i mmsoao aioca. may f. Ml If I 1 'J i 1 1 v '$ $ ri A SUMMONS, 1m th Cirtult Court f Omroa for th County of Washington. l. L- Hurnm. Plaintiff. Tt fwiH m u r - w fturna lwfrndant. iru x - - - . c.w t'ma Burns. DOT A J -1 - in m name w. - . you ar hrby miuird to appr and n.wr th complaint fiW against in th above entitled tourt an4 cmuxc on before Friday the irthda? i i ail ..! if rau fail to ao !' f th; ilamuff for ".Vt thereof will apply to the Court for a decree dissolving the bond of . k..i..f..r and now XIt- ; ... rui miwl th Plaintiff an4 for uch other and further relief a tto the Court war eem meet and euit- l i . i 4 t,r in Ptaintlfl a Complaint. Thw Summon ta nr4 upon you bv publication m the Hill i a weklv newspaper of 1 nmiUiuii nuhlixhed H sniriw .,...- r -- inirton County. Or con, and the date of the firrt publication oi mi sum mon, is Thursday the SHh day of Apnl. 114. and the date of the Ust publication is Thursday the 11 th day i mil i tka r.Vr of pubtl- cation was made and dated on the 25th dav of Apnl. lU by the Hon. J. U. Campbell Judg of th Circuit Court of th State of Oregon, for th Clyde Richardson, attorney for Plaintiff, 61 Chamber of Commerce BuilJinjr, Portland, uregon. L. T. HARRIS V i i y oplefs Theatre lVu.onoAa SatuiJar lcc,l IV,R,Ani The pvil Fox of the North Action tlnp'wflfl1 y.r'1 attit Univiff-l IKr Crt Coal Sh w M.uts at ;:; Regular I'ricc In th Clreutt r.i ,. tiitot.. f.r th. ,,, "'(y In th. nutter f til , '. , 'U M IUlt. I I ''"'k.rU, N..H.. I, h,,.,.., rrnlM KIMlu.. . I J I lrvtun. J...K-. f lh. , t.tlr.1 .,.,.. ,.,,.. H'jr," ..r Ap,.i i'.u. , Zcit" th U...U.I. ..,.,! aduHiu, ',T .U) ..f Ju..r, :H. ." MISl ul. uP.. u, M rirr 1.14 ...d ...I.,,,, J" mm bjt mm aii r.ali , " lh HKhl, till an. , , r , It lUiul .1 th I,,,., f .'7,,ni ii th. t,ghi. ml. 'r ihm Ul.l .alutla k.. I. ' I. ,.r uthn.,..., ,rill, ' M a..iti.m I.. thai .,f ti , , . 7 II. ml .1 th I..,.. f . '-l tu th fil..,i.K ,. ( t rT Irity itiiatr, li SHERIFFS' SALE OS lRECLOS v..: lm ltaMli vtvM thst bY virtue of an execution, decree and or Am f ..u isautf4 ni t uf and und t the K.l f lha I'irruit l"ol rt of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, A.tA k. .! .lav nf Anril. 114. in favor of John R. t;renwoot plaintiff, and against Robert J. I'pton and. . . . Upton, his wife, Ray Barkhurst and r..n.t.n X Rsrkhurt. his W'ift. and I Ik, I umlrMin'l Trust and Sivinn Bank, a corporation, defendants, for th sum of with interest thereon at the rate of 6 pe' n Pr annum from the 4th day of May 1913. .A ik fnrthor mini of t"OO.lH) with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per nt Mr annum (mm th 4th dav of May 1913, and the further sum of $39.15 costs and disbursements ana th uti of an. I unon this writ, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to make sal of th real property hereinafter described, I have levied utwn anl miraliant to Said eX- ecution decree and order of sale, 1 will on Monday, the 1st day of June I , 1914. at tho south door of th Court RrtiMifan ratitlul.ite to fill one of the four vacancies OU thi buprc UC Lolirt, Kr.U- teyoregonu,. the Ann Ila.bor Law h1.-1 o'clock A. M .1 !.d day J I an:nt.(t Circnit Itidre bv Governor Chamberlain in 1905; for the scc.ul Jiulici.il UC aucuon, 10 m mgrcsi uiuuct i I --7-1 -ft J o 'J - - , . , . I ra.h in hand, all of the risrht. title I rw.' : ( f i.. n.lic f Piirrv. Henton and Lincoln: in and intores of th defendant, Robert vouipriMUg wmunw ui m-, ;y , - j. upton, ano ms wue, nay oara- ioxx was nominaicu ana eieciea Vrircuu juugc uui ujvujhwu, " . . . ..... - Sf?:SMA the Primary election by both Republican and Democratic parties, and was rclcctcd with- SavingsBank. a corporation , of in and .;:,. Tripr nre four Sunreme Ttldees nominated ami elected. w 4 O mvuuuuauuvum i gMm FREE LECTURE! Do not fail to attend th Lrcture of David Golstein WILL TALK ACsAlNST SOCIAL ISM AT TIIK COURT HOUSE 1DAY EVENING MAY 8 I'u.mte uf Muiti.. i v.1.11' I 4 ........ ia,t hfi.n: m rt j.f.iiHr.1, l""" .trt ,1 lm uf '.'lit .11,. I -. . . . ..f IXlM. .ttr.t. ,f r.tJ,,, M.l .I..I. I...HI, U,,c f ,'u :l,t ,lrrl imi f..,,. iu.V. .!il'1 allrl with tha n.,tt tnt . ,tfrr mi rrct t.. :, ,(h ; lrrli lhrht aIhol tK. .... i AT 8.00 P. M. HIS SUBJECT WILL BE "Socialism vs Christianity i (Dtarvd atth Piwt-offeo at Ulllstxiro Orrfoo, aa aecood-olaaa mail msttei. U A. LONG, Editor. County Official Paper eubscriptioo: 11.50 per Annum, laaaed Every Tharaday -BT- LO?IO XcEINIttiT Aavings nana, a rorporauun, ut m , to the following described real prop- ont Opposition ervy lyinic uviuk auu Washington County, Oregon, and par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: Th West half of the Southeast quarter, excepting 6tt acres located in the Southeast corner of the South west quarter of the Southeast quarter - . n m. a r n a II' J or section si 1. 1 . n. " , "u ex cepting 27 acres contracted for by M. S. Schrock, and the Southwest quarter of the Notheast quarter of Section 32, T. 2 N. R. 4 W Saving and excepting however, from the above described tract all of the fol lowing bounded and described real property which has been conveyed by the grantors herein to the United Railways Company, a corporation, and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of th Southwest quarter of the . 1 r J Art 1 Northeast quarter oi oecuon i - . , . n T D 1 tV th. Will liar and I lirHaV WtlPTl th(V TTIPpt Ifl thpIT ronnWthenw West 440 feethence convention. Many of in a Southeasterly direction 660 feet . more or less to the East side line of them hive never before Visited the Southwest quarter of the North- the county 8ea historic as once east quarter of said Section 32, being ' .. . ..... . 410 feet South from th Northeast being the capital of all the tem corntr of the Southwest quarter of ow embraced in Multno- the Northeast quarter of said Section; , , , . thence North 410 feet to the place of mah. Their treatment should be beginning, containing 2.07 acres, more 8Ucn tnev will resrret that or less. And excepting also irom tnis i , . I'X . conveyance, all gasoline engines ana i wuuaj mvuuviohv-o .w.-t versed in our statutes, and the Arjrus commends him to the voters of his party in Washing ton County. OREGON nLHCTRlC TRMNS Hillsboro should show the vis iting bankers a good time, Sat-1 3-5, To Portland -55 minutes. 6:29 1 7:10 '8:28 " i 10:47 a 11:11 8:09 9:j8 From Portland 7:50 Arjtus and Orejionian $2.25 lake a look at our new ; iu io cent tables. I). Ccrwin. 5'J J. V. Ilaynanl. of near l,au jr', was in town Uklay, and went on to attend the veteran meet inn at the Drove. tor ni t: fresh Jersey tow. C yeais old; with calf; jtives ten potinds of Imtter weekly ; iru-e tlzi Anton rersinirer. iiiiuihi- am rP, o.v., KoLte fi-S "p 1 Next Monday and Tuesday, at th l'eoples. the splendid reel. 'Ji'Tlw Devil Fox of the North" Jj m will be the thriller of the week. ". Do not fail to see this ureal pro- a m a m -55 minutes. duction. F. I?ockmann and wife, of Alo- n m . " " ha, were in town txJay, lliey 9:15 a m report that Aloha is to have a 11:29 a m new store as soon as structure. 2:18. 4:37. water DiDes. and water cisterns on the property belonging to William Shearer and now used for the pur pose of pumping and distributing water upon said premises, to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums and for the costs and expenses of said sale changed. It would be a graceful tribute to Hon. Thoa. McBride. candidate the costs ana expenses 01 saia saie 1 and said writ. Said sale will be made for Supreme Judge, if the voters 1 . I . : ... Ql.ti.1. I . ... 1 . n 1 suDjecv 10 reuempuuii s 0l waaningion county, irre- ftetednat Hillsboro, Oregon, this spective of party, would give the 24th Uy of April 19U. veteran jurist their support. He J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Wash- . , . , t . t ington County, Oregon, by J. C. Ap- 13 one of the ablest of jUri3ts, t a.T. .- a . t .-(". E. TONGUE, Attorney for rfCf V? " ?J ' I nnitiD JiiHo-p That the renuhli "Jl preme Judge. That the republi cans of this county will give him their solid strength goes without saying, and hundreds of demo crats will write hid name in on the democratic ballot Thi3 will I - .4 .V..:U.,4A 4n a mnM iif U I"! -rl.VniofMntr.cU: I V JU" "luulc a ",a" For 470 and i: feet of approaches on I presided here as district attor- tbe south end of the Hcbolls brld. I . . , Sw mo rt onroiNo.-on county I ney and judge for many years, line between Washiugton and Clackamas d whoalwaysdid his full duty. Kor a bridge on McKay Creek on new road between (jam Johnson's sad John Zimmerman plwe. brie Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 0-.I-.4 nnnn.U fn lit fnllnWltl WOfW will be received by tb county court ol Washington Louniy, oregoa, up 10 mmj lrt. 1H, at 2:00 p. m., andtben opened for 7:IW... 9:22.. 12:30. p m P m pm, .pm, p m a m new store as soon as a structure, now under way, can lie com pleted. ' . 1 u 1. . n. 1. Jilir. naap Tftfanl. Flans and stieciticationi may be seen at the oftlc of tbe county court after May V. 1I4. Bidders must deposit cenineu Thos. J. Cleeton, who wa3 dis trict attorney here in former times, is running for the bu JAl&v" on the republican i.ids. kiw c. Luc. county Clerk. I nrimarv ticket He is a sound lly Order of tb County uouiniisswoe 1 - - , , court - lawyer, and has a record for be ing fair and earned by a faithful 5.. 1 il Trouble has been brewing up at (laston, where the promoters of the drainage on the lake are! digging a ditch. (Ireek laliorers have been employed, and some, one at Gaston started trouble. I The Greeks remained, and ai night or so afterward a big charge of dynamite was set otF, within 75 feetof the Greek quar-, ters. No damaire was done, but there was a badly Beared bunch1 of Athenians in camp. SheritF Ueevei went to Gaston, Tuesday, hut could find nothing to fasten the offense on anyone. The matter has been taken up with the district attorney's oflice by Mr. Moore, of the company, and further action may or may not be imminent For sale: Two young cows, fresh soon. No information over the telephone. Zina Wood, The Hporlville baseball team won their fourth straight game Lv 7 it f ; T. J. CLEETON Circuit Judge for Multnomah County Candidate for the Republican nomination for JUSTICE OF THK SUPREME COURT. Primary Ejection May 15 A candidate for itic of the f"r places to l filled at the forth coming primary clcctioti. He stands for a reformed procedure in the low courts. His jKilicy ha Urn and will continue to lr: "l.es delay, less tcrhuficality auJ ire B A I Siuc of hi iorc unjHrt.mt uc- V IriClf.tIC l.Vti.la Ii liMn 1lA .l ft II .14. Aiiioing thesr are the minimum wage law, the abatement act, the commisMoii meichrnts' act, all nt- held by him; the tax penally law, held invalid as io penalties levied on unpaid taxes prior to Septem'vr 1st. All of these laws arc along the lines f progress ive legislation oud of vital importance to the people. Of the more than four- thousand probate and circuit cases which have gone through Judge Clceton's court while he has been on the licnch, not one has Ken re versed by the Supreme Court. Judge Cleeton is regarded as a Washington County' man, having served the people here n.1 prosecution attorney for two terms, from 1X96 to ioxx. adv. JOHN MANNING Democratic Candidate for Governor A TliOrlrl 411imi.u r.t M.itlnnmull (n Mr. MiinniiiK roniirllei i lie ollirera of He is a sound won their fourth straight game ,ieiunct Tin, ij.mrnty & Trum r.om. , . , by defeating the Monarch team I pny to ty 6, Km (Vpo-titor too rent s a record iorue-i0j Portland, by the score of 14on ie iioiinr, with inii-irst, whrn they square a record Un 11 th fpntorp of thp ffame,",', ,)Cfn "fr,,r,'(' tiiemem of iut .o , 1 't0.11- e ieature 01 me game ln ni ,,,flt.renre BnmuilU,i to th, uthful and impar-j being the heavy batting of the ,, 0f f i,s6o,ooo. t J.,t., -1. 11 Vinma team Thp ImvA will frnM n: i . i Don. fin Qtnfpy tial performance of duty at all ; home team. The boys will cross raClIlC OldlKO L. Agdistrict attorney heL.with the Scholia team at times was always alert; as county judge of Multnomah he reduced L 4k a-ha?si nr A na m tmii I . . grjuug ij UI UCI anu ao tiivuiv Tnlin VnilflPrWfll I judge he interpreted the law to t) Ullll f ailUDl n Ul I . Mti8faction of the multitude. Agent Fire Inturance Company of Portland, Oregon. The only Wg Oregon Old Lin Company. Lowes Promptly Paid Scholls next Sunday. Hillsboro, Oregon 1. PRIVATE HOME FOR SICK Under charge of experienced nurse, MRS. CHAS. GARDNER, from Portland. Solicits patients from all phy sicians. Beat of car. Roaaonabl priori Phone, Main SM the satisfaction of the multitude He stands for reformed proceed ure in our courts, less technical ity, and more justice. Judge Cleeton has many friends in this county, and he is assured of a big vote. He called the recent tax law unconstitutional, and many lawyers agree with him, that penalty can not be collected where people have paid half their tax. Judge Cleeton is forceful as a lawyer, is well lli. r..l...l ..,,1 l.ti ...,.,! I. I'H.ni a..', JMIfll. lO I.IU . kl..l nti'l Biich wrll known pulpit omtnri ri llr r innn. T... IL'ilu.. 1 U ... Henry L. H.nky, Bioliop foi OrKon of intr uiiuimi iinuirfn v. uurcil.iire )ron nl friend und earnest supporter of hi The Argus this morning re ceived the statement of the Beh rend's Hank, of Juneau, Alaska, of which John It. Willis, former ly ol Hillsboro, is vice-president. The deposits show nearly a mil lion dollars some bank for the upper country. Fritz Myers, of Shady Brook, wa3 badlv gored by a Jersey bull, Ti..oo.t m.nninrr lie I.' U Smith, who attended, found ! 10 cent smoke-no three ribs broken and internal ; in the bchiller. injuries. The fact that the ani mal had no horns is all that saved Mr. Myers' life. For sale Shepherd pups. Frederick Grogg, Hillsboro, R 3. For Sale Six hundred dollar Hardman piano lor less than hair tirifp- uqnil hut ami na new. Call at Cash Grocery, half block east of post office. Do not forget to ask for a Schiller when you want a good f a... i as 1 . :ougn oust 12tf For sale New Winona wacron. 3 inch; Osborne mower. Roy Hays, one mile south of Hillsbo ro. near Condenser pumping plant, to lei tot highway. bZtr Harness! A new Harness Simp will ojk-ii for business on ........... jr, .....y i, un main nucvi, f)pK)SltC woiirt House. Sec us for all kinds of Light and Heavy Harness, Collars, Pads, Strap work, Whips, etc. ... "lVr work a specially. All wor); guaranteed. -- ---- .... ru j, . Jl.t .trr ll f.rl I., h U,, J rimiiKf. In kii.ir'. N...4 A.lMwn. 0,d .ly ,,f ,.iaiu. x4lta " I uunty, Male nf Hi.k.,,n" Th (..ll..!! ,. ... mJ fr rtty. llu.lrj ,)h,n n nZ2, liln.U i-f Iho I tly ..f l u,U.h4.i7u, I'liiitity of M'.illi..iti4), ,j ji . I It a'"" ' 1IS wti III a' i.l t,i j j I.. (?l atxl I..U . e ill 4Mi, in k rett I .' , Mitl. II,,,.,,,, I.ila oi l), f rt.cn ii, ... ilrfl I C.l In I.!... i . .J, three O, nl.ir.n !. tail l.'l BI..I l.l . Cllr.s B, i.l. Wii, II,,, ll. l.it M-trtt I .' I i s !.:. !... r... (I'.l l. loll lt il l. ertrn Cl . ,M (III in i.i.na i.niv I (, Laani, aii.l l..i lhr f .'!,,.., ..I . i i"-- ral .tK.ity ..(!., I) .rj Wn in the I uiu.l) ul V :hn.(n, ft, j I irr'uii : K S W . f S t, 1 X, I t W tt V M . mi ., ,., I..U 1 ar.. ( in . T. T J X t, i w ,.f v m , 1. 1 N K f firt. l. T 3N.Rlt f W M . l" H H 'a 'f s w '. ol Sf. 11 T I N". It . W ..f M. s t: f Sr. i;t JS.in of w NL " H W f .Se ! T 3S.H.H uf W M . t'Jl ,ie, X W. f .Sc. I :.T JX.t It, t.f W, M . IMI . M. Ilf any part uf u . '. trtT.Wi real ""l'riy, trim. i.. rnui laYi 4 fullii , In oil ma, ri ,ia til the I nil.-I 10 tat mt if h uri hio .iur .i U t4 l IW .tiniliialratur an .lit uf u). ..n ...i f .rmal.i.ti uf .a! L i4 Wl .lvi l.li-.t, hoi.v-r, lhal mh rati ftt arty or any n aajr mm um tttn iin.ii.hii '"' " rf miit of ot half ..I n.f of Id ih pth v thrtnif , in rh, l IV (mi n. in in msni.fr wiroswin f tjiil In rM uf i'h ! tw ait mrlil of th Ulalt.e '( MhI fKH ririr t ' --..r-l l y firt Brt. K( pn the tnl r..i-Mf IwImM a null l For further I-f.nmlm. Mil tf nr fll t .al'l a mm.uu ai im.in. 1 '."I ;. .'1 ' HiU11 'ortUiut, rr t'on ll. Aol :, I'll A I! 1 1 1 1 R. II I! WD. A,lmiin.lt.l..r of th KtUit I harlr. It lUi.-t, W, 8. M Oil., Attornr-y 1t m.nUtnat, X? V"ii lltii'.lit it rtrl puliliiti-'i t.ril 3D, jji.t .mMiH''i M 3, l!lt a NNilU .l Ilia trtiil tVnrl ul h ' i.M..n fur loun'f Annual lltll. . I'1IH'. Kii.rr.n. Mlrl.M..a. 'I,"J"1' T.. K...rn. llri.l.uf- tb" nmiir.l iltilwiiUm . 11 lull arw m-mur "m - allar inr r.i.. : aj . .,h,--..o.!..I .. Im-Iii ulif Hi- mi""""''' ... - 4 U, Hi !- Il-H 1'""" M b... i"' ?iJL?jm H. lit an.r. i"r " U"T W ,IM !.rn.l f..r in I... .i.l ni.rrUK wmiuhH n rZZt. ril.llr.it -' l,l''rt T.li in tl. .rn.l. "I-"' " 1u I'lilfl ll lllll'illil """"' ma i.iir.iiaii. i" i..Am i ...i.i. iroi..ii." t. n aainiiM ' , , solicit a share of your patronage nnd will treat riht. Come in and et ncqtiniutQtl, "Wir Sprechen Deutach" We solicit ; you F. T. SP1CKER Hillsboro, Oregon 6 Loaves of Bread for 25c Get one loaf and 5 checks, each koo.1 for one loaf of Uread. Haying your bread this way KiVes you tho chance to save on your bread hill. liemcmW this next time you buy bread. Six Fresh loaves for 2T,c THE CITY BAKERY Main Street, Hillsboro ' j, WolferetH;n,er, unl ....I li.h.iiiini ,o. kf un. .ui.in ""'.Tiiiii" IHll.llKll.H. Olltrr-i . Hant. l n ii iirwii-. ., V '..hiiiKt.-ii ;'". ;, ,u w . tin h ml r. ' ri-"" n. Lull tli-l'i-,"'.!. irj UiBimil .Uil M . ''.'.L . II All Atiirn' "" 1 " -.....,.n MOTICR TO MAKf; tfONNr.CIIONS " . a tA U1.,,r.,t....n."fOr.H-itN;iiV'-: City Ol iiiiiii'". " ,,, ,al ptop"; .ti.htrnlllliK orwMio ' ',W tv ..r h.iii.h.m ,"""! , of Hamiar- Mar Oi-"!.. I wj lillf.am rnmlr. '"'Sir, iwr HMh .ml rvnry K;0..i. I nl J ,.r..,.m.l. wlil.iii U" ' h".t'lf Mly. 11.14. All Jor.!.""-1 I.ll,.. UIMttaMtf ,r..vi.l.i I" Iulil tf.lH April ), I 'o. () (HaMf. iWr i'ii...fiiM."i"' -"bu Orrifo. IHJAKDIAN'S NOTICE ,,in .Vl hi l- '" . .. Ii.l a.lilHlltlll'i n .. lA.Nilir mtalaanU WltfJlUt lii.H.i lwriii, m ..f HmkImV . 1 rr ,,a.rv.rtyr .....uilmr v. 'III. I" .' i. mil. III".. - . .rfUl."' r t i