The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 09, 1914, Image 1

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!iII.:.S!:okO, ORKCON', APRIL 0, 1914
NO. 3
tUttr t'.v I .'"' w.miw
t tmrt sos csi: tu
c. II. it,.:. .
Ir, wai jirr
1. 1st l-rk Ufii thy, ,
an. r a i ! ,ir. i,f
rin.ri.-y iifi.ii r l.i1 .
f rum ' r;ihk J. i, nt,
if ll. ,:, ;t'n, .,
I hol.-tl vi . , ;( i I , , ,
r u . r
! 1 1 1
ii I itn
I Hi jail. .,
'l I (! I S
r ". OA fit r
If i. .-it v.
ii'i I A lu ll
rtjrof ni'"' ra,'i,'!, Vr,,,lMM1
g TutirJ. the Oregon Flee
tn, it Tuesday. """I M r'"
gait P. ('. Hoffman n'' Jm',,
Surth 'rr- 1'ittin and will take
JpuUur treatment fnun lr.
l4jvl S. of the Slt
..f ll.-alth. The dog la
ta! ' 0,Tm,," u,u
Ltik1 "ik.'111 ln n'",al "
G of ll"' tdore n'1 ,,tart,,'l
Win; rwry dog that
r . . i Mr. lloiiman rumn-.i
w r- , ...
i tOf. t hn 'l"tf.
oD the wriM. air. ivirin
tn.-d to mtrh U" animal.
11 also l.dtcn. 'Iln mud
bitiMrral d"g in the nw
, ind it i tai l that tin night
! L I I .!.. ...iilun l(iin.
for H nan '"u" i'""
ruf liward ranine.
Th dog was lintally shot, as
m the dog . Krugr. and
i prion trm tn Marry Minnie.
of hiih had I writ bitten.
Ib head 'f the canine was
ot to Ir I alvin M. Mti,
MJay m.irininr. nl t ti-
itorv el.") that it wni a
of punitive ralii" It M
to Ull how many do havr
i iooru!ti-il ft th" ll'ilTinan
iiw m with a tlrovi Mm-
ar nlifht. an. I thfr wan .
M flKhtirttr.
tVputy Stirrill Al'llKnt' '"t
T(tnl l t.unt.uv nikMii, an.i
id eotwiil.' riU,m iH an
rrtull of tlu inciilmL
Tbi t.t mm will take tin
Uf trratint'iiL whirh will
levrral Mri'k. lr. Wliilr
i Wtfrai'!.'. to Wn.liincton,
p. t. for a lark! of I ho
na, and will lake rare of tlx
lundrr tate rhark' ''
Dr. Whili- ha calloU for a hi-
of th can1, hut the only in-
Ion m that tin tlotr was a
r. and faun- to the houif of
I Mm, iKiki-r, at MeUk'r. "l
pthri wi'iit to tin (tollman
W hfri it ha Ix-rn krpt
V four jroarn.
The Stati- I U.ard ha n.lvisi'.l
ill do's in that ctinn of
county ! tied up no iu to
vnt a n-.itition o! tin inci-
it Tha "iij.iti A ill ta u.ttti"twal
)th both intrriHt ami Anxiety.
SUl(Ml. MiWS
K No. Rl. MrKinlev uchiail.
"txrd an IndtiMtrial Club
th Martha licrtt'T l'r'. : Mario
w, icf rrctj.: ChttH. Iracli-
Sy.. ami Marie ItorRiT.
Mits Victoria i
wr ami advisor. Thin isoiu
wt larK.'ht one-room achools
lh county, 47 lUiln beink
m last Ihuradav. A new
house in hrinir talkeil of in
owiriel. lhis wou l.i be n
'idid inii.rovemenL and one
t it much mx.iliwl
in Harm's nchtml Dist. No. f7
illiZed lit. Imliiulrinl (Mull
"l Vern Martin Pres.. Clair
tin. Vice Pres.: Itinli
Wiling. Si'i'v . nml l.illiiin
w. Tn-ns. Mi4a Vi..t.. Tuv
th U'ucher, was elected ud-
'flchpn of the ennntv nhouM
i t J ' ill ti in
'"y Shoarcr'a uresentalion of
mry w..rk at the teachers
line flt ()rin..n
Apnl U. MissSheurorwaM
.W Monmouth Nnrmnl nnti
j-'vpar, when ahe waa a)point-
' ynmlirv ua in I h.
r'Wd Schools.
.' I that th.-r.-'
! -t. ',.,!.-h
t'd hv N.-
I'.',!. f.,r
1 I M r. and it
i ' ' ' wa-.N-d
1 ii r.r ,i ri -.ta'i-
ir-s-nt'l it :ii !
win tioUii'i;' m i!
i. It li I,
Hotel ll- . t
eail.irik' huiiii- .a
t)t -.tut.' 1 that .
in S att!.-. '! I..-!,
rant at I im' r u t .
Ma!.. IM;. W ii (
ti-a. h h. '. rai ' . u
a ni'.iiui t..r ii
by mail and
t'lt luliS t r
until .. t, . i
tl.iv. U S. I'
l)lrt, l'-i ..
Julifl I'uA. il, in t . I I W. K.
.i N. train r i. .. . .t u Star-b.t.-k
and I'.iutii.a. at ri . . ,i Mim.
II LIIIL ! to a HherifT'a Hale.
So) ul ore .J liniKrul Valley
.Mt uiii a (i.irJin i, I Jvn
111 I S INtl Kt KfM, MOMV 01 Sill III
John Kulow, of near Sewell.
vs a in the city Monday.
i. ii'i . . i. ..... . i. .
" l"rnr . oi ion- rnn nnnimi nnnnni n
I.I'm, was out Momlav. attend nir HIK Ullll III miHIIIIIS
. - m
I'ontraetor lialdwin. of F'orefit
'rove, waa a city caller the Ia3tPuPer,ntfeit Barnes Send out
of the week. ,1. ....1 in...-..
mwm ryt aa rawfHft
W. N. Hathorn. of laurel, was
a city visitir the first of the
week .
Ili.nj. 15a. k. Iiu) Citk r, tau.hl al
H unjji) Cii, .it I lump.
1 lie
from -;i
I. K.
r turiH'.l
l.l-t I,UM-
It tl..
I'i I. II t 11 ,
1 t tl'-f'i tu !"..! e'.iTiUi;,'. I.rmin ,n
ar.- .,r tuitiun i 1 i tirl.-r. r!iar;'.. w lih atihr..-
irmtiiir t' hi uaii !Nr fundi h.
I'.iiV'itii.' tu tl..-.lairyiii.-n.i! North
I'laniH arid vi.iiiily. I'mli-reame
without .-xtrailitiuii ia.i-is, aii.l
is in jail. :iAaitini' tin- a. tiun uf
the I'rainl ji.rv. ll i-s midi r.tiKnl
'I. Write
'1 At ;'e'e-i
I'. t
- t.
lav, f. r it t a
and IS the y. .
Mrs. M. A I'.. a
ter. Mrs. I. A
iri..ei t s ar.-
the Mum. tan
li.mii r i t..., a t
i.-nt uf n ii t ,r.
altl.u i!i th. re a;
a inter '1. a ...11.
hi n m I r S f.
II. .1.1 W
Morn fin Str.-.t .
heart of the th-.
i rs . dtriiU i
eiii.-M-rs i f a tr.
r aohah'e rat.
M .in:iii-r.
The lat.-t h
bound b'l"''-. . I' - 'i'
North. 111 in ker ...
the John 1.
irruv. v.i',' .'i i. i
in the I 'mi 1",
tlenees. h.'.'ir
a! en tam 11 han.l cut of
it farm til I '. -t (irxy.-.n h.
rnnrh fieri- l ra'itin. and a gar
den trad at Sh. r a d.
1 I . IS Ml S
lb- navs
ha'! of
'i lor a
! has l.i-eli
li is U int. r.
ii"l ni n h o!
I (.tuj, at the
t 1 'ark ar.d
I'Kate.l in the
l!tr aiiil shiip.
ill t he run-
rn f ul. I, at
li . ii I lit.-.
m. a runt's
I V the (ireat
interests of
I "i t. ! s a seetie of
Uice l-a .-rdam,
s'. I he seoj.f takes
and lb 'AikI resi
ai ley. j he Imh.k
Taken up:
lllmiit .'! 1 :ir
'Wf Recorder Seckn Nominallon
rfeQ . Mvercat Hnlu rmrU
KeiHllilicnn. hnridiv nn
M.UVle .... .J.- . .1 .
Jwof I'nnveyancea of Wattlv
n Uunty. I am a resident
""'. am Deputy Keconl
vM wil Hav thnt it I nm
'.'"nated tor h nt 1 1...
nminatlnr election, to
neid Mnu ir. mi 4 1 ...:n
nt 0. 1 win nt-
r VI6 numinntinn and ...ill tw.l
lkJ -.... aim ?r
' T8. and if 1 am elected. 1
.ourlnK my term of office,
uue care nnd i'
L t mm m Byia-c mni wi
nowl(.dKe and ability per-
.", accuracy and dispatch.
lamilluH u..k t,A 1
ik . 1 nihil liic winn,
W Wl" 8erye the public ef
JJwy and will at all times be
Jjou and attentive. .
Ihirk lav horse,
old. White in fore
- pro.e I'roperty,
, itc. and tak.
ll, Irmler. Cornell
1 :;
.;iy char,
name awa.
IIS, I h i e, ..! .
The 1 1 a I ee . aiani I.e. pub
lished id Sh'.-r 'it. blah... in
its tssii. of I : t w.-ek, .states that
it- rich l.-.le recently uncovered
at the K it tr .Mine, m wtucii
Irnest II. Ilaire is interested, is
wideiiini; rapil'y. and predicts
that it will make the owners ad
rich. (!'. Ibllaire is workup
it the mine, and his North I lams
and Clcneoe friends wi.-li tne
family all the luck in the world.
Tin. Women o f Woodcraft will
k'lve a nance r:nuiua noo..
Anril IS. at the . tl. W. IIUII.
- . . . ..u , 1
mile ues i) I e. af flllU. '.'""i
KveryUidv in ited. I
li..i,ote Sli.rilf llel'.ioss, of
rik-ard. Untitles the shellll S oi-
lice thnt lie I as Kiiie.i louueen
l.,.,u i.a 11 r. snlt of the tmul'le It)
...f, .1
thnt. nlace. last we.K.
. t 1 1 ... . i,..i ii
owner w no nan a i"k
li:il.!e to have heeii lulten was
.....n. ili-iii u iiil' to have ui
iin'i ' " , ..
..v.i.Iuim for 1 Hrv M IHHMliiK
ful than the horrors 01
n possible bite.
ivi.ii.. t-ee-hnrn nml Crystal Oriiini'tilll et'l'S
P..r ettiner ul l.i. price l.ou.
r..H rue ..11. 1 rf.'i tier Imn.lre.
II. North-nip, llillsboro. Koute 1,
iio :w. - '
It l.eis. the llcavi'rton or
1 l.u .nw nn Are-us caller.
nm in.-.. . .
.1... I .ct ..f I he wccK. .or,
in.- ......i I
low .lone more lo educate peop t
:.. 1 1... nml ler of care o
and in sprayin,' man any ..... .
individual in the couniy. an. ...
hiHone of the linesl orcn in
its aize in Uh' Willamette aiiej.
hr,r from Mammoth White
IVkin ducks, Hr aettinK
of If). S. K. C.oodwin. one mile
west of lop 01 nm.
l'.aseline Koad.
Dr V K. Wolfe, of Medico
I n li f connected with the state
..u.i.oi ion established by Wash
ia.. Stnte. WUS ill town
oast week,
that he -Aid plead I'uilty to the
SheniT le-i .es had a day in
KICchtro, and he .-pel, I a fe.v
hours it, th.- er. at Imperial Val
ley, which ur ardei,.;. m, mean
another Haklmi. Water I nun
the Colorado Kr r ha i h. en di-vert.-d.
and irriati.ei covers
thousands of acre.s, and in the
futiire will en. er a million or
more. Alfalfa, ear.telicip.--i.
fruits, oranes of all varieties,
;ud citrus fr.uts thrive there.
and Mr. lii .-v.-s say s if he were
a youm: man with a few hundred
lollars he would 10 to the ni-
I rial allev to make a Marl 111
Mr. lieeves w.-nt down into
Mexico, for twenty miles or so,
tun! says li;ai Un' iieinerency
there is not as pronounced as
farth.-r to the South, but two or
three davs before he arrived
there was a skirmish between
the federals and rebels, and four
r live nu n were killed. Calexi-
,-o, just across the Uuiridary line
from I.H'entro, is the Northern
Mexican Monte Carlo. Mr.
;.evessas that there you will
find hundreds 1. f American rene-
.'ades. there in evasion of th
aw of the I'nit.-d States, and
eatniilini' tmuses are in eer 11-
rt. "I he pallny days of irrim-
bliiik' in I'.utte is not to U cm
pared w i t ti Calexieo," said Mr.
Ueeves. Kri.lay. "1 went through
the town in company with the
chief of jtolice, and found that
Ihenuthonties practieadv winked
at the k'anns 01 chance, ami,
perhaps. U'liclittcd. as well as
the government ollicia's irettinn
rnkeoif. While there I met
Jos. Stream, formerlv.of Korest
(!nivc. lb' is dome; well in the
insurance business, and I was
sut prised to meet him. also
met 1 lehls, formerly 01 roresi
... 1 I
(inive. Cut vou ran ne assun-u
I was k'lad to k'et back to Ore-
.un where lit 'on e are stable, as
a rule, and 1 appreciate Urek'on
in.l Washington ( ounty more
than ever.
1 ln truest ot nis
. 1 Ii'hi.iU it-nit hi in-
cousin, ' "vIN , ' f
)ad not Heen for u number or
Po not forjret to nsk for a
Schiller w hen you want rt RoojJ
10 cent smoke -no"courh diiht
in the Schiller.
Sam J. KallVty. above Mown
taindalo. was prcetinK f nenda in
. m... nu mornuur. llesatu
the roads were vrot tmj line, am
thnt old Motiniainu.ii'! in ...v
inK like a rose.
A Bilo will doublojour profit.
Telephone to T.H. Drown, II.IIh
1,1 or drop liimacartand he
will call on you and talk silo to
m v
id McCamish. well known in
HillsUiro. died at the home of
his son. II. I'-. McCamish. Pallns.
I'ridav. April X 101 b aftor an
illness extendinfr over several
months, lie w as burn in Illinois,
and had he lived until .bme 10
would have been aired S(l years.
He crossed I lie Plains h Califor
nia in 1S.V2. and came to Oregon
in IS7S. settling in Hillshoro in
1S7D. In California he joined
the Odd 1'Vllows. in IS7;S, and
affiliated with Montezuma bodge.
Hillshoro. in IS?.), lb' loaves to
mourn hi loss a son, 11. P... of
The funeral look place Sunday
nt 11... Ilillsliorot'hristian Church.
tik i". .
Mr Vnllandigham conducting mo
services. The Odd Fellows had
charge of the funeral, and at
tended in n Uidy. marching from
the hall to the church, and thence
to the cemetery.
Mr McCamish was .f guard nt
the Salem State Prison, receiving
his appointment from the lon-nm-er
regime. He was a man of
strong character, and us de
termination was shown about 10
v vears ngo. when the
Christian church was being re
modelled. Some of the younger
men objected to painting the
steeple on account of its being a
'hazardous piece of work. Al
.iwMi.rti over seventy Mr. Me-
Cnmisli said he would attend to
that part of the work-and he
'a circle of friends in
Hillshoro tender their sympathy
ft... ann. nml Will mitm uiv
Atiorney i.eo. i.. i',aley was (rwi. am i,i.Ma j F.r .1
1 .-1.11.111 viMiu.r in.? nrMi 01 inei
A W Wr.lkr ..I s..,,K T,
tin." was a rtMinty s.-at visitor Superintendent B. W. Barnes
Saturday. I last week Bent out the April
Julius WeiseriU-ck. of Iteed- 8cho1 PPrt'onment- The
viile. was a i-ountv seat visitor amount involved reached the
I rnlay. sum of (41.110. and is five dob
Pet. r llnissen. of near Helve- hm for each person of school af?e
1. was a county seat visitor that is. between the aires oi
'''lay. I four and t went v. the number of I
W. F. Young, of Sherwood, children beinu 8,222. Hillsboro
was up to the city the last of the district. No. 7, receives the
IiaiKCDv duiij ui aiijr uiau iii i
countv. with Forest Grove a close
reputation as a ugnting own second.
1 ..ene o.ij s.
Miss Priscilla Ilobbs. attend !
ing High School, at Salem, was
home over Sunday.
Pees for sale Strong, healthy,
colonies, and good workers.
Mrs. John Maynard. Eleventh
and, Hillshoro. 3
Win. Uyan, formerly of this
city, now living at Uyan Place,
on the Klectric, was in the city
1-.1 K. Hradley. now farming
up at Monroe, I ten ton County,
was in the city the last of the
.1. W. Ooodin, of North Plains,
and T. P. (ItKMlin, of Orenco,
were city visitors the last of the
Ibm. K. W. Haines, of Forest
drove, was down to Hillsboro,
Friday, attending a meeting of
the republican county central
T. (I. and Ceo. Meacham, of
lbove Mountaindale, were in the
city Saturday, before county
court on the matter of rock haul.
and other business.
A pair of glasses, in case, lost
bv some one. was picked up the
other day and left at this office.
I he ow ner can have same by
calling at the Argus,
Con. (. Hancock, cashier of
the First National Hank, of For
est Crove. was transacting bust
ness in the county seat the last
of the week.
J. II. Wilson, the former res
taurant man of this city, return
1 .1 .. . e .l . 1. t
eil me tirsi 01 tne ween irvm
North P.end and Marshfield,
w here he has been m the resUu- Mri and Mrs. G. A. Larson, of
rant business. near Farmintrton. deDarted Mon
m; Tilii.. dmsspn." of near day. accompanied by their chil
Helvetia, found a rosary, on the dren, Diana and Raymond, for
street, in this citv, the other worway ana aweaen. meir urai
day. and left it at this office, stop on the great peninsula being
i,..r.. tho nwner ran iret it uoon ai -uronnaug, wnere rare. Larson
nrovinir oronertv. lived as a child. From there they
- - I -I. t ..I O u m
1 n I Will ICU IO LiUieH. OWCUCII, 1UI .
Car rretlenck UHipoia uraun, 1 a ku.t k nA
... . 1 luaiauu o w.iniuu t.v.t., nu
ot Newton was m town ionay which he ha3 not 8een for 32
They will remain at I
We offer you our entire
stocK of the following
goods at reduced prices
No. Ami. Dirt. No. Ami.
1 j5 lljte
J S 4 465
6 ji 6 370
7 4oj5 US
9 440 10 yj
lljt. 415 I 4O0
IS 94S 14 4S
li 379S I" 34$
17 4IJ l 165
19 l.'iS lojt 10
11 3V 5"o
JJ lite 4 no
5 no rtj 75
7 41 S '70
t .Mo 30 397
3 US 3 Ste
31 o 34 IIJ
31 4i 36 80
37 405 3 890
39 4o 40 IJ
41 55 4
4 lJ 44 400
45 S5 46 5
47 95 48 19"
49 153 49jt 55
to 37j Ji 0S
$ 350 S3 45
54 535 55 455
56 200 67 ate
5 5 59 5
to a 50 61 i$o
6a 11& 63 ao6
64 155 6$ 8a.6o
66 ajj 67 160
68 95 69 90
71 175 7 505
"3 a6$ 74 395
76 30 77 5o
7 SO 79 2o
So 185 81 435
8a aa$ 83 40
4 8$ 86 95
87 too 88 960
89 ass 90 6s
91 115 9 450
93 94 33
9S ay 96 193
97 605 98 75
99 ' aao loojt 4
toijt io 103 ao
tos a45 106 aSo
107 560 108 iS5
109 ic$ 7$ a9o
SO per cent Discount on Candy
SO percent Discount on Sheet Music
IO per cent Discount on Silverware
IO per cent Discount on Cut Glass
See Window Display
The Delta Drug Store
tr - . feu "" - m r-r --
for the Udy of the hou to keep tab of her eipmdttnrea is to pay all bill
by check. It will simplify matter a great lel give her an indisputable
receipt ana at tbe aatne time eliminate tne risk ami inconvenience 01 Keep
ing a lot of cash aroan.l the bouse. Furthermore, the check stubs will show
at glance the total amount of expenditures for a stnte.1 time which enables
her to keep expenses within your agreed-upon allowance. Our special de
partment for the ladies is a' great convenience for them: whv not open an
account for your wife. She will fully appreciate your thoughtfulneas
Modern Banning In All Its Branches
American National BanK
Capital and Surplus $57,000.0x1
A. C. Shute, Pres.; C.Jack Jr.; Cash., W. V. Bergen, As't
Tkrtf St.. Hilltbofo, Ore.
. . . . . '""..'.rr 7:: years.
us Slsu.irmuay, waren -dui G . several weeks before
lie still takes gooa care 01 nis - to Sweden. Gronhauir is I
eignt acres easi 01 town. aeacoast town of importance.
Ladies are requested to call at They expect to return to Wash-
the Paris Millinery Store before ington County the latter part of
they buy their Spring hats, as October. Mr. Larson has pros
the prices are right. Good hats pered in Oregon, and has a fine
from $:l to $.. Mrs. M. L. Ber- farm down on the Tualatin.
dan, Second Street, near Wash,
ington, HillstHtro. . PUBLIC SALE
Pictures of Hon. Jas. Withy-
eomhe. renublican candidate fori-,. j j -o o t ,u
gov ernor, are P''" lie sale at the Sandford place, at
Hillsboro . Mr VVithycombe s Gencoef 4 mile north of North
so many leing in the race. SATURDAY. APRIL 11
r. r. MeCot mie. owner of the Team work horses, one a brown
..,.t!r avBtnm nt Garden Home, raiding. 4 years old, one a gray
was in town Friday. He says geldinjr. 12 years old, 1400 each;
tVi-.t hi rommtinitv has secured good 34 inch farm wagon; good
concessions from the electric, in set of double work harness; 2
the matter of transportation for brood sows to farrow about May
Cnclon I Ionic lie nnle. 1 1:4 shoatst cow, fresh in May;
... ..I n ua k.j tt,a heifer, fresh in June; heifer, not
W. W. Boscow has had the L, TJ drilf Na 40 0Iiver
most attractive window of thel hi,, n!ow b.Pro Mt4to
season, the past week. AD0Ula l
vrr. haw isu.11. Kiaiici ucu. oi.smu-
.r 1.A11M.S Hitntra uraro in
v,. - -,ng var, seea pouioes, grain,
display, and the way the l ttlek chickens. 6 cords stove
pertormea in a vai 01 ti oti Mn.
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banking in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, - Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
former citizen greatly.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Uicr- of
Vnrlev. were in town Mon
day morning.
Will Jack was up from Heaver
ton the last of the week.
tellows pertormea in . vm woodf Toiedo steel range, some
water caught all passers. hn.iiholH fnrniture and nnmer.
rnUimf U now in vomie 1 ous other articles
Kt t ha Pitu and thpre is com- Terms of Sale 110 and under,
ll.iunv mv. - I . . L - I I L 1 .
t.laint that plantsare being eaten casn; over, six monina oanaaute
iv the innrs. ine iuck 01 ihuic y vcn. im. si
..,.,,.1. f,a..-dno- wenthpr is liable cent, off for cash over S10,
t mr.nn n Preat deal of trouble W. L Shaffer, Owner.
of this kind this vear. But Ore- J. i. Kuratn, Auctioneer.
.rnn nlwnvs turns out Plentiful; raui rauiaon, wtera.
tf -
n Hnciton of Port- Sam Stephens called the other
S3'ne'upof men Per ever since he moved to the
f nhiiitv. and Mu tnomah prom- tll
to have a delegation this C A. Yemen, the Laurel and
coming year that will give usl Aurora' hopgrower,. was in the
some wholesome legislation. city the last 01 me wee.
Pick your watch from Americas
best. Let ''nie sl0w yu mv
display of "American made"
watches. The watch that wilt
best meet your needs, and at
a price you want to pay. Get
Hoyt's service and guarantee
back of the watch you buy and
you will never regret it as long
as you live. Hoyt's stock of
watches is complete, in all ways
li . ";x: I
WatchmaKer and Jeweler. Graduate
Hillsboro, V Oregon
IVU uisivovi