The Tr TT : JnliL LSBR HIM.Sr.Oko, OKKC.ON, MARCH 'S. 101 1 N0.1 I rEOITOR AT 0RENC0j 10 SMI I II Is la IW I ft 1 1 ... I 1 , 1 III H ,.,.! held i.f U l--U.lIlfcf f. Jmr in I'.u.lah-Ht!.. rV rliu.j fr hi -.liti-al CU to ou..l the L 0f th I"""1 Mmwlry. rtfor Knit Kuh.of the Nurvry. tttlr.-no.. Ore. 1 who a a Phtie.d fl'of hr.n.v. K.mith. mm IKoMlltl". t"' H-"'"" U U arniMK' the Hungry fr..m ll- Ugiiming. atU-rt.i.I l' ftart II hiiiiI .Bj.jHry in hu country it Ih" iwnif into iwer Uinl ! tkim to rrlurn t hi home . ttkcv was manat'ing i-.n- , f the II iintarian ' KhiMi"tai"'i a new iM-ruce or rt.-rn Europe. 1 1 in jllftj jnnVnce cot him lo L i,. l.rl v M IT I "Win 1 r.iJl ih-. Himirariiin Aiii. ruw . . i i ftd It IhC HIII11 HI !. "i l- j (ui; i I .........llii fa-.itti ,rthf M'"' mmrn i L!l. aUr they had rrf'i--l JwUiWbly ,,,r tl'""",:,r r-rtrlf Ijlrl trltilflicir W . tl' cofffJJ at tin' amiu lone '" W i . - ....!... ....I l'-.L. m' if ruiiors ju'it !, Inn was the price paid t'V oancrof the NuIiImT l- ki- i mi Tvu f running. Nmrl ifur ll.n Mr. llaWcHy 'it wife Lj,ind h decided to come to Luenci. Hf eume in tli' I i I- : Coast twM-aa tua brother. Mrtrt Hakcsv, whom In" w een in li year, live in Miind.- Ongonian. Bilwy i a brother of ( Vitiy. no a rortlnnil hartur Cifrinan. known lu rr irj LithWl. "SlraiiKU-r Smit'i." iif.- liirii t At'i-nt4 ft ir all iiti I'ulili-I.ifirf ( o.'n '-r-! . in. ! i.ln.L? I ir.lav lirrunv; I'u-.t, 1 !. Ih h llnini' Su" in t -r,.. i,t . a ti r ri xirtM thiit In 1 1 uii.;ttiv, tin- Wailiititf l.iil On i.'iiti I oiiM.rutluti, Mill ,y At-nl V n- a H !!. I. m.,t.,r iif ta!!. . mi apiiti, tor tt.i- iarli-n Irartt, fur forn inntf tl.f wad r Ir. m .marrciuf onion Ian. I. It.- lra. t il lt k -l thf trai t lit I all. at,.i wti.n th t'lirn). ttMAMimt th- wati-r it ii tiiij.. J tt ;it ru!tia(i.iri ran fullow in tt.i fitrly SiTin. 'Ihirorn j. any w ill l" ruin rit vi ithotiii.ns. ur.ii ik tl fill in timrr tlmn rirti it hlinnM tnaki- i1"""! n-tunm. Ihf tri.ul in ll.i- .;iht Km t-n thi- fact thai wat. r ri-tnaititM tix lai' mi tin- lu'.i- lan.U. W. tt..- t Ju, 1 ( '.I'ititry I In.tU-tnan tin.! 1 1..- i tit. W'r uri-u!:vi nicMi f. .r a'l ntln-r tnaifa.iti.-H fiml w i ! I"- f i ; t. L'hi l tn m-rnl in )n tr ;! .'riiti.nn fur you at th- ;t'i!' j n -i .i'i tiavi- to pay. an. I tli'K ki..' .. i tt.i' fi.Ti-nary imitak'i". f" f..r tiHUn-v iirl-r. fie. I ail iin.t p t rliil. list of all tiia.M.-n I. I.. Mel 'urinific, lllilsi'M.t'l, t Irr.ili. li,.- .r-:.4 thH Wfi-k HtartH its l Ari tv I.Tit ar nl rmstt-nrt u b tn-w .a r. iMi-iity yi-ars ;ii,M thiit. i.r f.rtv itrinsof ni-wst w;k i ." i ! r.-. a I.jk' tiling. 1 1 Art''if ai t!,- tir-t'i-r in ttu t-i larp- lit-a.tmi u-r iit.K.rta'.t i.w. nn. ut tin tan- It."- t!ir rminty ln WHlia i. r li. n t a. I v'li-f n-r ttu li- it ,ri-. a M-nr nr kh all I iit, l.uwi'vi-r. and ttic I,, a ,;. v m a h fi-aturt- in ij.-t .il r.nifitv j.iurnaliHin ) I k (.a t U n's an.t u-. l ai! I. it it K still : I I i it ii-t i.f tm ti any (Mrndanl Waive llradili..n and Will Come Hack to ItilUhoru ClUKdl U WITH LABCI NV BY Hll 1 1 Apprupriiliua at Milk Muai-y U Chirje I Plain larmcri It..' A? ..U !:'. a'l'. r, a'. .a" r Mr-' i flilia I t seir F REEVES LANDS PORTER AT ELCENTRO Aftt-r eighteen munttn of run Htant B'arch Stu-riir kin-vt-s lias at laht laridcil duy l'tirti-r. want ! for apropriatiriK' to his own umo mony that h-lonp'l to farnii-n and dairynun r-si! out in the Iioy-North I'lains -and North Tualatin Plains M-ctions. Shi-ril! Uti-vcs first lo ati d Port-j t-r m ar lm Aniri-lea. hut ux :ls ht- could vvl California olliet rx on It nt tram rorti-r would t a k a hikr. H was thn located at Ounard. in ttu uar h-'t lis trii't, and whi-n trrtrcd. ai.'ain lli-w tin cooi, Knintf to tlx 1 1 ti-ix-rial ValU-y, in th Southt-rn tier of itnintii-H in ttu1 stat. lit-wi-nt to wurk down thi-rc. just acrnHi ttic Mexican liri-, whi-n-hi iniatrimd tn' waa fnr from imrsuit. ShfrilT Ki-i-vi'H im-an-titiif had liM-ati-d Porter's rela tives, and found they lived near Kuyene. II had an express Mtrkatfe sent to porter from Ku I'etie to Kl 1'eritro. and the a'i-nt there notified Porter at Calexieo, Mexico, that the shipment wn there. Thinking it was from home. Porter railed in a day or so. and ShentT Mohley Meadow s. of Imm-nal (ountv. served tin U . IIiih-h will out in a warrant on hirn. Sheriff Uecves k Millinery in con- wired tom-eif Porter would comi Win. '1 hirn!iiiri'h, near Hanks, wat in the city Friday. Otto HaHoAay, of Pank--, was in tow n Friday. Mr. and Mrs. ('. S. Parker art Portland visitors this week. -'. F. Kohinson. of Pout'.' o. wai in town Friday. Ileo. .Miller and wife, Cootw-r Mountain, were county Beat vis itors Monday. J. V. and MarHh. of Cen terville, were in the county seat Saturday. C. F. Hesse, of ScholN, was yreetintf friends in the city Saturday. W. Wail.el. of the Thos. Con- nell iiiace, was in town the last of the week. I!. Croeni. of near Iiethanv. was in town Saturday, making the trio no in his machuit W. W. Ireland. Forest, drove. :n a city caller 1' riday, on busi ni-ss. James Churchill, (!ali-s Creek, was in town I ri.lay aiternoon, irreetinir friends. II. loher. of U-low KikhI's. was transacting business in the city Friday. Frwin Uittf in the city iiisiness. IDE FARMINGTQN IE Pitcher Martin on the Mound for the Locals, Sunday in-i t i..m. : 11,;; i. Iii'lh !i' a'lni !'ke Ih the -li HI '.Ml! i.i- in i. .!! I )r. ss Mukinir oar- without tradition, and Saturday .!, , the la.lii-s of morninir a wire was received th..s.- of the Kur- from the prisoner, which read: I rv to cull and ex- ill wane exiraumon papers ..I. II ... n i-st.K k. and also would umo at once, toiy i orier. .,, i,. in.ii n. r work in I It is estimated trial I oner re ,,.i..riV' department, ceived money from farmers MDOSE TEAM WINS OVER l'llCTICE fiAME OF MLCH INTEREST Manaferi Sccll aad Adama Laok lr a Good Scanoa NOTICE 10 UU'AU.WH Uirt i herehv iriven that the I1J In Mil for WitshinKl'1'! ' 'ainly, Dri .m, w ill !e open for ruHection and imymenl oi n on Monday, rePruary 3lt No relmte w ill U allow e.l. Ill tiui are due and payable fore the 1st day of April. 1111. Itlf payments can oe mad'' W or the 1st day of April, It'll, ut I penalty of 1 per cent, per north w ill Ih' churned on remain tf half payment to he paid prior ioSepU'mU-r 1st, lull. V here po payment i mude In-fore the W day of April. P.HI. the tax Jwomrt delimpient ami a penal jtr of 1 percent jmt month is lfhiraed from that dale to prior M SepteinU-r 1. P.Hi. After fiflllMllM.- I l'lll u lii-llllll v of 10 percent, and interest ut the rite of 'i per rent, per year will l charged on till delinquent Uxw. I'. liiittiiimf Inn County Treasurer and l ux ('! ktor of Washington County, Oregon. UNION STOCK VAKDS W hill. I I ' ci.ri.i r of Cit) If..'. C, P.. hi', l ll'l. I. w. . : . tl.. li ii-.l is P:i r--t. 1 )- fl - ...ii hi sasmu that never , ih,. i ti rv ..t anlmg have ....-). i . .. In. ii U'ell caiik'ht as ii... ( . t s, .i.M.n. lhis is due, ..,!. t., n tate came and IihU .inii!!H-M.n closing' McKay -....'. the MiunifsterH havt levelol Phone 4."., Roy. i i ii... l- wi I em. enre . nmoiintinif to Pelween Mixn anu I .,,,.1 Oak. Phone Sl1k. U-fore he made himself ir'ireiv I III U ll Hll I IIIIIV 111 . I'l L I. - --- . ..I. .. ,H..I . . v m ,-,---r-.- - - .1. ... I .. . .-.M.-. auk'i.i '"H-rimir nsa,'ent. for a Portland I. ane and .Me.Miti. w no were sen ,i! one day last " ..., I l.v . hi, K-e arris, as i I cum ri o. -.til iiieiniuinK ai i.;iT'- ,,., have 4 41V nit, ,". . w.... . '"Y I .. r ,,.rit tv thehrstor tleXt unless there arises somi nlmtikde. Just how the olhcials w ill gel i,ri..r huik is more or less a a u ti..rnf roniecture. Ihesta'e 8 im. inn lund is cxnausieu . AW t and the governor is nuoicu as Athletic Park came into its own Sunday with a practice game be tween the Moose team and the Farmington nine, and the final score waa Hillsboro 8 to Farm- ington's 7. The day wa3 rather cold for good ball playing, but both sides Btrove for mastery, just as though old Sol wa3 beam ing down on the field with a 10 candle iwer ray. Millslioro tried out two pitch ers. Wolf, formerly with Aloha and Itcavertin. 'and usually tine twister, was the first to eo on the mound. He was inclined to lie w ild, and Martin, the for- . v r i,,,0 . . i nier rureai vjruc uu faurs r. of bethany. was jtd wag substituted. Wolf riday. on insurance . p into hi3 own wjth a little work, while Martin pitched i ----- - l. not forget to ask lor a heady ball all tne time. N hi it when you want a wx Managers ewell anu Auams, h dust" of the loea s. think thev wil in the Schiller. mi have a good team lined up as i . -r. .f soon as the season, opens, ani I'l. ii a wai un in' "" .1 a.. ...,..1 l!....v ..rtn u-,.n. .mi-sis at the lm .7 VV K'"r ca' ' r - I in I...I inn rl I..P , r ll . 1' V I".. .... n,l lv u,"h v.'.v. Iloilie oi iion, i. iitfinn anu , wife the last of the week. ....,:,. . ,r it , I I uri .r uii'icua fia "a"" i.r s.-i e loam n o r s e s. vi ars old, weight about L"'l lbs, .!i takes them. Stevens l. .1..-. I.,.,m:.,,.l,,r, Mm ?..' linuinTM, i .ii iiiiiii"', "i. Ceo. Faenierniann. of alxive '.auks, was in town the last of i hi. week, ecttinir ready for a hi.' run at the Hunger P.ros, saw mill. 'Ivmouth liin kegcs, for hatch- im.r si per selling oi .irs. Inm.'j !ine I.anks. Ure.. U. .S, Illlfl.V C l'rrrman M.C'iirilr I'uli-Schu1merich. v Ili-tiilcr(on Walilron-OoeUer .. SiKlet-YVal.lron.... Mtlm-Wolf .1 b ..Hteinke . c f Schnei.ler , t M Kotiinton r f II Hobitnon ..I f...G Vab.intot .a D Ilatcbelar .3 b. K RehK ,...p V Hobinton VISIT OUR NEW ANNEX Where you will find many fancy articles not usually found in the most up to now city drug store. We hav;c a full stock of Symphony Lawn Paper the Acme of Perfection in Writing Papers. Try it and you will tx: pleased. Toilet Articles of the best grades are in our stock, in fact we have everything needed for mi lady's dressing taMc. Our line of pianos include some of the best makes as follows Baldwin, Hamilton, Monarch, Howard and Valley Gem. We also handle the Famous ManualoThe Player with the Human Touch. Come in and see it. We handle only High Quality Drugs. Absolute Accuracy of PrcscriptiouWork is our motto. Bring in your prescriptions The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE HILLSBORO. OREGON Dcpuly Recorder Seek Nomination I. Fred A. Everest, duly regis tered Pi-publican, hereby an nounce myself as Republican Candidate for the Office of Ue- I v antlHiaie iui mc viuwc -- Win. McQuillan went to Salem corderof Conveyances of Wash- I, Monday, with the two prisoners, ion County. I am a resident i I . I .V.. i. Lit u-ndlCiin. tt'll I l......t.t PaaamL hv Judge llarn ...I. Park nf IlillsUiro. am Deputy liecord- last A will sav that if 1 am nominated tor the olfice at the Imv horse. I Primary mnib..iii, latun. tn I,. M. lliHTets. who has been ,l,,v p-i t., I,.-adults thevnat- "''"-.'j in tlt. future unless the past season, h. r. t rmuanu lu.m fami !.;.a::y anl .-o usitmg and Lmmnied by a jj'l.j! "1 S pUt can and wil ...... .. .1 mi.i Hairv anu . . i... ,. miv over in coum i........... tieient v an !llll,llllol.lil' I'H in mail and a ii.K.itii.tis. N ui I Receipt)! for the week have been cattle. 1151- ealvett. 3-S: hogs. heep, 71120. Keceints of ealtlo have been lifht this week utul improved tli mnd set the prieeH on tin up- rd trend. Hulk Hteor prices cents Htronirer hncy cowa hromrht 15 7.r to 7 nd other butcher classes ho nrm. Hog Rood ( mliniT (in.., 1 1.. -- ui ui uit- i-iitiitr wi-t-n. Sheen house himiness brisk and active. Receipts Hhowed un in creaHe over last week. Pest wool lamba 7, and shorn stulV 8 25; wethers 0, and ewctt 5. teliced week i . . . . . ti in.:.. H r.tM i u hohi Mnv ir. 11-. i win o h ! Z Owner Prove property, cept the nomination and w II , no , iv charges, etc., and take wimuraw, anu u r . iay t.iuu.. t. ., , .., mv term of othce. same awav. u. lrmicrvvoi oeo- , i i.. . , n 1-3 use due care, and to the best of u.-, v.iv,.-... i..,,,,T omi niniitv oer- UIJ RIHinKURV MUM I'- form the duties ot tne oiucew iin sq neenracv and aisDaicn. familiar with the work, I will serve the public ef- : hv the various county ver in Mmin i ,k.icntly and wll at an times ue - . .. i i i i .... ... ir..n.i.iir um i . ...kI.iic omi oitpniivp. mMirli snv nff He lnuiviuiia. i . women in iiwuoun ium ."-.. - . W". S :..! fr tl..ia,u,,. Saturday, evening, Adv. Fred A. Everest. ... , V.V ,i,., w n W. Hall. men immense, inn i.-a - "-, .,. . ,. ,Aim PAPS AWAY mess in in. """. up i" i" i ....... - . ., . . . .i .niiui ....... th a iieinir tne case, music, i.vervoouv nuiitu. 11 ine.ii i" . siaiv, ouu " - . . , I " I , ., . ...... f... ..Ij mou iTii linW'tllDDCU. i !...) A nlliiif I'ai'nn I A ft.-, in illnpsq Of OVer tliree ' . 1 Writ,. cui i Mumiv courts refuse to . . m vv..r. m mnniho v. M Ward Dasses away nil 1 ,.-l!l."l is mtiim ". jiiiwuiu - - u 01 uoove .union... ..".. """"' ; A,f ... i.. ' .. .. 1...:... A . line . ctato pvoense then the . ,1.1...., r ii,.. ui.iiL' Thev of ha hnmp in this CltV last 1V 1: 1 l ire, ni.i"1 i liaj n'. e.'v - "i .. . . f IOW II Uie uim i'i i"v " vv -" v ... - ..' i..u AnLM'les. Li,.oion will be complicated, for ir,, .pnn'a run at Thursdav afternoon. The funer- I M' ' - '" 1 ' a-nold n..l only to ?r " Li Cld Saturday in the For .. . ... :i.. n,,tK..r state and be 11 Lf c.mvo Catholic church, anc 1 . r I, niit I irmtt ill a 1 iv v . I at 1 il.l 1 11 I illl IIJI. " ' v w 1 h- Portland. ' - 71' from prosecution unless 1 orn. Ma en w . 1 - ... friend3 Kathered to witness I . a . . 1 I I1.1 VI tU'U I I 3" . . 1 .. ... AH.I n fil I n!li I nwu.ii ui . . . n-i n . I n r d.. 1 1 . .a 1 'i v 1 1 1 1 1 c 1111 " 1 . iuoii iitniimni'ii 1 111111 111 1 ki. vn'i r-- Ml U' Mi v - , 1 firtVAlH IlinUa .1. a-v. ..: Tl,., 1 ii'i! irvM iKJiro ... ... im voniM n 1 :i vr ut. iui- filftttlMl 11 1' ' IIMh' I .. iL YQUH BUSINESS 5TR&N6TM it grfatly enhanced if your Bankers are students of local conditions. Our officers keep in close touch with all the interests an.l requirements of this Community. We strive to help our depositors in business by lending every possible financial assistance consistent with Conservative Hanking. We can be of benefu to each other. Won't you pay Our Bank a visit now? W.J. -X fianhing In All Its Branches American National BanK Capital and Surplus $57,000.00 A. C. Shute, Pres., C.Jack, Jr., Cash., W. V. Bergen, As't Main mmd Third SU., HUhboro, Or: tak. the T M.c tea. h a run out mm i'ij Wanted I voiing nien Help sei ral wi the 1 . . . . t ... ....autafim I W I L 1 1 lol,l:i,k,an.l lliew rcM.,.,, . ; . r -.ii iiiii,iHr.ii ii'. 1 - now have a mm ' ; ... o 1 i',iri..w,s Dav the paint I 1 1. iH. I .- : ,.M turned them from greon w 0,.:,g... and many specuuuc f iin.14 were the county wanting the many ini'iiu3Klll,:itu w the last rites. The floral offering COURT ADJOURNS . .1 iti-inv Hiiei uiuiv" 1 . . . ., . ,)ri,ht a vernnlhon Ky J g l&ll ho Argus, where the ungsters he came near dyinK typhoid ,.... however, the undei taker convene uniU JutiM wore 8hown a few of the mtnea- fever. 11,1,1 ,,,H'M S1"""11'1, , 1 Ki2da evSg ente nc d Jno cies of the printora' art preserva- Fiye years ago he conducted a -i i., Portland stop at the lhursday e f K . , inff SUpply store at North UI " avi - w - . est Grove Catholic church, and ( renco. a iiaugiuer. im- "" ;.. . ,o;fni arrival is .a grandclu hi ot & r. 44 of apre . I 1.' . im,TT 01 1 111! I . . T. - ana iirs. i.. 1 . v - city. and he was born in San Francis V....-0 nrrn Via rnniinctpd & J T. Martin and little sons, drug 8tore in this city, and dur Amos and Noel, of Dilley, were jno. tne early nineties went to i-eiisoiiali e Manager. i;;,hup. of llelvetin. was . ". 1.-. .1 ... He brought in 111 lown n. ....... ,wir Lilt! Ui.H"ii",n " - - - 1 I iv 1 1 1 11 1 haviorand during such time as u mAwr, Isaac, well known .. nw or C IV uruiiiaim. b,, mv luuii u uii a su violated. Howard pleaded guilty. j 'vv U1 0,u.ratc it this year. i.HLeMaswr was ,..,t of Cen - - . . ..i.imif 1 un iiiiiva v- - .d! X: , terville. was in town Saturday. Kor sale: Registered Jersey bull, o() months old. Price. $Sii. "John Dennis Place, north of Newton Station, eust of Hillsbo ro. 52-2 ... '" ' . .... ..v hit. led iere K receipts also light, w 1111 the largest -y - y, ; irinir Mflrv Jane LeMaster. lei w... . f .. outlet Extreme top H K, JV to 'SlnS w panted a di- am c UhI to JJrta f hrmihe entire week. , six . A ,'' "l"n. M, Ws- from John L Nunn. .,. "l!i;VL , Wleklv. He says in, lere.l me en. .u.l'"-- ... oi .l.nw n 01- UIl- ivo."""- 11 him says that she repeats me st0Up vs ov t farmers out ma way are mi hup siij" 10. .. ..Un n. . ,..-:.. f ih,-, Vi .rh taxes to.tev.-rv w Loekwoodys J con , ..k -o-- states thai ."is :'"". nl V,' on n iodffment was given mis jc.,.. u lll'l till 11 II vwk"i "- r... ... .1 .. ir:ii:.,,a o..,-l Inhn ivinii- " . si .i... i. e. II nkwooa lorio.iw, v.v ... - lu. .... - - ........ 11 inv ' i.muM....."- I--. . tn... i ...1 nn oirnmsi j:.... i,.nn oeen 1 um.ik n-un. mm,. , . ...,a.rii. i ne liijiin. " - u ik ii."-- . ..: ,. ., i. u.,1,.1 meru-n. OI ii-iiui. . - ;.i ,-1 ... , ,. i .,nrit inmuKins. out Mrs. oi - . operaimg . . '"' pos w - tr nt. north liovs make be- n . . 1 1 . nnM ' .1 . I. hl. iu-.rt n n Trtlir (lOOHIM lICI mill. Wgan T . i wm 1 ; , nin hours, and their mus- '"' ,kl theaayoe...c , that ...... ..ti I I II l r l ll..i a,v'. l """- " . .. t.i:.j- I 111 rrP !1SL V I lUilV IllViii week. The last Ihsuo of "Mineral Re jourcesof Oregon," published by A. C. contains a sketch of the Booh quarry, a Washington Coun ty institution, although the imar v is located in the edge of Yam hill county. It is owned by the ramily, of Forest drove. The base wall of the court house 8 constructed of this stone, and Marsh Hall, of Forest drove, was built of the Bame while the ROvernmont boihlinor nt. Ft. Stevens is trimmed with this tone. .... .i M,i sacks iur- one North Plain 1 1 1 ' .i l k'.iona Evans, 61-1 i.,r S:ile -Clover ,' l oi ' i.urA! 14 -1: tin v. . . cents per Ilisne.i. .. or.i,o Address H. ..Ill M. .. . . I :ll .I...M.. K'OIIIO 1. 1,1 "rn" : of Eugene ,l0"- he ciiv nday. meetinir vvas ,n the illy i . 9 with the re p. ith the :!TTi.t. for the United States senate, d his S40. LI IIU VW-J vvuo vrf i . - ' - ivwi QtnMir nf ffnoda was destroyed VVV OtV.i v Tw . " . by tire and ever since men ue has fought for the insurance due him. Only a few days before he a;a tha Snnreme Court of Ore- u ivu v 1 1 - " r . . . J ! . . i n tta gon renaerea a uecismu m Ed had many friends over the county and he knew most every one. Si nee returning from North Bend he had conducted an auio service, and one summer ne ran his machine between Sheridan and Tillamook. Besides a wite, two aaugtuera, Josephine and Perry, and a son, Dan, and his lamer, ur. u. n. Ward, all of this city, survive. Interment wa3 in the Verboort cemetery. Forest Grove News- Times, March iy. SHDTE SAYINGS BAM American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources..... 690,428.81 BanKing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, . Farm Loans, Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. J. H. Cogan,of near corne,,u ' ' f h7 March jurors was in the city the last of the m djjJ J by order of I. ""Ill ' j lJ. romn. 'ecu. Indue Campneii. uuuc . i i t...!U a fino V . . . ill nn.l nu aonn ns W F Frentzei nua miiik i)0 naa nw new bungalow on the Garden he m.overs he will BRain con- A mrv ronortod m nnar trie iiiiiiiiivfa iTiinn. i u si,u - - . Mavor W. 0. Hocken. of noa- r -dJ n from time Gabriel LocKman, oi oouu vertX was in town Saturday, ..MJSS only when Tualatin, was in the county seat LeJu nmodof Beayerton's pro- to timt. a S"nvef.tiffatin. Friday. . . . .Dn IIICIO ia v... gress ine vw. T1 nnf fnrrrot tn visit Black Liv iivt .vv. - . burn's parlors, one door north of the postottice, tomorrow anu oai urdav, and give him your order r. t.Qf Summer or Snrinff SUlt. He has an expert at your ais- posal. 1 A If ITn.TMinvl of Oak Park. was in the city the last of the week. Gabriel Lockman, of South A SUGGESTION When your boy reaches the age of 16 or 17 there is nothing that will more instill in him the pride of manhood than a nice time-piece. It teaches him the pride of possession, as well as the value of time. A handsome watch always makes a fine BIRTHDAY GIFT make the young man happy on his birthday. Do you recall your first watch. If so, you know how he will feel. My stock is the very latest and best. Call aud look them all over. LAUREL M, HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler. Graduate Optometrist H..I.W0. Oregon . "1! 1. i: