The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 09, 1914, Image 5

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Ito to "Free
l kw
' Hut d ua l yefir
"If I did thai was mr awa bmtfim
I tl.Uk I ra ytt In n,jr owg cellar It
I take button tu. A I.t..). h
tie eit Out to Whitewash the "4 ' anting tt wit-
Distrkt Cenvrnttoa Hat Interest
ing Session Last Sataroay
Vide Gaa Btefare a Fall.
rnm un him, iM aft. a long tea
minutes b ,,, rWHUgi, f fn fu ,,,
w Dili eve lit ruM lilin tu ........ It
again. Ilia bald rra fi1 f.v h.vl
lhi. if i,u, i,. MlANY ATTEND flON HILLSCOtO
nut ii. U. 14 ., . .... ldicour!IHMl. lie ttu.iu.-M It o,u,l.l 1.
vn Fm,h A. C....I
Th Dally Oregontan and The
Argus. One? Yar For $0.00
this glvat you W Arjju
FREE. No Agents
Dally and Sunday
ndCSto Argut
(''!) tie h.
gravely ol
The Qrgonian
Mr I. prepersd t. Bandar fmi
! la IKa Ujur.d.
0 M. QUAD.
HI f!; an, ,l.riif In lie
a-r itnurauor during dinner
l I. a. I Mra Itowarr aua
l'l tbt h bad any prt.i
k.r m'iih on htrnd fur lllt evening.
; ImiI m ufrlf t t, aratwl la tlx
. rjii.nt r...iu when Im
"Mm., how many llrura do
)u u ihm. , hat fared death with
I l'i Ih bul alt mouths?"
"W hjr. lm do ja mean?" exclaim
ed Oiil j-.-.l Imly la atnrui.
i "I ijM-nu II. . I have lo (.reserved
ai-.ui f,.rty ttim-a over awl that Ultra
rim bate iYl wrought In our favor.
j V art allia ati. ti a ought to have
j Uin .1.. I Kn-rjf day and bur fur
j "" ,nl half year we Liva ilomt faa
In frt ilt llir grim ruiiiiilrr
"I -I rani Ulloira lir f(J Mra.
I rrnaa ml not rten mbt-n your
hnlii.. If, imt tt la llm truth
i trill. . l-. m ,ar Imi In ilan
ttT of t)hi.t f-iri, apliial tin-iiln
ruta. r.i.iiii.'ii.iii, (.nraiyma and
i...-o fitiil IKni- bin! all
a U-tfrr til a a ti lm:lu otrrhta i..l
k K-nUf until It hat 4 th hani:
uf tha thlnr H rarrtwl la.i rh.ilra
nt t tli laurMlrjr anti .la-rl llinu .
tltln aiwl. ataiMilug en turn ami (ilnr
lli( Ilia n h othw, wriit l. w.irk
aicaln. rHifl.-nr0 raliia In bla hmrt
aa flv mluutra ail I (f ! awajr ami m
traewly m-i-arml II kal a
hrb k wall ti work at, ami aa hn aaw
U4 af CmmIjt Itfmnkw to
The IletM'kah lodges of Washing
ton County. Forest Grove. Hills-
Wo. Gaston. Banks and Scholia.
met at Forest Grove last Satur-
it m whtti-o tiiMi-r bia iirui.ii b day, in district convention, and
mi ,Hhi.. r it pn.i of ir, there wa9 t large attendance.
in flv. a.iM.ira tu. t., h... ' " wenaanee ana
) bimwir (m-iu-v Hint i- w I IIuIulxro sent a large delegation,
toibinif up ian.ia.-ar m h m Margaret Mallory. of For-
. mK " .... ... iu ll l , r. . i .1 . Jl
overtake a l.tnr whk h waa hi.ll fr uve. K'iu ve ucicnanc
aaf. tv tiut H kctjr rhair on i.i. h ha with a wirm welcome, and Mrs.
i . i .... t.M. L .1
ICO wasou army 01 auiuiuuuuc uujvrs umc an-
person anxious to secure, at the lowest price
a rtasou. a car which will vicU a maximum in
rice, style, size, appearance and general tftkicucy.
tStudcUkcr Four or Six Touring Car will fill t'.m
und to the utmost decree. It embodies the results
tan of experience in the designing and building of
tihan i(w,uJf0ur-cylinder Studcbaker automobiles
tStndcbakcr Foar or Six has a long-stroke, small
tmotor, a giant in power though a miser m use of
uline aud oil. The car is cquiptctl with a full
ting rear axle and wonderfully cmcicut electrical
icmtbich lights and cranks the car, aud furnishes
j current for its Ignition.
yndid car iu appearance, none beats it. More
bearings than any other car made. Shipments
Ik coast from December I, to March iy, were 531
,3tudebftKer Four 3 Passenger,
nidebaKer Six. 7 Passenger. $1675
can demonstrate at any time, and will I pleased
you just what this car can do.
illsboro, Oregon
Daily Journal
nd Tho Weohly Argus
One Year, Doth Papers
$5.23 Dally and Sun
Journal and Argus, One
Year, $7.30. Do It Now
.- 1 ' '
Weekly Argus
. . . L '.III tl"'ut.UL
, '.HI H" mliaii.i-'mUU'jlyl
flitfev lb 4
an .tainting tua.l I lint in ritu fur
walilillim almut and tirpakliig down.
an. wlwn Mr. Ituwwr Ml It waa. of
rourw. niiliirhlly prttpft to take the
uttipr chair wllb him. It waa more a Irll IM tlnm It waa a wll.l.
Wflril rrj, which llflml lira. ISowwr
out of ht-r rbair ami mini.' the rook
kuurk the now off of i.ltcU. r
Whi-u Mra. Ilowwr arrlvxl on the
tx-ei.e aba found a fall of whltcwanh.
two bruki-n rlialra and whitt-wsmb
lirnb ami Mr. Itowarr ill uilil tip on
the reuient fluor. Itut Mr. Iluwr waa
not il.-sd The ronti-nta of llw iall ha.
aoake.1 h tin frmn li.-inl to foot, and
having; atrwk tba bark of bin h-a. on
Iba hunt fluor. bo waa t!a and
ItUhty. With the aaKlntauo of the
rook b waa pull.! to the wall an.
impim! tin, and few anlffa of the
rauiibr brought tiltu out or the fog
Our H.ra Again Scanta a. Plat
Ttii-n Mra. Itowarr ti-nrti-rly Inqnliwl:
'How did tt hniwn. dear? Irtd tlw
mkrolira iiil.liTily attack youT'
It waa (one watt before Mr. Itow
.T rould it-nk. Tlirn be alowly re-
"Woman, 1 uuiU-nitand! You anma
nt down here and kl'ki-d the rbalr
from under mo, but 1 am atill ntive!
talk bonacuae. Are
L K. Wilkes responded from
lUUsboro. Short addresses were
made by Mrs. Charlotte Wood
man, of Portland, and Mrs. K.
II. Greer, of Hillsboro. both of
whom have filled the chair of
president of the Oregon Re-
tx-kahs. Fast Grand Master W.
A, Wheeler and wife, of Port
land, were present, and took
part in the program. Mrs. M. C.
Case, of Hillsboro, presided over
the session. Banks was selected
as next year's meeting place.
Officers were elected as follows
Mrs. Mary Ward, chairman; Miss
Miller. Forest Grove, vice chair
man; Miss Mae Moore, secretary.
A tine banquet was served at
noon, ana in me aitemoon me
program was the exemplification
of the secret work; a question
box, and musical selections.
Those present from Hillsboro:
Messrs. and Mesdames P. H
Oreer. C E Deichman, G J Pal-
mateer, D B Emnck, Parrett Sr.
Parrett Jr; Mesdames M C Case,
L E Wilkes. I V Trullinger. Ei
Buy It Because
It's a Better Car
MODEL T. Touring
Car Delivered
WilKes Auto t Garage Company
Third Street. Hillsboro. Or.
Teacher of
Singing and Piano
Terms arranged to suit.
Every Day.
y liott, Burtt. Mary Malone, Alon-
zo Siftler, r Barr, E McNelly,
"I tout
-You can go, woman! Go and Fred McNeil v. Clarence Young.
and I'lao another attempt at tnuruif I "
Klflii-n atlvnipta to niunt.T me lu one
rear! Now (he end baa cooler
Mr. Bowwr. I"
Rut be guHtkutntpd with bla right
band and with bla left and kt.-kpd out
wllb bla eg. and Mra. Bow-wr and
the cook withdrew and left btm alone
with the frlaky Eerun and microbes
.tud fell dtaensi-a
Half an hour biter be appeared up.
atalra with aoine of tti wbltewaub atllt
t'llDcluit lo btm, and. going to tut tele
phone, he called:
"Hav you gt a man that can wblte-
waah a cellarF
"To t aure." w aa answered.
"Send him up In tlio nu.rulnr 1
want him to wbltewaxn ibe cement
bottom aa well aa the celling and
"I aea."
-And I want tha at s Ira white-
"And the kitchen, floor."
And Ibe back fence."
"I aee"
"And perbnpa the whole blamed old
bourns Inside and out!"
-Very well."
And then Mr. Bowaer turned to Mra.
Kowaer with a amllo of trlutuph and
Tliore, madomr
And be went off to ted.
na iaot-i-a rua aaran.
tlirtniijh our own oireleiwncaa. 1 can
bar.lly rtieelvt how we have ea-
CHIH-.I " wbnl I It? Why don't joo tell
uh-V j
-When w our ci-llar whltewaahed
Inst?" he anVe.1 In a voice hardly above
a iiUix'f.
"Why. about a year aifo. I gucaa."
"iiur cellar waa whltewaahed for
attlury reaaona. The Idea waa to kilt
eeriiii and uilifol. After alt monthi
wbltewaah l'e Ita itretigtn, and
eerma and niliTobce will frtnk about
and actually feed up"" It. For all
immtha, then, we have had no protec
11,,., rr.uii tha ahnfla of the fell de-
ath.yer. The malignant germa and ml
Will Oe the Job Himaelf.
"I'll Bet a man tomorrow," Interrupt
ed Mra Itowter, "though I don't think
there In any dancer. There are thou
aiin.l of cellars which are never white-
w ahed." ,
"There will be no newt of the eert
Ice of a man, Mrs. Ilowaer. I don't
i.r.,in to nav a wan 110 to come
!.re mid aklm over the wall In aa
"Hut ymi-you d.m't mean that you
w in do It vmiraelfr
Tiuit'a etactly what t do mean. 1
have it pall of whltewnab and a brush
at the hack dir. It will not ouly be
l-.vh! esenlw, but Inhaling the amell
will do me good. 1 don't prooee to
leave a tlioiiHiind mtcrobca U-hlnd In
aninp corner."
"Please leave tlila Job to some one
else!" she pleaded In her tondercat
tunc. "If you go daubing around with
whitewash vou'll get In trouble and
In. it to me. I'll hire a man and aee
that it Is well done."
"Ilow'll I lay It to your aharply de- the head of the house,
"t-l don't know, but you will!"
That's nil iHwht I never lay any
inii.ff ,i von! I slmll get Into a ault
..f ..i.i clothes aud proceed to white-
wiinh. Nothing will happen except
that our lives will le safer for the neit
sit months."
Mra. B. Prepares For the Worst
Mrs. MowsiT groaned nnd turned
a way. Mr. Bowser would have begun
that U.ti even with both legs broken,
..11,1 Mrs. Bowser knew that argument
i,i he thrown away.
1.. . nniiiter of an hour he waa at
w,.rk. nnd sho got down tha, camphor
. ... .. I...- A Alittmnnt atl.l a BtrlO
iH.ii. . .. . Reveral davs Inter the teacher rewem-
of milieu ve p iisier .. ...i . . .. V.
I what might happen. Mr. Bowaer bcred to Inquire about the new arrlVal.
for wlint niiki i i 1 ' R . h . ,k, todnyr
tna wane, I leacucr, . a"
The Class In German Throwa a FN
Whan She Shews H.r Aptitude.
1(8. IU:i:M AN became an earnest
member of a local German
class and develond Into a
very eiithur.lai.tlo student It was not
long before sho learned to read a little
Uertniin, but the prouiinctattou of the
iuiigungu was somewhat more ardu
ous. At a recent meeting of the class
she afforded them more aniusemeut
than Uiey got out of the German hu
morists they were readlug.
One of the questions In the lesson
for tbe day was, "Are you not glad
you are able to learn Herman?"
The angwer, which was, or course,
In German, waa "Ju, gewlaa," wnicn
means "Yea, certainly."
When Mrs. Bccutan was called upon
to read . the question and answer she
unset the whole class by saying: "la,
Geo wuur' Detroit r'rec Press.
Had Overlooked One,
One morning Hosle'a teacher noUced
her nanclne around tho desk wltn
rather a wistful expression.
"Well, Bosle, what Is it?" she finally
asked, drawing the child to her.
Tlcnse. teacher, wo ve got a new
bnby V our house."
"Oh, hove you, Koslc? Isn t tnatnneT
What'a the baby'a nnmer
... . h.,i-.l of mlcrolies on
ami there wita a grin of satisfaction in
1.1. aHilll 11 f
.1.., uf MiMtonce. His heart bt-
lug In the
. . .. i . .i.t... i iiKiiahftil whon thert
ntttilVlllt II1M lllllll in
'. .. .. .m.!i..r ami ho dropped bla
. i. ,.l. a n Fie had got a
J N Munkrra to L G Motlev. a loU
in Naylot's ad P Grove .....7S
B A lirown lor L Brown. 0 a near
Laurel 480
W S bmith to S O Bit vers, J.8t a
near Scholia 400
P.liubeth Itettmau to J Uverroedcr,
6611a ft Oak St Hho . 10
F G Pringle to J B Woodell,tot in
Bcusonic HeiRbta..... 10
untie Davit to A Wildaaan, tract in
sec 31 lutti too
Temple Inv Co to John Templetoa,
110 a Tnot Utcbln a 1 C
Hawthorne Estate to Catherine Col
lint. 90S a east of Hilliboro.......... 1
O M Gravet to Lulu Graves, to
tec 34 1 1 r a w - joo
Ruth Kealtr to Emily Vatcber, lot
tt blk so N'oith Plaint 375
F W David to Grant Bailer, tract tn
tec at t t n r 4 w moo
T P Hinei to Koea Menken, lot in
alley View, F Grove
J E Keevet thff to J H Weacott. IS a
sec 36 1 t a r 4 w... 61
Cecil Swmdella to U J Swindellt, q C
tract in tec aa t a a r t w.
T W rhempson to Mary Newgent,
it. 14 a at Gaston and other land.4ioo
Sam B Sioy to Thoe Prince, 61.177 a
near klmonlca.
J 8 Grey to G D Williams & J Iron
side, 11H.S s sec 1 1 a t r 1 w.
Same to P L Brown, ta a near Lawrel
J W Shate to Hetra B P McNeil,
deed, a lota Tborne't ad
Geo Sloan to I .nuis Mayea, ei 7a a
T G Naylor d I c... ............135o
Sarah E Manning to Chaa Freer, 10
a north of Hbo .......... 10
A B Thomas to B A & H J Kreider,
7 o8.t a M W Watts d 1 C uoo
Same to B A Kreider et al, roaaway
above r Grove
Sam Lind to J C Willlama. loU
Mvers ad to Reedville Homes 10
Al cn Rice to P Hanson, 6j 77 a M
M Watts d I c -4000
J B Phillips to W L Batcbelder, 1 lota
blk 4 Thome t ad... 10
Viletta Pith to P P Habkirk. 10 a
sec at 1 1 a r 1 w a8oo
W B Ogilvie to Eunice Bannister,
aioo to.1t tec i t t I s t 5 w 10
Nettie Williama to Chaa Willlama,
a6vo a A Hintnan die - 10
Sam Stoy to Jno Vanderwal, nnd H
int in aao a in watn county ...... 10
Chatlie Urabel to Emma Brwln,
a.ooot a on Tualatin River - aso
T C Bailey to Elbe Harding, lot no
in Groveland Acret...... joo
A B Canles to L W Buraworth, lot
tn VavlicT View K Grovi.t
J E Partutey to Henty J Atlee, 9000
ad ft at Banks... .-.. 150
Walter J Lbeney to Hiia k v-neney
t lots Gales Crest F Grove.
R J Leslie to Ira W Handle?, tract
near Orenco., zoo
J A Watrous to Carrie Williama. I.I
a T G Navlor claim F Grove 000
Augusta V Baton to Mary Pometoy,
her int in blk 1 P Grove 95
J E Parmley to H J Atlee, 9000 aq
ft at Bankt ..." ISO
Elaine Wirts to J P Wagner, q c to
tract in blk F Grove 65o
T W Thomoeon to L 0 Griebler.
15.43 a near Gaaton ......IJS
Wm Morgenton to A w Stewart, 1 a
at Garden Home 10
k M Htmbree to S W Nelaon, 6.38 a
secuttnrtw 10
W K Cuitis to I R Curtis, lot 14 N
P Grove Acres . . . 3o
"Yes: von told me you hnd a baby."
A gleam of Intelligence appeared piovd BUven to I W Noble. tract'in
Rosle'a face. "No, teacher, bis name a Bobwto UDdi ....
C W Nice to Nora Wilhelmson,
int in Forest Grove...........
She-You told me I was the only wo
man you ever proposed to.
He True.
1.. nt nn tho. dona Moae: hla name am t Ikle. we rotina
vigorous 1 hand, and he was Just we already iotonelkleverybody
fold the Truth.
sputter ami 1
niili a whoop.
tha mixture In Ma HgM efC
U."C vr. ... ill I.
ti i.i, ii.f out e souiiiteu up uuiu
in. .. -1--- . . .I.
,-nlse.l tho end of 111a nose, aim
.it.. t.lla..l hnaaama hA
other bllnkitig use. "'"; :
gromul his way Into tho laundry and
..,..ii.t cold water. He hoped to got
1, .viih it without a
Mrs. Bowser, but mo smn - -
lifting his heels off the floor when aho
tnme down and ouservwi.
..1.1,1 von cnll toe?" BM
I saw cordwood. poles up to 12
indhes in diameter, fence rails.
and boards of all kinds, into
Will You Build ?
If yon are going to build thia Spring
or Summer, see J. S. LORSUNG, for
prices on building and excavating.
Estimates given free. All work is
goaranteed. No payments ami) work
la completed. J. S. Loranng, south
Thitd Street, at 8. P. Track; Tele
phone Main 134, Hiiitboto, Oregon
Give Me a Trial
Pacific States
Fire Inrarance Company of Portland.
Oregon. The only big Oregon Old
Line Company. Losses Promptly Paid
John Yanderwal
In tha Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon
In and for Multnomah County.
In the Matter of the Katata of FUwar.1
Oratton. l)HMrd. Citation.
To K. P. Grattim. Annie Barni.-keL Eva
lirattun. Hair? Oratton, Albert ttratUiB
ami K.iwar.1 Uratton, and toallotbere
whom it mav eoneern:
In the Name of the HUM of Oregon, you
are hnrehy conimnnded to appear b(on
tho lloimraltla t'lrcuit Court of ibeHiaU.
.it I rvp,.n. In aud for Multnomah County ,
at the Court House in tbe eity of Portland
on the t!i .lay of April, 1914. at tbe boar
of 11M o'clock, A. M.. of ui.l day. to
ohow eaune, if any esiat, w by tbe petition
of th ailmiiiiHirator, A. K. Barnkrket,
hniilii not lie alUiWMl. and tha ftilkiwin
j prueity aol.l by aai.l ailminiatralor: .
An uii.iivKiMi inuesi id ins west
One-half ot tii. Northweat Qnarter of
the Northwest Quarter W. of
Si. W. 1; of N. W. . l beinar IM luiu-
I tirvi Pour (4i, in ho-tion One, It) Town-
alup Two I'-"; Nortb. Kanga rive S Weat
of the Willamette Meridian, eontainiof
Twenty 2 Acres, mora or leas, aoeording
Ui tin Uoverninent purvey tneraof, aa
now of reeunl in the orhee of tbe Recorder
of lte.U in and lor Waahingloa County,
State ol Oregon.
bervice ol this citation ta made npoa
you by publieation nurauant lo an order
of the Honorable T J. Cleeton. Circuit
Jutlg of Multnomah County, Oremio, on tbe 17tb day of Mareb, liilt,
directiiiK sui-h ublication in the "Bills
Iwiro Ariiiit", ones each week for four
4 eonaecuiive weeks, the first publication
Wine the l:h da of March. 1914. and
) the last publication being tbe 16th Oar of
; April, 1H I.
i Witns my hand and the aeal of said
Court alliied this 17th day of March, 1M4.
i Juo. U. Colley, C.erk of Circuit Court,
i by J. W. Cochran, fc-puty.
! K. U McDougal, 010 tl Chamber Con
i mercn, Portland, Oregon, Attorney for
; Kstate.
Phone City 232
Hillsboro Commercial Bank B!e.
6 Per Cent LOANS
Obtainable to buy, build or improve
farm, ranch and city properly or re
move incumbrance therefrom; Special
Privileeea nnd Reasonable Terms.
For propoMtion, address: Finance
Dept.,lU7, Buscb Bldg., Dallas, Texas.
Washington Hotel, Monday, Wednesday
and Friday
Dr. Gertrude Phillips
Osteopathic Phvsician-
Offlce hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Home calls.
to 12 a. m.
Notkc of Final Settlement.
Ada M Hunter, PlaintiO.l
vs a
Thomas M Hunter, Defendant)
To Thomas M Hunter, above named
In the name of the State of Oregon yon
are hoiehy required to appearand answer
or otherwise plead tn the complaint filed
against you In tbe above entitled suit on
or hefnrn Fri.1sT.tlie 24th dav of Anril.
I 141 said date being i weeks after tbe
! date of the first publication of thia
summons, and if you fail to so appear
and answer or plead before said date, tha
pUiniitl will apply to the court for the
relief prayed tor in her complaint bled
herein, low it: For a decree dissolving
the bonds of nistrimonv eiistina between
i piainlitt and defendant, and that plaintiff
be divorced aud torever freed rront ae
fen.iant, on the around of desertion con
tinuing for more than one year, and lor
such further relief as to the court may
seem equitable
J his summons is published once each
week for sii consecutive weeks by order
of lion 1J It Keawmer, Judge of the Coun
ty Court of Washington County, Oregon,
in the absence of the Circuit Judge from
Waxhiiigton County, and said order is
dated and tiled Mar.-b 10, 114, and tha
date of the first publication of this sum
mons is March 12, 1!H4, and the date of
the last publieation ot this summons is
April Si, 11114.
K L Moses, Attorney for Plaintiff, 413
Wilcox Bldg, Portland, Oregon.
Notice ta hereby given, that the under-
sbrned executor uf the last Will and
lea lament 01 Alice M. sanutom,
baa Sled In the Countv Court of the Mtale
of Oregon, for Washington County, his
final account in the matter of said estate,
and said court has designated Monday,
the CTtb day or April, mil, at ten o'cioek
A. M.. at the court room in Hillsboro.
Oregon, aa tbe time and place for hearing
objection! to said final account, and lor
tbe final settlement of said estate.
Dated thia March 35, 1M4.
Janice B. Sandford, Kxecutor of the
Estate of Alice M. Sanford, Deceased.
Bagley A Hare, Attorneys for Executor.
Sheriff's Sale On Forclosare
1 ,ii,i'r pall you. and yott know
I didn't!" he shouted In reply. "It-
.. hnvA to noke your none
riiiiuj j"- - - - : tin ua
erywhrek When I want M !
She-True, ta It? I've heard that stovewood lengths. Will go into
you've been engaged to three women. 4ne country. Write, phone or
He-All ot them were widows, love. cau on me. Carl Skow, HiUsbo-
Tney awn t; wan tor a proposal.-.-1 n Phone. City 146.
chanse. I : .
, R. H. Greer and family nave
Peaceful. Tee. moved back to the county home
"Arypleaanntwalk,retnnrkedMr. tn North Hillsboro Acres, and
Bushy after a strenuous climb to the enjoy tne "8imple life" for
top of the mountain. And, as he mop. tue-Summe- vm. Will to to
Wife couldu't apeak a word all tho esUbllsh a milk FOUtt for
way nn,"-8t Louts Poet Dlapatca. ' HUlSborO CU8tOmerS. .
Notice to Creditors
la the County Court of the State of Oie-
gon for Washington. County
In the Matter of the Estate of Hervey 8.
Sturdevaoa, deeeaaed.
Notice to hereby given that tbe nnder
atgned have been duly appointed am" r.m-
nrutea, oy oroer ot tne acove eniitici
Otwrt, aa executors of the Last Will and
Taatament of Hervey 8. Stnrdevant, tle
eeaaad, and have qualified as such as by
law prescribed.
Now therefore, all persons having claims
against said eetate are hereby notitied
and required to present the same, to
gether with proper vouchers therefor, to
the undersigned executors, at tbe law
otHoa of Bagley A Hare, in the American
National Bank Building, at Hillsboro,
Washington County, Oregon, W.llliiu six
monthi from the date hereof.
Dated thin V8th day of March, 1911.
Ed Mont Bturdevant, M. Lelloy Slur
devant, kxecutora of the Last Will and
Teaianieut of Hervey 8. Bturdeiant.
Bagley & Hare, Attorneys for Executots
Qeing Homo Nighta.
Ifr. Crimaonbeflk-t see an ostrich
never goea atralght to Its neat, but al
ways approaches It with many wind
ings and detours tn order It possible
to conceal tbe locality from observa
tion. -
Mra. Crlmsonbeak Do you know,
lona, yon remind tne of an ostrich
wnaa yon'm coming ao-Ioaket.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtne of
an execution, decree and order of sale,
iHmicd out of and under the seal of tbe
Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon, for
the County of Washington, dated tbe 19th
day of March, 1114. in favor of John
tourist, pUiutitf, aud agaiust Myrta 0,
i-rrguaoit, and J W. Ferguson,
defendanti, for the sum of SD12 7&,
with Interest thereon' from the
Ulth day of March, 1914, at the rate or 7
per cent per annum, and the further auni
of 17 75 costs and disbursements, with
iuloreet thereou trom tbe 16th day of
March, 1914, at tbe rate of 6 per cent, per
annum, to-tne directed and delivered,
commanding uieto make sale of tbe real
property hereinafter described, t have
levied upon, and pursuant to said execu
tion, decree and order of sale, 1 will on
Monday, the 4th day of May, 1914 , at tlia
south door of the Court House, iu Hills
boro, Washington County, Oregon, at the
hour of ten o'clock A. M. of laid day, aell
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cssh in hand , all of the right, title and
interest of tbe defendants MyrU.O, Per
gusoii and i. W. Ferguson, of, in and to
the following described real property
lying, being and situate In Washington
County. Oregon, and particularly de
scribed as follows, lo wit:-
Beginning at a stake 19.97 chains east,
and : lf chains south of the northwest
corner of Section 4, T.l N. R. 3 W., Will.
Mer., running thence east 9,67 chains to
a stake: thence south O deg. 40 mtn. K.
5.16 chains to a stake: thence west parallel
with the north line line 9.70 chains to a
stake; tbenue north 6.16 chains to tha
place of beginning, contaliiiua 6 acres,
to satisfy the hereinbefore named sumi
and for the costs and expenses ef sale aud
of said Writ. ,
faid sale will ho nisde subject to re
dempiion as per Btatute of Oregon.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregou, on thia Pith
day of March, 1914.
J. E. Reeves, Sheriff of Washington
County, Oregon,
Baxlev & Hare. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
For lunch pickled pigs feet,
home made sausages and bo
lognas. H. R. Em mott. .
Wanted: A girl. Steady em
ployment. Enquire at Laundry.