The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 21, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 9
W ran
. .VI..-
v i 1 1 1 1
... .. - - - 1H Itava
1st w"
U muhiMn Mtom,irou
rhUiut'f" tf"'v" Monging
'ur N.vl-.r. of rW.t Lrove.
i .-iiri'.l H t- "
i...Hiit4. in which toh.LI
ta .. .....
rwiBUtl camp tn.-ciing
'.". i.tii'iitiHt ilst1 their rise
I They obiter v Saturday
.LCi. hath iniiri"
jbei hM vrry lrt.ntly t
were tnf" ' "
..ntiun -f God c"",ain ,h
( u rule or faun ami
r i -1. Dint the ix- lirth
n,".ry .hang
St on forlhckingdoii '"
Ih tiri.1-"t f the Western
Ul uf Portland, informed your
r ' that It U their
,,rf that the view Hi V hold
En! trtiimr. recorded .in Kv.
hi ( mi l due t t bom "v
Ll- lit nit thi nvilued and
HiiriM , --
. ..ik.... iiiiii)4 of earth.
II rau, mi..-.- .
They'J mtni,r nu
Ltlwf mn-oonarie. uhout 4""
o,. f whom are in lorvign
1 .....n li.1,1-4
rmv of mnwi'iiiane i
npported by what they Udwve
and teach M the Hi?l
in; tithe ami offering which
... iiLn eontr nuien, i
l'Jll according l their
.,..,.( itn'ir til he anl oner-
,i.5..t..,i f7ir 119(r or an
jienwof l- f'r" ry nitn-
i.,f i tiotninaliot). wincn
njmlrrtl at that ti' lH,iT5
n. A.tM'ntiHt now numlT
mow than I jiiJCK) an. tln-ir huh-
Monarn arxi roinmunlcant may
tfounJ in all nutin "'
lnio( the t arth.
Th..v rn nutilifthinir ami circti
liimir their iliiominalioiKil lit-
friiure in 7fi laiwuak'i'!. and
lhcr iremteenotherunwritlen
Umfuipi in which their view
tt nrarli.'.l liV Wlird ot IllllUth
The sale of their periodical in
lW2MitreKatel $1 .HIW. fi . ,
Tln-r' are 70 or more nanitari-
um Imalfd in varum countrii
of th n,irl,l not iiu-hldlllkf liUlll
miu tr.:itinilit nvillH. thnxik'h
hirh tlieir medical miiwionary
aork in Iwinu conducted.
Thi-ir educational ioHlitutions
in kiitnit mi, I fnrtMint Ili'liU n II 111-
brrH'i with it total enrollment of
Turrit, irv Thfir ( '.clli'ml Coll
the world: hut
for adminUtrative purimneH it i
oiviii.-.i into i uranii uivisionn.
namelv: North American, hur
niienn nn,l AitiiV which in tliril
ire ,livi,l..,t inln':t tlnion (oil-
ferenreH; which are sub-divided
into Ut; liH-nt conference!.
The Adventists. as their nam
indicate), believe in tho noon
comity of Christ; and in muiport
of this h..ii.f thov iHiint to many
KtriLiiuf i.n.l rocinl fllll'lllmi'lltS
of I'lihle prophecy. They Wlieve
in takinir thi Hihli literallv. ex
cept where it is evidently linura
tive or ymholic; und all it nyin
bols Hhould be interpreted by
literal tteripture.
The AdvontiHta believe in the
divinity of Christ, and that in
Him only in to be found jiiHtilVa
tion. Hand location, and eternal
life, i nch to be accounted to the
I - t n hi. ni 1 1 1 1 , -1 .
(I'uiin.hul, unit i'utiliOirtl hy lii'Ul
(mmioN iu.ixtric tkins
Ihe Manama, i
in a rci-iii ivcif, h,
mif to H.iy if Mr..
nef, w!m i In n-.
it r. Mr. I'.. ,1
HiIUIniM, ami iln Win
dride, uf lUnkH "Mri, M it!!.;n
HiliiM-r ht:trl i-.t . , (y morn
inK on h r lnhv i. ui i i-n 1 1 .' .it , ! tup
to On-jfoo. l rr'hl,i- I. .ii ri !a-
tivi" and f rii-iiil i w liu-n k a ,
nut .-n f..r in;mv -:im. Mr-
llilimr ha I ru hi -1 -,s I. at
feehle hi-alth f'.r :i innnU-r i.l
Ve:ir4. aii. I hIh- cxii. t t i Id 1 1- .( i.
fitted hy the rhun.' i.f r!i n it.-
ThuK, if tii-r !u.i i nr.- fi i i. ,.
he will aiviiiniiliOi a t a f ! . I
object the Imiv' ! f rri , it
w ltd In r xit'-r ', si-vi r;i! i i 4 - ,. -and
iiiii-t, Mum- ,!)! 1 1 1 : -fru
tnl :t ' i I in u'!. Im. i -, I I1,.
much hn-d f r in, pi hm !n nt uf
her V'eln-ral hiilitli We
thut ln-r aiiiiunt iiitim
journey frmn f.ur W i i- iii in fn
faraway tlteun, with it; ;t r i t
nceiierie an. I u!!il i. i l :if
ford lii-r t he tili-unire an I i'ii!it
he a"tn "
l.aili.' lire rv le-'i- I hi f ill at
the Tarn Millim rv St.. re In f.ire
they Imy thnr S.i nil- I, it a-'
the price are ru'l.l . m I hat
from $:t t.. J.. Mr. M I.. I- r
lull. Second Str.i-t. liear Wa-h-
Ka t
Onil rat U Awarded l ast Salur
l.iv hy I he County Court
IOKt Mi k MV hi f TWO HI Till H
h.II I'.uiIJ Ihr ShiilU Slrai.lufr.iaJ
Taihlin Ctuin(
I he ci'iiit v ccitnriiisiiirieri court
had a cuiiti ;-t of bid. on hand
!a t Sat ir-lay afternmin. wh
i-Miit racl'irn were puttinir in lijf
ur. h m M-.cral bridges Boon to
If l.iiilt fur W a hiiii't'in County.
Six cm, traitor were nn hand.
U'ltl nn ;iiimi- uf the bid.- the
ii'ii'iuht were very dnse. J. S.
l.'-r.ui.i' ia the lowest on two
o! the l.iii' pi.-ces of work
I I I,.- hi, I i an. I succef-sful bidders
' ScholU llride
.I S I .ursiiii'
! i: I'.ii t h
! i w ;...iin
I u r Ki-1 ni.iT
1'imtr.ictor Slail, Ui k. ut
Portland, fell und r the p. ;
V. , at lleavertiiii. la- ihur-da. :
afterntwn. on II. e tram hi. iihI I. r
Sheridan, and the nnforlanale
mail ha t one hv i-ra.hi I to a
tiu'P lie wa-i I ! n l"l i ri.aiMi.
. . . ir . ... I
w in-re u'lipuiaiion .ii in.. i
Slarhuck w a- enroiite to l on l
CroM-. and had ! e e l a !".' i'i
the lai.'k.'a'ecu. lie tie n tart
ed buck to the co.u h. but U
train hud htarted lb- ma I- a
cralt for Ihe ,ide ro.-. hut not
tfcltititf a lirm hold, wa-s thrown
under the whet It, the car was
topM-d. but it was louiid n-ci
nary to jack the w he. N t.p to ex
tricate him. lie wa laKen in i n
an electric car.
Pi.r Sale: Portable easoune.
I! II. I'., eiiinne and drai: aw;
l.r oa! of na-ohin ; lot ot
. ' . . i . (.., CI'JI
I'lllllllH-r IIMII1. .Ill l"l V '
np; 10
1 11 XI (Ml
. 1 lsi mi
the coii-
I P I ll'iiNoU
i: iHi;,is
.1 S l.oi'Mim' a.sar.1
Zimmerman P-ride
I W ; I;n
(' I! Potts or'
.1 S I jii-f iini' -12.
.1 W (ioo.liti aAariled contract.
P.ri.h-e 1 Mile Kast 'lualatin
fll'.ll (HI
s in
inuuv of J. J.
IhllsUiro, dr.. U. l.
l..-d at the family residence,
.. . . . ii .. i t ....... i r. t
in rorllaini. ,m:i) i-.
years. I months and li o.'i.vs
Mrs. ' Hannah lllhr.H.k. S he
was a pioneer ol ineon. co..i,v;
here in Kd Was the .vidow ot
the late Philo llolbnaik. and ms-ti-r
.f Jake W ilson, of drenc.
She leaves five children to mourn
her departure: rinio. ;ur con
tVHurvey..r;lr. M.i". loll;-;." k.
Mrs. Kiinly t.aylord. .Mrs.
Watts and Sammd I . Iloduook.
Funeral wa hdd at tl" resi-
- .....i mi. .i-iii.. nt
deuce .May . "' - -
was in the lirecnwoou ccimui.
Linton Leader.
Dance at the W. 0. W.
North I'lains. Nituruav n..u.
Mav IM. Tickets, inciuuiiu: mi
$1 l!.i. loeile S orcio-Mi.i.
I S Lol-UI
T K Pott
K r l.e i-oin-r
.1 W ijiHiilin
.1 P. 'Iillotson.
i: ii u .i
.1 S l.oismur eiven award,
liraham PrnU'e, 'lizard
U 1 PellMllier
.1 W' lloo.illl
ci: potts
.1 S l-orsuun
If.l7 M
lh',7 H7
KL'ill IMI
171X1 (NI
Arvrus and Oreironian ?'2.2T
Win. Wriifht. f Pot Hand, vis
ited with friend here oyer Sunday.
W. M. Walker, of Chi-halem
Mountain, wa in tin eoiii.ty seat
Henry Matthes. of near lau
rel, was over town th" I'.r.-t of
the week.
W. and J. W. Kavnard. of
South Tualatin, were in tow n the of the week.
Dr. Cuv Via. of Puxton. was
ow n to the county neat the. first
of the week.
lm Scott, of Ix low Newton,
was in town Mot). lay, on leai
Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Ilaae. of
South Tualatin, were in town
J. H. Haase, of ("orneliu?,
lioute 2. transacted business in
tow n Saturday.
I.'ii-hunl '.famish, of Cedar
Mill, was a county seat visitor,
Sam Steinke. of the Minter
iridi'o section, was in the city
J. W. Jameson, of Farming-
ton. was ui to the county Heat
Chan. True, of Middleton. vis-
ited Ilillslmro Saturday morninir.
bnnirinjr in the dedmn returns.
A. L Cirelie, of near Laurel,
was in town the last of the week,
his first trip to the county seat
since the first of the year.
Mrs. 0. C. Wriuht and little
daughter, Kleanor. of Pose City
Park, are spending the week
with the Misses Oison.
It. It. (loodin. secretary of the
State Hoard of ('ontrol. came
lown Friday, to vote in the
Save money on drv coods. at
on i 1.) the season when vou need them
: i(,i
o"Li (Hi "ur ioms join K'oi. iivv'v.
llillshoro Nine Hammer Pitcher
I or Many Hits and 12 Scores
Pikhcr Broa. for Localf Allowed
Tbrte Scatter!! Hit
Sunday's Rame was the one bijr
swatfest of the season, and
HillsWo ixjunded out twelve
hits in the eijfht frames played,
sconn"; a3 many runs. The vis
itors were known as the Port
land Law Students, but the
brief they carried got but scant
courtesy in Athletic Park. Out
side of two innings, however.
their pitcher did remarkably
well, the slabster allowing but
one hit in the fourth, one in the
uivth and in the eitrhth but in
the tirst inning there were four;
and in the seventh, five. In
each of these Hillsboro scored as
mnnv runs as thev made bineles.
I'.rown went in the box for
iililal.rn und nitched luckv ball
nil tho av. the visitors connect
ing with his slants mil inree
limt.u Hiirinir thf nine fr&mes.
1'n.u.n niteheo readv Dan. ana
w-:im tiven irood SUDPorL In the
sixth inning he struck out three
in order, and his slaughter ol
strike-nut3 for the game regis
tered nine. The opposing pitch
er whilfed but five.
(ladter caught for Hillsboro.
in iha first innintr. after the
Students had been shut out Ed.
Henderson new out, zna base w
1st. and Vanblancom. freeman.
-. ltuniltrenn made hits. Schul-
mrieh following with a base on
alon Hitrhv hnt nut a hit
that scored four. In the seventh
I if tf C UonHoNtn
- IV 21 II. 1UUVC3, VJ. aviiiviwat
mi: m our saw.-iiivit. c?u.,t,rta.:rtu r.ooffAr wpr
2S5 (hi Ole Uahlheim. well known o-iven hits. Higby getting a base
i . . . . i ... . . . . c -
awanieii uie u.rt.. is now working ir a ciirar n t,aiis, resulting in nve scores
in :i nn fnetiirer uo at Woodburn. - Cnctter making the circle on a
1 1 u uu irroftintr trionds in town I it; it, fhrnur trt firsL
Monday. The positions and line-up were
as follows:
l.oinniisMoiici n)i i . . . ". i ,,,
r- !.,:.. M, h.i nniT Fi-iwman. M0VM...CI OI1CJI
We .,! a reliable man or woman ' . """"V.r.mJZ iZA Ruahlow
.. ,, , . . i. ..t... to arrange lor iu e.ieiiMe "u
,n iiiii;i.,.niio iook line, ... .-i i ,., L,:.,,:.,,,,,,,,,,,!,!, Henderson 3 D-MCUonaia
MI n. W MIOM I..H..1, v ...........
. ..i.i . " ' ... I.'..! .MaLraz ne ii
o 'll... ork mav be .lohn Matthes. of Chehalem
.A on -i I' ,- I . -. - , . , .
...nrn i nn h few hours Mountain, was transacting misi
i i. I :l.., I i, nv f, ,i-1 .. ...... in ..,... tin. tirt nf the
fin o i., - - . . i...... - -
whatever tiilie is put in. ISO in- week, feeling good that UHMUIIK
Call in and see our Hardware stock since we have
opened in our.
Hew Double Store Room
Wp are carrvinj? a fine line of Hardware of all
V J tj
kinds and will be pleased jo show you our stock
Farm Implements a Specialty
PmnmW the olace On Second Street, op
posite the Court yard. Let as figure on your Plumbing.
llf -!& crnncd 1
l-' th.ndprsnn 2 b . . . . Collins
V ii n T!l a r i inm 1 f. Caesar
Higby 1 b Collins
imprtVh r f Dudley
r f... Nord ine
1 1 .1 i 4 . . ... . 11VIIVIVI v....! ' ' . I
in- week, teeting goou inai ine nun . ,,..,. r.A,in Kusse
t ...i ....iiii,i.i nni ,.r i. . Wi.hhi. unrL' u"iu ii i mii w r i i
v-fStmelil or IHHIO I" llll'H. O" Mi ma Cll INK n vi n mun D LlWCUlll
. I " ' r. . I
,,1-evious experience necessary, me way. The game for next Sunday is
Fritz Uufener. who has put in announced elsewnere.
several years cleaning up a piace
Helvetia section, was in
I ........ It. IU
o lutnu'iions uuu 8i'i"i.
......I fi (live two references.
Ii. sk 11. Metropolitan Magazine,
New York.
. . .... r . t ' fiT.... . ! An.mnnilinn
Hignm ami is im w "
"When You Aim at Business Success
. . . c f . .i. i,i i.ipnipnl of arlual fact. Who
Thin ii DOia mere uvurc u. 9.: v..
ims n " . . .....;; inr without
i.Mr,i nf a business esiBoiisniucin .r ......v
SmMte t-'kinR connection,? SOSIE OF TUB LARGEST VIWSIS
TIIB COUNTRY owe thrir potition of power in the busmes., woil.l to-day
in thier earlier uava or their
UK. " ! Vhteuw. wful growth would never have been
made possible. fir minded Loan De-
XSmXIZ M ieaWb.e,.r1ueS,hat
ltakeeSS with aouSid banking principles is at the service of depositor.
of this bank .
National BanK
, uiif.f..o. Omm.
ruatf xrm.m
Kcceiids for the week have been
1 t 4.141. I ...
....m l i.: calves, r.;i; noKa.
;;;iii;i; sheep, oil:,
in the
the citv Monday morning, taking
a breathing spell after getting in
his crop.
Dan P.ailev. of South Tualatin,
u !w trims.'ictinir business in the
Ti,n Ai-mij. Orpo-nn will be Call-
ed upon frequently tnis ran w
furnish exhibit material for
was iransaciiiiu nunnir.-ici -1 nsiern i.anu onuwo, ""iv,
citv Monday, and while in town ctate Fairs, and for traveling ex
I i ., ,..., H. id fin- his annual I i..-i'.
Two Portland men w. tv l ;ittle rece.ts less ' ia ;"r auto ic,.nso to Salem. A high standard was set last
i. ...i in Sa inoiiiierry. "" saine I.erion a -t . with our exhibits iney
ironi' ... . '., ,'.... i,,.irri l otwb 1. . . Ho iz ana aillliv. oi near ji " --- , -
T..l...r last Tliursiiay ane.o .,.. rnnnr uie iiim. ion ,- :; - . ,,,. : first everywhere, inoraer
1 . hoot hOU It'll h IN L' LLIIH Itl iHiiuv nil"-'- . .
... 1 I Iii'lllll i.ti ' ! y I riMiii' 1 III I nil 'v . I . . . ... i
llicir oou.c - - - ' -r T. holt .
......... r.iek III 1 ll 1,1 11 KU'fl l..
againsi oio. ......... - .1 1 1 , 1 1 . I . - cii One cir of select be n the e . wit U his tnresner uiauou. n, ": " 7"
i .... i. . t in.,, had lallen iiiio . !,, t,i i ho. tinet.iroi moi iw ' . .imrrppasivo crowers keeD in
ewoeiii t... i.wt r.i .i,,iv hi-oiieht S ''7t. am lialcr. tins season, ami num.- r , -. ami uie one -.eon .eo , i.V.iio ui.i.idv for nenod vear. mind the importance ui
( lioice CON Minn " ... mimtlPS.
. . I,...,, V..rv lit Lie IHUCIier i u n,, o nf nenr Mountain-1 ...... ..
HI III in. . J, ... I'liti", -
tale, was a citv caller. Monday
American National Bank
To Portland -
1:1 1
-55 minutes.
. a m
..a m
.a m
...a in
.. p m
,. p m
,.p m
From Portland 55 minutes.
.a m
.a ni
.p m
.p m
p m
,.p m
.a m
his life Irving to save lus iriemi.
The two were iisiiimk -
..ream, and had V
ilav S. The l.ona-s
through to Portland out in-i . u.
& N.. I'ri lay atternoou.
Sheriff lt.-v.--sve,y.nuch
ii"" " TU. : , ;. ind
recipient oi o . ' ; "'s. . r.
r..,.l.lican nominations. Mini
. 'fi. ...... ii .re vt'l v
day morning: ,v;,
few precincts which o... r.-
'i. ni,... eunii.linientary vote
ontne 'republican Z
were n few scauenuK
fnv.irutile www. I"'1''' aM.". " '
jjjvo him a suosiamoi .-
II C Cursteiis and .1. Van
deranden. of enr lio.v. w'" 1,1
he ci ' Siturdav morning, com
Si in to see the primary
(labe tenner, of above Moun-
.,.u,lale. was in town .
" 7, tf in the Mountain
eitict election retunis.
Miss Minnie Abbott relnrne.
.... last of the week. afU
no,,,. . .. wi( , n. alives
nn extended usu lM
in Portlami. .
. ... r Nnr 1 1 lin.
1 W. UOOlllll. oi .
J- K'tturi a.v.
w-as n tne coon ,y - -
. n i n f i'i..i.'
on imsmes
V K and l!ert Kowell were u,.
stuck oiieiine. ttaie, was a city c;iuei. iionu.i.
Swine liquidation heimv normal jj0 says lnm planting is
the seven day period. Hog " tjone with up bis way.
.: .. IV. In "(V lower Oil the ... ; , tl,., ..veenlion of late nnt.1-
I V to 'JiV lower on i" with the exception of late pota-
t 't' . L 'l I f j K .11 I I .
week. np'M"""1' 1 , , , toes.
N. v" - ......
this week. iron, a .. ci;wl.rrieS. To parties wish
more than the penou 11 , , ,hip mvn con.
:l- "! U1, e':.;sio;,.m Kwes essuins on price will W md;-
'wetVrs 2,c lower Lambs Telehcme ueo. ,et,uer -..
...... ivj mi the most desir- niera s-o. 1
, i ' i.l, ' v..rt- liiile Soring I.V...1 Hnllimr. of near Newton.
.i,.iv' oiVerini'. The following "made hay" for the county court.
. . i...... tin in. ml of the M, ntiinir the frass in
I , ,..,ket P.est yearling wethers the court yard. It is a pious idea
,lllL.'HTiJ -
';n oau Uan iiq tnapmire flrooa
I III juu nvip I
nmiimona hu nntifvinff the grow-
niiui ui.v no .-j .. - j -. - . . i
. . I : 4 .. nnl ku m 17 I
ers ot me necessny, anu wj
. . ll . I I nnh hmrv OTP Wf.
lllg litis local, .
will strictly adhere to the former
policy ot laoenngau saiiiyica
the name ot me county a
grower. Credit win ue jusuy
Ul.Tll I.'UIVU. . I
man mrito nn trtr anv
Viiuweio inj .. . .v. , .
information. We desire to be of
every possible assistance.
Yours cordially,
P f Phonmnn
V. V. V".,-..1
Oregon State Immigration Agent.
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $
Combined Resources ... 690,4.81
Danhin in All Us Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit.
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans. Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler s Checks.
Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits.
tof. 'JT. best old wethers -i to
to fi. liest. ewes ' ",,'
yearling hmilis l too -o. opium
iambs 7
. For sale: Several young cows,
fresh.-Ray Emmott. on Garden
to 7 2").
IS! whiK h, watchc
tion returns.
w 1 Ilutner, or near neuv -.-jVa's
u to the city Saturday
mary results.
Ed. 8rtta.btotol jjnthe
Btret't8aft'aextended ,llnesa-
... . i
Sealed bids will he receiveu u
i,; jUI,e 15. l!)ll.fort lie delivery
of sixty cords ot i rsi iw ui-
,r,-owHl lir wooil. ur
lengths. Peliverytooeioum-u.
the court house ny wpi """,'
The right is reserved to reject
any or all bids.
J. Fi. lieeves.
Hillsboro, May 15, 1S)U.
I OR SAl.l: OR traop.
Puller and all
m.SSy H,u pm?nt. Will either
.. ... for u traor
st.i tins o lott
cows. Call orauuress
- - . i iu;i itnui I 11 i
!,'... :ltlta KOSH, VJIf.,
lice, Hoaverton, Ore
11. 2.
Argus and Orcgonian $2.25
irtfot thi'senrlv. while it is vet
green, as another velvety growth
will follow, otherwise ine sec
ond growth would be what is
known as "timbory."
Ii' A Harris returned to
Hood liiver last Sunday after
noon to preach the Haccalaurette
wrmnn for the graduating class
of the High School. Mr. Harris
...o a cm niui iimitr uer in ine
ll.a M .'.'ii ; ...
class. He will pack up his things
while there and upon his return
llillshoro will be a full Hedged
resident of this city.
Uoaa Snnires of Keaverton.
has sued Isaac Squires for di-
unmn The eomn aint is anoui
..a imiiniin ns anv filed here
lately, and the widow says she
wants a part ot ine properiy,
nf thrpn minor children.
LUSU'lif " -.
and, thirty five dollars monthly
. uk oi um-ia Tiuir
alimony, one om-s
husband has mistreated, her and
also physically assauneu uui, uc
sides calling her a "d--d lousy
stinker" whatever that may
S. P. AND P. E. & E.
All rtV mnt tho P. k &N.. trains
(ill, t.x.VK - , V j I
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main street.
To Portland
MeMinnville Train 6:47 a. m.
Sheridan Train 9.15 p. m.
Forest Grove Train 1:00 p. m.
McMinnvtlle Train 2:15 p. m.
Eugene Train 4:58 p. m.
From Portland
Eugene Train arrives... 8:15 a. m.
twst :mvi .iu:o a. m.
chondnn " ..4:30 p.m.
McMinnv lie -b:d P. m. i
- i
Teoina onph WAV. exceDt the
Cnrvallis trains, stop at Sixth
and Fir, on flag.
Steam Service. Old Depot
To Portland
P. ll. & N. Train 1:37 p.m.
From Portland
P, K.& N. Train 1034 a.m.'
Jewelry of Quality
Good Solid reasons wliy you should buy
your Jewelery and Silverware from me will be
found by looking through my line of Fresh
Desirable Goods Up to-date in style, honest
in Quality, and absolutely right in Trice.
WatchmaKer and Jeweler. Graduate
Hillsboro. Oreon
"acta, west of city.