The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 02, 1914, Image 1

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votxl , hillsboro, ori-kon, April 2, ioh , NO. 2
.iMtf P IL'UUft'Y IP ,,,,,, n I nninnniliimninii
...nrn IT nnilM fll ,! I .,
llakula i ill uli'i
a Mil; Willi'
1.. 1
( ;
Mr . I
r I
I! I I:
1 pr;
i I ,
ll.. 1 r
1 rink fram-i ' ' 1 UI "'M
(Wr. formerly of IhH -.J-r... ,
W toNorih Dakota, xtr.vje
kfon? Mm I' "" '
deti-clive. J- A. iMilUvuri. I'h.h
man by tin' name of W. II
Ud' into r.xim in He
ihwmh a pretended runvt r it
..-.i.u.i an alleged jiiry
that Mlitl-l t' 'IHVf HC
Wrml lark in Trail County. N.
amm vi-urn ay.o. im:tri
U i shorthand reporter in tin
ilgoininif r'ii. to l"'!ir nrt.i i:ur
&R iirUi"l" "'
u.-Cm.l. r w ar.t-I t' lau.r ui i
tin. ho had xi-'nt nnmey with
kin. and In' agreed t' i'Krr
qjrttwm in Hi"' lillirm.itne.
.hu-h w a done. TIk- !Nrtftt of
the (iiK'ktuitiH an. I ansiMrs ni
lhlMiTui S- "IM r hfi'l in. . i
to brU' a jury at th' time nf a
muruVf trial lik Ha. si. Me
Grader m nu.irtf., su far a-
id r. txirl. r ;n en
fnl. t U- Mf l-nm S. (ii r.
Aftrr tin- hSU ki'I ConlctiMo'i
tu ma..' ii t tl'" lii'Vi-nmr .f
Nrth Dakota Hrtui'd a r'i
two for t'"iM-r, nn.l wl.-n ti.
bfiring ra'in' up U-foiv ,!i
Hobla a iri ntli-nuiit by tin nam.-
of Mclra' of I'lirtlunil. int. r
lf4 ari'l hlniwt'.l Ui tl.e '!'it.
McLean cl.uiniil thi rotmiuraoy
u furmrl to v-t yng itirr
Vk U Pakot.1 111 RblkTIVil Si;il.
4r $."iii.ti l.nmvlil av'.iin t
HVw', Mii.l Urn jury
jwibinii rlmrni1 ni f
iMtlwJ.H taki ri to nicniiii'li'i t'i''
Ukinitof t'lmiHT lack ma iul-
:tm in th nvil cns'.
McU'ii ('.KiiM-r a :i r--!l -ni
f HilUlmro Hi'Vt'ral tnontlu, !!
Myi hetifv.'r wim with Sul'ii hi
and tifViT ma. Ii nny confi -M.i't.
jind that ho m-vrr knew nnvtliin .'
l!ut a jury l.ritiinir tiiTair. II-
idmiu tht In- killi-il n tit;i-i hi
Trail County, but nay. ai l tin'
rwonl tican him out, tin man
M killi-il in Hi'lf-ili fcnsi'. nn-l a
jury of vi inon lu'-iuitt ,"1
Hini, i mini; ( miiM-r mv-r tri'
to ffmain uiul.-r nut luTf. Il
fclvertiju'il hid utm-k wlu'ti iivitur
wi the (iiinlt'ti Trait!, nn.l nl
M)i uik'il his niinit' over hi n.l-
vertimMiifiits, From lu-ri" lu
nt to IIihvI Kivi-r. ('.Miini
that his fnthrr l.u.l ili--chartffil
a nuin, wlu-n tho farty
pursuwl younir Cooiht in n
k" shot in tin- air. Imt tin' tti-
cnarjfwj man Ht ill kept romimr.
hen CiKiiiiT firi'il two slints iulu
body, ilcntlt mmiing two
raontha lat.-r.
CootMT. wliili lii'ii vv:m n
Pet, umiwimintf youiitf follow,
jnd ttomli.. strictly to bin own
DiMini'tw II... I.; ainl ititii'it a.
.... uv iiiii iikiii r i iti"
uvainow Hi-fk to vri't n vinlii-t
rainHi t .m.ikt's fatluT for ?fD..
W bi'CHUMi' t ho Hon tiwiiiifil :il
the murtlrr trial that ho iu-to.1 in
Wf-ilt'fi'iisc'' nml to protiTt
father's jiroiiorty.
ii I r.-
r. l :it
.in, 11. .1
;.. 1..
I : 11
W III!.' (
a !ui.l.-.
i' i !" Iv ..)'
r f..r ,(ini.
' l.u rt -. I
I t ;ii 1 1..- iui.--
IK- :..!,.- I,f
in it nl ,s t.-r,
: UN W:nh.
i .i'.r , 'Ar t if
. I; ..-.I,
, i tin-
i Aitl.Mr.
y.rl l,ai loi.l
'. t--r ni'ith-
Will lakeuii Matttri.l I rocinit
on tin- lill4io.,k l ine
clfOSSIMi AISO Mi ; .C1I.D
rirni'!ius Itakcsv. of Orrnrn.
wan in iro tuv Miruiay.
lluh Smith wa.H down from
I n-st Ijrovt:. batunlay.
I't ti-r Zurrht-r. of ro-ar Helve-1
tia. was in town Monday.
I,. hav. rL of Iualatin. wan on
to tho city Saturday, paying
Cumni'i.iua Kiqiii.t liiU-re-U-tl
llir In be rfoiiil
I an 1
Sal.'in. Or.-p.ri, M;,rt-h :U Tin-Stat-
Kaiimal r.-iuriii ..-.i.ri will
I"? in Hill, Urn, ,,ti Wc.lii. silay.
April H, tornnduit a l..-:iriti on
jtlii- application of ti.f raciCi?
!!ailway & Naviatimi t'ortipany
for buhpi-n mon of thi' pru i.-ions
of tl i fi-nciritf law as tu ivrtain
Martin lU-ilinir. of Verboort.
and ('has. lii-ilinjr, of Itoy, were
in town Saturday.
Il.rman K.hse or J arming- mine near Siiver City , Idaho, set
ton, wan a city caller the last of . . , , .
tia,' week
M. UasmuHen. of near Klmoni-
,1 u.
ii til' iii'iir. - a . i .
.. pans oi in rik'lil ot way. It is
i tin' case , ...
.:i.v Sh.-ritT s,'l'Kln'' x'iiiptifi lor porlions
t:.- rapt'in- "f it- iin.-now unfi-in-.d, for the
u. r toN-.itt ni'ni part in the mountain conn-
I iocatnl trv. Y. h.-rt' n:itur:il I, .rri, i-4 nn.l
conditions are stat.d t. make
fencing unnccc:;.;ary.
Any land owners who desire
fencing done nre in'. it d tu at
tend this h. arini.', so 'lie
may have infonnation as
to HUi h desire on th. ir part,
w here fence is regarded as need-
I en Scott
' ll'' Ki.elie
I an I he land-
..-,!..! I i!!
Ml'll the
i ill ti II eeks
H. . :n to uil
',- f. r t-ii.i.iu
-ir.d. Write
e, A ll.i'lioliili-
I. . i Anneli-s,
r .
' .1
fr.-' I
..I'. I '
Fitr u'
'! '
a .s . i ,
V .
r. 1 1.
.I. i i,
."'! '
a' I.
Hot. :
e:., i
re.t v
M i"... .
I ..r -
liitVIIH I
to r i'i
:'.-r- ;u
"si. . n
I . Ml
al' .i.t :
ia i
u.x. Ir
I 1-1
'i l;
Another hearing at llillslMiro
on the name day concerns the
application of the Southern I'aci
lie for approval of promised
in o ,i un- crossini's ai iracie across ri'cnnu
;.i . . ao.i reiHi- an i iniru hire-is. uns conies
n.". In the under the law re.iuirititr all i;rade
llaiiey alcros.unH of railroad i to he in
.l that rave specti-d. and approval riven by
the railroad coinnii'.sion. before
th.y arc installed, i'.nth hear-
ini's are to take place in the
court house at 2 o'clock on tin
afternoon of April H.
MHICi: IO COMWACIOkS will he opened hv the conn
ty court of Washington County,
Oregon, at the countv court
room, nt U n. in.. iNiuir.iHy,
Ai ril 1. l'Jl I. for the following:
For haiilim.? r.K'k in Koad Dis
tricts Nos. 1. 3. i. 11, 11. 1. 15
17. V and Ul. Ilidders art
in sulmiit bids for hauliiar from
the first quarter of a mile to tin
sixteenth quarter, inclusive.
Plans and snecilicattonn may
be Keen at the oHice of the un
dersiened. i' must tie
imsit certilied check for
. ... .... .i. i : i
rent, oi l ie amount, oi un- inn.
The richt is reserved to reject
any or all hids.
I). P.. lieasoner.
County JudiiO,
llilUlw.m. Ore.. March 10. ID 14
: ; i I ' A I at a a- l;ed
I i " II ca -e ot
:.-., ' t-e W.-r. I K.-r-
.. .. .1. . iti -.! and the
. -. , , :. I. .i n- I. Mc-
1 v ;-. i y d a decree
i,i ai, 1 (or. i-loMire
t h. , p- .1..-1 1. . ii i d etals;
i-e Ki.- r id,- Portland
1 (' i. i , i li.-Mnt'.-r was
, 1 ! I' C: fc; MO!l of
, : , I 'i-.ei-a! minor
r w ,; -d oi.
, r 1' I stop at the
,'', , t Park and
; , ! i. located in the
,.; ! , tl,. aire and hhop
, w r,!i all the cmi
c . i,' a ii,. acrn hole!, at
, ai rate, - l ilen Hit.',
.v. , has pa-.-., d an or
.hii.stmu motor cycles
... : t reetS Ul.leSS liuf-
I. The city en the
sv.ii hen after have
L .1 1.
i, ( w Hen a ntinco
md lein Is enter I no
an I the hau' of ar-
a i.l i in. .re a aken the
utie'i ini; :!eepcr.
n up: I .irk bav horse,
r.-us mI I. White in fore
OA mr .rovo property,
l a'-.', s, etc., and take
i -a a-. K. Irmh r. Corneli-
5 tier
for I bo U'JMtL' Itiat'ji lwit
. " i O lllll l i' II
it V6'. 1S"'; 'ulvcs, IK); hou n
llBhccp, 54H1.
,ririy heavy receiids of cattle
ine early part of the week, with
ICW Inn, lj,,t .a...: ... .i .,
at a kikhI L'fie. better tlmn
? uinK week. Vorv lihtol-
mm i ".'.Hilly nun rrniav mm
WW M to 15 cents lowef.
weiiw ot Iioks durinir the
fnet!lW.,;r,, nt,t '"'nvy. layers
'Urceij Ul( lieinn ilown 10
, - ,,,, ,,,F,fl.V
l"nl8. I'lvlnimn L..,lli,,,r
nwnd 8 85 nt the lirst of the
weK clnsinir at K 75 nt. tho end.
A moderate run of mutton for
""wih'K s huHinoss. Strong de
for top grades nn.l market.
"MinucB about in lino with lafd
2 limtntlon. l'rimo lanil,
e l? ?' ypnrlltiKH 5 75 to II;
: nn,, ",,opn Hlu
'ni L)l'nni!l Waco, north of
mm - vanii Kit jmini'v-
r.l ll
I T. I leer, w ho ai-ain wants
to at in the e.r.enior'.s chair at
S ilein was in Hillsboro. I riday.
I.Mik i'ir afl.-r hi' political fences
fi.uiul a few of th-' old guard
ready to support him at all haz
ar.I s" but Washington County
,l, es" not appear to take kindly
Pi his candid, tcv.
The Women of Woodcraft will
, ' Salt IM IV eveiioiK.
I' I t ll ...
April IS at the W. 0.
1 mi;e west of Co'lar Mill.
,n fivers hodv invited
1, M Miller. f Scholls, was
i(, ihecitv Salurday. U '
that crnwliidi traps on the Iuala
tin are more plentiful this year
I ha,, formany seasons, am the
. ,.,,i,r nil- V WIN 1U me
.uainess. Mr. Miller in.
. i. . i ,hvi. sawiuiii " in
Komi start for the season a run.
l not. forget to ask for a
Schiller when you wani a g-; smoke no wugu uuy
in the Schiller.
Mr. nivl Mrs. J. U- Adams
have moved from P.e:nerton io
'...Wild, llaxel. Mrs. Adams
was in Saturday and remember
ed the Anrus for two annual sulj-m-ripl
ions' to the family journal.
in... ,tl, Pi.elf ei'irs. for hatch-
I V 111 null . " r."- -
inV. 1 l-'So.linuMd 5.Mrs
.ales Pane. Hanks, Ore., k. A
Phono 45, Koy.
A M. Toelle. of near Phillip.
' . iiai.a,.,...i itVii !iv.
W.'IS III i" 11 mon.'.'i"
transuding business.
A silo will double your pro it.
Telephone to T. II. Hrown. I d s
l"m). or lrop him h ear. nml he
will call on you nn.l talk silo to
ii,:i;,. s?i.loi(ider and Cotleib
Hids will be opened by the
countv court of Washington
I'mintv. Oregon, nt the county
,.,,ii.-i nmin. at 11 a. in.. Satur
day. April 4. lell. r,,rthe ,ollow
i mr
For grading new road between
Timlier nnd dales Creek.
For grading new mad at the
Stark place, betweensciuws am
Plans nml specifications may
In. Keen at the o lice ot the un Holders must deposit
certilied chock for 5 per cent, of
I... n.iwnint af the ti.d.
The right is reserved to reject
nny or nil bids.
U. P. Keasoner,
County .lodge.
Hillsboro. Ore.. March ID, 101
ra bib 6010 h::o
Erneat Hcllalre, ton el (ico. lid-
Ulre, Strike Rkh Vela
Swailey. oi ICeetlvi e.
a county wat caller Satur-
Stepe. Alter Few Har
Wwt, PrWacet SS.MI atr Tm
Krneat Hellaire, manager of
De paly Recorder Seeka NoniaatlM
Donald MeKenzie. ninety-two
....nM r.f mr,. died at Cornelius,
"March 21. 1914. niter a short ill
ness. He was born at Argeniue,
Quebec, Canada. July 25, 1S22.
He was married to Caroline Hur
wnsh, in the Province of Quebec,
the wife dving 23 years ago.
Five children were born to the
union, three of whom survive
Mrs. Sarah Orr. Dayton, Ohio,
Mrs. Carrie Weldon, bouin uma
i... w.,i.f!ikn. nnd Thomas Me-
!' .!..: f I'nrnelillS. with whom
ll'll,IC, VI ......
the father resided a number of
MM,,, fun nenl took nlace Thurs
day afternoon, interment being
in the Cornelius cemetery.
M,.l,' went to Michl-
1UI. Hill1'1"". . i
gan in 1W2J. and to Illinois about
lStlfi. From inat state nu moveu
. , i..,n ond then came to Ore
gon in i001. settling at Forest
(Jrove, later moving to Cornelius.
He was widely reaci, ana up w
...:ii,Sn few months of his
demise was an entertaining con
MeKenzie. of Corneli
us was a county seat visitor
his men to work on an abandoned
s tope, one day last week, under
.11. Kasmuscn. oi near r.imoni- , . .. . .. . . . 44 .
ca. was a county seat caller Fri- fh?.lmpre88,?n th1 ll had better
,l;iyi indications man me prospect on
Ad.un Sni. r.f near Va-.iver. which they had been working,
ton. was an Argus caller the first with the result, that in a few
of the week. hours, a fine strike was made.
John Kassebaum, of Shady The quartz is more than rich in
rook, was a county seat visitor free Bold, and estimates are that
Salurday. : u,;n fK,m rux tn ,r iw,
, v n ii, mil i.mai vw, w..wivw
Ib rman d. Luck, of above ixr ton.
Mountaindale, was in the city m lT4.1ia.V0 hn ; inirMMt
Saturday. jn tne mine, known as the Ruth,
Victor Crop, of North Plains, believes that the ledge will make
was a citv visitor the last of the all noaociated in thecomnanv im-
week. Imenselv wealthy, and a atamD
For Sal. Team horRes. 8 be installed as soon as
years old, weight about 2IVM) lbs. 't can be shipped tn and the ma-
takes them. StevensP-'1 nry piaceu.
. .1 !.- i- r.o o Mr. He aire la well known at
rowier, 1 ainiioKiuii, wiv. u.--1 -, - , "" " . j
1 iiwriniu Briii 11r1 n riuinit aim
A. C.. Jenkins, of lietween hi9 manv Washinirton Countv
Orenco and Heaverton, was in trionA BP r.0i...iiv tn
the city Mondav, and called on ka. nf uj- aim tnrtn
th? Argun. iiis uarents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Dane .it Hiilstmro Hall. Satur-I Hellaire. of North Plains, are
u r,;,rl, Au-il 4 Under new I now at Silver Citv. where (leo.
management. Tickets, $1; ladies is working at the mine, for the
free admission. season.
. 1 he Owvhee Avalanche, a Sil-
Me choir Aiever. 01 iiiusuaie, ....i...l.
1 ver liiv newsDarjer. reacninir me
,i,ii .in a rirua viairnr Mnnniiv. i . . '
while up to the county seat pay- "T.Minin. exneri-
Hlj IUXC3. LnAA urhi httvA ooon tKo anvi.
IV I IV V. Tl tlV OVVII tar "l! I
mens state that it is so rich in
for men's and ladies suits and I free gold that it is impossible to I
oats arrived and on display at estimate tU worth. One of the
i : .. ii- . I : :i.f .1 t or I
iiri.ii n ui-si o. specimens, weiKiung luuui
Julius Christenson, of between Pounds was literally specked
i.. o..i.n i throuffhoiit with free gold while
l.aurei aim mini. is, oa ... iuu ,- " . . i 4 t
Monday, and while making the in several places were clusters of
rounds gave this ollice tusannuai ..ih vt.
isit. uuu-
Keirs from Mammoth White I
'.kin ducks, $1.50 er setting
f m i I. i aha m 1 nl
ii I. IKHMnllL iiiiivi . ... I
west of HillslHiro, top of hill, on I. t red A. Everest, duly reps-
1. . .1:-.. 1. 1 urm neuuu'iiii. iicicuj aia-
.aseune ikOiui. .--
,, r n 41 j nounce myseu as ivepuuiKau
W. II. ( onnell. of Portland, rj:,ja tn o. nffi nf Ra.
was out the Ixst of the week. cnrAe,rtl Conveyances of Wash-
I. .1...4 lnA , lIt,A.. .a I . . .1
ie says 111111 jm nw.t. .nfTtr.n iviuntv iam resiaeni
slowly mending. Mr. Hoover re- Lf Hillsboro, am Deputy Kecord-
centlysulteri'U asiroKeoi paniai pr nd will av that f I am
paralysis. nominated for the office at the
Ovutal Primary nominating election, to
If III IV a jlivi ll mfm v ww - . -
White Orpington eggs for sale, be held May 15, 191i I wi I ac
1 . . . a. m r o I a a a. . A 1 J ...III Ma.
Per setting of 15, price l.ou; o cepi me nominaiion aim wm hui
for f0; and $5 per hundred. C. withdraw, and if 1 am elected, I
ii v.,.ikrnn lliticlvnm lirkiito 4. 1 will. Hnrintr mv term of office.
II. 4111" lUl .' . lll." . -.- r. " , i 7. L 4. l
w z-A use aue care, ana io me uesi oi
m u n ci,.onn KoH n my knowledge and ability per
Mrs. M. H.stevenson naa a i, ... ...... 4i 4r., I
r .... n norm me uuuea ui uic umm wnu
narrow escape from a serious ac- .ccuracv ind disDatch.
c ent last I' &ne was car- B . f iU th the workf l a small vessel full of warm and will serve the public ef-
gasohne, hon it lilted. With JJJ d wU
oresence of mind she threw it .... j
r . ., . : I courteous nu hkiiuic
into tlie sinK. susiai nng nu in- Knxi A. Everest
jury except a slight burn ot the
an (ls' S. P. AND P. E. E.
William Tolke. of above Banks.
was liown o the ci y nonaay U, except the P. K. & N., trains
morning, paying taxes. Hesays . t . d 8toD at thede-
that the roads up his way have
.n Maim stvif I
been very bad this Winter. Mr.
Tolke owns a lot of timber land. '
.. .l tVia Uafu A- CilU-ersnn mill is I it.a:-..,:iu Toin a m
anu H.C limv ....-- - I CllViUIIIU? A 4 ... ."'w.-m,
located on his place, having two g. id Tra-n 9il5 p
years yet to cut tne umoer. r - . yM
Snow crowned the hills i above McMinnvile Trai 2:15 p. m.
Forest Grove the last of the . 4:58 p.
ween, uiiu ii iiiR-um.."! vw. n. - . ,
Timlvor district, were I rrom roriiana
covered with the beautiful, sev- Eugene Train arrives 8:15 a. in.
li..m linviniT fnllen in the! M.MinnvillA " ..9:42 a.m.
eiai iiiviiii. i,H....i . . . ---- . - - -
...inpf IT.. Tho anrtw in the IPnrit fimve . " .10:57 a.m.
hills was the cause of that extra Sheridan ..4:30 p. m.
shiver in the air, down this way,
several days.
L M. LaRue has sold his coun
' riirht to handle the Watkins
product, and will take a rest
Mr. l.auue is prooauijr uvtvci ,-
iiuainted all over the body of
vv.,oi1;.-..rton Hnuntv than any
nthor man in business. He has
4.01.Un.l the entire countv. with
his team, for a number of years
and he knows every road in the
Where you will find many fancy articles
not usually found in the most up to now
city drug store. We have a full stock of
Symphony Lawn Paper the Acme of
Perfection in Writing Papers. Try it
and you will be pleased. Toilet Articles
of the best 'grades arc in our stock, in
fact we have everything needed for mi
lady's dressing table. Our line of pianos
include some of the best makes as follows
Baldwin, Hamilton, Monarch, Howard
and Valley Gem. We also handle the
Famous Mannalo. The Player with 'the
HumanTouch. l.Come in and sec it.
We handle only High Quality Drugs.
Absolute Accuracy of Prescription', Work
is our motto. Bring in your prescriptions
The Delta Drug Store
i vmtlv t ntunced if Tour Banker are studenti of local condition!. Oar
officer step in dote touch with alt the interests and requirement! of ttaii
Community. We ttrive to Help our depoauori in business Dy icnaing evrry
possible financial assistance consistent with Conservative Banking. We
can be of benefit to each other. Won't yon. pay Our Bank a visit now?
Modern Banhintf In All Its Branches
American National Bank
Capital and Surplus $57,000.00
A. C. Shute, Pres., C.Jack, Jr., Cash., W. V. Bergen, As't
rMfaf St., HIIMoro, Or.
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banning in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits.
McMinnville " -6:37 p. m.
Trains each way. except the
Corvallis trains, stop at Sixth
and Fir, on flag.
Steam Service Old Depot1
To Portland
R. & N. Train 1:37 p. m.
From Portland
R. & N. Train 10:24 a. m.
r. a Plinth and Fred Eisner.
r v.nnff Tiirnrd were in the citv
lit Mini 'V i .1
the last of the week. Mr. Pheth
announced himseit asacanaioaie
for the ollice or county commis
r. and will run on the re.
aiv.ii.ii, hi. ..... t -
publican ticket in tne primaries.
yi .ninth nna nppn niau suuer-
in hia liifitricL and
V U;n 11 -
has the confidence of the people
of his community and when a
mi. ivn a run.) aiinervisor ana
dill hnvp friends, from a Doliti-
nnt stnndrjoint he must have
. I -m A rtl'iL A. V
made good. mr. t iiem saya inai
k, dndenvor to see the tax
payers of the entire county be
f kAMht? an n ruin pa mvaolf ft9 A
candidate for the nomination for
county commissioner oeiore tne
. . . 1.1:
primaries on uu repuuueau uc-
If I am nraninaroH Bnrl eleot-
ed I will during my term of office
J A.I J..1!.. 41.. nffiu
penorm ine uuiira wi mo wmv.
as prescribed by law, and for the
best interests of the public, and
pledge strict economy.
U. A. riiein,
Timrd Precinct.
P. 0. address, Sherwood, Ore.,
Koute 4. -o
Un riulro nf near Rank.
A4V.ll. J
was in town the last of the week.
Expert ClocK Repairing
My Repairing Department has special facilities for
handling the most complicated clocks. If you
have a valuable chiming clock, a clock with
calendar attachment, or a dainty imported
traveling clock that strikes and re
peats the hours, you ain intrust
it with confidence to me. If
it is only an "alarm"
that you need over
, hauled, there
is no bet
ter place, or time, than this. My prices
like my work will always please you.
Watchmaker and Jeweler. Graduate
HUIaboro. Oregon
fore primary aay.
Waul Tl ' . n nr VjCiiar nun,
in town 1' inlay.
v my rrioay.
J. Sfnll.iM r . ,.. ini
Marhart, of near Wooming. were