jiMie JnlflLLSBM IIIIXSHORO, OREGON, APRIL 23, 1914 NO. 5 - P H U'EKERY DEfJ) ' . ... Artirrf"! I r Diajuiitiitiw: .j fcy Milk Maulers. Ilarly frhtey Maral"!. APrU 17 fl$ OLHMf! NKWSf Afll rDITut CrwttM Triaeat I Ue TVr Wtfki FORECLOSUR 0FS30000: E ? FILED IN CIRGUII COURT i H. McKnery. aged between iandW years, waa found d.ad k,Bilk hauleralam r rway morn in i Un. near the Sam tan place. McKnery ha. been kin on the publication la- mdby Father UMiller. at Vrr- Iport, after ha had auaprnari -Million of tha Cornells tribune, which ha iued several ilka. lueceedtng l-awrenre r-orth. McKnery u a dtver writer when, at hia but for me year had been so dictad to tha uaa of opiate, a nil u beinir a hard drinker. For three yeara he waa city edi w of the San Joae Mercury, a California newapaper of import II wu hiifhlv educated. buttoat bia position through the m of druga. Drifting to Ore no ha worked on a Klamath Kn. nnir and uuon leavinir f bmi fr "a . , Klamath waa aent to the Mate HotptUl for a ahort time, where ht fU treated . Upon releane he drifted to Oregon City and Port land, and hut Summer aecured a portion with tha Hillaboro Inde- McEnery la aaid to have a family In the South. Coroner Barrett and Sheriff Rmvm went to tha acene of the death Friday afternoon, and af ter tha investigation tha body tai brought to lliltaboro by Un dertiktr Kind. McKnery had been atopping at Vwboort. and left the parwh bouie Thuraday afternoon for North Plain, where ha waa aeen laU In the afternoon. He evi dently alarted home late in the eveninc. and muat have reached tha lane In question at a late hour. Sam Moon Jr. unwed through the lane juat before midnight, and aaya hia buggy wheel rmn over BOtnethinir which ha thought waa a slick of wood. Tha body ahowed where the heel hid run over It- An auto alas paased, but had miaaed the prostrate form. McKnery 'a hat ai about 100 feet away. The body waa in the center of the road, and waa not very cold, in dicating that he muat have died lata in the night-probably long towards morning. It ia potable that he was intoxicated and w till alive when the buggy ran over him. There waa no Injury to the body, and no marka indi cating that a collision had taken Itimtt and Dr. Erwin concluded there waa no necessity for an inquest. Touching upon the theory that aa automobile had a truck Mc Enery, Dr. Krwin aaya there waa but one abrasion -and that a light one-on the body, and mat waa near one or the Knees, and this waa poaaibly done by the buggy wheel. No ahoulder WU broken, aa claimed in com mon rumor. Hoya at the Schief felin place aay that McKnery Passed there about 7.30 in the ning. and he waa then throw ing his hat in the air. giving it to occasional kick aa it came to tarra lirma. Ir. Calvin S. White, i.f the State Hoard of Health, arnd out a bulletin giving information as to the proper artion when a dog ta aupposrii t have rabies. aaya not to kill the dog. but to brn him un anil watrh him li White sava that a (W a!fwtl J- w- Shult IJrlnr Action With rabies can not live over nine Imo m Timber land In County umjm mai utiiik Vila limil, rir I. 1 i...j ... . . i imnumiru. Any LM-nton wnnl .. . has be-n bitten by a dog neej M"-trl.Tiw " - ' ' ...... U ..... 1' J .1 .III? I canine lives beyond this limit of Vslnablc Htdif U Monk W.hinr.toa . : !. i i i I I. . i Tr . , C-aaly la UligalKMi i wivii iiiiiiv Biiti anil .1.... l .. It. ....! - dniwing of quinine would be 0n of the 'arKpfit forvebiaure ideal. If the dog shows symp-lever fill in Wa-shinKbrn (unty toma of rabies and mut be killed was brouifht in circuit court, last bi prevent diHJWter. the Dr. ad- WH.W. ik. ulaintiff U-ini? John Vtili 111 at h nhiililil mt Imtkil ... . .... .k w ,i. . W. bhute, of this city, for v'urs rahica is In the brain. This in lh hanking busim-ss. The makra e lamination more satis- uit is for foreclosure of 2.1VI factory and pedy. and gives acres of timber lands in North the physician a chance to find Washington County, and it v. out whether or not a ierson jj tht tim,M,r on th,. vari oua tracts s of the In-st in that Male Help Wanted -I will T. 17 t u in auUmmbile business in ten weeks K ind the bulk of it is -asy of bv mail and ansist them to irood access. uwition. No charge for tuition The note on which suit in based until position is secured. Write was given March 25. l'Jlli. and Uhlav. U.S. Price. Automobile the principal was for fc3.7il. 75 KxurrL lioi 401 Ijut Anneles. The comolaint auks for the irin riil. for interest from date of The ;... Itailmail rimmiiwion (Jrft of the note; ttor . 1 h? " neva fees: flKU.31. taxes for 1912 "V r? for Uxes paid the last ", ,runr 'r5.r.BU-.u'r: vear: and for interest on the B"u ""."i ? s. lartaua amounta from date of III sutro, lor wnicn appnciiiun . - r Minst-ro rnaa ng no o ojeci on 1ar of jn ihia action s "sen unuer . ..w - . Li:r r rr to .11. lure croaainira oi raiiruwe & . ... the attor rpproTalof the llai fur Slon Wiore iney are raiauunocu. Dr. I. 0, Taylor, of McMinn vilte. died April 15. 1914. at the lix-al hospital. He waa aged 81 years. The remains were taken to Portland. Friday, for crema tion. He leavca two children. Mm. II. II. Clark, of Portland, and W. II. Taylor, of Hillaboro. Deceased came to Oregon in 18ol, nn.4 aftr a few years of resi dence In Yamhill County, return Mi in the KasL where he remain ed over 20 year. He then came West again, and haa lived the greater portion of the time In I Yamhill County. Do not forget to ask lor a Schiller when you want a good 10 cent smoke-no "cough dust in th C hiller. WW P. AND l I:. & H. All. except the P. It. & N.. trains re eWtric. and Bton at the de pot on Main street To Portland Mr Minn vilte Train 0:47 a. tn. Sheridan Train 9.15 p. m. FnMMit r.rnvo Train 1:00 U. m. a v v v McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m Kuffene Train 4:58 p. m. From Portland Knirene Train arrives . 8:15 ;u m. MM;nni-in " . .9:42 a, m lUVHIHMl'ixv - Forest Grove " .10:57 a. khonHnn " . P. ni McMinnville " ...6:37 p.m. Trains each way. except the trnina. Btou at Sixth I a t. mi rta.r W. H. McKldowney left for Kjwtern Oregon the last or trie week to take charge of the Bald win Sheep & Land Co. ranch, a little section of 26.000 acrea. He -.ai k.v. an auto to take him over the little stri'tchea between crews of laboroni. and with a good machine it wilt take him all day tomnKe me rounua. ni ranch la one-eignieenm vi w entire area of Washington Coun lit tie ranch. Much of it ts grazing lands for aheep and cattle. The "Man of the lVpot Steam Service Old To Portland u 1 M Train l:.$i n. m a, aw - From Portland P. U. & N. Train lHILLSEOi.0 GfJTUnES I Locals MM Ball like Deaaaaa and Run ap Score ! Nine UtkM Is 0a af the lest Ever Sigacd aa Wllb Lacala J. K. I5'nnett. of near Orenco, was a Saturday visitor to the county seat Take a look at our new 5-10-15 tent tables. -D. Corwin. KJtf Kd. (1 Mullov. of laurel, was in the city Monday, looking up the war news. II. Tober. of U'low IJood. was n town Monday, transacting I viSITOtS OCT TtlO OF MARKEKS business. C. H. Malcom. of near West Union, was in town the first of the week. Attorney vaiianoignam return- ... , , A .v,. i hP f.rKt of the week from a ni.mwmi ia,ru trip to Kugene on legal business Portland Arcber-Wiggina We- onnwted with the Torter case. onaa. last Sunday, anving in u'-.n i..... nr L,.,mi K!nPkl9 runs to 3 for the viaitora. It f v ill 'ta i ij "a as j ivi I nnil JahrMT KefTer of waa a rattlinff srood irame. al- West Union, were city callers though the weather waa almost Monday morning. I cold enough for a snow atorm, II. G. Hatfield and Ilegina K.I A S35 field greeted the players. for the viaitora have a reputa- SEVEN DAY SOAP SALE 10c Calls 3 For 25c SEE OUR WINDOWS !ampbe were united in mar- ...if... v.tf itititva w ia m in I ... I lt.. ' T M U'l I. V ... ' w ..',.. . L. L!l. 1U.. . . . mon worm wnne. ioc oaiuc April in, un. i ..... - .. . For sale -Twelve shoata, about! -. u u f uii, game here two yeara ago. i inn. raLii. i, uciiini, ..... , , , ... . . .... ... I Uill. aIawah hits r..M,A. InKn Uhlta nlttAA I nillBUUIU DCVUICU CICICII 1IIWJ III! IOIIIIVI "llll If llivw VIKC) - - 'hi.halem Mountain. 3 miles west from the Weona Ditcher, while of laurel. 5-7 the best the opposition could do . .r, waa aeven off the delivery oi Ihos. iaitU oi uorneiius. wbb w . ; affaitlve - - I. . L. . ........IIUWUUi www irreeunB menus n " ,. . . seat Monday ana inoB. nas iota mnnMm ... them down in this man a .,.., ,.K K, I I1IIIDUUIU Willi W w vaavaw 1 Tf 1IIIC BUG BV MHIIUV : Ferd Kroner, of Scholia, was pVen. in town the last of the week. I Hillaboro haa one of the best le will soon be in the walnut teama in the history of local limitless ui to his eyes, aa nis Kaachall. and the wav the dovs orchards will be bearing within a ae hittinv ia sratifyinir to the year or so. baseball fana. The three Hend- a a;in will rtonl.le vour nrofit. ersona and McCurdy. or urneii- ... . . . . i. n t) u:iu in nut nenner into me same. leiepnnne ui i. u. oruwn, ihho-i r-rr- --- tn.ro. or drop him a card and he jna me a ..iL. :i . IM avm at the bat hems. win can on you aim mw w . .l 9.k With a little warm weather Blllll nUIIlD UI aSB.BiBa.V2 BBB r " teams in the aute that will De The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE Hillsboro, Oregon team A.ll..ti Pntaf.limonnra uHu iwuiii.. - 1 . 1 teama in me aiaie id win ue was frightened near Orenco, last aWe to Un(j ound against Thursday, with the result that when the family was thrown out Martin waa more than effective ot the vehicle, teaay. me seven in ninchea. and aa soon as Mc- vear old Bon. sustained a bpoaen Curdy wears down with practice, arm. Dr. Anderson, of Orenco, h wfii k on 0f the atar Bhort was called, and attended the lad. nn- i the amateur class. Deputy Warden Chas. Russell. Sunday'a game abounded with Sunday, picked up Conrad Jone- good playa and the remark, ..... . fhAMu i:muA .innwioii i wan wn nivi i uuu uiah xmh having trout less than aix inches bat aome," waa frequently heard. in lenRth in his possession. The line-up Joneson, Monday, pleaded guilty Hillsboro ...l b.. Wm MiMiager McCurdy Nttooa ll4nnn t b Malke Moye c t. ............ . Wioal Brown. Hlubf I b ...Ttyloc t..i. ui.uillrk .. ( Jontai MartW b. .......... ..Pnrdta Judge W. I). Smith. Judge Campbell and Court lii'tiorter liunvon were out Mon- .t.ii. i h. nnur rnmintroilt tohear l,aMM nf lltmrv Mvers versus C HeniUnon. rrtaiaa.u i . i ) iL, 'I'hA n omnn i v Ann IbUUju.ocbuiubot ia- ....--- - uavies inHiicia. mo p"''" i . . . . nnt in ennrt I Piienon. the Portland DttCDer. i. Dn.i ho ran, was notltrland three hita out Of the IIUOTV.XI. - I J - . . nail,..! seven for tha viaitora. m. .r,ilN Putor Hervisen Sr. mi. uiiu ....... . - . mi OREQON ELctlKli iKAins SHOUKUN-OHl-nN f nlyime. Kan., arrived last week for an extended visit witn their son, Peter Grossen. or near ii. This U their third 10:24 a. m. trip to Oregon, and they expect 5.44 10 Spend me Kreaici ymiy "vl C1U .- Summer here, liotn visitors are g:28 over 70 years of age. I io:47 Dave Houston, proprietor of 11:14 the new Houston Hotel, fort- --" land, waa out Saturday, looKing ow tha nwn nave ia still theionw l" VUV ... - . n .t scout that neiy:oo 041I1V, fK . - - was when he was conductor on a., i.v.t c;.li nnii when he was i.n.1. , li running the Fair Acres property, i w- 11:29 for tae lady of the boast ta keep Ub of het eipendltaw it to pT U bills b ebeck. It will aimplifir matter great deal gtre her an indisputable receiptand at the Mine time eliminate the risk and inconvenience of keep inf a lot of cash around the house. Furthermore, the check stnb will show at a elance the total amount of eipemlitures for a stated time which enables ... t 1 -1 1 rM ....i.l Am bit to keep expenses wium your aurTOi-upon imm.ii. -v- -partment lor the ladies is a great conrenience for them: why not open aa account for your wife. She will fully appreciate yonr thoughifulness Modern Danhing; In All Its Branches American National Banh Capital and Surplus $57,000.00 ' A. C Shute, Pres.; C. Jack, Jr.; Cash., W. V. Bergen, As't aaaf fMM Ms., HUHhoro, 4W. To Portland 65 minutes. Deputy Recorder Seeks Noailaalloa I Fred A. Everest, duly regis- urea republican, hereby an nounce myself aa Republican Candidate for the Office of Ke- waer of Conveyances of Wash wton County. 1 am a resident of Hillsboro, am Deputy Record er, and will aay that if 1 am nominated lor the omce at me Primary nominating election, to w new May 16, 1914, 1 will ac cept the nomination and will not thdraw, and if 1 am elected, 1 H. during my term pf office, use due care, and to the beat of my knowledge and ability per form the duties of the office with neatness, accuracy and dispatch. Being familiar with the work. 1 n and will serve the public ef "eiently and will at all times be courteous and attentive. Adv. Fred A. Everest A iitot home wedding was sol 1 at the home of the nnronts. Mr. and Mrs. tiv. r.h.wn. Hillsboro. Thursday Hour" was . Al 17 1911. when presented at McMinnville Satur-Lheir daughter. Lhza beth. was .. u triA riumuuru i .. in marrmire ui r nun.ii. Dramatic Fraternity. The seen- Sn0Rren. well known here and at nQW owned by Mr Harbison. ery was shipped as bwM". Forest Grove juage .0. rf Bank8! passed was certainly very ''1. through town Monday, enroute ine onae is wn. - ": ,, "on,i frt re lalior to har- kno a irraduateot the IllllhiKiru w 1 im r -... - -- crew wmii iv'"n . ... iu'"n .., u. 1 ,.ast u luii ir irt acres 01 KUUU inn !S3?K nttent nk jft age ox-team driver on a .tog 0mCes of BagW& 1 .e y.- Ma,lerex. road. The caste repon eroom was rorn ....- v-- hnU his a few davs house and plenty of applause in uilley 8ect,on. ami is a ir--,: Uke better the neighboring county He is now w - t i ; .3 will prevail. Frank Fessler was able to. De lurnner .f f p Uand n the streets. Friday morning. Yamhill Lounty. will ,t"t to Hillsboro Monday although he was a trine sore as m . .u - LfVn. Mr. Fanno is the . eult of his head stnaing " row thia coun. " nlSu n the oreiron Onion bairirage truck, at the V ' pvprv hanpinoss. (owPr9 Ass'n.. and at one time - .1 i.a a nuruiiH v. 1 iv wirii niv m w - - 1 v. station at. ine unr, . . - - Hewasame w . ,.,MM,cciNr the ttrst of the week. , FOR COMMISSIONLK . tin.. ..I I .1 R McNew, of below n 1 t m . . n9 . i- tum Saturday, x ne 1 1 riereoy annuun.w ...j -: - er, was in town re. J "diaate for the nomination for hills above Mr. McNew a re Icana aaie. tefow the .am ..am ..am ..m .pm .pm ...pm ..pm ..pm From Portland-56 minutes. 2:18 4:37 6:24 7:38 9:22 12:30 ami .am am .pm .pm .pm pm pm ami ur.ita.. Heinwk. of Laurel. was in town the laat of the week. mm pm Mixen. of Shady Rmnk. waa a county seat visitor I Saturday. Wm vino, of near Beaverton. ? ? aaaa t - - .... a. kA AiiBf w aoftt ths ti r wr a z o ishm nit iii um niuiiki w4 one of the big producers 01 iat of tha week. Washington County, tie is sun , . .. f . . ,f,1 in nninn lATiria. nOwn I nuuii .. . rVK. wii ch,,r7cut.off.' below yond North Plains, were in wwn VIII HIV r, I Ik. U.I Af thtt vwr. . . L. LliB INI W " ueaveriun. 1 . . . I nanirl WAflflTAr. oi ntuvvua. ..1 m.,iiir. null hair nrvorrv i w i tnai noy luuiim i 1 .... Wkk.. n nnt Khan ft I Dn.n tn i: W . KUBMII mil I " i report and wealthy, led I will during my term 01 I iVV will brintr him back for wifl of Gaston, at Tillamook. Kwm" ' . ...u u perform Ma - the four checks of 25 Ann 6. 1914. a daughter W,C. Jackson naa n.w --.: r M p hj3 cjt wlu - . circuit court agan best interest 101 "" the action of the county, as U 'Tr 'Weata of Mr. tes?tKbe-rW,mSXi : ,: Brown. Sunday. ii...-. . . , Tirttti.fl ITPPinft. UUIU u K. ----- -- - . 1 -,.l.l.l D..II..H Hniff inn a promissory now. T,r." VV, tntA as they claim the lund w Juiianv,nyDi.ir SHUTE SAVINGS BARK American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00'. Combined Resources 690,428.81 . ftsmhintf in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. th iniMt of Victor Eaat Hillsboro. last . a thA P.O. address, onerwuwu, v''M."'. irist was 1.1 rnr ni 111 ucu a - - 1 nviuniRLCUi . a - - ed Visii wiui r"iw-n- w.lla. Mr and Mrs. tred Mcweiiy.oi not 80ld Jn stores. i , tllfkOI..n aervices. - a.....M -v a 1 . .,nnf Ira rna 1 uci laaaavBB - Plains, were in um" homes on ,rwiua, L o-, afternoon, at 250, at the fitting, ana !" rMtional church. English The Mesh Bag A silver mesh bag makes a most acceptable gift for a lady. I have them in all sizes and qualities, and iu addition to bargain price at which I am now offering them, you also get here the satisfaction of buying at a store where good quality is assured under all cir cumstances. Call and see them on display. Ladies are requested to call at the Paris Millinery Store before they buy their Spring hats, as the prices are right. Good hsta from $3 to 5.-Mrs. M. L. Ber n, Second Street, near Wash ington, Hillsboro. : Frank H11WW of near Farm ed VIBIl Wim r-S7"n" Walla. Norman Hawk, of Walla Walla, Wash. f Minter v tier nciiii"i . t Rridie wasin the county aeat a ami uu wvh" - - 1 1 n nmir 1. ik nicav iivhw iwvw Saturday. ir .n. ih rmn had been soia " . Qi nnM,attoi Borvioi. u Mill and M. Johnson, of " - .. I III 1 1 K u. r 1 inn UK KTICHLCU VV.WWW. . . . riBlM " - 1 ..j nitfa of Phtl-I a Ko flftv cent mar. " . r. .v.nn v.irrVi iaaa nnr. I.u. n..i untlnn ware down Wm. uegy ,(ftrl areuu ;r - - ... niatrict3 cosi no T . """" ' V.-fr" 4 CTJ ii. .a.. w w Ulllaknm Fifthly- k.,.ln.aa MinnavtArl with the I toAbonn Streets. Phone Na aaia of land in the estate of the 684 60tf ItaieSarahHUL Inlltf . .. 1 ...... ,J tnanh hnw rn ininniaviniBi . i. . . TOJiirS tat the BK!. ?H K fr,K. ES. and wceuw ioa vy V " eluding tne laiesi irum. men, wu bulk of the crop nan ""' " Un exDerienced corsetier service, Frank Hill an LAUREL H. HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler. Graduate Optometrist. , r Hillsboro. Oreoti Hps. were count -,iina the croD Saturday. nBV" V nWr week and in m.M and Ben Thurnher. to market h t "f , .,Hionming. were in town a iew r ing-ton. was In the county aeat ui aw" na ill vuw w.rr --- "ulaatof the weak. Saturday