The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 30, 1914, Image 1

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!IIU.SI'.()R(),ORKnON, APRIL 30. 1914
lln. Ii. C l!nwnell. of
Or. gun Vtly, tMkikt thenmrt
I.inim. Saturday evening, de
fining hi piwitiun in the rare for
the guliertiati.rial nomination.
liruwnrtl id fteekintr t)a
ran nomination, ami la .
on a dry platform, urtring entno-
my anil ine aiailiHiinient of use
letw commission. Itrownell in
writ known in the tut jrtion of
the rounty, and he nays hi e.
pert the county to give him
quit a vote, althonxh h Hay
ilenly that Withvcoml. in en
titled to hit former horn district
Male Hilp Wanted 1 Mil)
teaeh several young men tht
automobile business in ten weeks
hy mail and assist them to iroui
ixwitiunn. No charge for tuition
until jxmition in seeured. Write
todav. It. S. Price. Automobile
F.rt llo pa. l Angrles,
t: .. . . ijm.
uimit iim
. ......
lag Aa"w
mi rttf
60 10 15 CENIS
I argrr I jl are now Cleaned uo
In the Mountain DMrkts
Bill:. HOWDIR. SOt.D Too I.AKI.V M at Ckat
Crua si Ml J Sl Uwcl il
Cral. I arly ia Wisttr
Krgistrr. of Me-
V k. the following article on
Ll. u. of the Hour." pre-
benettt ut nur.ry ...
l t M.iore.
to feel proud of hi
Zpaf players which appeaml
I"' . ...... I. .1.1.1 ..ilw
gttheOtxT" nouiw ... .
SturJay nitfhL presenting "The
... it .... I lid Iwim.
Minor m niK...
8, of the McMinnvill library
aiflilh llieir twin r'"""1
L have on both occasions great-
h nleaned. Th wa heavy
JM, but Wiry i "
CotfU the method of corrupt
ioh.mli.ntc cty irovcrnmeni
ith full ,,J nirul 01 u"111"
wdcourU. all being wjuirvd to
buiiUm. till broken by honest
cibicMhip. Mr. Appiqnw
baa, workinir in conjunction
.jUCeo.KmmotU tbe rich own-
tr of fmichirte. opMiHi uy i.eo.
y- u mavor. who prove! an
av - -
hooMt man contrary to their ex-
(xfUtion. ablv aeconaea oy u
C. Boyatl a rnrian, rontuiuwu
the princii! framework for the
poiiucal K itinir of the play, and
Mr. Boncvi mad goini juotce
piatinc into the hinda of the
plotter for Hpoita. Mum Kuth
Harbison aWy plyHi ner porn
tioa blHn two lover m lead
im lady. mmrrinK Iherich young
Vror to il hid full duty, and
llly inning out Utner iem-
itt parw were wen auauiineu
br Mitt l.ucy Wealherred and
Mn Grace J one. Uther gentle
un in iK.. rnnctltion were Jamea
:Joa. Will llarria. Kenneth IUbb,
Dr. J. IL Marshall. Itoy Heater.
Will WiIIh, Chaa. Unge and
Bimy Iwk liood music wan
(urniiihed ly an orchestra com-
poted of Howard Kaufman, vio
lin! (lark Allium, clarinet: F. A.
Miad. cornet; 0. F. Toney. trom-
bon; I). A. Doty. trp, nd
Waller iMy. piano.
After the play a banquet wan
given by the library board to the
iiitor at the Antler miiau-
finL where W. T. Macy pre-
tided an toastmaatcr. There
tew about 35 present Ke-
pontes were made by Mr. Moore,
Mr. KmmutL Mr. Ikiyatt and
Mr. Iloscow of the vtaltora. and
by Dr. Toney. Frank Wortman
tnd b. A. Dotv on behalf of the
borne folks."
Irpajiy Itiwitt Mil NwalaallM
Il Fred A. Kverwit, duly regis
tered Kepubiican, herety an-
lAnilfWtA ftU.At tad Patlillfiltriin
Candidate for the Office of Re-
wrder of Conveyancea of Wash
ington County. I am a resident
o( HillHboro, am Deputy Record-
ir. ana win say that li i am
nominated tor the oince at me
I Primary nominating election, to
loenewi Mnv lfi iu. I will ac-
pt the nomination and will not
withdraw, and if 1 am elected, 1
ill. during my term of office,
I we aue cure, and to the Deal oi
ny knowledge and ability per
form the duties of the office with
neatness, accuracy and dispatch,
wing familiar with the work, I
and will serve the public ef
ficiently and will at all times be
rourteous and attentive.
Adv. Krori A. Everest
I We desire to express our sincere
MianKBBnd appreciation to ine
I kind friiirwla tn .tin alrl anfl
vmpathy extended during the
I""ies8 und death of the late
If ? ,,luHCe. nd especially for
we beautif uk floral offerings.
Mr?. Frances Ulascoe,
.,, Mrs. Kmma McKlnney. Ore., April 28, 1914.
ii... t. . t
oms uuxion was aown irom
I MntAn4 i mm a . I
urove, Monday, on legai
'. Kehrli, one of Hillsdale's
prominent dairymen, was out to
I tl Ighnrn UaiuI.ii araatna
Wends. " "
I ooic. uenerai mercantile
jwe. in good location in coun-
f'on. Reasons. Inquire of K.
(Vrator O'lKll. with the
Southern I'acitic, has --n pro
moted to the dispatcher's ollice
in I'ortland, where he receives a
salary oyer double that ut the
HillslMiro office. He is a good
man in the place, and his many
friends here congratulate him
Uon his success. His family
will move to Portland after the
first of the month. Since com
ing nere they have resided in
the McQuillan proterty.
I jidies are nnuintej to call at
the I'aris Millinery Store lefore
they buy their Spring hats, as
the prices are right. il hats
from LI to 15. - Mrs. M. I. Iler-
dan. Second Strwt, near Wash
ington, Hillstioro.
The l & K. will cha.iKeits
nassenirer schedule, the new
timetable to take effect next
Sunday morning. The road is
picking up a great deal of the
local travel, and the new sched
ule is made for the purpose oi
U-tter accommodations in and
out of Cortland, so far as timely
service is concerned.
lt not forget to ask for a
Schiller when you want a good
10 cent smoke - no "rough dust"
in the Schiller. 12tf
W I. Ilatchelder. of Hillsboro.
and JajtiM-r KelTer. West Union.
were in Cortland the other day
and UiiiKht a new clover huller.
larger than the old one. which
was turned in to the company.
The new machine will enable
them to do a great deal more
work this hall.
For sale Twelve shoal, about
"5 lb, each. Ceo. F. Heineck.
fnrmer John White place.
Chehalem Mountain, 3 miles west
of laurel. & 7
Albert Tozicr. well know n here,
is attending the National Miior.
ial AssKiation meeting at Rous
. r.n ami "cards" the Ar-
gus from the Rice Hotel. Albert
always makes it known that
there is such a place as Oregon
when he is back at one of the
national meeting.
Sneaking Society
of Washington Co. will meet at
the Mwe Hall, the tirst Satur
day in May-May 2. All mem
ber are requested to tie In at
tendance. -Cerhard Ooetxe.
Crea.-Wm. Schendel. secreUry.
of Varley.
was in the city Monday. He
says the wire worm are active
in ine onionn. , . :,
The cold, rainy weather is just
what this class of pest wants.
K. T. Turner, of Uurel, was a
city caller the last oi uie
He says ho hoies for a good
stretch of rock road between
here and Laurel, oeiorc
son close.
nn.lrirks Hall. Cor-
l.BIRfav nil.-..--;- u-., Q
.... o....rlau oveninir. MBy V.
nenus, om.u Tleic.
Walkers 4 piece orchestra, iick
ets $1 llawiU free. Manage
ment of McCurdv & VtnUjn.
v , inn nuif. w-
uon 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Cornelius
... fr a triD tO
Will soon ir' . . -
Southern Oregon d C
me The borne ' has been
leased for a year to L. P. Adams.
Ernest Kraus, residing at w
Point, was in town the first oi
f.011"". i. ii. farmer v resided
back to the oia couuvj v
occasional visit.
.. . t. . MiHonttercrer return-
ed the last of the week from
ea me i . BU8tained
t'orliano, ww t rr hnfini.
lam. one is skin im"K
i r th road to recovery.
Mrs Arthur Stewart, who has
STjJSto. City, to H"'""1"
Knhlnaon. of near Farm-
initon :-VST greeting Mends in
town the last of the week.
Fred B. Clark, of near Farm
ington, was in town Friday.
Farmers from the hill districts
have !een busy delivering their
1I13 litato crop, the top of the
market having reat h"d seventy
five cents per sack, the last of
the week. Ouite a number f
larger lots, here ami there, w ere
disposed of last Friday and Sat
urday, at the 75-cent figure.
John Koch, of above dooming.
was one to get this price for
over 400 sacks. The demand has
been very brisk the past week,
and the price jumped 20 cents in
a short time.
The bulk of the crop has sold
at about an average of JiT. rents
manv. however, going at M.
The first demand paid but 50
rents, and thousands of sacks
were sold at that future.
Washington county is possess
ed of the reputation of grow ing
the best Hurbanks in the North
wesL the shot still of the hills
being especially adapted for io
tato culture. For a while it
ImikMl as if there were to ! no
C. 15. McCurdv. of Cornelius.
was in town Friday.
Ju'lire H X. Hardin?, of Gas
ton, was in the city Friday.
Kl tiier Miller, of Khadv Rrmk.
was in the county seat the last
or the week.
Henry ttoge. Chehalem Moun
tain, was a countv seat caller
Fritz Rutener. of Helvetia.
was a county seat visitor Monday
W'llU-r Tomokins. of beyond
North Clains, was in town the
Klder J. Garrimis. of tbove day evening made short shift of
Manninir. u erfftinv Morula the CSSe Of State VerSUS tTtnt
in town the last of the week. I Scott the former railroad fore-
f i f i . t c..iklmin who waa ehanred with a
1.1.3. II. IJ 1WUIII
Tualatin, was in town the of statutory crime, the state's wit
the week. neas heinar Lula Bow beer, an
Chris. Zuercher. of Helvetia, (eleven year old girl, the adopted
was a city caiier Monday morn-1 child of Mrs. Susan Bow beer.
ln- I Mm Rowher. who was brought
II. II. Hall, of Shady Brook, back from Eastern Oregon by the
was transacting business in iowni.4.. . un Cmii
the first of the week. ... , . A.A
IUUb IICl Cliuciivv uiu mvs avv
evidently, toward convincing the
: it.. c ... Sw.i..
' - Mr. U BL 3LJI.I. W ma lUlJULEI I.
tor in circuit court rnday.
ho soon uBETiis
SBMOE 3T0 20YEfilS
Jury Was Mt Mlberatlng Not!
Over Ftfteta Mlantes
takVaaJ Faftaua Takes to PtaMcailary
Laal a tkt Week
I A jury in circuit court last Thurs-1
iurv that $teott was innocent
The iurv deliberated about ni
a.. a a . t a
For sale: Photo gallery and minuws. ana ii sua mi
u;:n i A.itut oneDSJioiwas ua en ana
IIIUIKIH, 11.11 CAlliailKC lull ... .
. ... i : . .i irotnrn nr muiv maae.
my pro HTiy. inu.reiii meui ,. "j"
i. .r l1 i L.tut i j u u c .aaiiiaffuvaa bfc-ib wsa,v
"L:. ' 'I n . .. - Scott Friday afternoon, giving
i.eo. &. i,ampu ii. one oi me mrn from 3 to W) years, the im
pioneers of the Laurel section, nriaonment nrascribed bv law.
was a county seat visitor Mon- sheritt Reeves took Scott to
day morning. galem the last of the week.
For Sale-Six hundred dollar The jury trying the case: Ed
it'.nimnn oiann for less than Morton. Jacob Shearer. Chas
half price; used, but good as Casteel, A W Wright Ernest OI
We sell and recommend them
A full line carried in
our stocK at all times
The Delta Drug Store
Ililisboro, Oregon
market for the tubers, and that new
manv hundreds of
rot in the pits.
H. II. Mailer, of alove Banks,
who had 15 acres in, was hold
ing his the last of the week, and
if he sold on the raise his sturdi
ness has brought him many a
sacks would block east of post otlice.
Jos. Hucher. of above Moun
foil ft I afaoK i nvioru aS a I f I Wilt W P Hrooka. Joaeoh Kvle.
van ab waou jin..ia "'" - - A.
ueo t inomMon, j on n uiauu, n
V Denny. Samuel Graf and Wm
Thorn burgh.
In the case of Ausrust Kuhna-
sen vs H D Bryant a decree was
oriven nlaintiff.
Foster ys Wuhington County
demurrer overruled.
taindale, was a city caller Friday
evening. Mr. Bucher. who is a
veteran of the Civil War. is tak
ing a great interest in the Mexi
can situation.
J. W. Connell, of the Hillsboro
Mercantile, has concluded his
the potato market
rnmnaiirn in
. A- 1L1I ... . . .... ,tL.
. , .... . una ii is sale 10 say m " The following Candidate will De
Receipts for the week haetieen ha3 houarht more poUtoes ki-H im the nrimarv ticket:
cattle, 173C; calves, 8b; hogs. the ,)ast month than any other! Legislature W G Hare, Ben
3246; sheep. 2749. . agency in the county. tnn Bowman. Hillsboro: Earl
li,ht ,t.r ,IJ 5 o ,l . om lo .,. to.Ft Grove; J. A. Chip-
few grain-led ano oaoy nee. vu- it, . ""if " , m.n MiHHUttn-Samuel Paisley.
rieTit 8 to 8 25. Heavy Mil- the county in the seventies, and fcnM,ddlet0n' Samuel ",9,ey
locks 7 50 to 7 75. Strong tie- still keeps a piece oi county sou . R Sappington.
mana lor oenorncu iivi.t.a , ., ? Clerk E. C. Luce.
cow. . . outing resort at Oak Catk. li-P. A? Everes t
Hog market heavy to shade Svlvester Dooher susUined a Hillsboro. and James Dsvis.
VgJrrf " X- aV- aaaaaaaTS--l
lowaru voc V ? rVtn is a few minutes was unconscious,
light hogs sold from 8 o0 to 8 6., . aUended him He
with a few loads at 8 i0. A w wUhout g
irootl supply of stock hogs at . .h animal whieh was on
Commissioner-Rodell Matte-
son. Gaston, and G A Plieth,
Tigard; Z M LaKue. lndepen-
weaker during the lirst hall oi ,Vm v,uA. i ridinir NnHh Plains.
the week, but partia V rmn-erc SaturJay and for Suey0l. McGee
w j m.' ti rt l in a ii iiw n v a '-
Boot! supply of stock hogs at . . lj-i.
country ixints. but feed is scarce uudctonlv stopped, throw- Justice of Peace-W. D. Smith.
and growers are not geuinn 'n:n-Bim tn the trround. Svlvester Hillsboro.
holdings rea
easy as usual. knur not much the worse forlKinton.
Sheep house receipts i.gnt i p blcause of his experience. Constable W B Fuller. Hills-
SSLthS 75 and 6 featured, Ko,wrt3 hereand there fh ciSSS
but few ewe sales were made. out,yinjr districts confirm the pJgSJ clSJ jj , p.
Mutton feeling was just steady sUtement that the frosts have Lnet'
with little change, and absence not materially damaged . the I(C.ujHliMli Sher-
of select quality prevenieu a sai- prune prospect, excepting in a
islactory guane oi me nwKeu re w -xposea localities, i ne oe- Tionatable Carl Hoffman. For
mand loruregon prunes in wc
Ld a i ho iut tor vears. anoiv ..... . n
ii nun i) v a i:. i. i .. s ..- j i juauce j n nuuuwi.
i-. n.w i thu i iroL'tin nroauct is aneau ui i
ll ..tkdisi In nripp The daV Of I ulWe.
. a" r:zi:. t;: jrr : Jusuce worth riama,
All except ine I . IW n i-- ",sllHHir yrii:.-a iui hihki"i p.L Rnlnv
aVe electric, and stop at the do- appear to have vanished forever. nk Bwy.
for th lady of the hoos ? to keep tab of ber expenditures ii to pay all billa
by check, it will simplify matters a great desl give her an indisputable
receipt and at the same time eliminate the risk ami inconvenience of keep-
inga lot of cash around the house. Furthermore, the check stubs will show
at a fiance the total amount oi expenditures tor a naieu unw wnitu cu.imi.
ber to keep expenses within your agreed-upon allowance. Our special de
partment for the ladies is a great convenience for them: why not open an
account for your wife. She will fully appreciate your thouffhifulneas
Modern Banhing In All Its Branches
American National BanK
Capital and Surplus $57,000.00
A. C. Shute, Pres.; C.Jack Jr.; Cash., V. V. Bergen, As't
Third St., HUHboro, Or.
tot on Main street
To Portland
McMinnville Train C:47 a. m.
Sheridan Train 9-15 p. m.
Unrest Grove Train 1:00 p. m.
McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m.
Kuirene Train
From Portland
and the Washington County
prune grower should cheer up.
man school meet
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
iinc, in v... - --- , - i l. j . KnrMt tirove. saturaay.
r.piirnt on of Vera truz is in-
.n frJInwra
. 1 ,IA h.&J..
J.' o.,r. V""r.r ;u; a;, .r Spnnu-ou jaro-, iuu yru,
Kuirene Train arr ves tense, uu mm loon uaP4a
Kinnii He " - 9:42 a. m. fearful the Mexicans wil I cut .off 220 yards.
Forest Grove " .10:57 a. m. the irrigation supply LoW hurdles: shot put; pole
Sheridan . .4:. p. m. periai vaney. wnere wsi nnlnit gh jump; run
McMinnville " - 6:37 p. n. upon thousands , of acres .of crops vault, n numpdingPbroa(
T.ia ..aeh wbv. except . the are now oeing wrcu. , - . - d . new
x ioiiio - - . . , .i I a. ...ail Ani sb flarinn.ijuuiari :
Corvallis trains, stop at Mxtn i" , ;ZZmI&S a
and Fir, on nag. a. of the hne . ine puw t swaw wu.
!IUMI," 7 l representatives w contws vu
c, m Qprvice Old Deiwt Vs mo,lslcu- . tome minor sprints ana jumps.
Steam Service.... v.u Hillsboro High ia training every
To Portland JUVENILE COURT M-aibla minute, and the struggle
p R.&N. Train 1:37 p.m. for supremacy will be between
n A I . , ii UnnJ.u laaiKul UilUtmMi and FOTMt GrflVe.
from i wruonu judge ueaai'iici mviniaj ln,rauv.v.-.-- , , . i
p It & N Train 10:24 a. m. orders committing two little girls Medals will be jwaried for
Y.K.& " I" . n p p:9 kA Soc etv. first and second place, and rib-
I j Ho ,Knr iwaa rvimmia. I Knna will ffO to the thirds. SS
. in . .. v m Korrinnu mia. mi"" " " w. ... n-
August iflwsauu ;:j tn Oliver them to that I usual.
. i.. Hr i ntrnn ariiNHiiH i niunuu v . . -
took a pany ui "-7"- ,.:..:
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loan9, Domestic Letters
of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De
posit Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
rnnk a Darty of United. Artisans s.u .cu ." " "r
i Portsmouth last weanesua RnaTks. .rl tk- haa been ousti ng the
niRht and on the vicUmof Frlnk road wort the street, since
all kinds oi auiu uvuu.c. A k0 nnmtAntiarv itha weather has been paruaiiy
utt ahout midnight, and reacnou pcoti, T- - - .r.,"-; a . number of
punwu. AMaotnIo nli
were suki ...i.Uo I.j nl fh ttm ateam
rh morning. Some one stole '" 7. w,; fell Bowbter has had
$6 robe Tews, and ta en
all in all. me trip w. -WV"" rT 1,A ffiri was adopted. u- Q.-.K VtWn. Miss
alloyed Pleasure. The other was the twelve year mjH'p-p-ailua and J.N. Mc-
Dance at Hillsboro Hall. Sat- oW daughter of J. F. f tjchier Kinney were out from Portland,
urday n ferht a;, T"T and wue, oi iie ,,iY"' Friday, tn attendance at we iu
S of Taylor & Vanderwal. Thi9 Rirl is aged about twelve JJ of the tate Wm Uura
Richard Sandford was over Mn Ur er -fl" - J- Fwl Haase, of low. Hill, was
from Glencw. Monday. Beu....K,t.- , - town ths last or tne woeg.
up an esUte in probate court. noon strain.
Marking a Date
The custom grows of giving a ring to mark an
anniversary such as a wedding day or some other
with the date and occasion engraved on the
inside. A ring is a peculiarly happy gift for such
a purpose, because so easily worn and so often in
sight, without the wearer making any special ef
fort to see it It is quite unlike any other piece
of jewelry in this respect.
My display is so large and varied that people
seem to take the greatest pleasure in looking it
through, to find something peculiarly fitting.
Watchmaher and Jeweler. Graduate
Hill.boro. Oregon