The miiLLSBere r fSiii nil IIILLSI'.okO, OKKGON, MARCH 12. 1911 NO. 51 4 t. . . a ... . l.MTK I.UCP .lk'heI .T.I war rant. unl r Ui new law, thin month, and hi nay thta in one of the eay month. Boad work i . . . . ha.1 mil Uirly utartt. and vet . . . . - . i tru warrant urawn roe - , i arm itHTt iwrs Mi.arie covereil MU. titer an hr.r w l.a f fif them VVk,.. .....1 , 1BBT... - - - --...-.... ..... , . . . I .. ..I ., l .. ' . . A , f .. . !) I nrrwim "I'm m .-urriini. anil a Zn tht forty district have men em I .... . ployed it will mean Kcvcral hun rot mill (JrH n)lirB l)f t(. y.iiow.uri,,, f In June, after the primariin. A it.. la t ... I I . uiua flea iMMiijr however. It when ( Urk Lure of 'JB"' 4 ... .1 ... I : . T u i -.iuJt rin--s me t.iir run on paeranu I .. . . I I , Icuhi ...r-ij warrant will tN. writ- , '4 StkHlcr and ,BV" ten. ranging from one dollar up-1 nnty ,k,,.l,ti uneven " winin, t in K,'",'ri OWHERS MUST LIST AI REAL CASH VALUE Aaacaaor tla iright lo Chaiiicc. WuImt or l.owcr M W ASSISSMI Vf .AW IN Craadill Main Coirrisr Stalalc Stair men! raster llolrnt-H. of lianks. was hi town Friday. Carl Il r, of mar Timtx-r. was in tori Saturday morning. Harrv Wolford. above Banks. a county scat visitor Friday. I! 15. Oauchy. of near Banks, wan in town Friday. John Swailey. of Iteedville, was in tow n Friday. 4 'has. Herb, of Banks, wan in tin- city Friday. Wrn. Hosteller, of Portland. w:h in th city Friday, greeting friends. B. P. CORuELIUS GETS WEIGHTS Sf.'.EASURES Appointment Made by County Court t.att Friday Moraine THREE DOLLARS PT.8 Dim PAID Km4 Cwa-t AIm Allow a Far Neceaaary Caul Eipeaaci ia War! Washington County now has . . . . . . - ! aT .. . I !l ! Oa 4 O.. lent; IMpIant-he, of N'tuHIe- new oiuciai iKiuon, oiaie ocaicr lift, was a city caller the last of or Veiirht3 and Measurers, and iirovid. s that all tavnavrrs ni'iht ,,,'1- a new ofTicial has been ushered me to the asse ssor or his ! t.i:- (iinre I'.antz Sr.. of Shady into the position. The County A . it I t i I in.. 4iuniy nsHcHHor rarina ihsiii iI . i . . avfraiff for a lmlilic htat'-tiit t t tout hmi.' ut . . r i . i,i..ii,nuif an .-vimtncr unoi ii nurii ih.-i.... ii ......... i . . ..i . i ail1 i - - i - "-iwii ntv it.- n a-wmini-ii i i.ia whirl BIV" " .. I. ft .... I I. II. .1 I r . in I un'iiiinti nun. .aiuranv llie u ftrcuii I....... ... ,.. il ii u 1,11 at HfMinwvHie, i me to tin-assessor or his ! (n-ore r.antz ir., 01 btiaoy into tne position, ine ixwniy nl .i . lh I'lirlm I'lililiKinif I,r.l .... Iriiav I.. ir.. ..t. . . . i i.... i.i .. .. . 11 .... . i i .. i " - j ' i .rnoiiiiv in ni ihinii inn anil county. Stichler ii . . . ivaiueor an iiroiM-rty owned ! v His Ktati'im-nt is us fol- .i thai count j i,.i;,,L. i.w.i.,.1..,., n... ,u fi.u with their wrn. Te ... .... . ' ii 'them. H1 Mfc ' ' . i a a 1 at ait' ' n "i ( n uti" I kiw rntm """ '""-. Uuurna . 1 lie t oimlrv I nll.-man iowb. .. i . . . . .: - . . . .1 l..,,t ifiiillv Were Inn, I I In. ( ril. ri,,n tir.Klaiil inni lha,.nl fur I'll 1 .fuif Diea'i'" .......... ... w . v i" " ' .''in' . T" ' i i . . I r. ..ii ..i.... : it... ... i .. i ii... la BO free ly JUOKe I ni" " " min i uiK'.oir!iiin im' uin ui in- mu'it- uiiuri tin . I k. Ill I ... I.u. I.. 1 .ui,tt .... ..f r. ....... .,,t ... ..r I I,. I l.'l uni I" "itil I"" KUI'I Ml n IMI I I niltll villi II I'l a III n I.I m onarc.iufnutt..v..... . !i.r,i.,...a r... U ,;.., u ii,.. i..,,;. 4 their fainilii't. i.t- oitnie price you have to ay. Mature of VAX I think it ad visa i:.lW Bller n'Mi oiiik n.,,1 ihint n:ivi vim I ho nit'i-HKurv 1 1 . In lot n:ivi'm know ol ;i . hnvtieV llYC Sh'T" I i.uli,,,,, fi..a fi.r riumov Iniilii'iil rlium.i. I r..f.-r In I hi iliadrnwn arri'ted thrti on I rC. Tall and & t cluh list of all provwion reiiuirinij the owner of at l..a iiMlH I ll I it il i I. .i a I inak'ainen. i.. u Mil orrnicK. uxanie pro ny 10 Kwear in me Hillslioro, ( Irct'iin. true cash value therif under T..,.i..i;.. i-i..;..- t i. It-naltv of liHine for refusing t ttiHAI'I I (till r HI ill I ha aheart-d forty head of hheep, "".-11 . t .1 . . . llcrelofori' the owner of pro It ri n 1 lit 1 Y . ior imiiiii- yearn, nn in . ... , . .. V i' .:i. ...i .n erty wiw reiiuired to Kwearonly lown .nur.i.iy. ami nam. neii. .;u 1 . . 1 . ..i :. . - 1..: .. u lilt- link ill inn I'm n 11 . a I Clin l un.nTHiai.ii iru conuuion , , , . , . .. 1.,- .-.1 ,,L.. I 1 1, l.i '1'ioie ine new i.iw n i. ii.u 1-..n j.. nf ulcftiinir tram w" ....! t ... waivnl exnminauon .iimI the theft. J hi ,..nnlcnce thflll a " ai McMinnville . .1 nu n ha Imi II III -.iuntiirv. the charge If. ( L- t,i tiimiil. I m.n have familii of I chiklrrn. and their cndi- k drpHrii'ie. CfitON SUK K YAWOS Friday HukIi Moore, of VerlMtort, was the n ace carries with it $3 ter down to the county wat the last day an(1 necessary cash expenses, of the week. ... ... ........ .L:,r:i 111 13 me uuiy 01 uui unu-iai to M tn. it that oil eralAQ iiupH and home made Hausaires and U- ., ....... n 1. .,. ail measures uiiuzeu in iraue .11. It. IW I..O...-.VU , isnau kivc tun inrimnanu buiwi John llerit, trie roan supervisor 1,. . .,. of the Hanks sMion. w,h in the lL f ! ...... ! V (aV oiiuivuvhiih H"" Henry ('hallacomlH-, of Come prii e in and the hivr " , .wnai..- lmdon. I f,;n!''. 'm,v a iVrt,"h Saturday lius. was in town the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, of Helvetia, were in town Saturday. paying taxes. Lester Camubell. of Scholls. was trans-acting business in town of Mfction HVJl. Oregon Laws. 1U13: 'hrr iui - Thr ihtw hs!l iciiiwi I imh i.u, niniiiK iftl nf i D ri inia fur the week have Itecn fflC!: calve. 1.1'.: hog. IlkMI Klll'l Cftl run last wwk wa the Gl in Ihe hlitorv of tin ... . , ttlwheid l- ing receive.1 laaard 0!!. but klnutrit re their former level. I h th latter part of the trr liatnt. imi ieer throuifhout tint week at uiA remain ftteadv at tins iim Iwuidatiim wa aisn rhoire light Htulf cloning iiitlv leas than last week arrntMl to K ) and H w 4if in bulk with three hmd . " . a. 170. week range averugiHi 1 ahich in aUrtit ten cent if February level. Vto hour activity was Inn- bf tthort nin and the iradi fvcrything in night il R.lVi u'.uil nnd khe.'ir iui mm (ilTfrinir with nrime tool limhs Hei'ing arounii vtthera l 1.1. vearltne U &. A dilTereiiliul of Wat made for nheared Ktulf. markrt ruts a d"cidely tit trend ri 101 1 i n i.MiMi s H Geneva Corrine Follett. advance in have voted for protection for years, and Ulieved I was ab solute!, ru'bt when ho doing, as I l,-,L.,l Ihnt uiiv Tlit liriHU'nt 1 1 1 iml. Mill n tlir Usli'llu t,...r I..II l,....v..r ..i.i-tira I., kaol.lte ml l-lirf. url lit, nlirllirt 1 i.i .-I... "ii" - 1 , . , : . , . . 1. it. . . m . . 1 111 rra 1 tir ri itihii.i i'iii... -... d. no harm " lnr as me grower 1 ..., .,, .r..i el .11 th- I eotn-erneil Ulid the big WOoH ...I ... ..,n.l i.imrtv ot l.lli. or ( - " ....... , . r. l...t . ... 1 1... 11 .' . I. 1,1,: 1 11. I mr I In. Ini'IlH. Ian mtrir.l llirtrln I (IK ll Irf.oll. Ill III " 1. ii. o 1.. i, .. .. 1 1 .mwalKin of l'lm uau.v m lire lien 1111111111 n. .111 , ., -.,, ... it. itini in Mi.i iuhhiti ... ..... ovenir.i'l Hie fll.irK, ..u. .,1 .ul I, ...I ,m !-r.n.l inetritv Mrs. t;, W. limes will put in a " '' "r"' T'.t.'-i' 11 . 1 tl.n -.. . 1 """" . nlllllU Min t "i ..iiiini' ij hi .' v) 0 nll-ii-i J VISIT OUR NEW AB11EX Where you will find many fancy articles not usually found in the most up to now city drug store. We have a full stock of Symphony Lawn Paper the Acme of Perfection in Writing Papers. Try it and you will be pleased. Toilet Articles of the best grades are in our stock, in fact we have everything needed for mi lady's dressing table. " Our line of pianos include some of the best makes as follows Baldwin, Hamilton, Monarch, Howard and Valley Gem. We also handle the Famous Mannalo, The Player with the Human Touch. Come in and see it. We handle only High Quality Drugs. Absolute Accuracy of Prescription Work is our motto. Bring in your prescriptions The Delta Drug . Store REXALL STORE H1LLSBORO. OREGON mauKln. rnl. "f nitirrr, uri fr ..niiv.l irluur to iiiinl.h mi" lot el M I 01 i.f i-itil pm.iritv. oiili tlir "' ..',u- 1.1 a nr Uirfcul. or in ' to lilt Mine Urn fr.iiiirnl o t'l il h .k. ..... ....-I. lnalla.MllL' amine her ntiH'k. and also would ,ri , .irrr tatl luiim ami y t 1 fieetion with hms Making tmr- lor. She invite the ladie of llillKUini and llnwe of the hum " . 1 niuinlifa' country to call and rx- like them to inspect her work in the dress making department. Which is of the lies!. KeHHience. )lllllK.UH, ,., Br ,.f ctiriier of 1'irsl and (htk. I'honel ,,rl t !i,r ,nn.ani ul f i' ' City 1'.T. ilu lurun. for llir 11 nt tin remit 1 l.v anni ill i I imi. nlnrli tiim inav I rntrint tir rlioti Ifl aliV court liinK ilrhl if cm The I ance Club held an enter tainment at HiHel-oro Hall, .Sat- tirdav evening, and the decora- tinnsof the ball room were the t'ineht ever seen in IlillsUmi, The ceiling and walls were can llo not forget b ask for a I Schiller when vou want a good .- ..1 pi cent smoke - no rough dust in the Schiller. 12tf .1. F. Carstens and John Fri- ilav. o r.anKs, were aiienumg entintv court the last of the week. Miiiittromerv Turner, of Hanks. was a county seat caller rriday afternoon. 1 .ft 1 iri.'i 1. ul ......n., w 1 .... .. . 1.1 I I Tknlf l.tiuttnl maaaiiMta ... 1 mi. n i-riii.-iv iii 11a n:in a 1 1011. iiem. iiaii-uuanti uiukuho III limn . , I . , . . siege of smalljiox since his last are short, get busy ana nave new tri) to the county scat For sale, cheap: Light team, harness and wagon. W. C. Bol ton. Witch Hazel Station, on S. 1'. K. 1L, address, Beaverton. Ore.. Route 4. . .r))-52 The Hillsltom I.umU'r Co. is now repairing its track near Bux ton, and shipments start tnis ones made. The provision of the law also covers short measure in j Mr. Cornelius is well known all Aviir Waehincrtnn d.lintv. and he will actively enter the pursuit or 1 ho u'eio-ht and meaaures busi ness. He is a native of the coun- tv nnd needs no introduction to anvwho has been here for any I. il... mill frum nnu- till l.,nrth nF timiJ Ha wat mtiniv HI I fi, III. linn .i"i. t." iviifsiii v. .... 1 operate as fast as the wheels sheriff two terms, county judge I a A lU a a si a-t-i n a lni-n mflP I TITl. ilTIU II1CII 3ClCU aa Villi im "I I - , w v- 11, we nf South Tuala- mayor of Hillsboro. Later ne . r. Ha.i-se. or Jwuiri luaia -nnft:tH nostmaster. and ! r ,Wf ,'llnt tb 'rod at rebngilishe,! this position when He notes that the roan ai me " . nnniaA Tiur t'h Vitlur IH-Iinril Trur rah vnl'if i ilrfmnl in a Jxnlieii i.f art-lmn V el trin M. 1913 iiSA-Tnir rh vniiir el au ......... i .hall la- lit ! ami Ukrii li ..... it,. ... mil ui h iitKIH-llr "ii'il M" . . . ... n (.,. .1 a ...Innlniv Mir mailc in tlir ine cenifiK nun "..ii-- "..v i,,, naif r.iur-w in uiuinrw, imuk " opied with (tiler, and roses ami c,ir,ii,in u rarmnu " l.i.ual imitation h-acn iiuimn ,. " - - ,,u. nott.H lhat UUi roa.i at me - v nnn:ntAa t(, lent to the charm of the scene. ; " "V" .wmrnl. e. .las. Withycombe place is worse w; on Mirmrs were tierced along tne ,.,, ,u ,nr.i .., .ny c. tj,j3 Spring than for a decade. Mnnomerv 0f worth ,.,1 ..n enterinif the MO'll a. olhrflr Mevl lnl hy law. , c. . . I . V'. I4- ftlOnik.OIIiery.ul "no w.7.l l h i k Si rinirwM in tlir M-N' l!onna.m' 0l, "r nuistoro. was apjioiniea as- one would think prinu was im n ety j h(nr (i( town Saturday, and RavsUict.,nt nnitnr tn assist VVm. CUM III T . - a i u a.. - - v , , I tttJ Va t J " uithnll it vestal virginity. Mr. i K rider bad charge of the decora- ling. Never More nave ine young jH-ople of thecitv witness ed n prettier effect at an eve ning's entertainment. one o'ciotk a. tn on March 1 nf nr jrat i .Unt tno roads are worse this TuDoer. and the new appointee .1,.. 1I1 a-nn'iil ahall t nmnr f"r . ,,),,., ,ln, tl,,,! 1. t ,.n;n(T iaammmnmmammmmamanmannmanamnammwtn YQUH BUSINESS 5TIIWI1 ia gr-atly enhancfl if your Bankers are aludenta of local condition!. Oar officera keep in clotc touch with alt the interes.a and requiremenU of thil Community. We atrive to help onr rlepoaitora in buainea by lending ewty poasible financial assistance consistent with ConatTtive Banking. We can be of benefit lo each other. Won't you pay Our Bank visit now? Modern BanKintf In All Its Pranche American National BanK Capital and Surplus $57,000.00 A. C. Shute, Pres., C.Jack, Jr., Cash., W. V. Bergen, As't 7kf4f5te., HUHboro, Wfc . ,,.itnai me ioini.i ii. "uiav. 1 1 upiier, ami toe ucn j,iMkv. iir 1 r 1 . . lJj nt'iiiA ami thl . .A ...A.l. UtAntatr mnvninir .. V 1. ... .1 tm i.-ftv untie.! iv VClir neiw ven 111.1 ri..v. . wenl iu wui a munuoj i.iv,i f TJ::X 5 Ltnniv seat thaif they have been or tm month. Ill 111 Wlinin aiirn iw" -.; ... ....... I 2 .' . . n i .Anotlier matlrr I think Imiwrtant to since no came to uiu cuuuiiT. i uefK nice report, rcuiuoij ir,,t,.mtathe.fomou...Uafn;r.t-.inr.i nf Portland was fee9 ttt $540.23. while Recorder . . .. !..tlir a.srwnrnt of cntaiii lVter iNl'lMUl. 01 I OriianO. W 83 ,,rtt fia for the L- t w.-;i.i,.m of east of town. ,:,,. of creilua. M.n, aren. m think ollt U) the city Saturday. Peter '"-"" ntf4tU-.j.p. I w a u niKi'O't - . mv wntrnnts. ciiv, Unt . i..n nnnir is.mM nft I a,v,v ' JL . ; t Wa,,.r,..,.-, .-7 m i uu nt'iit kiriM.a, i o d u.iAknnnn nnn i : rj nrriH oinrr mietirii... . .u ,e must tret baCK to - ,1,-n ... iruili irv arr. m i- .. , . nf I jlrfiPllliN. were Butnjiiru .-..., i.t)mi..n u the soil. He formerly lived near rt- . : H of the moeh more iu,.,. which umilrdl.. h'lli. a, lou.m: UlTnCO. Oil the 01(1 V UKins oun- . ueneva i ornne roiiett. r. j. iinamis of Chas. C. follett, wiw wan an Argus caller. Saturday. JJ pin Saturday evening, while lie says the F.verfrcsh tx'pl;' " 0t u.aMe. t NwUtor at the Club dance, one dav sold $7im worth id their r,(if,irr,i t,y laVMMt awi nl I,.., nu,m. in unuliie't in tllC Vltlley IllUch niOH' 1.7, which 1 IT I l ban was expected. The reccp- Warrant., uon.i. .... ---" ";" t""" "i . ..... .... ti.. i..iiii iiriaiinal clate .,1 the nnxiuci are veiy -jh-c js.t'- .1 ..1. i-- . . ... 1. ICC Ol tin' pnnlUCl "V- "ij ... .1, . I l. riinMinril villi. 1.1. UUiuei, v.. IVUUU ilu. UJl, i-h . .' .. 1 .1 ....I,ii.t iUelf IS an.t.lirtaonal pnwfi "" nturdav. on of -1 ntiMul oatuhliahed. hut netltion ClUCliy, Itnu me .. ......... - to tBl.U(e all tiiui! " "'"". "011K11..1. 1 iani.1. .i . '.T.i. I " I',TZ'a 1 11... .,.,..,1,11111) exiiecLM 1 . .minrva. n n 1 1 1 1 ...... 1 inwinnca pnnnecLi'u w ilii ni-1 mr nnmaova was uisaiiuwcu. unoero. 111 1 Willi'.... j 1 fur nitnrr. irotMin, .u.". -.-- 1111.11.1 .'u.-mvu.. .... - - .v. : : tlHlo. t . ,, I '".'v ' " .. , , ... ,l..nit: a t. 1 I .1 ul nil P.. VI I M CQO notitinn nf PrPil Irt hnve ft Pig run lin m-.i..i guilt iiuti, on nmi.i . , . ICgeil game i.iw . iic.i.v... . nmunn mv, iim.i' l" . . : , luiivimn 1 i. ....tvr.rla. whether t hmm' ot , . iwdiovpr in thel n....rfai. t nl .was ordered tllld llillSIMinilsKoi.-K VW..V. -.T" , . M1,itl invented tlu-r,ln;p.' , V ,.V ""' .a . 1. 1 .u in.iiiuirv I aiiiiiP'i. 1 , , , .n..,lM 1 1 11 inutrriH i m 'nl wi u AotAtt ionan famous tr.rougu .,,,,,, ,if , i,. -me no,.. - .... ... ,Jr ';"ir eon Athnr ........ :.. t 1 11 ml tonnt thP vrt.l ilrhtora. whether on acconm. c.- naugn.S lasi. ami l" "au "Tu; ? lien in t "i '... . . 1 1 ..... muiivne-e. or wwimt, . that Mckav LireCK la not, k nn et alsL oraerea eswonsneu. I'l.tiii, West I'arK ami . - . . u . , - . ..... Sa -. uf f 1 to. 1 1 in.. .... i.nitr wmi.n ir 1 met s Heated in inei ....k. .11 immi aim I. .1." - ,,,. piimiv-.- .,. heart of tne mea re ... - a. a. nil inn IMIIla I alii fir HUT ITU II III y - ""? districts w ho coi ."'J' r " I ,,J,iiviiltt thereof; and lock, am Vehiencesol ami""- Y.t"t he. in Inco.rornte.l p;m -soie-. reasonablo rates.-dlen Il.te. ',uch .umof -; c or- wit ,H,rte.l companiea i.n...c " -;""",. , lihelr capital a nan " "r ..."--Ilosttdler. Of U. .Mate; and .IM1-'' in in i" " j i Mannger. Mrs. Klizabeth jdpMwd away at her rtHims in pHnluc't in the valley p now Washington, at om jtrk Siiml.u M wviniHj llllFI IIIIIK. !! I n j3tt was born at New Orlean. ia, lni9, her maiden namt jM JnKrvul. .r CI. ... dtollr. Full-tt at Burlington, JiNov. 8. 1S.S".), and shortly wrd they came to Oregon. ,fMr. Follett vaa einnloved r th Lytle road, running; out Mira to Wasco and Shaniko. jr they nioved to IlillnUiro, "Crl Mr. Kollett luwumn hu'il. tiv nirin.... i.m .L.. fau..iU,L la. k. I IllUl.l.n.n Quilt by the Lytle manage- I Mr! Pnlli.l. l. . I , --..v,i. 1111.1 IH-l-ll llllll tT . I Hll.i '- ill' I. invalid for neveral Trail. INm Co.." y. wuu. - Uwaof .he United State,- Wit was feeling very fltir, companied ly lieruaoK-""V""" . Sunie Uh.ii money mu My. She attended the Fth.l. was a visitor at .trie """ ha.iea.ior the reR.-ir o.;.. of the loan. With her daiitrhMr. nnd of M rs. Hosteller S on ; K o rraj. 1- - .. ,, k the stroke camS felt that of WAWe C. Blacr,.ast rmiur- m,, , h,ief there i. At. -u ...!.- .L,f eh. ntu the UHUKiiui v - ... reMiUMtt cun umu vi till HLinrnR Lwituiv. ik'it ... n,.i no wit j . . .,. llg luT SOU. . " money in lre?on j nd daughter. Mrs. Jesse ,,,, of hi. loan II --- n . I ll IIIUUPM Hint Mays, this Spring. , . ry of John . '1 WHS in town Saiuniay. - Mnreu rJXeVa Thia will save a home after n week on his new y aaaea-w j J, Ul nnrcbnsed Laurel ranch. He elves the .e.or the righi, pun nasi .1 . 1 ne w w h Vlllw w have l III " " ' "" I- ,. 1 however, i" ." ,, Will .i" .. no- hi '...1-.. i..l hv the owner. venr and s ",,w " " M ' yi ir, nn to " ' nV wIiili 11. " I" . WM. " ta-'hler' , ov r road as ner Detition of Grant ! tlOll. I Mnn ot ola Geo. M. Hunter, of North iad No. 591. L Sagert etals. 1 tia e was Hubject. Within Sa k..- r "ne WB8 niriCKI'tl s!iSc,me "eriously ill, and rSlaid failed to revive her. l" hiwbnnd and two children "wt-Misa Josephine Follett Charles c. jr. U tlier, Mrs. A. J. Hin C.nMnl's at 252 McMillan fffjt Portland. V7rojrl took place Tues- f "Wtl Hnlev'a. IWtlnnd nnd C'nt wiih in the Uiverview CCz!?': T" "oral tributes i2?r4 the engine and train gjw the Tillamook line were iBfll b.. Follolt had mnnu friends kVP.V'ty. where she made her Z7 mr Severn vmm and linr IN a w v ua t-a. uaau - .1 .; -V - . j'jr ueatn is deeply de a 1 Minnie Morrill, attending Zrr formal at Monmouth. ,Vwn toHillaborooverSun. S'JiJ.fuwt of her parents, M Mrs. A. A. Morrill. drive a stake with adouo.e biUeTax,whieh always a dan gerous undertaking. Dr. wwin attended ine wou..... .1 1 i"!int-f and Ton! Si- a BUKiming. were city visitors Saturday, being tlJ . l.nh Germun boci- aiienouiivu . .- ety Bossion. j. J. MclliiK of Cooper Moun tain, was in town Monday. waiinnls and "Sl'd s tisning grouttu wmic.i. .a ana couniV Will p unc-iiun Ti,.. Pvthians of North Plains The petition or tne nana . no- hatVrt excavating for their fi for saloon , w - new build ng. As mentionea iniu'". ..-.. r-y-"" mw PuiimnK. -prnonstrance had some- tho Argus 0 reuruary .T" nameg that were structure will oe i -. " th netition. Other stfcte of Oregon to own. iw own p--" jno- Iops hall. I : .nnIa;nin(e anlonn North Plains , , . . . t9 I CIICil.....e w.w..,.. That Spring is here-or is about and Timber now having the only due-is proven by two things. thirgt emporiums in the county First, the wild geese have been north of the Baseline.- . ...iL fvaa n Mr no If nt fAfl iiinrtif nun 11 1111 ca wwi,n v a days, and. secona y. " ...... in fmm Oak Park. Sat- waaot-vn 11. ,. r unlav. on his bicycle-express, ..nth bis lilacs floating to t breezes like a streamer from a ; am Mississippi River steamer going 8l4S at full steam ahead. 10;49 am V It. Brown of Laurel, was in 1:19 ... P eat.iednv. and whiles Pm l" .J ' . Min Street with his fi-15 Pm fouV-horse team, had a runaway, 8:20 v S 101 . th,. ten o'clock train. 9-iB Pm CUUSeo vj n.v - ---- , . I Only for the wneeiera From Portland " ...1.4 kniin noin Q I thrown inere - 74J, am Sjrfront of the Wilkes Abstriict Co.'s place of bus nes s 11 V'" ;t iw nf the whee era had his leg 2:28 J " i o, Lhtiv. The team had 4:48 'Pm .u- i00r nf the week, attenu-. mju, . ". .n th. m(U c.2a ; p m .CubU,of her uncle, the crossea u . - . 7a8 pm l,D:r ,vvra:n Mrs. Cave's torman kc yy SHUTE SAVINGS BAlIK American National Bank ,.M.m.B.nwwaaanmnnnnmmnnnnWammnannnnnnWaMaW (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources - 690,428.81 .......,.,.aBaawannannnnnn Banhing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans. Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler's Checks. Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. 0RE00N ELECTRIC TRAINS n- IV"V AIM V J IV VI waw-aan. floating to theL I ami el., -finvpr seeu. if cleaned. 99 per cent pure. 14 CieaillO. V aanla fur- 25F2. Address ... - Hillsboro, uouie . ...... ...... . IWtlnnd vis- tor ine iw , . e tv,0 inir tne uuubiuo v. ,,-..,. i lateJacoo uioh " . fori , 9 there mother was a sister oi . son. IF YOU WANT Anything in the? Optical Line, Come to me es Bye-Glasses-. Properly Fitted From $1.00 Up would have 9:22 12:30 v .pm in Also all kinds of Repairing LAUREL M, HOYT Hillsboro. Oregon i: 1 2! t t I u ;;4:tf -i .. i , j : i 1 W "... a --v I -if