The JnllLLSBR VOL. XXI IIILI.SLOKO, OREGON, APRIL 16, 1914 TT1 OF THE HOUR" AT THE CRESCENT I. AaamUlivt Clerk Luce ha l n engaged in aending out tin- primary elec tion notion thin week, ami one of the l' utin ha lieen buy Urtit tiiiM t nthst of tin time registering voters. Ki-i-btration will rlow the first of the month, fill Mill not iiImii ltinin oniil llay five tlays af l r the primary date. i it nook Mm uin ih' oM-n un til (Molar 15. Mali II lp Wanted I will tt-at h v.ral young men the automobile ImHtinHH m ti n weeks by mail and mml them to good IMwilion. No charge for tuition Hi4iliori ik MTttri'd. OYER THIRTEEN If E5 dainty Court Will do ConnidVr- tihW Permanent (load Work Hlitri AVO -HII I.SBOKO tiAP CLOSE Di.lrUl Na. V.ill Iht Premier I I r(th f Rmk Work ..i.... ti... until Ntitton tx M'cttri'd. Write Oa Ilroa.inuni- i-. - ,. s jWi Allt(,mo,)lU. Man of lb ,n " Km-tI. !'- I" Angeles. ,u rtairl by U Cat. natfc Siety at the I Went Theatre, last KriU evening, to jb jppreeiative audience. Ie woduction ireciei uy i i! the plot of the play ja.Mtnu-tiveof politic In Amir- Irtncitirt wher. grail run run. i nf th atnrv id that ' in tru to hlmM'ir. rim amount of tax.- unpaid at this 7" .,ft If hhall have ol ,,r ",r B,B ,on When in Portland Htonut the ton.r? ' .."iriirMV Hotel Katon. Wot i'ark an, fiUl rXL V r SI-mSlrMit.! in the iCu? hyUouncrupulouHH.. heart .r th th.-tr i.t..l shop tKiru ' ... i . uiit. l,U i.inif ihtru tH with all tin- con i n.ii mm.,..l from hi tiu mvrtof a modern hotel, at Unci. an " - . V . r..niu,liaj ral, .- Cl.-n it. i'Jtf it to la,t .Saturday riiKlil h in tin- mini of 1HW.4.VJ.10 hail ln n iiai"! in to trt aHun r K. I. Sapi'iiii'ton. JIuk li-avt-s th mim ol !.:. 1 yi t on the nl ami on vthirh iiaity miiHt fol low. 1 la total tax. ol vvi-ry ilMrittion. Bmoiinti-il to J.iil, '.oH fil "I I in w tin HmallcHt QF MACADAM TQ BUILD YIS Kmmott lUlmifly Manatfi-r ttnini th chainctrr f l"hat. Itivinion Sujit. P,tirklialtT, WinriKht, trtf lion muiionniM'. (;,.fral rntH-ni.r r Aehi Jmn bo M playin tlh vtvU of a tj s,tt, Mr. Martin Irallic franchise and uinT lh city ! matun' r. and Trawlim PanH'n- iniiUniUoft for gain. J. ('. Al- ,,-r Ah-'iI J.-nkin. of the South- plrgat. M tli tiif "J'l'l'al rn 'a ilu-. pa:M 'l throuifh the bo ntfvrr knuw dfiat until th- rllv Saturday morninif, enroute ntw mayor waa Hrclnl, mad an tu McMinuvii:. for a run around iicelU'nt HoriKait. nl Ja Jiw thi 'I." l h'-y remains in aaGiuim. un lh atU0 wn as in hiiUiM aUut tiirci quaru rs 01 .i i :ihi. ai in all tti-antil. L. 11 Hoyatt, Ji Phflan, thf iticiin whu wantnl to Kt ' with lloriiran. wan irmnl. W.N. Hirri. m Pmy Winrwht. nf ihrt traction muifnati. rJfordiHl the comrdy. nd always caught th audience w ith lii Hal lit. W. W. Ituacow, a-i JuiIk Nman, the court who alway hid hii order from th Kraft. r. and oheytnl tlum. but who wax altiv in love with hi wifi. told thitory of judicial Krfidy. lr. WamtiBll aa lh cnxtkfd aider an hour, on imHiiHtMi viui it city ollkialH. I'.nurami -IU'l.uyk for li vori-i. !i!U-k'itii! cru.-l treatment. Mii-v wir married in lttnit. Miriiit'iin.nnd the comnlaint a that the wife hat mne wealth, .,.i I, u ir.-iiii'd ltlainlitT u tlioiiL'h hi were a menial. They have not lived together for Born time. A I! Mint nnd L M. Hesse. f A-h'.ill. and Kale'urh ...I..! 1..llo u unl rit.M and I in town man mm iiiihiij . , , - . , . ii... ti...t... n h -.r ihit iMyni.iiiM.iirnnimnnLr nun n nl lieutenant, handled their U, jude a t! chantw i i.nM t, Chan. iJinifi han- road down ly me wenny i'.m, AlaA Hut ronortfr end. and si n,iir ILil- ih. ho at to cut irik,.r i rriniitimr the i.u.1 hill. Tin county surveyor -I ..-i tl. uAfU I I..... n stirvev at!(l UH uiii iiiu iiM le matii WiinwnchL, whoa fortune wm Injected into the crooked deal by brr uncle, was the heroine, ami after becoming enRatted totiihU. th contintr rwntel ty Jom, finally found the hon.-st roiyor to her likintr, fven thmiuh his beating the comutm w rectteo her financially, wm more than clvpr Minn Lucv Weather red. u Cynthia Girriaon. aecrelary of th mavor, wu rxcellet.t Mri. Ju. Jtwe, M th mother of the mivor, wan it her Mt advixinu heraon toatay with th right. Barney Iwia, aa diMirkeeper i ii. ii,..nilTi of the Cierman o....Li.r of Washington iimnty are n iuested to send to 1... ai,littatiiiiiil their twist ollice nddreen ho that he will have them of record in case he wishes tu mail them communications. if... o..l,...U Cornell!. WUW 2, SiH-rt tary of the SH-iely. ........... t 11 Toniiiie. ne ron.oani. d by Montgomery lurn - 'r l ...La vi. mt to IlllailliMi the first of the week, in con i.ol.lie sale. Montgomery The camtiaign for nxk road work will noon ln-L'in for the K. a- w.n of M l. Distric t No. f.. Nets ijirm-n, auTviHor, will tx the lead. r of all the districts in the matter of lineal measurement of maeadanfj the palm going to this ilivision with r,lKD feet-nearly three miles. P.ids will U o(ened on the following: District 1 - Cdeiberger, suH-r-vir. :Um) feet. District 3 V , P.rown. sup, District fi-Ncls Ijjrsen, sup, 15.0X fn-t. District 7 -Jonas Moline, sup. 2.53) fei t. District U A Zweiner. sup. fi.- rJl feet District 11 - J J Wismer, sui, .1 IHI f..l District 12-Jos Mineman, 8U. !" feet. District I. -J M Uiatt. sup. r(.fal fei-L District 17-John Uerh. sup. ,.CK feet. District IS - It l t.roii, sup. ..OTA feet. District W-li hssner. sup, 2.(M0 f.H-t. District tarry Jioi.inson. sup. l.UW IH'I. listrict 2T-J A .immerman. up, rJ feel. , District .UJ i vanuerxiin- len. SUP, ieei. , . District 3lKichard lay lor. sup. l.iKSOIeel. District IH iwn neesacavr, sup. 4.UNU IWL . , , D strict iMi-U U iseison, sui. 1 HU fuot District 37- tirani aiann, ui'. 1 l-Jki f.iut liwiri.-t .i:t-AIert Nniger, " ... i i: HUlr ct 4. All reu leren. sup. WMt ee i. '.. a I 1 I . ........ ... ilt , in.. ... . . ...:n K..v ihi Lrans nearly ui mil !..- p.--. i . . i. ii ium ihi worK snail ih ii,.,t th it kh . eavinir uui VOOlJ'lv vv - - i very small mileage oi um !" i ho count v seat an I'ortland. Tho ilillsbom-Laure .. ;n m.t over two null's o macadam, in two districts, a. ... fnmi llillslsiro Distnci ino. o in. district NO. I.i. Aiireu J. II. Hanson, of South Tuala tin, was in town Monday. Ij; A. Anderson, of tlelvetia. was Irniin in town Saturday. IHIIIll .. .. ... ..... T. I "VII il iiomttKer. oi wiow new- ton, was in the city Monday. 1 'a n ton Itowman was an Ore gon (Uty visitor Saturday, on le gal business. Walter VanDyke. of Verboort. transactiil business in town the first of the week. Mrs. Amanda Purdin, of Slah, Wash., has returned to Hillsboro to reside. C. II. Northmp. of Sewell Station, was up to the county seat Monday. C. IL Bradley and wife, of be low Newton, were m town the last of the week. Do not forget to ask for a Schiller when you want a good am sets iMmiL tain Ocrhar4 Tboiia PUmi OuUty to Utterinc SpariMtCkcck WILL EC SENTENCED NEXT MONDAY Fraai Scat! MkJ Onr Parter ArrahM aa4 DaUa at TriaU Set Judge Campbell came out Mon day morning, and disposed of some calendar business. Ger hard Tholin. charged with pass ing a bad check on Frank Jen son. at Timber, some months back, pleaded guilty. Tholin is a young man, and hut attorney. 1U cent smoke in the Schiller . . ...I. a. .m . . J . l.nA.t no oough dust" w. u. nare, asuea ior rnicmj 12tf from the court, and sentence was nt r.v.r in deferred until next Monday. Tillamook. Sunday, on business. Guy Porter, charged with ot He was accompanied by Lhas. taming money from North nains Huchcr. farmers, will plead April 2a and Mrs. J. M. Miltenberger is at his trial has been set lorapn, the Good Samaritan Hospital, 22. . , r.. i n .....rioall li'nL- Cntt rh&rtred with convaiescinn nm a ou. ....... ....... , . . niu-mtkin. sUtutory offense, pleaded not ' . Icroiitw and hia tnal was ad Wayne W. Wiley .a ronne r the calendar to. teacher 01 mis coumy. ncu M San Diego. Ul.. last week, agea , . p-o- charged 3f years. I ,:.h jiij-u -ie 0r linuor. will Mr. and Mrs. II. T. lilair were have his trial April 21. out from Kyan riace. sunaay. state versus uonanue, larceny guests of Mrs. Huth Ulair. and by bailee, will be tried April VL Chas. McFadden and family, The case of Henry Meyer ver- if you are fond of good coffee sua Harry Ua vies will be neara call at Kmmott & Hoard's, this next Monday. Saturday, and drink a cup brewed Th. g tti by the demonstrator, u wu. in-Vt recen ly been made please your palate. ' 1Hrht down Nels Larsen. the road super- Lt he Mexican line, while Scott visor who will nave an immense i WM pc up at tugene. amount of rock road work in his I The decree in the case of district, was up to the city me Cmftek versus Bailey was modi- f,r of the week. I RA nnnn motinn nf counsel. l... - - - 1 IIV ( MV.a . Kgga from Mammoth White Bernards versus Mollis, ana Vkin ducks. $1.50 per setting McKenzie versus Vickers were of 15.-S. F. IWKMlwin. one mw dow ami . VMt of Hillsboro. top of hill, on juage umpueii ... , i..T-i:M ifnod 2-4 latrain Monday, ana vne jurura . oe m MienuBuwi i no nair oi our wuuj Mnndav. Congress massed the law making the flag 1 . I in told tn Intro otiiciai.- Aprn. loiak v a i . i .r iua unaa i a ti y r i iiia k. ik. u, a. a eiieci Juiy i oi u. j.. " " n .t thA d- Orville Chester French and P-- Celia AugusU Willis, of Hanks. nrtnnA were unitwl in marriage, aaiur- day. April 11. WU. Judge U. B. McMinnviUe Train o:. a. m. i;..!iuoner oHiciatine. Ickamtan Train 9.15 p.m. a' '- k7 livi iunii - i The Women of Woodcraft will forest Grove Train 1:00 p. m. e ve a dance oauiraay I McM nnvUle m,n z:i0P Euurene Train 4:58 p. ro. v. i i Krnm fori ana music, every oouy m..u. - Kay Kmmott and Carl Ulsen :nnviUe M ..9:42a.m. went over to the Siletz last week. . 10:57 a. m. taking a herd ot neners over . .. , -4:30 p. m. the Kmmott rancn. ney r. . ... " ...6:37 p. m. with a Duncn oi . . Mnf n, CLEARANCE SALE We offer you our entire stock of the following goods at reduced prices 30 per cent Discount on Candy 50 percent Discount on Sheet Music lO per cent Discount on Silverware lO per cent Discount on Cut Glass dee Window Display The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE HILLSBORO. OREGON 9 .i. : 1 - 77 r- - 'mi, r t 1 MtHiaaMitaa' X1 S. P. AND P. E. & E. for the lady of the hou- to keep tab of her expenditurea i. to pay at IMUa h eWt It will wmptify mattera a great deal-give her an iodiapBtabte tehJ Jlte "'imt eliminate the mk and inconvenience of keep ood the ho-. FH hetmo, e. the check Mate mU how at a glance the tot amount of euditureaJor r her to keep eapeosea within your agreed-upon allowance, "ar ipecul de f ttnent (or the ladiea if a great convenience for thetn: why not open aa KISS fo? wife- She will felly appreciate yonr tUghllulneaa Modern PanKinrf In All Its Branches American National DanK Capital and Surplus $57,000.00 A. C. Shute, Pres.; C.Jack, Jr.', Cash., W. V. Bergen, Ast are returning beef cattle. . . 1 Sftheol was true to the will buy in character. Kenneth Ubb. as may sfn-k it up nsa dairy rancn. wreUry of the magnate, came later on. to his climax when he made him- Montgomery Turner, of banks, elf known as the Son of a man Wl, greeting friends in the city iuk l M..nnUllu .. .. .. 'I',,...i.,h ill nn old Uh'O- bv the elder Wrt nwriirtit Will ,nut jvV enuinwr. nn.i be yet U WW 111. nilllN. LI117 1IU1 l 1 1 l.L it 111 MIHIIK 111 ilotin i"-" ' .. u.. tl. I'ieren, superv r. w n - . k irreatest itneai sireuo. . feet of rink road will be built in the yicinUy of tonm - and Crystal Ik.l I I niTllll I HIT lllllll H" - I - M mntof all maeadam work for WWte Orpmgton which t.ids are asked iouis 1.1. . 1 erj-eno.K - --:". , miles, and it will mean clmtnmt- or ana T n aum hi itii 11 ii v . 1 1 1. iivn vu 1 vti-i . r 1 11111111 h ouiii vi. ...--..-,.-. - Trains each Corvallis trains. and Fir, on flag. stop at Sixth nlptixl Iho raat. Taken all in all Mr, Moore is to be congratulated on the sue tm of the play. Deputy Recorder Seek Nnmlnallon lion 01 - " , e now laying in the treasurer a of- lice, collecteu on im 0 OKEUON ELIXTKIC TRAINS To Portland-55 minutes. Uos 32. Geo. M. Hunter ....... nii.l ll TWIW n'r tannt of "t tiflv miles. .... 11 r Cnterville. was riam io'i. , ju , town .Saturday. Mr.M on0 of tho old line norse. I Fred A. Everest duly regis- the county, ana w .. tered Kepublican. hereby an- heart ,mrades in nounce myself aa Republican !'' . ' r.nAit. ik. mis of lie- tho county muu V.IIUIUIW .UI HV W" - ' , J . f J 1 . ..i ir.,uli.l .. t r. Hewtll is curueroi wonveyancen 01 t'oturncior ,', ington County. I am a resident IR a barn. 40xM. for t ns of Hillsboro. am Deputy Record- Ui i(t 0,-enco. He aiai er, and will aay that if I sm t in a bid for moving t Mac nominated ior the office at the J.alltp Halt, from (.rcenuiu, to Primary nominating election, to .ans, beheldMav 15. 1914. I will ac- M ., t nnff. 0f Southern wpt the nomination and will no ''Va, in the city over withdraw, and If 1 am electe. . 1 Orogn. was of u will, during my term of ollice. Sunday, use due care, and to the best; of in" , ,, c Vin- my knowledge and ability ler- C, H l,,,.nnl -''town form the duties of the oil cewitn cont, of Heave. 10 .n. w ... - the f.:41... 7:10... 8:28 a m a m a m 2-4 has filed for .1 . ,;ni rtr nf onnntanie av lilt OOOIlliain'.. . , , vwm vinins. This is Gea a prelimary to making the run for sheritr two years hence, so his friends say. Sam OrnduiT, of Laurel, was a ,.;., vie tor Saturaav. oam pects Steam Service Old Depot To Portland P. R.&N. Train ...1:37 p.m. I From Portland P. R. & N. Train 10:24 a. m. SHUTE SAVINGS BAItK American National Bank u r. TfiPlie. of Shady Brook. was' a city caller the first of the week Rheinhald Krueger, of Cooper ls,u, - nf Mountain, was up to the city UI i" " "T. . j 11 J p m . p m . p m .p m Wecil Ilia pmvc 1 - . , . the time the Fall tered at the clerk's office. FOR COMMISSIONER llillslxiro by rains set in. Carl I'fahl, of Blooming, and 1:14 3:Ki.. 6:05 . 1"" v.oi ' ... . mi 1 v . 1 aw nvna 1 lata aw w a a t. ' v I nn t I ;lllni'lt. Ill UUI IICHUai -w . 1 9:b8 sordav. Mr. Buchele I hereby announce myse w . (i.i r ... " n ml.... lOIT. li'ai CU ....". . m 11:29 ::,roiJW ed I will during my term pi omce e oiucc for the (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus.. $ 92JJ Combined Resources..... . . 690,428.81 Banhintf in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit. Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler s Checks, Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. 7 9:22 12:30.... IIMtnso. mmimiiii nrwt llinllfltch Being familiar with the work, 1 can and will serve the public ef ficiently and will at all times be courteous and attentive. Adv. Fred A. Everest .pm ...a m ,itnrdnv. on court house. Adam nergert. wa3 a county sent visitor featur Mr W. D. Wood spent the first ,,i.i-. m. - i Yt 1111 H f .fc, mnnaf ftVLT 111 Wiw Z. M. LaRue. of Forest Grove, pi V' " was in town Monday. of B1oming, m Andrew Bendler, of North u,!c"Sg friends in the city. Tualatin Plains, was In the city furday. JL-ynnand Louis Workman. F, l2!ta wee registered at the jjKj note. iua.aun, unaay. av-. - h Mrs. J. B. Stewart, of Soutn jako Mime, u ; t 1'..i-.i ii :t.. liViilnv nu na vunn in the touovj uainun, WW in Uie tiaj - 11 mo.". " afternoon. Mrs. Stewart re- Saturday. ports J. B. as head over heels in g an(J 0regonian $2.25 2:18 1 Chris. Peterson. Forest Grove, form the dutie9 of the . Pm I. iho r tv Saturday. Mr. ri ,:k k ii nd fo 6:24 ' l Peterson still owns his farm to begt jntere8ts of the public, and . .... .....uui ., .l r iahid nn inn uonv i . ...... tne norui " - -. -S.lP eage Binci tx-uiiwoj. plains, and may move back here " G A Plieth when his children are through! Tigard Precinct. t i sain vhAHiiinrui irn. . i . a i vi i ii nn . i r . a . auiuivHiH ua - Ust-Shepherd dog. lias ie f Portland. Route 4. 2-6 hite hairs in Iprencaa. nvc "r ia Intorviewinff dollars reward. Keuirn w, i . w. voter8 in the in- R pubol8, 0f West Union, was Heckmann. ueu.un, - - . hig candldacy ior gov- in tke citv Monday. P K.Uowell.ot thebronenv The Col. is some cam- , . , nm Ppeem.n . Rowcll Co.. Scholia sayf we , and is strong in tne ; --- 0j jhe ii uma r nan mki'iv oiai w i r-i i una ipainiii nr-tiLiuiia is.. i. - Douiiit-ui v,-n iNehaiem lasi weex. Ladies are requested to call at t t Young was a Columbia uoweii vju., wv... . ... ih.n lfflv start Will more "''""-" mill by the lasi oi mo ... ... ir t .nriies are reiiucoicu Wv.. . vnunir was a juiuuiuii mnnnv w th which Mr. a.U11?. t:ii:i- RA-0 Wore .. J Hv?il TiTf IKa I me vui..e"j - ... . tho I -aris miiooci j iijounty viaiior wie mo "i ia nssnc ated will put on a i51 V anrinr hats, as "i' ' r;ioeomotive at their logging "Bood hats their Springhats. as are right, uooa nv Pmbab w-, Kn busy plant, in tne .. from $3 t rM d d C. N. McPherson, o near V ; dsn. Id Stajst. near Wash pyg. Union was a ciiy viMiu. m.c niK."". of rock road worK w men is iu uc u.n10. ..Li, Hp reoorts his w I cndon has again !TwL now .nrl Pall. ken up theBimple life on his Waii,,a MMuri of ine weci.1 . brother as being on the road to recovery. ... af.,nin wanted here by Zk. is it San Jose. instead of San Diego, as errone ously reported in last week's is sue. taken up the simple me on n . Woio-hta A Measures I (ar,m tested Loudon was in Mo? or. and says that ne is P T"' kTa time yet erai "iV" " o.-..,-! I work. domain oi your uun BROKEN LENSES When you break your glasses, gather up the broken pieces and bring or send to me. Ill duplicate the lense immediately without the delay of another examination. I have all the very latest standard lenses in stock in all proportions. The compound and complicated lenses will be made tip cheaper and quicker than yon will be able to get them elsewhere. LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler. Graduate Optometrist. IMhboro, re3n I