The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 19, 1914, Image 1

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MO. 52
uTvv "
"II 1171' Mi.
ai irrM i
1U uUNUJ, buC
, & juore Sir, fcy Tup
,1 faatHatlatk Broken
I. aW la 11, b4
Ut& Moure wm struck by
r .
top if imi. which broke
Ustw from a !ofc'inff-rt-
V. M Saturday morning.
M fair hour later, hia
fcvlnf broken. I fc
I M of William K Moor
Bktt France Moore, ami
brwtl IlilUboru, July 27.
Tat father and one broth
ft at
l Huorr, survive, lie.
fatal) a half-brother of
IcXimara. who wan 'for
I srinter In IlillnUini,
M bolh the Art; ui ami
t, and who U now
la Portland. Tin re-
rt bmtiKht to IlilUliom
awing, and interment
lnjrlntn the follow.
ng io an '
. . . t . I.....L
jina witn a nn imi .
Claire, a rigging man
Qg the ramp of Urkm-
inif Company mar
shortly alter noon
this city. where h.-
hoi-ltof saving
JUl low
" has omclg
Hi. 80fUrtuhr i
I he . a aujanf bmJ
c:les v:ms sues
li for a divorce
Ask lor Custtxly of Two Minor
Chlldrm. Daughter and Son
vi :.v .
oiivnu IwifVtM torn.
rH;V' Pl the youngau
inrougn hi i-ary -((
old for rLUM) U 'u-.UST CrUrni OF MONTHS IN Cfri'KT
lfork l . honw wdF, and
w.-m, ,UKe. Hwtyrar "Tht
thr yrar old nfT.nV,.
"r. "o ' ln Prizea-whlckjrae latt chapter in thecelebratinj
i'o V,;, .T ' KkWNVtor can. i. ak
mlnLttrihtlnw.(.ft....iT;n . If ariea on me sujfe oi iiu
." ""I'n lit vi a iiav j-an at
at in thy U-avrrifkm t,i...
oui lilt?
A Hart File Piprn la Cinail
Caart Lari al lac Week
h..h. ..1. 1-1. . . " -...,
SOItU'Kt ot all thv tut
11'- - I - . . .
hi- arc iiiHiru'l Avm . .11
iv l uiiift un lKhln I It
Mhrala; indudinif The Saturday
Kv-mng I'nae Th Udin, ilume
Journal. 1 he (Wintry CrnlU-man
aifi'nta for all ,....i...
tiltuit court, UaKle7 & Hare.
Ittoroeyt for Mile Vatrou.
(wing the last of the wetk filid
wult, for the plaintitr. aainxt
bhthel WatrouH, asking for di
vorce and the custody of Ilaltie,
a daughter aged 13 years, and
the son. lfarley, ajred 15 yearn.
The complaint alleges unfaith-
fulnefiaon the part of thesjiousc.
and names aa the co-reHpondrnt
. . - ' . '"ui r - - w.
iwuniy uwKia,i -sj .". r. Naylor. who was cim
the Mm irirn you Hr" Watrom. and who sulimv
and thti nave
(Nintau't. fiva
etc, Call an.jr'
for Marv
t of all
d left Friday
Vl le
-it hiiri Iiu ill
W in
ktd just COimJi ted the
tat ninfimit haolitr
tlW and waK l:ti.dliK'
-..t lhi cahle tlltvf
ft trnsJon anajiM '
oldanatt. ieui
rKrack him. kiioekmtil
UMadand breaking
HriftWnt wcurri'd at i
BKMulnir. I h Injur
lr kurriiil to thm
S0yiri" were await dr
Jt at (lieu nrioir turn
aei couia at j mm.
imrigtied Will Hell aim
ImiU weittof lU'thnnf H
H of IIHliiViojo. it
I W. 01 IXlHrVMillill
in. on V
horscn. livfeh.
Troro 4 to lCir; (5
rrfreah noonf hotrM.
() ' ed potiO. ;17(
'.inglelinc plolkinw
itS-tootb hrrof(rintf.
hfrew, cultivtOtump
lincb won. hioart.
1 double hanicni nets
harncM, aiiout 1 nay.
1 with imlley. j
coil on
i feet
ifcmiilete." aome phold
and nuinerdlther
'j. Lunch tin.
A of Sale - Tef llarn
ier. canh; over, 'year
ij note, at
.Two per
rer $10.
I. litzmmmonH. &r.
C. Kuratll. Auctidb
LShute, Clerk, j
K)bn niSTINAl
'.)kbe managl of
214 Hose Kenttvllnn
xcd' the proirrai (he
days to be irivti to
vent, as followniH
me inrw cia
lark'Mt In tli
Smt hard will vinit
..;n. i ... ...... i . ii. ...
iiw i" i iwriua, .iruT-w
l M. an.l then join hi
tii!,h!in. at Murh(1tfld. '
Mr. (!. VV. Hinen will put in i
now! I atot k of Millinery In con
iiiH,ti-n with OrcM Making par
lor. t Mi., mvtteit the ltKli4 of
IlilUUiru and thone of the aur
rounding country to call and ex
nnitne her stork, and also would
like them to inict her work In
the drH makinir dbartmnt,
Inch Is of I he btt. Kesidenre,
mrnr of First and Oak. l'hone
City 161, ' " .
Male Help Wanted -I will
teat It several yonnn: men the tutniiieHS in ten weeks
by mail nnd nwi-tt them to irood
mnitiin. No charge for tuition
until position Is secured. " Write
tmluv. it. S. I'rici. Automobile
KxKrl, ltoy 4iil, Angeles,
When in I'urtlanfl stop at the
Hotel Katon, Wet i'ark ard
Morririitrt Streets, located in the
heart of the theatre and shop
ping district with all the con
veniences of a mtWern hotel, at
reasonable rate, (Jlen Hite.
Manavrer. , 4Jtf
Turner, of Allony, waa
inown Saturday. Mr. Turner
was formerly superintendent- of
the water and light system in
thin .county. He is now in the
mercantile business in the Linn
Count v capital.
For Sale Clover seed, ' re
eaned, Uil per cent pure; 14
cents perivotind. No sacks fur-
ntshed. lelephon North flaina
?f.h2. : Ad.lress H. ii. Evana.
HiilHlKiro, Kotite 1. 61-1
Wm. Fuegy and wife, of Phil
lips, were in town Saturday,
making the trip in with his auto.
Mr. Fuegy says he found the
roads fairly xod, with but one
or two real soft places.
For sale, cheap: Light team,
harness and wagon. W. C Bol
ton. Witch Hazel Station, on S.
P. R. R.. address, Heaverton,
Ore., Koute 4. . 50-52
hnl ii. LmtiK J..l.ll..i nt MrMtnn
Willlftl II I I I I 1 1 I I IH.I.IIV., V. - - - '
4jn town Monday. F
tuenU wm sued for alienation
of the1 1 fife's affections. The
jury In th last rase gave Mr.
Watrous $o.00U which was set
tled a few days afar th verdict
was rendered.
ft . aa . t
airs, nairous is now in
t. A It .. a . ft.
rjui roriiami. wune watrous
has been living here and af ih
rlleoast. They were married
"V.nt Grove in ltm
C. I
r n ft ....
- a i
noon, Ala
Mary Moore,
eighty-fourth birth.
lerooon was in enjoyetr
versauon. and songs, Mrs
isnaignam ana Airs, wills Bint:
ing one of the favorites of the
aged hostess, and Mrs. Moore
responded by singing one of the
first songs she learned at her
mother's knee. The visitors pre
sented the venerable lady with a
beautiful bouquet of carnations,
and a delegation of school chil
dren rememtiered her with Spring
flowers. Refreshments were
served. Those present were:
Mesdames M S IVailey, Rudolph
Crandall. M A Powell. Park. T S
Weatherred. Chas Johnson. F M
Heldel. A Jack. Benton Bowman,
Creekpaum, Vallandigham. Wil
lis Ireland. Shinnaberger. W ills.
Schoraburg, F Barr, Alonzo Sig-
ler. S M Reagan. R II Greer, h
W Moore, Bride, and W C Moore,
Portland. '
I. ('. N'ealigh. (if Schiills. was
in town tho Ixst of the week.
Henry Iames. of Canton, was
in town Monday.
linry Toelle, of Shady Brook,
was in town Saturday.
(1 A ('arsteel. of Tualatin, was
uu to the city Monday.
I. C. Stokesbury. of Forest
Grove, waa down. Monday, on
Fred Merc of Helvetia, was
in town Saturday, and called on
the Argus.
Valentine Frank, of above
Blooming, was a city visitor Fri-
J. B. Stewart, of South Tuala
tin. was in the city the last of
tn week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goxlin. of
North Plains, were city callers
the last Of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace,
of Farmington. were city callers
the first of the week. "
Thurston Buxton, of Forest
Grove, transacted business and
greeted friends in Hillsboro,
Plymouth Rock eggs, for hatch
ing, fl er setting of la. Mrs.
James Ijwv. Banks, Ore., II 3.
l'hone 4.1. lCoy. ' . 52-2
A. W. Cretm. well known in
the Banks and Forest lirove
tton, was in town the last of the
week. . -' '
A. IL lieaho, formerly of For
est Grove, now residing in Port
land, was a county seat visitor
For Sale Team horses,
yeariold. weight alxiut UJO M.
f:lT) takes them. Steve w
Brothers. Farmington, Ore. 52-2
I P. Jackson, of exst of.Un,
the last of the wef k. He
"-mantling the: old Jackson
w v and 'will ouiia. a neat.
simr Xbjmgalow. .
l.tViN. vllegisU'red Jersey
- J.V old. . Price.
ro. "
Notice is hen'by given that the
1913 tax roll for Washington
County, Oregon, will be open for
the collection and payment or
taxes on Monday, February 2,
1914. No rebate w ill be allowed.
All taxes are duo and payable
before the 1st day of April, 1911
Half payments can be made be
fore the 1st day of April. 1914.
but a penalty of 1 per cent, per
month will be charged on remain
ing half payment to bepaW prior
to September 1st, 1914. Where
no payment is made before the
1st day of April, 1914, the tax
becomes delinquent and a penal
ty of 1 per cent per month is
charged from that date to prior
to September 1. 1911. After
September 1, 1914. a penalty of
10 per cent' and interest at the
rate of 12 per cent per year will
be kbr"!. on all delinquent
l.T " .,!
the t-eave
Antone CamenZ
burned the first
passed away
the injuria 'received.
csi-a ii' n wis
of llillsho-
V 52-2
irst oK
from the
a iusband and two children
Karl HoMw, son of Mr. amW
Mrs. J. A., Hobhs. of near Var
ley, has IkviV ..appointed detsMy
game warden by-State Game
Warden tvans. The new ap
pointee is a hrother or Miss rem
Hobbs, to Gov. 'West.
C VV. Bloom, of below1 New
ton, was in. town Friday, ,aad
called on the Argus-1 wentv-
eight years rtgo this Spring the St
Argus rejxtrtpr and 31 r. Bloom
worked together phe ranch V
now ownt-.l irr v uurk-
halter. South 1
way they "soV
Hare, their
state iiEfim q:,o
InvestigatSwi Ktcmrd to Sas4 Irjr
Dr. CcJvta S. WhKe "t"
AIm tttMto Isafittli. Bdcclht
. VtiM. Etc.
Editor: Following is a report of
the school inspector : who was
sent out by vhe State Board of
Health for tha purpose of in
specting the schools of Washing
ton county. The report is signed
by Dr. Calvin S. White, Secre
tarv of State Board of Health:
Banks, No." 13 Floor should
be oiled; boys outhouse very un
samtarr. '
Hillsboro High School-Bad
eyes. lUSt Vitus dance, L
Hillsboro Grammar Buiuung
Bad eyes 7; eczema. 1; ring
worm, 1. " . ' '
West Union. 1-Bad eyea, 1
Milton Oliver. 17 years oli fee
ble minded, third grade: floor
needs oib'ng,' .
Haywood, .80 Bad eyes, 1
boy's outhouse unsanitary. .
Fern Hill. fiS-Joor needs on
ing; boys' ouUionse unsanitary.
S Iowa Hill, 52 Floor needs oil
intr' hail tviC. l.' ti-. s' ' -
Lower .Tualatin, 33 Floor
needs oiling; boys outhouse un
Recdville.29-FK foil
ing: bovs'" ootliouae: Vy.
Fir Creek.-C5-Bav 3;
scabies. 2. .floor peek.
hoys' outhouse unsamtatk
Whltford. 18- Bad e;
floor needs oiling. . ,
. Heiton, 108 -Barf eyes, .fc v
Verboort. 97 -Bad eyes, L ?.
Cooper Mountain. 94rlmpev
igo. 4; floor needs oiling.
Lydi, 69 Bvl tytr, f, floor hnI
nilmv. . . . ' -
Wilton. 90 iA tt. V. floor ueU
OlllUg. ' -
Kanus Cirr. 6BI er. I! 'rl
ynnnld, rtefrcHTB mtixl; floor Dcrli
Ko, 14 Impetigo, ; buyt' oothouny
ne,t repairing . j
b. .. 11 r r 5
Wm. Mohr
Park, were in Ul
Mr. Mohr was fof Jtw
ro's leading shwnaker
learneil the trad J in then
. i 1
and. no succetMeu
hfre. after havihir WiV
him some months.
made my first com pi
shoes back in theol1
over 40 years ago
as though Thad ff, ,
or had charge of u 4
best regimentff.
doubtful if KJ' 4 v
changed phf
,WheTe you will find many fancy articles
not -usually found in the most up to now
city drug store. We have a fall stock of
Symphony Lawn. Paper the Acme of
Perfection in Writing Papers.' Try it
and you will be pleased. Toilet Articles ,
.jof the best grades are in our stock, in
fact we have everything needed forxni.
lady's dressing table. Our line of pianos
- include some of the best makes as follows
Baldwin. Hamilton, Monarch, Howard
- and Valley Genu We also!handle the
- Famous Manaalo) The Player , with the
Human Touch. Come in and set it
We handle only High Quality Drugs."
, Absolute jfuracy of Prescription Work
is pur mvX-' Bring in your prescriptions
The Delta Drug Store
j '