The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 21, 1914, Image 4

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    l.iiAaoaO AkbtJ. Vw
Imported Retri?tered IVrchoon Stallion, ftack Finely
Built and One of the IVst Sires in the County, will mike th
1914 Season, as follows:
At Wm. Hathorn place. Laurel. Monday evening, until
Tuesday noon.
At Com o.'cr Store. Scholls. Tuesday evening, until 9:30
At L. S. Bierly Ranch, Kinton. JVednesday neon, until
2:00 p. m.
At Beiverton Livery Barn, Wednesday eveninff. until
Thursday noon;
At Ladd & Beed Farm, Uoedvi'.lo, Thursday evening
until Friday noon:
At Hillsboro. Friday afternoon until Saturday evening,
at Second Street Livery Barn.
Terms. Simile son ice. $3; Season. 510; To insure with
foal. $15. with $2.50 in advance; To insure a live colt. $20.
payment of $2 50 at time of service. Service mnst be paid at
once where mare is sold, transferred or removed from County.
Care to prevent but not re$;vnsille for accidents.
Horse duly licensed.
Jos, Otto, Owner.
Stallion Registration Board. State of Oregon.
License Certificate of Pure Bred Stallion No. 1379.
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon. March 10, 1913.
The pedigree of the stallion Partisan. No 42tU9 UW0$
registered in the studbook of The American Percheron Horse
Breeders and Importers Association. Owned by Joe Otto, of
Hillsboro, Washington County. Oregon. Bred by M. Barbe,
Department of Sarthe. France. Described as follows. Black;
Star. Pedigree: Brutus (31733) s re; Suzon (23041) Dam;
Germanicus 7625 Sire of Sir: Lisette 2500$ Dam of Sire;
Sultan 1400 Sire of Dam; Suzon 5774 Dam of Dam.
Breed, Percheron; Foaled in the yea- 1103, on May 8. and has
been examined by the Stallion Registration Board of Oregon,
and it is hereby certified that the said stallion is of Pure
Breeeing. is registered in the studbook that is recognized by
the associations named in Section line of an Act of the Legis
lative Assembly of the State of Oreeon providing for the
licensing of stallions, etc, filed in the office of the Secretary of
State. February 23. 1911. and that the a'oove named stallion
has been examined by the veterinarian appointed by the
Stallion Registration Board and is hereby reported free from
infectious, contairious or tran.T,is?ible diseases or unsoundness
and is hereby licensed to stand for public-service in the State
of Oregon.
Ermine L Potter.
Secretary Stallion Registration Board
Note: This license must be recorded in the office of the
Recorder of Conveyances of the County in which such stallion
is to be used for public service, and must be renewed March
10, 1916.
Have You Planned Your Outing
A Few Timely
war Cmmmmalama Earn!
HmaaFaa Ihral
You doubtless want to go Somewhere to get away for
a while from the steady grind. Let us help you.
Fa aura ax. a Fast
rrom Jane ist li Setttm1r 30th low rcund trip ticket will be
old ftom all jointt on the S. l one way through California or
yia Portland.
Hmmmtmrt, YamjuUianmji
For fet, pleuure or iteration auil outdoor life try tbil old
seaside ouiin place. Tue Lest of everything campa, cotUgta,
hotels at moderate cost.
tk Qmtmnls Baaohami
A new playground, only a hort iuu from Portland. Mountain,
forest, hiking streams or beach in ttdlras variety and enuniie
Hmmm Faathalt
From June 9 to u Partlsnd will rl;n holiday attire, and suppW
entertainment unique, historical and interesting. Fun on land
and water you cannot afford to mist.
Smrlmmm naf Mount mln fftaartti
Hot Springs, Mineral Spriuus and Mountain Resorts fjr 6shlng.
hunting or "far Irom the njaildiug Crowds" are tube fcund tn
abundance along the Sou'bsrn l'dcitic.
Oaa Hrnm Owtlng Booklait
Notice is hereby given, that by
,ue of an execution, decree and or-
. t on 1 a iaunol nut rt ami linHor thp
1 of the Circuit Court of the State
Oreeon, for Washington County,
ed the 22nd day of April, 1914, in
or of John R. Greenwood, plaintiff,
. : ... n . v t I Bn
.on, bis wire, Kay uarKnursi ana
.Btance A. Barkhurst, his wife, and
' Lumberman's Trust and Savinj?3
k, a corporation, defendants, for
1 sum of $5562.25 with interest
-eon at the rate of 6 per cent per
urn from the 4th day of May 1913,
the further sum of SWU.UO with
r nor
, 11 per annum from the 4th day of
1913, and the further sum of
- ' '16 costs and disbursements and
,V i icosts of and upon this writ, to me
I 'Icted and delivered, commanding
v, i jto make sale of the real property :
.finfter described, I have levied
', n, and pursuant to said ex-
- lion decree and order of sale, I
: Uon Monday, the 1st day of June
1 I f, at the south door of the Court
i htv. Oregon, at the hour of 10 , subjtct to redemption as per Statute
- ' ck A. M. of said day, sell at pub- j Oregon.
'-"'-uction, to tho highest bidder fori (ad at Hillsboro, Oregon, thia
in hand, all of the right, title 24th day of April 1914.
' interest of the defendants Robert I . J- RELVLS, Sheriff of Wash
' 4 ,pton, and his wife, Ray Bark- lton County, Oregon, by J. C. Ap-
- t and Constance A. Barkhurst, his " plgate, Deputy.
' . and the Lumbermens Trust and ' . u- 10.NGLE, Attorney for
, igs Bank, a corporation, of in and 1 latntiff.
? Ivtncp bointr nnri Kituate in
2 lington County, Oregon, ana par
y irly described as follows, to-wit
e West half of the Southeast
? r, excepting 6 acres located
!'i Southeast corner of the South
!i quarter of the Southeabt quarter
I Won 32 T. 2 N. R. 4 W., and ex-
tg 2.27 acres contracted for by
1;. Schrock, and the Southwest
Bmmea HinWi
Spring ana Mmimlah Rmaarta
Vacation D?," "Newport" and "Tillamook
County Ilrachts" are just off the presa, full of
timely suggestions ss to where and how joo can
beat speed your vacation. They are free for the
asking, tirop us a postal card or call on our
nearest Agent.
JOHN M. SCOTT, ca. .... 4.
Portland, Oregon
quarter of the- Notheast quarter of
Section 32, T. 2 N. R. 4 W'., Saving
and excepting- however, from the
above described tract all of the fol
lowing" bounded and described real
propei ty which has been conveyed by
the grantors herein to the United
: Railways Comnany, a corporation, and
described as follows, to-wit:
I Beginning at the Northeast corner
!?; "e Southwest quarter of the
.Northeast quarter of Section 32. T.
2 N. II. 4 W. of the Will. Mer. and
running thence West 440 feet; thence
in a Southeasterly direction 660 feet
more or less to the East side line of
the Southwest quarter of the North
east quarter of said Section 32, being
410 feet South from the Northeast
corner of the Southwest Quarter of
the Northeast ouarter of said Section:
thence North 41J feet to the place of
beginning containing 2.07 acres, more
or less. And excepting also from thia
conveyance, all gasoline engines and
water pipes, and water cisterns on
the property belonging to William
Shearsr and now used for the pur
pose of pumping and distributing
water upon said premises, to satisfy
the hereinbefore named sums and for
the costs and expenses of said sale
and said writ. Said sale will be made
For Sale-Extra fine Marshal
strawberries. To parties wish-
jnjr to do their own picking, con
cessions on price will be made.
Telehone Geo. Vedder, Far
mers 825. 8-10
Argus and Journal $2.25
F M aUffoet la W V 9lth. tract ia
U bik I Laaaaaa ktr floo
KIk9 J Hams to Loaia thchu, t
kca Lchaaaa Acrra.. -I.VW
Heir ot DC Millet to Jae Crawk. q
C to Iravt ia W 4 Fratttol CO... I
Sottt Re:t la Mr Aaaw telma, 1
lota ia North Plata .tooo
Mary S llcOt to J E ItcO. 1 60 a
art tS I J r $ m 1
M M thai to W S Ma.atall. s 97
K rawing Orchard Tracts. ia
J V lUioca to II L Uadaoa, a 4
la Kara' acrra
... 10
1 0. W lvU. 10 Helea DeaVla, j6 a
Is J D Rtchanlaoa claim .. .
1 Ada A'eaaaJer ta Cham Witaoa. 44 a
MCtttltl w
Victor tequa to Nasty MoC reedy.
$oai5 ft bik 41 V Grov 10.0
n S El'.ia to A b Klha, lot ia blk 4S
Metier 10
Olaf Liana to Emil Lorearea. IT 4S
a arc at 1 t 4 . 10
Rliaa J Tupper to Roy B Tapper, in
ssreil isi) 10
E I IVM-elaoa to W O IVnelaoe. j
tola Mk S Sioimtiaa ad Hte. 1
Roy It Tupper to Elua Tupper. I to a
rcttltiti w 10
R I. IHtrham to H G Caxely. lot 61
Durham Acre.... $00
Frank Alley to P Ckreatenaca. 7
arc S I 1 s t t .... . lu
Hitlaboro Co Operative to J V Shale
tract ia b k 1 Hbo -xx
Tualatin Buck Jk Til to Leonard
Smith. 15.004 a at Tua'.atiu........ u
B U IX) ua to W H Dauscr, M a arc
15 t 1 S141 iy
Co Selkirk to J Prank liraham, lot
4 bik 3 Me uer Acre Tract 1
Uas Vaterfachberef to lW-r Tay
lor, 1 a Dvld Eiletaoo claim too
Geo E Mann 10 Chaa U Meat, tract
la Sou lb Coal ad to
WO Galaxy toll T OlatB, lV
H tt at fttsk ..... 450
AdJw Hunt toS K McPougat, 15.16
aaec $t lilt w to
J B Smith to Dollra Smith, a Yerea
aub-diiaioa....M . 5110
J A Tooeabarh to Van Walter,
501 too ft blk F Crovc 10
R K Slover to T B Lambert, tract in
South Ooatt a.1 Hbo . u
$ K Smith to I H Smith, tiact ia b:k
4J V Grove to
S M Feovr to Lydia Kaodall. llF(! 4 x
Elmer Wert to D Uurley, 5 a on
Tuatatiu River 10
J D Moni to Cha Blow, 1 lot
Mveia ad to Keedvill Home.... 10
Geo Contatman to Weateta Bond &
Mtj(e Co, itaect$tiar w.... ijdo
Same to Same, ji a Coo te'. man A c re 1 Joo
) J Mcllale to Peter Kammacher,
164 a aee 14 t 1 r 1 w .1900
(V A Shaw et al to L Fearaon, Hepp-
ner, J 04 Bear Reedvil.e 1050
Uendemeer In Co to F A, A W A C
B Handy, of Leban, Uh, enure
Hrndemeer tract too
Sheriff Reeves picked up four
boys, ail under 20 years of age.
Monday, for breaking into both
the old and new buildings at the
Watts' school house, above For
est Grove. The lads went into
the old building, smashed a
lamp, lighted another and left it
burning, and then, after chop
ping a hole in the Moor, broke
into the new building and stole
some fountain pens. The young
fellows were old enough to know
better, but the quandary for the
officers is what disposition can
be made with them. The trans
giessont are Charles Gordon, 15;
Geo. Wright. 15; Claud Brokaw,
19. and Ray Brokaw, 17. The
school directors are anxious to
have the boys properly punished,
but do not wish to be too severe.
The 17 year old lad is in the
class that can neither be sent to
the Reform school nor receive a
sentence in the county jail and
as all should be treated alike it is
a matter of conjecture as to
what disposition will be made of
the culprits.
1 represent Spirella corsets
not sold in stores. Will call at
homes on request, and do the
fitting, and teach how to adjust
and wear the corset. Our tailor
ed made-to-measure corsets, in
cluding the latest front lace, with
an experienced corsetier service,
cost no more than high class cor
sets purchased in stores. Mrs.
M. E. Caudle, Hillsboro, Fifth
and Jackson Streets, Phone No.
584. BOtf
Call at Hotel Washington, Fri
day, May 29, and let Drs. Lowe
& Turner show you the new dou
ble vision glasses which have no
unsightly lines or seams in the
lens to catch dirt, strain the
eves, or come apart. They look
like a single pair, yet answer the
purpose of two, enabling you to
do close work, or read, and yet
see distant objects perfectly.
Free demonstration. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Call and see
On Sunday, May 31, at 11 a.
m, and also at 3 p. m Kev. Lyle
J. Beebe, a missionary of the
Presbyterian Church, of Laos,
Siam, will address the congrega
tion in the United Evangelical
Church, on Second street Rev.
Beebe is a very able speaker,
very entertaining, as well as in
structive, and everybody should
plan to hear him.
Do not overlook the ball game
Sunday. Remember that ladies
are admitted free on this date
May 24. The Newberg boys will
be over, and a good game will be
the result. Newberg has a good
team, and will come with deter
mination to clean out the cham
pions. The county has put in a pump
ing plant on the Dan Burkhalter
farm, near the Farmington rock
quarry, and water is forced over
a third of a mile. A cook house
and sleeping quarters will Boon
be established at the quarry.
Geo. W. Bacon, of Yamhill,
was down to the citv the first nf
the week.
J. T. Fletcher, of Forest Grove.
was down to the city veaterdav
Again Rrtlucrtl
Peerless Lamps
Blaze their Trail
toward cheaper
1. 10
Buy a Carton Toda
In U
t'iri'uil Court 1
for Ilia I'.iiiniy
f lb" V'A'
nl M vlr.n.
Jeaaia II Man,
I'UlllMl. I
JuMph Lmiu sum. 1 ii. ti-i .
1 I
Til Jipl
I. HI LSlau, thr a..
ilainiioani :
lit lha NmuimiI tlm Matituf O,
aria buraliT raulnal
Uia coiiiilaini ul iiimil u
you id tli aNiva intiilil -rfora
lha J'.h ilajr nl .,a . 1 l
liif llil(.lrHnu ! an a.-
drat piibiliauon i l Una mum
jou (all to lu aiar ir aiimi i
p ami. fur want i!im'(. tlir .
apply lu tb court f-r tlm ri-i.i i
In hr coinplainl. Uiwil
Kor a ilis'r9 ilia,uvtnt; Hi
ninlriniuur ..line i..i.,..
pialnlill ami ila.lni.lanl, lli.r. r
rnautua hir loriur uamr n? li-i
Illicit liaa, anil lor aui'U utlnr iml I ,
ralwl aa lu lh cihiiI maif nr.n
aal JiMl.
Till allllllliona li arrvr.l u..' i
puMicaliuii In lha Argu. a m . .ii
ftmorai circiiialii.u hiiiii,kI it
ru, trKuii. by lliai unli-r u ti n
I'amptMill, Juilk-o uf tin- n.,..
c urt. htcti iiniaif aa ni.i
ilar of April, lim, priawriti.i i .
o( thia aluminum In an; I urti
aach wk lur aii aui . ..; ..
Unit buliliraluin i.f lln iiiur
on lha lUh uy nf April. In' I
laat pubtiralioti ui May 1 t.
A S iirirr,
Atinr.ii-T (- I
Call tor Warrants
All ilillalioro city vta'ritiili nn fun.!
other than ikv C.enrrai t-H ri 1 1 . intik,
"No I'altl Tor Wmit'ol l'litnla. " re n n
payable at llic otlue of lh unili r.iiu i!
aotl Intcmt, will cre afur A; nl r
F. J. Searll, C'llv Tirmuirr
Hillilioro. tire., April i 114
When in Portland stop at
Hotel Katon, Wt-st l'ark
Morrison btreeU. I.K-at.'.l in
neart ot the theatre ami sl.i.p
pintr districts - with all tin- con
veniences of a rwnlern hotel, at
reasonable rates. CU-n I lite,
Manager. i;itf
-It-Hi, V .'l
' I . . i-f
il .1,, i, ii
' . i, t .-I M,;t;r I,
i i: I '! i - n il ! t
i"; i .tint,
. . -.ii 1 1
:li'.: In:
.-..- I I -I '"
Uri Ii ..r r. j-ltrc
II tll.i ,il v. tl, -t.-
mi l II. -
Flour and Feed, Aetna Uraud of Spray, Custom
Chopping a Specialty, Poultry Supplies,
Manufacturer of Whole Wheat Flour,
and Wheat heart Flour, Oraham etc.
Our Prices always Reasonable
TRY US the Next Time
R. F. D. 2,
Do you need any Groceries?
Do you need any Dry floods?
Do you need any Shoes?
Do you need any Feed?
Will you need any Iind Plaster?
Will you need any Fanning Implements, .Mower,
RaTe, Manure Spreader, Cultivator, Spring Tooth
Wsk, Kinder or any thing in Machinery?
If you do, tall and sec us. Our prices arc right.
Emmott and Jones
Liu' Grand Marx a i tho mt
wl.ol.-somo 't fi'ra tjuartor"
Miioko ti marki-t-mado in Orv-.-.,
I.v I! S, hi!!cr. Whon mi
n.hi!w'o i i a pvl smoko
Grand Marvu.
tiu: in i it inh'kt vr tub
si-uk ! iuk;ov rVK
t..n. I'Umtiil.
M. I'
n.. 't-ilaii,. h"
i .AtimiHt " tla'M. llH"
In''lrl In I li H l
n f.'ini'Wst'i liitn, l
I . M I' t
!. t.''rt. Amv.l t'IfUltl
,i.m. i ia-'ii. "'
f-t tf t(iw r.l mt''lr f ll'fl
.,mt l.i.r. nl, I tir nauil
1 1
i. 1
-H I -i;'
..r I
a tut,'
il .'I
A 1 1 I A
,.( t!if Mtr i.ll . ",
m. i Imi'i'ir rtitil !
1 the !.. otil it U -I illlxn,- Ki l.r
I .!..!.' I
. t- .!I M 1'
tltr .'th t'l Jllii.
if H allrt lln
th.l uiiiiimii H
. Ht ami anrf, !!
l.i . l 1
.1 It. I
11 l c p.
'.. I tlio iaur. HI Irv
I i.rar nf any i'Umii ii'
.t mi ,,1 id, in hi .'1 anir
,.r-lll lt. Ill
I . .li t
.1 1 ,,( 1 HI, I, In an.l uf
I .r l Utiiif, a,liilltliill
'1 1 111. no 1 11, rl
11 il IoIUih . ! II
, I rl I'f 111 l.ellll
. 'It'll'' 'M t' g 11l'
,1.1 11, , ii -.n ! i.. k .1. in r i'ii iin.
M in' t-i-'ii 1,.11' iT. oirtfiin, an. I nui
1 I . I,,.' m.i ill im Iri-I, llinun aval -H'
ili,M., ti. (in ii lii . ail llirm
, ,,t Ii l.l l.i Id. .a !( l-tf itllilii
,.n I ! i.l,, r li i.l. mi ami lU'inuK I hat
i,.t ii, 'll i.-l 1111'. il I'llliiT ft .111 nl llll'll.
; an n 1 1.. ii', I Lir t iIi'IimI. 'inn 1 a
ii',- t 1 ut ! , .1 ftii rui u v -ail
l i. n l. I U t i I ,,iliii.lanla all. I
it. h .1 a'- -t t" 11 i, I luiviri rut-illn!
.1,1 r I li-mi inr ilatiiillia' il
ni i! 1 .' mi , a.--, nr litfiil III nr lii lli
ii ' , i' I i r i" 1 an-l I'l-lMiiiiifiila .in
iM, -i in I I t it. Ii Miff,r an. I fiiithtif
ri . .1 f1 a 1 ti, v I ' ;nl a nl f.iultali.n Itrfnli.
P , ,1. :i lii.lf, l H(im l.'ll nU lit
j 1 1 ! . 1 . , i, - ! 1 . t I n( H I'll J I ' . I am
1 i- I. .Ii: !fc.- i.l Itn rill''lai 1'ialliil
1 ,,'.l, r a tua I an,l
rt 41 li..tin. I ltf,i'
a i. a Ii . h ,'lil Ilia
11. t 'tti!i ii lit Ilia
r i . 'iit.10 ira a,
I .l. a Ion t,lf I rttiK
til 111' l! i l llir
Inn- I. I'lll
in,l.' mil, U..fliK
1 -It
1 r i'
M ' 1
I I, I
AJminilrntri Nulkc
! rlr!' f
, i n i he i ,!i
i:.i i i uuI i I
. II ct;.'tl. (Ill,'
lit" l! un.tri
Uv rl f l!. Nil,
nil 1 I Vihlt!tlttl
a tiutiti-'l A.lituiil
r i f I Hunt.
it Uu- nil
l!wnl ir !! rr tn liatiiiK
ni-.ii .t an I rU!r air licrrlif
' M J 'I i'lll the lalisr laltll prut!
rillttii. Ihr itliilrialllr.V al tlir
. r i I J.-hli M. W lil al II tl.Miru.
m thi nil-. Irvittt Ibv
ii. llfruri.
I Un i ml
! . irl
u! -r. A Iniiiilitraltn
i II arrit. ,),-iraaril.
A I till nr fuf I ilatr,
i f 11111.1i rave room lor nt-
ccrit's; thcri'lore ilry mxls are
Koit;i.' ihvap. If you come early
Mill llli
v I our nhnre. (rt'er.
!" l ; ik ,.'!i
. " ' .! iti- i, I l lilt tn'i Kr
. ,!.iv .,1 T.r i S . A
...r ..I Mi-II, i K , Sh
H '. . Ii . ,( ,!,. ,.! ..,i
11 ' '! J,..;l M Wall
Roller Mills
Ilillsboro, Or.
Main 593
Or eg
Cn universal car
Buy It DecQUbe
It's a Better Car
MODEL T. Tourlntf
Car DeUvred f)OZO
WllKea Auto fa
Third Street.
Will You BuiW I
if yon at oia lu bnll.1 ' Sptmg
in Sumuirr. aw J. , LOR-Ht Sl'.. ("I
iii,t oa tmil.liog aa.l icaalitig
raiitualra (la lira. All . la
Kaataalrvil No uMaa anltl
la ii.m( lcla. J H ltaurij. atmlb
Hui.1 .Huavl. al H f . Tiack . Ttla
.hoti Mala M. IUHaljo lhr
(live Mo a Trial
Phon City 2t!
Uills.iorofovMi.Hc'Ui. Hank Hltr.
IlllalItOUO. Olttl
6 Per Cent LOANS
UMalnabla to Imr, bulU or lmpfoa
rami, rarii-b and city pnipart or r
iimta Initunbrarwa lnrfotui Ppavlat
l'rllla-a an.l llaaannalila Tartu
nf protaaaltloa. ailraaa Inaixw
t -f. IXP . 1uK b llMj , laIaa,Tiaa.
WaaliluKUnt llotal, Mondajr. Wiluxlay
a n.J ril.lay
Dr. Gertrude Phillips
Oatmipaihta I'byalrlan-
urn. boura, I U t p. m. Horn eall.
la U a. 111.
Barber Parlors
Courteous Treatment
Capable workmen
liaths in cotiucctitru, and a
Fine Shower Hath
Newly Furnished Shop. A
trial will plcasejyou.
I'ythiau Uldg, HillsWo.
(W. 0. Donclson',
Calls attended night ur day.
Chapel and Parlors.
Htlhboro, Oftow
K. K. Srlinir-IUrr, I'rop.
II. I. SrhiurlUf r, I'rop.
Headquarters in
cos', ollice in Washinuton
Hotel Itldir.
Dealers in
Sand, Gravel, Cement, Wood
nd Coal.
Phone Main C92.
One heifer or a carload;
With calf or cominj, fresh;
White; or mixed lilack nn1 uhia
Immediate or deferred delivery;
I CuhIi or terms-Prices UiRht.
Ollice at the EuRene Creamery.
Will add a stock of Rroceries
jiml as Boon as we can make
room lor them. That is why wo
are Kim'ing a Bale and cutting
and UlttHhint? the nripm
Garage Compnny
lltlUhoro. Or.
In lha 't. iiit ( in, i ( , f t!,, s!4(,
Orrtfuit for Ii l ..nui) ,.f ,
John Jnci Ii
, I lalMiff
Sarah l ri..- II. ui.-
o haiah l in
naillnl ilrfn.iUul
In h nanm i.f l. r
)ut at tirrrliy ii-.jn.
lu'e ,i'
1 I . .ij.
-ai m
ri.i i
"I a
u'b .Ur
'! t,i ta
anaMrr Die . . -ii, , : . I
JFUII III llltf alir rtil
railna on lf..t. I t i.l , ,
of June, i Jl I, i . if ;1
apx-ar ami ainm-r t! ,
oai.l llmimf Kill !!.,
II a I oufi
lor a tltn-fra iliiH.Kii )f
llialriniiiliy hrr. l. f ,., a
i Ilia; llrll ) i, ,1 f
i for atiihi.lhrr i.,(-n:K,
' of
' lii!
I'Hr ( HI It.
' thv i'oitrt I11A' r in Ir.t
' a' 1 .,'j..
l m ;r(
- I rr4
in h II
'. :r 4
1 1 ,
.1 t; . it',
f !l- i f'.m.
labia ami a I'taw I !
i t'on.laiiit, I hu Nun, i,:
i uiui )ut .y i i! U ill i.
i. i.
; iuru Atri a am. , m
1 fahrral i in iilnli.m put .1. (
1 ilifloll l oiilily. Um-uii, t
! uf th fiMt (nil !l. all.. ii i
I man la ihun l.iv (l.r
i April, fill I. an ! the .l it.
i ih. Uit
hulilu-alion la Ihuti.U li.. Ili.l..
Uf Juii". I'-'H, ai.. II.' nr I. r ,.f au.
ralioii a n.aln , ,U'., ,n if
I '.'Mh Jajf uf April. I 'U iH II. J.
U, fampbrll J.nljrr of the I im,,l
t'ourt uf lh Stat ,,f tit,.-tjt )a
( oiinly uf Yailuiiftirii
t'lyiln Ku-hatilui'i, a'..r-jr fo
llalhllff, tH I l.ttiti'- r . f t.iutBtfn
lmlillli(r. I'lilUaiiil. Hu-,.;..-,
la lha Vim nl r I iml 1 1!
(in fit U -i
ht Ilia Ualln . I II.. r l
Hliltlaii, ltw.-aal
Noll' a .il'r
ign b ln il'ni ai 1
flllll'il. 1 Nlilel i.l 1 1 . j
I'tMirt a .1.. i,l- 11 . I !,
v!t i4 Hi.
1 i.-i'f
. ll.t. $.
' '. rtalrt
. .;- l !.. ...fe.
1 1 c ri .li4
l't ill 4
n r 1 nl,
t It a bf
f.atamriil ( (I'li'T 1
ral, aliil il i.a it
la fr.
iium llirlorii, ail -rrti .
again! ll ti '-
1 t ,
11! IS,
an.l lfi'lri l.i pn-.i,
(lbr a 1th pr. r .ui
lb tltlil"rl'i'rl tr.uli
utllra til llaglov ,1 Marv,
Nail nial lUnh Mm,!,':
, n fc.ii..( tu
la ll. ml 4 la
' st Ida
al Hi Ui.i,
1 , , llllill w-l
1. ;.. Ml.
I jr I. ' I lll-
I - i Hi 4
VI aa'ilnniiMi I'l.nn'jf, Hi-
llliillllil ll.illl Id ilaln I-i'f-
1II lliia .Mil ilty ' I l
y.. U.iiiia hintilitia il, M
ilatanl, Kt'i'ill'" ' lln'
Talamiil llmmy M
IUal t Kara, Aliniii.-).
l.,r I' lorn'.iirl
Best Firo Insurance
Acut Loiiiion tv I.atK'a
shite Fire Insuiantc Co.
farlfie Main I'hun n IIM.I.MM'KO
NoHf la hi.r..l.y rIh-ii. tiial 1 Id
l.tiili-raiKtiid vt n iiiur nl Hi- reu'r'
I N I, lluriii ll, tlm . il. '
! Il'att lu lb ('Hilly ( 'Hit I'' ,u"
iHIi uf OriK .it for W.i..tiii'i"
lU'uiny, my r'liwil Ai"ini
, I'Hor if aaiil uauiK, "'"! ,'"url
!ia ai t MuinUy tin iWu Jny M
l!M, nl Hi liniir of ti n " li" A'
M. n M10 llm mill lli I'miiiiy 1
Uihmii, tit lllllalinni, 1M1 tinii, a ""J
t.u t fur lii'iirliif! oba linn 1 aiattl
an-oiiiil ana III" fUml . i in-
ralil a'tlo,
ImN April 2. lull.
m I inn 111 liNKT r.
'rim ulur of ilm Kmniit uf N.tili.iiil,l I.
I t'.l riii-l t , lil t 1 imi il.
v. n. hauhkit.
AtUin rur anltl Kxm-niiT.
!N Tllli I'liUNI'V ( Ol 111 t'l''
In tlm Miilli-r of Hi"
IM :i In
Jllllllllll l'UMI, lll'l'l ttH' tl.
Notlft. In hnii'liy kIv. ii llmi ,,M:
JtiralKiH'il. nn i-x-i iiinr nf Hi" ''m'",t
Jullllllll I'lllin, ilimliHi'il, lint lili ' 111
final nn'ouiit hi Urn ('ninny i 1
"b Hlattt nr, fr WiiMilim
Counly, nml Unit Moinlay. tin- -'
i" May, l'JH, ut Ilm hour uf I"
A M. of wihl tiny, nml "T
ltMim of aulil Court, nl IIIIIhI'"!". 1 "
KOIl, llllH liimn UiHillll'il I'" '
oiirt ii a ilm tliun iiinl iilm f"r.
hmirliiK of olijit llniiM tln'Mo " lln ri'of. . 01
DiUml mill firm iiuIjIImIh d April
I.lltl. fl. lJ A Bmllli,
AltnriinyH. t
For lunch -pickled pi
home made saimani'M "d l
loRnas. H. H. Emmott.
For Bale: Two younpr m9,
fresh siMin. No Information over
the telephone.-Zina Wood. .