The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 23, 1914, Image 3

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    The flpp Fpee
The DUy and The
Arrfut. On Yr Tor $6.00
thU gtfvea you Kto Artfua
TBCC No Arfents
Dolly ond Sunder
and G Argus
Want Wrdmllon of anil
lot ComniU!n anJ Ih-putkt
ii i in wen n ssi sum mi he
The Sregonian
l I Sup purl Ai)
Mill Nol leasts Bardce
eac WIS
Daily Journal
ond Tho Woohly Artfus
On. Toor, Doth Popers
03.25 ' Dolly end Sun
Journal ond Arrfu.. One
Yoor. 07.50. Do H Now
Weekly Argu
IIi!Mr 'Iraniff, Patrons of
HuHhari'l'y, )i;h thrown lwn
the vauntlft for lis taxation,
and tit a n-ct-nt m--tinit 'lojitel
the following r'solution:
"lU- it nHolv'l ly the IlilLsWo
Cruris No. 7:5. . of H.-That.
inasintirh it our taxes ar jfft
ting t' U a khi'Vuuh hunlt-n anl
tlat tht-re i iffru-ral disatisfae-
tion with, arnl much criticism of
our tax taws, ami th amount ot
Halari ami numlx-r of deputies
of our ot!irera ami tiie nurnU r of
di putii-s of our otlicent ami the
numlM-r of rommiHsioners. game
ami fire wardens, and other ex
penivf otlirialH
lie it further resolved:
That the voters of HillsUro
(!ranif ph dije themselves not to
vote for any candidate lor the
state legislature who will not
first uledire himself to introduce
a hill ami work for it passage
through the leirulaturo to lessen
our taxes by curtailing expense
along the lines above mentioned
And that we resnectfully ask
all Granges and taxpayers in the
siaie 01 I'rt'gon 10 join wim
in this iiledire.
it furthi-r resolved Utai a
Again Reduced
Peerless Lamps
Blaze their Trail
toward cheaper
Buy a Carton Today
The Grand Mint U the matt
wholesome "two for a Quarter"
smoke on market mad la Ore
iron, by E. Schiller. When you
indulge in a good moke buy
(I rand Mart.
is the ciHorrr cucht or th
Henry Hajniltua, Plalatit.
M. I. Awaits Cleveland, ate
ir, alao all other patauae or parties
U..L-U...., ai,w rlht till
nUK, lion, or Interest lilMntlMtali
oWriba.1 la the twipliiBl arsa.
fwfM inU.
bis wife, also all other pmnunm mr partMa
enano-a claiming ui right, title, estate
itH 1 1 1 1 in ll aala errtlian
In tiUcnraplaintaereiB, the aio abased
- it. ... t.f I Ka Rlala nturamnm . won
.nil nf anu aM berth rMlllrM lO
appear and answer the complaint Bled
ut ntf HH H I KB IMItBUUN Ptire DM
or before FrvUy lb Ma oay 01 jw,
11.1 4 l.i k.1,. ..hi Bfutr Lha
tiral pulll-mlio W Uii MimcDona. u
u fail o In spir M an-w-r, uw
plaintifl. fc ant Ibaraof. will apply ta
1 1.. . iWr.. AlnAmmM Atul d-
rrwlni plaintllT to ba tb otar. In faa
linpla, lra ana civar o maj ciaim ih
naiil ilffMidanU. or any f Ibam.orof any
on, of tha lolU.vioc daaBfibad Iract 01
K-in part nl It S. Block 25. In and of
tba City of If or ml Oro, Waablntton
t'onntr, Orfta and mora particularly
BjMihal roltnara. InwtL
( 0111 nivncitif H fact waat of Iba amrtbaaat
roriior of aald block 2S. la Foraal UroT.
Waahlnftoa vowaxj, urtra. " run
ning Hit not anutb 100 fwt; tbaoe M SO
(m4; tbonnt nortb 100 faai, and tbaoea
Ml ' tort to Iba plar of baainainf
and furt hr adjudtn. and dacraaln tbal
aid defendant, or atlbaror any of Utata,
hara do riKbt. tltla. Intoraat, baa or a
: tala in or to -aid rami aatata, or any part
'thereof, and tbal aaid defaodanta, and
' each and all of Idem, ba lorerer aatolaad
and precluded from aar elalmlofX or
amertin any claim or rifbt ta or to tha
.... ..i4 Aneia end dlatiurmanianta in
tii auit, and for aneb Mbar and further
relief aa may ba )uat ana eaunaoia nareiB.
I Thia lummnna ta aarrad upon yna by
'....Hi n.k.i.ijBiilliia J II Hmh.
UlJWII'.klwia v viuh ' - ' r
bell. Judsa of I ha Fifth Judicial Dial riot
of Omroo. bkb order aa made aod
1 datoil. In n-naourt. at Hillaboro.Orafon
Buy It Because
It's a Better Car
MODEL T. Touring
Car Delivered
Withe Auto L Garage Company
Third Street. Hillsboro. Or.
U each kiwd'i army of automobile buyers there arc
many person, anxious to secure, tt the lowest price
tithm reason, a car which will yield a maaimum in
service, style, sine, appearance and general efl.cicucy.
The Studebaker Four or Six Touring Car will fall tbis
demand to the ultuoat deRrce. It embodies the results
of years of eaperienc. in the designing and btnldimj of
more than 100,0.10 four-cylinder Studebaker automobiles
The Studebaker Four or Six has a long-stroke, small
bore motor, a giant in power though a miser m o
rasoline and oil. The car x equipped with a lull
floating rear axle and a wonderfully efficient electrical
system which lights and cranks the car, and furtmhes
the current for ita ignition.
A splendid car iu appearance, none beats it. More
roller bearings than any other car made. Shipments
to the coast from December t, to March 13, were 531
StudebeKer Tour. 3 Pasenger. $1150
StudebaiHw SU. 7 Paaengr. $1675
We can demonstrate at any time, and w ill Ik pleased
to show you just what this car can do.
Hillsboro. Oregon
. on April -l, od which diraetd th
.h tMiiori ai avaii aumanons in iuw
a s :e .... Ul.t. . - . .
... I a I. a t..m St.. at'.... a. la ,f U avk t i Ita LlaM A .f A fal tall Kl lfatWlll UraftTaVaf hi Oat
copy of Wifse resolutions wwm m - , -J Sll. and tS drtaTcftbtlM
lr Ir... IliH.luiro tiaiicrS and H SO I , ....hliT-ilon hninv June 4 IftU.
t.. l, ll .ilu Idiirtial and Wfcklvl Bowman k Vallandif ham, AUornaya
in niv . v ' i jeasie u man. lemnii. i .... Ut.i..nir
lOrek'onian. !
Tu JomiiU IkD Hlaii, the aUa uaiiM d
defendan : t
I. ll.e K'.manl llie State Of Ufraon. YOU
era hereby rMiulrwl fiaiitM-ar ami atir U k.r.Ke ien that tha aadcr
li.e uf plamiilt lile.1 K't .. 0- ,he l7,h j,T of April, IQI4.
vim in Ilia atMiee enllile.1 Bun. i ir - . . - . r ni u
Admlnlttratrii Nstict
lliillmrii i". o u n ci I of the
Wni.-Mi .f Cnhimlms has corn
mentu for the IC
furs in ('hrixtianitv versus So-
rialinm. which is to be (riven by
Mr David Goldstein of ltoston.
M .v K in the court house. Mr
Goldstein i a trade unionist.
r,avinir ti!iivtd mi active Iart in
ihf Ciirar Makers International
I'nion. in which he proudly
lu.-.sts th:tt he holds a 2j-year
old 'card. As a delegate to the
tt.j tnt (Vinvi-ntion of the
American Federation of Labor
he was instrumenUl in having
.i.t; luiuirivo tirononncpment
passed by a State Convention of
BL'ainst the Dtwa-
liauv i ..,-- ... t
..on, in nf Jvicia ism w ithin the
t. and the
Socialist attempt Irotn without
... .).,.. env tin. Witimate unions
..t Vu thu ' nriranization 01
III inuvt J " . . i
ln.l.tstr a Workers oi me
111. B'v.w.
! There is no doubt that Mr.
I'Matnm Wnnws his subject and
tu e hnw tn te II others vvnat
; niiu"i .
' i. . i. in n irooti. clear.
capable manner he presenU his
reasons why the American peo-
M... eoutle.1 autt, on .r - . , a;..l,i...-
tr.ire the :ib dat of Hi , l'.. a .1 date uy u v.. "---e-
ljetn ineeriiuii "i - i Y . t i. ,T ;
i.uhiii .iiou of ihi uiiimu.ia. and ll Ut.atrli of tbc eitaic of Lots Hatru,
tiiU lall ka tu appear ur inmiti eaiu ram
plaint, for want thereof, ine plaiiititf will
epplj tu the court fur tharrliel prayed for
in hri complaint, toail:
Kor a derree iu'eoiving ins pown
nmtrinionjr uoweneimir 'miaeao tha eeld
plainlitl and tieieiwem. ui j
rmuma bar lormer name of Jil U
in. klne. end lureurb other and mriner
reliel a to tilt couil mar aerin a.iilulil )ul. .
Thla alininioiia i eerrrj iiju j .'i
put lirallou lu tha Aruue. ntpr ol
eeneral circulation pulili-hwl at HiUebo-
i n,.i,.r ii.o II hi J V
ru, irrnuii. it ..- - -- - -
Campbell. Judica of the almve an tit lad
c un. which onw w
.1.. of Aiml. llt. tiree.-rihitiil pulilii-ation
of thla autiiiiiona In aaid nra-papfr onre
each week lor all eucceamve
Itrst publication of thla aununona lietn
on the liitb day of April. IVM. and the
laet publication on May h, lyia.
a D trrenerr,
Attorney for I'laintlff.
Nna iherefnre. all ncraoaa havinf
claimt against aaid estate arc hereby
required to preatat tht aaioc with proper
. . I : J -. . L.
voucDen to tue, inc ucniom, e u
I., offire of John M. Wall at Hillaboro,
Oreena within aia mcntha Iroai the
.1 . t I h la RfllM
Dated at HUlaboro. Oregon, tbit Jjrd
Amm nl Inrit A Tt . IMA
Martha R. Shaffer, Admlnlatretrli of
the Kitate of Loit Harria, deceaatd.
John M. Wall, Attorney lor Ettate.
Sacritt Sale Oa AttKthatat EiKatita
Will You Build ?
If yoa are toiog to build thla .Spring
or Summer, tee J. S. LORSL'NG, for
price oa building aod txcaTating.
Eetimatea gt (,ce Al1 ,k '
gaaraateed. No paymenu until wotk
la coaapleted. J. 8. Lortong. anutn
Thiid Street, t 8. P. Track; Tele-
phooc Mala J4. Htlliboto. Oregon
Give Me a Trial
Phone City 232
Hillsboro Commercial Bank Bit?.
6 Per Cent LOANS
Obtainable to bay, build or improT
farm, ranch and city property or re
move Incumbrance l herefrom; Special
PiiTllattea and Keaeonable Terms.
For proponitlon , addraaa: Finance
DepCIKo. Buach Bldg., Dallas TeJa.
Democratic Candidate
for Governor
His Record is Clean
Call tor Warrants
All Htltaboro ctty warrant on luniu
other than the General fund, waned
Not I'atd For Want ol runua, are now
payable at the ollice of the nndettigned,
'. . . . , , - fl 1 1
and inltteai win ceaei ki j .
' . ..
HilUboro, Oie., April 16, I9U-
Notice la hereby f iren. that by virtue of
. n .Mkniii .fMiiumi leeumi out or ana
under the eeal of the Circuit Court of the
Plate ol Urecoo, lor waaningioa vouoiy.
In favor of Bairley A Uaro, partoara, and
aeaiuat lania MrR. Oalbreath, defendant,
r... thm nr I tui ml with Inliireat there
on from April l 1913. at the rate of per
. .Hn...B. a ml iL. r.trtnee em Af
1 tU 5U, co.ti and diaburaeroenta. with
i nt rent thereon from April 13,tIB,at too
raie nl 8 nar cant, oar annum, to ma
directed and delivered, commanding ma
to male aaie oi me rwai ynymtj nerwu
aner deecribed, I hare levied upon, and
will, on Monday. he 85th day of May,
nut. at the aouth door of the Court Booaa
Waahlnfton Hotel, Monday. Wednesday
and Friday
Dr. Gertrude Phillips
Uataopatbic Phvalclan-
Trio Washincrtnr. Co. Veteran
'Asa'n. will assemble at rorest
Grove, May 7. liH4. at iu a. m..
of tv,A v p Ha Dinner at iz.
Ob HIV .
Election of officers. Usual good
program. Com.
Office hours, 1 to 4 p. m.
to 12 a.m.
Iiome calls.
river hank, conlinulne. on tha
aama Una nntil It interaecu the east and
weal line of Galbreath line in the river;
thence e. down tha river to a stake on
the north of the Tualatin River; tbencj
aouth SS rod to a etak: thence west 37
rode and 4 teet to the ptace) of beftinninir.
a mmmm nea or lesa. ui Town-
lu HilUboro. WaahirMrton County, Ore S" "0neWesti section
eon, at the hour of VM o'clock S'Jju'uXi, except the lol-
Sheriff Sale On Forclorc
hiKbeat bidder for caah, all of the follow
ing dencribad real Drotierty Ivlnf, being
and altuata In Waahiocton County, Ore
liar IT aesnnii
I r. . D... RaaH ft Piwl.
and 12 feet from the aouth weat corner or
J. D. Wortha land in Bridgeport: theuoe
north with the road 14 rode and 8 Mat,
. -t k mda and 4 faeat: thence
nortb 5 rode and SW feet to a itake on the
vjknn in PnrtlnnH ittnn at the
ivlia vi uy niv . I .T iivtii in v. ..w. - - - r ----
, i . - i ...... I ,m, D.ann ll , I i'.i. r n . vnvir anil ... r - ,
Die ShOlllU laKC B ucuucu noKi Lawn, imv a ' eon, and more particularly oeecri
aK'ftinst Stwishsm. , . "the uune- Morrison Streets, locatea in me, wio.-'VenM.
tin" of Oberlin. Utiio, wnicn n heart ol tne meaire anu snop
, ..H........1 Mr Cnliistein'a career I nino- districts with all the con-
I""'""" r"" . ...... ....I
i, ..finrfl ti attorm. Bays: vpmence8 or a moaern noiei. ui
M" "v . . .i n.U 1' .. . It:.-
"Ulicrpvt'r Mr. navia uoiu- reaaonab e rates. uien nue,
ima liniiriHl he arouses the Mnnnt?Pr. 49tf
anjiorof the tsociaiists, v. no in-i-arinhlv
(lock to hear and quiz
Kim with the hooe oi causmK
in the sneaker.
but in every instance Mr. Ooia-
stein has met trie enemy, un
closed their tactics and com
nletelv defeated them. As a
lecturer tie 13 Rranu, uui. .1 ...
answerinu questions of f" kinds
that would confuse and defeat
the average orator, that he s nnoilllBllPn. lnis
u- iuun' nftM acknowledged by
11113 UVVII "
neoole who themselves are no
nOVlCeS lit Una wu.n.
He will answer an iiueauui.a
Last Saturday the members of
the G. A. R. snd W. R. C. met
. f-v.t.i Voiinu.- Hall for their
usual monthly social time. Ine
fa, Ak,nAAri WOtt Rnpnt in visit. T1J?
and a program, about 60 being
present. Lignt reireSii...c..
were served at the close. The
program was as follows. Song,
America, Dy assemuij, .v
tion. Helen Vaught; piano solo,
Miss Delia Barnicott; song, Mr.
Sins; instrumental muan.-,
Haines and Raymond Beeler;
,imov .1. 1,. Crow, piano solo,
icauixp.. - . . :
Mrs. Bessie Jones; nve n..uu
..ii. u.. At rmnnall. 1W0
IBIK uy uuuev v.
schools in the country wishing
an Olegrapn oi ine r'K
n -,t Cfeinoa thfl LorDS 0r-
j i ik. an ma nnn IIHU LIICll.
aereu nio ""v , ...
j tha ai-hnnU ' hv the
presemeu w -
.,inti. inntiructor. Mrs. barsn
McNutt rress -uorreoi"juuii-.
w r T. tT. will meet
Anril 28. at
. 1 - L.. f MM I . n. OI11IICV.
me iiuiuo w. -- - ,
It is important that all members
who can should be present.
Others interested are invited.-
The war scare has not made
ka hoiiioa Get 'em
""Tr hair whTle they last
1145. Hillsboro Furniture &
Hardware Co.'s Big Sale.
The Graselli Brand of Neutral Arsenate of
It is like tbe Aetna Brand of Lime and Sulphur Solu
tion; the very best on the market. It is used and en
dorsed by all leading Fruit Growers' Unions. Prices,
ioo lbs., io; 50 lbs., $5 50; 20 lbs.. $2.25; 10 lbs., $1.35
: lbs , $.So. The Graselli Brand can be used combined
with Aetna Lime and Sulphur Solution. Wnte for
special prices on large quantities. We sell Black Leaf
40, for alt kinds of Aphis. Can be added to the above
spray, 1 per cent to 800 per cent of water. Try it.
B. LEIS. The iEtna Orchards, Beaverton, Or
Farmand Garden Implements
I can give you the very lowest prices on
Field Fence, Poultry Netting, Garden
Tools, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, and
Bee Supplies. I have added the Famous
Weber Wagon to my stock, also the
Kentuckey Grain Drills, and McCormick
Binders, Mowers and Hay Rakes.
Percy Long, Hillsboro, Ore.
11 Menfl n a at tha northwest
corner of William R. Day'a land In Sec
tion 2, Townehlp Two 8outh. Kange One
Weat of WML Mar.; thence annth on east
11.. r ..ih i.nrf in tha center of Tualatin
Hirer at low water mar, -
weeterlr direction along the channel or
ialdrWer unUl it InleraecU the line run
nln. north .nd aou.b of .dWm ).,'.
land: thence norm to a puiu.
Uje north line of 8. Galbreath'e IVjnation
Land Claim; thence east on aaid line to
the place of beginnine;, containing acre,
F . . i - ,Ke fiilliTlnir:
more or leaa. aie .-i. -
Commencing at the northweat corner ol
W R. Uav'a land; thence east S roils and
4 feet, thence aouth 12 feet; thence wester-
I tn tha maoa oi DecinuiuK.
Snd Trace Beyinnlnr; t "
aide of the, roruena anu j-
D i ahiidi e m.n ll ira i t in, ir
' .... z,.,um a is
llnke, and rnna north 38 rods to a ; point
In tha Tuamun rurer, om
OI tne laau vwu. v. ,
thunce eaat an aaid line 44 rod to a stake on
tha north bank of the Tualatin River;
thence south SB rod to slake, thence
weat 44 roda to the place of beginning ,
j .-i-!- 9 1 ej.rea of land.
mnra ar laaa. Also a certain other piece
deecribed aa follows: Beginning at a
sUke oa the southwest comer of
William Greenwood'! land tnai was aeeu
ad to him by Wm. Barr and wlfr; thence
along tba line oi tne ronianu aim nuu
Ferry Rond In a westerly direction, 14
rods and 7 feet: thence due north to Sam
uel Qalbreath's soutn line; toem-e m
along said line to the northwest corner of
William Greenwood's lend; thence aouth
alone the line of the aaid William Green
woods tand to the place of beginning,
containing t acres, more or less, all of
which land Is In Washington County.
Rtai nf Oremn. In Section 24, T 8 8. R. 1
W. of Wlllamniette Meridian Kioeptiiig
a oertain tract of land deeded to Oliver
Ut.lh... evtaalaiinliis A alMaa- mnm Or If MB:
II ft WHMMUiwi w -vivo, . -
BaiBBiB as susiutiiia a vua hm r - - -
land supposed to belong to the Eddy
heirs; also excepting a small angniar
nteee lying betw n the said road and
w . a 1 1 1 allM UaibI niiturf ai r
OrMI. acriUxi mm iuiiuws.
as .A.i) au aana ttininir tinrtli
UIO IUUTS IWirvu mM.rn
present store; thenoa parallel with side of
(tore to a creek back of store; thence in a
southerly direction to place of beginning
containing William Greeu wood's black
smith snop anu yam; aiso in iouuw
deecribed land: Commencing at the
north weat eorner ot w. it. uav a u i
m port, said tana neing aeeueu u
B k Bianklii (liitiimltim and
Altos Cummings August 12, 1887, thence
b toas ana a nw, wwu
thenoe in a westerly direction on a
Noti. is hereby given, that by virtue of
.lu.r.M anil nnler (11 sale.
mn ew ii. '." . . ,
iuHi nut ol ami under the seal or toe
Circuit Court f the Stale of Oregon, for
the County of WanhingUiu, dated the liHh
day of March, 1IU4. in favor of John
t-itrmt, plaiiitilT, ami against Myrta O.
rerguson, and J. W. Jerg uson,
i..r. .. 1 f,,r Ilia ail ill of Ml'i 75.
tir i i m 11 , i v , I -
with interest tnereon iroiu ui,
lith dr y of March, 114. at the rate of 7 i
per en per annum, ami i wraiw
j,-- .,..1 .lialii.rmeiiienljft. with t
ui en ' ' -"v. ; . 7 , - ---- ,
Interest thereon ironi the lrtlh day of .
Manh, 19U, at the rate ol 0 per cent, per
,.. niA .IifwImI ami delivered.
buiiuiii, .v - -- - :
.i,., ,AtA m.k aale of the real
property htrviiiafler desonbad, I have
levied UKn, and pursuant to aaid execu
tion, decree and order of sale. 1 will on
v. ). ih. JiK ili. nf Ma. tU. at the
soulh ui.or of the Court House, in Hills
boro. Wnshington tammy, Oregon, at n
hnnr nf ten nVlock A. M. of said day. aell
.. a ....l.t.A ia llt iik tn t It a hiLfhswt hltidar
for cash in hum , a of lh right, title and
i... . rir.a Haalwn.liaiila Mvrtt I. P r-
liuson and J. W. reraunon. of, iu and to
Ihe following nescrtDf rani prvpenj
K.iir.A ain.t fUtllmlA 111 WmtllUiniHl
1 intitV. 4trrtt)Il. and Daxticularly de-
urilieil as follows, to-wit:
Hecinninir at a stake 19 97 chaioa east.
and 6:l chains soutn oi me iimwm
..rKurlnm -l 1' 1 N. K . 'i W.. Y ill.
Mer, running them-e east 9,o7, chains to
- ..A... . h..... .r.nih ii ilea.. 411 uiin. K.
I. sui.c, ...v. ...... w - -
5. Hi chains to a slake; thence west parallel
with tne norm line line .f tuama -stake;
theuw north 5.16 chains to the
..i..... r i mintainiiitf fi acres.
UIMD . I ...... , -
to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums
aud for the ousts ana expenses oi saie u
of aaid Writ.
Kai.l anla will be made subject to re-
demotion aa ber statute of Oregon.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, on this l'Jth
da ol March. 1914.
J. K. Reeves, Sheriff of Washington
Pmint. Ilreirou.
Banley & Hare. Attorneys for Plainlitr
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of Ore-
gon lor Washington voooi. ,
In the Matter of the Kstate of Hervey 8.
Stiirdevant. deceased.
vn.. u i,.mIi. ..iiren that the nnder
signed have been duly appointed an con
tiiuied, by order of the above entitled
Court, as executors of the Last Will ami
Testament of Hervey 8. Htnrdevant, de
ceased, and have qualified as such aa by
law lirescrioeAi.
Now therefore, alt persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
..,.1 as.i,Im,I Ii. nvaaant the aaifie. to-
I gelher with proper vouchers therefor, to
tne umiersiKiieu exeouiori,
ottice ol liagley & Hare, In the American
National BsiiK Building, at Hillsboro.
Wasbiniilou County, Oregon, wlthiu six
mouths troin the dale hereof.
Dated this i!8th day of March, 1911. " '
Ed Monta Sturdevant, M. JRiat :
devant, fcxectitors of the Un Will and
Testament of Hervey B. Sturdevant,
Bagley ft Hare, Attorneys for K.veoutors
I .T-Ti.k. Una In thai nlaM of besinnlntl.
I aaid land being In Section St, T- !i 8. K. 1
W.t also beginning at a point w ieet west
frou Um Boona Ferry Road on the line
between ine J. 1. wortn ana j. a. ir.
a property in tne town oi nnagepon,
In Washington County, Oregon, and
I ranalng west 70 feet; thence nortb 21 ieet;
thence east 70 feat; theuoe south 81 feet to
I .... l
to satisfy tha hereinbefore named an ins
and for tha costs and expenses of
I sale snd aaid Writ.
Said sale will bo made, subject to re
demption as par statute of Oregon.
Dated at HUlaboro, Oregon, on this tun
day of April, 1914.
J. K. Reeves, Sheriff of Wsshlngton
County, Oregon, Br J. C. Applegate,
vopoty. tm
Baglsy a Hart, Attorneys ior r
County ClerK
Candidate For a 2hd
Term 5
Thanking everyone for past
favors, I present my name for
your consideration at the ,
Primary Election May 15,
1914. i
Edw. C. Luce.
Argus and Journal $2.25.