kttlskoto AfcCts, MaRat il. ii i I : 1 1 S i 3 4 f i 1 ! r l A i & DeathkneU By F. A. MTTCHEL j la Andalusia. Spain, stands nil la mbtch thr ar th rmalna of a towe h.t o.t back to tb blnnln tha eftenta century. At thst tin clocks besa to t n. and thin U ' ' tf hnllt to bold cm of U tb mit ovtea for icrkln titan. Ttn 1 ; timeplc that was et op In U top ; of this andwit fortra ws cumber j on. ss fl mechanical contrivance 1r when tb.T aw rrt Invented. ' Thorn tii a treat dl of heavy Iron I ..,. t.n nnoorts. bat UmM W" I dured to Its lone life. I For S00 years it struck tb hour, but after th eiplration of th third ceo- tury of la being It rot out of order and was not repaired, t or nan renturv loneer It remained la tta perch. and thoee lnhabitlnj thn castln dared not go under It. fearlnf tnt at any 1 time It might come (low a. t Tbn last person to InhaMt this An- daluslan antiquity was on of tan I dnka nf Yeramia. a descendant of Columbus, the discoverer of America. "i It bad been given him by one of tba kinca of Snala at a reward for tbn . service of has distinguished ancestor. . 1 Tbe clock bad struck fof the last tint I on the day the duke was bora. It was ii the next day-ao runs tbe legend-taat H it got out of order. A man was tent H up to fix It. but returned without f doing so. reporting that tbe damage tj bad been done by one of the supports 1 j rotting away and letting down one aide of tbe clock. Later tbe staircase lead ing up to It fell, and from that time the clock remained out of reach. j Tbe duke lived to enter npoa his j eightieth year. During this long period tbe clock remained upon tbe tower. Ha heavy Iron parts rusting away. I Now and again a rotted landing or a n I'tece of staircase Vould fall, but tbe jj Iron parts of the clock remained entire. jl Tbe minute band Anally rusted away .1 and fell to the ground. It was longer A- than the tallest man. Tenons gather ed about It and wondered at Its site and weight One night after tbe duke had enter ed upon bis eightieth birthday those in habiting tbe castle and those surround log it were awakened by the deep toned stroke of a bell To those within the castle walls the sound seemed to come from above; to those round about seemed to come from different direc tions. One said from the east, another from tbe west, another from op on the betgbta above, another from the valley below. Every one listened for a i S ond stroke. It came, and another and another, till there bad been twelve wheezy clangs which seemed to come r. from the throat of some monster, such il as one reads of in ancient lore. il Then when there came no more jl strokes every one In tbe castle turned out Into the court, and there was jl babel of voices discussing from whence It tbe sounds could bare come. An old man. vhnu smith hart haen rrf In ; I superstitious times, ventured to assert I that either angpl or devil had resuscl- i tnted tbe old clock and some mo- , ': uieutous event bnd been foretold. H younger person maintained thst the j sound had come from tbe sky and was h a voice from heaven calling sinners to I repentance. There were many t he ll (tries, but It was generally believed f that the sounds were from soma ordi a nnry cause and their importance bad beeu magnified by tbe imagination. I Tbe only person who did not come ' f out to discuss the phenomenon was j tithe duke. IIo was a bachelor, and. ; having no family to minister to him in 4 bis old nge. no one knew whether or A not be bad beard the strokes of the . r bell or wbat interpretation be pot (upon them. Tbe door of his chamber . remained closed and all was quiet 1. within. A woman who attended him. followed by some one who loved tbe i told man, listened near the door, bat, ; ' hearing nothing, told tbe others to go ; "to bed. Tbe duke had slept through "Hue clanging, and It would bo a shame "to awaken him. t I Within an hour after tbe stroke of Hruldnlght all were in bed and many were asleep. But some there were who could not dismiss from their .i minds an occurrence so strange that It ,';ure!y must portend some calamity. HA few sat up till dawn debating .hrbetber, If It were a warning, It came 4 irom angel or devil. When it was ) light enough to see clearly they went " to the old tower and looked op. A : support bad given way during the ' night, and the clock was tilted on Its .'aide. i ri -r told yoa so," said one. "It waa I line clock that struck by being tilted." "Fool r replied another. "How could (i such tilting bare caused twelve dls- Winct strokes V I, "Have a carer cried a third aa a gust of wind swept through tbe ruin. f Scarcely bad tbe last words been spoken when the old clock came turn : fbllug down and lay a heap of rotted i wood and rusty Iron st tbe bottom. r "The duke is dead," came a voice f from another part of tbe castle. ,.' All turned and went toward the speaker. ( Tbe duke's door had been opened. "I'and by the pallor on bis face it waa known tbat something had happened. , A surgeon was called, who declared ' ,'ihat tbe old man bad been dead some I 1 ! Iiours. Then It came to be believed that tbe old clock tolled bis knell as he was dying as well as Its own. After tbe duke's death tbe Inhabit ants of tbe castle scattered. It was Soever again occupied and soon fell Into i . IconiDlete ruin. j-J Variety. I "What color are Perclval'a eyesr ( l isked Maude. it "I'm not sure." replied Maymle, . ''whether they are black or blue. Fa 'itber says be'll see to It tbat they're liboth."-Washington Star. it . Courting Admiration. 'Tommy, how is It that your feet i i" . i i 1 1 pre so wet cuiuiuk uuiut iruui m-nwi ;; "Well, th' girls don't think notWn' of a boy what's afraid f wad in Or" -.Ijin(tuu Teleirraob HOw IT CtES BACK! WrttD to Hr H t! ct-wJJ S Th alo t '". Ut Th tb h-i-ft. timfut ot BlM t that tairniex "- ,!v V" 1 tol a kts-l twM f-r j Bui. h. at limm para I M! TbM cam th Uv t !lprJ olii wurnol It! !( baJ bo awr to S'v AnU b.t. t en My fwliaa of lolay Sh bu rvturnJ TKe De0r ef It "So yoa think my brother euiNtxied the funds of his bankr "But sir. I doot know yvm." "And yoo have th klea that my sister narrted her busUud tor h.s money T "Why do you "And you're sur that my cousin ought to be In Jll fr ht tiilnsr "I hav never n jou la uiy life. Uow can yoo acvuse nx"" "And It's your positive In lU f that I set lire to an orphan asyhitu r "Pear me, this b vry eiuKirmssiUj:. I wish you'd explain!" "And you bar It from Movlleiit authority that my father ran away with the servant glrirx "Why, I'd like to kuow who yu r. This Is very presumptuous. 1 am sure. This Is th first time we've ever wet." "I know. I'm the guy who at In front of you In the strwt car yeur day morning when yoa were doing all that talking." Detroit l'rve Tresa. A Sound Answir. Thomas Edison was discovered by a visitor experimenting with a loug coil of wire. lie was lu the midst of his deep sea souudings. "Wbat Is that forr the caller asked. "Miking sound." replied Mr. Edl son. intent npon his work. "Ah!" said the other with Jmular meaning. "What kind of note does It give off?" "The deep C, of course." replied tbe Inventor. Philadelphia liecord. A Lest Sal. Tbe Florist Wouldn't you like one of these luxuriant umbrella plants? Mrs. Knozla No; some oue would borrow it for a rainy dny.-C'hkago News. A Would Havs Ben. On one occasion a census clerk in scanning one of tbe forms to see tbat it had been properly filled up noticed tbe figures 120 and 112 under the bead lng, "Age of father if living" nud "Ai:e of mother If living." "But your tmr ents were never no old, were tfiey?" queried the astouisbed clerk. "No," was tbe reply, "but they would ha' bin if livlng."rittton Guzette. Isn't Psw th Fox? Willie Paw, what Is caution? Taw Caution Is when a man picks out an afflnlty who has the same colored hair as bis wife, my son. Cincinnati En qulrer. Naming th Crim. "Do you think It would be wrong if I should steal a kiss?' "Well, It's wbat I ndcht call grand larceny." Detroit Free I'ress. A Lin en th Situation. "How on earth did Belle ever get herself engaged to young Winks?" "She caught him on ii Bulling party." Baltimore American. A Master Valst's Product. "How well preserved Lord Iiawnbatit is! Is be not a great swell'" "Oh, yes!" with a burst of confidence. "Do you know, when lie arrived lie was obliged to pay duty on himself us a work of artr-l'hlludolpblu I'n-HH. The End of the Romanes. "Th day will dreary seem," aid he, "When you are far away. Though blue above th ikies may be. To id they will be gray. "My every thought will ba of you Until again w meet. It I so hard to lay adieu Though parting la ao aweet." "I'll think of you each day," laid she, "And dream of you each nlnht. And every thought that comei to m To you I'll gladly write. "You've promfaed that each day you'll pan A word of love to me. And that will help to cheer me when Tti Hours drag aieurlly." But day by day no letter cam, linos fiction bars I barred. for he forgot the maiden' nam, JM sue muuan nia card. EARTHQUAKE VISITS THIS PARI OF OREGOn Tnrmhlor IVtt by Many la Mills boro Homes, I'arly Sunday lltCTEIC LAMPS SMINO OS IKES (VtiisJ sad ScaltW AIm EsrlrKd Slitht On&tu Sas Nam Hillsboro experienced a slight oarthijuake, early Sunday mora ine, while people were vet taking their Sabbath day sleep. Many were awakened by the tremblor, and a number felt both shakes. Klectric lamps swung from their w ires, and houses slightly rock ed as though in a heavy gale. Mary a husband remarked to his spouse "Well, that is some wind," while many a wife re sponded. "Yes, the weather is changing." There was no noise with the disturbance just nice, little un dulations, like rocking one to sleep. Seattle and Portland discerned the quakes, and the tremblors were noticed all along the coast line. Every time a quake visits this part of the Pacific coast there is much conjecture on what will some time in the future happen when some fault down in the subterranean cavern closes or widens, and one is constrained to wonder if we will ever have a repetition of what San Francisco endured a few years ago. V. II. Morton and wife were among those who realized that the shock was a quake, while scores felt it. but ascribed it to a heavy gust of wind. REAL IiSTATO TRANSFER Mary Bnks to F M tlryao. j tec 24 t rw f 10 G I. Wlb to Calist Lewis, lot in Wt Portland light 10 O II D.hl to Arthur. Harold & Alsa lUncraft, lot 11 Hbo Acres........ - 1 Jis Munow to 1. M ll jyt. lot J blk 17 Simmons' ad 10 J A Thornbuf((h to W J Thornburgh ii.it kc 24 t 1 n r 4 w 10 K K W'irU to K A Keuter, 9.58 a M M Watt donation 5J0 I) J IligitinitoA Leutnold, .o6 a in Kvvtyn .Ijco Cbas O Ot'xrK to Frank Halley, aoa near Oreoco 10 C W Cochran to Walter Odalc, tract in kc 17 t 1 t r I w 10 Wash Co IuvCo to Claude Scolha, l c 30. 7 a Geo Kichatdton claim. 10 Sbeiiff to Same, lame as above sx JUu lvlxr i A M tlanoree, tract in It 1 blk IS and tr It 1 blk 8 FG 10 O W Olson to Gto Simpson, a lot id i ine anu lerracc 10 II A ilium! to Krneit IXnier. S lots IS & 16 West I'ark f Grovc.t. 300 seiKie (.LiiiiMn, giin, to Jas Helder, 8 son Iloone Ferry Road n P.Iaie dosM-tt et al to Same, a above 47 jas i.iinwin 10 Jon 11 AQueiton, tract sec 15 t 1 n r 4 w 50 K l w nn.y to Jotin UtUeapic, io.ji a arc 10 1 i n r 4 w 1 joo LLC hapman to Alb liunning, 2 lots in (.nrnelin. 100 h K Kejnoldi to Same, 10 lots blk 41 Corneliiit 600 T Talbot to Same, 1 It blk 19 Cot.. .1 J Wirtz to Fred Harper, 601200 ft in H trvey Clarke d 1 c F Grove. ..1000 v 11 Jolly to I'.crnhard Slenkeui, 14 75 a in jony Acres to Alb iSunninK to Anna Miller, 2 lots i irauniview lorneiltlt 10 U A Mchols to It Koehn and S Jtaae. 10 contracts in Iteliman farm 10 Al?e'to Lase to Same, tr on Tualatin Rivrr: also land in H I.indseyd I c Alb Martin to Choi G Martin, lot in iua:ann urove tract 10 Kva Adams Aduir to Peter Hansen. 6J.77 a Anion Knighton claim 5000 Lee DrorbeuKh to G W iJtorbauuh. tract in Fiuitvale F (irove .26tO C h lio.denweck tr to Paul Keimera, 21 tr Lhehaltm Ml Orchards .1181 I'atil Keimers to Pulsky Orchard irneis, nine as aoove 10 Alois lieimrohr to Nicolai-N'eppach Co, no a h other land G Creek.... W W Hporalsky to Ada Alexander, a ii'jone rerry itoad 10 J Y Davis to Jacob Ilrunton, 7 a sec 34 t 2 s r 2 w 600 V alter Thompson to Jas G Thoinp- . c e . 1.. rwt ... wiu, ooxiuu itei in inaiaiin 10 I t Bane; to A .1 Wieki, lot 98 Groveland m J K Reeve to Fnd lirennan, 1.59 a layior rerry Koad 740 n k. rvunstn 10 wauer .urcner, 1.31 a at Klmr.nica Amelia Kverett to Rose O'Connor, 101 in rai viPW .on .1 k jspyer to .mo 11 Iieyer, 5 acres near iiuiMinre , 1 AtitHliam ungen to Lizzie Grim, lot in Connell 6 Same to Carrie Reichen, si bove... ti tr .:. . h... . . jienrv nieisitr 10 1 Y Ass'n, 4 lots Mever'sad to Ueedville Home... 10000 11 a rigard to Arthur Curnow, 1. to .lurin j ianivuie , 0 Herman Met.K;r to John Nash, lot 111 .ri7Kcr ACies joo inos t rince 10 nam is Moy, 61.77 a near r, inonica q 1'. M Vanliiii to Clyde & Sarah lay- iw, 101 in nigniand rara 10 A CARD To The Argus: In looking over Dr. Ca vm S. Whites'a hpnlth report on schools, that appeared in your last msue, it reads that the well at Heaverton school had jcen condemned and the water was still beinir used. This lint statement is incorrect. City wa ter was installed in the school house. Feb. 20 -on I v a few dava after the well had been con demned. W. Ii. Emmons, Member of the Hoard. Beaverton, Oregon, March 20, 1914. A. C. Mulloy, of Laurel, was a city visitor Monday. WALL PAPER MURBOW WALL PAPER L PAINT CO. J. MUKKOW. ?rvy. SccouJ Street, Hill shorn, Oregon OREGON KLCCTRIC TRAINS To Portland s' 6:59 8:45 10:49 1:19 3:55 6:15 8:20 9:l8 From Portland - 7:48.. 9:07 11:25 2:28 4:48 6:24 7:38 922 i236!!!'.V.'.'.VZ.'.' a m a m a m a m p m p m p ni p m . p m a m .a m a m p m p m p m p m p m a m Artrua and Oreironian. $2.25. Two Cases of Circumstantial Evidence By SARAH BAXTER Judge EniMiie of the criminal court was dlspcuidug JuatU'e to the unfor tunate lieu a reUent cam over th telephone that he rome limn Imme diately. Ileulizlng Hint uii-tbln uio nientous bad haenel lu his house hold, be sdjoumed the court and left for bis mldrutD. Ou rt-achliiK It be fouud his duuKbtrr, girl of twenty, lu charge of a pol Iceman. "I'm only obeying order., Judge," mi4 lb umu, wno rwtignizetl in Judk'e. "Whnt die this meanr "We don't know," soldied the primm er. "Some ono r'ortiHl to Ilniuiuer stein A Co. thnt tlu-y would And good stolen from their dry rihxU store be tween the luattmses of my U4. A man came here rf-prenentiug hluistdf ss a water iiipectr and found those things.- "tKm't cry, Lulu; It will be all right" Though the Juige ivaimired tils daughter, he could not reaaaure him self, lie did not doubt that some one bad laid trap for him, but reiuent berrd. that all are siipputipd to be equal before tbe law, mid unlea be could prove a roiisplrary there was trouble ahead. lie t-ant a glance nt some laces lu the hands of a man In plain clothes, then went with hl daughter to court, where, having furnished ball, he took bcr borne. Then he repaired to the offlr of the head of the Ann of Ham menteln It Co. All Mr. Itummcniti'In knew about tbe matter was that they had received an anonymous not Informing them where certain of their stolen goods were to be found, and they had sent a detective to the sddreits. He bad se cured entrance as a water Inspector Snd found tha nrtl-U Tl, I,,. I... .... u iu,q went away much di-presHed. The offer or nr. iiammenitfin to refrain from proseeutlns; the enne dll not relieve the former bees use tho state would surely prosecute anyway, and, even If tbe case was not tried, the stain would remain. Judge Kruklne believed tbat some criminal whom be had sentenced had taken this method of revenge. A few days after his daughter's ar rest he received the following note: Judge Er.klne: B!r-A few week , you sentenced tdna MacAlplne to alate prlaon on a eharaa nf ahoriiiriir,. ir..M - . ....... .. . IIUIIllueiHIIII) K Wliile ah a aluipplna- ther a thtef who 10 ix caugnt with th atolen ood on her, noUr lng a bag lying on the coun ter, put th wl. In II. A few minute later on of lh ator detective arreated Edna MacAlplne, to whom the bag be longed. I know thla, but I ran't prove It Can't you ;ur a pardon for tdnu MacAlplne? Flere was tho eii.lnnatlon. Borne per son In the Intent t.f judge bad sentenced, either guilty or Iv uau unocnukcii to rurce blra to In tercede with Hib " I'niuiiu, I here was no slgimtiire to the note, uoming vj winch to trace the writer. The fact thot It did not refer to tbe case against his own daughter did not change tbe Judge's opinion. He be lieved tbat If he secured a pardon for Edna MacAlninn h eioneration for bla daughter. At any rate, It was tbe only way that sug gested Itself to free bis daughter from tbe charge. Judge Ersklne w vaa,v lAf governor and represented tbe case to him. There was no evidence tbat he Could Consider tn nrnvo n.t va... . ... ----"" 1. i.unn nine- Alpine bad beer, wrongfully convicted: but, being a tiractlnal ... i.. ,t same Interjiretatlon as the Judge on w rauuecuon ueiween Miss Ersklne's arrest and the letter i.e ! " - mn uuu rw- celved. K pardon requires a good deal of delay, but this one, after much tabor and tbe cutting of a good deal of WM fl"a"Jr worked through, nd Edna MacAlplne was released. The Very Venlmr th . . - . - wa AND PAINTS Mv New 1914 stork el faiata, Vsr Uhr aaJ W eil rf nee aitiveU ea4 I reIy In pmt tauaiectkw. Ketail Prte-v are Mtaatee4 to be i) K S p' ceat kwet tbas) la I'lMtUad Sat year carfare. Tbe UrgeM roip!t stock ot it kuul ta Waahmatoa Ceaaty. Call aa4 are tut yuuiarir. Itoaae plall all tiattag aaJ paptiinf. It siatr farBiaheJ ape apfUntlu). ou Ju.lv Erakln and aaUl U Wm! "I am h Utr of C4m MacAlpbae. who Is a UiiMK-vBt of tb charge hkh you senteoced bar to prlsoa a your daughter la of a like offvese. 1 tutk lb lacee found la Wr Boasisslal and went to your aotia) a varkMM prvteit till I gained adnOastoa to her rwiu, wharo, waea ao obrv4, I pld tbess bHweea the aaattrissn f her bed. I thee lnfurm4 Bns tela A Co, of their being there, kly lat '! la obtalulag Juattc for my sas ter w to writ yoa the Bote yoa re ceived aaklng fur her bardoo. I 4arw4 nt refer In lb but te your dsogn ler's cae or sign my name lest yon ccu me of conspiracy, tad yon might have proved m guilty, la any een this course would nave 4atruy. ed my chance for obtaining the par don. Sow that my sister la fre yon sre wek'oute to prosecute ue fur ro apiracy or any other crime. Th Judg llateoed lo thla cuahlun with Intense aailety. "Yon nsv con vinced me of your sister's laaocenc of th crime fur wblcb I seoiMred her, for were she guilty she would not have tnaplrrd tbe devotion ot a aoUndtd a woman.' Tbe Judge went to desk, wrotn out a bond of Indemnity and the onf ln ah bad mad, tie naked bar to sign the latter, and when ah hsd don so be banded her the former, to walcn he hsd attached his own st future. Then be eslled hi daughter Into tbe rwrn. "Why. you're the book gslt said alia Krskln. "I sm. and I railed as other charac ters, though only t tbe book agent did I bow my rest face." Judg Krskln Is more cautious about convicting accused persona on circa ss sUntial evidence. awaatia Uwei "Ust sprlog." ssld Mr. CroesloU, -that heil duair alhfaue of aura blaavt. ed large quantum ut im earn aad pra and potato that nobody haa seen aim " "I'erhai." rtlll her huabaod. "but I'm loo bu.y a man to follow up any or Ibeae tl about buneal Lreasur. Y ssblngton sur. rliin It OeMly. "Hallo! Hit down. I betters yen hsv com to ask me" "tou bare been Blnlnfonned. haven't come to aak you anything." "Why. I understand yeeT- "I came merely becnunn I niabni In be first to 111 yoo n bit of nod news I am going to marry yoer daughter." -Hbort Stories. A Meaning Raeaara. "Isn't It disgusting tbe way she brags about her beauty T "Why. I did not bear her nay a word about IL "Mdn't abe nay sne entered a Crowd ed car last svulng and every man In It Jumped up snd offarwd herhbjaanir -Houston 'oL flaueibl tifln. Oladys-Jack la borrtdl When we were out tonight a llttia bu aw riant Into my mouth, and I naked nlm nf wnat tnst wss sign. Clytlv-Wbat did be nay It meant) Uladys-Tbat I should keen nay mouth abut-Judg. Antieipalina Her Nee, "Marriage Is s aeriou business. An you preparing yourself to be good housewife, my dearF "Ob, yes, grandma! Tou ought to sre tbe bouse gowne I am having a a - maaei nansss uty Journal Bystsmati. Inker and colt. for breakfast-. II limits hlmaeir lo a dime- Brjop. pie and coffe midday lie doublea the turn thla tun Meat, a.uda and cofr.e for dinner Coal three dlm.a, and so this man la running his food department On lh ten, twenty, thirty plan. -Boaloq Transcript.. Nt In Leap yaf. They were quarreling. nsld the wife. ' ' "Neither does a mouse trap run after the mice, but It catcbea 'cm Just tbe Ledger hVllb,' l'nll,,,,Pul" The Writert. Selmt Lagerlof U the only woman who ever received tun Nobel nrlao for literature. Kiinrln. ttii.nl.. ..I . . . m , " " " wieniso DOT' ellst since tbe death of Tolstor dotw .... uu y.ri. tin u n stout bearded tMiiir,!. . . by Ills took imh ... r ... ' TT" Instead of wrIUng passional afcrle sanitymnaj IU, hlllnniHa. . the "I'ay as You Enter clulb" nnd various other forms of amnsetnenLhan Started on a aeven m.,nth. . ,1 ... ...... iy Bruanq tbe wor d for a -i.i. ' a as as, uflf will bTIMP amm.!.! a- Write ft fUkatlV bcMnk mKvas. na.1.. bit return. Nolk ! riaal Scltleimnt w .,1 l. I. mi mttrnm IKai III HttdX igw.il. I bT Jaly p(-'olJ ulin4 e.tin( guanila l IH ' f J.l B uUm.IaI. aulnr. baa flll la ih naMf nur l lUa f.aiul Aw W aakUigUMi hi"i. bla nnl - 'h.i.I la Iba waiter l . eturt bxli-J inl I it h HH. 4 Um Imwi f mi u-.-Ki a A bt uf ol .I.t lw S nxanly nMirt rmMM l Hiiiil"w. Mhiagtu i'.MiiIV. .). as lh jhl rlatw brlng ultuxi l . Snl aaxxtuM sn4 tu lh MtilatiirHi of .i I . htareh I. lb. I'M I r 1 a i. . ..f lh Mrauo au4 mUI til JubM K llulhwlan-l. imnut Th.ia II Tmg" J', AUtny k tlnanlisn YKAC.KR : CORNISH I.AWYKRS I'hon City HillskirofoMXiKi IAI. ItASb. Itlk'. HUJ1U)K(. OKK ANCSKIaiV aMnVY Teacher f Singinfi anil Piano TTtTi!i arrant, to runt. K(X)M 4. - HANK ANNKX. Kviry liiy. Will Von Itililil If yon ere golsg l t.uil t ilii. 'lg or Mummei, ere J. S. I.OKM N. ( price on building aad t iilng .llmte give Ore. All aoib I. gwarsateed No ui.nl. annl "k la cueapleled. J H littung. uiti Tblid Street, et H I' Ti k. Te! pbon Mala 111. Hi! t-i, ti'g"0 (Jive Me a Trial Pacific States Fir Ineuiaare Company f 1'iMli.a-l. (rrVfoa Tbe only tug tlrrgon "- I UaaCompaby. I'tumptly I'.td John Yamlerwal Agrat llUUbuvi. I liTgun SI MMo. la Ibe Clr.ull C.ult of th. Dial. t or.fu. f,r Wa.binalua iVunir (l.l.b J. H ib-'U, I'laiolirT. v. I . IU.li eru. IMemlaut. f I. t. IUtlrU. at tiamo.1 drfer.'l ant- la lb nam yl the Nial uf iir.gmi .... are bareby r.iuirail ai-i'ii.l ." lb Complaint filed Mia X in the h ntii. .uil on or b.l..t lil'l. ib aa day oi M.r, ! ami it i.tit t.ii a appear and ati.aer Ilia I'lainliit .c anl Iheraof alii apfiy Ui the i .niil f .r a darreadlaaulelng lb. Uin.l. u( nalriiii.iiy heretofore snd nn eiiMlng M.mii yon and Iha flaiiilirl and fr to. h nih.f ami further relief aa to lb l.nirt mat rm meat and ullalil Tbl iiuiiioii. e.rve.1 upon you ,y ulllr.Hon In the Hlllatura Argil a weekly iiee.pa.r of fiiatJ rtrrulallon publi.hMl lu Wuh nglon lUiunlr, llregun and II." dale ( lb Aral pulilirallon nf I 111. Nulira i. Thuraday lb tub day uf M.rrh. lull .. .1 lb dale ot lb laal pnl.hr alum la I hoi lay lb 7th day of May, lull. a... I tlx Order of publication l and dai'-l on tbe i.ih day of M.rrh lull by u,r Hon. D. H Heaainer, Judge uf Ibe I i.ii lily Court of Ibe mate ol lir.gun In and ..r Iba Couiilf uf Vi aililiigluii in the .lrn. . of Ui Clr.-ull Juc fr,,m , i .Mii.ty, Clyde Kkbanleiin. Attorney for I'uii.tirt SIS I'baiuliar of Cotamei.-a lU.lg , l'..it laud, Oregon, Sheriff's Salt On Forjoaart Noti.w la hereby given. Dial by Urtue .. an leriitinn, dm-rt ami order f laauxl out nl u I under lb. 1 of th. Circuit Court id Ibe Miata n( iir. g.,n, (,,r tb County of Wa.:uiigU.ii. iUi the I'nl, day of Marrli. I ill in famr nl Join. Higriat, plaintitT, and ag.l.i.t Myru u Perguaon, and i W. r rgu.ii) defendants, fur the auni uf U7i, lb Intareal lliareon from the l'h day or M.rrh, Hill, al It,, rate ol ; per eanl par annum, and the further eoin of 117 7A coal ai.tl ,ll.l..tr.,.i.,.t nteraal thereon Irtuu tha IHUi '.! of aiaruu, hoi, at inn rale ol II .ir iwiil. t annum, o tn illrwie.1 and .lnltynrr.1 ooniiiiandlng in to make aala of the real property lierelnartar deanrll.!, I have lvM upon, snd iior.il. nt tM aai, ,iKi. lion, derree anil order of aale. I mil mi Monday, the 4th il.r ol M.v l iii .i n.. aouth rliior of lh Court II,,..... i.', llui. Iwro, WaahingUtn Counly, Oreifon, at lb hour of ten li'ilirh A U ..(..I. I . I.. ..... at public auction to the hlKhnt ,',.lnt .-. ..... , nan.., .u , me right, llll an. I Internal nf th. it. ri., I... i. u..,. n l. gunon and J. W. Knrgunon, ol. In and lo ...a niiiuwiiig iiearntiml real prnptirty Ivllie. lailna and .1I1..1. i ll'-.i. .......... . - - - ... ,k ..... tounlT. Oriijfoti, nud imrtlniUrly HaTtnrilftar avl av at ! tta hjt i ..- and 6:IM rhaliii aouth i.t Dm i,lirihwi.. wroer ofHmtiim I, T.I N. It. 'I W., Will star., running tlimica mmI U)I7( rbnlii. lo elaae: tbema niith n .i.. l- !'.." " "k"i "'"nr. wl parallel .... iir.u mm nun ii chain, to a take: Ihenne north a in i..... ... .... . - , ........ w ... , mhm.K ,, Ur place i of beginning, ronUlning b' acre '-"7 me nnrainoniorn tiaineil aiilim and for tha mt. .n.i ........ .. . . ofkAid Writ. ' ' """"" naid sale will be made aubje. t to re deuiptlon aa per n alula of (irngou. a!. h'"",,"'o. Oregon, on ibi Huh dst of March, lull. J. K. Heaves, HherilT of Wa.blnKtiin (JoUiity, Oregon. Hanlee A liar. Alb. nrnnra f..r I'lalniwi N0TICI1 NotlPfi ia homl it n I At... I l il "V,VMJ KIVI'II Ml LIU. itockholders and renters of the Scholia Telephone Co. that the nwnru m uirectors met and or- flranlZfri nn Iha tA.1. A.... ..r n l , V,MJ tin uuy til March, 1914, by electinir k. i). Mul'oy president, and C. 10. KindL Siic'IVimu aii nn,.....i., , .n i.vioiiiin fill A t no nnmnanu 1 I . . . U K .Kindt, Sec-Treas., Heaver .aP1 14 3- and mut be paid nniVnlm On J . . . r w iniiii ou uays irom the date of thia notice. ., E.C. Mulloy, President Scholls Tel. Co. C E. Kindt, , Datexi tiarch 14. 1914. sm no , in in nr. u.i rMM . ii. tiie,.,. i ; ' t.lS(,,.b, KfrM.., k to r.il. Mrnl... .1.. . ' Ulmd.al "-'ob.,, u ih. ai ,i Suic abote eil.l..l i ..J.. .. . 1 " ' lb le I ii I.e. Il,. 41h ,u, u,,T1""", hlih le... ... ,u, , ''''' ''. b.M .,lu.iu.a ,. th. ' "' ii.ni ... .... ,.,,..;:, 'zrz ' . ttd If . n.t aa.w.t h ,ctri .'J till will U C .i foi.rt , .ag tb Wi, U.v ar.ln a.r.t ,J f.,,t,,lr " I I... m.on. (.,,, H,t.i,,..., in , ,..,J l.tuc (I a ... ,, . , un ii a r.a.,w,. J , W.U,Bf .-'J- 0...d.... M.,.H. l-jlt lh data Jl II.. br.l .l.ll..i, .,( ,h,. mmZ Uiug M.r. h , M ,U, ,,. , IIUl..k..lkd. I..... .. k...,, a .i wit . I'. ItwA.r A to. . y i, fi,M;( In 1 1,. I O.-...I I ..,h. Httl,d. lu noil b.r M.ilti.iHtt!, In tha Mn.r nl lh. I ...i. UI.U..U V, J lt4,.. to r. r , i -.il -ii Ai..,,, j, lt. u. -ii, II. iii.it..., nd K.ll. lif.tux. i Hay n, '1,1. k. r I 'tltu 1 " . .Ml. lu Hie. ken., i.l lh .t, ..u.,,,,,, i. nw.r.. , n.,,,1.! t,, aiiaili. lh II. l. . (.I .. I II., llt ..I nt,g.., m .ii I f..i U. .!. ,, i .1 II, I It ll.,uw In ll. , i , ill. II. ,l .I.t i, A,l.; u.lt. 0 U- bonf ,.r io ui -. i. , a u .h.ia ...a, .1 .tif Mit ,.l tha I. i.H.i.,, 4 i I ' t II.. 0l,4 . I, ......... .1...UI.I ii.4 l-.ii..r., a:.. I .... Mi,, (.1 l-rlf ..! I., I ,.), (,, An t.il-ti.ini int.,,.,, ,,, w . .1.1., I .1 Ii,. ,. nl ..( .,., ii. r lli i .1 i.....,ir a . . s. w s ... W .. !.., ljti, lt. I. .ot (I ., in .-. I...., t,j Tj hi. i:,,4-v t i.n ..lh. V I.....HU vt r, .t ,.,i,,ia. I ....I, Air.. b...i .... .u,j, lo tiMi i it...,t rnr,y titw i ii.. a .. t..f I ii. ti. .,.f ,,( u,. Kw'f4a ..I i.... m and ..r W ..i.iii,t..u tWii IH ol I. . II "l"- "I lb r.Ull.ti ( hi I.t,,, I ' V I'mI .Iii-Ii II ..,.. t l., v, I II, M"i...i.l.i. I J i .(,. I iit-aft J. Ig-. ut V.ilu,.i...ti , mini Unyim, n,..lii .... tn Mi .I.. ..I .t, .Ilr..i.g u. b ..l.li. .ii ... .I , u,!. I..u Ar.f i.", mm m. b . M Urn, t .it,M .i 1 1 1 Kl. t f . .'.,"., ling ll. lull .l. ul Vl . . . I, ui aa4 thr lt -.tl..l.l.ii, ll.r Ii. I, d. I at .V H. I 0 1 M lllli. n T I I ... I lb. mil ( lt I ...Hi .lllir-l II,,. i:., l, ..I Hint. 1 li.a II, l'..r')f, I ,ia "f l iomiI ('irt, I f i W I .-l.l. . I ls....".r I . I.. W. Is.,,, i u i j i ,. li fu -hi.it, .,rU.i..l. i'rr.: o. Att.ri..y Sie Soluc I Cxdilart In I'.i. I , .iiili I ..tut of it,. Hi.l. af l.iiitt'i'1 fi W .l.t.i.'ii i ..itutjr. In lh l.llir..l llio . ol I li.rU H lUkrr, i. I, Iha ui..l,.r (,ir.l. I...I, la aa Bii.,i. I t I',, t .,iii.i tr i . i' Hi "iwe nl i.irf.m fur W hit. .i I un.tit, aa tl..,lt,,.i..lr i t l.arl -f l H (U.rr, .1. ... I . ,. 11 ,.ii..tS, M..II.- i. t,.ii. gi.ti w. ii. i oibna end .i .,1 mimii.. hi 11,4 i '.'"i einal i.l-l ilrMarlL ti taol il,m vrit4 te rr..iiiT. l. I iii.i.. .it niitntii. arlar in hr.l ..i ol ii-i I.t. of it... i..ii. iu mi4 'ii. A l ..'I, l tin r .. I.. i ll mil nun-i, I ..M .1. i, Muic....i..u iv If. Orvtf.m t. Mairh I Mi I ill IILH A 11 a W or, A,lii.l..lt'.ini i. 1 1,. ..iaie of I hartn) II l.ir. IUMMON) IM TIIK ClltflMT tUfltT tf THi MTA't K OK OUKUiiN TdR WAHIII.S'iTtIN til NTT. A la M lli.i.ier. '..,i.iil) ir.n Lull Tliiin.e. M uitliif. T.i tlioi.i. M llimiar, l..t . in"! ,lr Irii.l.nl In lli tinii.n nf lit Miala ! Hrrf.n re are liet'br triiiil lo i v.i a nl "J tirt.il.ri.iM. i,ii.,l I,, ii.. pMIIiI file K.IH.I yon HI Ih Bin. nllM lull ,if ixiit.m rn. i9i u.r. .:i!i ii.i u. i""i l'i I, i.i, I lUln Imiiim nia a tk alter lb il.lri of Hie lira! ..tl.l. oliiiii U .iiniiiioiia, ami II mi Inll l'i I'P4' ...,i i. ..I 1.1,.,. in, I ,l.li. lh. i.iiniiir iii a..ir i-i tii ii.'irt '""'2 muni ,raye.i ur hi iio n.in, ...... - her.in, t.. all: Kor a di-.-rw ilill lh I. .ii. I nf liiatrlio.il r t l.tln lwl5 . . ... ... . . . . i . . ....imIi iiiaintin ami .intr.it. i.ni. aim in.i i""'"' m illv.irrnl and lotevar ll'fl fl'Mn inii.lniil, on tlm vr.mii.l nf .l.oirliiin llmiliiK l .r l.nir. than nun er, .nil W .nob 1 .1 1 1 li.r rnllef n to llie niuilinsy i.-iii iNiitntie , I III. .iiiiiiin.il. la i.iilill.li'd uiiieesrs rub for ell loiniK'titna aiwki hj nrd" nf Hull l II Iti-an.ilinr. Iildgf'i'l Ilia t !) ty I'oiirt nf Wa.lilliKloii ituiilf. -reyMS. in lh aluM-n.-r i.l Hi. I in . nl Julf V'.hi((oii I'.mnly, mid Mid "'"'''J .Ulr.ll nml Hied Mnr.di lo, In I, ami lb ilrtle of thMili.t piilill. atlun ul till) "U"J Ii. I Man h la, lnH. mid Hie '! 01 ilin I ii. I .iil.li.-ll.io ol llo .iiinni""" w Aorll il, loll. . ... K I. M.,.m, Allorimv fur I'lalnlltl. ' Wlln i a llldif, rorllan.l, lin K.in. ADMINISikATOR S NOTICE Nollra in l.irnliy Klvi.il I lint H'" .liiii. linn liwil .M.iiilr..l iliii!nilrww olllini-ilnliiiif IxMilit IUII, ili ' i"""'. "J order of in dimity dinrl of ,hul, ureitoii lor llm rminly ol Vt a'lilnKi''"' Hindi, on llm third duv of M"'"i ! aril linn duly iiiallliil ' h silaHn" l.ul... trnlor. . , Now, ilinrefiirn, all H'mt.iin '" I'.liilina ttKnlhiil rmlil enlalu are lorrhy .i.t.... .... i . .i ...nl in Mmi .lorn, ...,ii.n. i tiiKi-tlmr w llli llm in"-r voiii li''' ' rur, to llm iiinli.ril(!iiiMl nl hi" ri ....... i.. i.. ... .i llm law i there- , t.tam-e) nir, in inn iin.ii.rii!iiiMi m m- m itr Tii.rillii,Ori.ifiiii, or al the lw ow of Thoa II Tnnii Jr, in T.LVf ir Itliin "lx nioiillm from ibe " llie ifrnl lilllillrHlInn of Uil" "n,ML .....I.l.. ., . , I. I'll b. 1(1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! IIIIIIH II irn.M ...r... , - -- Iminil Man h t Jilt. lull. II I' Martin. Ailniliilalrttiir of llm "l"1" " llnil, iImi kiihmiI, . . I ii ii .i. Aunrnry adniliilnlrntor, WanliliiKlon llolnl, Moiidsy; W'"llf",tU' hiii I Friday Dr. GcrtmJc Phillip' t)li,i,inlliln riiVNli'ti"' Ollli-n liourn, I to 4 p. in. Il""' ""' to 11 a. in. For lunch-pickled pl8.feji home made sansaRes ana v. loirnas.H. R. Emmott. I