K" ,rr i w VWiWlwU V M8 iJE"2S MlROJlO BUILDER i rr. I PRESENTS I J it tli J t .l i. .1, ratsH. 4 Portland Hourinf ,! .MillaCo. f.T?r M 0t?3 DfJ AI DIUEYl PARTISAN i ri...l luintn-.l IVnlu-ini Sullnm. r.iuck IWly Unlit ind On of tt tt"l Sir.'H in Um- I'miity. make th USliin, M follow: At Wm. lUthorn lavi Li ir. !. M.iinUy wnimr. until At tonnover Stori. Sli"H'. 1 s.l.iy i . mih. until y..'5D niAtL S. Hifrly lUnrh. Kitit'm. Wi'.lin-i.ljy riixm, until ! P- .. .. ...... u- ....... : ;. Tburad.,' noun: ...,.... .i.... yj HJlJ K'fi rurm, !. i , nriiTO.1) foiling until KnJty noon: . , , At Hillahoro. Friday aft.rn.nn until S l ir.I:t fVtnnr. Ufc-wml Strrrl UviTjr Urn. f VimrU rvii'i IV Sf:iitni. f l'o insure with f-. tin ith 1" M) in M.lvHiiro: !.i innirc n liv. mil. f2l. payment of 2 W it time of x.rv u .-. S- r n o nunt If .uid at ooc when wrw to "l'l. trait!f. rr.- t or r.-timvi.! from County. Car to prevent lut nt r. -Hnn-iltl- fur ai-n.l.tK Honw duly licensed. Jo. I lt', Owner. (Copy) Stallion lU'Kuttration lU:v , Sud-of Om". Ucmim Certificate of IW I'.r.-l St.iiU..,, N.. I toted at Corvailix. ir.n.m. March 1. Ill 13. The iHjikfr of th Htallion Parlkm. N l2tH'.) ((WKW) ririt.TP.! In the ntu.lUx.k of Th- Atu. ri.ati l'rnlo-ron Horse Hrmlm and Importer Aiatiofi. tln.M .v J.h (Uto or HilU.ro. Wanhinifton County. Orvon. I .red l.y M. Harhe, lW.artment of Sarthe. Krnnre. .-m-rilH-d :h f.. own I.lack; 8Ur. I'ediitree; llrulu VMll'M r.-; Si,n CHl) Iam; Sultan 11400 Sire of l.un. S'i, " I am uf Iam. Breed. IVrrhlrun; Foaled in the . , ""U bei-n examimnl by the Stallion lntrat.01. ...anl of n and it U hereby certified that the sail stall...., .Hof l ure Breeein. U renlcnsl in the ntudl-k that w r, "'1 by the awweiation named in aertion i.me of m Art of the Ijk lat.ve Aiwembly of the State. f thvifon .ni.liiif for thj licenHinyof aUllion. etc.. lih-.l ... the oih.v ol the 'tr J SUte. February Z. lull. id that th-ahne nained Ull on hat tn examlnd by the veterinarian aH't ) the Stallion Keirmtrttion Hoard and h hereby reported f r from infertiou.. cont.iou or tranmni.H.Me . Heaves or unsound, m and ia hereby licensed to nland for public .tvuv in the State of Oregon. . ., ,, l.nnine I.. I titter. Secretary Stallion Kt Stratum litiard Note:-This licence mut W recorded in the olhce j ..f the Recorder of Omveyances .r the 1 .....uy u. .. . .....- U to be uaeil for public wrvice. and uvist be renewed Manh to. iaio. tint. W. tVltorJ. I'H.nr ol lS.I. I'acl Aay lit IhuriJay Bt IIT IJM ON I'Ul'RTIt Sr.. hllftl AND ll Scitlui rrrm)l lr Vcar With Hcadvirlcri l Cumclliii leortfe W. Del!ord. one of the best known of railway construc tion and maintenance men on the Northwint coast. dl;d at thn family home in Dilley. Thursday. March 19. 1311 IMlord waa born in Johnston County, In diana. May II. 1H31. lit crowed the plains In lH-Vt. and nettled at Foreat (jrove. He enlisted in tiie Civil War. hia enlistment datinif from 11 to WA In 155 he waa married to Klia Brown, well known at Forest irov. beinif a daughter of the laUi Oria lirown, a pioneer of the lortlea. Ik'Itord was at one time Hee- tion foreman out of Cornelius, and w hen Holliday built the West Side line, Mr. leliord laid the steel up Fourth Street. Portland, anri rnntiniled with tlie road, oil and on, until it waa built clear through to (xirvalllrt. Kiifht children were Ujrn to Mr. and Mrs. Dellord. The wid ow and the following children survive: Mrs. T. K. Paldra. Portland; Mrs. O. K. McCarthy. Hillsboro, and Harry, residing at Pilley. Interment was in the l orest view cemetery. Forest (Jrove. and the services were conducted l.v tl,('.rarid Armv of the lie- public, of which organization he wan a memlier. Deltord was well know n to all the pioneers of Washington Coun ty, and was a familiar figure at the Oregon pioneer meeting. a well as the sessions of the J. A. H. and the County Veteran As sociation. SCHOOL NliWS The Contents Of a Box r,r rjni v. I'o har.'L Ilrtitbr hatf! wm oa th door-1 kiiob. I lAb-l frwarL tat wltbout j ndiml. mnului; oa .y V tips. b1 ; 1 ruuht Iwr wrkt Just tb turned 1 lh d'wkDob tnl rulWd th door ' lll.-!.l!r Jur. 8ii.,rwwltii a try, b 1 A without Diotlua urept to torn h.-r lr a nl Ci her fjrn on m. W ' ltb itoml nlW.t, mttulM. Tbrongb (L glait4 1 mw uao wltb bU Lark : I', w orking at a &vk. TU rlrl : .I th A-kit nftlr. aocL (till boldloa: 'iff wrUt. I drew het t th mala ball, . I ! i on u ti ! nir.t t lu I '.-t.-r ! .1 1 r J- i,n lif UTii'xiu ln-Il 1 met i iu:.u villi, a -,t ..ii l..-lbarTw. htre tl.r was a HUt buruliig. Al lit 1 :. tlf U I Orwl'I-l Are jou a iiT' aUe aakd. fr.-u, ... .1 .1. m ik t' C Mr-t. a ; ie of th, Hlcer ,l t!i' l-'t :o!f a ;; i.r-ii"4 proan. pctfrntunf. I har aarnl a llf and i t .,f Kuue ni" v.li'. I. i l I.. . hurt t bara nrr4 jrou from crime." t,a jsv j. i.-'. I ? i.i.. s; t.-l fall, j "T'o bare rereiitfd wy brwklna; a , t,;.w m w. i,.,!.! t.e -.;ii,"k " ii.u",t bol,k ,tb.K: , ,.y f ..-ry 1 -W: Jf bat ar. you golnC tt, do h .t It v. m a v. .,n. a clil -r a t-.y. I MSothIng Bnt you lhall BOt back T'. m.-tu ' I'1'"'" ' ,,nrr"w i licr. WUoUber . - wri t u I.U ay. V!n-tli. r ti bad j -Tb cbtef itt plfce" 1,1-m.l tl.e .' 1 fo.M w.tl.lu I d'.u't ' "Glv tiie that Kla t.fttl JOU bold." kn ev I t" liik ! !n 1 f.i I ww kin. till did . and. ringing tba JaBltor! I.)!.. ,li :'m liw-Kl. i.:.-av.l with I ML wbn to raw I told blm tbat w. ""' ' 1 ' , , lhd t t b t out He uulocke.1 tha i.r. i. ii.l..l i:i..t i.U.ii. wa auiUa aua ,, ... .,, .:. ti.t li'iU'O mo tT.fi'llTig wltb af-f.-(.. uii. '1.' t rii. 1 a!k.-l ou a hbort ,li, u.. .", V n InrM-d ui.l. rurloua for :ni t tiM.niill'.u i in" nijwi, i-l 1 1 ' in. Ull r':i' l.ll'S mam door for u. and w drt.arteL Tlie girt could not baT len OTr eleiittH'ii yr old. Tb next dny I Informed tha cblef ut police hy an anouyoioua Dots tbat l.i.lMiin Spray Pumps of All Kinds In fact wc arc the lieadiiaiU'rs for every thiug iu the Sprayiuj; au.1 rrunitiK Hue such as, PruhiiiK Shears, Saws, Knives, and Sraying Material. Wc Iridic t.uly the best grades. Our prices are the lowest. Call at our Store on Second St., and look over our stock before buying your Supplies. See Our Cutlery. Percy Long, Hillsboro, Ore. DUNTLEY Vacuum Cleaners $oo without brnih allacboicnt, nnd 7 So with biuah attachment like nil ; tf.lucad from f to and f is ClOOlrlO OlaaMSPS with citta aiurliuieni for cleaning nphoUtery, walla, etc. 'rota $'is np delivered. SihtIhI conata to Churchea, liWlitM 1,1111 wiiaiiic iniirniioui. j tverjrtblni In tha Vacuum cleaiur f line, an ploatcraln tha buaineM, only aclualfa Claaner Stott In the Sute. Prlcea reduced from o lo 50 per cent aavt aollcltoit ptofita. Writ l A W. L. BENTLEY CO. COMPANY State Distributors . r.t,-r!i c. Tortland, Oregon Suporvwor J. H.Jack visitetl tin school at iwcona. iai wwk, where Mi Itose lleywooj! has l-.T.m t... Snririr term. Fiftt't'n uupiia are in attendanco. two of whom will take the eighth k'raile examination in May. An imlns trial club waa organized w ith of fleets as follows: l'res.. Myrtle HoiTtnan; vice prea.. MaUl Nel- trim, Minnie iNfison; unwi, Mifis llevwootl. The school at North Plains or ganized by eloctinu ollicers as r.ii.Ua- l'r." Krnest l)ve:vice pres. Huiih Dunlap: sec.. Blanche I Walters; treas.. Ethel Troutman; advisors, J .lMcWasson anu Tmnlmnn. ivu,. The Academy scnooi near North I'lains has an excellent ball team and if Riven a chance will Btand up ajramn most Bny school team of the county. An industrial club has also been or- ...n.-iu:!' i'r4 itoiiL mirii , 11" wan..-.". ----- - pres. Herman Crocker; sec, Mane I'rovost; treas, Mae Jackson; teacher and adviser, F J Clemo. A lame quantity of free nar tlen seeds have been distributed by Supt B. w.-names, anu new supply has just been re- . 1 Mamliortt of clubs and school children who have not re- reived these pacKanea "i" write for same. The premium list of the Wash, ineton County Bchool fair is ready for printing and will soon be in the hands of the pupils. lv. K.t first time in many, many months, the jail was empty I for a half hour, Monday, just af . i..nok hnnr The two convicts, Une and McNutt. were on their way to aaiem um..i nf Khori.i ueeves. aim mc insanity patient was in the eoun- tv court room ana at dinner. I . a ....on, rin I'U., taail nranr WHH HWUIIK it 1 lie Jan - and breathed of freedom for a short time only. oirmA. noles ut) to 12 1 Bun ----- ., inches in diameter, fence rails. ' 1 Ka nt all kinds, into M .,.nn.t lnirtha. Will Ko into I the country. Write, phone or callonme.-Carl Skow, Hilisw- 1 ro. rnone, v' J. A.' Chapman, of Middleton. was in the city the first of the week, Rreetinu nismany iriemif. J. A. may take anower not the lews ature inis opnnn. he says that; he will still vote for economy, rt eieciea. The Grand Marca is the most wholesome "two for a quarter wioke on market-made in Ore Son, by E. Schiller. When you Slge in a good smoke buy a Grand Marca. M 1 Married: At the home of. L. p Krutrer. snerwoou, uick"i MaK 1914. Rev. C. l. Whit- of Prineviue, anu mma Kroner. . ' Dance, af New Helvetia hall. Saturday evening, March K muBic. Everybody Invited. 1 Tickets, including supper, 1. KuM-nilni-l.t i!!1'1-4 !i" ... I.-J tt I'll in. tit l.-r ni.. .uc!."l til lou'l inM'if. . i..-ltu It..- V'r I -1 -i l.lm. Till i111"' in.. ..fT wi Tar m tU t iM-mm .f pntrnii ,M c -iTIil-l. I.tit Hi" l.ul!.llti N'UiS n on.. I -'! M v." In tlipih the tiinlii l'."r "ii lli" fi""r alive. TU! I l.il. nifl nft. r irhtn- t'n. 111:111 tl!i to u-1 l.Utl lilt l.'.ll'I' U 1 t'fi.t il'.wtt lilt') lln. Ii:ii'iin nt ly nit li.t.-ri'.r ttiilrmnK I niw lln In-. II, imnv iti.lier abovlng til iirr.w ..nt f t'l" l tr tliMUKti I, I'll In. Inl iii'.-i.-l. In tlie bano 111. tit. .t:iii'l!ti n i'iii-t llm wull. a Hi.. tlmt bail l"- 11 li ft tlirr.?. I t.M.,I null" ili't.iiui. fn.lii It con l.l.Tltr but I kIi'.u:.! ! '. I waa Urn iii 11 fuil iii-i-'ii" f '-iirlohliy ami il.lr.! to .0 Hi" niyM.ry iinfolil H .!f To tin 1. 1 th" l ui.'l t"U wbo- .v.T 14 li.-lilf t ! . t I linl tlm ifTv nt r b-r Ih I'i tbtro would arn-st lb.. ln.itHT wbne It wu. f'r Hit! sU'li. wlinlfvi-r It ink-lit l wnillil bnil'tli H Ik- limit f'ir..t:ill.il The only miiv I r.i'll.l li'M iib-.-rve It ik'Vfl- ..Hii..it w.iiiM I- to til l" 111 tin Hu nt ovi-n.lnht Wlil. li of tin-so two (.Inn Kh.'iiiil I nil'.I't? Kbottly iifb'r ; I liir.l foni( one iiu, tliiwn lb. abilM ninl I.kIc "p. Tlifii. Iiiriilii- nut I'll ttn lldit fX.'cit ..ii.. la lb.- lull. 1'i' h Ii" l ft Imruiiii; low ho iiimintt-l tiie Mlairit. ami 1 li, inl bl f't l.'lt 'ii' nwn.v fl'1''8- Noili.int but i!n- ii"i-'t or nu an Vfiitun; v.ouM li;iv,. Iiilinf.1 me to 1 tliim I.hUiiI iiji for ull nU'bt. Aa It was I diil not rcirirt my a. tloii for a nioin.'iit. I a ".ur.. that mime one-1 iHilli-tfl a woman -was lu that IhiS ninl ilurlin: lb" nU'lit flic wonlj (lu Roimlbln limiKUal. WUIlo wultlng I trl.-l b oiijiirtt m aomctliUig nhc luliiht ln. I'.nt I t)iiff! I couM think " - - - - - - - I ,.v(M-ct.-.l to luivo to wnlt tlil mlu-..h-bi .,r nii.niili l"for It ilflioili'lili'llt. but wli.-ii u tltK-k oiitslJo ulriick In iUfl toiMH th" lumr or tt the l1ny bt ttuii. 1 Ut-anl ttio aiiut'iik of tuniliifi screw . KIllitT hoiiio 0110 U-sblo the htoii in tin' Ih'S wa l lle oiisoiuoiit or a 1 art uf tl li:id Uin norewtftt ou frniii tho inslilo. When thtf acrtiw tiirnlim Ntoi'insl 1 lii-anl tho ri'inuvul of wixmI. Whoever movetl from the box must pa "far mo. I ln-nrd no Ktop. but a OKuro IUUihI bofore me, and n It pass,'.l Into tho hall where tUo Il;lit wuh l.urnltiff I aaw thut It whs a yomitf woiuiui. TIiIh naturally mMinl aplco to the ail vonturo. I'liifrKlnS rwin thy lil' pliiw, I follow.'d on tlptoo. A 1 rt.mb.-d the hull 1 mw the fli:ure turn from tin? topmost ;"P Into tho llppt-r hull. FtHI fiibowlim-, 1 trackwl the woiiuin through n corridor Ull ahe atoppvd t.tfor nn odlco d.wr with a K!as pniul. throiiiih which Rhono a IIrIiI. I. lu'liitf lu darKiifsw, was vu nhltM t Htiul up lu'iir to the nmire. I saw li.'r look thwupli the glass Into tha oIIUh. She raised her arm above her lieao. i he bad btitti-r not thereafter work routaltilne . ni-bta alone In hla office. Puris wxletr U crowding out the or illuury htinleiil.i at rrofensor Bergson'a let'turtu, but perhapa aoeb-ty U more In iie.l of the uplift, and we shall con tiuue to hoi for the best FORD Gm? UNIVERSAL CAR Buy It Because It's a Better Car MODEL T. Touring ILQ Car Delivered HJZJ WilKes Auto L Garage Company Third Street. Hillsboro. Or. Br8Jifat car pn.WJhel for the Ne Vurk aubway. M.uu would hare ta contuln coii.lt-uned milk, pread heef. Out tlh. Jam. rniHbed oatit, apllt peaa, iua!hed (Mitatoea, ground rice. The tango has been barred out of Switzerland, tt will aururi aom people to h.-ar that there la In Swlts-j erland a level plae which la large enough to make barring out the tango necetutary. 1 SIRES AND SONS. 6 Loaves of Bread for 25c Get one loaf and 5 checks, each good for one loaf of Bread. Buying your bread this way gives you the chance to save on your'.brtad bill. Remember this next time you buy bread. Six Fresh loaves for 25c THE CITY BAKERY Main Street, Hillsboro J. Wolferspewr. Prop. Howell Pii,l."i. a businens man In Atlanta. Ga.. has attended thlrty fom! wetldhiKK. at twelve of which he ba, acted a best niau. Ho call hlmaelli "uu aiwlstaut to cupiil.'' Maurice Pakloirnp, aucceding The i ciihile Lhcasse aa French nuibattsadoi to ItUHaia, U chief of the department of plitii-nl affairs at the French for eljrti olllce. M. lK?lcae relnil U re vutiT Trench homo politics. The Ripht Hon. Jiweph Chamber lain, aiitioimced to retire from par liament at the neit general election. baa l'ii a member of the house ol comuiouu Kince iS'd. During this en tire time he has represented West Ilinnlnk'linin. John William Rurgesa, who has Jual 1mii appointed a visiting American profwtsor at tho Austrian universities for 1'Jll ld by the Austrian govern tnenr, la emeritus irofeMir of po litical science at Columbia university, lie was Ixirn In Tennessee In 1SW. the air brake, has becu awards the tlrtishof medal by the Yereln Peutseh er Iiikt iiieuro of Lelprig. tme of the liisbmt lioiion within the reach ol the enclneerinc profession. He was too 111 to attend the mectlug at which the award was made. THE FAMOUS AETNA BRAND of Lime;and Sulphur Spray The spray that made Washington County famous. W. K. Sf dent of the Oregon SUte Board of Horticulture ays: I h"", Aetna Brand in my orchard for years, and I am sure you are makiagaKOod article. " A. C. tixlrich. Commissioner of the First IMstnct. aa: "I have need Aetna Hpray and have found every hsrrel full up to test and very free ?rW aliment" H. C. A.well. ei-president OreRO. Mate 1" Society: 1 don't think there ia a better aprav nia.le. 8. C.a loway, ea fmitlinspector, says: " After aevere testa I find the Aetna Brand O. K. lin. S. WoWey. Fruit Inspector for Clatsop Co : " I desire to late too on the supreme article of lime and aulphur solution, the Aetna Brand. It gives results and universal aatisfaetion ." I abaolntely !!." the AetnalBrand to do the work if the operator does his part, t-ailnre u impoasiDie. Beaverton, B.LEIS Phone Beaverton Central . Oregon Winter Baseball. not air Is doing most of the base ball playing now, but it will be differ ent next summcr.-rhiladelphla Ledger. A lot of pitchers In the American league are no doubt aorry that Ty Cobb Is not going to Jump to the Fed enils -IX-trolt Free Press. Rivalries among baseball managers l,. .in .i l-.wti no thn Interest while the ,-.. O. .V.,- keen cotuHtiUon of the actual game Is not In eviuVnee.-wasnington otar. Federal league officials appear to con alder It an unpardonable outrage when attempts are made by officers of the tilder leagues to tempt players away from the new organisation. One won ders why the Federal league people should be sensitive In that respect Chicago Record Herald, Scholls Roller Mills Wm. HANSON, Prop. Flour and Feed, Aetna Brand of Spray, Custom Chopping a Specialty, Poultry Supplies, Manufacturer of Whole Wheat Flour, and Wheat Heart Flour, Graham etc. Ouc Prices always Reasonable TRY US the Next Time R, f. D. 2, Hillsboro, Or. Argus and Oregonian $2.25 Argus and Journal $2.25 Certificate No, 596 Registered No. 3529 1 51 ift i ' ' i'i I U "1 .. - OV . ... uJ I . iT Jih ,r- ycy i H-?V'.r,'J4,i,? is: ryi r mm W aa. m EML tA'd r in it at a. I J .m -m ... ' ' Stallion Registration Board State of Oregon T Certificate of rare Bred Stallion or Jack. No. 596 Dated at Cotvallls, Oregon. October I a, I9t The pedigree of the jack Beecher. No. 3519 (Amejican), registered In the studriok of American Breeders' Association of Jacks and jennets own S k! wu Frenct T Forest Grove. Oregon, bred by John Beldingbrock. fs: BlTc White point. Wf Theodor: luppner.rt-Kuu, foaled June tS, 19 has been examined by the snu ReKist foi Bl Ronrand it ia hereby certified that the stainon jjj f p Rreiiiiir is registered in the studhook that is recog Sied by the .uJTSSeVltatWm nine of an Act of the Legislative tfl of estate of Oregon, proviving for the licensing of stallion. r filed In the office of the Secretary of State February 19. 1. d that theXw named jack has been examined bv the veterinarian appointed by hS Son Registration Board and is hereby reported ree from infectioua co'tag unsoundness, and is hereby licensed to stand for public service In the State of Oregon E. L. Potter, secretary oiainon r.cgiBi.,iiwu Note-This license has beeu recorded In the office of the Recorder of Conteyances of Washington County, and must be renewed October ii, 19U TERMS OF bREEDINGt To Insure Live Colt ................ $2 Tor the Season 'St For Single Service 1 will pasture mares for a short length of time if preferred. srtii kra.s.dintf March 1. and close Tt III VWIU1UVHVV 0 June SO. Will mahe the season at my place BEECHErxPureDredBlachJach W. H. TRENCH First Av. N.Forest Grove, Or.