The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 07, 1914, Image 5

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M or 9iii,
or BMff p. .
CUr Will Cchrbcata) al tonal
(Jrf Saturday ( ThU Week,
wis u it ntiesie to aeon in
ju oi iir.i in TMt ciir
Trttfc M(f I m Saaw Day
i"' a" r II...... u iul nn iiinirn
in.iN..r. ... '''""'" and
Oa SuturJiiy. May llh. at Forest
Ofuf, will vur I Villc 'a final
formal May Day program. Un
def th auspirt-a of a joint com
mittee from the Y. W. C. A.
though ,!' "' 'l
a.,.Jhr," i ,h. V '"V
th((U :
"-" Homo,,!,,,..,!
Itikrl. VI .11 ...
'MribulrJ I irtl
I Week hy ShtriH
Mr f-u 1
... ' nf Ulnar hs .....
ink uiiiil i ill ini uav urvuva m.. a.
ftaif ... In nun .4 . . . . "rU3
SM IIL r iTUnn,rrifh Vkl j. "T.1 17 ?
ror nai T m.n.
'f- Zina Wood 14
num. or
. I tTlil.r.j .1
l'lt M( Mlllir ilri.iL .1 . . '
imJ Y. M. U A. an appropriate many dispensers .k
wirbration ha been planned, I th large cities.. U'i-'h,., i ,'. ''!!
. . i ii aai ii ii i Ti..kituk . "
After con- iaK, ' -.V" .V"' 'aJ
I..J.1. ...
Bonn r.,,.,1 ' '""inng, ""IM
t w men ( t),,.,,, j
Sm Im-oIiU .1.... . ., ( Ii-rL I ...... i
-i'n more lk-in
'In' lias t U.....1 .... ..
r.-a'ly fr th
the rr'rationa are raplJly
BrtHnif fiiml t um
ferrtnkT with iVan Karnham, the
coaimttt ha dec(te to omit
th pii-nii- lirraklgNt no that
ihrft may l mtre tim to pre.
jr forth niorninir enerrim-n.
At 10 :tl the pnicewtion will tM
farairil at the lidrary it rim ami
i ill wind Ht way through the
ntt to the throne where Uuefn
Lara I will le rrownetl w ith due
kfrwnony. Kollowinir thin there
an.i all will
Sh'-nir i:..
" nuiik
Ivi, (lf
"Pert at tin' C.iurt I n is
Pl. wh.,-h uVlHir,
ly. lleWHa..! to . ,. uf
rrrniUi.t.n.limHN,1f ,. ,
nple of Sm-iahsm. ,. , ' "
r ''in
Ul'St KXiS a k
ii inmii l,,.r,
'e printers.
in r'aiiin'H Ur
'Ves to flmlrlhm.
l'he ran.Ji.atea U,r ,v.
'HimiTDUS fi.ur-1
t ! rt imlilii"..! ;..L.. . . .
. " i. ami live on
cows, fori
Jrs. Anilrw SI,,.,. i i .,-,. .
hmmott's millint-ry fr chil-
hut'" "5man- "f n-wrne-was
down to ih ...
at vestt-rday. wu"l
aninm ma. for
H. Uillshoro.
"ale. Write
ftm Af tlafl tratf . l
neglected, and i ; 'i i "
-uniy nan In Wgh I was Deinjr done on im-
Favor niX:uMwABpP?arnc. The
.HIT "4 lu'm I'lains
vciiicirrr wivn vab a a
IHr ability I ' . ne at once, so that
H will be in readiness w hen th
m . i nm .m
iy r.diiori Iphold Hiia ., Ckaa aa tk;-it, ptn arrives.
i:-i.4 : lw cApense is so
rnnr an
ih to m,m,.r
ed. Mr. ;,J,i,,
. . i
Wn' ilftfiiH'r-it !.
in HI'l.
! The county ti k,.t.a aiUH-ar
k n un- iiaiiot.i, is;
I ' l'Hlatur,. Wi; Hari.
'"'I Irfmman. IIILI
i t . . """ii"iii. r,
," ':-randt: .11. Fry. Invert
t'X (Jon lan
',.nl, i.i..:;. ""Knier. oi
- 1 IUIII3,
i ut'Hday.
were in the city
"j-'irlaa and tiarrxoa:
IZ'" i-Sch.hM.ka au..
R. M. KRWIN, M. D.
f- ft R.
SnrtCo S. P.
PR. N .
.J. F. Haynie. the road super.
vir of Koreat (Jrove. w... !- .i ..
n 'f. . -".line
"IV. Withyeombe is a .r.UnH.-Jperson-That It ?!ach
man and a Sblendid ritiu tht H could stand for imnL
H'ati3any a.tin politics.' I Li -volunteer the 2. w
me republican party wants a ti TVk'. Al . o-wiitt M. D. D. 01
worthy and honorable m.n .. of ' iT -" Vr3-.0" . ? Part "IVSICIAM & surgeon
HI. Ii. Inl.i
ltf tllM Illlul.,... . i ! i .
,j be oneM.lo datu-e. the Kttr. of 'l'nl.tH. f w ,h , r,. r he I ' ,,-rk "F. C. Fun-
nd drill, a Swedish danre and l '-'i' r. If y,M1 an. h j F. r-F. A. F v e r e s t
U wmdinif of the May jmle. mt,,i' Voim,l llM ,.Vi.nin h ! IhlUU.r,,, an. Jam.-s havii'
tioon the hiifh ik-hool athletea ','t''r,"i" "t if y.m s,, , "fth I'laiim.
lj apm lift i.nrtiii.iat It .L... to atll'liil ' ' Siirv...i-.. ' ... k.
IOW. l'or..ul t !...... O
. . . aiM.-y, l.lixlotl.
t i rfasurcr- .' i
Va ire to iartiniate In the 10 ttend.
ttjhintlun County meet will b, I ,w ri,riUllI,, ...
l at lunrheor, in the inch,. i lit,,u, I 1 '
uleJ for 2.'M. and will I ii.,v..u,.j i i."
Khlrtic event of the dav. A I 111 .11.. I ... II' '.
tJ and u-.ih iil i. ..u .".'" I""""' or
J....l . it.. . . . .1 . .
ui i'rar mi. k-raniiHian.i im I'l,,.,,
.'MirViiVnH i .
n. C.hI.,,,. an,j (;
I U'ard.
l!ut one con nil' nom!...... :.. ...
inn i.i un
V 1 1 1 I
I'l II IM in i ,.ti, i . .: I
r ml r iii'Ki-r ii,.,i.f i
n y ralU-r fuesilay. their nominee for Governor. Tt essarV" tor? I OSTEOPATH
L Foci, Im,: who Lwtt
land, was a ' " , ' " eraM m H would work together ' Sh .XMia. 7"
and friend, th? lat J the n! 0. ROBB.
ha5I;vernvm'litvi8 r''" new "!r- Withy"nbe is the far- Prink Nachbaur. who owned n VS'CXAN & surGEom
K.t th'nl' ("me n .rr s candide. He will give JLJ1'" Newton, has d
. Mill, ai An .?u ii i i - - wi i tt.: aa n . f i ar
Ufo - !- tne place to rvwm... Di:r. "o'"-ofiic. cii. d
Contractor Walt T,vl,., : nA .
nk' a ot nicely with the lJumi, on. He stands for ZTfn onL h? Pace a, few years Mvr
'aw OI lice lllll lilimr t' m..r. -.1 . wen .' 'I " 1
.1... "" .uuiii, op- . in. i an taws and for r nu ne nasi
. ...v um I. Jfnro.
Wanted: FxrM'ri.n,t
and wife for ranch. 4 mil t.
VaslH?:, Mu8t e team. -Ad-dress
W. Thayer. Ore.
uviii oi an laws and for a m. 'a , . .av' Bna ne "as n n t criT
greater Oregon, morally? socilllf l caly of it The DR' R SEARS
a"ltf nd i8 therefor SS Tn , "? a J" Ph Surgeon
.7. ' ?uPPO" and confi- ua j 1" ' " u . . ne
enee of all the votpm
state. "-Moro Observer.
It v a... .
lr. Withvcomho will
Faemermann. of above Oregon an 'SSSLTnZl i1&.TJ? Souther'n
th.. ii l town the first of kressive Governor His oolio
H:k- ute I-ortland will be vlSSS and"'
lfom5.) to ?;:U) dinner may
wurea mm umtha on the
npul Faculty la.hca head the
imilU'e for the dllferenl
ktluind all HtudmU, frtendii
1 tawaipeople will have an on.
rtunitr to ivure dinner with-
IkaWnif the ground.
It 8.00 cornea the final pro-
wnicq inclut.n dancea.
j i i
i" i.
J. II. Fachelor. J,n Arin,,
and leler Fya... am-M.-d i..-ar
IVavrrtoll. recently, were t.,t.
lefore Jiuli?.. W. II S.imiI, i
Jay. and placed under f.'-MlHui.N
III default ,,f whuh they were
returned lo the jail. J i,,., 1!irp.
nguinat them is larci-ny fr.,m :,
"'"'I'. ne (i (lie articles alleve,!
Wuei, antomime and ! 'av' ,M,,,1 "len U-ing a cr..w
p Mivitiea which are Uinn . r ltw have their I
X wret. There will U. ,njr or"r'" morning
rwof twenty tive centa each Anotl er anciiuer Wash
the track meet and evening marriage has come to vru.('
irUinmrnt. The dinner will (Wa Carlson has sued Carl C-u'
wed rifeteria ntyl and the " for divorce. alleg,iU. t h it he
according to the menu, hnn abuse.) her beyond meaxiire
morying program will take 'd that at one tune he atf., ke,i
Ma front of Marsh Hall and her with a butcher knife She
W free ftcelit fur I ... mla r..r II,.. i..i...l.. ..r...
W trsU wliirh will I m,d ywr-olj son.
'cenweach. The evening
v y.
i.. i.i.L'..i i..m ..I : r ....
-- .. .. nueriu. me re-
' ans have no candidate for
that ollnv.
I' O r hrecinel ' !
m"!i !' ""'" fr justice in
ll'INlHiro. while Win. Mcquillan
"" W I., fuller are running for
''"tahle. all on the republican
Place lava d kl-J't ....
m the in r uourto '".; io0..
Mr Naehh,.,:'?-.?" - wight Bat.
day nojl. Uttict 18 N.i-t
pro- Pacific for New yZ "P-".
iriea San Frann.w -V " ."a '"unio.
mil u'i i. a .. : a - i . aw amiiu a bh m nrraia
I. , " " vi hlUI MJ
'iisiness trm rnnn... f..,i .. ;(u
the Hunger Fros. Bawmill.
ror sale: Several
vdar fence 71 t T ' - of strong He aluo ThVi- . . naea v"t-
Will sell at 8 cents each aggressive, but with reasons hl Buxton. whp, k at
i . i . ."viv hici tur i f r v rv.
..aervausm. and no cleaner swled. wish them a pleasant trio
man mora v ever nffpi coaani inp.
ides San FranciW .nVT u
k KrvtK-veS rrrrr
l ...
thousand !iery 8ense of the word. A man pect to make an extendi viZl
KluxJe Island Ke.'hlh,. ............... 1.
""i"" I'm inine.1, ,lrs. .Max
Crnndall. on .Maple between Sec
Ihird. Telephone Citv
W. R Smith, of South Tu:il:i
tin, was in last evening, and he
saya mat nearly nil the fanners"
Ollt hill uyv lini.i i;,,l.l....l
nil iAtm I ... . . : " '"-"I, !
thei..m; r u: r """.. week.
C. Hancock nr v' " ,7 .,wlin s 'w. "'".
wance will M. Con.t.iri.l
'wi ot Marsh Hall.
uir i : . i.i
- ..1N1.-1111 hh iMen on.i Bll.i
Wfeiiftias oileen of th II aT
w 1
7 nome Htti.
"". 01 lOmell. ,
Ina. was I pasturage tor
for tl
Saturday. M.y "W
tor daughter. j. WM Have
lr K.rl I InumlHT
A. pipfl Hawthorne IJjmch. II miles east
ny. 'ihel0' HillMbon), - J. Siper, ;!tf
""TiirnawM to Mr i InumU-rof cattl.
CT lwv p.
r'" nip rer.'iiw,ni
wen led
.vi horses.
ft iihiui.; rr""jn 'womm tor years, umi w no was
Jician. with olHoes well known to many in this cum.
ij, iii mwn yesieruav. en-
Btriii autamiMAi i l t
id i , i"?""" ""n 1 renin, whose lather
.... " m.-i in nniiinnce nii.smess III
OP grOOm 1)4 Mnrl tn, f
I he relatives and family of Mr
and Mrs. Geo. Hess, of Hethany'
met at the family home Sunday
Mav :;. lllll. to celebrate the
mli birthday of Mr. II I'SS.
Mr. Hess' children presented
loin with a magnificent Spanish
rocker, und a bountiful dinner
was nerved at I:(N) p. m.
Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. I vronimtis. Mr nn.i
jl'liilip Kroiiss. Mr. and Mrs.
fur j Christ Fangue. Master Artie and
Joseph llvronimus. Master Fred
Krouss. Master Julius Iipgue
and Miss Marie Fangue, all of
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Aeisou nnd daughter, of Hills
oro; Air. and Mrs. Chas. Hess,
Masters Fred and ( JeorL'e II.jh
Miss Viola Hess, of North I'lains
Mr. and Mrs. rred Heckman
.Masters John ami Henrv Fit
man, Misses Marie and Fessie
l.iesman: Mr. and Mrs. Fr(
Hess. Masters Chas. and Arthu
Hess. Miss Dora He.m. all
l.ethany; Mr. and Mrs. Frc
.Meyers. Master Alfred Meyers,
Misses Alia and Fila Meyers, of
Miadv FriKik.
L' I It . .r .7 .
i'. j. noiiman, Cornelius. Ore
I'lin l.'.iiitu - . Imon mnnll.. .r , . .
.'ihc ii '"" iiiiii an v trvpr nrrpran himo.if i . . -
"-man Futheran Those who sup-!1 dei"'tic
. icucrnor, was out
Congregational tk 3 W1" ! do'PK Oregon a splen- wS. meeting
Sunday Kehonl t 9 t 'i 'vw and at the same time "T,!."1 mocratic
. "" Bays ne thinks he
:(w "Tt ii.:i -. .. I uniiie on ine nnminafinn 1
I-rn,tMr. and Mr, n - Times. " uazeue and he expects to land bv . rrace' nP',f -meri,h Bloeh
nice T. Page, of near Varlev. "In one n;;n .i. .- ?V?nVal Ptorlity. , Manning bases V M ' ' wa,
wm. a son. The new another m,n ; n"r "L"VM "' " nis record as dis-
mi I and I Hfcat- Baildlar
i inniTiwMwwuuu
arrival is a grandchild of Mr. and as we euiped to l'.fl." 5 attoTyL when he ed
Mrs. J. L. Karnirrover. ihiT...1 after payment of the deoosits. dollar
- iviiv ql:i ii un 1 1 rzA i nraeoDia rw w . j.ii. . .
i "niv.ii urune
The Warren oennlo hai'o iu.
placing a coating of tar and sand
n some of the paving which
N'py put in here a couple of
years ago.
II. G. Wyatt. the North Plains
contractor, has a big crew of
men at work on the two.m;i
a. I itv
"ireicn oi new road hiu'
UpUirs, A. C. Shots BtJg. afata A tad
UltUBORO. , . ' ORMOI,
are to have a reniibli.n on. lC"! "'r3 .wno n n rrwvvww
rv- i" w i, ic iiiiaiiav rn ioia in a w
)r. Wihvnmk .1. " j "" c wie
. . .. 1VJ uculwriluc mcn saved many a dollae for
is a
man u-hn cfon; r"u" wm
iraTi. o." iu , "r T.lw?r FT08 W ajro. Manning forced
who was
-lillamook Hera d fmnii, vfw. uarant?e.. them.
"K3 an aiong me line. If we one of th- Ait Zl
le n
HTL.I1 . . . I "
i ne iiepuDiican reels that no Poor people, as well as others.
man thus far mentioned for Gov- jfth uh r n .. rrw,: Btw. 6PP. coBrt Hou..
-.'1.. . ' ..lie.
ernor will meet with more gen-
a l,nri . if . !' ""! jeMeniav, en-
ba a trip route to Gaston, w here he was
"ome In Cornell-(looking over some Spring Hill
For Fale-l'pright Piano, first
class condition. Would lake goo:
cow as pari pavment. -"Address
Hillslmro. Fox l(i;i.
oupl. Harnes savs that over id
districts are this week holding
Eighth grade examinations in
the public schools. This is the
argest class of applicants in the
examination will beheld in .lum
fMd Muecabee Team .
M lNn playing bar g.
"'Mcanon. will contend
.am T,.nlw- n,t
'Athletic Park Th;-
w well recommended.
inpy Play a snannv !. "ass oi applicants u
""vi featured the hlaU),;yo( the county.. An.
coining "loaded'
iu. anil ua .i.. .1 i.. .. .. . .
f-..r.. ""me locals I JUfi received - u
ihmt I.l I I'al.inl
. - "iiiniiu iff. i ii v
new lot
Sun Proof paint.
ardsdown Corwin
me. v I! IIHL?!!. 10 Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Feel- and
t this . tlV1":? two children, visiting at llov.
CVfT e
were in the city yesterday. Mr.
Beebe is an oldtime newiianer
man, and of course did not get
out of town until he hud called
on the religious journal.
Fishing tackle of all kinds.
Fresh salmon pggs, etc. I). Cor
win. ;
I ha WHHhinirton ( niintv V eler.
gallons are being an aM0C'at'n is holding its an
'rfe crowd, as this nua' meeting at Forest Grove,
any enthim!o.u today, and many are attending
. . -".v ., , -,, .. , , , i:
irom iniscity. ine did noys
will be royally entertained by
their Forest Grove comrades.
Ul ihe season
girls' Club will
saturdiy evening
"elvetia 11.11 ti.7:
',r th'r.l dane .ml
'"nr usual j I
Ladies and Gentlemen of the K
puhlican I'arty:
M elected. I will vote no t
those appropriation bills, except
only that are necessary torn
the State government.
1 1 . : I . I .
uanroaii service is now goo.
in Washington County, but the
tare is too high. I favor 2c per
mile, same as in the Fast, ride
('heap and build up the country
It is the farmer, working man
i i ...
ami worKing woman that needs
tlie help in this world.
Farl F. Fisher.
Candidate for Representative.
Primary Uection. May Fr. -adv.
"tJ-Bteii ii..:. -a.
C8t dances. Tick.
nfii un..k
fthMi. ""vvw, 91
1 uiiu
ing Cinloi ...mi
y v." wm
born L K' .Mtty lo.
"T0 Fllrnir... . o
' , ""re
' store Every.
10 Part i, r
a i in
w a.
lerlnJ' Avone nt.t
test m
it i -i
F. T. Snicker is to oncn a new
harness shop, on Main Street,
opposite the court .house, and
will be ready for business Mon
day morning.
Wm. Bailey, of South Tualatin,
was in the city yesterday. Bai
ley is a rock man, nnd knows
how to shoot the powder to get
, grniationcon- Betcha
"KSl niai. ..I lihiuin ala
the r-i ' ."J u
inn t0lie
--if ncic
,lt'89 at the
in busi
never got n better
nut sundae in Portland
than is served at the Hen of
Sweets, Hillaboro.
Geo. W. Guyton, of South Tua
latin, was in the citv yesterday
Julius Christensen, of near
Laurel, was in town yesterday.
Henry Kamna, of Blooming,
was in the city yesterday.
Argus and Journal $2.25.
Kmmott's millinery will please
Frank Mandell, of near Mid
lleton, was in town today.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Fssner. of
Mountaindale, were in the citv
B. Fleischauer, Herb Matteson
and Chas. Fennis, of Gaston,
were down to the city yesterday.
J. A. Johnson, of Beaverton,
was up to Hillsboro yesterday,
on his monthly conference with
the county court.
Mrs. Wiley-Kdwards and Mrs-.
ii. v. nieatie, oi urenco, and
Mrs. A. G. Poole, of Portland,
were guests of W. V. Wiley and
other relatives, Tuesday.
I Miss Fura Tamiesie has been
chosen (uecnof May Day festiv
ities to be held by Pacific Uni
versity, at Forest Grove, Saturday.
' A strong German girl, capa
ble, familiar with sewing, etc.,
wants position in, or about a
family home. Address sealed
envelope, G, care of Argus.
J. F. Zimmerman and J. B.
Campbell, of above North Plains,
were in from the Wallace settle
ment, yesterday. Both are in
terested in good roads, but each
has lost his delivery out of Scap
poose because of bad roads in
Multnomah county.
ana aria piiv uootAHdM.. a . a
iimtM'r and G en wood rrai ,avr in eastern Oretron th. uT. rv.f.' "c sulies
anu uitnwood. than I)f rn uregon that the lowest bidder on moving am
Attend David Goldstein's lee- he is elected he will bring adig- HaJJ f,romGreen- THm TOKTOftt, .
uie court house. Friday nity. a well balanced business Fl - - dTTi '-j was James uar-l viiuua, jr.,
cemng, way . Hewi entr. extkrinee that will mo'" ."!" Yl u"u nousemover. and Airnw
lain you. Under the ausnices nf ministration a credit tn "c oee.n awarded the
the Knights of Columbus. State. "-Union ReDublicar T J" i,de"ver the building
a hO Q KnAn ... I .
w ucyu awaruea ine con-
Republican liZ n cuver "e ouiiding the u",ce. i Schuimerich Block
- -- ativn BIIU I (I Mf I I
sstz i.M'ssk iriaiS"'11' Hnhw- - -
the Grange Hall. Saturdan'g'hl not,mak ; 8 oice ffiv 1
.7 S TiL;,et3' inC,udi' 8l: a llfa "ifheOreJonT " i !KS rathe RfcS-
P r. $F All are cordially in- . .f' lh Oregon Scout. . than to build anew M o
vited. n i Among all th nnint. r- . . cw' TIP T tit mmn
"HercMwof n;a, -ii Rubernatorial honors this year . " , ,a 8trantre what travel will
ted Kire h ' f.5,-S.t-ra- there i3 mne ore fit or more P',ast Winter wh Sheriff offi.
Church Fri In. Jhl Christian worthy than Dr. Withycomb? P! was at ElCentro. long-
-i, ur'l" n filht' AIo"Jay The Republican nrf?enM "?? to see one familiar face from
Successor to Dr. Linklater'
Office over Delta Drug Store. Residence
i i- '' inor tn boa nno -:i:- . . "ci.ue, oeiween h tad 6ih Si. -
night an illustrated Ben HurTe7. hV 'pu""can W om- " wh:3""". Hillsbdm.
turn a , i, o- . ": ou stronger candidate nor ... i w wiumj, i c ' vicgou
on Tuesday Dr. C. B. Brown and iL . neither knew the other was there Office and Drug Store.
wife were guests at the Corne- tire stat better fi ted m nK hIS iT'a met in-the sheriffs Orenco. - Oregon
1,1,3 hora- the dSntt fat ' f AlJ? 2? Mnday m0rnin I nnecUB.UREG0M
For sale-Three year old Ger- tive's office than Dr. Withy-Lr?,n,r thp m""fK in ' nnnnnnftruuuuu.
.hi - uiu u uiiy, Droxe single and p-omoe. ne is a true gent eman vllMp.rIecl
ouble, nice to handle. Also au- a scholar, and as a sfafoaman I Sf?re.nade in the 5th grade bvlcba. n
to seat buggy. Price for Imth would handle th .ffo.Vo f u districts 27,Watts school. iinH 0.
.iui 111 . .. .. """"i r . o vi U1C K7 C .L... .
f-oo. Y
. Claln
-W. A. Marlin, Twelfth Governor's office in the same J'a ?? 8fh1'. In 7th SCHNABEL A URophr
Oak, Hillsboro. 5-7 practical manner that has won rahd,8t"ct 79 w'tch Hazel, ov-nn,AUC1- UROCHE
.... : i . . . 1 snpllfWi lurfanMii n..i .im i.iu-.. .
Tl. i:ii.. n "oivensa praise lor his work I t.wj. uuiui lore- '""7'?" wiwib, tawaaawi
!iht i f2?,S T HeWlU MPMntof brt& for four wVaS!5
ught a four-Hnind bass one agriculture in th sf 'months, Shute school. Hi iq ?;''"''?. uSm?S;
nrr....U.. . T. I if1flnT.nS. Nhllf A iaraaI tA . s I ItaAlPII 7ftamnla lla.iu- JLJr JT7V"
day.last week, in the pond on 'r "r , W e averaged 78: Raleigh S a,NftjsSR
ne .mmott place, just west of ..Wrt K4f. -"r"'' . . secured an averaeed of tia. ...... - -.Ja 'J. T "T"
Sm.liiHrafiiu.iiM. i7.i.!I:.TV" I"
t'rtffiwitiei itl unfnrn MUnln.
Mrs. M. Kotzman departed
uesday for Bend. Ore., where
no and Mr. Kotzman w ill mnim
tneir future home. Mr. Kotz
man is now in Idaho, and will
join his wife later.
The regular meeting of the W.
T. U. will be held Tuesdav.
May 12, at the United F van ire i.
cal church, at 2:30 n. m. A
Mothers' program will be given,
un some special features. A
are invited.
The library pnmmiHnn for tha
Carnegie Building has awarded
the contract of building to Kn.
geidinger it Cook, the contract
price to be S8.900. Better brick
than was contemplated will be
used in the structure, and the
interior work will be more ex
pensive. Hillsboro is pleased to
know that the contract was let
to local contractors.
- "win. tin, i -- nj. i
utt l$IMliraV1 On atfAMAJ a mm r , I
"" (Oioio, ,u ii. . OAililliey. UISLHU. eamo tin n,!fk tnkX.;Z:" .""IT
"""V ur' JamM "ithy- an averasreof 77 99 K i SSSSLS?
combe. His career is an open erK(i 01 77-22- UeMMt KaMaoSrlSK
book to the Deoole of OrAmn John Boeker 'Sr. denarfa tk;a i-iT?nk?j". ? ,
and tVu, mni, ; .k. V-. week fnr Iw A .""1" ., ininn a.
,: . ." oiaiw iiavei .T . "Mgcics nu oiner
accomplished as much in the last California points. While in the
score or years as the man from Juu n Lwi ' Pick up some men
Corvallis." Febannn for the Boeker basket
v.... .. , - - VW.J,
Adv. In , W,H . 8UTn move into the
joneison Duiiding, on Third
NOTICE TO FARMERS Fo1' n.orin ot Main. Mr.
I &efceLWl" ?aH the W South Office up-.Ui over" Hulabon Nattonal
P.1 u ti .. w no aouDt have
u niuuiier hi rseinanv vi inmin nn , ... . inmaanvn.
c. . ----- . - i- .. k. iw oiuiins are in. i
nd 5cfl T u.V aurin.May. frequent at this time of the year
and wil finish the season's run Wm tA. u "ineyear
by running the last PriHa .yym wda, the oldtime saw.
Saturday in May.-AI. Croeni, mi" a?an, Passed, through the
Bethany. 6-g city Mo"day. running one of the
wuuuiy a sieam road rollers. He
will stay with the work on the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
were Cornelius visitor tka iof
. b iwt
of 'ne week, attending the
urowmers-nancocK wedding.
Airs. f.mmott haa i-oHua
. , - VUMVVU
every nai in her store. Many
Ben Heesacker. who has the
contract for crushing and haul- beautiful hats will be 'sold at
.t-vi va iicai i a tunc ui Lvuot
rocK tor nearly a mile of road in
the Verboort section, was in the
city yesterday. He says he is
going to give all the farmers who
wish to haul rock a chance to do
so at the same price per yard
that he receives under his con-
Fred Hollister, the democratic
PnnriirfaA 4Vk aT.. . i
tract. He also Pvnn. tUf ' l.T. . ""Kress, Bnouid
will be omeyo.un7eer wk out!
that wav. and that if thin mo J.Iir w,u Prov.e himself
ializes over a mile 'Af "omtnation shcH
1 1 1JJ w
H.,s?, HM ph. a-s Ti'mssr
uuiiiiutl, . nnj fK.-.. k- iT j."."
Ti" ,"e nanaies one of
U'K macnines makes him
Persona grato with the road
Y.?.u;heSne of North
Xakima, Wash., and her daugh-
1.C1 . WIS. IUMH nnMM kF
u;-i. . " P.Pu-
u- S re guests of Mrs.
Hiatt's daughter. Mrs. R H.
ureer. or this citv. Thev
accompanied by Mrs. Shearer's
uauKnier. Mrs. LiUeilA Holm. i
so of Spokane. " ' . -
Henrv Matthoa nt r..,..i
in Monday, nursing a few bruised
musciea, me result or a. fall from
a horse. Matthes has been flrt
iahing marketing his potitocron.
Mrs. Jos. Connell, of Third and
Oak. was taken to a Portland
hospital, for an operation, this
morning. She is quite ill.
JPtntette Bldg. Room 5 aad I
Main and Third.
Upstairs, in Linklater Delta
Building, Main Street
Hillsboro - - Ore
CoMMKRcut Bank Buck