i r I I 1 jt ',1 1 i 1 .1 I I- ion fot r 13 aUUre and feet-aBea at HUblBN Otni, i U A. leOXO. HIM. County Official Paper insbarrlpUoa: II JO aa ln laaa4 Beer tfctwM vnna m NcKimn Senator Chamberlain is mak ins: a valiant fight against the repeal of free tolls for American vessels passing through the Pan ama canal The Senator is right on this measure, and there is no reason in the world why Ameri can vessels, plying between ports coastwise or otherwise should pay tolls. The big ditch was built for the American people; I built for the American people; !. ' for the Amencan government; for the American government; and to cut down transportation charges. It seems absolutely absurd to charge them for trans porting product, and the Sena tar's fight sounds a note purely American. We might just as well charge a toll for American vessels going into any harbor on the water survey. Oregon is in terested in this, beyond measure. for we have one-seventh of the standing timber in the continent and our neighbors in the east want our product free and un restricted by freight abuses. The Commercial Club is mak ing headway toward procuring a big sawmill for Hillsboro, and it now looks is though installation is but a matter of a short time. Hillsboro needs a larger payroll, and this will bring it about Easter Sunday comes April 12. Geo. Little, of Oreneo, was in town today. Spring goods are arriving daily at Greer's. 60-1 The Commercial Club has in stalled a new billiard table. Edw. Boge was up from Farm ington, Tuesday evening. Henry Brock, of South Tuala tin, was in town today. Born, to Fred Kerr and wife, of Hillsboro, March 26. 1914. a daughter. G. P. Martin, of the Tualatin- Oswego section, was in the city yesterday. Emil Stalder, of near Bethany, was in town yesterday, paying taxes, and calling on friends. Judge Anderson, of Clackamas County, was in town today, guest Sit Jiuiga- Rann, I The newest and best tastinir no n rl u tin tka mBvlraft tnl. 2. 1 L . u.iuj vu ukuiwici wumj iO UlCllvp. T 'A t I 15nnny Mug Kisses," made and ' ""f V" rS!' .22 " vj ouiu uuiy uy me veil oi oweeu. I J r- 1-. - . tw BJtie: uray mare, 0 yean, buuui iRi. DroKe. rjouniH and I nintrl..- nnnnJ snH P "-I V nelius. Ore.. Koute 1. 5M C. R R,,na n : was in town ih !f nf th. b 1 ., Chas. has recently bought a new .'oStudebaker car. 4 Rorriaf ra f inn aIaaah AmsJI 1 J . - inara TiwtmiaAd a a a . . . i v.ivk, piuiuira vj lhs ruan ail H the cletk '8 office. Hundreds have I, not registered as vet, and Blank V A" promises to be Domilar next .aFalL For Sain-s fia I W bred f 't 7 W$15. S. C White LerhrTr m s . . n- iKosrers, Beaverton. Ore.. Route . - " - 41 kav y I , fi, BOXO). - ' I : unas. iwouaon departed the ;,irst or the week for Seattle, tnis urae ior me srovernment ex pires in June, and he will remain n the coast for the Revenue de Jiartment, until that time, and erhaps longer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turjoer vu. , ted their sons, W. A. and Llovd. ,11 ruruanu, aunaay. tie reports II AI 1 O J . r hat W A T ...U- J rary of the Portland Dvil Service fi commission, sustained a fall, p.unday, that is causing him ome inconvience. Sheriff Reeves left yesterday I or California, to brinir. e-ith him uuy Porter, wanted or taking milk money from the , 'armpin nf Mnrth Plains anI i I .. .Finir Pnetoe .... k. " .....j. .v.wi oi.ja us. mil vuiiivi Viuioui. Mirauiuon. ana Keeves , 1 utKiiiK a cnance on 11. ' Afrt-n nan.l A u n . "Xr"c' , t f.r n"i " uaicui, na. ncic ycaicr- ,ay, in tne interest 01 his candi t,acy for governor. Crawford unKS ne nas tne lead on all the st and Ben Abou is his running i ate. At all hazards Crawford ! a -rental eentleraan. and irood look at. Mr. Crawford is mak- , his campaign on his service attorney general, and states! at he has an amendment to the ii..i! . . as. a l nsuiunon, now Deing araitea i his office, to be voted uoon i-xt Fall, allowing the governor ij icw aiii inutui biic uuruuri- ion bill. This measure is one the Argus has contended io to many years. we . Joa. L, Mbit Loyal Ordof of Moose, Tuesfey evening elected the following oifWers by accla mation. Dictator. L. A. Long; Vice Dictator. U A. Kingkenny: Prelate, Percy Long: Fred J. Sewell. secretary; David Cor in. treasurer; Serjreant-at-anns, D. C Blackburn: Inside guard. YY. H. Reiling. Outside guard. Cart Hutchison; trustees. J. W. Con nell Homer Emmott and J. H. Collier. The newly elected will be installed at the next regular meeting, and the boys will have a big luncheon for the occasion. The building fund matter is progressing fairly, and all site subscriptions are expected to rx received inside of a short time. Three proposals have been of fered to take up the building bonds as soon as the deed is ex ecuted for the site. Probate: Darius Fish, estate appraised at $15?; final settle ment of estate Alice M. Sand ford set for April 27: Nettie G. Cooper files bond in sum of as guardian of four minor heirs, estate of Daniel Cooper, deceased, said estate being closed PPraisd at f final settle- ment of estate Alice M. Sand- f . . f . ril g-. N ..: of record; estate Geo. Kowcliffe closed of record; inventory of estate of I B u.hard approved at $631: inventory et Isaac Ball dec'd approved at $4400. Stanley Stewart, the eleven year old son of J. B. Stewart and wife, of South Tualatin, sustain ed a fractured leg last Saturday, while playing in the haymow. lne lad jumped and struck a joist, a severe break resulting Dr. E. H. Smith reduced the fracture. Sam Paisley, of Buxton, was down yesterday and todav. XI r. Paisley has entered the republi can primaries for the legislature. Mr. Paisley thinks there is room for some good old-fashioned leg islation, and avers that he has the nerve to start something, if elected. The German Speaking Society has endorsed t-d. Schulmench, Hillsboro, C K. Buchanan. Cor nelius, and Ferd Langer, Sher wood, for the legislature. It is not known whether either of I them will run in the primaries or not. An applicaton for entrance to the Oregon Soldiers Home has been made by A. M. Brown. former Hillsboro night officer Mr. Brown has been suffering from partial paralysis for several months. A. V n0nnv fa OTV v.- -.,; t w -i. rmv.iuH.uSlviuriur.iiisn. ington (-ounty, vice H. C. At- well resigned. Mr. Denny says ne will make a campaign for aw enforcement, and begin at once. J. W. Pomeroy. commissioner of the First District, State Board of Horticulture, was in ,th itnj txuiv . i nix with the coun ty officials. The Peoples Theatre will show , "uuc,ui aijsiery, in mree reels. nt Mnnrl.w nA TM, , lVul i ZZ "'-""j. " .v-ku.v wmi. m jtnmnBr toot Thio. I Mn . . a wonaer. n . r. .. DOrT1' WtWSS KaSITlUSSen. On " ' ' m"" . W Uollenbeck, above Moun " u "way. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS t:j :t . , . rhiuw na nnanfli . . .kn ha.. " .w upcucu uy wc cuun cou" of Washington County, Oregon, at tne county court room, at 11 a. m.. Saturday. Apnl A, 1914. for the followina: or haulmgrock inlioad Dis- "c V 3. 6. ft 11, 12, 15. fi'' m Hunm r n na rnf han inrr sas l awn a n iiiiarTor inn itoixn T. " lr. 'vi',w',,c r ixriN anil srwc nrrmna in wvv.i,vuuwho may t ffi J aersigned. Bidders must de- posit certified check for 5 ner 1 . . 1 ceni. 01 me amount of the bid. lhe right is reserved to reippt I si as any or an Dids. D. B. Reasoner, County JudRe. Hillsboro, Ore., March 19. 1914. Bllllgerenee. Wrien she could mt with Billy They played at bill and coo, But when she met not lillly They played at bllk-ts doux. Wow she has married Billy Her leisure time shs Alls By trying to concili ate Billy for her bills. A. LeMle in Judge. Taking Na Risks. "Aaad you aay you never attend wed- m0Ter the aweet youof thing. -No, I Ao not," replied the bachelor. "And why not Drayy "Why. "'t yon see what's happen ln5 W day to innocent by.tauIer.r 1 on era statesman. A Suapieiaua Age. Where ara all the trusting women Of tha long, long-, long ago. Who would take a ring from Jim an' "ver doubt the Jewels' glow? Mas ths day come when a feller Bringing circlets to the fair Must show letters from th seller Proving that the diamond's square? New ITork i'ress. No News ta Her. uearesv he aald, "I couldn't lire wunout your' "I know you couldn't." she rpnlloil "That la why I felt ao sorrv for vii oioer aay wnen rather threatened cut of! my allowance Just because naa Deen married a reur-Juike ARIZONA l((C;(LT3 the Editor Begs to Announce Hc't Stilt In the Ring. NO ROPES ON HIM AS YET. TKeugS Tare War In Wa.Oa, eaai H Aim t, th eWe May Oa Him la tS Ca4-tfalt ef Greet Mara. A fecal I, Pa Sua, By M. QUAD. iCH" rtlb 1 tf Aw rraa ctata Lltarar? I ST wevk tM oudaj) a ' aavt- ed up oa u oa th etreet a ad put tm hind few axatast r sWNaaJ. ami It waa rwtaj tfr st imr breath back ta aJk tut had biitd. On Tmajjay oar hro vit.r u fKt u the sboclder b.T a Pine UUI man and wUl be hti4 , ruw . , k NV.t h,u f aer ari cultural editor waa prowling tw the eaud bi'la he waa Mtteo by a bond of. aud ou Thursday old Jim Hew n broke louse aud ahot our kvaj edi tor In tbe left ! With the four i rosier wrestling vita the mraaleeJ the rk a busy one, but thai Kk-kef Is out on 11 ui. a uauaL Some one fold Colonel Kelao'e gang of tv ho) a that ere going to ltd ar.r to Uovky Ua Saturday afternoon. t-VTIRSD HIS OW VOOT. and eight of the boya waited tar hours for us on the highway. Tbey I bad two banging ropea with them, and one of them bad a paper and peartl to take down any dying statement wa might wish to make. Wa don't know bow high Mr. Haman was bung, but I the Intention of tha gang waa to I boost us at leant a foot higher. Aa mayor or uireaoam uuicn wa ba, a " "' cruwu lor I two years past, and nothinf abort of our death will even things op. Wa didn't start for Rocky Bar-bad aoldea of going there and tha gang waa dis appointed agnm. The boys may get bold of oa aooner or later, but wa ara Dot going ta worry over It V!L.r tllll lultaoa fc. ana M from New Mexico iaat spring tad aaa been posing aa a man of nesre and a great pistol shot, got Into a poutleal dUcuslon with Ueorge Barnes near v. . v fc w uatuca Bear "e poaiomce tne other aay. and after ,m hot won), h.d nmmmA tiZL - - , -- Barnea railed him a liar. The major made a great show of polling hta pep and finally took a inapabot, with tha reault that the ballet Intended for a man ten feet away entered bla own foot Mr. Barnes, who waa not armed, was backing off when the shot waa Bred. The affair waa witnessed by half a dozen citizens, and ao great waa their surprise and contempt far the major's workmanship that ba had to limp away nnasalsted. Ba lent for as and was prolific of excuse, but tha beet thing be can do whan able ta travel la to get oat of town. Two weeks ago we published aa Item to the effect that Billy Balnea of tha White 8wnn saloon had beea lmnrla- oijed in Utah for biting off a man's noe. We have nothing against Billy a a citizen, but wrote the Item, which we believed to be true, to OU a anaca of four Hues at the bottom of a cot umn on the local page. Mr. Balnea rbiited the Kicker offlca two or three daya ago and showed ua letters and documents to prove that wa wera In error. He waa never In Utah In hta life, but many years ago, back In till noU, he got into a fight with a Ught niiig rod man and chewed his aaa but cnewerj very softly. w e beg to apologize for our mistake. We were not at the "at homa" eteen by Sirs. Colonel Powell at ber abode on Cocbine place last Monday erenlnf. Aa a rule, nothing of tbe sort to given In this town without our advice and asilHtince, as wo are tba only person pouted on etiquette. Tba ladr left na off ber lint In order to giro us tba 00 Id auub and to prove that our assistance was not necessary to pull off a incceaa. fui function. Aa a result tba whisky waa nerved from a demijohn the nan. kins were not correctly folded, and tba rabbit salad was brought on hot and had neither lettuce nor cabbasa min. gled with It. The affair broke np two bourn earlier than usual, and soma ona stole tbe demijohns and two boxes of cigars. We twk the snub In allenr, hn 1 1 ' 1 1 i ; i v ii rt finincip nawivaui 9m m a. . a. ' . "' u wok me coionei away to Iowa to stand trial for em'ieziElement We eaa ba socially snubbed, but there will at ways be an afterclap. Some folks ara fitted by nature to lead society; oth ers must follow. We are one who lea da. Insinuation. Hoarding flouse MlHtreaa-Mr. ri. inn, do you know what batter costal nowr IT . -- . urarxy ,ater-A'o. ma'am hnt ril Inquire If you'd like to bn inmaL. I new 1 org Uiobe. Sure Thing. I'M . i uere is one -crusade which tha younjr people at least will aiwawa iu.-ir i;ii-es against What's thntr Tbe antl-khwlng reform." BaltloMra I American. AS A Wireless Message From The Dead By F. A. M1TUCL We ar aw ring so fast la 'trnttfl' kMMrart4a tht kt la u)r at t kaow. aa tlm to fuawldvr what aur attain! kixolMU la XMf U dykt la futur i tnatam ktK that aa ttrk currrot aay b trB'Qii!l.sl aitauut tajr vtbrt BtrOaiu thaa th ataxia parr. Wa alo know that funtuua vt " fcodjf. If ait rltrtc. ar a fotva avHBethlitf lika fl trt. it.T Whpa I waa a boy I waa rouMautl; Sodlng uyartf aajrtn aoutbiu tit a rujnpaaloa ho woukl aay. -Why. I waa Juat about to aay that tujwlfr iwl T ' ".'r1 ,,M' T rkWu -No 1 it u b a . , p, , u, lb0 . wiiniiH oi otorra iy a art ut lrlw roi-a. I atuJM mlk'tna and twvatna a dn-tr. Th-o durlo botitat work I brok J'wo 4 thouxh It waa ttrtwm-B wtutrt ad Hrln. waa olIUl to to to I ha rouutry to rwruut- I at.H'lX't at bouw that Uvknl dowa valley, and the kw rt ua lnterrutid. I onrd to alt oa the lor h wraiej la ruga and mjy the tlew la tha aunahlue. Alntut a mile dU laot waa a sou that bora etrUlem-e of hlat been built la cIdU1 Umv. It waa Dit by any mean a frtuhou'e. but aometblDji qulla hn.l.inie. The architecture waa that iwullar atyle laMrlnt a n-h with flllara. Oua alsbt I Wl awakened br the aound of wheel at.ilni; rght nndef By window and thought I heard aouie one rail -loclurV rad tha a4h nd put xuj head uut lhrut:b tha win ow. A hub In a wagon aked me If 1 waa a dwtor. aud I ald I wk, whereupon be begged me to ivtue with him at once. I ilreaafd ius-lf nuwill Ingly, went duwuiitalra an J cl Into the wagon with him. I aked him to tell me about the nature if the ease I waa eipevted to treat, but couM get nothing out of him. He acemed entire- Ijr abaorbed la tom powerful Hob. W were but a few ml mite lu reach Ing our deetlnatlon. drawing up before bono with pillar from the porch to the roof. 1 Inferred that I bad coma to the house about wtil. u I bad often dreamed. Tha door was oened by a woman In a abort petticoat full t the blpo, a kerchief arrooa bet UMom and a dainty rap on her bead Sb looked tery much troubled. "Come upaUIr." she aald I followed ber up a wlmllng atalr rase, and the woman owned a door wltb a glaaa knob. 1 entered the atck room to see a young woman If Ing oa a bed with four high poxtx surmount d by a canopy, on one sale of ber waa a man holding one of her bandu on toe other aide wa a young g.rl holding the other. These two looked at me with that mute appeal a doctor la ao often obliged to meet. Aa I drew near the bed tha girl with tie Invalid ulled Jown the bedclothes, and I aaw at and temporary bandagea that my pa Heut bad been wounded. I waa not a surgeon, bul felt obliged to perform aorgeon a part 1 elamlned the wound and aaw that It waa near the heart ao . 11 .Wond'""pd that the wound 1 ea woman llred. There was nothlne mat i coum do for ber eicept bind up tba wound In a more professional man ner and await results. i resenuy I saw her run. and ba tween gasps she aald to the man ba- skie her: "You are convinced of the nnjustneaa r your auspidonsr -Tea, yea; forgive me." "I forgive you. Ooodby. Bha fell back dead. Amid a wail of those preseot I ra- nrea rrora the room. NotwlthaUnd Ing tha traKical circumstance. I could not but notl the costume of those in the house. "What singular per- oris, i said to myself. "Not content who living in a colonial house, they uoi'i lue colonial costume." This wsa especially marked In their collars, wuno were use those I had seen In pictures of America's early settlers. I was ushered out by tbe woman who received ma and driven back to my .me, wnere I went to lied, remain! half awake, half aaleep, for the rest or tne bight Now, there was something uncanny about my rUlt, and I healtated to talk about It to those in the house. I asked ir any of tbe family bad beard a wag ou aiop Derore the house during the nigui. out no one had heard any such aound. This Induced me to maintain a reserve alwut my vWt. Presently . "-uniHj io ask who lived In tbe bouse with pillars and waa told that on there. It had been un ""-up, ror many years. The last wnani naa vacated some thirty years before. I asked If anything peculiar had taken place there, but no one bad neara or anything unusual. But be we returning to the city I heard from a very old resident of the region there was a legend that long before the Revolution a murder bad been committed mere. A limn In fit r.f jeaiouay bad stablied his wife Affllt niwr In .1.1. . . . . . I .k' 71 lu " ",na a,!Caae 0T oeueve that the scene t un. i . - " ---- . uiirnsjrvj .'a fk . " MW 11 mn"' ear" "' that It waa sbired somewhere; It may be In some soul across the border, possibly one of the participants who Sashed It to me by some such process a a wireless operator will flash a message from tne aide of the vorld U another. Overdone. Tm goln to ba an optimist" Salfl Tlmothr McOloo. r ."f" ,tat ,ot ' ,un r "' By beta glum an blue. a.f0-!', eh O01'"! doubt An atlfla sll replnln's An' turn each cloudlet inside out To search fur sllv.r llnln s." 5rKT!UlJ r,?nd from mor "ht, No marier what took place I Si tt!r' " mn i ,ra lu'ta right To Judge It by his face. U Our good Intentions kin go wrong If recklessly we twist 'em. ins optimism grew se strong it wracked aia uervojia lyjiuaa. A NEW MATRIMONIAL SOCIETY ir tnaK ANW1XK Brlweea the BkMrnUtiis of ladla aas IVrsla there la a trtba aawg wfcoa the woutea h.M laetr kwabaad W hea a atngta wotuaa wlabea ta aaar rr a ataa be aeods a arnraal ta bk bouse to pia a bawikearblef to bia b a aa iutliuatkm of ber dealw. I' be raa show that be la to MW t purvhae ber at the price ber faiba resuire be la obltgad to Biaray bar, l ull! the organtxalb'a of tha ArUaj toa Hub for luea ttwas waa aa Mpet BuItT of i'ltitrra oar aarhebMB b a rertam Aiuerteaa tow a. but faaal theu o marrtagea brgaa V faU oat Otte of the tuoat popular taajrWd en railed th maldvaa together aal wgaulied aa aooctatkm far tbj ad tsu.vuieut of iuatrttooay baaed ea tat Indian I'rnlaa p'aa The Bnt yvuai taJy to sei ure a husband by tha atetb od was lulted to atata before tha aa excUtkm bow It bad worked la bet raxe. She arose and aald "Mrs lreauleat. bad long adatlret Mr tieorgw l.uddiagtoa, who bad paM me some stteutloo, and bad It a4 beet for the orgsnltatka of tha ArUngtot rlub I believe be would base asked bm to be bis wife Hut that peatlferout tint Hull. n reduced btut fruta a a la ctplent lover to a vacillating baagei oa. Soon after the aJptt'a of tat plan whl h we are a lte4 ta rarr out I worked Mr. l.uddiuttoo's lalttab on a line csiuNrk' bsadksrchlef and railing a messenger, bld him to taki It to the club at the hour I knew Mr LuddlngUa dined there, ol4ala avei to the owl rtu and pin H ta bla bat I he BMMenger bad ao dlnValtf la eie utlng his coiuiuImIob 414 know for some time that Mr t.uddlag too knew fnm whom tha tska raua I have aluce learned that ha kaeai ver) well, and the a.t.a be took la I hi matter was intended to frtgbtwa ca. A Tvw rveulnga after aarelvluj Ibe baadken k'rt be railed oa ate. aa I aaw at a glaace that be waa or pre irnutHi to 1 ery irate. " "What da you suppose baa aappea ei 10 me' ne aked brus.jiirly " 'I rsn't ImsKlne.' I rei.lud meekly "'An association baa beea funued la this town-so I understand-tu datri u i. neHirs into mairtmonj. f 1 girl wishes to marry a naa aba aeadi some one to pia a haadks hlef ta bk bat 1 4.1 you ever bear of such Ua modest Impudence T "'Never In my life. "Ton must etcuse me, ladles, for my weaaness, nut be frightened me oat si my wits "'Who do you suppnss this tsr he growled. " 'I rsn l liusglne.' I replied. m .t..... - .... i you mini ber Vesy as mswenlyr be asked la a leaa threat enlng tone. f.r my agreeing wttb bins rendered blm ka severe ta asa. I certainly do wonder bow sbt roukl have had the fa to da lt "I shrank into a corner of a sofa, ai far away from him as I mild art Us aat down on the otbe and and leaked -Ut him the haadkee.-r.U .- ZJZl" " " ul riUl -se- IVUHJI 1 uoueratanu how i (euk! cuedeoia mr ir rr doing It. He looked very trr wh qune so terrtUa aa w ne nrst rswe Then he beaaa a saw irui or IOnure to nnd out what It all lurani. i as nsnaken hlef,' he said, waa ery dsluty. though the Initials wsm badly worked. They looked aa II abiT had been eieruu-d by aume oaa with umsers so wg thst they were easy fit who a akswer, At tms I said hothlug. 1 dared not f . air be . . a girl, be went oa. had anl me a gift without an Immodest totear Hon I should have beea dwnle i. i-rrwQ wun it. vi'ilts likely I would ... a -ay air te.i to the plat af mak in wve to ber and rlage.' " propsslaf mar "i.uuit-iil waa raceltt Hit criea of "NV -rM,u t oa h.n... .. They alt talk that way. but Ih.r doa'-i ns....,.u..Ht . 0en tbe Couimatln. ..,k Wed tbe speaker went on arlth her re " But for a girl deliberately ta teal a . iio lunaer. I wis I. !.. ..... . . - m v,v ' my tnroat 1 nisds s... convulsive gulp. ,IKi bun)t . to . rent of tears. "I don't know what he was doing fot a few moments, fur I h.M k.4 kerchief to my face. heard nothing nut n nuti i M "-ii ,,m arm S round Bll wl"t Then he drew mv he. . uu uis oreast. M 'If th. f..l bin. - .. . . . . WW. ..... -.-.I i ii r nimM riiia a nl"- wh his lips pressed against my cheek, 'he'll yank me oat, reruii 'un. iini,cry, little girl. Dear lit ue gin, rorglve me! I've . evir since' " - . Again there were cries of m.k., "Oh. boahr "What a h " e7::. aucn like cinresslon. r hi... . iwS',IVTBI urreupon tne speaker tiwit..ti. turned her back on tbe "njbly and With flue 1 .k. . . Hw .1 ". "lr mtr out "Ladle," said the i .... . . w air we y, i rn astonished at ran This ao ny was organized to rlage, not to destror i . promote rnar romance. To " w" 01 a rover wno u.. h. ta. lw.y. IovihI the girl whn Z propose, would be to destro. oui tenths of tbe delight attondlu aoeh ' . n casions." n. i. . .i . but hi. wire knowa he la , jooT if life on un earth ha only uwjoo,. ww years more to eilst, what'a tha oaeT H'a all right to belle. k.ie . hear, but the trouble la iL. f.-J k.ia --w wwa 11, -... VH Him iiaeu raaa V toabuaa. i "ue winis nun t l. i t ""iit eiven. ihsi tha i.. ki. .-..7 ilgnad aisouto, .Tf ,.U wnT.:' ""u . ZL: whl"" toiiiity. nil Peopled Theatre Tomorrow ami Saturday UNJUSTLY ACCUSED Western Thriller in two reels, aud j biK, 4.um Coming Nest Monday and THE DKIDE l 'S t (II a l.t in a rttu aiiru wim Cat Itrmrnt. S NO ADVANCE IN PRICES THE STUDEBAKER In each season's army of automobile buyers ihcte , many pers.ns anxious to brctirc, at the lttrM within reason, a car which will yidd a maimum i. service, atyle, u,c, apicarauie and Krtitral ti!.iirUcy The Studchakcr l'ottr or Six Touring Car will hll yXi demand to the utmost dcrc. h cin!M.lira ihc tuj. of years of eacricuce in the tlcsijjuiiij; and huiiain- of more than iiav"fr-cyliiitlcr Studcbakrr atitom.-bilc! The Smdebakcr Four or Six hat a IotlK.trkr mtn lxre motor, a niut in inmcr though iniNcr i,,' K"""U5 ' " e rar 1 rtiitptrt mt, a fu!t rlivitinjj rear axle and a woudn fully clluicnt rlcttrica'l system which liKht aud oatiks the tar, and fuumbe, the current for its ignition. A splendid car iu appearance, none Imh it ,lir roller Waring than any other car made. Shipmcuu to the coast from iVixtuWr i.to March 1j.uc.e511 Studebohrr Four. 3 Pataengrr, $1150 Studeb.hrr SU. 7 Ptisivnffrr. $1073 We can demonstrate at any time, and will 1 to ihow you just whauhi car cau d.. L. W. Hillsboro, to Biti.i:t!:itt My herd Iwing- amall, I olTer the Mrvicea of my thoruuxh-brvd Holatein-Frieaian lul!. Sir Johan. na Colantha tx)rrmcxtiia (llrrd Hook No. 577721.) to a limited num. br of breeder. Km dm hat an A. It 0. record of nearly y, lb of butter in 7 daya. at four year or air, im. tine animal i aakae a grandson of Colar.tha Johanna I klll . .1.1 In . - tha Fourth's Johanna, tha cow which htrld for fivi vrara the world's record in milk t.r.l,. k' ?lk- ,nd l2ll Ki hnttee in Appointment ahnul.l U m.l.. early aa the number of will U limited. I also have a few nice, straight vlirnons young duii calves from this aire, "i aaie. A. Ik'ndler, Cornelius. Ore.. It. 1, Notlc of Final Settlement. 'thi i s-.i L.7iJT" f?5""'''. ! tor nn aiJimi a. . 7- "'"ii in ssici eslalM. iei this March 2, u. Jama U u I . a E.i.i. nj i iil L '. "."V"" -r tha ; ' r'.T" nanniM, Itooeaard. "Miay tiara, aiu.rnayt for KieeiiUir. CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank ti, tela who w "inaiy tendered ua aiH and avminlkif A..-: . !.; uumiK our iM?rtave- Ui t.- ii:. .7 . 0WMKUleS "ien ine death and obso v' '-' R. IV. Oimpaon. Mrs. Ii. K. SimpHon, Ami f'kil.i Hillsboro. Ore., March 20, VJU, Ftter L Carlson nf ton. died at his home near St! Marys, aat niirht ftr . 111 - e - -a assavi n j vUl ) J illness from stomarh ie,...u.. j 'MUIU, icbvch uyirn anrl several rn mmd tn li r.H" T?' Mr' Mr. lr.. 7" , . re?L(,ent " "u" lur HU0Ul ls yearn, The regular monthly meeting of the stockholders of the Com ho mere a C nh win k k.i. i n k ,SLrIU0 IT"1 abe neld n the .vwiiiB, nrui Tuesday in APrt - A good attendance is re- quested by the president and secretary. Esli Douo-htv timet In v f ah . L . K. & N.. At RcnfloM l; i his knee while work i no- aen..nH an engine, one day last week. Mrs. and Mrs. Jaa Doiel, siding atChehalis for some time." uiiru winorin riains. I Mnila I. 1 i , ""siBaiiy IUT8 "7;:;' " :.!,M',y rt of the nisis the Vih dav of April, lu.t. Un .,,,' UraJf. " il. .?"rt T" '" H'Hsl-ro. uraaron. aa the L m. an.i ..i- i. . . rs. W. K for it Tuesday. Marrh :, ;j OF MYSTERY sr . Use I pleased HOUSE, Oregon Don't 1'omet When you arr in the Marhrt. that the HilUboro Planing Mill i scllinj; it class monld iunf at wholesale iriecs. Wc cau supply you any lunilwr yiiit may need, and at the same time tuvc yon money PRIVAIt MOMl 0R SICH t'ndfr rharift of fxK'ricnccd nurt MILS. ('HAS. (JAIUiNiX fnmi Portland. &liciu patii-nta from all phy iticiantt. It of rare. Knaotiatls prlsei I'boite, Mala ml sMiifcirrs Ai.n Nuili-e is henliy given, that hf virtu f sn wniOotl Ueoni out ll snd under (he mhiI r th I'lrciiit Court of tlx Hum of Orrgon, fair Wahlntiiti t'oimiv, ' IhelHIi ls of Msrrh. lull, In Isror af International Harvester l'oilisnV at Amert.'S, a riir(xiratloii, iilstntift, stxl gsiliat t'lisiln. I.ui'ltis lllnniaii. K B llliiinan, K A II rile, K A llyle. Trutte. r II l.lttlelsla and V K H l.lltlt hales. ilnleiiiUiiia, fur the sum of llml with Is lervet thereon al the rale of s ier cent par milium frnin Msmh itwh, lull th birthar sum of f .iiu tt irm y (em, tin further suai of 7 ami cimIs, Ims :T-J 7'. rllt on a fnriuer eiiH-iitmn tniim) Nov J Iwl '. and lV virtue ol an Ie.'iitlni Ismnl out of ami unilnr Ilia seal of llin iral c.f the Or rlill Court ut the Mlle tit Ornitiin, Nr Waahliigtoti Couiily, In the above snU I lei raiihe, ilalml the llth tlsy of Msrrh, UUI. lit lavoror K A HT'loaml K A Hvila, t riislne, slid sxalust t'dsrles l.iii'lua llln naii ami K II liiiiiiisn, anil ewh of tliaui, for the inn ol II.) Si ami lhe further nam of f 1 i'imIs ami illkliursriiiniits, less Us realiiteil iiimhi s furmer eterutinn herma tuueil Nov. aUl'l.l. lo in ilirm-lMl and lellvereil niitimanillng nis to tusk sal of the real property Iterntiiafter tl neorlbea. I li.vs lev IimI iiihiii ami iiiinmsnt to atld esrM-nt nuts will on iMumlsy tha IHh dty of Alrll, 11114, al the south door nl lb colli limine In lllllsborn, Wwliingion futility, Orrgoii, si His hour of ten ooliXil s. in of aalii iUv. sell al uuMla auclloa la the lilKlirml lilililer for casli III hand, all of tba right, lllln, and liiieresl nf ami all of thft demlant. K II lllnman, t'harle ,itlus IIIiiiiism, T II Mtlleuaias ami V KH l.iulelmles. of, In ami li, th follow I im dnterltiml real properly lyln'i IwltiK am) allusle In Washington Oouuly, Oregon, described aa rollows to-w it i Th soul beast quarter r His aoilthsast ntiarterorsmUlon 31 townaliln three north f rsniie llv went ol ths V lllainrtia Msrltlian . To aalla'' tlm hereinbefore naniad ii ins, ai d for lli rwu and riiiso said sale ami said writ. Haul ssln will b mad sulij'ici to rmleiiiiilloti a per Htaiui ofOreguii. I'stwl at HlllslKiro, OrgoB ibis lot , day of March, IMI4. J K Keeves Nlmrlll of Waslilnglon Co., Oregon. My (1 AtiplrKala, Heputf; Col ,t Cols, Ally for Internal-nuBl Harvester Ho. of A merlca.a onriHirslloa. MBley A llsrn, Attvs for K A llyd K A Hyde, Trustee. The Washington Co. Veteran Ass'n. will nsHemble at Forest Grove, May 7. 1914, at 10 a. rn at the K. F. Hall. Dinner at 12. Election of officers. Usual good program.Uom.