The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 16, 1914, Image 2

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    RlX4JtBiK0 kMt;, AMlL i. sis
WOLPORI) - t il I V
. i. I
' "IS
4 .'
? v
3 i
3wfci LULru
One of the greatest special money saving sales of Paints and Var
nishes ever held in Hillsboro, will be held at my Store on Second
Street, Friday and Saturday, April x; and iS. l or 2 days only the
following stock of Paints and Varnishes will be sold at reduced
prices nntil one-half of the stock is sold. The remainder will be
continued at the regular retail price as usual. If you are going to
need any Paint or Varnish this Summer it will pay you to visit our
Store during this sale and buy your supply. The goods offered arc
all Fresh Spring Shipments. The following list will show the dis
counts. Come and see the bargains, they surely will interest you.
Glidden's Master Painters Durable Interior Varnish, regular price
$3.oo. Sale Price $1.95
Endurance Wood Stains, regular price $2.50 per gal. Price. .$155
Enamel Japan Dryer, reduced in proportion. Uelle Islaud Paints
will be offered for sale, per gal $1.40
These are standard paints, full weight and measure guaranteed.
Come early and get the pick of this stock. It will more than pay you
Morrow Wall Paper and Paint Company
Old Master Coffee
A well aged, mellow and mild drinking coffee.
This coffee will be demonstrated in our Store.
Saturday, April 18th
Every package guaranteed by us. In order
to introduce it quickly, we are going to give
free 14 pound of W. L. Tea, the regnlar 60c
grade, with each 3 pound, Old Master Coffee
purchase. One only to each customer. Come
to the store or phone your order immediately.
Emmott & Hoard
Catered tl the Poet-office t HUtaborc
Oregon, m xnj-c!ass mail mattet.
U. A. LONG, Editor.
County Official Paper
Subscription; per Annum.
teeaed Kerj Thursday
The fact that the date for fil
ing has expired and no candidate
for the office of sheriff on the
republican ticket haa appeared
speaks well for the absence
partisanship in Washington
County, and it also steaks vol
umes for the conduct of the sher
if! s office the past two years by
J. L. Keeves. The Oregon sys
tern may have its critics but it
11 . ...
nas none more to eliminate par-
tisanship than any other dozen
Never mind a man's politics
if a candidate will just-pledge
I himself to untie that knot that
J holds Oregon in the big Univer
sity graft, and repeal that mill
iage bill, he is entitled to a vote
;of confidence,
15c Sheet Music Now 5c
$6.50 Piano Stools Now $4.00
$3.30 Piano Stools Now $2.00
Violins 40 per cent Discount
Mandolins 40 per cent Discount
Guitars 40 per cent Discount
Player Piano Music 50 per cent Discount
This Line Must Be Closed Out At Once
The Delta Drug Store
Clarence Young, supt at the
county farm, was an Argus call
er, Tuesday. Mr. Young Says
that the county charges are get
ting along nicely, and their gen
eral health is not bad, consider
ing their ages and ailments. He
Allen Fraser has not been
heard of as yet, and it is now
thought that one of two things
has befallen him. He has either
been shanzhaied or else has mot
foul Dlav. A man hv the nnm
of f rost says he saw Fraser in
ink mcir ages anu Humerus, ne " voi ouya tie Haw fraser in
has had but one death since he (Portland the Monday following
Vwk charge of the farm. (his departure from Hillsboro.
Mrs. Benton Bowman, of this
city, yesterday received the in
telhgence of the death of her
! brother, Ira Sackrider, who for
' nearly 18 years has been in the
! U. &. army, half of which time
, he served in the Phillipines. The
j brother died at the Presidio,
from an attack of pneumonia,
j He has visited in Hillsboro. Had
I he lived a year or so he would
j have retired on half pay for the
; balance of his days. Henry
i Sackrider, who resides in Califor
j nia, will accompany the remains
'east to Crawlord County, III.
j Rodell Matteson, Forest Grove,
I was down to the city yesterday,
greeting his county seat friends.
I He filed his candidaev for tho
1 county commi8sionership, at the
1. r ft m . . .
tierx s oince. air. Mattheson
has been in Washington County
fifty-nine years, and he savs that
he thinks hp knnwa tha naAa r
; me county beyond question. He
staies mai unless we nave frosts
we shall have the greatest fruit
crop in the history of the county.
Wm. Hostetler, of Portland,
formerly a resident of Hillsboro
and Reedville, was out yester
day, greeting friends. He and
his brother-in-law, Willis Ander
son, are engaged in buying and
platting land ever in the state of
Washington, and they are on
another big deal that will keep
them busy for a year or so.
W. 0. W. Meeting-All mem
bers of Camn No. 500. Wnnon
of the World, are requested to!
come out baturday evening, at 8
u uiuck. lur a hprh nn ar Mnnaa
Hall. By order, of the Consul
Commander. -Peter Lorsung.
Miss Mvrtla MpfllnrUn
Portland, was out Sunday,' the
cruest of her Daren fa .1 U w
Clarkin and wife, of Laurel.
R. T. Simpson, of Beaverton,
was an Argus caller this afternoon,
Kre.1 T. Wolford. ot l!ut.r. and
Miss Maud Lilly, of tlub t'rtt'k.
wore marritni April li'U. st
the hme of Kv. R fhrntu-'
CtHk, pastor f tho Itjt ist
church, IlillsUin. Rev. Luoxt, of
the Christian Advnt churvh. of
ficiating. Only ivlativcs atnl im
mediate triciuU wen1 pivcnt at
thf ceremony. '
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfrni wont t
Portland for a few ilay. alter
which they will make their home
at Buxton. The lost wishes of
a larjre number of friends k
with them.
When in Portland stop at the
Hotel Katon, West Park and
Morrison Streets. Itvated in the
heart of the theatre and shot-
ping districts with all the con
veniences oi a modern hotel, at
reasonable rates.-Clen Mite.
Manager. l!Ut"
Gusts v Krause. of South Tua
latin, was in the citv vestenlay
morning. He reports the nat!
Peoples Theatre
Sprrially Selected Proft'ram
Krnturintf Florrnce Lawrrncr. Amrrl
foremost Actress. Two othrr reel.
Next Monday anl Tcsl.iy
We Present I1NG BAGGOTT mnd Uv
feature. "In the Touch of Chllil."
! n. r.
'H i.- .!. , .
r.i.N, w hi. I,
h. the
' Uttllatp.l ...
Candidate For a 2nd
Tha nil ml rcrvotie for nast
as very muddy, although it ii favors, I tnesctit my nanie for
it u ij in t h W in. I . .
your consuicratiou at tnc
Priunry Ktccttou May 15,
IMvv. C. l.uce.
deep, like it was in the Win-
He will move ;vu'k to his
farm on the James place, next
Probate: John C Wilson aiudd
euardian of IN.-hnH l.',v and
Wayne Wilson, estate of $V
hrnest dels er. miardian of Fred
erick Geisler. tiles inventory at
$2isa-Katate Marv llillman
closed of record.
George Harms, of Mountain-
dale, who always tries to get the
first Venison of th. oiun Stit4nn
and who generally knows where
the bucks congregate, was in the
city Tuesday.
Chas. Casteel. of Tualatin, was
in town Iuesday. t'has. says
Tualatin is still irrowintr richt
along since the ton incor
Frank Franc's, of Oak I'ark.
was in yesterday, and says that
fruit aunoars to U settimr well
out his way, and there will be an
abundance unless caught bv a
Elmer and James Itarrett. tf
Portland were out to ilillslwro
today. Thev are sons of N. A.
Barrett, and formerly resided
E. M. Simoson. of I nCi ntr
Wash., has leased the Simoson
Hotel at Puxton, and has opened
for business.
Miss Minnie Abbott reeentlv
returned from N'orth llend afi..r
an extended visit with her sister.
Mrs. L. N. tiilnet.
Herman Koehnke. of Levoml
Oak Park, remembered the Ar.
gus for another year, the first of
me weeK.
Harlan Kellev nm (
aoove XNorth r ains, were 11
town today.
W. C. Jackson, of Viirih
Plains, was transacting husint
in me city this morning.
There was a slicht frost lai
meht. but the heavv fmr nn
, - . J - " 'v
ventea any damage.
m. JOSSV. 01 Wpt ITninn
was in today, and reported quite
a irosioui nis way last night.
The social eircl of thA rhfii.
ain church visited with Mrs. K
L. James, at varley, today
Ulrich Kemiif. of Tlnlvi.iia
, I - .-v. . V kill)
was in tne city this morning
uaniei rnnes. or Knv un n
F - ' J P
city caller yesterday.
Argus and Journal S2.25
S. P. AND P. B. & n.
Call lar Warrant
K IttlUlumi cil rinnt o (
nthrr thr t.rnn.l Kim. I. nii krt
"Nut I'.Ul i Wot it r'nl,'i on I
.vl t Hi h eltu- tA lilt 1
u.l lulrtr.t will crtw allrt Apnl IJ. i
't'4- j
ItilUUxo, r , A pill Ift. 1414 j
A very pleasant surprise party
was tendered Miss l-lah Fuegy.
April 11, at the Fuegy home.
1 he evening was enjoyeJ with
music, singing and dancing.
Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Will Fuegy. Mr. and Mr.
Mike Waefler, Miss l.ulu Hebei
sen, Martha Kaufman. Anna
Sehncidtr. Anna unit Minni
Cutschmidt. Mary, Margaret and
rem Waetlcr. hmma and U-lah,
Fuegy, lit tor and Walter Feur-i
stu n. John and Frtnl Zurrher.
Fred CnHSt n. Atfre HeUisen. ;
F.dward Kaufman, (iottlieb Fue.
gy. Toney luitschmidt, Ike Al-i
win, Carl Schnahle, Henry' Kt-s
I i g h t ref reshmen ts were
served at midnight. The crowd :
departed at a late hour ail en
joying an exceptionally gmxl
Again Reduced
Peerless Lumps
DUze their Trail
toward cheaper
n 40 Watt 3c
Watt !
u Watt 7'-
150 Watt 1 . 1 1
Buy a Carton Totlay
" la u .
a. It
i,..i v.. . .." 4.rN
j k ,; :
li- .i t No, 1. 1
.f ;.-... t
.....IKIV.H, JJ'tZ
lt...t I,. .. .. . .
nilf HI ,.o,w
k I 1. 1
nt in 1 .
vv. .-, (,M ia. , ' 1
n"'l --., "It 1 .....
if :i',jo fir
a Um.
IHlrt,-j S., J ,;r .
All, except the P. It. & N., trains
are electric, and stop at the do-
m on Main street
To Portland
McMinnville Train 0:47 a. m
Sheridan Train 9.15 p. m.
'orest Grove Train -M n m
McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m
Eugene Train 4:118 n. m
From Portland
Eugene Train arrives .. 8:1.'
'orest Crave
I rains nnrh wav nuni u.
Corvallis trains, stop at Sixth
ana nr, on Hag.
9:42 a. m
.10:57 a. m
..4:30 p. m
-6:37 p. m
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
P. R. & N. Train 1:37 p. rn
From Portland
P. tt. & N. Train 10:24 a. m,
I represent Rnirpiin onrant.
noi Bom in stores. Will call at
nomes on request, and do the
ntting. and tenr-H
and wear the corset. Our tailor-
eu maae-to-measure corsets, in
cluding the latest front' I act wifVi
an experienced corsetier service,
cost no more than hich elna nnt.
?et3 purchased in stores. Mrs.
M. E. Caudle, Hillsboro, Fifth
and Jackson Streets, Phone No.
Y84 50tf
The Lane house on Oak Street,
caught fire inat. hnfnn -..
nOUr. the ha7fl una ovlm.
guished before the department
cai..1Cu me scene. An alarm in
the same neighborhood last week
resulted in a like ending.
Wednesday Was l ast Day to Oct
in So as to (let on Primary lUllot
M) Rt l't BLICAN OLT 0R Sill RIM
Clcrl Luce Closes Books Vcsterday
Not Msoy Cindidilcs Oil
Candidates are this viar fW-
and far betwe-n. Only in two
"(Tires is there a contest re
corder of conveyances and coun
ty commissioner, there beintf two
each for these positions. There
is no republican candidate for
sheriir, Mr. Ueeves. on the di-m.
ocratic ticket being thf-only man
running in the primaries.
The legislative ticket h ns mil
yet been sent down bv the
retary of btate, but so far as
known the following have fil..,l
with Olcott. whether or not all
navx; miou wuri the requisite
nominating petitions, while those
nave men with Clerk
miuruay. April is, m un
fixiHi by the rity rounnl n
clianing-upday." ('iliau-ri an
reiju-i.J tu rlean op their
premiiM'S on the ntmvt thit. All
living inside fire limits must t;et
from the tin? chief a i-rmtt to
burn rubbish.
C. Plaser.
!H Chief of Police.
Hillsboro, Ore., April K.
vuuui n .: t:.,4, ' j.
1 hW,
(u'Um N "f
(or I (nain.iam
fnHI f. cl (it
I...... . . ' "O.fc
U- 1ri I,,.,,.!.,,, "'.Vwt
Jv.ulh ;,ul u I. . fZLll,
; n- -:rt,o
irK t:k..i. ; . J,!,,'H
tftulr uli
fl ... .tm xtt 1 i?
I ' S',.fik t
nt. ti. it,
M Hn4 Klilar, 4
l'llM.I Si.
pair It,
limn. S'..
ri .lii
li.lrlr Nn,
rudi work
li-M. I "ml
i f,
l MMnss,
Iht liii tVurl of llm uia
itbi(um fur Wliit.gU)n l'otiy
W fi Hnre. T'...nff,r, n
Hillsboro; Larl Fisher and C H
try. Heaverton; Ferd Langer.
Sherwoo : II ('. un, lv- 'I
i , : :,. """i rurei
Crove; J A Chapman, Middleton;
Samue I'ais ev itnvf '
tlerk - h. (,. Imcc,
Uecorder-F A. Kverest.
iillsboro. An . 0m,. n......
North Plains. ,,aviH'
burveyor-Geo. McGee.
Commissioner lfuHuii
i . . "in mane-
son. (.aston, and C, A Plieth
Justice of IVoniiu; n t".,"''1"'
tnM.( ' JHacn,
forest drave r v in ..'
Kinton. ' vt l" mi
Constable W H PiiILm ti;tt
boro, Wm. McQuillan, HklSZ.
ru "'pL.V.cnJral CorTimittee-Jafl.
Churchill, (ale., Creek, N. P
Nelson, Huxton.
Constable -M .t lloi..
u,n,i ",,,cn ner-
est Grove.
Justien.T M lt(r
Grove ""inan, rorest
Justice North
Frank Holey.
Awiil lletlnlmyrk, rislnlMl. 1
r..iiMm trlllmr, k. MtiOut
Miitiir lit-lirl.iitik hn i
nanir.i innn,l,-
In lh N.M.n ui it, NUtnt.r itr.m
urn r hff..T r.lUirr. .. a,r
an.orr l! c.imi.Uii.1 )lnl tii.l .t in
llln lxn olllinl r..i..l .,,.1 .... ...
I" llm iKIi ,1.. .. U.. it.ii . .1...
miw iu .,.lii.n of ! mmb
.....i.i,.- ii in jMibiuU.iM i.l
this nmntiiiM tiiMiti inn. anil if .,. !
rr s -i-tll,iti,lj IB i,miH mitl
- - itorniiiinifl
tatllllf MttMtll I'ltttftllft m...l li- f. - .
' i' li 'l'r ami (urtitr mli( m
... "i m miii(iii Mini .n... i
. iii'imn tiMliimnt,
i ins miiinmm U.,,, ,1M,
tititiiit'&ii.... . i., . ' ..... I '
.. Iiumimiii l unlriif lli
aj i I " "Hilly Jtl(l,!
-.i.iiK..m i...u,iy, riin, ii. l Kin
which mid M,f rn,Mir, u,i, m.
... r"""'"! in in imttai.aiinr fMunn
?. .' 7'.1 1 " Uiri.r iI.ik.1 A
.... wttr,j Mf Jlf, III
AUnriisys fur I'mimtir
In tlm Clrptill Court of tl, Htlt
for II,. tlotinljr of W,,Iiiiii
J"ls I) Hlsn. ' l'lliiri,
ionniih lm Hi... .... . i .
11. I.U1A..I. I UI ' ""' I'Slilnl
III til. Nr.niBulthB NUlnofOriB,,,,, ymi
rii ntirHlijr fr.iir toniitH..r .,,.7
P'slnt. fur u .MI il.u..u.r . i. . . , . .
rmiii. tlut slw .,
Ilmklm h""" " "f Jm,N I,
-Carl HofTman, For-
Plains, W
I Saw CnrYlwnnrl tt'tl..n .... A . n
inches in fliamotr f'
and boards of all k 'd , i 'S
T"1"' iciigins, wi go hto
the country. Write, phono o?
ro. Phone, City 146.
i Tills stniiiiititm s i,.Teii ..,, ,
ni, iircK'in, hy His nri ir r i,n 11 . i n
'HHtptti,!,,,,,,,,;,,,,";-.."'..! in.-
A H Urnnwr,
A I tunny fr I'hiintiir.
Nearlv ;tnn
M f of the
'""si n4 r.
1 l-J A3, 1m
S IT. I!.J i.i
T.Ul Jrrt rii. nlm, .iraf
A I '' !W ft m i law, Bar TWs-hnr,-h,
A I.'., (tl awim
JiauM A 1 T f t ra m
'! A I. ',;,
U". I r ' " . Hrfb pltt. A
WS I fl tr..-.U.. ,,( f litrt,
ftn. ! .(.. ( ,N It jh
f( mr.Uiii. M,f J ( ivrv
A l'. I'jI f . t ma. 4am. ir WiitMl
Juiiwiit Nn li '' " tni KurvltS,
iwar '.nnr!l a i.. I liu-.irrt.
litHtkl .V., AUS. !. Cm
HAfiniliifn, lt rm ,(' liumiUif g"
i.i w..i ,-i i .- .4 1 ;is mrt
! (la If), (ler !1?) I'titBft.
JsH. Iirt fta. .(., iMr Ik '
l'a!t.n. nil fvti,.N rtry l:.J
lt.. Mutant . . rmnl i.
.", iwk sn. .1 . ri
Msl l'i.t-i. t S i Kw4 Hi
IK fpr HiAttt Um, nil gaai
!!a. !s!(i. t IhMmsb 1ml
fn niW.
tt.M.) 1'i.tri. l N'.i (Khrl (M.
i: .-l I '..(fi.l N. :o R.J a.,
I,!" f rt fttaa a Uhi
It iMnlrtrt N. 31 Itwsij N St
I frrt ma.Um. ulh tm
t:ftii l'tft. I No. trt'ivrsJ Mi
f.o4 DUlrii t N'.i, 35-Aitt UN
fiM.t maisiUni. A'.l l.yii M M-
'! in. li.M.I No. 4 II, f.l ff4 MS
rstUnu iUwtl No. 4 U). !2i fH M
i:.wl i tint N'.. :U Oorrsl mti
Ijnad 'i Irlrt .... l!oit N St
l.f frrl mrnsiUm. liitsd N H
l.t'iwi trfl inm a.tuin.
l;,w. IMslna No. !7 - BoM III
I WI tn t mirmlmi .,u!h of lUttliw,
kiuiwn s .Millrr liusil Ne. 9,
lJusi fret ma. a.lam. h.Tlh of ItesrlsM
kiinnrn Sutuiu-r ISimit M
Unad lHlii t No 4 : - Ks4 lis,
I VI flirt, m.ii-aiiaiti. Iload N
Mrkkull ra I. rli-nrn i: Bin! Rrubtasf
Nik 219. 600 fwt rlrormc Slid fn
bin if. No. ll. 6.INNI fwl rlrsrini IM
rrtilililiiff. Ar.l, 1 Itnle larin Ms
gMllllf(f, nUtrk-t Nrt. 4.. -AIT, jfm
rt m.icnilnm ninr Jm. (Vntwll, AIT
ifiM fit mni-txlstii, nrtir l'ornll Its-
tiiiii. ;..i Mil, s.i'.in M mal3
Si. 10. U
fi'nt of msrailnm, sutilli pf Ilrlw1-
Koait titrnl 4 .rwrl roM
provcinciits. .
:i Idl I, its will I r.'ietrm
offitu f ttst County Clr-rk
Inirtiin (otinlv. Ort'ifiiii, uwiu h
oVItirk A, M. nn Ssttinlay, Nsy a
I!H I. for the nrotMiwI Impmwmw
ttitli..r shtml.l liiil un lh hol
nsrh (nitirovinint si'twrslrly. MS
tlmir hlifs slmultl Mwfify th ww"'
bid for rruKhlng thn ro.k. prrpsnw
snj tfrstliiiff the riMtil hi'l, haulmc w
,..,1, l.,.i v.n.r r..llliiir and finis-
lug khUI roml, and VVadMnirton l11?
rttmirvtis tliB riffht ti mirft Sy W
lilils or to m'it any bid fr ths B
iinnrovflmpfit. or for lh frnulinf. Mw
inff. sitrfsiling or rnthni?. fsntii'
ma nml aiinrtfii lilmni. Mf
. . ' . . t. Mill It
Hirt'iii improvements ran w -tlm
fiffii-t. ff the Mnilt-rniiriiM Uny
link of Wnshlmrton t miniy, , '
offlre In tho County Cniirthousf. ,
llilllmrn. Orecon. on f,r
it; HU. . I i-
Ai.y furthnr Inrormsimn
Im.l n H...,ll,..,tiM., tn 1). II. Kesson".
County Juilgo of Walilni'n cmK'' 1
tiri'ifrtn. ,.1. .
Utttfil At UillMlHirn, iiriTiin. . -;
lllh tiny of April, A. P. I'1' .
Jly onb-r itf diss Comity tours. ,
Cmmt'yt:ci!.rk tt WashinW
County, Oregon.
Under charge of experienced
from rorimnn.
Solicits patients from all PW
Ilmtofmrn, Kesniilii P"'"
I'linne, Mill ii KM
Argus and Oregonlan, $2.25.