The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 21, 1914, Image 5

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. ... AAaiaBiamaaa..aaB.VI
WHhyi",h Crrw Count jr and
Mai tut tUtrruar
Ik I-
tel .... .. i.
" lw aar.U MM. , rii','
lUrr. tint u,l i,.nri, .
M, . ,, - 'in i'?i
r. r JL I- iiti-y. ,,, !
Mr. .ur.Hin. third, MM
tiitt ..I L'.fa, .ik.
..... ..i r ii ui arm
I'MiiflihuU. Mrn. I ..I, i'.
.....I- t- . '" '
HlUlltSl 0 PWTHCI IkMI "-" manr .Sr. r t
t ! I 1
lane a loo a! our i ; x lu r.
r l
'"'"ry Ih.t !..rV,.MU, I Wen
l-l-.r Ih.rr I tnjj liradually
r. for
7 tf ;
111 Icm Mas Naaslaaliaas-
(,,,,. wias RnMVr by IS
1 1
1. 1. .a 1 .
Illll. all:.,,, I, i .
riU. Mr. !arr .,,, i tr,
W. I.W:!.Mm.V.N. l;..;r..,t
Ml., I II I A
Judge. Allrr tl. ,n,
awarded On- l.-:i. a, x Wl.r,
t auction, lu ll,.,,, ... ...
g . , , " "" 'll .H'"
fur the ihunh.
The Washington Or,...,,,, ( ,.
lN.rutl.MI have ,(,,. (1l,ri
power .T ull .4V. Sumhv, M:i.
21. Fur the j.urjH.s.. ,,f ,,,,',,'r..'-,
Ull t li r..,iit..l i 1 . ,
., ami i;iki
liMlllollUl ,,,, 0
Mr It KM Mil b Illltl SWUW Uki.OAUS
Vu.U i,
tin- tuiihrr Kr, 1-1
"f HurmJ iuninj Starte
. i . .. L'.: i. : . i
The irin' " '
, Kixli ll Malln Ninjr linu
tijtrJ f"r ""'y ctMiimtninT;
J A-Pavi1 iffuinf rrHi t.vrr-
K . . t ft t
t (or n'r'I' r "y I.
...Hilt !lh lt lfmirmlic nul
ii .!.. l.iiK til ll ii rM l.i . . I '" . i I.I
i,ub!u". ni wriunjr in mi vminnii . (lll,.H,(f ,ra
Kj rant Ui imuwi
ISithvcoinU' rrrifd lh- cmin
tv inJ itntl is tin rrilli
,iti tiuiinrt f,iririvTiMtr. whilf
inith rirrit-d l'urtlitnl Mini
i uvrr Juiltfi Ib'tuii'tt. kml
run mfaiiiit ithycomiM in
'. 'f lariina. wan
wild a thre'-tm
hitilt'4 from the
1 Ni-haU-iti, rut
r, mIhs mill h
I'll ;
Inn frn
"II l.lUMTt.,1,
rr.B'uf.-.i IU tiin. tali!,' aft
t'irt iaif iu. ..,. i
tli olil talili', an, J f
i .ii
riiit-i (,ri ,f fifth
I,' ll!,
r ti.i
"iluA thi. i.
1. I i.l'-'ii,,;
' n '.. t, r.i.4
'I -f ,,!:
' -i i :it. i i ,,f
. ,'.'. r Ilr.iM
" ' H i; uav tin- IIulT-'"'"-r
unit. Mr. Harding
i 1 tl at tin-:. rctn,ri arouml
!,: i furt,isi..,i hun.lri'il.i of
'"it that th' timUr
...... i : . i
...n .
i i i.i-ri inint' t)v-r
k. ami the last
lit tahlca. I r,jrA;.
John SwalU-y. of P.
, m in uwn y-sit r;av.
! ror Sale Two milk
I A. A. Morrill ,,t t,,
ISatuniay. on loial h i,i,,
Frank MiiU-r. formerly of Oak
I'ark. now of n.-ar IJi-a.-rton
wa. in the county m at today.
Just rm-iv'i - a 0t of
Patent Sun i'roof jmir.t. 1)
NVal lU-tiru-tt. of near I.a jril
was in the city yest.-rday i,,(,rn-
Urn lwet Tun,. r
rort; Grovf, Kv filed in -
S SUlt for
kinity of forest (Jrove Has
Cleanup by Sheriff Reeve
I 'iii'.v
fjaJkV Davt- Wrnirr Sl'ri.lan train
K. I tle r BmntinK
lti l.ur. in tin ollu itl ranvan.
lie ii.iilit-laralliuii or vote
lit tvni nist-ie (he aiMi'itf ma
Itivr the Mlowinu remilta.
bttill I rrlfiej tomorrow
Sstur.liiv. Hi' reiiulilian
1 1 l I kI m r t. .rout.' t ,i,,, i
ilil W... Mini tl..- tram .! , ,f
Portland f.,r tl, S-mlh l..r',,. r
rrivintf at DM am..-
Iieri' at 1 1 ;f!l.
For Hal., rh. ai, a n
I1. I 'll i i ,j i. .n
UmJ .nunlv tifkrt Uln U-LljU.r,j fr t,. v,.ar; , . .
""'y lyuiiwanl for tun, inn,,. ,,i t i
National rommitteeman ruttiio. CLm V im ,, ..
Hl.llllill.Ur... "Mill r, til I ij
HiM ri- r........ .
.... i"i"'imii uri v i i o
McMininillf. I'm s lav. t.i . ll .
. 1!IS J I l.iif (M.I
(Iran.l l,.tji in ..,,,; , ! ,
IVil rB"M". aim Antif l I'TiMiMuM
w Mm. I). I! Mm. f. t
rriik. Iir. f rw in. fir M.r-, ,n
I'M Mi. tjf-rtha oio. V,r: IV. d S
l'lOUen. Mih4 Miiiiii.' Ai,l..n .. i
W' ll, Sear.
isw .. .....
wur I..M t'11,,.1, , n
V; calir.i. ,V fl,- ar,. s i'l,.- ,,
thv oriteH that iirevail al i,r.-.-r-
Hale, (.'an y.m -at it. All .'.. I ,
marked in rrtiiii at (in . r' ..
I'he Heedkille inn,. i f .;. 1 ,-, 1
Laurel, Sun. lav. in a , t
ed Kaine. Ii to IV. Th.-f. at ir. s
1SV of Ull Ifatne were the two i,,m.-
runn l.y Keedvill.'. mi. I the art'n
lllentH Iwtweelt the nin.-H. ! it
trie for I'eednlle -N i-i j , I .. k.
Jack and Shane; l.aunl. Slat
more, (ioetter ami W. i r.
ri ;i,,i
i r ii, iil
l.'M. i r in
iiuii wul then hav.
U trii t tlnT.
uY' suit for
j-w.'j.- uamaizes lor beinj struck
S Vln1 their log,rinI
'"Y: TO"pan says if
In it T irJ.urei H was not at
all throujth their nettlijrence but
on account of his own careless
ness or the netrlivpnra r,f i,: ...
BROkE IMO STORE AT FOREST GROVE low wrvants. The lumber com."
pan j r asks that the case therefore
H n k tj I a ""jureu. ana tia.4
iiiiiKoora. isgay isuneredi partial aral
result of hia accident.
Forest Grove and vicinity has rNIk . t
i . , ' if. r urnT. eye
.. K . vicanuuui youn?-i apeciaiists. nr i,.tio,i
Bters in the incorriRible class the in Hillsboro, Friday. May
lasi weeK. Aside from the ar. ".l "asmnifWn. They
rest of the four boys who broke E'' "L'?
nto the VVatta k FIT ... ' f"u win make no
. " . " ov"w' use. misiaKes in consu t nv tk
Keeves picked up three about your eves and rla. n
ehooh aiil a.-.I .Jmi rn,,re ,Ii'Ji, Tuesday, and the en- you do 1t need tflasat they
d at John son's Studio. tir; b'lnch are in juvenile rourt mMt titive,y wil1 not fwn-
Henrv iVe. fn. r! , ,,r i-..,!, I today, before Judire Reasoner T . forvfet the
til-1 - - in m aa Ansua a i . 1 1 .. t. .
rayir iaa sad Mirgetfa
rul ,SirM1U-r """"
WWM " l.,M.,
L'. .... ....
ron-Mi .irove, i hur.
- t lilt i
I lie v ery
l.'H for k
may ! had
-iv. Mav Zl;
Mav L"J.
laiesi Hlyl. s Mo.
finM.imm of ,ortl!in'1-" 1 (,,it to 1 Sherif! Keeves Tuesday arrest- Unee'i.
i . .. . .
unmoor.'), ye.sier.iay ni'inuri.
was over
terday ai terruxn
td Karl Waldron, John Dodda
TL. .
tinlint'er of n,.r ......1 -and r.!n T.v -k a .iL 1"e Lasiern Ur had one of
lU-rr,n- few days back. Geo. Writrhr tV,! Un 51 T L?T5vw
.leader hm rnajii 1 ransparency photm an- no.v
Kjordon boy and the Uodds young. Worthy Matron, of Portland
f ' l iii,ly by "tadi'at Johrmon's St ;ino in a:i tJ-'fj l,l,.ls ai(, entered the store, made an official visit Ur'
cedar Khinleg. j t,'' delicate blendir. and fir-' ,''le valJrn and Tucker watch- Drake. Grand Patron was also
I'd ii
lu- '...
. I I A 1 1
r i-r -.,
r. I ,n,
Ail "..ll
, il l'
n Mini,-
i ford
Ihyfumbe K78
Uiitivei Wadiinuftoii Ciiitnty
Hilhjconie liv I.S over t raw
i. the tint highest man
State IrcaHurer
III I!;,
'1.IM '. a I, Hill
WiM.t'h f
ill ' nut r, ,l
' ' ' . . i..i nniiiirieif. " i".iu, am iin i 'ir.' . .ub.ti hill, uiatiu rmnin uraa o un
ID' i'i ,i I .. j fi puriil Hi'cpi'
esoiie Uautv of
ed from the outside to Drive alarm DresenL and a
- - 'i ' ' J . ' . - aw- i as; a t. n j 1 1
I Li 'imJ,i.n i i i... . ; in rdHu any on &dlmiihhi. I camp tin fmm Hu.lfA.lnn T I
-. i,, l.e.llliini Vani.'llll. (if I n.M.l 'I'l.. I...... T 7 I . r 'i:iwil. UK
ercomeiyiiie. : d,... i ti i. . uo ro' Knives, razors, work was exemolified for the
. . l i - . . ' " " wi' VI i 1 'i. I'monod n K - Jl I "..
mui a ...a.i or the roof day and Wednesda, i're..ii. .i- , ' w"acco, and visiiors. and addresses were H.eii witnesHe.i Inn friendn I, . uties, ana me two Bro- maae Dy a number of the mem
u or s., lau r. ins .. c. ' , " "lc me iruii, oera. uinner was served at
'""- I v. n ri Hour and .1 '.,,' . I ariiiinion, i jhuiuukh mey ciaim mey did notoi?. Mrs. Keisacher formerly
'pi1 i'i Many line shin- !? Ul". sawn"" b:,ck of know f the robbery until thev resided near Hillsboro. anl U .
i.ts has.- been Imrtied! !I."rk',all,'r l-. was in !'' told by the youthful relative of Mrs. F. A. Bailey, at
" I in tii.- clearing o " wnose nome she was a jruest
.I it." famous red cedar I (.lasses fitted by )n. Lowe ' , " " x .utK" was Drought wniie in the city.
wi.i --in I.-a thira' of! turner do not need ih,. ,-nt.ri, . ,Jn " n.13. 'atner, yesterday.
i. Ii
1. a
Satireine Judifes
1 lie
r 410
M llWl
nt wki
ln fiiRl
Bnle. Harrii. lUsn ar
m the hi ale with the it'
in d.iuht U tween (ten
M.Narv. with dumva
If tieiiMtn,
Attorney Cetieral
hi Public Inst ruction
Mate Ktiiriiieer
) in
Water iv.
No. 1
For Sale: Team. Waivm a'i i
IUriieS.1. all in in tine r..n,jiti..n
WUrCOII full jUllt'lloi. HII. I llllli... t
new. A fine oult.t f.r Mail.
Milk or other delivery. We wi-di
to Hell on account of osin n il"
mobile for our delivery work.
Moore I j.undry Co.
UhtKle hland lie. I evtK, f,,r
halcliliiir imrjioHes. Mr. Ma
..303t'nindttll, on Mttple between See-
;H4 Ollil gnl lliird. lele.inlie t ity
SUM The I Jlilli'S Aid of the iiith
iHSlTualatiii distruL will tmc a faice
and an ice cream social ut the
Schulinerich M.-hool home, I hurs
day evening. 'May US. livery-
ImkIv welcome. Ailmis.siun, fr.e.
cnam and cake, ten cents.
Have p!itui'.o'e for limited
nomlierof cattle. .No horses.
Haw thorne Kam i), '' mil s ra d
of HillslKiro. .1. Si. r. iStf
Aent A. P. Meyer, if the
(r'KOH Klectric. is evpectid
home from bis trip to the Lad.
the first of the week, and will
strain ho in harness ut Third :m. I
For Mile; Several thousand
ceditr fence o;ds, 71 feet in
1672 ItMiKth. Will scllut Scents each,
l.ttt -K. J. HolTmaii, Corn. iiiis. Ore-
WlUon. Route 'J. - ''
771 I P f k"atl.tV V'i!ll0 II.r( tl llli'l'
t -,st JMO.. Hr,'-
... 1 1.T7
.... DIM
tteson . ,
chant in Heavciton. and well
known there to oldtunerJ, dud
at his home- in Pasadena, t 'al. .
.. 110-1 May 15, at the ae of 76 years.
015 He leaves a widow ami nine clul
Idrtm to mourn his loss.
...15W6 UMl-Wliitf how
slioat. most likely
I James place, on road t.
ami niacu
from the
o rannniii -
ton. Ueward. - J. IL N oeiker.
Cornelius, Ore., Uoute 2. S it
Dr. Leon Hvde and wilV de
part tomorrow for Latlrande. on
u three days tup, wnere in.
Ilvde is called in a professional
Kishimr tackle of nil kinds.
III,. I I L'...,k .,l.,w..wr,ru ('ill-.
"orethun liL.o., u.. win
Pnhi a ,T , W. -udon und ,
y be fiin, : " worm riains, anu .ias. inm ,
MaritJ " the que8- of Iowa Hill, were in town today
t L I" TlIu All drv itinnJii must ro al. cost
but other votes an l88t'r''t'r'
W. I). Sm th has hct'ti noini-,
264 hated for Justice for Hillsliom, i
'Ull Uh,l Uf I) h'nllu f.if eonslillllt1.
aiu will f. . .... . , j
Reived 'frVf votes on A K.reftt Pk,-r'" sal'' r,ir Goel zeOonudius, Oregon, Route
.cmcts sent in tally
v were irreimlni.
Iob.I i "-. "
of ,. y jude8-
"I I hi. ....I...... ...
t Ll I'll- ..:!.-. T N'el,:ili..i
'reek, and Last liairc
i li'ii... th. re ;n years ao a
"I.'. in," and it -ft many
i .r Inn standmi, void of
liuiK Ii. -iiln,e!. 'bey made
i'"'. f I,iiii'..j, however, and
ti""i-:ih,! .. dollars worth were
t in,. 'I u, and placed on the
in.iik. I. Nearly every home.
t'i'. r had liin ..J.inili' knife.
a::il I.u "ld hours were spent
. 1 1 . . i r , k- a iini'lurt that aUays
l.i nul a n a lv inarket, 'ery few
li'A do this, the mills having
t.t'n Ii the place of the "rive."
lA.-hty tvni miles is a long
.Ii i.iii. .-, o'.er a big Wretch of
i ittaih roads, to haul shin-
l'i. , l ilt II.Uli.u In nil done (vf
thirty i-ars m more bv the res.
dents of that ih-,tii. t.
I'- ivt'.n. Mav 20. l'.tll. !
i..iii.r .-rini-;: .Allow me space
in v ie v .ili.i'ile paper to thank
the i;. i!il,li,ans of Washington
t'li'llitv. for the generous sup
p"it tl,e gave me ill the Pri-
uiarv. and al-o my Democratic
in.ii, is wi,o w rule my nauiu on
their ha!!..!.
S. Paisley, Lai.ks. 1 1. 2
CI.I.W t I' I)V. IO MOkkOW
lonmrrow. i'riday, has been des
ignated as elesn -up day at the
cemetery. Let all lot owners
and others interested attend and
a-M't in this work, as a well
kept cemetery is a community
wiscoNMN imom:i:r
I'. II. Kinkadi'. who Uiught a
farm and settle. I in Shady Hrook
in l'.iR .lie I Mav i. l'Jll. after
an illness of t wo years, lie was
i'oru near'rosse, Wis., Sept.
2. lN.Vi. and lived there until
I'.hi.'i, when be went to California,
in search of a more congenial
climate. Later he came to Port
land, and lour years ago bought
his fann be. vend North Plains.
His wife and two sisters, Mi's.
Mary Hunter and Mrs. Kliaheth
Curtis, of Farland, North Dako
ta. Mrs. Hunter came West and
was at Hie home of the brother
when he passed away. He was
a Mason, and the funeral was
conducted by the fraternity with
the liles of the order.
We sincerely thank all who so
kindly tendered us aid and sym
pathy during our bereavement,
the lorn,' illness, death and obse
quies of the late Francis R. Kin
kade, husband, brother and
Mrs, Georgia L. Kinkade,
Mrs. Mary Hunter,
av Hunter.
North Plains, Oregon, May 15,
Death to headaches-glasses
lilted by Drs. Lowe & Turner.
.1. .1. Mcllale, of nea Cooper
Mountain, was in town Tuesday.
He has sold his place down there,
and will make a change of loca
tion soon.
i,,r side - Registered Holstein
' . . i . i
Mav l.-Aiernuru
iruarar.. .... 'wvv,u"'i I We rtpliver tn tK r
lee that ifoes w th tl,,.,,, , . .""V ua "vinn piacea in n nf Ii,- , A .u: - ""
"ti ' : .. custody bv the sheriff ' iuiiiks onour
"l ,,J"'" I lor a h,ng tlm. dmrPd.iinn. SS" , 1 htate to call up
Ilenrv David, of
was dow n to the
I For a long time depredations vk.a a 1 ne81wlV,ca" "P
r Forest d ove, j have Uan committed at Jhe 365 nd 0rder' Den of Wls-
litV XvM TfhlV (iroVO. nnd if una hair in. With thp Birvn nf fhA
in Mm, on i,u,in. yt Hit, , the Individuals who were doing aavs the thoughts of many lads
court house. the work. and a number not so voumr. turn
Mrs. L. L. Shute retained the I l ne rokaw boys, it is said, to the various swimmiritf holes
last of the week from Rainier frt'i naturally depraved, and runa niusuoro. A few warm
where she was the guest of Mrs'. have n. originality, their down-h'KhU and the swimminsr would
Woodson Fhiipin. ijo oemg aue soieiy to tiad. ftaso-l'r. '"igniy nne. Ana while on
Mrs. J. P, Magruderami Mrs, j
Leo 1igan departed yesterday '
for an extended outing overall
the Klitior I'ark beach. j
I. AND P. E. & R.
this subject it might be well to
remember that a Der- eiore.1 hn.
bo makes Hillsboro annually.
jusi 10 get a dip in the big bend.
All i.vei.r.t tha i m t. m i.: on the Jackson bottom, and his
in .in . .. - .. - k....- ,.ao., uiiiB .j, . ...
ciw. iviuier ami wue, oi the , are electric, and StOD at thede. F""7": ,a ou. uue. a lew ui.Mrici. were m I ie eitviooi on Main o runt
To Portland
Mc.Minnville Train 6:47 a. m.
Sheridan Train .9.58 p. m,
Forest Grove Train 1:00 p. m
iie.uinuiue irain s:io p. m.
Lugene Train 4:58 p. m
From Portland
me nrsi of the week, enroute to
the Grange meeting at Monmouth,
C R. Buchanan, of Cornelius,
was in town Tuesday. His firm
has had a strenuous campaign in
the (Kitato market this Spring.
Mr. and Mrs. (). C. Harlow
JUI be
on groceries goim? on at Greer's.
J. l. Delsman. of Tillamook,
more days and we'll all be "down
to the big bend.
Do not fonret the d
Hendrick's Hall. Cornelius. Sat-
urday evening, May 23. TickeU,
ouienuiu music, xou are
Edward Wirtz and Miss F.lith
Shogren, of Forest Grove, were
and Mr. and Mrs. I rao r. train arrives . 8:15 a. m. Iunlle1 In marriage at Portland.
aaiuroay evening. May 16. The
groom is a well known young
man oi forest breve, being em
ployed by Goff Bros, for a num
ber of years. The bride was
born and raised in the Dillev
Forest Grove neighborhood, and
is a sister or Mrs. J. ti. Keeves.
nf Hi ahnnt Tk., ...OI .1..
C. r . . i.0wiu. llicj will IllaKe Old Depot their home in Forest Grove, and
To Portland a larre circle of f nends are wish-
V. R. & N. Train 1-37 r, m ,n inem Happiness,
lortlan.l. were out yesterday in
the Harlow machine, for a trip
through the outlying districts.
All the cement work is com
pleted on the Rump oilice build
ing, and the support walls will
soon be taken down ami the ex
terior finished up smoothly.
W. II. Cash, of near Helvetia,
was in the city yesterday. He
says that there is need of rain
out his way, although crops are
looking line.
TheSheriir'sotlice lias removed
the iron work on the big counter,
formerly used tor tax collection,
and it rather improves the ap
pearance of the room.
Forest Grove
9:42 a. m.
11:59 a. m.
..4:30 p. m.
-6:37 p. m.
Trains each way. except the
o: . . . .... . . I
v,oruiii3 trains, siop at Sixth
and r ir, on Hag.
From Portland
R.& N. Train
The Chief of Police has been in
Order a brick of New York ice
10-2ia m rrc,,m Ior 'our aunaay dinner,
m- 50c delivered inside city. Phone
ooo. uen oi sweets.
One thing is certain, anvwav.
the running of Portland. Euirene
. ..v. . v.. 1UIIIC IIU UCCII III" f T. . - ,
tructed to enforce all I'itw iwi. L.te.rn cars through town has
.. . . " nut Hi oKnn nn U
itiuiuuiu mi mc oiau, ior
merit or
. a t t
I'epuiy Mieriu appiegate has i nnneea w;ti,ft.,t r... - t pui niiisooro on the maD. for
had a "full house" oyer in thejand special attention is called to se.veraI hundred ride through the
......ii.v .... oru-ia oavx v eo tne ordinances remi at nir ther.,l,J "1U"J e-xpres-
room is at a premium since the8eedof automobile and mot-. slon3 or pleasure are heard from
place was stocked with theievcles and ren..irin li.ta passengers, complimenting the
. w - llibtt VJ lA. i
lamps on bicycles after nightfall. ,on '? "t appearance,
and prohibiting dogs running at 1 .hne thas mae Hillsboro
large. Speeding on the streets 7 """Vf1 ""way,
of Hillsboro must cease, bicycles r,u
must be equipped with lights. Lost: cover off of milk wagon
ana dogs not permitted to run at petween condenser and the Ed
large. Special officers will be Shute place. Finder Dlease leave
appointed it necessary to see at this office,
H.-t .1 -J! . I
: :. .r wm- Ur. Robbi asSigted bv Dr,
t'lieu Willi. I Huila nnoMt n K .tll-
or knee-pan of Mrs. F. W. Sears,
t hid UlAAlr MM VaTOku limn ...nil.
rni imtu . sv. i r.vnt tuiot uuaia nu waitv
1 r. v.. M.v. D.,:h aim vvikiiuui. a
fall or anything unusual, felt her
the board of governors of the knee break. The operation con
youngsters from the West.
Nelson LaCourse, the Forest
Grove merchant, was in the city
yesterday, conferring with Sher
iff Reeves over the matter of his
store having been looted a few
days ago.
The county roads are nadly
cut up this year, Urn ruts being
deeper than for many seasons at
this period of the year. Dust is
about as hea'y as it generally is
along in July and August.
Austin P.uxtiin, Forest Grove,
was in town Tuesday morning.
He is one of the directors in the
Watts school district, where the
lads broke into the buildings the
other night.
Wanted: General Agent, Old
,ine Non-participating Life Com
pany, Home Olhce Cortland.
Must not be under contract and
able to handle a county. Extra
good contract to right party.
Address P. 0. P.ox 290. 9 0
No services in the Raptist
church, Sunday morning, ex
cepting the regular Sunday
school, as the congregation will
unite with the memorial services.
Regular services will be held in
the evening, at the usual hours.
For Sale: No. !?5, Automatic
Remington rille, slightly used;
price $15. Also chest of carpen
ter's tools, price $'.'5. Enquire
of Mrs. T. P. Ruhard, Fourth
and Jackson Streets, Hillsboro,
Ore. 9-11
John Boge, the Farmington
hopgrower, was over town yes
terday. He says that he has a
R. M. U RWIN, M. D.
S-rro. S. P. f l 4 N P. K. f
l T
Tr"l.r. Thu,aJ.y, totally Vufli
Call, .i,,red d.y or mult ftia
OFFICK:-L aiia Stbalmch B df.
1'0IK. City 3S4; R. Cily 4
Physician and Surgeon
Offire hoor-9 to 1 1 a. m.; 1 to j p. m.
tain aasaetrj .lay or night. Bot
PUohm. Offire la Aoirtican N..inB.i
Back, npstiira.
. m. aim, ay. m Ma,
Eoomi 1 and i Meat Baildlar
HILLS BOKO, . . gEeo,
Offirea npitaira in Schalnerica Block
Upstairs, A. C. Shute Bldg, Main & o4
0rioa: Mala SUaM, opp. Ooart Hona.
Office, upsiaira ia Schulmerlch Block
hillsboro, - - Oregoo
Telephone office Main 103. Reiidenc
Main io2
Successor to Dr. Linklater
Office over Delta Drug Store. Residence
Baseline, between 5th and 6th Sta.
Hillsboro, Oregon
rederick Andersen, M. D.
Successor to Dr. Cunningham.
Office and Drugstore.
Orenco, . Oregon
Telephone ennnactlons.
II. T. Bagley, Mayor.
Viris fi. , "TP fy the was in the county seat the first
Ml a . ' May 23, at of the week.
C. Barber U acting a;
11 r." ....1:... ...kit.. 1 M..ur it nu.i
vn..: ... "erman To. vw
rH"UI fumiah to the coast,
l inilor Tupper yesterday trim-1 fair stand this year, although his
....'.'1 1 1, lower limbs and debris vines area trifle backward on
nwMiv Irntn the two rows of Cali- growth at this time, a condition
hi TiS?. ,me.'or r nnrl.r U net hur as chief of fornia trees, in the south of the, that to him is rather pleasing
vovnllv improved the appearance
of the grounds.
his yard trained by the first of
the month.
Commercial Club met Tuesdav sisted in wiring the Dan together.
levening, and appointed the fol- Mrs. Sears broke the other knee
lowing committee to take charge by a fall last November.
of .?. F..Vrth of July celebration - Captain A. Johnson, of Laurel.
xt , 1 w-Hos.cow' chairman; Wm. was in town the last ot the week.
Nelson. (,. A. Patterson.. David He says the roads are dusty, and
Kuratli. J. H. Garrett, Dr. Er- very much cut-up. these days,
win and M. H. Stevenson. and a man has ahnut a m,i.h
The committee will meet and tmnhb. nilntinof a nai num. f hn
have some information for the hio-hwav B9 thA man ot tKa
public next week. wheel of a river steamer, when
there is a chooov sea this side of
P. I Lilligard. of near Laurel.
All warrants drawn on the sen- was in town today. He recently
eral fund, City of Hillsboro, and lost his auto license, on the road,
endorsed not paid for want of It's number is 12985, and the
funds, are hereby called for pay- finder will please leave at the
ment, and interest will cease af- Argus office, or at the Lilligard
ier r noay, May Z2, X314. nome.
-,,V J-we. City Treas. German Lutheran services,
Hillsboro, Ore., May 21, 1914. Sunday afternoon, at 2:30. at the
Congregational church. English
PUBLIC SALE Sunday school at 2:00.-E. W.
Luecke, Pastor.
The undersigned will sell at pub- .a. UP Johnson's Studio for
lie sale at the Brown Livery P'ctorial photos of home scenes
Barn, Hillsboro, near Third and ,wnile natur h looking her
Main, at one o'clock p. m on 'oveuesi.
SATURDAY. JUNE 6. 1914. Albert Bunning, of Cornelius.
Six head of horses, ranging in h?9 Jninictln business in the
weight from 1000 to 1400 lbs. .uc"':
L. C. McPherson, Owner. , an rtan, or Blooming, was
down to the county Beat Tueadav
John Friday, of Banks, was in afternoon.
town Monday. j Argus and Oregonian. t2.Z
tws. 3. CaniM
tcaildHarrarilf kstalca. ara
aasfmifKt SIMM.
(nrral.nriti4dn,)t, Bbttofin.r4fuas, Boll
jnnistrn. ItftaoKnlr, Urtunon unk all atfrty
Ilitra ftrnliilJ aud(jtrUt. KrAlMaatlui).
ata In uiupa till unfrmi rlsar nrc
VrsirKi aa ailra rrl4US)fra arfsan.
9tdJ)lunfiftaflrn, llrbrttraaungm. tttfaa
mn.i.trifliMts: BaaiSas MS B 9 BaS
ass ssf tarraaa,
t(ln'l)on: iHurllwII W0; SMim;
ipuu.Irlrpiiit: Main a4 sal B.W6A,
Slaart eoo-tiiH sairi st asauamt sja
Otnce np-atairs over Hillsboro National
Tetuieaie Bldg. Rooma5aad
Main and Third.
Upstairs, in LinklaterDelfa
Building, Main Street
Hillsboro - - -' Ore
Commercial Bank Block
Hillsboro Oregon
Greer's for bargains,