AkoU - i ... a, -lam ff . I as HlUSbarel Or!- . tTto aftaWsef U. A. UOKO. Bsltaar. County Official Paper aebaertptia: ILM par luu. UONQ A Thwte -T- MoKlllin a, 6i ei ttM MUtwof la sou kill hotn. dlvaro t Ires disVerd. and tha mi illBOoj eeoght lb ts-y of t mS dsuk bn. Later thry brerd eipUla ta it. soe-etbJeg ilk thte: -What to tttrooftjr "A, klad of wf" Wbil kind of a-onryr Th kind, t m s1va a owi to ft a aw ausbaad with. Spokan 8pokrsasn-ttvtor. ; Jupiter Pluvius and Old Sol ire getting ready to make the Portland Rose Show a great sue cess. Seats as' th Sew Tork Stock Kx cfcsns sr-mnf for $MW wor tbas a month ago. thle twins am tudicatioa f aoowthtnc or other. War with Mexico will proba bly not warrant a general draft. but if it should came to that, one wonders what those L W. W.'s would do who are swearing that they will "insurrect" before they will fight A CIPHER DISPATCH Br UTLUAXI CHANDLER The L W. Ws are advocating insurrection before they will take up arms against Mexico. If the draft ahoultLcorne it would be interesting to see what would be done. Admiral Fletcher took the Vera Cruz custom house with the loss of four men and twenty slightly wounded. At a strike in one of the United States, the same day. twenty people were killed. War is hell, as Sherman says, but the strike disturbance in some in stances, appears to have war beaten a mile. YV war hemmed to betwaea two different Coofdrt for-, snd If, they should mak simultaneous at tack apoa a they would crash us. But communication betweea the two was difficult sloe wa wm In a valley with hlfh mountain on either eld, and. reallaluf that w must keep our enemies apart w threw out Una of pickets on either aide of us eitendlng aa far op tha mouutau. a a passage was possible. 1 was la command of about . mem. My Information was that the force southwest of us consisted of about tX and that on tha northeast of us num bered about 1.000 men. It waa evi dent that If compelled to fight one of these form In our front and another In our rear there would be nothing left of us. If the Coa federate coiuuiauder south of us. Colonel B.. had been as enterprising aa b should bar been and attacked us doubtless the fore to tha north, bearing his guns, would bar Joined in tha fight But the colo nel aeemed to prefer a certainty and sent on courier after another to Major L- ordering him to attack us on a specified day and hour. Every on of the courier we captured. On bore a message In writing. Th others el- kitn pVailKriow. kmd Id ka hour b? re raraed, with the puttie solved. The paper rhd been wrapped iNout a foid stick. probably a ruler for line mak tour, ahil a mesaaca had beem writ tea here the upper edge bad overlapped, half of each letter being on tha edga and hatr on the paper over whtck tha edge lapped. Whea adjusted oa a stkk Ilk th on oa ahkh tha mes sage had beea written It was perfect ly plain. When th paper wss aa rolted the aer parts of tha letter were separated front th lower parts. The memace waa addressed to Major L. aad read thus: Attack lt fort south of yo st dawa a Tueadav st Tttwl haar rear aa , t wtU ta the tmr rear. ) I was delighted with th Information I bad received, and It occurred to m ; that I might turn It to account Might I not rub out the message and writ j another one 1 Ita place? Th negro ! had undouRedly been given the wes i sage and shown how It waa to be de ' rlhrw.l hut nrohahlv he eouldnt read It himself and did not know what It was. I directed Uadd to test th man's rapacity to read and be reported that he dldnt kmw on letter from anoth er. Tills deckled me. I rvaotved to send Major U orders of my own choos ing In Colonel B-'s name. Rolling tha messaga on the stk-k, I wrote th fol lowing: starch a teeetrt of In southstirard throush tha paaa directly in your rrar and )oin m at K The Argus ventures the pre diction that if suffrage were granted student bodies these days the vote to dispense with school would have a substantial majority, especially if the ballot "rST.Jf S2 were cast when the sun was shining brightly, and Nature was making her call to the woods. It looks as though war be tween Mexico and the United States is unavoidable. The tak ing of Vera Crux by the United States fleet is significant Blood has been spilled, and Huerta has given the United States Charge 4' Affairs his passports. The rebels are flocking back to the Huertan standards. While no formal declaration of war has been made as yet. Congress is backing President Wilson in his .course. It begins to look as though the stars and stripes will be floating over the ramparts of the City of Mexico within six months. I called In several of my officers and atkd If they could mak anything oat of them. Lieutenant Budd sug gested that they might be parts of let ters, This view waa noon voted cor rect by th rest of na. But of what letters they were parts we did not know and mad no headway In discov ering. Budd said that If I would let him take th paper to bis tent he would ty to study, the matter out I gave did. managed to get away with them without our know Ing It Finally we were redn.-ed to our last raOon-w bad onl three days' rations to start wlth-and even It not attacked w moat aooo surrender. When I was contemplating asking for terms my pickets sent In to me a negro who had been caught trying to steal through the lines far up on the mountain. B was as stupid looking s man as I ever saw, and my surmise that he wss not shamming proved correct Indeed, It wss probabl that ha had been select ed to do th work be was Intrusted with because be wss so stupid that h would not lUely be taken for the bear er of an Important message from one officer to another. I directed that be be searched snd anything found on him be brought to me. My orderly, who did th search ing, brought me a pocketknlfe, a small piece of tobacco and a dirty piece of paper that proved to be s receipt for 27 cents paid for chicken feed. I threw the paper down as unworthy of attention, but took It up again and, getting more light on It noticed cer tain marks on It In pencil that looked as if a newly batched chicken bad been walking over It These tracks a . j f to oe I were oa two lines on toe oacs oi toe W. f. Lord, Jr., candidate IOri the paper, the other lower down. attorney general, was in circuit confess I was much posxied by them. court yesterday morning. J. J. Ingram, of Farmington, was in the city the first of the week. R. E. Dunsmoor, of near Oren co, was in the city this morning, and called on the Argus. J. L. Ballard has moved his shoemaker shop to Second street, opposite the livery barn. S. F. Goodwin, of Oak Park, was a city visitor yesterday morning. ' W. E. Smith, of South Tuala tin, visited the county seat Mon day. Gabriel Lockman, of South Tualatin, was in Monday on pro bate business. Gustave Ruecker, of South Tualatin, was in town today, and called on the Argus. Mrs. Anna Carse, of Portland, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hall, of Shady Brook, this week. Mrs. J. M. Barber, of the county juvenile court, under state authority, was in town the first of the week, working on evidence in a criminal case. Mrs. Carrie L Bergen and daughter, Ethel, returned Satur day evening, from a four months visit with Mrs. Bergen's mother, at Cranberry, New Jersey. Otto Wohler, of Oak Park, transacted business in town the last of the week. Mr. Wohler is one of the successful onion men of his district Miss Phoebe Perrine returned home last week, after spending several months at South Bend and other points in Washington. During her absence Miss Perrine made a special study of music. Mrs. A. M. Wells, who has been at San Diego, CaL, for a year or so, returned the first of the week. She was accompanied north by her son-in-law, Mr. Wheeler. To the ladies of Hillsboro and vicinity: I will make special prices on hats beginning Mayl. New, fresh goods, and will be well worth the trouble of a walk from Main Street Mrs. G. W. Ilinea, corner First and Oak. Phone City 167. whines our commanda an- read to Ittchm.wd. I signed the colonel's name to the message aud sent for the negro. I ask ed hi in s number of questions ss to where and whv he was going north and why he didn't com to me for a pass Instead of trying to steal through my tines. He told a pitiful story about a "sk-k wife and starving children, and. pretending to be moved by It. I hand ed him back bis knife, his tobacco ami his receipt and told Budd to see turn through the line. When th nest morning my moun tain pickets reported that the enemy to the north of ns had moved through the pass as I had directed. I was de lighted with the success of the scheme. I directed that a feint be mad by a small part of my command on the Confederates south of us. and while It was going on tnje the main force out of the trap, to be followed by the others. So by turning th en emy's trick on himself 1 saved my fore and myself. A Fight In Tropical Waters By DONALD CHAMBERUN I was st anchor In my yacht one night near the mouth of the great Taqul river. In Santo IVimlnga 1 bad put lu titer In obedience to storm sig nals and was waiting for the storm to come and ga But it did not appear. The night 1 speak of was clear, and there wa a full moon. Of course it was hot It la always hot In that region. There were rumors of negro Insur rections and revolutions In Haiti, which is the western part of the Is land and not far from where I was lying, snd I wss not enjoying my stsy, for, being at no great distance from either shore, 1 did not know when a party of lawless negroes would com aboard for murder and loot Unfortunately during the day we had heard of a dance that was to take place at the house of one of the small planters living In that region, and the whole crew asked me for leave to go. I preferred thnt none of tbetn should leave the yacht, but reluctantly con sented that half should go In charge of the quartermuster, leaving me the other half. They bad not been gone long before I saw s bunt coining with s single man In it, who told me tbut some negroes were looting bis bouxe and begged me to send a force to drive them off. I could not refuxe siu-h a tWuest, iud ttljr Biett ail fe-hcd tv b permitted to go. I sent four of the eve, retaining one man. fcrk-hao". h- waa not very well and therefor per fectly willing to remain with nie. The second detachment had not beea goo kuig ken, pacing the ' devk dtaaatUoed with uielf 'or Mtuut crew Wave the yacht anprotevted. I saw a boat evidently well loaded Hk humaa being lea l"e nih b of th river and pull directly f I smelted dangrr at c aud called l- Erk-kao. who was la hi bunk lu lb forecastle, to bring up sa armful of weapona and ammunition. II eono raw up the compankmaay etaggering ander hi kmd snd dUtrtb uted them lu different parts 'f the yscht Whea the sjprchlug boat rstu sear enough to ditlnglb her crew snd I cm Id see th.it tliey ere sll blacks, It Bashed across me tt lh Information that bad been given my Men as to the dance and the atory about the attack on my visitor s hue were simply ruse to get my men saay In order that a party might eoni out and kot th yacht. I tk position with a repeating rill atrn snd or dered Krlckson to place hlm-lf further for'ard. If I Bred I would pk-k a man in th bow, and be waa to lira at a man In the stern. When th boat rauie within rung I ordered the tocu to keep but they paid no attention to the order, pulling right along. All but the helmsman bad their back to me and every oamman a a busy with bis oar; consequently 1 bad the advantage of them, (or they could not both row and tight, ahlle I could pour lead Into them ad lib. Th boat wss a yawl and there were eight oarsmen In bee. nub man pulling a single oar. I gave a second order before firlug. snd still not being obeyed 1 took aim at the bow oarsman as near at I could distinguish hltu from the others snd Bred. My shut wa followed by one from Eric k so a. W could not se Jut what damage w had doue. but It waa evident that we had thrown them Into ronfuakin. They stopiied rowing Slid some of them were evidently mluUter Ing to wounded men. while others were Jabbering at each other In s lingo we did not understand. At least wa were not near enough to do so. Not wishing to hurt sny more men than necessary, 1 ordered them to turn about and pull away. Hut the steer man, who waa evidently their Icadi-r. waa yetUiig st them to pull for the yacht, for moat of them gnve wsy. I Bred again and (aw a man fall l k ward. Krlckson duill-sted my abot. but apparently did no damage, Seelug that our enemy was bent on ru'hliig os. I dropped my rifle ami picked up a couple of band grenades, calling to Erk-kwm to do the same. I bad scarcely changed my weapon wbeu by a spurt the blacks cam up and muudetl alongside !'- h llrU k son and I met where they touched the yacht and each bwed a hand grenade Into the boat A terrible havoc was produced, but I did Hot lop to see Jtlxt what damage wa done, for I beard oars pulling with a q'lli-k stroke on the other side of the ya lit. Shouting to Erk-kson to defend that side. I ran to the other side, carrying an armful of weapons with me. I saw another boat coming which did not doubt was an autillary force to the one I bad been opposing. With out waiting to hull thern. I Bred a ahot at them. I don't think I bit any oue, but In nrm! her moment I heard a hul loo aud the sound of oars In soother direction. Thl 1 knew to be some of my crew returning. The boat on my side changed Its course and pulled sway as fast ns It bnd come. The bust on the other side In whl. ii must of the men had been ditahled had al ready dropped off. seeing K.rlckson's arm nWed with another grenade. When I got my crew together again I put them In our small ImniIs, with hawsers attached to the yacht with orders to pull down the river. They did so, and when day broke we hoisted sail and put out to sea. I had ba enough of that Island, and I bav nr er visited It sine. People a Theatre Coming Neat Monday and Turmlay A Photo Play That Will Interest You CAPTAIN JENNY S. A. Iu Three Keels of Genuine Interest. Showing a Theatre Scene That Has Startled the World. A Play That Will Uare a hasting Impression. Remember the Date. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Mko ui .tlLlJti iVunljr ,k,U I a . . . . M, . L ,iMmjr, , , ""a,,,. t i a,ia. u, , sn. rs.L. h..h t,,"1 k2 "d the ,.,, sre t.t . fu 'Ut , ,. . . 'N"" N.. kd No (; n,,, ' . rerrv !J.d. .m, flTl run rdsvirtd K K at t V feet m..b.M ' " Tu4l'S K4 Na PI YVrit fr. . K. rruing, TiwUt,,. n,-,8- I cs.Um ' ' ' a. Ko4 No, . ui.,k.t . of prMi, ,k ,m.4 u k!L1 I W0TICC OF PINAL SCTTLIMCNT. N.Mk Is hereby gives that t tha i uJoc.lgu.-4 ke. ulrU of the UU uf !JtMo Lindsay, det-vaaed. hava PWd a tha t'ounty Court of la Stat of rao0 tr Waahiaghta tMiaty. say d.ial a-ctint aa Kaw-utrti of said e ' it, and that said mart has set Moo trv la lith. l . at tha soar or n ockak A. m. at said day aa us me. and the County Court room la llllahtiro. Orrctw. aa tha place lor NOTICE Or PINAL StTTLtMINT, Not. la hereby given that the aa erslgued ha filed his final account s tmtnlstratof alth thIUaM the eatata uf John DUoQ. dcd 'h countv court uf tha elate of iregon for Wash lug toa louo'y. a that said court baa tl9 slooaay. May l!Mt. at tha hour of laa a. as., at ti e court room In Hillsboro, ur.. tint fur snaring objartluae to aid final accwunt, and fur th final settlement uf aakf astata. tWCAR OUUiN. AduUnlstrator with the will aaaetsd ' the estat or Jolat Ulsua. dvaad. WAM'tiwAk BETtlN. Attorney fur the btata. Hon . Geo. 6. Brounell Candidate for governor on dry platform and abolishment of useless commissions; for enforcement of every criminal law on our statute books; for nat . ionaV prohibition and national suffrage for women; standingfor semi-annual payment of taxes; will speak at the Court House in Hillsboro, Or. SATURDAY EVE., APRIL 25, 14 Ladies Especially Invited Adv. la the si Httoae, tlreaU tVxrt of lh " Oragea Par WatUil a Couuly of rialal'ft. Asguat IlaiUbuf ck w w i Kaaaraaea HalWbuveh . IkaiiJaat I Ta Kanarsae Maiwl-ayek. lb above aaaaed dalsndaal : la th Nsaas at lb Male of " Vast ars aast ruird I" l'e' sod aaawar laa euwpUlMt a'ad agaluat y.xt lu aaova anUlUd auort an. I eeua aa oi t-a. thm aah .Ut ul May. IK. aald dale earing objei-lhm ta said acsxaial ud slog aHar la sp l ai ka he final settlement of said te, listed April JJnl. IIU. M All AtJk JANR UN1WAT. Lxuirli of th tetate of UttWtoa Uuiuvay. deA-eaaed. h. iba dala id lb IN ImMxa""" UwsuataHMM aia ,m. sihI II yi fad M aaaar. (ur ani UimmI. ai.i.na iii lu tttamuri h (ha railal a?s4 hif In bla a,.i.lall.l. t-.U. Pof a earraaelaaolvtna- IM aiaida ainl martaa mainri ao4 h.f-..i-' aitaUag baawaaa fUunlla snd Ila4l. aad tut sues) otns aud furthf fallal a U tkatMirt sas aai aiuii ui r'e la ) Mania, uuua In inwieM ui ul aa.1 lnluNi.il Irwalltt.al. Tbla suHtatoM la aavl ' ki aaaliMiluu tharaut In Iks IlllUbottf A mix unnul kl orvtarol Ik lluttur .k It H lta,ar. Ioiolv iudsa ot WaahtagUM IWalf. !-., " "" aalad aa Ik l day ul ill. 11 hlsilsakl nlM raualn hl amnmona a aa auhllabad IB aa4 assai-aiwT vaala Isa WHk Ikataau Iharaol iIsimI e"' lata. lali. and aad In lh the Iasful4a4 stay a. til SAUIKI nan. AUornsvs kf fialoli. NOTICU TO CREDITORS la th Coant Court of Ike Stale of Oirgoo (or Wahiagtoe Caaaty. la th mstur of lb tstal f Msrga- tt Kiev, drcaaadi. Notic I hereby ivs: Thai th sa- (Irnifjrird bss teas appoiaied by lb atwvs t nulled court as sdaiaattrster f iht mat of klaraarvt Rice, drad, ind haa iiualidad as such, aa by law pie- cubed. Now Ibrrvfur, sll Mrsoae kavlsa claims againat said tttal are kartby so tifird snd raird to ptvatat th bbbm, to 111 undetaifetd, tofttkat with Mtpsf voacbf rs tbrlur, at laa law olhc ot HaKlrr A list, la the AsMrtcsa National Baak bnlldiBC. is Hillsboro, rrgoD, witbia tin wosla fioss Ike dais hereof. Itoird this oth dsy of A pill, 1914. Jubn U4tls, AiimiaWrstof slurvsstd. lUalty A Hart, Atloisaya to Adails- Utfator. .Kuad I'UtrM No. J.?!? ! at auutkai.t ,ui? r1 hline'a lai.d In S. I -r ,M" W I'..', feat ,,,U, ' l an4r4 Road Nu. i'H in If L'likt foci. koa. A I H I .,,.1 mar t . la in. m IHalrirt Na (; . tv k tua.l and dm 1- i.T' tMatrt.i Nrt , (irii.r.l n'. pair. S I Hat ri t No. fi fwl Ilia rual Ku4 No iiiii.i, Villi road. .'IHI f Mun..lami 1.HI feet kuaradam litrcl Na. H ;r.rf.l "1 i. t No 6 H..,d.v, BiatUni, IlillUito uJ l 1 l.d. Mni frr, lUtrt.t N. 7 ll,5l.lfohn irrl hi 1 a. la in N jtHJ fel tti.a l.m .il I, Muifr tiia ! Kuad No, IT'i, M i a 8 LeU HumDhreyt. of Heppner, has been the guest of her Krandmother, Mrt. L A. Uood, for several days. Misa Humphreys is a frraduat of tha ileppnerliiKh school, and will graduate from a College of Phar macy, in fort land, in a few days. She is the daughter of Mr. and MrsThoa. Humphreys, well known in Hillsboro and now residents of the Morrow County capital. Olaf Arnold Halvoreen. aged 5 years and 10 months, died at the home of his grandfather, Frederick Johansen, near Fann in uton. April 18, 1914. after an attacn of measles, followed by! pneumonia. The funeral aervicea were conducted by Her. Eliaa Ojerding, of Portland, and inter ment waa in the Farmington cemetery. Six more days and you will ba unable to register for tha pri maries, if you have failed this important part of your citizen ship. The books close May 1. and if you want to play favorites May 15, vou had better get to the clerk's office, or to your nearest registering officer and sign up. Mrs. It Maurettaa. aged about 50 years, was adjudged insane this morning, Dr. Leon Hyde be ing the examining phyaician. She has been ailing about a year. She has lived in Oregon fourteen years, and for some time haa re sided north of Orenco. William Stuivenga and Grace Appan were united in marriage at the home of Ben AIsod. Anril 22. 1914, Rev. W. C. Ward offlci ating. The groom resides in lillamook county. Jasper Williams, who ia living at Timber, came down yesterday, to stay over until after tha Scott trial. II. L. Flint and wife, of near acnons, was in town today. John Freudenthal. of Newton, was a city caller yesterday. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for county commissioner before tha primaries on me repuDllcan tick et. If I am nominated and !. ed I will during my term of office perform the duties of the office as prescribed by law, and for tha Dest interests or the public, and pledge Btrict economy. -G. A. Piieth, u n Tigard Precinct. P. 0. address, Sherwood, Ora. Koute 4. 24 SHINIPPa SALl ON fXCCUTIO Nufc) la kemby lva that br ir to of aa tClai'UtluA laud out uf and undar tha anal uf tha I lKUlt t'UH uf tha ata- uf Ori lor Waahms laa r.alntv dalad lb I lib day ot April. IIU. la Uvur ot ttuily roaysr aad Waltua Tharr. defend tut, aad saai Bat tiarar Tbar aad Cassia U. Thvr. plamtifta. lor lbs ma of tUXUt sod lb ruata uf aud blob this writ, rutuuiaodtba Mia lu tallafy aU above auut. bolus to flad aar oaraunal aroparty uu hllh U levy, I bav levied UU0 Ibn barela after desrrttMHl ral prutarnv1 fsd pursuant to aald eiacutkm. I a HI oa Muadar. I ha SiibdarU Mar. Cl st tha auuth dar uf tha t'outt U i In HUlsburo. Washlnstua ('rantr. m. r'o. st th taur uf I oikak A M uf said dsy. mil al pubtir u tliai Ij the hlfbest blddar tor rsah In bowl Si' uf Iba fulluaibS deatrtbed twi arutwrly Iritis, briua; and aiiuaiv in WaahbiltuB Count j. Urvfon. da ril-d aa fuliuvs to ll All of lh nstit. till" snd JntPiaat o tha said plslutlffa IHaar ltiarr ad Caaaia U. Tbar ta and tu ilir Mtualbg darrlbd ral property u alt It bolus a part of tha lanuild Mclaud's and wifa's ln Und Claim Hi T. 1, 8. H. 4 W. uf Will. M.r ami bounded aa folios s lalt, CouunriM Ina at a point oa lb -at boundary of 'ba fatUia Vallry Cuutity rad abi-r It cruaaaa tha Houlh boundary uf thn land bust oanrd by said Mary K Ma a man. and rauilug Ufatprly on said Hotith llu I'll fii. ih-n.i. Norlhsciy 122 ft. thKis riairtl 171 faat to the Waat boundary uf said County rued, thaara Boullnrlr aka.K aald Waa Una uf t'ounly nxid I:. !et to tha plai n uf bcliintli. aa il irrlbad In !kk II pa I "a Ml.. ..I Uuaoua Hcrurds Wasblniion Cuunty CrKoo, to satiafy th bsrolnbrlorn ttamsd sun and fur lb roaia and m panaaa of aald sal and said writ 4 aid sale a til ba muda aulijw I to r itemptkm as pur Htatui uf trrsHi Dated a Hillsboro. t)rron, tlila I7lli day of April, mil. J. E. KKKVKtf. 8'iertff of Waahlniton County. Om rm, Uy J. C. ApplaRstn, lMpUly. K. U. Toniua, Atty. for Ift-ndmla iU4 A:, ;.i..ui tH,tt NOTICE Or" FINAL ACCOUNT. IN THE COUNTY Cfll ltT Or THK STATE OK OMCilON, KOK VAll LNOTON COUNTY. In th Mattor of thn l-tate of Johann Pane, droaapd. Notka is hereby alvrn that tho un Jeratitnfd, sa oiwutor of llio rotate of Johann I'ape, dmoaard, has fll-d hla final sctount In the Coumy Court of tb But of Oreft-on, for Waaliltinloii County, and that Monday. tli r.ili duy f May. mil. at the hour of 10 o' bu tt A M. of aald day, and tlm Court Room of said Court, at lllllalM.ro, t)r kon, has been sppolnb-d by anld Court ss the time and nlare for th Rearing of objertlons thereto and tin settlement thereof. Dated and first published April 23. HERMANN PAI'B. Exmutor Llttlefleld A Rmlth, Attorneys. aurk fart ma.a.hm, Kinton UA ' i... S..uth lUml It.md. :aj tTL. Jl'" A us Taj lor Irtiy lud. M U. fa taw No .11, ui.ii,r T !att tJ kaJ V? .rYI:l.ut kn..l fwl maiS'lani. i:.mj a jm M Uad. .il f. , t nut. t.Uia H"a. hiittKtNu lo tWiartl iaj rfir aoik, Kad li.trtrt No 11 -a, A'.'", t ornrll Hid. a) trt a. ra-Uin. Al,l, dlmna M fvt macadam J;4 No j; ary l!uad, l.l"0 (n-t nu.ijl IH.trut No li Aw, Nau (Ufa,, kamna.X-l (al matadaio. L4 , H, llI!loio and Ot.ars lUai JH fart nuiradaiu. Alio Nurts a( i't,a if..il luaw, iiHi ft msradtax tH.trlrt No. IV ;aiJ road aj. pair uik. iM.lll.t No fvt maadam. tHatriit No. road Brut Koad tUitrirt No IT-talAia, i.'M frrt mara.Um, near Juko I'rvtiO. A1"j ki fl oia.a.Uia. asr TWv burh Ali'i, '."i fct ma)ba k Hank a A I. '.', T'J) frt mxadia aar W ileus j.lara Al"'. ;i M B f.La nt hjf.r fkatl. ll.fll Kl.a IIS "',,lrUil fart .a.Um. a.t ( l.rtU Hoad 1'i.tn.t No l -Ai d, lj frrt utara-tant, n-ar Joa Caarw yita Al', ' t"l ma.-adam. tvrar WOlat Ja.k.. N.. ; U fart nuwk. near Coliltrll and ll.wl. utrtt N : U. i.M U nmcsilam, la-lamn MaW'l ni Mountaindalo, lllilrlrt No i:.J U. Wlal msalam, tar Wn I'.llja 11 i IS, uxl fprt tnara-Um, nrat fc I'sllun. uu tik.dU l.iry H-k I load ltfkt No. 13 itrmni s paira, Turk and drt haJ K..a. in.ti.rt No iUa at !MW Irrt nun sdain, on KiV.f IU4 (ad l'iltil No .A-iirturslDat ruad antk. Itoad ll.trl. t No. '. -(iastrsl M. riuid aotk. (toad iM.trirl No, W- IU4 N . 1,400 frt ntsradam. U.M..I ntri.t No Sl-Hu4N ,HO ferl hkSsdam, ! tm .Hrholls lrttlir. , Uad Iltiit No, 32 - fiforril IBM ork. :., liiutti.l No. SJ-A1, U fwt maiadsm. Al 1K W radam. Iloa l No. 6i0 M m radam. ld No. 4 0, IS f H S t-adant. . " , U.X..I Hitli.l No. 3-0Mrsliai Koa l iH.trift No :iC-U.a4 N l.tMKi frot marsdam. Kiad l'IMI fr-t nisradam. , Itua.l iM.trlrt No. aT-fcajd NsBi I.WI0 fret msradsm. wmth rf W known aa Mdlvr K.l. K.J I.HiMI fc-t macadam, north of known aa Huabaurr Itoail. luiad I'l.tnrt No. tl-WM JM fr t niaisdam. Itoad .I,k'" Hrirkcll road, rlrarmif ni No. '.'l. f f'-'-t rUurinif sM f binif. No. UU, 6,MH) f-t rlrsHsiJJJ rrutd.in. Aril. mile fMn " grubbing. .... Hmd Itiatrlrt No. 4--AIA jV feet marsilnm i"'r Jo. "l"" lion. Kl 11!'. 2 "2 north of Helvetia. " fw t of inarsdnm. south of Hl Itosd Di.trlct 4il-c;.wrlr-w provrmrnts. . . He.le.1 hlila will be rrorivrj rtj offire of the County Irrk JJ Ington County. Orcjron, n-Aork' A. M. on Matunlay. WZ NOTICE OF PINAL aKTTLEMCNT. Notlra Is hnmhv alvn ilm I H.i nuderslgned eiwutor of the Kstate of Nstbsnlel I, liurnett, decuftsed, have tiled In the Cnuntv t'oiin r ti... 8Uta of Oregon for Waahliigton County, my final Account jis Kio- CUtOP of aald aatata Th,i ...M l'..t,t hM set Monday tha 2r.ih, dny of May laii a at. . .- ' ., bi me nour or ten. o'cuh k A. M. ss the time and Ui Cnniiiv ton'i Room, st Hillsboro, Oregon, ns the DlSfa for hnsrliiff f,lit,w.i.,iH ' " M ' J ' Vl.rili, 1 1 . r tl II I srrount and the final settlwimnt raia iwate. Dated April 23, 1814. Mll.t.inn tumutcwr rsecutor of the Estate of Nstha'nUd mirnett, imrpssMl. W. N. BARRETT, Attorney for sold Kt utor. , , ; , of Take took at our new 64015 cent Utlaa,-D. Corwin. Ktf Hil l, for the proposed lmprw"-li.k-r ahouli! bid on esi-h improvemrnt ' mcwl their t.i L should HPeofy .iSLt tii an ror ,1 fur rrushjng the w s,r-r k and spreiiuiiiff . ." -" rjMJ.t i . .. -...i u.'M.ninizw ft ing saiu rosu, ou .ui reaerve the right to re 'rt - M bid or to arn.pt any bid tot ' W . Improvement, or for in ""wlf. Ing. spreading or rolling, P. 1-lsnssnd sperifi.ut.on. fr ferent Improvement rsji the office of the under lgd t iers oi nsHninH"'" - r.jt-ui. office In the County HillHlH.ro, Ortigon, on and insT"' 20. . . ,i ran Any fuHlwr ii.frmtion hud on appllrallon; to I . fJcow.tr, Countv Jui ire of Wunhinifton Oregon. rt-.aaa..tn. tt,..i . il uiiorn. vi-rr- .'Hf u av i ' 11th dsy St IIIIIHIIOM., ,Hil - ajr wii" " ' ' . . KDVV. C U Ml ar..klnW Oregon, County County, PRIVATE HOME FORf Under charge of export nurse, ' MUS. CH AS. GARDNER, from Portland. - . Pt!! ...llnnld from Vf OUI IU 1 13 J)Ull Heat of rare. Bicians. . ReannnB"" r 1'hons, Mala f4 Argus and Journal,