mi .jm0u trim ii i i ! i ii i A i dnr ha mum lAIIMU ft 0ITI7CI1C pbZb wiiuiw S l lJT It i.rrtrr t II till I! II 10" i J w Karria H(trr.!y urn. Iri-.. i;.,,. W, jiri ami Kddw M Nutt to fiuia In .r v-ttM in th p. liit.-nturv f.ir hurglaring e ! t,' ry at IU -avcrtori. j,,.. I'l'tt'l. I iruiUy, whilf M.Nutt til trial, luimini I,.- u hot csihii. i t-I with the robU-rv ami wan not il.utth.d l.y the olIu-.T. Il U,o I.iili..l In- 3i ilrniili I he jury, however. ,., tlttTcr-' titly. ml I- ii. nut a half hour fxi'i.l liim guilty. hf nirv 4Jr '" M . I fi.fii. mm(. John ItUiti, Chat rurtihaoi. F.rooU. l',t.-r $.iM '" hin-'-h. J- Kyi-. l,-o S. hii. .r. J II Sie.inr Win Tl r.og'e, buri'ti. A W Wriwht. Thru Cns. It Morton. M.Nutt in the in at Deer ii no ROAD BEFORE MICE MORE Iter Orrgonian, lluwrvrr. Sr I lie - I hcM anil r us Justkr H OMI' U Alfl: IMWIK IM.hl focal Daily TttU Traill AkMl tizha A .4 Satalil Wwry i ...-.l.v Ihlit l',U ...mall I'""'"" WO'' ,.." .lav. ha I r .....li.-a-.t having Citify f..rl,i.,, I" intake care Lf in!'!'1 iMf itvtrn- . . i . ta ara V 11 1 - " 1 . .ml trt- - ' ,r ,me irregular. - . ..... u ii ill-w T.ih.mt prciudce. ,..( H ire a to FT i i,. ir tin I r.-M.I.-fu-. ,11 I-- I.l.-.l rn lat'f. U ll" illnnlt 'l''Ji- tTink J tL vinu v. r . n t. re ft'lMiiU"! fv. rtuiun i" LlrttlMWhll1' t" il..l.r Silll i.ll.Uli'li- C ufnl S.hiu.ii.. J..H..M r i .k l .mill. 1'HI I.'- Va ' 1 k,n.....r. Alf tKrrrifhlUmei. 1,1, ,n..l l!..ll..ll ItlltH r. II. I" Cs.k..(i ll,nrv uiniia, h . Chw Km if. J-"-"1' Ji,ik te.L, I'.'iiiiiun. Il-rtniin La u.mIi Knr. r. Jl;i.wlr. L-.,r.'.v-n J:!1 fruiUhank r..!iL..!l..r the Uly -f L.,.,ni ire ,hl. llU'-i. i" f thrm are lo. rra.leM. LlUmM..I that o all h. C m nli-iiHhip he lia-l L. f.ain.1 ai i.lu autit m rwlon jfi.v. inmentiil t.' MM) CI II rMi s . ......... I.. I. Wfl J" "TB'i'M. " iU Military I'.an-I. n'"l ufKvniiali"" last friaay i-vi- tSlrle it Hmt nniHinl CTrt in the rr.nl teriiin h TK huil.liiik' '-al- tenaicitv. ami t"1' numi-en Mfollrlitlv fviculel. th nloainir that they have ha I tfiTumn?. J'. She. han. JmSlM the organization. 1 tMiiBratulate.l uimih the a of the memlivr. I Ml- ,.. .. ,.u linr..llail ll4 ffl th haiul-tmen were Vet inj tlrenco cerlniiilv I ruyal MipiMtrl. or isumU rH were play I. Add rrmh red a jiiano oln. insoblf;" Mh (JhIIowuv resel ifsritMUi-r'H Story;" Mi! fcf Wti "Soinewliere a Voire CtEiM'w'tli Mimi K.weWollI puut; t mmrtet wan enjoy "Sturn of Si rir.tf." nan if lv IlinHeti, Rum niul Ku h; I dupt, hv Chin. Teure uii't Rich. oiiHtam'y, whs nwivfil; Harry llanaen was nlh I violin Holit. I lT't Dffim." The aension en.l- fl U'O hntiil niereH. "Ihi ainl "Star Suni;lel sf. The instrumentation tWband: U (Irwn. Inrector: Uusnell Piccolo; Harry HaiiHen arul xndo. flannel: ( htirles Mark Uich. Herman .uer f, CiwrKf I.iv'ttKHHi, Homer freddertsrh. cornetrt; I ten or. Cui ou,.. I'iehur.l J UW.Ich. Ilmlolph tU llo;(' K Uiififs. Hubert f'WfOud. Kov Sehieilel. .1 Jf. tmnl oiiuh; Tlieo Kii'li ryray, uaritonen; Jume Mu-1 Klilur lliimehke. tuhas M McCirrnirk, trap drums "ipuigen, bas.t drum. I'eoi-le who with to m t lu rry plants ran obtain th.-tti from the '..ri'eii Moral & Nur-i-ry I'o. an mij.i.ly a'iy quantity in blai'k- Urri.H, ruMiUrnen and Inan- U rn. , lo.-eiihoii- at MutTatt Station. l;:nt I 111! .U.ro. "l'.-le- l.hohe I it V "VJT,. flt f Ki . r Ko-el Not. s Mm. avid Mi-ni'iiiii' in.it i hiMr.-n, of Ks t jr. i l l. wi-re em t nt th.- W. J. Ingram boiin'. Suiiday. MikH S. r.aford Hvisitiiit' this Mei-k ID 1'iitliirul Jtih'H Ihi khant. of M.iTOMtah. I 1 . arrive I la t eek for a tint uith hit tint le uii.l ... -j i aotii.j. . iiniiierinan ami lie. f llo i lat i I arm. ami bis runs- in. Sirs . nma A-ums. of I'li-as- alt Hotlie 1 he I'lilileliiu- (if tio-.i U s in tin i neit'hlml hood has siib .l-h-d I he inilirov etlietits on their l.'u.is by W. J. Ingram and I". M. Kearney, u ld nimh to the ht!ra ll ehess of the nun miniih . l or Sal.- Suty arres, nearly a;i r i a. o. l i i oust- urii nam lose to M.at ki t. pm nrrhard, on tmik ros!c, l! miles Hoiith of ,IHM, I mile to i-i'hool, 12.l'i"" terms, A!U rt Sa. -run', banks. U.mte :t. .fillW .! S. laiifiett. (if That famoirn stretrh of bad road l-twei n l arid Tii'anl, over which brother Wai'ofi.r. of Tiirtland, and many nth.-rs, ha.e I I 1 1 ' . l : wen u.ii,inion i ouiity ho fchariiel.-HsIy !fr years, is aain the subject of attention. The (Vninty otlicials Kave Hi-nt more on the road that they should, ami yet they have had nothing but HeathUiir aritiriaui for their ai ts. IhlS is the tiieee of roud that autoisLs mrniiiir from the South, and iroirii? from 1'ortland. on tin route t Suit h.-rn Oreifon oni- av, una to ronum!. u.eotrer way. want tiial.- intu mai adatn. for folivelilflice. It cuts nil a small Mrtim of the county, ami when other mam road need work an badly tbe court lor sev eral years nan lout'tit b hv oi e (Mnditure. Now, it is (lilTerent. The ( )re Konian this niondnif. says: Ihe iniinirtaiice nf the Itex- Titfard link in the Oreiron road c hain is t hat it is a part ot tin I'acilk Highway. It is the main eunnisrtitiK wt-t-siile road be I ween I'orllaiid and a lare J. art of the Willam.-tte Vall. v. It weakness lies rhietly in the fact that it cuts across a corner oi Waj-hinuton County and is not an integral part of that county's mad Hchcme. 1 he Wabmv'ton I '.mull' i,iiiihilLialili nr.i 11 I 111 I if ,n the city this L J() . reasonably le asked to do for Uex- l ivard ville, but utherH muni help." V. H. Smith, of S,.ith" I'uaU. tin, was in town yrnterday. Wanted: A j'iri. Stefety cim ioyinent. K'nploy at laundry. Sam Sifi was in trorn Moun taiinl:!e. Mornlav. lak a Im.k rt " ir new ." 1 0 I ." cent tables 1. CoriAin. Titf ("has. Ilein. of SherwoiHl. ai in th.- city y.-ti-r-lav. I'or yarden tools of all kind's Hee our SOh'K. AHUnUial iO'A- est prices. i. I orin. .Z A. K. McCumsey, nf North l'lains. was in the city la -1 -eri-in. I-or Sale Five-uai-en'i r Kurd autu in hrst class condition. ',. S. I': rker. Ib idel J:id. ',1-1 l.n..is L I JtntI. y. of Portland vas in circuit court this morn- in. Have just received i,ur hulk l-ard'-u Heeds. Come in and (ill your want-i. (Ireer'.s. U Mr. and Mrs. Kd. hay lee. of West I'nion. were city callers this inorniii. Wanted: :',ik A 1 ced ar ints. split from it. en timU-r. - Ho a by Hrothi'i-s, Cornelius, Uo ite : liltiio Bradford, Hon of tin- late Sheriff W. l. Bradford, was out Sunday, meeting boyhood friends. I'.riii voir fat cattle to lid. Lane, the I!eaverPn butcher. I'n-b ami salt meats of all kinds. .V.'l JUDGE HARRIS, EUGEliE, IS IN THEPRU.!ARIES AsWint 1rpuWican fur Nomina tion fur the Supreme Court Kit train sat the gen-l ISenA nervous system. It ul reinionsible for most headaches ami much stomach trotfhte. "Aftj interior 'examination tt th? eyes.1 rROFKHMIOAL. F,A. BAILEY, M. D. rbjirUa aaJ Harfiwa ad sm.. fSUvata, UHHYTiD JLIXif. BV CHAMBIBLAIN Has a l iac Uttii at Circml Mtt Now Hnidia( Coarl Here John Lawrence T. Harris, of Eugene, now holding court here. U one of Oregon's unique char acters in legal jurisprudence. He? was born at Albany, in 1873, and graduated from the Univer sity of Oregon at the age of 20 years. In 1810 he graduated from the law school of the Uni versity of Michigan, and then settled at Luger.e. He was elected to the legislature, and left the impress of ability in that body as well as careful consideration ;rl,,.b",",ei l ... , .; I tmumwVNIWX wii I.H iiiiv oi me nurres, ana muncie cwnui tions is essential if . accuracy is are equip;ei wun me laiesi electrical instruments for exam- R. M. KRWIN. M. D, inrmr the eye. and carry a com-j oletestock of eye-gla.s. mount- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ; ings. frames and lenses. They Sorg s. P. l. K. t r. K. R. put saence into their ex anuria- bis sagacity So impressed with and integrity was v. as J . !, AH 1 he I .!.' w as inori'titt'. hjM-ii.lmg a few nun utes m ti e circuit court room Jud:- I'.enii.-tt is a candidate fur k-n. . i -nor U fui e the demiK'ratic lirimaries. and is one of the able 1 M.f II kf'll.. Ill UU-t ...... ... I ..f J.t.li.Ml r...-L Ivobert K. Sirtuson I Mil I' a T ' 'I I I ' . "l I. I . I I ' 1 1 I . I. ., ..i .. -..u .., l-'i.r nome m TASl llili.soonn luenuuv, an. i i - r,,, ... . , .... , r ,. ,,r..f-,nd.tv m la., lor a man of rcn , . , . a o ,.. K. K. SIMI'SON died at his ,hd thought and character. J in IVnnsshania in J Udi the J. Ilee I'... i 1'.. !,n. it Lai no l-cers in ate 1 ,,r sal.-: WLite h-ghorn. llhinle h;.m l K d and Harred J'lv mouth U-H-k. all single comb, bai v ibicks. l'j:c nls for March. - U 1) Ih.nsmoor. tu ar Oreiico, rS!.ro. ;.ute I. I Warren K.-rrigan. the Mall- Idol will be featured at the H i aire tomorrow and 1. 1 iv m ' I he Man no I ii d " Net Monday and Tins ,t i. Khil' r,.u-wMtt at his U-st is fe.it. ;i. d in the greatest dramatic ma .1. i ie of the (i. asoii Ab' hi:. 111.' Ill four t arts, taken in ! I , . It ill,. 1 11 L.' the slums of Pans a great chase. 1 1 .. n. A Si. ring and Summer tv es am g'.is lor lauics am ..i.is have arrived at h ri i t W ui'st s. from up. 'vis hrell. 1H41. and as married t Miss Amelia Merchant, at Toledo. 0., in 1HGH. They came to ( (regoii about 151 vean ago, and Settled in Morrow County. Klcven years ago they moved to IlillsUiro, at j jjj since that nine nave uvea eerc . . . . ' f i with the exception oi . in. i.u e (;.ir1,.n jjlim0t in California ami in i ouiano. He was a veteran of the I ml i.o, War. andas enlisted with to. was Kirxt eavv Artillery, ln.i. jusi ... . ,i He leaves to mourn his loss ins nine w idow and the follow ing children: Mrs. Frank Weisenbeck. Oregon City; Mm. L S. Leach. Caldwell. Idaho; K. W. isimpson ami jurs. M. S, Williams, of Portland. Thw funeral service was ti'-ui this morning at the mmcisoti Undertakitut parlors, and the re mains were shipped to Rose i -ity Park for interment. Mr. Simuson hail always neen l ailored mill ntggel until a few months ago. when he became anucieu wun in to v n Monday. IK-states that his .Ii t r i t is soon to have a new m Lih.I h'iU-e. 1 1..- Mi-'i-s Priscilla Smith. Lva Siiiipi'.ii and Stella Asbahr, of South Tualatin, were calbng on fii.-iids in the city Saturday. I'or sale Shadeland Climax -i i-d oats, heavy yield, r. Kd. Navlor, purest drove Oregon. Phone 0ls.. -Vl pred (ewte, of alsne P.loom ;,,,r ..-..a in s:itnrd:iv nttendinir tli.." Ceniian Stx-ak'ing Society appointed him to a newly created ,... .;,, iudgeship in the Eugene section, ... ,' , i ,, and he has made an excellent L.i. Lane, formerly with a He is prompt at his ju- ILlMMiro meat market now llit.ial duties, and stands high at me i.usm. ui l"" "UJ the bar n the stite. bo unani- tierc y.-sieruay Classes fitted by I 1 1 1 1 : "' '"'" I 1 J Thirl aail blmia Strcrts, llilldioro, Urrgoo. VWMWWWAWWIA ELilEll II. SMITH M. D. D. 01 PHYSICIAN Hi surgeon OSTEOPATH - mm Office Hoar 9 in it m.; I la J p m. TncMUy. Tburaday. ttatanUy floll Ca.l nwcrcj Amy or Bight. Both phonr. Uthrc over llillslioru Nttool. J O. ROBB, 11. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OFFlCt: t'jiiiia Scholmrich B'Hf. his body. It appears to be alpHuwits otfice. City s; Rr. City 164 question as to whether or not he I iuuhboro, OREGON w ill recover. ywmyvwMWWMN For Sale A vacuum cleaning nT? p T cpiRQ outfit, ad complete, and in good UK- u u order. A chance for some one rhysician ana surgeon to eet into a gowl business. cheap. Inquire of L. W. House, otf.ee hour 9 t 11 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. Hillsboro. tf CalU oer.l da or Bight. BotH ihone. Ortic in Amerlcaa NttioMl tions. and the result is service and satisfaction. They will be in Forest Grove. Friday. March 27th up to 3 p. m. Many oldtimers in Washington Countv will remember Wesley Beeks. formerly a resident of the Cornelius-Verboort section. Beeks is under arrest up in the Yakima country, where he re cently cut a man with a knife. Beeks and the man had trouble over the victim.'s wife and an al tercation ensued. T he wounded man vu cut over the heart, on the neck, and several places in Chas. Casteel says that Tuala tin had it3 first case before the city recorder, the other day. and there was quite a time in aamin istration circles. Mrs. Janey Oalbreath's hired man tore up some sidewa k over w hich the city alleges control. He was convicted and fined o. ine case w ill be appealed and it is said that the man w ill tear up the walk the second time in case it is relaid. Tualatin is now having its first taste of munici pal troubles. Hnk, upstair. HILLSBOKO, OREGON WWWWWMr' aw. ft. aaatay DAQLEY A HARE ATTORN KYS-iT-UAW tUmiai 1 aail t Sbaf Uaildiaff HILL.SH0R0. . . OKKbOS E. B. TONGUE attorn8y-at-law r'.ovemor Chamberlain that he kind of decorative, commercial or advertising purposes. 51-2 Orin Epperson, well known in Hillsboro. died at Uoldendale. Wash.. March 14. 19U aged 73 .no Uj icavM a wife and mous was the entire bar 01 Lane AI1W kklllPCarl .1 M F.nnerson. I i-s. i.ovve vvu.ounty Itm every man pracuc- r.un Howell and Mrs. Wal l urnerdonot neea me guaranieenng mere signea a lesumumai that foes with them. I here s endorsing htm for the nomina' A-ir.lv nt Jrihntnn's PhotOl Stuaio for portraits, groups or 'ii.re. up sun. .SchalH Block views, or photos needed for any I vwvviiWiM a reason. . For sale, cheap Ten II. P.. 1 Case tractor steam engine. consider trail. for tfood team of horses. U W Hulfaker, llols! eimcr. of hlmonica. in town Monday, tlf nas recovered from a ten (lay 3 1 : . :.li.. n !,. ss, anu is rapioij vu mc nieml. of Helvetia, e tion as Supreme Judge even be fore he had made up hi3 mind to enter for the nomination. Judge Harris is a classmate of I!. B. Tongue, of Hillsboro. and the two have been f nends tor ter Butler. Portland, and Mrs. Oscar Kelaev. of Hillsboro. Death was unexpected as he had been in usual good health until within a few days of his passing. To Rent: Seven room house. I IT! . .L J T.. ..,1.. UtMaK iv. s ki ranM nn ninin anu uiiseiiuc tiuw overdo years. . ... . 1 jj if- n W Vmriolr i... i... u., ni. ho iirimt hunch I Auuress aire. v. -... j u una v,nsi nvor mn I Hillsboro. Oregon. Route 1 cases each vear. It is contidently asserted that A. f!. Wirtz. of Mountamdcle. 1 Hillsboro. l... ...ill ...mo nainip Tinllinff the I , : ii,. .l... i'nclar.f av nftpr-l "c"u,l",mi.." . I Woa III Hie tin :... ..,M , .nn vntu nt i.nnei II.. ihai trt phmsitt"""""'""" 1W0 Box 51-1 JOHN M. WALL ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Upsrtaits A. C Shot BIJg. Mala. and "aiUiJBORO. ORBUOH. WWWWWir W. N. BARRETT ATTORN BY-AT-LAW Ornci: Main BUart, opp. Court ttoua HI1XS80RO - ORHOOH THUS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORN B Y-AT-LA W Office, upstair ii t ZJ ZZZ.J Y 1 1 1 iiivi i'H m - -- -- La ww"-w - '.i ....u . li-ji r i hoi , .mint v than an v man ever before I ara fino nut hi wav w as in ine city w. v. .....-- . ...... - . -.- . k answering to jury service, ine eiecioraie. ... weeKS oi gooa wtnua " wet He walked in the eight miles and w as in by nine o'clock. For sale New S inona wagon, inch: Oslnirne mower.-Roy Hays, one mile south of Hillsbo ro. near Condenser pumping plant, to left of highway. 52tf thw Moore, working down at Dr. Leon W. Hyde haa taken UiaOIUcaa o( tba lata Dk. Hamobl T. Liklatkb an.l Aanumwl Hi Pmitioa W. I.. Uh the liat. s water system, the guest ol lilS HIS f..r e even years Ine maiauy ture, and Judire Harris has many friends mnr for the roads than a sea- all over the state working lor son's Work. unless it is macadam his candidacy purely as a matter WOrk." said Mr. Wirtz. of fnendship. and all testify to , , p. for atr imr wr.rth and nis eeail. " ,r. n i.u.....,B v,ai.k nir nnrnnsps. Aira. i iHivviuitft k f - inf...... w i www w . . ... "oo.ij. , r.nn,i,i nn Man e oetween oec-1 . , .. ond and Third. Telephone City Frederick Andersen, M. U. Ol JUUKC "aoia ..n.vo, . gus has no hesitancy in com-p . . mending his candidacy to Argu3 The Washington Co. Vetertn ...i,;k n..iw..l us U'lifimi Ore . in a oiTting camn. u v-...- p.. ,, 1nn.,:. I " . "7 ,, 7 .1 in Hnlno- A.a u-ill ul , I'linse lie was oi a grm.ii i' a.i vim ..o--'" , 1 1 1 kum"v"" v, . . m mti .nn, m aimillllMi. " , . .. .. ... , ;a f h ah. ...:l.i onm tifum ni nrici. I f-i-nvo Mnv 7. 1914. at IU a. m.. i.n.t nnmv ir enus. lirinir rur u ine ii-iounif i uiwuv wu"""" vl r..--. ...- .. . - late llertieri Bioore. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to Dr. Cunninghani. J" L " V . an niKiii The funeral wa- atteneled by the brothe, the late Herbert Moore. .i u . "L r. -.ting friends in town members of the (..A. K.. of jvirl.r.! I'.mT Leghorn eggs, i i ;, . i - W L. likes to w.hichhowasa n.cmber.and by , ,,j for pet,injf ctt l i Vheo lh,- . .' county the Woman's Relief ( orps, and j lll)niaday Oak t uu I Vv be sees wonder- bv many friends, who esteemed hhUmK Oregon Route i . iii.i nuui i nun iiiv n. ii In iml.rovellielll liere uu- ! - t Deputy Recorder Seeks Nomination ul improvement few years. V! Mrs. Verne Curry. " i . ...... ..i r..r ...ii i ...... I. ini-e iii'iuunu . . n mio" - , where nicy .i. ... r.ituf.. Inline. . . , i . ...,... iiii'.i I....... i hi in..... pave many HU H ASSI.SSOKS Assessor Crandall has appointed Held assessors as follows: lVterlJntssien, worm ca.si i-m- ... . 11':... 'IV...nt.iii ' V in.. lUVll.-.iii' of the K P Hall. Dinner at iz. V tv . - . . 1 Election of officers. Usual gooa program. Com. -s l m I . . - i . 1 1 vo riu. r III uiir. . I L U f aataa va w j I. trecl J. tvereai, uu,, ..o HahHp and i 1 1 i.i:Ann hAttihu on. i mimhil ava- liiuivi uvu.v i terea ueuuu miu , - . tm. p11rpne nounce myself as Kepuoncan mK ged 23 Sate 'for th. wSrf V Mjhj. effelir , Tt,P. nordpr of Conveyances of Wash- nehus, Ore.. Route 1. U i Office and Drug Store. ORENCO, - OREGON Telephone connection! yVWVWVMVMAAMAMAA' SCHNABEL & UROCHE vHaiDufAmM atMlatra. I ii.. i ..,,1 Witt t. .'..,.L Iiitii mid at tlrenco wholtrict; I nesier ;,."',. I A n,,,,. strong and w " . ' . -ret their de.h3andnr;r.Aiaru.0K.v - - l3 work . . "u ' J was former- ton DistrietiJ W fticivooe. u .a ? . : w T oriii ' a teacher in Creek Ihstnct; i; v. AailressLe ? V,v - !, s :.k,I. Township 1 n Z : '' ' V, ! , , Hillsboro. Ore., C ine 1 1 iitsi'V'i LVirnat (rove A A ftiorrui. iimn- " ., ... c hieUn grit. roriBt. JL Tnwnshiu 2 H. L. Us. Uoute2. o . . . 1 1 in it . '. . . i mini i .fan i A..'".! - - - uu ........ i ...rt n tv ii jscneiier- M .,,);,. l,,li!imii'.'n. ai! . ... . m. i i- Tiion. Liisturnf Convevances I years, son oi iu.....,u.......rr nm Ppsilipnt . r w,K urfuv has tlre joi-annesen. oi t ear ivea- ,ng m r WJu . - ;y , .XIT T. SSI v.. Hon died n Port and. Aiarcn ot niiisiKiro, am i'T"o rjeen visiung a. ". -1 maaim euamc.i. u...- g-.T-r.jr:?: Funeral slA ices were held er. and will say that if ?Jhomf Farmingtpn. for .severe . I niK.rl tnr tne Ollice ai Wie ,lra rot nrnpfl nome ine last Oi I ttmn. in t'oriiatui ilhng on s, onard are i i i scrim, i during our removal etc the of this stud" must go. by Hillsboro BIRTHIlAY lAKTY tump... .. a ... I..u... i --'Kunc imny wns lenoeie. trim f'tin,in honor of hcrbirtli- fi Monday, March 111. The as tastefully decorated ie occasion, nnd the after- M)ent in Hoc'ml cr-'.; ami niiisie. TK-' ived (J1;1 fefreshmT' jerved StyoV Ti irie o'clock V(iwlshlnir the hoi less 7 'i.? pleasunt birthdays Shell, food, sale. diver K. .ii. (.,., ,,i the Hour. 1 lie io.oi ,,,,,. IM'aniauc v iu... . will bestag.'d at the i rcscei.i, Sday. April 3 with Unusual line cast of local characters. ii.wi.1 1-il:l kale seed from , 1,., ttinvle stem 80- piaiiis no, . ; V:-,!,., -,.,.1 nwo ailed cow Haw,, - . i k.UIUP. HI I 111 'I T mn, uouir e i. ..iid varitft9 limitiW.CUntem ei'' 0. 'ri 1 JUL,.., mg were present mes (i-u Culhrcath, J H jw,Hwlgi.at Ford. Fuller, fltoberts, Dr Schroder. J H KTt Vutnlu,rl. (Jrlflilh, Peel. rOKel. Hvi-nm IU....I, I .nrs. Mb. I - j .......... ! JllHuiil.i... Klli;.i lilL . '"oil: V..IIIIIUO, csrunv Kth ,re,U! Sfhmokel. Kdna I Jnt girl lor general hoiwe. to.:rlelt'P")ne Main 182. -Vr"or Cash value Home in- .. ... . a vi t i every i"- ausiry i, mB t base, del your i- . lillsboros stores. u. null t I. ....... . .1 . ...... vvorkllill in vnt i1 lihn restaurant litli'l M iinimr ii.. i hv a gasoline was im.ny ". ,'- V:, h.ft - i luvil I' i inula e.x ,,T' ' ' I:.,,... . Dr. Krwin side ik'iiik nij"."j 1...W4.., t he wounu. for hens. White "".'.rr. ..,.1 h Rocks. Or- or luinvu i.y oi""" - also li!lS or... : f otn the eggs hi aBtiC; Rocks. A. m. " delivery, hiiisw'"- 11. (1. Jack. of Wwhiwlon man. Cornelius and south 1 1 (. Vineent. Ueaverton District; C h Mini tire. T 1 sr2wand part 1 1 . 1 1 I.'. Herndon. Sherwwd. r " .. ..... ....l ,. ,.rU The corps win soon m. k -just as soon as they can have a conference withMr.Crandall. ORAND CHItr VISITS Mr. MarV UOueria. CI ef of the Oregon Pythian vjlllti u. ll,lL Point. S sters. resiuuiK v ' i.u i ;A i.s UKrAnlPtn County, niuue n'";"- Temple. of HUisooro. a ,iei V . . .incf and w tnessod C w r the locaUtalT and officers. Mrs. Roberts is mak.nvr ". Ir itn. BtBte and departevl B lour wi , ';ii,. " Q..r.i.iv morninrf from lilla- ,;;. k where the Temple receives ..... f,ol ntllCIB VIBIt l.v.i. I For Sale a .... .iIaIm officer. She com- 5 merited the local lodge heart- ii.. . nmi arHLeu tuat "- - uy'. .l" k0i chn had witnessed was me ti.o ii l ...ii?- nr i lie HLaic. ln ." i Vith delieale re ?SsC ntanda large number iresiiii,- , .f,,.j.,n,.n. of members were w -.q v..u Snrinir stylos and fabric for men'" and ladies' suits and 5r..j7,;ivpd and on display at Christ wuesy? Span colts, gelding I 1 . .... WMk-h o.,.i iioice i a in vtais, uiaic broke: both gentle; weigh loOO each. Thus. Murphy. Mountain dale, Ore., 3 miles north of Rey nolds store. -- Miss Ona Foord has returned from an extended visit with her i.th..e Albert Foord. and wife. ul 1 Inia t i 11 ii. a iunction point on i hP (). W. R. & N., on the upper Columbia. For Sale-Seven fine young sows, bred farrow. June 1 to lo. price li. v. .,..o.v. eggs for hatching, To cents per 15. $1 by parcels Rogers, Ceaverion, vie., iwuw 4. liox a. 4S)-52 Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Donelson ..it ntn till the last of the ween iMnnV Wo.il d where Mr. Donelson joinea . . . 1 1. i...-n r.irlniiTht. IU1CK. Mrs. L'oo elson returns much improved in health the sum of ri OHU "in -'J - . I IlVHllCf iBiimup.-'"? 1 a0 ii it. . IV: (ka . . J I Ua Ws.sf rf I nominatea ior ine umw weeKS, returnea nome urc v Primary nominaunst eiecuon, um the week. beheld May lo, n, i wi c removal sale is some- cent the nomination and wi no Oreer ymwai mis3 withdraw, and if 1 am eieciea. i ry-'y-T., . pnd3 and all the will, during my term oi oiuce Vn9VVfm closed out at cost use due care, and o we oesi oi m i..,,..i..,rj on, nm irv ier- i r..M K.-a Hntiai rT inp inure w l i nnn n. AAUiaAaw v neatness, accuracy and dispatch, hand, was out to circuit court n r.m of u ith t he worK. 1 1 Monflav morninvr. iuw" n anil v in serve the public ef- old times to see him in Uftttttaan""- ntHIt as p.. iH..f.iftr n. tnifironsiei diu ni Akra-Ctrflata: Ma - aa aaf fnatictaaa. eleton: l.'otlIan W0: -102f i - SImmi 0O-iO4 HMX PORTLAND. ORE. tkiently and will at all times be courteous and aiteniive. Adv. b red A. EiVeresu . P. AND P. E. & E. As arrivals and departures now stand at both depots the timetable is: Electric Service Mam btreet To Portland McMinnville Train 6:47 a. m. Forest Grove Train 1:00 p. m. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. Eugene Train ....4:58 p. m. From Portland ttncvne Train arrives 8:15 a. m. McMinnville " ..9:42 a.m. Forest Grove " .10:57 a.m. McMinnville " -6:37 p. m, Steam Service Old Depot To Portland. the cir cuit court room. . i For Sale Choice, re-cieanea red clover seed. 14c per lb. A. E. Hanley. 3i miles north-west of Hillsboro. Phone "Fanners 319. 51-1 William KemDer. of Verboort, was in the city yesterday, pay ing taxes. : While in town .lie made his annual can a uk Ar gus office, V attend Greer's re moval sale, during the month of March, as it will , mean a greav saving to you. - DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist OlUre up-aUtr over Hillsboro NaUonal r Baua. U I I.I BOKO ------ OMWura oul. Tiri7.es in iu.in.ir ottered by an T' . . ...... n,nni'ncturer !of photo shpridan Train ..8:38 a. m p.:istrt ti iiiiiiv.. - Supplie.s for 50 photographs ot America's loveliest women. Lv- . i . ..f W.t-ninirlon CniintV cry iauy u : I . wishing to enter this great beau ty contest for honor or. proht " L.. M...nh.of near Moun- should arnmge o. - -;;- -: P. R. & N. Train 1:37 p. rx . From Portland P. R.& N. Train 10:22 a. m Sheridan Train 5:05 p. m Spring goods are arriving daily -a A - Kft.1 -DR.J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Trmteale Bldg. - Koom6aatt ': HILLSBORO, ORK. S' , Main and Third. DR. C. H. POLLOCK, . Dentist of near Orenco. UIUU v. . . .. . isnomeaiiera "iiitct at v- , well, Alaska. He enjoyea. .ine upstairs, iu i.ma.iaici Alaskan climate ana reiurna looking fine. Northern grown bulk garden needs at Greer's. 50-1 tJw. House has bought a new Five Passenger Studebaker, which carries a seir-starter ana electric lights. He has Jaken the local agency for the company. .. . - Miss Edna Josse, of Saleol.i3 the guest of the week of Miss Mary Sewell. Miss josse lormer Buildiug, Main Street HiUsbpro - - - J BOWMAN & VALUNWGMAM Attorneys-At-Law Commercial' Bank Block '-ii: 'up-stairs - ---' OreRoxi was n the couiuy i "V iJ.ifth does not look like h years ago. JUrborg and Herman .r:r:'M Uitr Tuea- Johnson a ' ly resided at West Union;' taindaie, wavw , convenience. day. av uieci b. - bi. -" . m m iri'iii'i mii-liuih .'y. on "c Iff t9