TT XT MS HlLLSBM IIIMnoRO, OREGON, MAY 7, 1914 NO. 7 "It SCHOOLS KE SFELLB Ml I Moi Cplr ,h prUr (a Mill Winning Kritx PriUlalT. of Cal.a hail i niniuiv luut M....L driving home with a !ul of land l t f piaster, iiin i ram la-eorning irighUned at a pure of juper I'rifzlatT Ma'TUt thftllaVri fall! tin. I in I ilirit kftil u sa fMB. ....- L.B..B. I jx" mmii ? in m iai iiier ii i li n - I tl up a team to drive the in- ,,,r,lr Together Alter T jured man back to the drove the Itayiol Trial and View of I .and team ran away, taking fright at DRAINAGE Sill! IS SETTLED OUT OF COURT wo UST OBSTACLE TO PITCH KI.MOWD ,,.thfmimii:ms .'' inuwii wu thrown VflHiStm" ' under the horse fe t and Udly i ii , i v I nil hi I ten that a man figures in two Trnticcs al DiXikl No. 7 Pay S52S lor I .............. .. i . i i .1 ,1 WClrt AN rrna 4 rWalt al Caarty Kifkl al Way thousand people from ..i.iJe. ronsiiting of pupils. . . . parent, and learners, were l vsitor. saturuay. in, the iHaf counly spelling Uin. Harn ana mc- Ja.itnbuted over 800 tickets .k. movie. WHT m yuuim M .4 were entertained ly me f A B. . m.iv nif Plciurei nowwn. tk.uln th) city. let- iiH-lliiiir match M writ I. aaJ took placa In the public (7i k.ui.limf. Tha tiriu to- $40 in mo. anu in win their schools, and teachers, aa ! il . ! i-ikih ( rade-isa mmn, ii- Jr u. Anna Thompson. Cfcr; prize of $10, cash, given A. U Shul 01 in Arorruaii jtitiooBl Bnk. HilUboru. I...nih Crada-FlUI New- Hal oh Winn. Chrr; prue of $10 irivM by H. Wehrunir. oi mi iiiuiuu- ,VU'nal iMink... c.ik Cra.l Kleanor Mnoi. Liitoo. C L. Uoua. leacner; itaih. itiv-n ty H. W. lUrne. in ,-hcMil tuiMnntenueni. www - w - . fifth t;r.l-HMi fuller, arhiiiil near Iteavertun. VwJa-t Taylor, teacher; caah li: ilUboro Mercantile fa. 13: Morton 4 r reemtn, $i fourth (iraJe-Frank llaaaon. l iiir iwrnlce lunev. ichrr; $5 canh: W. W. Boncow. H KtautTr. Si. 50: L. r. i4.mi II ami t I. Jensen. &0c. (Ytord (Ira.le-l-etha Sehren. 'ki. Ora Phillips, teacher; $.' caib-U. A. 1'alteraon. $2; J. HJark.$l;C.C. Krick, l. wd flat youK folk ha4 yrvat hlmt in the county seat, and 'kit them were tear and di Ipointrnt-nti. Brief Boon nave In the afternoon th field 'wiii wt-rtt holti at tha ball 'jround. In the 100 yard dash !um timo urn 11 4 f icond. with do. Uvermore. of Orenco, fiwt; 'Crl HuHHon. IJeaverton, second; .Airman l rocker, oT Mountain 'ill Ihir.l I Piftv t ur.l HaaK I J virmfri'. lit; Terry Hachelar. 2nd; Her- aid Crocker. 3rd. In lh Lull uamou IIiIIav lt fsatrd (ti'averton bv a score of 7 to! Thi MritnH irimii win tie. twcen North Tlains and HilUbo n. and North IMalna won. 'Mllllthnr.1 Lin.ltu NlnrtK Plain two or three players, and nonn flams easily tucked away we notion. runaways on the nann day. but this wan thi ri(MTiiin'e of Mr. man. and formerly workl for Alter two days of a U-al struir the r rank Iniiilement awv a'" m circuit court iw trustee iiara in me nim-uet. or Urmnaife DiMtnt t No. 7. Wash- CIi-o. ArmetitrouL who iit utill inifton County. Friday afternoon. illu m. I u. I.i Will ..IT....I . I .. : L II.. niiimiiiiiiii ni-i w, riif-v.n-i riiiM(ir)llllr w nil IIU- years and over, wan down to the M.rl ,.rnards and a setttenu-nt citv rrlJav. l.i-o miivm that he , . . . . . ; ii ii i I was eiiecteii out o! court. Ihe ftmt was in HilUiioro fl years , , . . aito trus Summer, and that he a -,c "'r ,,a"J3 ate dinner with Ib nry ehrunit. "i or ttie land tnromrh Ms Mr. Mavs he IN ifet- limnertv ami the wu Ih if the ting his Vision tested SO he Can dili-h line U tn he rut down fn.m go out and tet that buck when ,.(irii,in;. B11PV,.V u... aa an the season opens. He has missed ..... . .' Ugginira nve prwr but few ,1,,lllwn the price agreement year since he set mil In Wash- M-rnarus lit w nave an wie initton I ounty. umwr on mo iunj io oe useu. III . I 1 . . . k .! 1 A A . . .. . . lie a so nas me nvni 10 con- J. U truw the real estate . . , . . h , , man with olhce in the Hotel , ......i, ..i.,.. i,,, i. i i . i an una iiic umii, 01111 airwi iia.T iiiv Washington ltuildinir. wasstrick- rj ,lt o have W)tU,rinjj )m en with an attack of heart ,iro,H.pltf lirnt,.,.tpd if ... i ... I lanure. amnuar nii iima. anu was placed under the care of l)r Smith. He is iretling alonir fair ly well at last reimrts. but will ! H Wtdberir, of near laurel, was in the city Fnday. J. W. Marsh, of Vtrboort, was in town Friday. Jacob liuchelo, of Cornelius, was a city caller the last of the we.k. S. L Hollenbeck and wife, of upper Dairy, were in the county seat Friday morning. John Templeton, of Forest drove, was a city caller, Friday, attending circuit court Sam Schmidt, of near laurel, was a city caller the last of the week. Miss 1WI Corey, of Mountain. dale, was a county seat visitor Friday. J. W. Jackson, of North Plains, w as transacting business in town Saturday. For sale: Several young cows, fresh. Kay Kmraott. on Garden I racts, west oT ctly. 7-9 Wm. Pioucsein, of above Moun taindale. on Murtaugh Creek, was greeting friends in the city rnday. j L M. Miller, with the Howell & Co. store, at Scholia, was in town the last of the week, greet ing friends. 1ILLSB0R0 OB IIIEFORSE'. Visitors Had m Chance at Qrminds, Last Sunday Afternoon KMtTLANDEtS FAIL TO SCME ONCE HiNtWo Tallica Fiu Iwm With Ease Soaac 0eo4 Klcaiaf Sunday's game at Athletic Park resulted in a score of 5 to 0. in favor of Hillsboro, the visitors failing to run even one across the home plate. The pitching, how ever, was classy, for the Powers' team, out from Portland to get the county lads, had a mounds man that held Hillsboro down to seven hits. The Powers' team was allowed but one measly hit, that of Mulkey. The hits were distributed on the Hillsboro side as follows: Phelps, 1; McCurdy. 2; Free man. 1; VanBlaricom, 2; Ed. Henderson. 1. Martin struck out nine, while This drainage district is one of the big alTairs of the county, and w hen the ditch is construct- . - Jt W , rtTiaimiMK many under enforced 'ilel several hunJre(U (lf acre)! that can not II 11 E In Ail E days. now Im cultivated. l.i rail at It ix timli'txtood that the dif the Paris Millinery Storu In-fore fennces between the two par-11,-u l.nw thi'ir Snrinir hata as ties, the trustees, and Mr. P.tT IIM I o.. I -' T ih-,,r.r.. are riihi CimmI tut nards. amounted to several V ' .. .. ... .. i . i in -i ii I . frtMii W to $:. -Mrs. M. I., iwr- nunurea uoiiars. ana iM-rnarus ,4 . n C,v.n,l inx-t near Wash-1 re fused to let them iro through. imiL 1 1 1 1 1 m I M n . I Condemnation suit was then IWn. Saturday. .May ..2. Wit , Tmanv attor to Mr. and Mrs. Leys for C. J. Birdsell. C. Wylder a son. The happy ' Tn(W Williams, trustees for father works for hf Mn'n' drainage district, and John M. ton-Oreion I xirooration. Ine ... .. ,v iargx a. now arrival is a irandson oi turn . , ... . . i..J..iJ , ... - m, ... - ..... . i lenii ni7 me huil tor mr. i.iuaiua. Urown, of Uurei. and il is naru Thursday the jury visited tti tell w h u.h i the most pleastsl, .Lun, 1 ' 7. t.l aL-.La - inn in mix L(j uk u uiiivu. aauva the father or the grsndlsther, b al air li ii hltuubv uul nine. Winona wagon. ,n, ;;.!, nitcher fanned but 3. :i inch; Osliorne mower. -Itoy Mrtin tijowed four men to walk I lavs, one mile south of Hillsbo-l M u it,. PnFl,nH nttok. . LAJ lliov un. HIC . Jt ii."u r,fcv" ro. near Condenser pumping ep nfS more liberal, permitting plant, to left of highway. 52tf five to walk. Jonn ireiana. oi roresi urove, i "wuik wj mc i-um was down to the city Friday, at- was not an overly large crowd at r tending the drainage suit in cir-j the grounds. ..; nn.r inhn nwna a farm i me reoeaieu caneeuinz oi out in the Hellinger Bridge sec- games on account of bad weath- he is interested in the er, and the taci mai me rori- land teams are not up to stand ard, it being early in the season, has caused a lack of interest in the games, and the managers hooe to ret better and huskier Call in and sec our Hardware stock since we have opened in our Hew Double Store Room We are carrying a fine line of Hardware of all kinds and will be pleased jo show"you our stock Farm Implements a Specialty Remember the place On Second Su,..op-, posite the Court yard. Let ns figure on your Plumbing. PERCY LONG SSST tion, and atfair. Chris. Gertsch. of Garden Home, was an Argus caller the first of the week. Mr. liertscti has made good in the dairy busi- the lands to be drained, and viewed the Bernards property with the view of fixing values. Settlement out of court at last clears every obstacle, and the ditch will proceed. LADIES AND OliNTLEMCN I. F. L Perkins. Kccorder ol Conveyances, Washington toun llanee at Hendricks Hall. Cor nelius. Saturday evening. May 9. Walkers 4 -piece orcnesira, ii"1 u 11 ladies free. Manaife . .... a mcnt of McCurdy & vaniom, Don't forget the date. .1 N Cardncr. well known neardrenco. vears ago, now re -u. . i... Vii..if mail iriip Him n v ftt- i in- vit. m - i jinvpvunrra. iiusiihik l,u a fallutir tree recently anu ,., nnimn do state: that 11 wm w - - , ill. Vi-"'l sustained a broken leg. H'8 Lives me tfleasure to recommend walking on crutches, ami says "' Fred A. Kverest, to Ihe consia is worth a dozen men yet eration of the Kepublican voters . !. . ..i.. -U....IJ .l.iml in tho urimanes on M8V loin, or sale -1 weivr m i " t -- r or fan ii..;.l r. iu that durinir the 7f I m. eacn.-uw. r. ii". "- - , ...:.u on former John White place, three years ne nas oeen wu.. ...r cl.!remrMou,,tain.3n,iUswest asd n - . t f a i rtini ill IH ii 1 1 1 n LviM'ivi' , , , . - - with prompt- accuracy. nd elected I Mieve Mr. Everest will make .n ffieient and economical Atficr r. L. t'erkins has made good in the dairy dusi- tenders jn the near future, as ness down his way, and has also HiU8boro na9 had every thin,? its tK-nehtted nicely irom nM'n the season opened. property values in tne uaroen A maUer of fact wnen the Home section. boy9 are pjght Hillsboro has the . ,. - f-h .ioaa fastest team in the history of lo- Lxaminations for fourth-class . . .. .M:nnv.iu mav ,;rov.. on jn.m Bjl Apph- ,l,'g,ffinp,w, Sund.,'. cants will write for offices in the " ... l .. .n.l tha ioiiMimtll K""11' c m. i, . ....jr. ''"":"; Hillsboro i;ivil service commission K neB.irnon. i r. industrious anu cu W. II. Reilmg returned from charKinR his duties Klmore I'ark. Friday, a ftei - com- nmk ncBtn0!W and iileting a cottage for Dr. Wood. f nominated a i .i. tk.. uiuather . .. i. 5. I AND P. E. H. .... iiiriiiiK "-- -- - , ui 11 uiiva that the weather over that way has not been very Summerlike this fcprmg. For Sale-Six hundred dollar Hardman piano for less man half price; used, mil new. Call Bt Cash C.rocery. half block east of post ollice. MARK I. BUTLER fixed the above date. Herman Huntemann, of Cor nelius, was in Friday, making out an application for irrigation on his Oak Park orchard tract It is necessary to make a re quisition on the state engineer before one can draw water from the river. It will soon be so that one will have to have a li cense before they can eat The eighteen months old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Galbreath, of Cipole. near Sherwood, drans gasoline late last inursoay ai ternoon. and died a few hours afterward. Physicians w e re rushed from Newberg, but med ical aid was of no avail. Ihe funeral took place Saturday from the family home. ViuBtaiicom... Freeman. G Henderson. Moyet McCnrdy .... Brown Pnel Mart ... ... ....I b... ..... r f... EH: a i b. aaC' Power' , Winters ., England .Wright C inton LewU .Jeoup ........ .Boorf Molkey Jesat Bid DAMAGE CASE All. except the P. K. & N.. trains ire electric, and Btop at the de pot on Mam street To Portland McMinnvill Train 6:47 a. m. Sheridan Train 0 1R n. m. Forest drove Train 1:00 p. m. McHinnville Train 2:15 p. m. fcugene Train.. 4:58 p. m Eugene Train arrives. ..8:15 a. m. CMinnv e " . .9:42 a. m Forest drove " .10:67 a. m ohendan " ..4:30 d. ro. McMirtnville " ...6:37 p. m. Trains each way, except the Corvaiha trains, stop at Sixth "o nr. on nag. Steam Service Old Depot To Portland p. K. & N. Train 1:37 p. m. From Portland p K. & N. Train .10:24 a. m. Dan Liisy, of South Tualatin, was a city visitor Saturday after- noon. Dwitfht Pomeroy and wife, of Leverich I ok a vism In Inuin the lUt flf ttSa uiaaL TIAt ana trAPV proud of that grandchild out at lie Tom Henton olace. J II ll .1 L.I.... .. . juiinoon, oi oeiuw nt- was up to the city Monday ..urning. j, q. gays the cold oi ihe week was not conductive to Hood growing. Mat .u-ft III I J . . ana aire, vvm. neiaon anu wmily spent Sunday at the home Mr. and yea. Chas. Hess. .ntsof Ura. Nelson, thaw ion being lit, Ubsb' blrtbdsy. ii Ijqoc Hntler died at the f hia mother. Thursday - . I inline: v. ' " . . , :ti). 191 1. alter an with the government on a sur- illne89 of but a few months, his ? infl iroiitlon down in Call- atlliction being tuberculosis He - nr. .l .kIam mi . a.nMH inn iiiiiir iiiiimLiiin. r.trnin and 10 asoiliK'" w WIS wniiwi rc ." -- irfoTa fewweks, making Larthe ,ent site -of Orenco out his reports. April I. . V- tu not foriret to ask for a man Schiller when you want a g.xKl vv " "Ve Was a 8on of the 10 cent smoke- no cougn uu lsaac mWft hj9 motner and in the Schiller. 1-" lne f0oWing brothers and sis t Uuruh for vears a resi- aurvivinff: dent of Idaho, is down on a visit 0f his immediate He and his sister, mm. K sutler, i ornonu. .. l eisv were out the last of he H. Butler. at home; half- week visiting with Utoyvilto and half-bro hers -Mrs. SJ South Tualatin relative, Alonzo Mr. C R B.o One of the largest personal in jury cases ever filed in circuit court was handed in tne lasi oi the week when B. M. Nornm, a logger entered a complaint ask ing for $35,000 from the Lovegren Lumber Company, of Cherry Grove, for damages alleged to hive twn sustained while work- ins- for the Company. December aa 1 1 13, 1913. Nordin was a "sniper, and alleges that while at work .im.- u:bvifm farm the foreman. Olaf Hedin. caused . "eV : .T V .A a cable to be hitched to a log. m?"atV."'j:".,:r ikI Un the eneineer to a m. morrow. . .... - , . d riea Deinflr c osea oy viucri. ija-i" - ... Sff. 1'cVrtland real estate man. against a vine maple, which was Tr mr,m.M 9S1 aorea. of SDrung down. StnKing worain on ihU .OT the the head. Nordin say . he ,ym wiiiin oi i. nn- nnennae noa ten davs and that it lrU Sl'ZsiS to trephine the a"t.,v'.. olr.lll the locality. r ..... u. . k- w h Ine oay a iiiab tic ii wo v. .v. power of speech, and that he is nartialltf narftlvzpd IS a reSUlt Of week. He will again be in the the accident His complaint says whirl after hops this ran. Mr. tnat he has spent nearly a tnous t.k.naipv has boutrht hops in Ore- -nH Hollars for surireon and hos- .mn for a number of years, and Ujtal bills. This is the largest prior to coming to the Btatedarnage case of its kind tiled bought in Wisconsin, where he agajn8t a lumber company in the was also a producer, uunng ma i history of the courts nere. incumbency in nop-ouymK no oaa for tht lady of the hon- to keep tub of her etpemliturea U to pay all bill by check. It will aimplify matter a great lel-Rtve her an indisputable receipt and at the same time elituinme the risk anil inconvenience of keep ing a lot of cash around the house. Furthermore, Ihe check stuls will show at a glance the total amount of expenditures for a stated time which enables her to keep expenses within your aijfeeil-upon allowance. Our special de partment for the ladiea is a grant convenience for them: why not open an account for yoor wife. She will fully appreciate your thoufthifulnesa Modern Banhing In All Its Branches American National DanK Capital and Surplus $57,000.00 A. C. Shute, Pres.; C.Jack, Jr.; Cash., W. V. Bergen, As't nalM St; HIIHboro, Or. SHUTE SAYINGS BAHK American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 t Banning in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. iiaa aa 1 ixir 1 iinnirvri vt iu."i n C. Lilly, who lives above r .Vriimon. Chino. Cal.; liawf. was in the county r .tn Mrne, i.ort. 7a Fr day. and called I on the H' Butler. Hillsboro; Argua. which he has taken for a land. q North Yakima, gOOU many y Wasn. ; uenjamm uun . j .. . r ai.vKo nn the I . : .Wm Hut er. Hornbrook Tames nrown, u. . inriMixa, u ui.l'i q P broke one of his legs in Arizona, and Mrs. W. H. Mchl . . u j wniiipimv ri iiipks 1 .lAiunnv riiicaii xi s v v-s S So arat Third " Thnera. taceat the and Jelferson. Chrisuan n--.;cia; n Knirlev. of Bagley & f; ":nf .rmpnt was in the Vicu. 1. Ilnail llllK. "'u tiM ojint 10 Louuiur, i0 in eometerv. i"'.,:;r in litigation wherein -- Horaohoi Clutter, of near Mul- lov Station, and Miss Alma E. Beckman, of Portland, were iinit! in marriaare at Forest Anril 30. 1914. Rev. J. M. I Barber officiating. The Rroom is nmminpnt VOUnfiT man of hlSI section, and assisted in collection w' 1 . . Ua u oounse I. .. c!.....u tho RAwmill man of near Farmington. was up to the citv the lasi 01 m ; L tai nf Verboort was ifiH itit Monday morn- H C Pearson, or soum iu. tin waV transacting business in Ihe city the last of the week Mrs. Albert Solberger 01 .K North Plains, was a city cauer il. i nf the week. r. McKnight .K" Plains hop grower, was In town Saturday FOR SALE ' -11. nant mare, e years oiu, :. 1inri lh. Ask at resi- dence. one-half nil. from Row- ell Bros, store, "07r office. Chas. G. Koeber. Sher- wood. Ore., iwute . Mr. and Mrs. Price, of Port land were visitors to roresi IBIIU. "v ...... , 4 P.tJoir (Jrove and niusooro. iiwi. 1 ,v' . , fHMnaa rlauB n Mrs. Price was in iorinci uj itudent at Pacific University, and she was known as Miss Jean UcLeod. Illiuiliuviiv -w .. made several trips across tne At lantic. frienda of Mrs. I l.n;ii""ia 1 1 J E. A Wolf, of near Aloha, helped to celebrate her 60th birthday. April 30, at the Wolf home. A pleasant aiternoon wm rajw. and the close was followed oy - . . the incumbency dpliffhtfu supper, inow wno -"v u" enjoyed the occasion were Mes- w,. ,iamua Hunt Hitchcock. Hillier, I Khorwood has commenced con- wjiimrn Townsend. Buck. Sut-1 0tmtinn nn its first biff brick. toe Rockmann. Libby. 0per, n he used as ratoffitt. A store Weisenbeck. Quint Reynolds, 1 wf H occupy a part of the struc the hostess, and the Misses Lyall Uur8 the building to be 42x50 in t n.otma I timanainna and (trick and con- nllli VI I B 1 vui I uiiire...w..M, - . .- i - . . crote will be used in construction. r.:i.nn nf ahnvo KanKB. I n"",ZTZ. n rll? nf a-hnlla. waa has commeiiccu lunvwomv k v v. - ceedings against F. J. Wirfs. of up the first of the week, visiting .1 ... rmi th amount I with relatives and tnends. Not-1 involved being ao,w.o. wuhi wiinauniumK ,o $500 attorney fees. Gribner sold years of age he is still as spry aa Wirfs a bunch or timner ror the tradiuonai cncKeu $6,000. and wiris was w pay Georjre Con2elmann. of near jaw in casn. anu v.... ri "-1 Middleton, was up 10 tne county ner $2 per thousand as rapidly Monday, on business at the he shipped from a sawmill bui l rt houge by. the oeienuan. . . r ftf Poreat Grove I has been paw. anu wicu uciaum 1 . . ------. madeV Gribner wanU his timber was down to the county seat the released. mwwwuw Don't Forget That the mechanism of a watch is very delicate. Poor adjustment of the parts often ruins splendid time pieces. Expert attention is the more economical. Bring your watch to tlie watch specialist. My twenty-four years experience in this line of work Eighteen of them in this city With Costs you no morc-than the experience ol a Tinkering Novice. If time is what you want, let me make your watch a "time keeper." LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaher and Jeweler. Graduate Optometrist. HUUboros Oregon