m; r.rop.o n(,' icn s mt am n f JzJLn UULbUU MrPnnrt Snloon Pampntprs anrl Painters are at work Remodeling the MVt H" . , ' . I -it 'II f I t ' . J I .JA , QoL Mxr Kntirp StOCK D.ilrl !K' SO aS lO DC ICtUlV IU IIIUVC IIIIU Uy MUIM l. lIltTLlUIU IU NCCJJ liuwi Jiiuvmg ou niaiijf gwuo s uumi u J 77.. . r r alv Reduced Prices for a Period of 21 days, commencing Saturday, March 7, and ending on March 28. The New Building is not flrnrrip and Crockervware entirely and lust Lur lo carry, Drytfoocls, Furnishings, Shoes, and Bulk Garden Seeds. It will be my intention to carry a much larger Stock of Drygoods J SIim-s Twill do a strictly Cash Business. Beini; in a position to buy for Cash and having no bad accounts, gives me a chance to Save S Money. Remember this is the Time to Lay in Your Supply of Groceries and Crockery at Such Prices. Sale Prices are Strictly Cash. Below we give a Fe w of the Sale Prices prevailing' from March 7, to March 28. 1914 u Miscellaneous Bargains J y Ct uuiriits at I jo C..i: iiu nfs at I () (', it iiu it ut Lntlir Untlcrwrar $1 1S f 7S r.-HliirnH at IIS I 2S ( itimuts at K Car Hunts at $1 J, K '!1,u',ll,i ti .itituuti t 1 1 mi- It t S Chllclrrn's Wool Undrrwt-ar i i ariiii'tits S5 arunuts tn garments '.So 70v .. T'.tc r.Tc !Vc Cmiir m-c iir larc assort uu-tit 1 Men's Unclcrwrar t ..1 ..,. at $1 '.'S -l K-s :i1 I y aitiunts at 1 -1 $1 -ID: 1 V!.. 1 l ii pail wtM'i, .iiiiiiiu 1 12 l-2c Red Seal Ginghams Now 11c; Lace and Embroidery sizes an.li-l"ts. Mk uj) in "v ill-. tii'-m, 2C II. now .. I si" Hosr 1 1 st now He ttv Hose, now c Men's Shirts W ur f,,airt,llllW 4.V Rrpuhr 1.25 Shirts now. ft 75 wool shuts 1 I " j s hluc Ha it m l 1 1S i.t uixti siuris 25 M nc flannel 500 1 CO 2 ;s I 12 t( S" Hip hoots, now 4 25 Shot 1 jungle lx'"4 2 S" I'ih slivkrrs ntcil. 2 I'.oy's slickers Kubher Goods .i ... J - Hiulc HlHltS 1 i. i.i.w iiiiir vii ki -11' - M U III .I1IV1 VUL short 1 i" I l '.IS 1 r,s ls- ;:tat' a i-li't h. it y.l l.V l' rcalrs, j. r yl rcalt s i r 1 To 'aUcM-i. 1 . r I ':c Outmi' t!u!n:i'l, -r yl ik- ( Kitii.v I'ui'ii.' l. mt yl .V r.ittun llai.n. 1. r yl Cittnii lla!:in-l, t yl LN- (Irmlc wuiii i!;ihiic!, ixt yd "(Oo (Irailf H'i llaiitn'1, I r yl Ch- Oa'h- wool tlamu'l. jmt yd 12 c ;ral.' Ilatiiiflt'ttf, IT yd l.V tira'h' ;!aMi. l. ttf. r yd 1. V Cra-I." l!ai.i)i l-'tt.-. ht yd ,Mk- Cra.l. red and llu tlann'l. iht d Stjj-s. l r yd f l.t S'Tvt H. x-r yd , t'iftc ('tiiilli-, i' r yd 7c (Jrade cambric lining 2. V Cradi' pillow tulnntf. mt yd 2.V tirade slm'timr. per yd ;Hc (iiad.- slfctiinr. pt'f 'd HV ;radc sht . tiiis, tK-r yd 10o Crad.' tn-islm. pi-r vd 12 f (irado muslin. kt yd l.V tirade muslin, per yd 12:c lirade l.ti cloth, jht yd . 1. V Crade lout: cloth. ht yd JiK- Crad" l'inir rloth. per yd 2. V ;rar ou' cloth, per yd 1. V tirade curtain scrim. kt yd JiV irade curtain scrim, per yd 2. V Crade curtain scrim, jkt yd :Uk-tirade curtain serine per yd 7.V tirade table linen, per vd (UK Crade table linen, per yd $1.oii tirade table linen, per yd ; liV tirade sateen, per yd '2V Crade serpentine crepe, per yd -. 17c tirade linen suiting, per yd r0c tirade Nun's veiling, per yd 2.V Crade Klaxon, per yd XV tirade Klaxon, per yd V tirade Madras, per yd 2.V Crade poplins, all colors, per vd 2.V Crade soiesette. per yd f .25c 21c 12c 10c 30c .17c ,.f.. ...16c ..13c lie .... 5c ...10c ...8Jc ...13c ..14c ...23c 43c 55f 9c .11c 13c .40c ..43c i&c .0c . 6c 21c 20c 25c .30c r 8C 10c 13c .10c 12c .17c .21c .13c 15c 21c 25c 65c 52c 21c ...13c 13c 43c 21c 30c 21c 22c 1SV- Crade pnpie. per yl :iiio Crade pique. H-r yd 25c Crade dotted swiss. per yd- l.V Crade lawns. vr yd 12 U- Crade lawns, per yd ;;V Crade white novelty crepe, per yd 2tK' Crade white crepes, per yd Rnoiwrs rcdtiec.1, icr pair.. 10c I Miscellaneous ' ,,l,..uc or .nil f..r sale !" 1 lt!,stJ '" icherbocKer ,... ...! .IK i, values, now $115 ft 25 values, now DSc Sale Price Strictly Ca8h. Come Early fs ,M Mcn's-tlicss shoes 4 oo 3 oo ' 4 V 3 V Men's Dress Shoes $4 50 U 5" Men's dross shoes : is 2 41) ;i .s 2 US 3 5 4 oo 3 M 2 97 4 21) 3 4 2 00 Slippers 1 rli WfCSS , T , , . t 50 Ladies' shoes .1 on T ad lr' kIioTR JS.i In 9 , 7c Comfort slippers. GU LIVl O tvi 2 oo " 1 J . T - ,w..,,v. 148 97 5 Get My Prices on Crocheryware BRING in Your EGGS Mo fni nnir l(ni UIiIl HU nn Sweater Coats $7 o Sweaters, reduced to $5 50 $6 oo Sweaters, reduced to $5 oo Reduced to ... 3 oo 2 OO I 25 5 2 75 t 5o 360 2 20 115 3 5 2 50 1 25 150 260 150 98c Umbrellas $3 98 $4 50 Reduced to 11 it 238 150 98c 2 50 1 00 11 ii $3 78 198 1 12 83c $3 00 Values, now... it 2 25 Mens' Pants $1 98 $2 50 Values, now $1 78 1 48 1 lot $1.50 to $2.50 values.. 98c. lOc Ginghams Now 9 cents Ha bo Corsets U oo Corsets, now $2 48 $2 50 Corsets, now J 1 CO . l 1 OO 1 $v 98c 1 00 ' 2 00 1 25 2 10 120 89c $1 75 Gloves, now 1 25 50c " Mens WorK Cloves $1 50 Gloves, now $1 00 Gloves, now 89e Best Grades of Any Goods Sold $148 98c 40c Children s Cotton Ribbed Underwear 29c 50c uarments, ai w vv- - 30c Garments, at u& j5c umukuw, .;- 20c Garments, at 15c Clothe the children while these last $3.00 Hats, sale price. 1.25 Hats, 75c Hats, Hats of Quality it it $2.38 .. 98c .. 55c $1.50 Hats, 1. 00 Hats, 50c Hats, sale price . 1.15 ()c 39c 11 it Cotton Rats 3 pound Cotton Bats ..." 78c 1-2 pound utton mis r. 1 M. .1 : .... fl,oTrr than pver bctore. Stock up now wmie inese pruxa c VfM. nd Rflvs Overalls I1.00 Grade Men's Overalls 90c 85c Men's Overalls 75c 60c Grade Boys Overalls doc 50c uoys wci BOYS OVERALLS 25c to 40c values per pair Only 19c SALE PRICES STRICTLY CASH Childrens Dress Shoes and House Slippers $3 00 Children's Shoes 2 50 1 75 1 25 90c $2 48 210 149 106 69c 1 00 House slippers 85c $2 75 Children's Shoes $2 39 200 ; 168 1 50 " 1 25 1 00 " 88c 1 r5 House slippers 9Sc Be sure and see these fine shoes 1 - 1 . 1 25 -1 , .. r 0 0 ) 7 . 1 Urocenes anu i rrKprv to be CLOSED OUT ENT1 RE LY ' C3