The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 05, 1914, Image 1

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. II
h. rt
It tmo.
,- !!
H, dirwU4
,.ht "!?
I'tli- ,
i.d, out
lh Hl
1 Orr(P" ' -
' hill
nr Hi .""fj.
UiMt. Or"
I'""-:- nrnr nnntir
lion i:rrt
-Ai l'.;irn.H. roitnl
TLi.v 1,1.. i!?. l'JM. nfu r
.. - ,.f k.-vitrI month.
a inrw . ..
ur Barn rn .iu,.
iwWltK..r.-.H; m-urly
,rkr l. nu-n im
Unctwl fn" Orvirn n'1
t.. rirrU all
L. th w-i.rUl. Krry an-hcry
Cofpmmin. iu-.. In the ftiitwl
illuth. r. Mr. Harm- wm
Li f .nliirv. hiiilHi-tf. and
,rm - ' , .... it
I,. llri L'on in NM. u
KIT - -
wipent air yarn in I'ort-
HiurtiifiL t' h'ffttl (Irovr
Wirno int- r.-slitl in tmlitiii.
fur rmmlx'r
MBinrtil in fti'niaiirn. IK
...inr Mitchell, ann
.M it lh irt'iHiaiurr i vi ry
l-wlhil S" T.l! man waup f"r
Hmu utrinii; in in fru-nil
t. n-mrt'iii t a fault. Bin
mny (n-!,.N in Washnnfli'ii
Ur lUrnm m at a Vrti-ran of
L Civil Wr. anl wa rnliHtnl
lNer York r'i?im'iit.
Ih furitral m ua rnniliirt-l
inJ a law rrwl an
?5bjd ii tiifir tat r'
U. W l.ii.l livi-il nintiim
) it thf ;mm Hinn ISJKL
Jlr. lUrcm UHurvivfJ by Mr,
VMi, i mi a marrifil ilaiik'litcr,
jfa'mit it thf (irovf.
On lhur.!iiv .(. V. tlm C
T. S. Country t'luii n rntT
tainni ut Villolnnk harm. Tua
latin, by Mm. Swrk ami hT
iJauifhtrr. Mr. Ilarilinit. Thrir
iM-autiiul ruuiilry liotin wm ilf
(irattsj with (IuIIihIiU, violi-U ami
.J)r'Uin irratM'. In th dininir
rintin th tatiU was litrhtwi with
vi'lliwnhal'l ranilflalira ami
.t orat-'l with lialTmiilii. No al-
jvrtivm will JujuHtir to thiin
tur tastilv ni-rviil ly Mrn. Hard-
inif. Btit.H hy h-r iHtrr. Mm.
Smith, ami Mi Marion Smith.
ami MiKii I.Uiy VrathiTrl. of
HilUlioru. It took th form of
Itirtlntay ilinmr to Mm. Davit
ami Mm. I'aiuimor1. tin I'lui
n'smtiriif tin' fornwr, a lilver
iK-rrv ion. ami th latur.
ifolii thimll. Af t r tin IniHinraa
iim tmir. m-vi ral intn'ntinir m
Ixmwin jtiven. llirna jn-n
ny-wic" ronti'Kt wat piiiovrtl
Mm. AlU-y was awanii'd the
iirii. a ailvi-r rri-am lalltf.
nix-rial ft-ature of tin afternoon
wait tr.i danntitf of tin tanito.
hi-Hitjttiun waltz ami the one
Klip, whirh vt-ry Krar fully
M-rforni- by Mnu Lucy Wrath
iTrrd ami JamiSfhroyrr. Mm.
Anh aui?tt ilamrd th lllithlan
Hinir. Mrn. Wm. Iavi. of I'ort
land, v-ry rrnlitaldy laye(i for
tht-Hi- dami-H. also tin' ixniular
iuiti;it, in wliiihall joiikhI
V arc 1 istrt t Aifrnts for u!
tin- Curtis PtiMiHhinir Co.'s IVr
iihlu-als; inrlu'linir lht Saturday
i'.vfiiinif rHt. The I A iu'S Horn
Journal. The Country !entleman
and 1 he Criterion. We are a!
avents fT all other magazine
and will U only too jjla.l to em
in your a.ils-riitions for you at
the name prices you have to pay
and thus aaw you the necessary
iMtstnife. fees for money order
etc. Call nnd net clul list id all
mnL'jmm-s. I'., Met ormick
llillslmru. Oregon.
The U. S. t'ivil si-rvice com
nnsHion will hold examination in March 2. lor the rural
carrier aervice, to make certilica
tion for carry ink' mail at laurel
nr nnv other olllce in the county
The au restriction are from IS
Drama Clat ul I'. C. kVnJtr
Southern I'luy Creditably
Slwyul Victory ul Ittirl. (Iicr I'n ju-. v,ruVeP , 0f 'rley. were in town
5. 1914 NO. 50
in fronlniorr nrr rnn mill Tir .- f I
John Ironside wad
Cethary, Monday.
A. IJemtcheudt, (f Corntdius,
a ;u in town Monday.
Wm. Johs; wa.i in from West
1,'nion, the first of the week.
.! m Fuetfy. of l'hillips. was
in ion Saturday.
Frederick Johansen. of Farm
ii.vton, was in town Monday.
S. M. Chapman and J. L Iiam
iwt Pirlravc4
A IT""'! sized audience iiear i th'
U. hrama Class, assisted
L I'erkins, present "Ala
bama at the t rescent theatre.
riday evening, and the rendi
tion of the play wa exeelU r.t.
K. L. I'erkins. as the Southern
ilanter who held sectional prej i-
dica Veam after the clone of t!ie
war. hecauau his son had p ne
int) the Union Army, was l e
lead in the drama, and he
ifood more than K"od. Kdwy
Ihhhle, as a relic of the Con fed -
eracy. Col. .Moherly. attorney
and suitor to two widows, wax
excellent. Too much can not he
said for Ivan Donaldson in the
comedy part of Spnre linker,
who mixed his justiceship with
atTaimof the heart, and tt-ially
endeil hy remaining a hachelor
for the Spnre was there with
Udls. all the time. Jii.s. McCoy.
a the railroad man. Cant. Dav-
enjiort, who was really t'io son
of the old idanter. carried his
part in a clever manner, ami nis
tinal reconciliation with his laid-
er was one of the tine ius oi
actinir, Udh I'erkins and Met oy
winnintr laurels in this denoue
ment Chus. 1 McNeill, as the
ritfht d way man, who won the
old planter's grandchild as a
l.ride, the Wide turnmvr out to
W the railway mak'nate's daugh
ter, won the audience from the
start, and held it to the lini.-li.
Oscar Axe!on. a younj: man yet
in hiK teens, made a tine im-
Hun C. K. 'l izard, of Titrard.
was a county Beat visitor Monday
.1 W Thomoson and (!arl Iiieh
v, of attove Mountaindale, were
in town Monday morning.
J A. Zimmerman. ro:ul suner
vuor of )istrict Z. was in town
Monday afternoon
For lunch pickled pitrs feet.
home made' Hausaires and Ixv
lojmas. H. IL hmmott.
C.ion.T Temiile. formerly of
ll e Caston aection, was out from
l'ortlan.1, Saturday, meeting
with friends.
W. F. McCourt went to his
Southern Orejfon ranch, near
Cre.swell. Saturday eveninir. to
remain a day or so.
Do not forget to ask for a
qx ran nm rnwM TT , .
to '. years or
turns are rom 1 -m M .ihn Son uf
' k:,' Mp,. M.ldred 1V'C who at the
ier carrying mail , .... , ,.., M.r,
Wtl for the Week llBVe Wen
p, TJ1; calves.
W lheep. fvl'.l.
Ill; how's.
ai.nlicants. after carryimt
one year, are elik'ihle to pnmio
tion in the post ollice seryice. or
to mail railway clerk service.
All applicants must he citizens
of the United States. Any ap
plicant can secure the necessary
information at the laurel or inwt olhces. or from the
U S Civil Service Commission,
Ya.shink'ton. D. C The com
Htntes that the maximum
- . .. ..: I :
NX rattle trade .howr.1 Z "
B ko). lhe hitf Monday run iiswi.irk-i "
f.i, i:. . i ..i ..... . tinval service.
iMi'K,. .iiKun in renin i , n ,
I a . .. .... I w ii;.,.,j ill nut m al r;,ri,i uf u nv man. nice V retire
iuoiht prices, runce oioo-1 iirs. n. n,in"-- ! ' . .. n-.. r
Vik :. ... . i i: .1.. I ii .i .i. ,.t Xt.lKn.iru in run-1 ...... I.., I il. Sviuthem Miss 01
" n'' nave inen oKov. xm.iii ' '.7" it:., lmui, C-
r stock on the other hand ncctionw ilh I'ress mbkihk P'; ewnieen. oiism i.ou.. ......... .
firmthMiiehout. Ilestcows h,m. She invites the ladies of as Atlanta, the daughter ot lot.
tfht 7 and 7 n.V hulls tl. and Ihllslmro nnd those of thewir- MoWrly. was kwhI.
M. Killers h.ive not Wen roomlmir country to call and ex- Nelsm rrost portray u a
f wpplied on she stuff, ami amine her stock, and also would yillian and was in , ha. I wun t
market att ars verv steudv. like them to inspect her work in audience, surety that ho was uu
m dropped hack to H 7(1 the dress makinir department. man for the lines.
'"Cay. whi. ii is l.V tinder which is of the Ik-si. i.esiu uce. lateen m m. ;
price at HK It is .H.rner of First and Oak. I'hone wa a credit to me e u
'lv Pn.hahle that March re- Citv 1(17. The music lurn.sneo u,
ilt be on a w ith Feh- . Hillskm) orchestra, unceni . -
k... - ' ... I I . .1 llo lZ. ine iiiiniiiiHiR ....i.i;,.,,.,. ii !ino- ' :tr iioneisoo,
k o many tinextHTirii ...i... .j inl;t,","v tv; ' , i n....
v in n: Kreil .umwaiv ami nanj
end weds Caiit. Davenport, it'ias
Harry I'reston. Zen as Olson, as
the ante-Wllum nek'ro servant,
was a fine character.
Mini Alice Smith, the widow
known as Mm. Pak'o. who nearly
lost her home through villainy.
was exceptionally k'ood. and her
clever actimr was a surprise to
those who had not heretofore
heard her. Miss Jenness Miller,
as Mrs. Stockton, the widow w ho
won Col. MoWrly. won laurels
alonk' lines of vivacity, wtiite
Miss F.lizuWth as t arey
I'reston. who won the yotinvr
McNutt and Lane, Arretted in
llcaverton. Will Stand a Defense
Yomm Divis. Arrcltcl With Father.
Allowed to Depart, Saturday
Judjfe Campbell held a session of
circuit court Friday and Saturday,
and set the following cases for I
Nuttinsrham versus Dessinger,
March 17.
Coman versus Emmott, March
State versus McNutt and Lane.
arrested for attempted burglary.
at Beaverton, March 8.
State versus John Howard,
liquor case, March 13.
Wessom versus Wessom. de
cree of divorce.
The celebrated case of the
Hillsboro (xjmmercial Bank vs
E. Wenstrom, suit to recover on
a S1.00Q nota riven for etock in
S. ' ii:,-r when you want a itood "ie uc,u" ,4ra -
...... .. u nanv. oeeunied the best Dart 0 1
1' rem hOloKc - uu .unnu uuni r . . ,- .
in the Schiller. 12tf two days, the jury finding for
, , , i the hank in the total sum, and
John Idtis and the Lynn Krantin(f $ioo attorney fee.
Hi .w .of beyond North 1 lains. The legal tilt was interesting,
w.T.- m town Monday, on pro- jongue & Tongue being counsel
liusiness. for tne and jonn iipeSt 80n
S:im Mm in Jr.. of Centerville. of Martin L. I'ipes, of Portland,
is at the home of Chas. Cardner. appearing for the defendant.
this week, suffering from an in- lhe jury was out but a few min-
f.-eted hand, the result of a cut utes until a verdict was reached.
!,v a saw. Wenstrom alleged that the note
. . , , , fl was secured through misrepre-
Alfred Morgan, who ,s fir ng M & c,arki
an enk'ine for the S. 1 on the . fina tha Hon, .-.j u nP ine. was out the lasted . . k. i. i
. . ki.ik iransierreu it io ine uaun, auu
"'""M'Sii that the note wm given without
er. Mrs. Henrietta Morgan. va)ue The jury. w u
For sale, cheap: Light team. Parsons, Andrew Pierson, J. C.
hanuss and wagon. W. C. 151- Smith. A. T. Buxton. Elmer Pur
ton. Witch Hazel Station, on S. din. H. T. Koeber. D. S. Wilcox,
i ll IL. address, Beaverton, W. M. Smith. Geo. M. Himes,
Ore.. Route 4. . 50-52 Aug. Blank, Willie Hamel, J. H.
Louis Welch and Luella Avery wrland.
were united in marriage at the
home of the bride's sister, Mrs. MULLOY IMPROVES
HnHikf. Scholls, Feb. 12, 1U14,
Kev. iiomer v ox ouikiukoiK. Tl, unnn n noon h on
Where you'will find many fancy articles
not usually found'in the most up to now
city drug store. We have a full stock of
Symphony Lawn Paper the Acme of
Perfection in Writing Papers. Try it
and yon will be pleased. Toilet Articles
of the best grades are in our stock, in
fact wr. have everything needed for mi
lady's dressing table. Our line of pianos
include some of the best makes as follows
Baldwin, Hamilton, Monarch, Howard
and Valley Gem. We also handle the
Famous Manualo. The Player with the
Human Touch. Come in and see it.
We handle only High Quality Drugs.
Absolute Accuracy of Prescription Work
is our motto. Bring in your prescriptions
The Delta Drug Store
1 I ... tn
... - . . . i.fiiiip ia.ii m
fflhaveocoured in the swine thres nern an ..... . . vu,lm; t rea .urn va.i u.o. . ,
pt this year the donesters the city Monday. He ,,K K Bowman, cornets; 0. 1 lu'lps.
few to ,S;. BarkS r'T. ! drums; was exceptionally good.
y with outlook g.KHi. 1 . I.hi ik nJof luvinga
Um and lamb prices hit Kino, and h'nn?V. N0TICn TO TAXPAVIIKS
h'?h Places this w 4. Tues- new w'Wtr. so ho will have mi
hWnwIay and Thursday ? .CTJ. evi,..nt. Ls-u fcnhv eiven that the
m i of receipts but Fr.; the BUximing To f tax roil for Washington
i2ral rVVn'kutt,U mnrkll and South Timlutin farmers to city, Oregon, will be open for
MiKnatiun. Monday was Md h ouin i ork wunw. u k .myment ot .Inn at ineika .- , ,, i
w hen in I oi uu.m '-"i ,
JMwere attnu-tive eommiMli.
a lew r. I'iMiri
I j "K- i I-
V" me
No rebate will be allowed.
I lot I
Hotel iMUon. " . r 1 ..... Ull tnxes are due ami paou.
run ii, &:iilhnni un . CI r....ld 1, willed in voe . - , . . .. r ,. 101 I
. " nioriiMoo , ... imf nre the lSl oay 01 rjii., ......
' at r, ST,, ewes at 4 70 J .nrl 0r the theatre and nhojv an t,e made bo-
JWiml. f,0to 1 nr. in bulk ,S districts all the con- MUjm nj a uu,(
J ami, demand excelled mivn f a modern hole I at , x vf WIlL per
nd imnie fat kinds r...ia.,.,nt.le rutes.-t.lun lUW. ""k".,i ;,, .'..hnrired on renur i-
ni in ... ... ... . n"""" aiitr
pi" easy cutlet at t 7.r.
inun Spenklng Society
I IIII I1 1 Ll I n III 'V- v - r-
Manager. inir half payment to bo pan prior
. ... .i a new. t ..ntember 1st rJl-1. ''Vrl
inus SentemPor i. iyu i'v -.;
ii in t in me i ..null inu " - f . irtiM-.vir lit 1 1 it
for ""-'noera ns or i wouiu i rhnrired on a aennqueiu
r Of imimrlnnn.. .. Ill KiLl. m I nnH. l0 Cnark,iu
Ih .. -i --. i v. n in i niA iiiiii"""'- i . .
"P. . . :n . taxes.
'tire Tr..nsiirerand lax Lol-
Tho North Sitlo Dairy will de- 1 K. R Sapping ton,
vervou milk on city route, tun
P.4. 11 I.. .. :u. ...i
Wr ,,1U 11 WOn 0Uk 01 1 T it deliver Tel. Farmer -n
irneg .,. ttnd then doiyir.
ut ill if . . oian"" m. m. ( iiienwaier. nuiiwu
ft .IS 1,p tttor teams of - -
' "a Washimrton, wishes cna9. Follett, the prem,ier boq- .
V' fi local U,V8 Wo play motive engineer on the P. It. & An annual meeting of the st ik
,& mll. and don't d hack to Hillslmro foldersof the K. 0. L M. HuM
"Uleto 'Vi-,.1. n . . . .l . f...,;KI run out of ! Aaane ation Will taKe place uu
iested to be pros-
Hitter, nf it..iKan waa
L8i:.llt urday, on
ass S"-
will mean a great uea. - io u.
on the line this season. J-
11. H. Hall, of Shady Brook, n(, 0reironian, $2.25
was in town Monday. -
II, lie muuvjr oMkvivrn kvwfv(
(Ka HrnrfAn KWtrir. rpcpntlv
i ii fs v viwioio i, I vivaw -
contineil to his room for some held a basket social at the Carlon
. .. 1 .L.t k . .1 .L. 41 k
tune, is so iar recovereu kimk uc scnooi nouse, ine turn ui n w
was able to visit the business jng realized, which ts to be de
cetinn the first, of the week. I voted to the mirchase ot lumber
Irving Higganbotham. the or sidwalks, some of which
Ik'iver pitched is now in train- have been laid, by fund from a
ingwith1 the team in Southern 0
(alilornia. lie exnecw one m."rz.r.." ' " . n,aA tnr
the best years of his service tn nuu """u";v.
ff.. I me success ui mis iav w "
1 ' I j ll ' HI Ctitne nmciHant
... . mue airs. j. m. auw-u, Fivo...v
t I.1 CV.,.I. P.,lnrnn,l loaf U'Oelt I . .v. fl . T.k, Acon
i.. r. i'uun iiiumvu V 1 oi me rareni-icituieia
from an exiended trip to South- Lne hoanj 0f school directors. A.
em California. He says he miss- Muii0y. chairman, John
,1 the rainv places, and was in Thnmhmsv .nd Lee Huckelbee
the dry. as it happened, most of nn(i Ju(iffe w. E. Mulloy. The
the time. Inmcrrnm fnr thft evenmur:
ftnncr School
1 riilVl' il llllllllW Oltiuuiii v I ..... -.. .
I Vaverdam land to sell. Part of Song Hibbs bister
i.:..i.i .j......i.....t s.m) nnd Rec tal on .Ray Beckstead
? ,;i an acre.' Tems. Addrss Song. Edith Peters
r ii... m HlViia in a. i rv i nndiiiirii' ..... ii. iiiuuo
tare m me '' r'"": " ' ..j p...:b.i
lioro. W aong. . . . ARnes mm Cikci c
. . I K'.v-itntinn .tan rcicia
itiihs .ojnik im"") MJnnir Hihha sister, cuuar accu l
mond. Ore., was in town Sunday, n r Mr Hibbg
n irnest at the Mrs. folly Butler PHilh Peters
" i i iwt lauuu "
home, hlw was aown maKing th Danjo. .Hibbs Sisters
her annual millinery purchases - . . Mr9 C. M. Stites
for the Redmond store. Auctioneer John Thornbreay
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schultz,
who have been guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
lllieeil. MeC. .11 . . I
. . ,t...: u. ...... in iir.urnn i itv. i & niaoaant anmrise recent v was
111 men 1 1 vm i 1 1 .1. v' o .ui. vwii 1 It. L I
Monday evening. given Paul Gurske at the home
i rvo.ufn.-.l of his brother Henry, near vor
Attorney (.enoral Crawford! . rmM ftnd card3 were
has decided that the ladies must . features At a late hour a
tell their ages when regisiennR, , . luncheon wa3 served
H V! " JrS; by the young ladies. . J
tainett dv ine vmcii 1"' Mr Gurske soon leaves iori
no longer obtains -provided she portlanai where he is conductor
believes in voting. fnr the Portland Railway, Light
I - I
Oregon has 30 inches of rain & Power Co.
Maur Ynrlf I UAM riiiralra MlRftf9 F.dna
Sunday noon, mer, Zina Behrmann, Minnie and
less man iwo- Sophia Meyer, rean ducucic.
i i.i . ..f nr. mh wnn i.ti. MoniriiHn MvriH noiki..
humiieains oi " .". "muinc t. ... , rf
.i ... ;o a "tno-wet:" I rv.M onrt Minnie Huhmann. and
. , Annie Kamna. Messrs. Paul
. . lllllMLTa w m Hlltl Il&l 1 V IAIIWIIi
... nn Main 1 VM. "V.I' . t:I
i lie ursi Miui.ii.ui' , - Louie Neuktrcn, nenry msv,
i met since the electric service VTV Ct' xrt and RudolDh
has been installed took place Fri- M Ma Beniing, Henry and
day afternoon, when the hve John Kamna Gu8 Ruecker. Herb
VA Demmin. Kobt
Julius Chaney and Joa. White, of . ( John Behrmann, Fred
(Jrovoland. were tn me uumw, . Albert Krahmer, Henry
driving a double team. W"WI, Holt? and Dick Huhmann, .
of their cayuses became fractious " .
as the train pimeaaiong , mo .Trthn Vincent, of
firele The OOVSSOill liao men mini .
lillVyance patched up and pro- way, epart.d ?e la t 0, the
'l Uik7 ' nnnn in I Vincent wM the first sheriff of
was ioru.... v. . -- -- - n Aantin t'ountv. Wash., and is a
S Sic uucntion to the comlprof the great inland em-
n.i cro nir ot tne trains.
hum rt"
and thereby creates an accurate record of all expendi
tures. Many, both men and women, through the
absence of such a guiding record, permit small, un
necessary outlays to drive away the joys and indepen
dence which increasing dollars provide. A checking
account affords the safest, most convenient and satisfac
tory way of handling your money, besides adding to
your prestge. We solicit personel, as well as business,
accounts and tne opening deposit neednot be large.
Capital and Surplus $.S7,ooo.oo
A. C. Shute,Pres., C.Jack, Jr., Cash., W. V. Bergen, As't
MitowNf Third St., HUHboro, Omm, j
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources a 690,428.81
Banhintf in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans. Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
Watch Bargains
$6.00 for an ELGIN or WALTHAM, 16 or 18
size, in nickel case. Regular price $8.oo
S9-50 for a la or 16 size, 20 year gold filled case,
with Klein or Waltham movement. Reg
ular Price $12.00
S10.50 Ladies' size, open face, 20 year Elgin or
Waltham movement. Regular price 13-5
S12.00 Ladies1 Hunting Case Elgin or Waltham
movement, in 20 year, gold filled case. Keg-
tttaf nripp TC.OO to l8.0O.
A big reduction on every watch in my store, for 10
ilava onlv. Get mv prices.
Out of town customers will receive prompt reply to
their inquiries, and if goods are not perfectly
satisfactory I will exchange them.
Hllfehoro. Oregon
It i )
i it
- t! t