The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 09, 1914, Image 6

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Mt Scj atork f rinta, Vat
nivhc and V!t rx-t he arrived
and 1 rr.ty lor mt inrotfco.
Retail Ytkr are Rtteiauleed '
15 k 5 per cent Wet than In
Portland. Sve yoar carfire. The
Urgent comp ele stock of iu kind
in Vhinsnm Cuottty, Ca'l and
are w VMiiwIf It.-.- paintine.
l? tintirR and pipeline,.
ates furnished ejHMa af-olka!.
J. MURROW, Trojv
Second Street, Hillsboro, Oregon
County Cfcrk l.iuc Suggests 1 hat
Tharr Is Ukcly to be Wxup
A Uuk Care Nw MilAc
tmpaulblc Primary Day
Imported Registered IVrcheon Stallion. tfack Finely
Built and One of the Best Sires in the County, will make the
1914 Season, as follows:
At Wm. Hathorn place. Laurel. Monday evening, until
TuMd M "Snnover Store. Seholii. Tuesday evening, until 9:30
Wednesday; ... Wednesday noon, until
2K)0 tBeaverton Livery Bam. Wednesday eveninjr. until
Thursday noon; & ThlirsJay evening
until " Friday afternoon until Saturday eveninjr,
at Second Street Livery Bam.
Terms. Single service. $5; Season, $ 10; To insure with
foal $15. with $2.50 in advance; To insure a live colt.
payment of $50 at time of service. Service must le paid at
once where mare is sold, transferred or removed from County.
Care to prevent but not responsible for accidents.
. Horse duly licensed.
Jos. Otto, Owner.
; Stallion Registration Board. State of Oregon.
License Certificate of Pure Bred Stallion No. 1379.
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon. March 10, 1913.
.tm j: r etallmn Partisan. No 42019 (60008)
registered in the studbook of The American Fercheron Horse
Breeders and Importers Association. Owned by Joe Otto, or
Hillsboro, Washington County. Oregon Bred by M. Larhe
rWnsrtment 01 sarlne. r ranee. ivm.tu-i t u"a, ..,
wparimeni 01 trv . s ro.4i Oam:
star. reuijtrrtr, uiumo
Germanicus 17825 Sire of Sire; Lisette 2.b of Sire;
Sultan 1400 Sire of Dam; Suzon 15i4j Dam of Dam.
Breed, rercneron; roaiea in meyrar u a, ... ...
been examined by the Stallion Registration Board of Oregon,
and it is hereby certinea inai me sam Mmnm i .
Breeeing U registered in the studbook that is recognized by
the associations named in section nine of an Act of the Legis
lative Assembly of the State of Oregon providing for the
censing of stallions, etc, filed in the office of the Secretary of
State, February 23. 1911, and that the above named stallion
has been examined by the veterinarian appointed by the
Stallion Registration Board and is hereby reported free from
infectious, contagious or transmissible diseases or unsoundness
and is hereby licensed to stand for public service in the State
0f 0ren- FVmine I. Potter.
Secretary Stallion Registration Board
Note This license must be recorded in the oflice of the
Recorder of Conveyances of the County in which such stallion
is to be used for public service, and must be renewed March
10, 1916.
Clerk Luce wishes to suggest to
voters of the county that they
be very careful when registering
that they are kwked for the
precinct in which they reside.
There are so many new precincts,
and the boundary lines have
been so changed, that one islike-
Iv to be registered in a precinct
.tthrwi'te than his own. lich
notary that is registering voters.
and each justice that is )ht
forming this rite, has a map,
The County Clerk says that with
a little care at this nine u mign
avA nn the annoyance of hav
inir trt swear in on blanks. Sov-
eral have already registered in
the wrong precinct, and if you
sn r.rtl sure as to votir location
it miirht be wise to see your reg
istrimr officer and find out
u-hr the land lavs.
In some tilaces the new tKUind-
ariea cut through sections, ami
here is w here there is likely to
be trouble. Again, many think
they are in the old precincts
u,h.n tho ripvi sub-divisions place
them in another. It will he well
u innk this un lie fore vou regis
ter, or to see if your registration
is right if you have leen signet
MKS. ttni.TZCL
Mm Mollie Ann Ileltzel. widow
of the kte 1 J. Ileltzet. form -r-
ly of Banks, died at the home 01
her daughter. Mrs. 0. L. Smith,
541 Bidwell St. Sell wood, bin
Aav AnrilfklOlt. 1 he remain
were taken to Banks, for inter
ment. She was lorn near Kan
sas City. Mo.. Sept. 12.
and was married to Mr. lleltzei.
Nov 'AY lSill and thev came to
Oregon in 187.". They lived near
Hanks unti Mr. lleiizel s ueam
in m when Mrs. Heltzel mov
trt Pnrllnntl to reside with the
daughter at vhose home she
nassed away. I he surviving
children are Mrs. C. L Smith,
Sellwood; Harry lleltzel. Banks:
Mrs. Alice Storey and Mrs.
Madge Kasmusen. Stella. Wash. ;
and Mrs. Ida Davis, of San Francisco.'
FarmandGarden Implements
I can give you tbe very lowest prices on
Field Fence, Poultry Netting, Garden
Tools, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, aud
Bee Supplies. I bave added the Famous
" Weber Wagon to wy stock, also the
Kentuckey Grain Drills, and McCormick
Binders, Mowers and Hay Rakes.
Percy Long, Hillsboro, Ore.
OLD pap piik.
Vritcs to the President About the
Hiqh Cost ot Livinfl.
3y H. Flw C'litww hf MW"
Hun Rptibl rr H f"t
InducvmanU U VU M !" IK
liHjrth. hi Aw"-uii Uinr
II VVK irtuk of yHr foUrf
v, ry Wly. ! It 6a kiwJ
Un. Ui-y of Irtw atwuB.
tit. I run a cnnvfT IU WttU
t: ii iiii ii tttwinin.. it l M ,k
iu.. t.. My lhat uiy t.H W w n
.m.l fn-j'h.! Iu lb country lh1
l! -tM.MiHr ho U i"l wllxflt ift
i.tiius It can hav hi luomy
Mr .-lii aro twtM ,,h
4 in tlravtlus Klt t ly ru"
tin. iiMMHur over iiJ lcv track f
It t-ti Uto t!Ur uttilni.
My cauutHl loitmliHfi tirfMlf
If aiy of tlh'ui ilotle t"
1 'I'Vy ' It C. J i
For the greatest p of the greatest fiumbcri
Assortment 1 crc f 10 now $5.00
Xssortineut No. 2 were f ta to $15 no $CJ.65
Assortment No. J were 15 to 18 now $12.50
Assortment No. 4 were f io to ft$ now $14 50
Our TortUnd tailor shop bave been iucicasetl in mc aud easily lu
make alt the men' suits we sell in our tore. l-.vcrythui uit aiic
in these show without the Madc-ln-OrtRon tvtt U tl.d m
at once for this reason aud lccausc ur Stark Street store is uvckd fl(r
our custom tailorioR tlepartmcut. ttaiWl fare panl Umuin f in
lustometi who present this ad at time of purchase aud the Uf
ntvt exceed five per cent tI total purchase. Open Saturday llvcuinj..
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store
Morrison at 3rd Stmt PortLnd
MI...K MBM nxr fMl HI m
Easter will be fittingly observed
in song and sermon next Sunday.
lhe morning service negins
promptly at 11 o'clock. An aug
mented chrtir will render the
program. Mrs. F. .1. Sewell will
nrpHirie at the orL'an. anil will he
assisted oy Karl IkmeLsnn, with
the vio in. lhe pastor will Biteak
nn "The Ijiw of the Ilesur-
rpptinn " In the evenintr at 7:0
o'clock there will bean illustrated
song service under the auspicei
of the Young People s bociety.
Tho IlfifTmnn mctnreB of l liriKt.
which are the most spiritual of
any conceptions in art, will ie
hnwn on the screen with the
aid of the stereoptienn ami ac
companied ly Buitahle rmif'ic.
his wi 11 be an especially inter
esting service ami the public is
cordially invited.
Morning bervice
fWnn Prelude. Mrs. Fred .1.
Sewell; Anthem, "Alleluia, Christ
Risen." hast ham; Anthem,
Jesus Lives," llrackett; Of
fertory, "Angel's Serenade.'
violin solo. Earl Donelson; An
them, (Ihnstian, the Morn
Breaks Sweetly 0 er Ihee,
Vacuum Cleaners
00 without brush llaehtnfD, and
(7 SO with brunh Bturhment like nil;
foced from $10 .nd I5 Beotrla
Ctotfffi with extra aUailiuienlt
Tot clenii.g uphoUlery, walla, etc
froui $25 P deHverea. Special d.S
couitt to Chutche. Uigea n.l
ChMlUble iMtitutiona. We ca.ry
.. , i .1,. Oariium cleaner
M mtt pWrs in the bu.iness. only
mdnSft Tcieaner Stoie iu the Slate.
Price, reduced from b to 50 P cent
-.rraUdtoilOofiU. Write Utpt, A
State Distributors
I4tb and Washington Sts. Portland, Oregon lumti- Hie iturchtwrr U glO
lwi cniw ftir ttw rt-miiln of on.
Vou will eitisf mo. Mr. ITvtUlont,
ft.r this ltl tm. but It ltn a Ur-
il'S on III. fcrilrrul inw.
Ihsifoti I'iIkHiii n.ik the price of cun
mil rk anil It-nim.
"S-tt iitwii fiil, tlfnwn,'' I any.
"Put itmi'a a ntlM-r'
"Yi--t: 'J t wit a can. IUan wer
mnall -rp last full."
"I'm", you nro a liar! Tbcr w
big cnp of llii'm."
"Wi ll, Ihhj wm akaiw."
Timf BBoitn-r whiHiprr! look
nh.ff, l'i p. hat Jl you till Uie 'too
tln tl ty ?
Tl.i.t If Mr Wilton w eh-ctcd the
lilsih ."- t of llvlu' would come tlown."
"Iftit luiult? I hiii rntk In' yuu. baa It V
Ami tbi-n In "tiif Jdlni l'rlmru.
"Ihii. 1 mine u yuu alwut a wc-k
N-fur Itfili.n I told ymi I wa ralitln'
Lull chIviki in utiiMitr one of the city
Imti N with primp portiTlumiH) atcaka."
1 think ju tlhl "
"I ii-I.p.1 ymi If yon tboiiRht tbn price
of bull isilvtm would K P If Wllaon
was i l. Utl, ami ytni awturwl mo that
It wotil.l. Una tlto prko of bull cmlte
"I tliiiiim."
"Put I 1i Instead of advancing It
lin t i!! Whnt have you not to
my nlxitit tint, nnd what about tbe
l.rtMtilw f yiiur president?'
"Yii tau t blituie Itlmr one of oa,
liiU .. In Mm flrHt j-lnce, the patrou
of Hit- iiot.'l yuu nnino gut tired ot
hull ruif Ntinka nnd turned to old ram
'hl" If J" lind i! Unit fifty old ram
on hiiiiil now you'd renp a fortune.
Wlirii 1 iritlii'titl na 1 did 1 iHdn't
!'io iiny fnto wa goln' to dlaplnce
bull ciilvwt."
"3:A ." I went on, "bow often doet
a row bnve 0 cnlfT"
"( Mice 11 yenr."
"Ami how will tho eie veragef
'"riirui: feiunlct to one uiale.
"And how' about tbla Ut yearr
The aau. I i-"'
Vou ar wrolia- tber. aa the rvp'rt
of the srbullnrl burreu will ho.
Kor tbe flrt time In tuty r
pMNIily owImk to the lrutt-ratlc UV
lory, nalur rwvenn-U benwlf. theeanie
a natlfiMil hUI.. tf lb tnllltott of
catvea Urn Ut yr nine out or !
were bull caUee What would be tbe
,.W1.I effect on the warkrtr
"The buibal erTwt, anawera Jabem.
1 that ytm are a darned old Har."'
Old Mr. Illdifway rwiue In Brit
"I beard ibat Klntr waa dow ta
prl.-." abe uhwrted.
"It'a trifle U" I replied
"Aud Ibafa lhe way your president
ket hla iimuilsre! Ollier. air-g la
ter waa one of tbe plaut In four
party platform
"Mdii't Jfou read of the earthquake
that detriyeil lb, Kloer plantation
In the uth eT" I aaked.
Hut ahe Jiut ttumk tier Oat nnder my
noe and walkel out
Thue It goe. Mr. ttwii.leut
la there anything w roug with your
la the tariff all right t
la the currency Mil all right?
Trut w I'onlMe In me. I aetef
leak, It waa five yeere after my old
cow got eurked down by ft qutckeand
that I even caretenly mentioned the
mattct to Mm link bam
6 Loaves of Bread for 25c
(Jet orw loaf ind 5 check, uw h giMhl fur one Uf of
Ilrea.l. Duytn your lmad thli way give hj i
chance to nave on youribmtJ ti'l. It. mcinU r tht
next time you buy bread. Six Fresh h-awn for Zt
Main Strrrt. IlillnUnro J. Wtilf. r rger, Pr
Aa Everybedy Knewe.
"How are yuu iiiulern women en the
iklrt qtiettlnr nuked Ibe aucleot
"IHvltbnir bawM tbe young puteu
Hal aplrtt Informatively -Jutbie.
Old Adviaed.
IentUt-lITe you been anywhere
Patient-1 went to the cbembrt la
our villain.
IntltAnd what Idiotic advl.-e did
be give you?
patient-He told me to come and eee
you, alrl-Loudun Oplulon.
Nolle of Final Settlement
of Lime and Sulphur Spray
The tptav thai made Wahlngto OmntV fammil W V. ,ftl. IW
deal l tbe ttef Klale Hd 4 H-wttrnHnre e. - I km wri Ik
A, In, mt la, ittf M hft l"t eei, ami I am "lie v n..kilM
atlule A C tllh, i MtmiMMWl ol Uie l'ut l'.MHft..w kmai
tiard Avlea ta awl he 1-k evety tnitiel IkIIImp ll al wy ia
(ion ttdtnwnl " It t'. Altaell. t p.Wl tHvm Mate llotllrlwil
rtiriet: " I iU'I Iblnk there M larticf apiay !'. " H I tUihm)
t ftutl luap ln, ev " Aftet eewte treta t find lb Aetna tiM 0, t
twn. S Weraley. l-ielt leaped. t ttlp Co " I
lale yon on tbe tape ate article of lira and aoli-bm ..!ila. IW irta
Hiari.l It give leaulla rl nalverwt wt tolactltn I i-4ulj geantM
tbe Artaa.Urerxt to do Ibe wah If Uej b b" !'
I'hont? IUavcrlon Central
Beaverton, Oregcn
Saturday, April 18, has heen
fixpd hv the citv counct as
'cleaninir-un day." Citizens art
rptiiipsterl to clean tin their
premises an the ahove date. Al
lvintr inside tire hmits must ire
from the fire chief a permit to
burn rubbish.
C. Blaser,
3-4 Chief of Police.
Hillsboro, Ore., April 8.
Niitlre 1 herehv Uen. thai the under
airneil atlntliilalralor of lite rariale of
Alfred I, Hay lor, iWwauieil, liM IUmI In
tint t'niiiiljf ( unit of the Plate of Orefton
lor Waahlnxtnnl tiunty, lit linai eivuMin
In the mailer of eelale, ami aalJ
court baa Hied Monday, the t'-li ilay of
Slav. 1111, at the county court r i lo
Hllliibiro. WaliinKloii loiinly. (Hiwiiti,
at I'-n o'rlm a A. M an I ha time and place
fur .In a iiiilM'iliiiia lj, rttial air.
iHiiint ami lor the dual aettleinnot of aaid
llateil till" Till dr or Marrh. Itll I.
Il-o. W. Haylor, AdmliilalraUir of tli
Ratal f Al'-etl I,. Navlor, lieeeawed.
Hatfley A Hare, AUorneya for Admlnl-
Scholls Roller Mills
Wm. HANSON, Prop
Flour and l-ccd, Aetna Brand of Sjuay, Custom
Choppiuj. a Specialty, Toultry Supl'lici,
Manufacturer of Whole Wheat Hour,
and Wheat I Icart Hour, Graham etc.
Our Trices always Reasonable
TRY US the Next Time
Hillsboro, Or.
R. F. D. 2,
The (Jrand Marra l the moat iron, by K. S. T' 5
wholesome "two for a quarter" inUulw i n a ir.J mott J ,
smoke on niarket-mailo In Ore- (irand Marea. ' -J
I u miiir. I "
v. .. . r . mmm VWi . . AT A W eil I
rvegi.tereu no. tQlllOH tVCgiairQUOn w-
Certificate No. 596
. t.l -ftaT -r I I it'll I tl t
For sale: Oak tVirlet, witn MCL.aucnian, nnisnoro. wesioi
mirror; Singer sewing machine; P. K. & N. track, on Washinsr
kltctMt. treaaur?.-Mra. Harry ton Street, Phone City 517.
Hillsboro will play Vcrboort at
Athletic Park, Sunday, April 12.
and the boys expect a pood game,
The Verboort hoys arc playiny:
good ball, and the Hillsboro line
up is better than it was last year.
Onite a flcleffation will come in
from Verboort and Cornelius to
see the game, and the local ians
will turn out in good force.
David Alexander, in the cloth
ing business at Corvallis, was in
town Tuesday. The firm with
which he Is connected is located
in Tom Whitehorn 8 new struc
ture. Alexander says Corvallis
is going ahead nicely, and the
n rl rnrntnl of Honton t;ountV IS
putting up new buildings rigni
Mr. and Mrs. F, C. Orth, of
Forest Grove, were Hillsboro
callers, Saturday afternoon.
JiW:i 'CiJ
s. I , ' I
9" , t a f?-. . ,
;t4 X ' r
State of Oregon
Mceii Certificate f Pure Jlrr'd Hlalllon or JV, Na 5
imed at CiHvallia. ,. Ko, IXIobW fM
Th. ...Iiu. nfil.. Uck Reedier. No, W'J 'f"",!'.!!.'L aer
the tludlxKik of American llreedera' Anaoclation . . , " rLuliMlmd.
rd by W. II. French. Foie.t Grove. OreKm, bred by .1 ''M iWf
t aa foliowa: inacn. i"' i- (fflrf b f
II- .l-. 411
I lriJimrF, rvr'iii iirwiiin
iHm, Oueeos Hieed Jack, fueled June 15. l'l. ' ...ft-d M
Hlalll.m RrKlatiallon lloerd of Oregon, ami l la n"r' r:ik,,h.t
aid Jack ta of fine Hreedlng la regMeied III ' ' ttaW
tiitd by Hie aaaoclailona named In aectbin nine of an Act rf
Aaaembly of the Hlale of Oregmi, provtvlng for be H" (tJ;
.le f.l..i l,i it,. fl .. II.. Hierelar of 8llle I'ebruaiy .b ""taiJIf
' " - ..." .... , ,M.ui.iian
the alwve named Jack baa I en eiamtueu ny me fr0iitlPj
the Hlalllon Heglatiatlon Board and lit hereby fl""'' , h.rtbflWf'
fontagl ma or trail nilaallile tllaraaea or nnaoini ""
to Hand fur public art vice In Hie Slate uf Oregon -
(Heal) rVerel.r,HanumlUKl.r.ll J
note i nil license tie neen recnviwu m - (v0bfr Hi
Cotiveynncea of Waablnglon County, nnd mind I ten''" -
To Insure Live Colt '.
For the Season " JlC.
Tor Single Service. ' J
I will pasture mares for a short ien
time if preferred. '
Will commence breeding March 1.
June 30. Will mahe the season st
T VT eP. H
It IVJLrr-"' i
BEECHEK Pure Bred Bloch Jack
w w m mm mm m mm mm A i
i irai v. nif wi uat - .
... m -aBBv