a . r i ifli m ; : : 5 I MM Us Free I Lorr(onUn .nd Th. fflS LY..rror06.OO JlH UyouCAru. H U,.ndSund.y S Fear is I Hi nnnnnnian flFLO WW'IIIS" SPENOINGWEEK HERE Or cnnlln lnJulrtal C'ImIh in Ihc SiliiMil il County lit ISBANOSV IMhlKfNf I OR plPHS YUar el Priif. Will (k! V ilea bit Prtmittraa STUDEBAKER r,f ..immobile buvcrV there nre miious to Kcurc, at the lowest price . , iWh will vielJ maximum in 'we, appearance and general emctencj. Four or Six Touring Car w ill fill tbs ,ataot degret. It embodies the results ace in the designing arm duiwhiK u. four-cylinder Studcbakcr automobiles Wnnr nr S ; h lone-stroke, small Vint in power though a miser in nsc or r m. .'- ..:.,l umiii a full l IDC nr 4uiji.u -,L,nA tttnmWttllv cfticicnt electrical lights and cranka the car, and furnishes its ignition. !n anrwaranrev none beats it. More thin anv oilier car made. Shipments 'from December x, to March 13, were 531 Ihtr Four. 3 PMt-nger, $1L50 Lktr Six, 7 Pttener, $1675 Wstratc at anv time, and will be -.leased Ijust what this car can do. W. HOUSE, oro, Oregon : In.tiistrial fieM worker. N. ( Man. .f th State I Vpartment of rMunttion, is Hprmliriif the wck in tt,i county asmKtini; Snjit. Harries in oryariizinj In dustrial ('luh in the public schools. They are meeting with yreat mircesit. the teachers co- Hratini; anil the inipiU re HiMirxlink' rntbusiajitieally. and a club ha been organized in every Hernial thev have visited. Mr. Marin nay a there can be 1 no dmitit alxiut the wisdom of the club plan introduced by state Sur flfiident J. A. Churchill, and cm!. rati'd in by the Oretron Ak'ricultural (lleire. The idea of i tTi-ctmir and conductinjr. an organization like tmiwn-UDS ao- M-a! to the boyn and irirk The df It urnintr to do. and doine the ork that i;rown-um are do- inir. l"itik' " n,a" "r a woman job. and receivmir etirnmensurate comtM-nKation. npiK'al to them The oMHtrtunity to win one o 1 li en 1 11 tut nries. a free trio to hi Stale Fair and memUTBhip m the Ki-lioo camn: or a tree inp in the Panama Pacific KxiKXiition at an rranci. app-ais 10 them. The fact that other boys and tfiri are doinu the same thinjr. that other schools throuj-n-out that state and in other states m ,n!iniint- clubs: that it is iK imiiti Ur thinir. ana every- iMKly's doin it" apjeaU to the child very stroniriy. ana maKes the Industrial UuD movemeni n i i-ru lumiilar one. . . .. 1 .. 1 n trand ana practical worn with many valuable features, not the least or which is me aik'nuy m.i of In Irfir and tKipularizintr tht1 farm in the mimti of the riHintf eeneration. and correct injr me i.iiin i.l.-n that has Ix'n far t.xi prevalent, that it is a disgrace to work at manual iaixr anu mm the farmer i a rutw or na In his talks to thechil T 1 i. ' - , . Mr Mrm emthaize8 me fact' that all Ultimate work is honorable and thai an trreai men workers. He encour ages them to take up Borne form of work such as traraemnR. poui t.u ri.iim' tiitf rnisiniT. manua arts, cannimr. oaninu. m-ihh. tc. to form permanent nautva of industry, thrift ana economy, to earn some money anu learn how to save and invest it He shows them by facts and figures that the cities are congested and the professions over-crowded and that there are greater opportun :n k.. indiixtries and on the I lira in - . . .u farm then e sew here. He tells . l.. ria ,i uarn to cook and how and do all the plain house hold duties and fit themselves to be good wives ana momem, wmu which there are no more im- portant accomplishments ana no more laudable ambition or im- portant position w E aily Journal nd Th Weeihly Arrfus One Yrt Doth Papers 95.25 Dally and Sun Journal and Arrfua, One Yr, $7.50. Do It Now (Veekly Argus His Angel By SADIE f UXOTT 1 tw ton bur Ulif la lour band. I mipM H i for llowiriir It U" 'll l.ivukliig juur rnagrutriit wiib Nu. It Un t. Why I mi think thstT Tun It lr thut rou tiru t bmril what rrrrj rm buowiT" "What tlmtr "I Ui"""t of roilf"1. Jf'rtl knrw It or I ii!i!u't hnvn mI'I knrtliluc" ll. nnl lml? J Ii.-.iv.-ii Mkf. kt't tlila ('Killnf arwl Mir whut yuu'rr tjlLIni; aUmtr h. tliry ay HrJ l -iiCii:-l to a c rl In AkiTi liU-, hrr ha llvm" Who av ItT "It ruunii'.u taik." Thr man iImht- fur a t-w B Bu-lit. Then ITIU nll "Veil. I lll'lW II aUmt It. 1 am to. Hi! to arltv llow- r. hit I think if him " Mho imaiut on. 1 .11 1 htati-flil of Collll! dirtily to the t"fliii h -rt to u-r ti"ui ly a rmtntalioiit rirm and. litiiik' it hrr w iitliis lk. wpitr How ard llviijaiuln a Ut.f of a iliftVn-ut ktml rtitln-ly front thf utu aha bad In- liinlfd to pit In a rtniil of flnyi Mr. IVnJ.iiiilu waa aiii!ini!iii-l. I Mia ha. I Iih.I tltue at U-ift r! dow n and 1Ih-I lh.it ilir tuliiht b:i t.iki-n uion- tiinr In the arltltm uf tlu l tt. r ln! li.id iM-nt lilm. A aha rpiiM-niUrr.1 It, h-r fm-llnin bad run away with bT Sh waa nr- rlwil that llowanl almiild b3Ti rolur t r trt aftif tiavliiis n-vlvril It t'Ut miiixmi b had rniur to rvturn brr Mtira and il-:nniid bi "n. To hrr auriTiiw ll.ard advancwl lo iiin't b-r aha nitiTrd thr nxin Ith hla ruatnniry ainllr, took l-r In hi. arms and kl"d hrr. Khe Miwhwl o think of th dlai;rrraliU thlnira ah bid wrltlni him. woiid. rini! thr wuiw hi th. r hr had rv.vlv.il lu-T b ttrr "T atwtlwr tbrr w any truth In thr rr fnirta aa t hla liwntau y. Hh wa'i aim h ihiizIimI, - ranw down f'f the wn-k ran. wn-tliiwrt. t Ix- with J oil." 1 aald. 1 niuhlii't atiiinl to I iMiiirat-d from rou any loiictT w ithout our klwt." H gav hw a down. "Hut how cold yr han.U arr! I thf auythlns the mat ter with youT" "tih, iw; I'm y writ! 1 m ao gai you'v lulur. IVlta trrciil.li-d Irxt thla wrre rviiio Innry to an auiioum-rmriit of bla de fiction an.1 lit rtitriuit for hrr on aerotliit of l-r comi'lalnt. Just to make It mora -fTH-tlve. Hut aa hi-r lover went on lu tha nual atraln, Inter rupted only ty aa beraalocial klaa.'ab tw-aai cradoally reaaaarwl aa to tba f lUlty of th rvfuta that had reach ed ber I!ut ht h-tter-Hvwar4 auat hata rouia away Juat before tta da Itvery KU dreaded to have blia go ha k awl K-t It W hat wuull he thick tf ber. he who had aaaared ber tlma ami araln that aha waa aa angel, het t. r Bttel fr heaTrs than tlda wicked a-kdT Howard left bla aweetbeart thorooV ly mnvlitrr.1 of bU ruuatanry, hut ta trrr at bla rrturnlng to rerriT Ua lini.rr.at.a ahe Lad written. Every time the ntuiaa left any mall aba arnt to the ilrlltery boi with dreaa and f ra'l the U-ttrra with treov l.tli.tC haiMl It was aeveral daya be fore a he received a mlaalva from hef lover, a id when ahe did aha waa afraid to oi-u IL She Vmk It to ber room. and. after taking It up and putting It dow n aeveral tiuiea. ahe broke the aeal. It lieiriu by atatluK that to make op ..rW I. ft undone, to visit ber. be hal tm-u boar day and night alne Ma re turn. Then be went on to apeak of thiete h.ii.i f boura they had apeut U i-tl-r and how be could count the liii till be would are ber again. Not a word alout that horrible letter i Iwr. W hat caild It mean? Had ha received IL and waa be too blich mlod ed. too ifi-neroux. too tnajTBanlmona to take advantace of It, knowing that It had been wrlttrn under falae lmprea- louT In a few weeka be cam again, and tlila time IMIa felt aura that be wouw aiM-ak of the aublet t that troubled ber. She wUhed be would and bat It over with. Hut be did hot Ua waa Juat aa afcertloiiate and kind and loving aa ever and evidently atill conaldered ber an anni'l. Weeka paa.-d ami Illa began to be lieve that ber letter bad wlavarrWd. Khe lo'iulred of the poatman aa to a here undelivered Irttera were taken, and he told her they all were aeiit to the ib-ad Utter office In Washington. U-ttera misdirected or unclaimed or without taiue wera to be found In the dead Mter offli Delia wrote there and revived a card atatlng that ttie letter alte bnd written about waa there uimta tuned, and If ahe would aetid 2 eetita It would be wot ber. When the letter came Iella found tb;it ahe Imd been w angered that ahe had not written hr ad.lre on It and hmt im'.ninl to tint a atamp on It he lieuau to read It; but, (timing to that whU-h now In ber cooler tn metita ahe waa ashamed of, ahe tore It Into blla and threw the bit Into the Bre. Whm Howard came again he noticed a i hauire In hla flaoeee. The cloud that bad twen reatlng upon her had been lifted. "My angel r be aatd. "Oh. pleaae don't abe protested, bnrjing ber burning cheek on hla bottom. FORD 15hQ UNIVERSAL CAR Buy It Because Its a Better Car MODEL T. Touring JftAQ Car Delivered "-S - Wilhes Auto h Garage Company Third Street. Hillsboro. Or. ANGELA MAY Teacher of Singing and Piano Terms arranged to suit. ROOM 4. - BANK ANNEX. Every Day. Will You Build ? If you are going to build' tWe Spring or Summer, aee J. S. WKM.au. ior pricea on building and excavating. Eatimatet given free. All wora I .n.r.ntred. No rjavments wntil work ia completed. J. 8. Loraunn. uth Third Street, at 8. P. Track; itie phone Main 34. HiHaboro. Oregon I Give Me a Trial JUniN Plnirainva aaaiwaaaaanwaaaawninanaanBaaBBBBaaaa i : 7 i y0 i i uemocrauc onn.. ! for Governor Hi Record is Clean I The Graselli Brand of Neutral Arsenate of Lead It is like the Aetna Brand of Lime and Sulphur Solu tion; the very best on the market. It is used and en dorsed by all leading Fruit Growers' Unions. Prices, :oo lbs., 5io; so lbs., $5.50; 20 lbs.. $2.25; 10 lbs., $1.35 5 lbs., 5.8o. The Graselli Brand can be used combined with Aetna Lime and Sulphur Solution. Write for special prices on large quantities. We sell Black Leaf in fi-r oil Vinrla nf Atjhis. Can be added to the above spray, 1 per cent to Soo per cent of water. Try' it. 5. LEIS.The Xtna Orchards, Deaverton. Or Pacific States Fire Inrarance Company of Portland. Oregon. The only bi Oregon uiu Line Company. Lours Promptly i am John Yandenval Agent Hillsboro, Oregon The Washington Co. Veteran Acs'n will niuemble at Forest I Grove. May 7. 1914. at 10 a. m.. at the X. Y . Mall, uinner xa. , Election of officers. Usual good program. Com. i " SUMMONS can aspire. .... 1 To our minds this is the grand est movement that has ever been 1 iwwi in thi country and we lrtUIILIi-a ... ... hope every parent will cooperate heartily. Encourage your boy or .:i ... nn srime of the worK recommended and Rive them a chance. Let tnern nave . in the garden, or furnish them a few chickens to start with or something ol the sort that ap peals most to the chi d They had better spenu mia time at that than to spend it all at plav. It may be the very means of helping the boy to "Hnd himself and get started on a successful and useful career. . Mjninuuu.-u. Not a word has been heard of Allen T. Eraser, wno leu wre 1- 1 .i tn nnisn huiiic nuin at lleaverton, but-went in to I'ortland to transact some busi ness n I'ortiana weaiuw . ne ..uJl ..,no v,H His w fe has made every inquiry bu t the po- lice can give ner m "";"; It is now thought that rraser was put aboard some vessel, and that he will write as soon as port is reached. Fraser was Indus trious. not a hard drinking man and was; thorougn.y rena-. There is trie proouuuuj play, but this is dismissed as not worth while entertaining. Forest Grove II, vv, owmi v- .- , . and Gaston, brought In a coyote Sm d h s bounty. The coyote fSy is getting rather numer iamny w e. bounty. ous arounu V-jino. the vandals evidently finding good picking down in the farm districts-better than up in the bunchgrass sections of Eastern Dretron. Wm."'Schendel. 'of 'aottth of Cornelius, was a city caller tri day a ernoon. Mr. BehewW Is ?bi; secretary of the German Y EAGER & CORNISH LAWYERS Phone City 232 Hillsboro Commercial Bank Big. HILLSBOKO. ORE. 6 Per Cent LOANS Obtainable to buy, build or Improve farm, rancn ana ciiy jmjpmj r move Incumbrance- tberelroii.; S(ecil HrlvUeaea and Reasonable Term For pnipoaitlon . ailitreas: Finance l)ept.,lSB,Buarn uiair.. I'aiiais ie. Farmand Garden Implements I can give you the very lowest prices on Field Fence, Poultry Netting, Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, and Bee Supplies. I have added the Famous Weber Wagon to my stock, also the Kentuckey Graiu Drills, and McCormick Binders, Mowers and Hay Rakes. Long, Hillsboro, Ore. Waablngton Hal, Monday. W eJneaday and Friday Dr. Gertrude Phillips Osteopathic Phvaician- , I Office, houra, 1 to 4 p. m. Home, calls. to 12 a. in. Notice of Final Settlement. IN THE CinCUlT COUKT Of TH STATE OF1 OREGON FOB WASHINGTON COUNTT. Ada M Hunter. PlainUU.) vs aa Thomas M Hunter, Defendant) To Thomaa M Honier, alva named defendant: i 1 u the name of the State of Oretron you i are hereby required U appnar and answer lorotlH-rvk'tae plead to the complaint filed i atrninst you ia the above entitled suit on lorbekire Fridav.th Wth day of April, I I'.lH, id date heinjr aix weeaa arw ilaUl ol in nrs puuutjM. summons, and if you fail to ao appear and anwer or plead liefore said date, the plaintitf will apply to thecourt for the reliet praved tor in ber complaint hied ; herein. Uiwit: For a deoree dissolving the bonds of matrimony exiHting between plaintirt aim defamtant, and that plaintiff km divorced and forever freed from de , kuutant. on the a-rotiud of desertion con I tinuii'K for more than one year, and lor ! aui-h further relief as to the court may swiii equitable i. This summons is punwmi v ai ..tittMiiirfi wiwka hv order of Hon O H Keaaoner, J udge of the Coun ty Curt of Washington t'tmnty, Oregon, in Uie abaenue of the Circuit Judge from Washington founiy, ana sm dawd and ti!e.l March 10. WH, and the date of thetirst publication of thiaauin mons ia March 13, WU, and tha date oT the last publioation ot thta auinmona ia April ii, VJli. . E L Mokss, Attorney for Plaintiff, 413 Wilcox Hldg, Portland, Oregon. I u-i. -i..n tl.t.1. it,., under- signed executor of the last W ill and Testament of Alice U. gandford, det-wsed baa filed In the County Court of the ctate of Oregon, for Washington County, his final account in the matter of said estate, and aaid court baa designated Monday, I tna Jfitn aay oi apni, wu I A U lit. nnir-t rrtftm n H illntMn. Dragon, aa the time and pla.- tor nearmg obJecUons to aaid final account, and fur I toe nnal sewenieni oi aaiu esuiie. Dated this atarcn to, m. i a &.n.ir.,Ml irTw-ii(r,r .r the Estate of Alice M. Sanford. Oeceeaed. Hagley S nare, Attorneys tor juuriuur. Sheriff's Sale On Fordosire WALL PAPER AND PAINTS MURROW - My New 1914 stock of PaloU, Var nishes and Wall Papet has arrived nd ia ready for your inspection. Retail Prices are guaranteed to be 15 to as per cent kwer than in Portland. Sae your carfare. The largest complete stock of its kind in Washington Connty. Call nnd aee for yourself. Home painting wall tinting and papering. Esti mates furnished upon application. WALL PAPER & PAINT CO. T XiTTPPnW Pron. 1 iuvAw "i - " r , - I Hillsboro, Oregon Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Ore- I gon tor Washington lounry In tha Matter of the Estate of 1 lervey 8. M.t I- k.k. iMn 1 1, t t' K ntiilp. signed have been duly appointed, and con- Inrineu, oy oruer 01 im wvia cn...... Court, as executora of the Last. Will and I Testament or Harvey o. Biurcevaui, ue oeaaed, and have qualified as autth as by I law wrewriiwi. ikmAir. All MHntii tiKViiifr elsims I against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the aiune, to gether witn prouer rwuviucia 'jirmuM ottiee of Bagley A Hare, in thw American IMauonai nana ouuuuig, at niuii.i, Waablngton County, Oregon, wiUun six months from the date hereof. - Dated this Wtft day ot Man n, imiv. v.. if,,.,.. Hi,,Ml.Mitl M iVILitf MtnT- devant, kxtt-utors uf the JLast Will and Teatament or Mervey a. Biurtwyaui, Ideoeaaed. Bacley Hare, Attorneys lor isiecsiiors raaking It Gerrtly. "HaUoa! sit down. 1 believe tyoo have come to ask me"' - Ton hare) been mh lnforraedA I haven't come to ask you 1 anything. . "Why, I unaersuum yau" "1 came merely becauao I'Vdsbed'tr) hat It rat to tall o a tatof nrood nesra. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution, doorte and order of aala, iwiued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court i f the State of Oregon, for the Couut v of Washington, dated the lllth day of March. WH. lu favor ol John t. ..i-.i,if .n,l umliMt Mvrta u. .'i.i 1.-,., ,'....''.' , r, rerguii, ;J.rI' deleudauts, for the sum of SIHJ 73, with interest thereou irom win ltith day of March, WU, at the rale of 7 ............. ...... ,., ami the further sum prri .-,t, jio. a..iu, . of 17 "5 coBla and disbiirsomenta, with Interest thereon irom tne ioui uy wi March, llilt. at the rate of 0 per cent, per .tin.ul mul dnltvered. nullum. i " , t ... i commanding uie to make sale ol the real property heremaiwr uescnoeu. " levied uin, and pursuant to said execu tion, decree and order of sale. 1 will on Monday, the 4th day of May, 1914, at the south door or the Court House, in Mil a boro, Washington County, Oregou, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day , sell at public auction to the behest bidder for cash in band , all of tne right, title and i. . . 1.1 4.,t'u,ititfl Mvrta (J. rer- guaou and J. W. Ferguson, of, in and to the foiiowing aescrioeu reai lying, being and situate In WahiugWU County, Oregon, and particularly de soribel a." follows, to-wit: beginning at a stake 1.9( chains east, and 6:18 chaius south of the "'rlhw"1 corner of Swtlon 4, T.l N. K. 3 W., WUU Mer., running thence east 9,o71 chalni W a sUke; theuce south O deg. n'"'"..; 5.10 chaius to a stake; tlimioe west parallel with the uorth lmo iiue TO chains ton atake; thence north 6.16 chaina te the . . 1.... .......Inllitf a Bona. place 01 wginmun, ou,...... - . to satinfy the hureinbefora ? and for the costs and eipensea of sale sua of said Writ. . - . - 8id sale will be mane auj detuption aa per statute or ""JY?.. Dateu at Hiiishoro, Oregon, on this 19th day of M trch, 1914- ; ' , a-..hlnrioa J. K. Kneves, enenu County, Oregon. V, pui-iifr Barley uare. aim"'""- TZ For lunch-pickled pit test. home made Bauswres , ndt tt-lognas.-H, R EmmotV y Wanted: A girl St ployment. r