I ' -1 - HMD - "iiiiLLoo liii.i.siioKo, ori-c.o:;, may it. vai NO.S oi3xi r . . . nil I rn I WO CRAY III I HI Martin MNi h..;.. , . :. J V- , i f7iPIRITflllR'raid':i:r ;,; t, unm-v" , - : , II, ,l! i aft.! III I . IU-1. a;- d Martin M.-Nirlmhi to death n U,i- I:. Urol rt:i. I.iIai ami Sylvan, a'.t iveriim. I'i'' lti rveiuu for an Portland. Wti. it a Can vim rn.rl u i remind a iHMiil u . 1,, Sullt" AaUcl Ui.lfi.f Sylvan tli. ,. . I ami turned ii , . r. t Hur Mwnvm i -.- ,i i -.Cwy. wf't I P t' :"' M' I" ' ...... l Vrl.Ltr mft.-r. I.,,,,.,- ,t four u ! i" it.. K t ('rltuw. lo Ih Harm H-.n r. -JfUr- acri.lent in which 1 hetrnmipun , .,. , . iklrt'"l'uv" . t milk Itll. W 1 " v. r .. I. Mil tarti'il l.i i. ounn line uoio. im lnIwn . : ..I .!.. i.i.v It V" ; rl.M(r..n. heard On-ir il,- liriHiutlV Uut lL u..,,i I , ... rtlrtoutof Curlton. ami n-HBl- mi,h tin- .v. .-. fforU 'r l" i"" r"'"!1 " 1 .... t. mt mvmiI. A I'. Clrist i 'i Uii, nl. mi . - .- ... VI 1,1 1, ..r In. urn. ii Ariii ami On-oriiuri Fur salt: Sfvt-rul " Hay r.rnrnolt. iliiS . tin D Y ; lract.-i, w-:t of city nil uLUUUHU UnililLIIU 3B0R RDM l'. t r Jucohr-' n. 'if r. iii'.ii. wa transact. iii; I line lur v.ik in it.i iity SatunJay. u ! luuinsiatiLVi .1 i i- "i ni '.si;! ku HN ',! limit!) Ik- I a (', Mi.cul I'-ii. ftzmari, of . tin l'lain i, van in Va , lif tl '1 VM'I'k. Alfri-1 (luiTtxr. wa-i tranactirrr In, .r-U i r in ri'i -I t. Vt il " w Sii'-n cain rani t ' '! fnl:ililv. an I I'V tin car tiii'! I i ! ValiiiiKlii iVv iru . ,nml Cir It'll imill - . . ii, IS kSTiV N wtlrhinit HI ; put no, , t-hitrri-tl luv"t.'!r. HiJuUrt I iak.-i from H- U.num .r r,,nu. ,,u.,. t ,k JfSLLi.in iii. i'w 'vr '"!"" . ":: ruthnl U' u-! , Jim y M "' ) HaliUiro. brr he hml rcit..-.l fur inn. II" i on Mr m4 Mr. William Uray. hi fa K..itiif tra-k man foi ycar for lh Tillnmotik lin. Haan wrll-lK'htviHj. imlu- intiu yi"i' nt' Mf fri. itk Th iiimlinl wm Ix'M btur. diy, ami the rrinwn n brought to Ihi city for Ituriul. Th fmnral Uk lare from lh family rt!iltrft. Sumhy, md intiTnifiil in the KkhI MwU ry. A laru cmriMinf of '. .i. -ii II... luul rih'M thrr M r-n.fu.ion of lh- l-n in rmn ne ...... --- .,,. A!a-k:i !.y I .' ... I'.in -.I N.iri;! :iU' riiiKiii. ; I'.n.l--... I,.- t I, a-1 ('.!. i, . i', llr'l!'l!', )( f,r: ,;! t!.i - . to S' :i it. l.olii i f ti.i' CoW '. ar i tin ,:,ti ! i-.ti-'l ....... Hi- . -. ; ! I irn ti II, ! 1 III I I' c!-.-k' iillirf. Satunlay Attorney W. V. 1A i ;-t i iroy;.', was in in v 'of till! vsi-i-k. ! It. I-'. Peters, J;racl:i I'orthiiiil. was out to MiiMlay. on Ii-jat husir- 11. C. Pearson, of I wa-i in t't'A'n Moixl.iy, -i l:-at rton. It. K. Nei'lilior. o a .is iIoa n to the city t tl.e Week. . ( !,;is. Itowaniah. o! l!'-v .s a -sin town the laU of the a transacting l"isini.'.-ii. .1. C. Iach. the N.ir:; P ' htoi kman, wa.-i in tli'; ly S. dav. J. K. ltennett an I v. if. near Orenco. were in to a ti la t ot tlie week. .John Ilenilein, of I. was in town Moivlay v.-.,; on IjilMlieH. . , , it , J John D. Koli. of a! e.e H , o . ., u.nil(. ;i"v:. was a cmnty h -at ( i .'.'i. i I in ' i'l,.!Satur.lay. ELEVEN IHNSHG GAME l.xjxisition o! liaseball Yet Seen on thf Local (iruundt jsCOKL 0l; TliKLt TO T0, SL'NDAY w .ahc Come With a Pitcher V ho Strikes Out Dmen Men liii , to l ,t 0) t; !: ha was! r i ,. i . lilttiT , u.r.x i;!''. to a on;i!,iii.t. i i ;t'!ii. i!nwn ! 1 i ..oMT to till! ',f ti.e! i o I! vis M. ..-r- ti Attorney t; U.Wtt hur. wa-Week. ical li'tu-i'i. Mr !.i of the r tloM-.fl i f attornn eener.ii ( ami In thinks that ! dhnW tf k'1 ttit: ti ' While l'-r."' he wa-i ic? K H. t'niH"ie. M '. Iift-n liistnct att -n Ikniitlas Co I'i'v. a i'l conl for fiifi.rcii th 1 julien an- r. ii " 1 the Paris Mii.iin rv V. I I e I e ! I i il ..I .1 S. i lor; they Imv th Sin 'it. .-' t, . !"i;e A that he III (i!!i ileal, i.-tt.' health, l'le-tlarul for l,e w:i'i ah- .o.ri'his ciih mil in a ii -iivn ami out. I ; ; v,;'V v as such I'.'ed to coine to i.. w :..s notliinir !iii", and lie took ;i!..e. He event t w it'll tin' com i i ..iars. anil he "s ends, he says. :o '.'oont. anil steal an ! Kliner Scott, of helo.v Newton. was in the city the !ir;.t oi th.; Inke .MeCurdy was rt-sfwnsible r,,r th winning of an eleven r..iii,';iiiL' -am; at Athlectic Park., Suti'luy-aml he was responsible; for a lot of excitement, as well. J i'he Maccabees, of Portland, one! ot the best Amatour clubs in the) stale, were contending with the! io ak and the name hai one to the last ha'.f of the eleventh, I MeCtirdy, with but or.e ri-in out. sent a safety past the third base lin', and brought I. i Henderson in from third base i.vith th-i winning score. Mct'ur- . ,i,.i r,,,t -,Wi- the trouble to CO i J Ul'l in . v ii -,w!i to first, although he had all kinds of time. He knew there was but one out, and that was enough. Uie Maccabce ma-.ai'cr. however, went ouij and insisted that the run could n-.t count, as it was necessary , .... i . -,....i.,...i '"!tri:t the plav musi o oiuivi.vu. lor He a! so insistci that the base- runner who scoreu snouia oe sent back to thinl base-an un ,.... nt ..f rn-a-nsition. After con- -r ,tmn r.f the rule book Um- ilh told them that one i'i. uinivii (the score was earned, ana must dami. as the rule book clearly states that when a man goes to t-.rit eeond. third and fourth. with but two men out-prantintfj that McCurdy was the second 'out," there was a score. The Rame was llie uesi jei seen on the local ground, and ibarrintr an error or so it was !,.!..:irh- leairue stutl. burnett HARDWARE... Call in and see our Hardware stock since wehave opened in our Hew Double Store Roo'i We are carrying a fine line of Hardware of all kinds and will be 'pleased to show you'our stock Farm Implements a Specialty thp nl ace On Second Street, op- . - it im.ui''wi f - positc the Court yard. Let us figure on your Plumbing. nnnn ifhr. Hiiisboro, rLSLl LUINU Oregon t; nriu. n.i,.,.u nf I li vniinif man hive the deepest aympathy of J Unf circltt oi inenan. f. V. AND IV 11. A I'.. ,, t. i,. v. lei-, i 'the County lra. k M t a! est (Iroe was "'-ti 1 Sat'ir-htv. on accoui.t oi weather, a u as also th.'' I i'..ii...rwiiv Mavl.tv .. .. f. n ..v. an 1 1 ..ii vv rain . i. AlUxcrpt th l It & N.'. train ''""l,,,!,!, J, 'ion wdKtric. and .top it lh.de. wan J fnlM ( ( . pot on Mam BtrwU . ,,. ,. .rl..o: at a ! To Portland .. 4 ti. w.ath'r t, .1 aoid criminal i ',. ! or tiivil ili'i jt'st , ,, ,r,H.;.:ht hint into . ,; : .1 ei,e can hcaHiis ,.. t 'eliif.r compassion. mi o ;;i;r sons and the , h ., i.;.rd blow for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Iknrv MilUr. of l u line ewlnn. were citv callers Saturday. Mrs. K. M. TotiKue. of Port land, has been making -an e I. i.ded visit with her sons, K. P. and Thos. 11. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. I'.owen and daughter. Jessie, were out from Portland. Sunday, calling on friends in the city. .1. P.. Stewart, of South Tua'a- Uu, waswild at times the best the latin, was in town Saturdav. u cm, do was live nus He is puttinn up a new barn and ,.lnil one nf those was a sacrittce. i... I.. ... i t I, a Yanl'lancom wer.i hi m .. ei-hth and piU-hed y;ood ball, ai- liiilchei seven innings, and while II ; t , I ft f eviW the best the I i".rjLf r -viv:.'.,w ' r s I ,, W i t I.. I "V . II U 1 III I I I t! 0U tioN l.l l.ClklC TRAINS t-; 'o-f ' . I .. C .!-.! .Vt minutes. HcMinnville Train 6:47 a. m. Shmilun Train 9.1' p. ForcHt drove Train 1:W p. in. HcMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. EuK'iie Train 4;fS p. m. Vwm Portland Eugene Train arrives . 8:1. ri a. m. McMinnville . v:t- Forest drove " .10:f7a.m. Sheridan " m. McMinnville M -6:37 p. m. Train each way. except H' Corvalhs trains, atop at Sixth md Fir, on Max.' Steam Service Old Uepot To Portland P. R. & N. Train 1:37h. m. From Portland P. It it N. Train 10:24 . m. UNION STOCK YARDS out. however. Satur. lav ,.r th I ...... I.eioi till liteai mm- . exercises. For Sale: IVUb 4j II. P.. envii"' :,n ' l!l ,' ' 1' poppers l.K'l fli; impure ... 1() IlillsUiro. tir.. u. Sam M.n was in t ...in ( ' :'! ..:o.. c.iior.l iv. Mm w;i. i"" VltH . , the horsemen ot ''''1'n! Mill. "IV" always had ihi best m !'.:". ,'.h' i'; ; 1:11 . : . ' i i'i I I'i VU'l '.;" i i,-.. a m ,a m a m .a m . p m . p m ..p ni ..p m . p tu i-r iin annual M'" Itors. th sh, and t II Receipts for the week have been cattle, 151)5; calves, 34; how. 3591; sheep. 4528. Heavy receipts of cattle nt the yards thin week, about 55 enrs on the market Monday. Few Rood cows and heifers In the lot anil .1 And readv sale at stead v prices. Prime Rrnin- rn nift!ra wuiitu uinm " ",7,, Strong demand for heavy hills a .11.- twin ami prices would do mny b as preceding week. A liberal supply of hogs for the week. One load sold at 8 60 Thursday evening, but mar ket is closinir Friday aiwind 8 50 to 8 65 for extreme top on best liKht selected swine. CrnuH shoot, hofflnninil to ShOW up in kixkI numbers. Best itrass wethers 5 25 to 5 50;, ewes 4 to 4 50; Sprinjt lambs 7 to 7 2o. FOR SALE OK TRADH A c. L . n li.illnr And all necessary equipment. Will eit"er sell this or trade It for pirn or cows. Call or address ltoaedale Farm, Santa Kobe, Ore., postof fice, Ueaverton, Ore., It 2. . Sam Paisley, of Buxton, was i'. ii oiM tit ,Ventwas id ways a Ilillsboro. . in'M- uood old day". . 't , , i i'i tiy when his mind r.mslu.klv the olden limes. , ,,,, A. .lclVivv.whiMlelcn-h il: I, D. Kosela.r.nuMU's! , .It'll.. 1 . ,OI'' I fharire of nnr.lfi. i- 1 " -f , ( , . I,., democrat a' li'-lo t SOIO on i . ..H....IW.V een the nomination emi. J'!!!" ; ;:,; ' i;,ds itmseii. , i i'.ti-i' ki'n sir..-i. ";i '"":,' ,, ,,; 'r ,i! ffi ii" n- I)l.n.i , , , , Fsn,icrsw(:rtMn.;,:th,u,rub( ll , ceiled. Th. mm. ww .iusands o the soil 1 iff let! I ;::.'i It-'Jl' - ... I A . ' : iisabusvman thesedays. ;aie ti.'neii no Oscar Miller, runnirur the H. W. Miller ranch, in Shady Prook, was in the county seat Mv ..r ..i.. evening. O Wescott. of near North Plains, was in town Monday. He says that crops are looking well .mt his tv.iv. and evervthino is in tiptop shape It A. Imlay. of Keedville. now practicinir law with cilices in the Keen F.uildinr. roruanu, was an Aiyus caller Monday morninjr. making a business trip to tlie city in probate matters. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Jackson, of Portland, we're out Sunday, quests of Mrs. Win. Jackson and i' c VnniTht and family. Mr. Jackson is still with the Fondle ..., v'nt,.n Mills, and savs that l"' " , u business has been goon enoun" to keep him more than busy. K. Wenstrom was up from Schnlls, the last of the week. and savs nis uo i- .-(,..-. right alonvr. Nearly all the small mills are busy cutting these days, the local demand being some what, better than the export de mand. ct.o-ona the well driller. was in town Saturday. He has itist finished drilling a well lor Peter .lossy, oi near nenew... and he has a tine now at mo depth of 17.) teeLt Mr. Mevcus will leave Ins drill in mis county. where he has already ooreu i -. i,..i,ii' linen wpIIs. He icen oi ii"j , can always be reached through Portland fi") minutes. ...a m . . a m ... a m ...p ni . ,p m ,...p m ....p ni ...p in , .. a m Nona': to i akmpks ,.,,, (,,i(T!lor nt Bethany will .... rvcrv Saturday during May. ', r c...;..i. ti,.. vionsiin s run ;in.l w i.i I""-1" l"' - .: . , i oor the hist Friday and . M.-iv. - Al. Croeni, .-.aim oo - Helhany. C.W 01' THANKS llie tti.it. , . n r---'';t,r,!iE-'': Horgen. of ' ,a ' ! visitor is Tlie visitor is of Mi. n" a i r heart Ho ( esire i" M" - . i i . ! . ., i.e. ..II oi. fnelK S Who VI tuanivs it. .in i- - , . . ;.io, tendered us aid and sympathy in our bereavement. the deal hand obsequies of our son. the late. lames dray, and we tivtnka for the return " f thn beaulifnl lloral- irinu.es v rit,'S" Mr. and Mrs. Wm . flray. Hillsboro, Ore.. May 11, UM. ii 11)11. a 8""- a - ..i.i. the nrsi H". . ,f Mrs. K. ',;,;" 'Mrs. P-ergcn the hllPPV pa.ei.. th nfVells-Fari!0. w down at Albany. l , UU nt who is running lr " agent, wiioim . gmng. ty clerk, Koe out a n lhe Ling will rent... week. v-. n..a,.heidt. ot neai vy- . HlS; was in town the last ot u,e week Wm. store, Henry P. Ford, of Portland, was out to Ilillsboro the last of the week, greeting friends It. ii j choi'i n inis county i"i four years, and nt one time, was well acquainted who mc c.n..v. countryside. Ho says that he now knows comparauvt-.j except, of course, the oldtimers of fifteen years back. He is still engaged in aetective wuth, in the Hose Uty. ... .... hit HO III 1 U'. ' . , Kr.u.Uon. an eighteen year old -oat. der. pitched for the visitors, , i i,n ..xiiihiited the best stutl on his' curves yet seen on the lo ci! f elil. He struck out twelve . 1 I . 4.. ..I n'l V.rt men, and nau conuoi uu u., was some pitcher,- and the bovs should feel proud that they walked away with the game, under the circumstances, c un hml something on the hall all the time. With the score tied two and two at the end of the seventh there was some excitement ior the next four innings. ' In the hist halt ol tnceievenm C. Henderson got a base on balls, ind later stole second, and then third McCurdy's eye caught "the ball for the winning clout and it was all over. The Macca bees can always get a good crowd when they visit Ilillsboro, .1,.,.. oi..i ci elnssv nine. us me, .... 4 deo. Alexander umpueu intield. The positions and line-up were as follows: Freeman cf -Parks McCurdy ss. ...... wiRite C, Henderson 3 b. .-Mel onald H Henderson ...2b Blondie r f . C.onrannon an Kiittii-ooi ' . ,, , iij.Hw 1 b bpidhol If Merritt Wunderlich c. ...tlystinger i,,ff n is.nuo.son oi....-Vanr. !ir!i'nm too K VIUtOKi'' ' r,-. Tiirnett in the ran: tin: i'A i" - : in. .i tin-, pfiteher S 110S1- L lll'ip lo.i ni -v . , lion for Wunderlich: Brown took i.. for tl.e la.lv of the ltouf to keep tab cf her expenditure U to py .Il I bUU I J .ck it will simplify matters gre.t Jel-give her n DdipnUble "cet, irtheme1 Jme eliminate the ,i.k .ml -."m init a If t ofcHlt aroun-l the house. Furthermore, the check .tubi wiU om her to keep exrenses within your reeil-uDon allownce. Our tpecwi St....nV for the !adi- is ereat convenience for them: why not open Lcouui ' for your wife She" will fully apP'eci.te your thonghtfol., Modern BanKin In All Its Branches American National BanK Capital and Surplus $57,000.00 A. C. Shute, Pres.; C. Jack, Jr.; Cash, W. V. Bergen, As't Main and Third Sts., mmmmm. ivavs t'- um""' v mm ii" " -, Nelson, at his hardware! nrst base for Higby. and Henderson took the. field. SHUTE SAVINGS BAUK American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus Combined Resources 690,445.81 Banhing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts. Demand Certificates of Deposit. Commercial Loans. Foreign Loans. Domestic Letters of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler s Checks, Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit. ' Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. in town the last or the wee. wcck. , , turning from a tour of the conn- Ikrnards. of V 'V ty in the intewitaof his primary n town FrWay afternwin. Cnnitlilanu I L. llarngrover, of Varley, Wi'is .hnvn to the county seat Saturday. . L.i.,nm wni in from be- Perry w" , ' .7 f ,i, yond Oretico, tno uibi -week. Attorney Coo. It Pauley tll neiVthclast of the week Irom 111 m . . to tlte ( oos Coun- a iuisinc 11 'i' i" ty coast. . . ,..il.. ,vhn is crowuiK . A- mi "V AY .ho Crabtree L this year, was in the city q turdav. He says the vines m .lit 1111 1 hi. n .t 1 ,a of Friday" were 111.11. - ,. . , . prona. more than uetiouciai Clerk Luce and Deputy Kurat H were busy all day Sunday, Ret urn: the election supplies ready: .liotiiiiti.m. Thev finished ior uisiiii"" the packing of the boxes at ten o'clock Sunday evening, and Monday morning uineu t ... nAiu im iivt'i lii unci ui DOM'S umi km-wv - i if won n mir lux. umu with the closing up of the regis- . - ....1 . 1 n u 1 1 ni. iMi'vi-ii 1 11 trationscuiuiHK " -; -- ---hour from the outlying precincts,,, made the work around the clerk s office loom up like a thunder cloud. All is serene ior h uay i so until the ballot boxes ana re- i.:nm In fYnm the turns come my... ' - primaries. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Siegrist, of Fast Ilillsboro, a .Inmrhter. This is their second t.:i.i tvinlr first, heinir a son. Vlllio, v.. v.. 7, -, . . tu a q 11-111 r r.no nauu tft oarent in the city in this week ot our Lora. ivh. itr V PoieU Sherwood's ins 1H. I'. . 1! . t l,a ,iooa nnd nndertaKCr. IICU Ut IUC (rvi.vv . --- - - ,,.1 to Hi shoro Saturday ivtio -v r . . .. morning, a visitor at the coun house. wr t fnnnnk of Beaverton, was in the city the last of the week. fri tT,,r,t,-m farmtnpT on the mm iitiii."i'i o --- J. V. Connell ranch, was in the city Monday. ln I niiiinn Ot hivond Bloom ing. was a county seat visitor Saturday. Jacob Wismer and son, Carl, were up from Uedar win, oauu dav. t? a i?oit7Pt. of South Tuala- fin i;oa in the county seat 1.1 lit " Saturday. The Beautiful EMERALD i The Lmerald, the birthstone of those who date from May. Who first beheld the light of day In Spring's sweet flowery month of May, And wears an Emerald all her life Shall be a loved and happy wife. The beauty and depth of color that is in tensified by artificial light make it one of the most popular of the less expensive gems. . , Your birthstone mounted m any article of jewelry at special prices. , LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaher and Jeweler. Gradual. Optometrist. Oretfon ' I