERTAKER Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. Hllhboro, FOR THK Best Fire Insurance AND PROMPT SETTLE MENT OP LOSSES SEB JOHN VANDEKWAL Agent London & Lanca shire Fire Insurance Co. Pacific States Phone 3H HILLSBOKO NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT WE SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS Do you need auy Groceries? Do you need auy Dry Goods? Do you need any Shoes? ' Do you need any Feed? Will you need auy Land Plaster? Will you need auy Farming Implements, Mower, Rake, Manure Spreader, Cultivator, Spring Tooth, Disk, Binder or any 'thing in Machinery? If you do, call and see us. Our prices are right. Emmott and Jones Qrenco, Phone Main 593 Oregon: HILLSBORO TRANSFER CO K. E. Sehmeltier, Prop. HILLSBORO FUEL CO. H. 0. Sehmeltier, Prop. Headquarters in HILLSBORO TRANSFER & FUEL, cos', office in Washington Hotel Bldg. Dealers in Sand, Gravel, Cement, Wood and Coal. s, y Phone Main 692. Notice Is hereby given, that I the uudersigned executor of tho Estate of Nathaniel I. Burnett, deceased, have ll'ed in th County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington Ounty, my Final Account aa Exe cutor of said estate. That said Court haa set Monday tho, day of May 1914, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. as the time and the County Court Room, at Hillsboro, Oregon, as the o:ace for hearing objections to said account and the final settlement of raid esate. Datd April 23, 1914. MILLARD BURNETT, Fxecutor of the Estate of Nathaniel I. Burnett, Deceased. V. N. BARRETT. Attorney for said Executor. J HOLSTEIN CATTLE One heifer or a carload; With calf or coming fresh; White or mixed black and white; Immediate or deferred delivery; tjash or terms f rices Kignc COAST CATTLE CO. EUGENE, ORE. Office at the Eugene Creamery. ' NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. ZH THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Johana Pape, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned, as executor of tho estate of Johann Pape, deceased, has filed nis final account to the County Court of t'e State of Oregon, for Wasnmgton County, and that Monday, the 25th day o May, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M. of said day, and tho Court Room of said Court, at Hillsboro, Or bgon, has been appointed by said Court aa the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the aotUetuent thereof. Dated and first published April a 1914. HERMANN PAPE, Executor Llttlcfleh! & Smith, Attorney!. Will add a stock of groceries just as soon as we can make room for them. That is why we fare having a Bale and cutting and slashing the price of dry goods. Greer. , j Argus and Oresontan, &2S. For lunch pickled pigs feet, home made sausages and bo lognas. H. R Emmott Save money on dry goods, at the season when you need them. Our loss is your gain. Attend our sale. Greer. -I '