6 Loaves of Bread for 25c Get one loaf nd 5 checks, each pood for ou loaf of Bread. Buying your bread this way irives you th chance to save on your bread bill Remember this next time you buy bread. Six Fresh loaves for 25c THE CITY BAKERY Main Street Hillsboro J. Wolfersperser. Trop. GET BETTER VA-US AND CEILINCS WITH BISHOPRIC WALL BOARD On Asy Building Job Mike yir balding mw to faithcri t Mm and bctwr rranlta by mt B-IT,,C Wail Boatd fot wtlle and entires. Ccts 50 r' tnt IrM thsa piaster 10 apply looks better am? last m k as the building. No Mot Cracked Waits "Buhowic" walls ami cilinw 1 woaffeclrd by tb Jia and moittnr which ctk plsster This Wall Board make smooth bard ssnfac that ra Usti satWf.ctiod I. .luplaciBK lath and platter mrewkfrt for cottage. bunua'cwr. n home public buildings, garages. out-Wldiags aol emy kidd of sUttcluir. Savt Month's T me . . . Cotneo ia sheets 4 feet square, ready fot Xlof on dry. Just aiil it to hare studding and wall and ceiling are read foe decorator lha tame day. ridges meet eeenly-no panelling needed. No skill needed to pplr it. Savr month time in building. Get a Free Sample at Once. HILLSBORO FLANINC MILL Phono Main 92 HilLboro. Oregon THE FAMOUS AETNA BRAND of Lime and Sulphur Spray The sprav that made Washington County famous. V. K. Newell. Prei dent i f the Oregon Slate Board of Hjrticulture says: " 1 have ued the Aetna Brand in my orchard for years, and 1 ant sure you are nuking t kotmI article." A. C. Goodrich, Commissioner of the First Ihrtric. says: 1 I hive nsrd Aetns Sptav and hare found errry barrel full up to test ami rrn free from sediment." H. C. Atwell. ei president Oregon State Horticultural Society: " I don't thinkabere in better sprat made. " S. J. OalinwaT, ei fruit inspector, says: " After severe tests I nnd the Aetna Brand O. K." B n. S. Worsley, Fruit Inspector for Clatsop Co ,: " I desire to conxiatu late you on the supreme article of lime and sulphur solution, the Aetna K ID'I. It gives results sad universal satisfaction " I abluteiy guarantee the Aetna Brand to do the work if the operator does bis part, failure is impoasibe. Beaverton, B.LELS Phone Beaverton Central Oregon Scholls Roller Mills Wo. HANSON, Prop. Flour and Feed, Aetna Brand of Spray, Custom Chopping a Specialty, Poultry Supplies, Manufacturer of Whole Wheat Flour, and Wheat Heart Flour, Graham etc. Our Prices always Reasonable TRY US the Next Time R. F. D. 2, Hillsboro, Or. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS My New 1914 stock of Paints, Va nishes sml Wall Psper has arrived nd is resdy for your inspection. Retail Prices are guaranteed to lie 15 to 5 per cent kwer Dun in Portland. Save your carfare. The largest comp ete stock of its kind in Washington County. Call and see for yourself. House painting all tinting and papering. K.ti matet furnished upon application. MURROW WALL PAPER L PAINT CO. J. MURROW, Prop. Second Street, Hillsboro, Oregon Pacific States Fire Insurance Company of Portland, Oregon. The ouly big Oregon Old Line Company. Losses Promptly Paid John Vanderwal Hillsboro, Agent Oregon ANGrELA MAY Teacher of Singing and Piano Terms arranged to suit. ROOM 4, - BANK ANNEX, Every Day. fX LODGE TMES OYER BALL 6R0OS National (lame Will he Controlled i Here by the l odge Commute BOYS KlWISE SClUE GOOD OAVES Qrenads Will be Ore-anti al Osxe and Tttcit Stxarei Saaa The Moose Ixnlge Entertainment Ommitte ha been instructed by the Unle to take up the lease on the Athletic Koalty llrund, near the city park, and iret into the irame. Iami Adams and Fred J. Sowell will Iv the managers at presont, and thev are anxious that thinjjs be arranged for an early campaign. MemtHTS of the Moose will lie called upon to help out jrettinjj ' the diamond stripped, and work , will be commenced at once. Stripping of the field should be idone at once, as it will save eon ' siderable expense later on. Messrs. Adams and Sewell state that they are coin to get the tvst players they can pick up from the local contingent in the county, and endeavor to get a schedule with Boaverton. Banks, ; Cornelius and some of the best Portland amateur teams. REAL ESTATE TRANSITU DAKES AND DAUGHTERl alba ItearMl llort baa Uva a pointed first avrwry f th Nora ft a k'KIHHI III M.-U tih la l.'Uli. qua prvlty aud inoO.i.iiI In luL-vu tlial law. Mrs. r'nsu. la Vi.iimI b hn lnl wa for suaii i.-.iih k.iu i f the YaW Ijiw iH'bit, rvnti prwntol i Val univ-r.tv a .ilutl WH"U of INIet-tluUn x'ttr Mtu ltisalxth iMuw Utllf f N' lora iti.iii.ii..- 3I tinalt l'lliiii;t un.-.l l.jr Trinity cliiirvti Hi ttiit U Mi viula all f h.r tun Mtt.'Ulini t th n-pairt t Hivm hUM- wliU b li'i lev I.mhi ramtl. Katie Uemlv. th .l.t.-l .l!n!it-r of the fuu.iii tiiitcll'.l. l liarU- KiM'le. U au luiiiute f Suii.lruU- wiwkli.UH' Infirmary In knit. I.'niil.iiul. aiul U ttuuiilrtt'ly Hiiiil't4 SI10 a t a If.' of John I. Shlno, a 'll Luwn " tr. alumi !) tliitirvitl aft-r eara f unlinHlnrfc wu lU'.-itl.-' ijivat nlv, auJ be ailtts ucr a bi l.itiiih tvt wbeu ab was null a llttl irl. German Gleanings. Oerni.iuy h.i Ira itwn n-arM wriiloa and rUIivii year old til orvt Soin of tn lartfi' futorW la ilrt many aro now nvilHl Ufi lni mliK lank fr I lie i-uiuv.' Mant of ttii'in have hull aitti ftm ami dancing floor. A Ir.w Imn.l prmbb- fiitertnitiiiimt. ami for Hu cbtldrvn tberv are Lliili ruiirl'ii Tb followhiif ar niatfd to I Hie larKi"! Iik-ui" In lorni.iii.v Tin riu erir. J.Vlm.. Iran lUrth krti. over Sl.raai.iaii: rnti. lli-n.krl, Kl. UUiO; tli huk vu rjfl. $t..V. 11.10. and llorr !-. iuilulUU-r aud luudoaucr. altout tlit nv THAT'LL BE ABOUT ALL. Hove at a. " 'f .. K. " II... !..- a Mitl t" 1t..t 1. --J 11... K. t. J a1 II... Iw !..- . "t"1 VtkM h UI. .' A4 ,h i.u,4.. II a " N. .4.l. aiul ... h aM It... ! wallni ahwl A. fill tl.Uwll !. .. hl o.li.J la lull 4 AnJ hw .! ta l aahl. W Km IK. muim vmh l" h AkJ h. I. !.(-. II a ' " Auir k.vm lu. ti. lul h at ! " II... h i a . II... k. ir.l. If la 111 a.,.1 hi. fa.. Iium MU a Uta. II... ha iaii la ll JkI Ali.l lha " l "" ! mrl. him w llw ' Ah.i .n....ui...a ! at. rt itfuia I'uai iwrsn 10 10 10 f.o Will You Build J It yon are going to build this Spring or Summer, see J. S. LORSUNO. for prices on building and excatsting. Kstimatet given free. All work is guaranteed. No payments nntil work completed. J. S. Lorsnng, south Third Street, lit 6. P. Trark; Tele phone Main ay4, Hillsboro, Oregon Give Me a Trial I Saw COrHwnnH nnlra 1 , .-u vjy w incnes in diameter, fence rails, and boards of all kinds, into tovewood lengths. Will go into the country. Write, phone or call on me Carl Skow, Hillsbo. ro. Phone. Citv 146. The Grand Marca is the most wholesome '.'two for a quarter" smoke on market made in Ore gon, by E. Schiller. When you indu'ge in good smoke buy a Gran i Uarca, tr Expert tree and shrubbery Eruner; twenty years experience, awns mowed and kept in shape. Flower beds made and planted. If VOU fWirp thprhfiinoat nf r - " - vuwivm, V, IVnKZO you should have your bushes propeny pruned. How about your fruit pardpn? It pruninsr. Everythini? furnished for the fruit and flower garden reasonable. Drop card or phone, J. M. Wickizer, Hillsboro, Ore., phone Main 392. 49-51 Argus and Journal $2.26. C M Martin to John Hartojr. his equity in 32 acres near Keedville Grace Deichman to Robert I'urves, 8) acres sec '26 t 1 s r 3 w I OOF to Same, i lot in cemetery A H Wolf to C E Lashbaugh 5 lots in Dilley Sam Joss Jrto HansSchlegel 8.877 a sec 13 1 1 n r 1 w .1275 Inv Co to W F Keagor, 2.32 a North Tijrardville 800 N Garbormo to Kosa darbon no, 15 1-3 a L Hall d I c ... F Geisler to Frances Sparks. 0.43 a on Oak Street 10 G E Westinirhouse to G II Laycock. lot in Timber 150 w J Uodson toM r Johnston lot in Crestview Sherwood 150 W A Chalmers to Ethel Hall tnn lot 3 btk 19 F Grove. Aug Lovegren to U F Nel son, It in Cherry Grove. ... 200 Same to Edwin Nelson, adi It in Cherry Grove 150 trancis Chalmers to F J Chalmers, 37.97 a Benj Cornelius d I c Robert I'urves to Grace Deichman, 80 a sec 26 to 1 s r 3 w Sam A Kaiclie to Wm O Thompson 5.H3 s sec ."i I 1 s r 1 w John I. Koss to J V Piisliie, l sctrs, piu. luriissun liv l' brove ....uoo Ccthsrilt Ooele to Anton Cues, right of wsy , Geo Vulilcr to Mary VciliUr, ij a A Zschary claim . Irallrrilley to Ceo II. yn.leiickl, 64 a sec 7 t 1 n r J w 96,10 Jonn l'rrin to John II Tlnliman, li.l 4 t'l 5 Mirrwowl Acirs .... . lou Isaliella Burns to Mm I it Whralilon lot in O Hrien Acres Hoo II l'Kue to Arthur (inswolil, Jimon ft lot 4 I) k 8 V Orove Arthur Griswo d to II P Kue, lot in P & M addition HIk) V. I Parsons lo W'slter W Wolf, i a nrsr wuiry jit0 ilne unte 10 liu t K strand, 57 30 lC)lt I S r 4 W I2J Alnnra Rogers to C.eore I) Koers, 9.06 a sec 10 t 1 n r 4 w Jos W Mrh lo Oavin Ihincan, 40a- 100 11 ii.i 5 t lirove 1375 .lunn v.ainp'ieii 10 r, .nuriiocic, tract in kc 33 1 j r 1 w 100 V Miepaul to rred Hsrgreaves, a Mwrence nan n 1 c 25(10 A I. Stover to K V Littlefield, 50 a Jsmea II Nel.on d i c 10 A L hbute to John Parsons, 19.83 a John I fan ia die .1 A Thornhurgh to II A Caltf, 8 lots in i-rfxxi ACies 100 T M Moris to Oo M Hsines, tract In Jno L Hicklin d I c 10 John Woir to C E Wolf et al, lot 5 blk 46 Comeliut M i W Psgne to A M Hembree, 6 38 'C 33 t 1 or J w C K Kennedy to N J I'e erson, 10 a wc lu 1 1 d f 1 w t Root Andrrson to Sa'ah Anderson, und ', lot 4 blk 31 F Ciore 10 Charles Howard to Waiter Hoffman, JMJ a t 1 s r 4 w 45 Frederick Glie to Ivt a Ires, 5.99 a Willcwbrook farm 16 ,c S T I.mklnter lo City of Hillsloro, 7oiyt 11 on aeconn & Lincoln . Ilertba K Tongue to Harry Mcl.nui h Ian, lot on Wa'hiiiKton Hirret ! .Miry Fishfr lo N A Hclio6eld, 69.H0 a sec 4 1 3 n r 4 w Ofcar Oiitnm to N K S eward, 5 a near uanton . ..1400 u n Bisiiop to Aiaria Linne, 64.75 a sec 15 1 1 s r 4 w 2400 jonn 1 .Malign 10 ti A Iinrton, j a sec 15 I t s r 2 w 630 U U Uestfall adm to John Wesch, tract in Tualatin 400 nsnie 10 1. saert, tr in blk 1 Tua 'niooo r Ti vir...r.u . u . , H 11 .vrmiaii in I. nwcri, as arjcjve. . Sstne to Jno Wew h et al, as six ve ... J II Tutuiesie et al lo Marie T mie sie, lot and hlf lilk 2 H C at ad.. Alice ClRrk to V C Carvin S lot in Mirtillct'n ... Same to I, II Winters, 14 lot as above Frank Vamluyn to Rimer O Allen, u.54 a sec 11 1 1 a r f w Marion Hilee lo Benj I't-nningtoi', 3 a ou Portland Mountain lo 10 10 lo 10 Arthur Sipp. of Mountaindale. is enduring a siege of smalloox. contracted at The Dalles. He was recently married, and with his quarantine will have reason to remember his honeymoon. Born, to Fred Heimberger and wife, of Portland, March 7, 1914, a son. The young gentleman is a grandson of Henry Hamel, of Bethany. The Royal Box. The kaiser In n id M l the rtrh i-t iK'num hi lii-riimny I In fortune. It I cImIiiimI. aiiM'iinfi t .:. One roviil ladv aim hi tws ! Iy I'ltraviiKnme Into ilir trniliU' is I'rlu on Alfiainlra of l'iilmri. II di'lit miv wild In aiiionnl to $I.Vui. mm, and lw tu-rvlf li ii Ixu l ft lu IhmiiiIIcm t-oiiilulun Duly one aoi cri'lk'n known lo liitory bn rviirinil Iuiikit tli-iii t'l" l'iirtr of Austria, who rmiiil.-tfd tin ality fifth year of hi relau 01; !.. '.' That ivi-ri'li;n a l.ui XIV, who 1'fiidrc! tlu thmiiK of Irniiiti al III nice f live und wore tin rrown for aetrebly two y-iir. Pert Personals. C'olotii'l CiH'thals roiild have saved kit of trouble l In-uii Iwlin-New York Anifriinn- Saya a M'tl nn p-i'T. "John I.lud li uuott'd a aiiylni;." ( rank fuk Oil till' filt'e of It. I Hit runt l.ilk - I'hlludolphla I nti I r-r Jut think! If tlx- wont shoiik roino to puss Hip liru ipnn-r wmilt have to Iw irlntlni; il'turi'S of Villi in a dn mill. -Mri Inui llcmltl Shawa liitpst piny hit own pro noii'iHiil "utter noioM-iiie." from w hl I it li obvious th.it lo'iTiri' ll.Timrd la act il 1 iiiiiltitiiliilni; hi lmttlii avt-run.- WlnhiiiKtoli Vint. The Cook Book. Never put ntii,'iir Into liitti-r pudding tx-foro txillliih'. a thl make tliftn heavy. Whi-n iin'iit Is ladnic roaHtiil ami ttii'tv 1 duiiKi-r of It Ihm'oihIiik Iih hruwu plnie a tm.ilii of wntir In ttir oven. Tli aii'ain will pri'vi'tit a or b Int; and tliu tiiwit w ill cook Im-Uit The few HKitifuN of li-ft ovi-r umih ed iMitutu run ! im.it fo fnrtn llir foiiiiil.itliin of rhe noiip. If iiiIjimI with cold choppiil men t and rii-v and no eg "ml Hiillnlilf tuaainliir they iinikc api-iiziui irniii. tti-. Fashion Frills. The rrttirn of hoop skirt h threat enwl. It Mnu n cliD'h Hint klrt ran be no iinrrotter.-Ih-froit I'ni I'rwi, itiNii-nii or tn.-ikiiiK imt look like a Mnch the new fiishlomil cown mime Wotiinn to rpMiMiitile a swiit potnto stnnll end down. HoiiHtnn ('hroiilcie. How long will It lie In-fore mm of the men In slrti-t enr and oilier pulille pliice whosu eye are iintii n ri-l hy th proJiK'tlnu plunie of women' dun will carry porket r!ir for protec-tlou?-liofon OIoIm. Town Topics. Chlrnjro I whi-re flu Stmshlne sihI ety otiRht to nnilie It hendipinrter If It would lie free fnun romietlflon with tintlirs. ChlrflK' N ?'. .lerumlem I to hnve wnterwork", pli-efrlf IIkIiI nnd ctreet mllwnv to Betlileliern. Kvi-n flip "iiiiehiingliiR eoaf' cli.'iiiKi-s.-.N'ew Vork World. Itefuri' Colonel OiH'llial ih- to New Tork Colonel finrKim nhould ! rnlled to dlHlnfei t the plnee nnd inn ko It ren aonnlily henllhv for pollee reforiner. Cliicngo Record llernld. Foreign Affairs. Life for the Turklli coverntnent I Juat one loiiti ref iicd aftr iinollier.- Ncw York Anierlenn. Pfrhnp when tlnne eiirtlnii;ikes find volconoe (ret IhroiiKli with Jnimn there will Ih no Jnpiinene (iiellon. norhi'ater Hern Id "He will turn out nnr Moltke yet." KnlMer TA'lllielin I mild to hnve re Riiirkiil of hi iTinvn prlni'i. ilertniiny dotun't need mini her Molflie hnlf n much a It need a Lloyd Ouorge. New Vork World. I H.'W ha al.li.U U We a. ll.i.lta h,.,u ail aiiuaM. I Tuilia l.i I.MIH Ina ? II.. .! ..r t Utmm a lhuM l..a hi. (l. r o lMa. la. a. II all In aiJ l !' '. . i ha . ,la.l In tela lia. k Wh.n lha nut . -Ttil'l. t4 N.loaaa Wala Juuiaai It,, a ha ,-iwn. "Ma hi nnwlh. li.. Ma mij .! ml ! aiaM. II. i ha tu.hra aurih and autila. ni f. mui.lt. m. IUh. II. .a ha huibiaa In hi ll. Il.ii ha ra. iric I. '". h.n lha .l.l'W cinl aaaln. hl.ltilr lu hlM. -Tha, ar tout - Nw futh In fatal Rataymltan. The mlnUier'a wife was tully ) khciiI one sfteruoou Uiriidlna t" fatu lly -.'IIh wheu a iieliiht" 1-81114 fr a frlni.liv i Imt Aft. a few twmieut if new and .l Ilia faller rnnark r.1 a !. 1 ..viu to lli.la I a Uat nf hilttoli "Veu Mi'iu lo l uuuully well au- I'll.tl nltli I ult. Hi of all kind Why there' one like uiV hu.lan4 bd ou hi I i-t w inter's suit " IU.J.-.-.I." a id the UilliKlet lfa a Ith a -.ltd -Wall, all the hutl.'l. were found In the iniilrlliutl.-u lul aud I tli.iu-M I uiitlit a well make aouis UW of Ihelll W bst luut ou ot Well, KaH'V t'l'lli lll aii'U I hlladelphla I .-lai r An Auspiciaul Bagmning. Tin youiiK man nli.nl binwrif difB ileiitU Into the preo'iH-e of the old man "What rnu I do for you, atrT asked the elder "I nhall i oinr dim tly la the i.'lnt. said th yoiuiayr "I wlah lo iurry your diiik'hter " Thl was the old ceulleluan rua lo get out hi hundker hlef. and be did It .Vlil'"' lie weft, "how aball I rvrl pare her? Ilrr mother I dead. li .lie Is all I hate left And I siu su old mini in 't l.'iirf fur this World" "You Interest me atrmiifelv, put the suitor rlniTf nil) "What ottl rrinitneliditloli hit she?"-CleVaUuJ I'ltilli K-flter A Tsmbls Shahl "Why did the Kreat pianist re film lo plnyr " I i-iiim riiiiu iit H gut nmd lwiaiie Iih inline wns printed lu smaller In on the proKinui tlinn tin nam of the plat n whl' li he wa lo perform "- t hl ni;o ItiN-ord Herald. Easy Up Is a Certain Paint How ill, I Hi,, vote for women Idea Ket ou III your I llliiue)" "Very well, until It tame lo (he rot Alter iiie rainpniKU was over so many were not mi apeflkliiK term that no one would ifo lo the poll f,.r fear of belli), liilhbed."-ValilliKtoU Star. A Bsllroom. 'Id Tlimr -I your married Ufa on sweet wiiiif .Newly Wed -Well, lne our bnhr's imi'ii born its more like nn oner, full of Krnml mnn he with loud rails for the author every lilKlil -l'hlliidelphla lil(er. Mr. Unfailing Wrstchl K'TiippliiKton - Von never amounted lo nnjthliiif imill nmrrled you. If I were tonlilonly tuken ,,, Where woulil you be? Mr. KrriipiiliiKton -At the .. iHT enonKli I., Ko.-Kt,a Time. City Don't put tip a bluff utile you an protty sure tbe otber fellow rim't ur mount It It's oil right to Imve plenty of an. but Btuylnff qualities Mlioiihl not bf overlooked. Seems eny enonirti to build a cur, defender compared with iilcklmr a name for It. Insinuation. HoimlltiK limine MlHlna-Mr. Idu Inn. do you know what butter coala now? "any Knier-No. ina'mn, Inquire If you', 1 1 fac lo buy New Vork (ilobe. but I'll some I 'There U Sura Thing. one cruxnili. which u.. youiiK people nt lent will always aet their far,. iignlhat." "Whal'H tlintr' "J'he niitl klHaluK reform.,,-BalUnora1 Atiierlruu. It Klve one n feeling f iiillllotintrc M.portI1,.e fo job, tl, ,.Loru, .,,, "the iilttu iiwt of rudlum. 'Tflpn, what doe beln dlanppolnled In love mean?" "Why either ninrrylnif or being lilt ed by the Klrl you are In 0ye Wllh". Hounton I'osi. With only twenty perooim shot fix treason, China inuat have lu opinion o BalU U republk. 0,.th Jro" "K e often hear And the fal.M nK of .,, Ii-n.0.W nfomt Xat ur"ifs near Au at of waaiia untold. -"aw fork Hun. DUNTLEY Conihiiinlioii VACUUM SwcpiN.rs Swrriwr-t tlt.tl isrtr vM ft M t fit, (J,,,,, luxe now Uctt n-tltUTil u 55 , W ll4C IlilSnlU ltIS Imill llll il.llr. H sae r vent ft. mi .iutt I'.Mitur i,-i4,j Mliitiu- ilea nets .r f.'S Mlltl up. K'Utii rtr t'itiit siu nt Send t"l iii'i t n .t "s ""nt ,n(j I'tur, ;. A hi I W. L. lit.NTI.KY (a COMPANY Stnlt Dilrthkiioii i jlh tA Washuilfii .Vis. l'.-nlui !, n, fL'tin " m m' " SB. Spray Pumps of All Kinds rry V IT III f.Ul C aiC lIlC llr.tilijll.lt ff H 1, t thttik.' ill tin S'M) iti at il I'm i ii: mkIi at, I'niliin Slrjir, S.nvv, aud Smj iii; MaU iial. Wc linn!! .it. i . i no ih-m j;t.uict tntr t!irs lovuM, Call at our Sim c :i S.M.t.,1 .... i i i. . . i f ;iiih iihik uvrr our MHk IkI ii your Suj'j'lifs. Srr Our Cutli ry. .i i us, ,.!, tie St.. ll IIU Percy Long, Hillsboro, Ore FORD Zho UNIVKKSAI. CAR Buy It Because It's a Better Car MODtlLT. Tourini, Cur Urlivtrril $625 Wilhr Auto UC Third Sirrrt. hilNhoro. Or. Nolkeol l in.l Srlllrmrnl , YllAC.l'R . ,V CORN Ni.lli-lH linrrt.r VitfOl lhal III Ir .iitl. Ihr it'll sr a.p ilola.1 i .m. a, , i'tniK K'i"iin im I'.a -l.n ,,,( r.i,i, I Jiilui K Kiiii.rrlaii.l. ii. lu.. i I... s n lh. eniimv i- uiri ..I i-.a ni.i...i i..- ... lor Yi aaliii.gton rounir. hi im.i oust. I In lha ii. .Ilrr of i ratal. Su,l Ih.l i, j "ort h.rl. M lat.Ai.nl III. im i il Ilia hour of li. u'ehk k A M ol .l, ,." tl. ii'iinlr n orl ,,iui in II, u.i...... aiilnirti.ii I loimt . Ora .n, a. Mine toil iilarainr tipatloir oi l. ,. i.,.,. ,.. ..i.i nnal r. oiinl a. , , , ,,w(ll,, ii aai.l rajiaia, Marrli l.'lh, l I' V Andnraori, lliianllaii of tl, ...,.. ami ..i.i. ..I olio K roillie, Ian,! a r I Im tl Tonana Ji An,.. ..v l..m liiarilisn I. W. i I KS I'lioii.' ity ' IlillMlMinit'oMMt riUlBam llll.llluKO.OKE. I, lMlwUf, W J .1 KrWsT H a.lilofloii IL Dr. (.intrude I .ir,.i vliir Pbl'M wi:it)MT Of n lllllll.sn f Ilia. II.M.I ..... 1 w IIMI'O'II'I mnrl I Itank, al llill.l.oiu. In the simiv I liri(on. at lh 1 1 oar of liiiln... Man II 4, 'y 1 4 . ai"Mii'i'K lns and dtamtint ,h 6ju H vr..t ts, iri uiri SI i III r rurrd , im il ami wrr ills I'ui n 1 1 ii r mol htturrs i . ... . ' i inn ail) iivnl ir.ro. bsnks , ii n .iierss sml mhri rsh hrmi I) tli Inail. I I' t 1 1 III. I.'s m. Ila oo "Jfl .1014., 4 l aih on hand i,t 410, 7 ? Hi T"U- I) JI LIAIIIIITIk .piii hoc a miii in jryirf.f no -or III S lllllll io.ll.MI IH ndlvlilrl pulit. Ir.s ri iiciersaiu 'ate. li il i Mu n. nrHisitueNtte TirMi rr... J.uihi 11 liiiiivnliml di pnsiis Mil jerl to rhrrk' nor,, ,u Itruiandrrililiralrsid di lt a h"-,i Ho ullliril rbrt ks i,, , me rrrtlrlrs nf ili-imsil t 7i if, Savings drpos'l t, 156.7 Total f ni iAj v Stair of Oregon, I t i niity i l WahltiKlou, j ' I, W il is Ire'uml Chirr of the cliove. mull d Im 11k. do solemnly senr 1 f ii. t sin lovr lti iiirnt is tine to the U,t of nn km wlid((eand la-Hi f. Willis Ireland, Cashier. CnkKKCT Attest: W N. Iliirrell, J. W. bulky, John M. Wi, Ihirrlm. Nubrrihd and sworn in ti.r..,. this 1 ith day of Marrh, 1914. v J Sewell, Not .ry Public SUMMON! ' IN Tll'1 run 1 IT CtH'ItT WASHINGTON C0l", fiiiii. liunia. il.l M Ulllilei. I In, 11. n M II' To lh. no ileleti.ll il I In lh ' Im" ' tl,.- Hlsi .11 IM h ..ro .... 1 - .fnliUfl lf.ili at you 1.1 " -' ,.,, M ... heloin ril'l " . ",iHj inn atci .111 - " .. ,, ,ui of in., nn.1 i""1 .llllll.toll. sml il ,'.,, Mill. ami nn-uer or f'" , . lii.iiiiilt win 'TI'1' '.mM reliel .,ed I'"" "j', nor. in, I..HM- ..irtin.j .1,1. In.i,iI..I li ill IH'1 ' , 1 ijillf I O" ' "- - In if! eni" '7 tv Court of ""-""."'o -iill.' n .1 . ...ui... ... in. . I""""'" . ......ar m ilivni.r.l .001 "". ,.( ,1, .... 11.. tioi'ii" - . '" " '. 0..11 Ml'Ol -it lor " - w ' .Urn o".' swmriiltahl , t,.le-d ...-Mrl' wri k lor ! ...""eei." r 11..11 1 1. 1''-' I"J I u .ml i.:r,.u i. '.i A. J. Killin. of Thatrhor. fur. merly, wan in town TuemJav. e is now making hia home with Bister, it Woodburn. ... II. - Ul.... Ol I 4'aahli wlon ' I'"'.'!': iliileil ami li!"'" "nrniol . . 11.. 1 iiiii'i""" 1 toon i ' . i. lilllllll Hll'"' Amiivii. H'l .... fiirf'1 . I. I III1 VV'llrtoM IIIH" ' , . Ia Sit plants can Nurf . 1 .'i. ...11 1 t M i be"?. rtve ivilla ,. nice... Irs.v lin raspi ItprrifH, tiorrii'H. O.n I li.n l'l:irit phone City Cn'ci'&.' tin'"- 1.1 "I one u IK ICk ttv !f all iffiti II ffi i ft U , VI I Mm I son tu My. ( ratiri 00 So Utft Pyn (a-l I (MA Hill knl of pdei fro tnl "tyTrr W WJKTJ JlrS o m rami 'Ul Inn i Chart C() fClub L Mrn thene Mm. ( 'i the bet I ill 1 y thi- f line. 11 fnjovai . orche f!"nnt the "inienla , AND I ft." h Service .. To Purl S Traii: LffVllra n 1 ,,, 0 -ran Trnlo Tnu'n... from i... Tnin i.:.. Jville .!v 1- 5.".:.; of n.., "I tnu, :.'