The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 28, 1914, Image 1

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W JfBO '9m
JiH.I..Sl:()K(),()Ri;c1(:; m.V l'-,
NO. 10
Hill I'JUQ
KllhU IVIHI1 ww
fin.'i.l. a r.Hi.l. fit of
- I. I ii few Wrt'llK.
L.n) I"' 1 "
pukrla-l Si.iur.luvaftT.
Ihrrv Ja W. I. of t"'
Lt, rilid'"- Pe'd "I
4l, in lli' "inn.
hrrn in Hi' riM-r H-viTttl
.. i ... I u iff and
litrnu ("
I ' llllHUt tt I"W
i I ii. I.i ll...
..iil. Hrl Unit MCV.-l.
r, ' l &. N Irui-k. In
,'!)( flU'l""- I' -.
.... I ..
t,Ufltt--". Mild l'"' "I""
on llii' I'"" f"r u ,',,rt
lit.r j!"ihk' buck I" work
rrtri't company. It n
... i -1 .. .
'f (nr the H.HIH' company,
ijtnm-iiil family litrd up
... II L .... tl...
I tld I'l' M.iriimiimii mi iin-
r!r. M.iv li l"iH'-ti.
lu I'ni ll.iti.l. ami wa l
frUnml !l d.lV later. Not
up Hammond r irlfJ
ul rix-arjiu i t Hi' I'm I
.r.wiiil'.t kits t t urn
,Jf out itll "Ii" 'Crptloli
It krl. In t titH W4H It
wi lull fr.Mii Hi'- Wnlch
v. rf'iio i nut iisii'Iin tin
!i j I .i i ii m more until
LiXlul In wan ruliUsI af-
ry ili.Kfl. "! dm Um)
lhnin m tin' stream.
lUmmiifiil f.iiiulv ami Mrs.
Mil uii1 child h ft IllllsUi
!) Sunday Him ning, going
i.t'aiil. not lung con!. I uf tln-ir future plan.
t dial man is a I to have
lnn-iu'd of a rliffrful din
ar., n l it is n tHirtnl that
mfe arij friends Hroiit I hi
1 that In' committed
( tin hrni.Hi'H might have
w rvcmcd dy a fall from the
)i-t it is iilrmml n rtain
heuns iittuckfil dv dulil mi
It, luiviisi-in Hayn;
nhi'ii In- Irft iiii- ttt HillslKini
day liffun' ln ilmaiiiM-aroil
jihiiii uinl liv'ht-ln-arti'il.
his lu-t wonl kuii u joki'. tm
untf Ins two Miuti'tiHi'H ami
riiil ay. I lu ri in no mim-
itrotitnl fur any otlu-r hu
!in than that of muriliT.
IhaJ im troiihli'S, uiul was al-
' Mk'lit hi-artfij ntul chivr-
l i i) dow n town to-
ii'f Krulay tiitfht." naiil Mr.
Ininion.l. 'ami at First ami
lliWI Htri'i tS, W (it'll W' WlTt
liif hoint', hr ili't-iili't to fo
pn town ami Hi't a niovinn
'iff show. Id' Iff l mo ami
f Mduwn First Htrci't toward
i. I iliil ma Hfti him nftrr
"I and whi'ii he fuilt'd to rt--
p ti tin' liuiisf thf next day I
'''wi thai sonif minfortunf
M liav.. dclalli'ii him ami 1
f ilifil tin iM.lioe."
"t'hail dffti wnrkinu toiffth-
I man extract-making hih! Hfll-
iKDiisincss. He wn.s an exucrt
I'llHt. ThoiiL'li diiHiiii'ss is
riifht now we werf not in
yant, and every thinx Btt'in-
Hk'nt. le wum in iriM)d
w'thfn I left him. 1 df-
fveii,it,m,r ,.iH0 ,(...., ,(.,,. ,
DiirdtTi'd dv Miuiiffine who
"JW'it, had money.
ir. lowrmenil dresseil well,
' niilfllt iimilv lni'ii Ilium ii!j.
kfn for
' he ri'ully was."
hp TowtiHemlrt movfd to
'IMMiril fruill I'.irllnn.l
Of t im Vli'tf ...... .,.,,,..1..
- j'tia, A lll'jr ill I
VV'fW ii rnumKiii in iriwil
tantliiiK tr thf WiHidmen of thf
n'riil, havimr SLHKNI inmirnnfc
n the order.
J Swi-nsiin Stump Fuller
C('s.sary.M1,imu.nt. Wil
tins or trad,, it for
i'l" ' ,l al1 r nddrt'HS I
lm.,,SunUl l,,H. O"-.
lt'avtrtitn fii.a v
I .1.
t H it .lire rt-fffit ly (
U tter I runt it I n!i.ra.,( in in, ;
inif lut ll INl :o-r.- dimi.
allt'irt'd to df elifil.U' tu i i,t. , t,,
this t oiuilry. do 1 1. ii.t v , , , i
kliOWIIij.' tnlidil iui,h (;ri-, Afi.l.
di'll HS IoIIoas; " 'nun ;,.. ,,
t riitioii of tin- Ian I in i, i ,,i
tfll you w hiTi- It I i Iml it i ,
naff dt-t that any :v tl ,' , t
hut df'-n taken III tr,i rmi.lrv i
nil the Hidi" of Muni- th i ii.t., ,
v ht re only tin- rnn s ru i!. r. :,,-.
ll. i Viinild furv'i t it i i r,r,
iinlt-HM you want to n, (,
here ami hire It yn.r to t.i. .
Vim through the j , r. ! 1 :,:
(-IHity'H deit l.tnd a,i (, ,.
nteaded defore tl,e I V.ii . ,
we run I toast of mini.- a (,. t
For half or evi ,:u.i'i- Nr.. I ,
four III re dair y at I !,.,
all fenced with l.o;
rroHS fenced into
Will Cotiiiii-i" fti:.i!l
exchuiilff and e'1-.v i
lerefice. I inminiaii ,',
( ilinton, I h e.
The Sixth .r rii,;i I
ntiH-k Show w I I 1 1- I i
llSSlWlatloll's JTullih
June 1 fi I'.. A!lh
llHS I teen !eadl!i IM
iiiikii lam e d iri'.i' t . -years,
it ii y ,i. ,i ti
hlliilmn iu t unit tli .
class any -ir
compare la ur iM . w ' , t 1
I urgent -! o i h -; ,
in the N'orlhw i-t 1 1 . in- .
ject of the ho, n to i 1 ;i ,!.,
the dri eilliiir arid f. h' : ,
the Ih-nI t .i of Ir,i t ... i t.-r
delllute pra.'t ir:i! ; i . r ( . , S '! ,
of the In -.t f lurk I 11 . i o II.
.'on IS tu I"- foi;i il I', III !, ,! !
a ljuiiiiiii' i i ii -i.
Ladies are r ( -n- ! t i ! u
the I'ariH Miih'ii r Sloie Ii, lu-,'
they duy their Sl'ini,' I .it--, a
the itires are ri'iit i . I hit
from $.1 t. Mr'i M I. :.
dan. Second Street, W.i .
itiK'ton, Iliil-iU'io
Ihf Fan!"..- Stat.' Ili.'hw:.'.
( 'oiiimissiuii Ii ii i a.r.'iii'
rs.lnal for tti.ii i.l.i'iii. in.' f
Ue 'I ik'ard road, do.wi in l;
Southeastern .art nl tho cu.ini.
I lilS IS the vtret. Ii of ro i l on (' .
thrmu'li du'livxa'. t" t ";i ,:,! 1 1
that has c.i'i'-d Inotlor li.o
Wttuni r. of I'.. i ti.iii.l, ; oii, ,, .
real iam and tin Ar i- i v:.i I
that the a it. peo,.' have at i.i't
f.iiin.l sonio rr h i. 1 hey i i
fl PfV nsmnr ninr
ioc i uamAbt URbt
in arj'iirrierit dir the prayer for
the trariHfi-r. I
DPUlON l.l.f.CI tVtC Ik' UNS
iiil lir I).iiiii,:,,, .5it v,
Ik- IKiirJ trt
HIMi s, )IM)M I'l.lM I.AtV
.an. I.,u;ut tVnln r mc Coniplitncnl in
'ullnniiuti Court
I . i a
. L
' e I
'o ,:,t ,
', , l-t
I t
..t I;..'
:,. I
I i W.i
I', i
a I
now prolia
county t.
money on the tlioru'inhfare
For Sale; I'oitahle v.'a o!inr.
I) II. I'.. eii.'iiie and drair "aw ;
I ,r eal. of LMsoliin ; lot ol
choiiper'rt timls, all for ?I.Vi.
iiiiiirf of .1. .1. Nu drt'inier.
llillslHiro, Or.. II I. s l'
J, W. Hit' !m and Jake Milnr
were in rrnl:i.y. as a conium
Iff from (Jleiii'iM' Loili.'!' No. 'J..,
K. of l. Imikiiu! over th.' van
oim inUr' halls, their tindini's to p'aintiil' upon
nml nil
pmH or
I llKn '1
, pOHlOl
S. IJvfHiey, of Oak Fark, wan
in"f ?'t'irday arte rntMin, xrvvl-
,Iiu,nV1V,y' on liianor plait,
'y I lams, was over the last of
' " Hfty8 the rains
iJy a,1(i Saturday were of i
wmabl,. benetit to crops.
a i-tl..-..I-
i. .i, i
ot .'..I
! ''-I
ti.. r.
I, i ii.h I!. K l :ey ver
"i".''( romilietired ill
rt of Multnomah
No.i l'.iTJ. tr
. ' I ihima'.'e.s for ai-
n. l.-r in alli'ed state.
- in i!o hv .Mr. Ioiiue in
" ho i ., iii IlilUlioro in
l :.t the tune of
1 i.' .' of Hiiilioru riti. -tu
1 rie a city tu ket. came up
! :im.:,' in ,iii,oi- Kava-
'i. ;-:.ittiii r.t, 1'ortiaiid. I
v. lijiou a motion fori
. mi.' from Multno- j
.i'ito'i Cciiity. j
I lor t r.insfer w a i
o; i'i Nvtion 1 1 of the
i'. pro', i le.s tl,at.
. o! I i r ra is the ;! ion
t." i ..'iiii, .'I ee. arid trit'd in
..'.'. I'l 'A l.l.'h the defelld-
..' . ! :..t of til, "ii r.--ii.', or
! .'I. I at the c'lmmetice
' : a. ti .:i. prm idi'd that
.0 ' i .'i l'o in, .-, I on an al
t .? t. wi . the s un.' in-
I l-i I he i o i.ity w here the
.f a. !...') ar...e, or w here
i ' . . I. nit or a1 1 V one of
! ..j.-;, (hen either Slll'll
. I a, I at any time lu fore
I ',.-re if, he t r.t'i- I'Ttvd up
i! 'll o! lie l!eeid;Ult S. to
' ! i I . '' ::t le it one of
h I.-., l.,..t , thereto re-ide--;
..' j a,, to! in such action
!,,. a s'o.. and SuMicielit
: e.' ,' !!, I i .:. .il.tnts the
.nl el -,t: i id . lent that j
.. r.'h.i. red Ha rem in favor
n l .I leiulaiits and a.'ainst
hlrh I. and si all d" I'X-
I ! - at h a-t to sureties
nr.: the ipialitications of
u.i arre t. and "hall he ap-
! hv the Court or .lude
. riur.'jt'
To I'ortland
l: 17
From I'ortland
2.1 s
Largest Class in History ot the
a rn
a ,:, State Lxaminations
a rn ;
(i in
- p in
- p rn
P rn
llilhburu fidi Fiftcea Qrad and Fortat
Grove U
Ah warrants drawn on the y n
eral fund, City of Ilill-il. r .. a,, l
endorsed not paid i'or want of
fundii, are hi-rehy called f;.r av
ment, and interest wid f.'a..e af
ter Friday. May '11, VA 1
F. J. Si wc!l. City 'i"ri Ore.. May lil.
Ft'l 1
Millard Furm tt. of ( it
was down to the city ,
on prohat" lrir iness,
J. S. Miller and W. W.
of Si hos, w i re coniily
itor-i Monday.
.lude C. K. Kir; it. i f
was up to the enmity i
last of the Week.
K I ; i '
n n.
M lit
ll i
dy unit
me; t In- ' I out I a :...n.
oi i ll of : this ' . rlloii.
'.audi!!' pre-. mt. -d to the
in ronipliance with
hit alter hearing
a r . : r r and roiisiderine; the
ail. .la. Us and counter allidavits,
and run: idei'iiik' the fact that thf
M,ii;moi s w as not served until
i mi ml hs al ter the commence
ment of tin- action, thf Court
held that it was mandatory that
the i hature should he granted,
and the case removed to thf
count v in which the defendant
I he counter allidavit of thf
I,., r. iuirle.l to their home ol.
w hich is soon lo huild m North
Flams. ;ieticoe l.olj'e was
line of tin' lir- l to duihl lis "A n
castle liall at oiu iiieiuee.
iiiiw that the town pupnlat ion
has shifted to North 1'lains tln v
will duihl there, Thf l"df is
priiHpcriiik' nicely.
Mr no. I Mrs. John Fmrick, of
aU.vf The I Lilies, arrived in tin'
rit v last week, and visitcl wit!i
A. W. Sifcrist and f .iniily-co.n-
UiK down to see that m'.v uriind
i,, 1. 1 Mi- iniick re uriieii i lie
iui ,'if 1 1,., week, and Mrs. Fm-
rick if muiiicd for a f'w
Mr nod Mrs. W. N. I'.anvtl
I'll! , .
...i,,n,...l s!ond:iv trom their trip
to Knsel.urK'. wlu-rf I hey fiijofd
thf hin nnniial festival.
there thev werf quests ol .Mr.
ami Mrs. Mel 1'arnsh.
For salf. rhcap. if takeii at
. . I ... . I O Ol.fl1 ' I I ) I I
once: iinvim: muse, u o,i...
harness; hors- is black, a "n
I'JIKI. and is S.ll'h (h ar. me. ..
Iriver nml work animal, i.
OKlcsby. Key. )V'
r-h.w Itlonin.ef bflmv Newton.
V.ii n "Saturday. He says
. ,ofS not think the hop i',vp
will be iw bur this yi'iiriiMi
;.. (Wefon. as the stand is nut m
to the average in many yanli.
The Cernian Speakme: Nn-ietv
will meet the First Sunday in
June June 7 at lh" lam . !
J.ahn Oppenlander. l near N
I,. V station, ni.rtlieast of t ' -
ih.ui ulnlivvnod in I lie market -
,et priees for Falh-r Simiiner, '
verv. See nie him. '
of wood. II. I. Sehmeller.
Herman l'ape. of Kaslern Ore
iron, was down this week, nml
?' i...... mi iii'ol.iilc business,
i the estate of .he late
Jo , an Fane, of near Sherwood.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F.
near Oreneo. were in the ul
Saturday afternoon.
Cbas. Hoy, of near liethany,
was in town Monday.
said motion and
heat inf. is a rather line cerliiicate
ol character for thf defendant
rum-iie and in part is as follows:
" the defendant herein,
ll. I'., l.uit'ue. has for many
wars h .en ;i resident and in
habitant of Washington t'oiinty.
Ores:un, and for a number of
wars past has been, and now is,
the Ihstrict Attorney for Wash
ington County. Oregon, and lias
a latv.c polilical. social and per
sonal follow inn; and that for
many years prior to his death,
the father of thf defendant was
Comrtvssiuan, representing the
State of Oregon in the House of
Representatives at Washington,
0. C . and was an inlluential and
prominent person during his res
idence at Uillshoro, Oregon, and
that there are numerous ac
quaintances and friends of de
fendant's father still residing
within the jurisdiction of the
Circuit v'ourt of the State of Or
egon for the County of Wash
ington; and that, the laniuy oi
the defendant. K. F. Tongue, is
prominent and inlluential. and
through its social and politieal
standing, and business interests,
has a wide and extensive inlhi
enee. and is well known to all of
ll... i n lellil I '111 t S I if Washington
County. Oregon, and for all of
these reasons it will be impossi
ble for the plaintiff to secure a
fair and impartial trial in the
Circuit Court of the State of
Oivgon for the County of Wash
ington; that it. will be impossible
t.rolitaiii a jury in said Court,
the members of which are not
well and favorable aeipiainted
. -ii, i Ii ilefenihint. 1'!. H.
Tongue, and therefore favorably
disposed toward mm; mai im
plaintiff herein is practically un
iciiiaitiled in said Washington
County, and the largo political,
social 'and business acipiamtances
of the detendant. H. 15. Tongue,
as well as the tact that he is
i : ;..t A t toriif v ns hereinbefore
in.iiiui , , , . . will work a detriment
and hardship upon the plaintill
htGeo.'u. Faley made the elos-
Oscar Thayer, of Ch.
Mountain, was out to liiii
Saturday morning.
Fimlley Mcl.eud,-(,f C;
was down to thf cui ;tv
('has. Schomburg, "f M'un
taimlalf, was in the county seat
Horn, to Harvey P.achelar r.'.d
wife, Fartnington, Ma Hi, It'll,
a son.
(loo. llolscheiiner, of Flmonica.
was in the county seat Monday
Waldetnar Seton. of Portland,
was out Monday, on probate
business before Judge Heasoncr.
K. W. Oglesby, of near Roy,
was a county scat visitor Mon
day morning.
Harold Halvorsen. am' wife,
of Fartnington. were in the
county seat Saturday evening.
James liobb, of (Yntcrville,
transacted business in the city
Friday morning.
James McClarkin. of near
Laurel, was greeting friends in
town the last of the week.
John Priekctt. of above b'orest
drove, was down Saturday, at
tending to Socialist all'airs.
Mrs. A. P. Stahl, of Wilbur.
Wash., is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Carl I.arsen. and other rel
atives, ihis week.
Mrs. Lindsay and Gabriel
Lockman, of South Tualatin,
were in town Monday, on pro
bate business.
Do not forget the dance. Sat
urday, May ol), at the Uillshoro
liall. Here is where you always
have the best of times.
The dance at. Uillshoro Hall.
Saturday evening, May WO, will
he the best yet -do not forget
the date.
J. J. Knratli. one of the pio
neers of the Phillips section, was
in town Monday morning, and
called on the Argus.
1. 11. Maxwell, of above Moun
taindale, was a city caller Mon,
dav afternoon. He says that
hops have a good stand up in his
section, and that the vines are
doing nicely.
About fifty people were ns
sembled near Lincoln station,
Sunday morning, to witness a
"rooster main, between some
game chickens brought out from
Portland, there were 10 ne
1 il. A.
seven mains, ami men it uik
chicken dinner and festivites.
Sheriff Reeves had been notihou
of the main, and appeared on the
scene just as two ot the games
were shackled ready tor tne nie-
and-death encounter, and then
steel spurs were bristling with
brightness. Koeves orougiu in
live Portland parties and they
put up $10 each to appear later.
When the ollieer approached all
scooted for the timber, and no
one was caught in the meshes
excepting the Portland contin
gent. The Humane Society has
due n watching for bouts of this
kind, and when they learned of
thf nnnroaching main the
8heritt"8 oflice was notified
Un.- Eighth Grade examination
was held in Washington County,
a m . May 7 and H. This is the largest
a m j class to receive diplomas since
1' la J the Lighth Grade wa3 instituted.
jlHI j Ir eluding the pupils that wrote
.,, j on Geography and Physiology,
pin! there were o"t-r 000 people in
a ni ! the examination. The following
were granted diplomas:
Hist 1, West Union school,
Louie Turpen; Dist 2, Cornelius,
MgrnuniJ lierthold. Ueorge Van
Arkcre, Timothy Phelps, Clara
j Nelson; Dist 3, Laurel, Grace
Dailey, Dist 0, Union, Fleanor
Kgginian, Fist her Losli; Uist 7.
Uillshoro, Clair Sample, Uussell
Carter, Georgie Baldwin, Kuth
l uster, Albert Ferguson. Allie
Souther. Hlanch Scroggins, Leon
! Tatniesie, Kva liaycraft, Susie
i Koimdey. Golda Sewell, Annie
l.ngeldinger. Lester Sorenson.
Viola Walch, Harriet Adamson;
lo-l !l, North Plains, John Diers
SioriV, Farnest Dye, Margaret
' Hanger; Dist 10. Dilley. Faye
."l.irtin; Dist lljt, Gaston, Mar
j ian Kates. Martha Jones; Dist 12.
jCiv. . nville, Dertha Case; Dist 11.
; llov, Lorraine Giguere: Dist 15.
Forest Grove. Howard Jones,
lMda Mann. Elizabeth White
house. Mary Olmstead, Eliza
beth Seymoure, Heine Mwre,
hicanor Haskell, Cecil Shotwell,
Mabel Uasmusen, George Thom
as, Wni Martin, Nola Ramsey,
Margaret Hinman, Nellie Walker.
P.s! 16. J i ii-st Pale, lUrul l Knox;
Hisi i;, J.tiktimn, Arihur Sireuaec;
U:-.t ai, Cohitiilun Acaileniy, Mane Pro
v i t, Imsi ll, Muld'.tloti. Frnncit lavi,
. iiii Kncka-N . bisl j, Ti(tit, Krueit
i'or -S-! a -, 1-iln-llii Mills, Lillian li'onu,
i oiui- 1 u atil; 1'i-t J4. ISacona, Msbei
Si s,.ii. M rl'.e IIofltiiBa; Pist j6, TuhI
itin. C urn I.nt-thi, lttulah Austin, Flor
nrdilM'n, Vcliiu N)ler, lalei'n Hume
Clicsltr Kmn, Knylicl.l lleitwrger; Iit
t-, Willis, l.'iuie hutch, Kiclianl ltusch,
Kslliei Uilii); Ina 19, Keeilville, Crl
I'lersuii, i.i-iie Ynndle; Dist Jo, Galea
Crtk. (icorni Sto.liliiriJ, lvlilh, Church
l.ill, Myrtle I'nucieit, Arlie Fineout,
linl 33. Cherry drove, Mvrtle Fettii,
Ceilimle Mcklun; Dist 3S, Oreuco,
Mii'k Uich, IlaiolJ StraiKht, Joyce
II iiii'iky, Carl l'eleraon, Kenneth Power,
M1I0 Kiisiinissen, GeorKe I.ivengooil;
Ins', 39, Schuhs. Royal Kmmel, lewey
.Sdmiuike; I ist 43, Sh.nlybrook, Oliver
Noitniup, llcirii Chrisieusen, Ceta
I'urr e'liua. Atta Hrott'ti; Dial 47. Alljert
I'.unlit; 4-S, lleaverlon, Mathilile
Ciiki-. lii-rvl reteraon; Dial 49. Raleijjh
Whitmore; P'st 52, Mary Koch; Dist 54,
l lr.liip. llorlhv DodRe, Heilwiu Trno,
I! 1a TiK-Ue, I-nmia Schneider, .Mary
Oninil, Ililila Heller, Lyilia Zurcher;
5s, l-nrmiiitjlon, Johu Kmn him; Dist
b. li'iiih Mullcr; Di9t 73, hsther Peters,
liiil.luli McConnell; Dist 77. It oomlnu,
iiinii Kniiua; Dial SS, Sherwooil, Arties
Peters, Ciul l'lttcher, Gladys Jloihack,
Klsic Mo'zcn, l.o'a Vincent, June Wlut
lock; Dist S9, l'.ertha Reinemer, Henri
etta Keir.rnier. Dist 92, Garden Home,
Uweivuce Taplln, Iona KitiR; Dist 94
Vil!nr.l Wriiljie, Marparct Lewia; Dist
95, KlUH l-'uhner, Alice l'atton. Lllliau
ruhrcr: Dist 96, Sterl Speesz; Dial ioj.
M.ihil ltutlctt; Dist 107, Ivy Uverniore,
Kiel nuchncr; Dist 59, Dan Jones; Dist
jS, Alma Kmmoiia; Dist 75, Pearl Thorn
imrnh; Dist 92, Anna Keeney; Dist 92,
Clara lnillernon, Henry Krikson; Dist
95, lUitli Rick, Rosie Kehrli, Helen Petti
lioiir. There are quite a number of
pupils who are exempt from the
w ritten examination, because of
substantial grades earned each
month. These will receive their
tiplomas in June, some of them
already having been written,
but withheld until they have
gone the requisite number of
days to earn their papers, Uills
horo has five in this class
Misses liuth Linklater, Marion
Lytic, Marie Long, Goldie Whit
more, and Sylvester Dooher.
Sealed bids will be received up
to June 15, 1914, for the delivery
of sixty cords of first class first
growth fir wood, four feet
lengths. Delivery to be made at
the court house by September 1.
The right is reserved to reject
any or all bids.
J. t,. Keeves,
Uillshoro, May 15, 1914.
Call in and sec our Hardware stixk since wc have
opened in our
New Double Store Room
Wc are carrying a fine line of Hardware of all
kinds and will be pleased to show you our stock
Farm Implements a Specialty
Remember the place On Second Street, op
posite the Court yard. Let us figure on your Plumbing.
Geo. Shirley was in from Lau
rel. Monday.
Taylor Hill, of Portland, was
in town 1 nday, on business.
Jacob UafTety, of above Mount
aindale, was an Argus caller Fri
day morning.
Save money on dry poods, at
the season when you need them.
Our loss is your gain. Attend
our Bale. Greer.
ii m m m w r-
: I Vv v - v c
tJ AiNrx
Hi(het "nil Is the Most I-tTective Ammunition
When You Aim at Business Success
This is not a mere figure of sjw cli but a statement of actual fact. Who
ever heant of a business establishment attaining anv ureal success without
iVpenilable bankinu connection.? SOME UK Til K LAKGKST FIUMS IN
THK COUNTRY owe their position of power in the business worlit to-day
to the finatcial assistance renilernl to them in thier earlier ilaya by their
banks, and without which their wonderful growth would never have been
maile possible.
A conservatively manaiied anil yet exceptionally fair minded Loan De
partment which is in a position to comply with all reaaonable requests that
re in keeping with sound banking principles is at the service of depositors
of this bank.
American National BanK
Maft and Third St.,
Hillsboro, Ore
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
Do You Looh
at an Out-of-Proportion
Objects seen near the edges of
flat lenses are distorted, but the
ITORIO deep curve of toric lenses prevents
i vision. Toric lenses are a vast im
provement. Let me show them to you.
Watchmaher and Jeweler. Graduate
Hillsboro, Oregon