The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 26, 1914, Image 5

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    HILL4BORO AktifK, FFBECAfcY , tM
now cols
I . ivrk"
. . i i it. . i.
.kllul Sl"l J""" "!-
Ihtft mm
.'XltUm'w 'f H.e trong. t
" ...... ....t . . tl.,
vr n,!iii,, "
,v..t nirt, Fri,,45f ,v'
:inlf h k An ol.l .lay. it i
'th.ln-verlir.Ml the
... k,.,-t.H their inl.-r-Rt chiwd.
from the rte f the cr.
Uinut.t.1 the cl..f the nnnl
L -ii all U right.-!, and
hrWM re a victory over m
.:..hI r. n.-ntniont.
The i'lt ' ,tti', in Alabama:
.(.nit H eum ft''r i
5S Ihe HcenoH take place.
JJh one ,.,re,,l..m on the Man-
Spiel Southerner. h,, lH-arH
North .! II ho may ' from
,h. North. Thi .re)u.lre wB
'c,,,.m-.l and intilU-l In the
M nan" heart by reaw.n ot the
Norther.. Army taking away hij
rtlv . h i graduate of
Wvt l'""t; the impoverishing
f thci.W gentleman of hi hold-
mM ,.MHeially the taking or
..... .....,' ItU MlaVeH. Wild
he m r t,r,m' 1,1 V!n U
' .i thi-ft and ignorant-.-
tnl the ittrangment of hi win
lovf. . ., ,
Mr. Armstrong and t apt.
ii...-i..rf u i it war on the na n.
anwntt f-ra proj..-l riu!r..i.
tnJ are refused jH-rrnHHioti ir .
,.f nv urro the planta
I he l'renton home i
i,,...i,.1iiirtir. Mr. Armstrong
anil Carey I'reaton. a grand
djunht.r of Lionel Prbm
fall in love an.l mk the! ..lorn
hi (auction, hut fail to over
........ ... it,.. ..I.I man's rninil hi
rrtentinent for any one from th.
North. It develop imu ai't
l)ivrnirt i thewmof Ci'lotn
PrMi.ui bii.I a hai'ly reunion is
ffrt-te.1. Thi i a re t:il of
II of the hai w -n
itf ..r" the entire ttav. which in
fiil.,1 i'h intensely dramatic
ilutn. patho iml comely
Tint I' II lirnma ttla hark
..I kr,l -.i..t l.tfiwr on thi ilill'icult
n'iv hu h u n nrtxluce l at tlx
Crov'e i the llth. an.l receiv
wmmeiulation from every .piar
The HillUrt orchestra, hu
I,.. mj.-M.l.l.vl vt-rv line tleltt
till turninh mtiHic. !n t fail '
h there. The rnt:
(.. Trenton, an ol.l plante
t I. IVrkin: Col. MolH-rly.
n-lic (.f the Conies-racy. '..w
Oihhle; Spiire Tneker. a Justice
Ivan ti.iiuil.hbtn- ('at)t. Ihiven
port, a Northern Ky. Man. J.
Md'ov; Mr. Armstront?. hit
Writ'. Cha. McNeill; Uthrop
I'lge. a Southern Uy. wr
AxeUon; Uaymoml Pau'e. n par
ty of husine. Nelmm Krost;
IWatur. an Anti-Mlum wrvant.
Zcnan Olnon; Mm, hitfe. u w i h
who think twice, Altoe Smith;
Mm. Sl.K-kton. another vvi.low.
Jirnit-is Milled. Carev Trenton.
in Alabama HIoshoth, WiaU-th
Hot,.; Atlanta MoU-rty. tl. M"
berly's .lauiihUT, K'lith Swan
Director. Prof. VVm. J. liar-
(Icrman Spcaklnf Smlety
The Cerman SH'akinK Soriety o!
Washinjfton County will Imhl i
metinr at the Moose Hall
WashiiiL'ton Street. Saturday
March 7, at one oYIok in the
afternoon. The Society request
Itteiiihiiice of all inemlMTH as
matt m nf imnortanco will l't
taken up.
Feb. 2H. Wfi. -r'mht yara aVo
- the httt candy ktorw r.f Ixum
lleidtl. north ide f Main, on
the Hite now iMTiipiril ,y the
I. '.. & K . lnuk'ht hy Jan.
MiltriUri;r. whuae capital
Muck Binounttd . th munifi
cent Hum of tl-Vl. I'.uHinenji was
hrink from the start, a thi was1
the only utore in tht county
making and Helling luitnemadf
candies. Ihe little Ktore was
chrintiiied the ltt-n of Sweets,
and the uarten aotm iHraine
to small. In I'.fl? a frame huild
inu on Seeitnd U-came itn Imrne,
the place Ix-injf replaced hy a
hand.ome hrick in 1UH now
hotHiiik' IlillivUiro'ii leading
Sw' t Shop justly terrtn-d the
I h-n of Sw. ets. Kik'ht years of
leisiin-ss h:t left it mark, r rom
th- little t n feet front with its
old -fushioiiit! counter, rases, and
k'.Mtse neck fountain, i hut a
step to "up to the -minute" wall
Hvr Hi .prrk-rue lor the War
Jut CI..M-U I'Jl l Willi I licuns
svs mit mm: m r tkiis auvin
l etter I runa Scvcll Slalmn Hi -Unit nn
I'uullry kctpiitf
ease, can !y and ciifar casw.
s.kI.i fountain with i electric
appurtenance and mirror ira
lore. u helpcelehrate the Hth
annuersary every loy ami irirl
ho enme to the I ten of Sheets
Saturday af ternoon wilt be uiven chicken, worth $101; sold
"Kditor Arjrus: Ah tins is the
time of the year Jn ople y t the
chicken fever, and tell what
money they have made, nr can
le made, will yive you my
(ik'ures for l'Jl:$ my second ar
in the chicken business. I I'ave
the hen credit for every
laid at the market price the day
it was'laid. and credit for every
chicken we Hold, or killed and
Stock on hand Jan. 1st. VMS.
Sam Kun, of Orenco. was in
tow n Monday.
T-rry Stream, of Kant Plains,
wa.s in town Monday.
I). S. Wilcox, of (iuston, was
a city ca!U r this afternoon.
Antone Mermen, of V'erlKMirt,
was in the city this mornintr.
o'iaii Haer, of aUive Moun
taindale, was in town yesterday.
Mrs. Uovd I'.rown visited with
friends in Portland, Sunday.
Want trirl for general houiw
work. Telephone Main 182,
1 11 i Powheer. city
Will Have Supervision of trmm-
Commiijon C. A. Hanley,
who with Hon. E. W. Haines and
H. C. At well, is on a committee p. . HAILKY, M. V.
to take care of Washington Gin- -.u,
ty'aendof the Willamette Val- FayUaaad .H.rcHi
ley aJUxhibit at the cominjr San Office:upuir 5,'""'CS "11
I Francisco Fair, reports that the ST
prcHenl, A han.lsome souve
nir w ill lie tfivcn the ladies.
Pres. John M. Wall, of the
'ommerrial Club, wishe to an
nounce that the first Tuesday in
ai h month is Ktm kholders
meeting, ami all memUT of the
luh are roiucrited to In prenent
hear report from the Isiard
f governor. The Imard ha
met several time in the past
ortni'ht, and they are workirik'
aid on m-veral prooHitionH.
Mr. Wall wants attendance, so
that member may know what is
k'omiron. The club w ill have a
Hinoker next Tuesday nlirht, in
oiiiimction with the mectinif.
ie Uiard i taking up several
public service matter that may
mean a ureat saving to the -
pie of the city.
A reception in honor of llev.
P. Huk'he and wife will Ik
. ti
fiven at the resilience oi nir.
and Mrs. John M. Wall. I nday
veninir. Feb. LT. at o clock.
Friend and niemU-r of the
t'oiik. Church are cordially in
vited. IU-v. Iliivrhe ha very
iri-iK-etor. h.-L-i lrt-en ill with I .a
(ii . p; for several weeks.
S-o the row Spring arrivals at
the Hillslxiro Mercantile. The
cUtss-iest ever brought to the city.
John l.ipx-rt and wife, of
i'.anks, were in the city this
Frank Holcomb, ol lUthany,
was reeling friend.-! in town
John Ireland, of Forest drove.
was in town yesterday.
grangea and commercial bodies ihlMB .., cut 4 rian.-,cwj M
nent Road Work in the County are trading support to the .
inni r k.- Waahinfrtfn ! T I I?IXt?TXT If Tl
WAIH,LU County represented at the Fair.
and the matter ot exhibits will au sukhw- j
App!ic Ha Mad Veart of Eiperfcatc have to be taken up thm Sprint? Snrm s. p. P. R. S.. P. E. ft R.
and Summer, so far as grains . 7 L v t... ..a
j " i ,,J f-,;a (Office lit the Tantieme Block. TbIm u4
anu Krsea iu i "" Min Street. HillthoeOk Onm.
re ronrprnpd Wa3hincrton Coun-1
TL. rA..4 rAMMimlnnan' l.i mm "a BAmi." whan If IWTIM I
plumhinjt iCouxt this week appointed II. B
ia Rock Boad Baildiaf
Chapman, of Portland, as W ash
etftfs. $17l.r; chickens. t; to-
tal income. fciOUti. Chickens
on hand. To worth. ?l:y.2r;
trrand total. $:!'.bil. less ?1'U
and feed $277.H."t, makintr u total
of J-s.l.H.'. and leaving me a
profit of IVJj.
This K'ave me H.'Jo clear pro
lit. My time was reasonably
worth $li". at Z" cents per hour.
Mv buildmtr. fence, etc. were
Hood, but cheap, costintr about
i'SS. I read ixmltry papers and
hooks, also asked a thousand j
ipiention of a hundred people,
and tried to make a success. 1
did have U-ttet luck than the
average neighbor with w hom 1
compared notes from time to
time. 1 Btill Mieve I can clear
a dollar per hen each year. I
fed wheat, oats, corn, bran,
beef scrape, chick feed, Isnic,
shells, lime, glass, gravel, Kami,
kale, K)tatoes. ashdust and fresh
water i' very day. My experience
im mi doubt worth a hundred or-
two dollars. 1 am not disappointed-!
went in with my eyes
open 1 said More I started,
that there was ten failures to
on micccss - that the chicken
business, a a business, was the
last kick of a dying calf, and Un
real estate dealers street an
chor. No mlds what the piece
of acreage is like, low or high.
:.. ! ! Htumt.8 or clear, tug or lime.
if lieu " -.- -
when it comes
to preparing an exhibit, for Na- ELMER II. SMITH M. D. D. 01
ture is wondrous kind to the
wist ).. in rhia OMtinn Thp
mt?ton County 8 new road mas- mutee w,u goon 8urt an
ter until further notice. Mr. actjVe campaign to have speci
Chapman for many years has mens preserved dunntr the 1914
had charge of rock road work in season.
Multnomah County, and he comes Mrs. G. W. Hines will put in a
here with recommendations that small stock of Millinery in con-
,.wi;taLl0 1'nHt.r th. new nection with Dres3 Making par
are creditable. Lnder the new ghe invite3 thg . of
law the court must appoint a tiiHahoro and those of the sur-
road master, and if such an ap- roundintr country to call and ex-
tiointment is not made, then the amine her stock, and also would i-howks oiike, city 4; Recuy864
calling county surveyor is ex-officio road "te mem w inspect ne.r w i" hujboko, u.v
me arena niaaiim u' . WWM
wnicn is oi me oesu reanieiii:e.
Office lVmr to il. m.; I to S
TutxUt. TburwUy, Hatardm 9 to it
Calls aunweml Amy or ni(ht. Both
phone. UiBce over HilUhoru Natioool.
J. 0. ROBB, II. D.
OKFIC E-Upsuira ia Scholnwricb Bidg.
corner t f First and Oak. Phone
Physician and Surgeon
on his county seat friend. I master.
Wanted Km:ill furriibil hniiRel The oosition carries with it
with gard- n tract, chicken coops payment of $7.50 per day City 167.
a 1 t a. ... a 1 .. ,v, .w. 1 .. rfr not tnim vun anil irmi
eic. licni niiiH iifi'm aim iia uoj ....... v... u T r,0t t,,norl
... A ,1.1.... j I'.w VC.U Hi uttf.mlatatiita ini'M tho tifMltlOn manV I iUJi u. . ua"W ,tv-...
.a-pM No nermanent road I ueaujr iruui ma my u umce nour f iu ii . in., i m a p
work can be done unless he Washington, D. C where he ciu mwerel iy or night Bota it- nnrl nn omniint I Went With four Others from Ore- phone. Otfice to American National
of money worth while can be wn. to appear before Attorney-
Bank, npaUir.
New Spring arrival at the
IliUslxiro Mercantile. Indies are
rei'.H'stcd to call and see our pew
Mrs. 0. V. Nelson, of liacona,
is convalescing nicely at a Port
land hospital, where she under
went an operation, last week.
Miss Olson has returned from
Seattle where she went to com
plete her buying of Spring Milli
Mrs. L Lenon. of Portland,
was a truest of Mrs. J. II. Jack
exnended without his direction, uenerai aiciwynoius. m pruii ,nLLSBORO
Mr. Chapman will soon make to the unmerger 01 trie a. r.
a survey of the road work to be Kailway lines and branches the
done along permanent lines this Northwest. The delegation rep
year, and familiarize himself resented the shippers commercial
with the needs of the county. bodies, and the timber men. who
Many districts have voted hold that the dissolution of the
special taxes this year-more merger wouiu wur a unrul y
than ever before -and there will on the shipping interests. Cali-
be plenty of rock work through forma also sent a delegation and
the good weather. the hearing before the official
w ; .t iko unrir w l ast two or three days. Wnilein
H bkiwi io ,,,.; w. n.
the past week, her hust.and join- jn earijer than usual, so more asningion, oir. uagiey met
ing her over Sunday. can be accomplished. As a mat- Senators Chamberlain and Lane
.1. . - . .i .l i : -l. ...... I anH Vv. Senator HnnrnP.
P.uv vour early hat now and ter oi iaci inesuo-uase is aija
Saw. m. mmttvt w-
Rooms 1 and S Haaf BaUdiag
.1 . I I M U...L
recently Compieieu it i rui mi-
ply pastorate for the llillsboro
or sal.-; Span of mares, 2 I';
net n.arlv n.-w vtork narneas.
liL-ir drill, new. It hoc; prac
tically new mower; H-sectlon Hteel
harrow; milk cart hirst come
tir-l ened. -Uoy Hays, llillsbo
ro, Or., one mile .Hith, on Jack
ti r-ittom. U twtH-n bridge, at
("onilensi r pumping plant, on left
hand side, going south. UHf
Probate: l-'state of l.ucinda ('
I uck son set for tmal ettiemeni.
Close 10 lown, or iar 8i, ii.n !
white land, lieaverdam. it's line
for a chicken ranch. Kvery one
like to brag. No one likes to
tell, or hear of failure. I like
hot air myself, even if 1 know it
i thin, but if every one had the
courage to tell the truths aUmt ehieken experience well
to ii ... - - - ,
I wniild not want to hear it.
than laid at the close of the dry house. Dist No. 81. Saturday
season. evening, Feb. 28. Ladies are re-
The court is this week adver- nnested to nlease bring baskets.
tisinor for bids for clearing right "Paek the Country Store"
of way on two road3 the Stark I wm presented by the McKin-
road at bcholis, ana me new iey Dramatic Uub. All are
road between Timber and Gales cordiallv invited to attend.
Creek. I vv 0-0 Iliatript AcwntS for all
il. Unkliokin. Pn 'a War.
QRAND JURY REPORTS haia-innlnHino- Thp Saturday
Evening Post, The Ladies Home
Office up taira ,in Schulmerkh Block
" ' i la T.. L..w vr am nl rw 1 1. 1 I - - a. i I
'iLw.iv'!int:iiriiof thi Hnecial owioeiier in me ouniiK. - mere wi oe a Dasxei swiai
V. ''" "r-' . . . I l , 1 I.. I. InifAM . . .1 If If' t I
,.r;,...a u... ro miikiny dunnir caaam laiu eariy is aiways uciici enven at tne ftiCMniey scnooi
Ft bruary. t:. b Uliion.
C. K. Stevens, working at the
,1. 15. Huchanan hopyard. near
Cornelius, badly cut two lingers
the first of the week, while
working around wires, Ur. tr
ain attended the wound.
Khodu Island Red eggs, for
hatching pi 1 r j Ktses. - M rs. M a x
fmndall. on Manle k'tvveen Sec-
. . . . .... p.vHn iri j w tmi a iit? uauico iiuuiv
ond and Third, lt'lephone Uty T. . inrv rpnnrted 12 true imai Th Cnnntrv fientleman
4Jlf bills last Saturday, and retired and The Criterion. We are also HIlxSBORO
Pure-bred P.ulT Leghorn eggs, to their labors. awnts for all other magazines mamimwwiMaAMM)
r . i ... i.' ... i '. fr cnttinurl :...: uti. l'ominisl:i T5 L.J ...:u U rln rrlaA to eon d
of l.V-J. P. llornailay, Oak VVuhderlich, dismissed. hn your subscriptions for you at 1 HUb. n. lUlNuUC, Jl.
Park. HillslHiro, Dregon. uouie Mable vs. watrous, tax uue the same prices you nave to pay.
I. 49-52 case, argued and submitted, and an(j tnu3 saVe you the necessary
v,., Ar,,Q briefs will be hied. Dostage. fees for money order,
UjMUire, A. C. Shute Bldg, Maln.& Md
aiLUiBORO. oaaeoa.
Orrica: Main Btrw. opp. Court Uoumi
Man h :ai. Nettie 1'iaiiH-r apptd ( am p,ing to try it again. ill li f live minor children.
and est of Ihmiel lU'oojM-r closed
f record. -Ivda'e J H Tamiesie.
deceiiM'd. closed of record.--hst
C, N Tbotnas closed of record.
Kst Citn.line ll. r appraised and
approved at Jt2.xW.5i.
Kmit I. Kuratli hit. Umght out
. . . i i in
iih nroiner . -.-
the Ueal Lstate an.l iuiu imnr
ih-ss and will coinlucl uie imsi
n,.m himself at the same place
over the National Hank
h.ildmir. last your proeri
uiiih h m. he win give .H.
i ii ...., t,i
sipiare tieai. iui.
.1.. f;ii-n security. io.' y
Andrew Vaughn, of Portland
l... o ..tiirAtrftl a a oeiev
Call and get club list of all
I do not know whether it shows
1 have the right kind of grit, or
lack of sense. Yours, Thos. II.
Hrown, alias the chicken man.
To all Whom it May Concern:
Please take notice that t'erd
dinner i not the president of
the Scholia Telephone neith
er is he a director of the same.
He hold no official position with
the company and is not author
ized to transact any business,
nor in any way to represent it.
Xnv nttemtit on his part to ex
ercise the duties of president or
. i;...t,ir nr otherwise act for or
in its In-half will at' once be re-
ti e wa out yesterday to take ,,udjated and resisted in the
voung Pabc Westfall. of Sher- lHUirts by the company.
the Rose- City, to an- Tlu JScliolls leiepuo it;
of ti fenng a sun iy v.-. r-. '
Voung Westfall .sabroth. o
ni .1 11 U IU1 WUn 111 I I llll.lll I' .11. I.i-B.
er to ine o.imk '".. . ,
jail a short tune ago " - auv.
.-urn oi: THANKS
Tlmr.. i! !1
, .. Peters vs. f orest urove, per- etc
OtllCe lor I- v;. toitei, - -- mnrmrnvw. i P f Mrmirlf
il 1- 11...... f L I,.nrtlk0 I MMlill II1JUI J VKi vv... - lllttKailllCa. IM u. uv.w.'""-l
W ll he addressee please ruled and defense given 5 days Hillsboro, Oregon.
I get it? l0nswer i.J Chas. Russell ot Gaston, was
a,-! Cnmmdl"
emu - i vq it punoa. nuiraiiun uvci a : t
looKing alter some inraui m
.... .1 a l Li A Ulrt
have arrived at fnn wa3 areued yesterday morn- ia"on w "LZa
nonce, ne aiau nu wwvu
Office, nptain la Scbulmerich Block
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
17 tf
wood, to
svvcr a charge
m. a.
tail and get ii. The case of Peder Jacobsen
The new Spring and Summer! vg pubois, litigation over a
st vl. s and goods for ladies' andstrip of ian(j jn tne Lenox dona-
mens suits nave arnveu - tion. was argued yesteraay morn-
Christ Wuest'a. lailored suiis inz and fa still at bar. . ""nT- tKih mniud fl.1'',.'?i1' Si!!,7.aSir SSI
from?15up. Charles Davis and Frank
.. . i-: a ,1 ciukui. ton men who were "J v' w i w w ff"
airs. iv. ii. via ami uuSiiK., '"r , . u inear Santa twsa, several uaj?
Miss Thelma. of Astoruu passea cnargeuwiui siea.u.K v...... after the fegUve Cnlna
Hanson was fined 25
trmi1fTanM VtMtaitm. tiHi llli.
BH(aii safe Vaaatt.
JtiKftlaflfiildiallfn. Utbtxtxatwwm. VMfl)
ntnw4!l mtl unlewii IHUt.
-eeitrtMj easilai an a
25 chick- ner
through town Saturday, return- ens ana some ' '"i nhnt
... . .11 II- J Jl.l.. anlnnj-lAM mi IV HII 1 r""
from a visa wun wr. mm puuuic F..vv.. ti,; and h 3 weapon connscatea. . ine , ... ..f v mMttaM.
i ii c.;h f th r.rnvp. wpre eiven one year each in tne S tn-T,ov nbcti: KutHoii 200: to;
- - I . rru hnu. IIUIIKl "umu I
, ,,,,cnt thprnnt the eyer, wa.u ....... -cr r-- t aeainst him berore judge
.inn e v t v... - " ,,u sion tnai iney repa -uo v e;k
of boot legging
ve.,u imnroved M ncre farm
reasonable prioe; 11 mil rom We dwirtf t? thank those who so
ortlan.l; III acres kiiuuv unitiereu too ...... v-
Kml buildings, gotni - hiathy in our '". r, nn.l return
k . a 1. i.iiinii "" 11111111 1; tiv " 1 1 'iit'iiimtii union -----
gnitt ":i'V".V.. " 1: 47tf
1r.1ui.nn1 Mercantile ny warcn ... i;,. nht vps. lomiui.
2t. as their distribution will close . t 0 saloons entirely, and The Loyal Order of Moose will
at that date. report once each month to the give a dance at Hillsooro nan,
Mr and Mrs. Chaa. Henry, of sheriff of the county, either in Saturday evening, February 28.
Portland. Swore in the city Sun- writing or person. The two Tickets, $1; Walker s orchestra,
day guests at the home of Mrs. iKy3, sons of the defendants. Everybody we.come. 48-9
Henry's sister, Mrs. Leonard charged with larceny, pleaded unusually interesting meet-
p.rown. w ho accompanied mem not guilty ana Aiiorney jngof the W. C T. U. was neia
homo for a lew days visit dingnam was aypumicu w Tuesday. After the opening or-
J!ZZW& W the quartet who t"!:!
"",' ria"15- S -re caught and sen. Mo Mlowrfb,
V 1. ,, ,1 ,.t S C White Leg- rom anerwwu. a.. -."- Upton, 01 tne same uiy.
Kock 'h' and the lecture given , , ef r'ead a life sketch of
horn eggs for nauninw. y. u . Ju(J Campbell w;Q Thsir visit
llof,.rs. u-avorton. ure. h&yf- h a n d 'h edated.-
1 Pe.e Methodist !ld,! 'ntSere: Contributed.
rhh hoUi its opening ser- -promised to make I For sale: Gw mare. 5 years.
.llfibi: JRolll SUM
600 W4 flaaiaft tf Immm Wm
'8 I
OtUc up Uir over Hillboro National
I lull -
1 ..'1 i; u. liter, lnvesti- n.t ohsoi
cnaio. nii --. , ... .'. .i
this place.- impure Kaymond iaioi. "
especial titanns 101 n.v
1 1. L-...-..ut tinive. 1
inrn run.
ulliceof K. I. Kuratli.
John M. Wall, of this city.
ri...H.,i.m'trh. Forest tiitv
Taylor and
vuu.v.. y. ; . ft,.rS.;L"r ; . hnt 1200. Broke, double
Vice, corner ruin oi.u vu, gOOU in ine lutuic, su ...v. --i- . . Vutrona
i,v March 1. at 2:30. The peo- bhip wives and families, and single; sound and true.-Eugene
.'- i - . . i j i i iirviA Hihn naar nnipn miiii. iiii
of a , or no denomination ..g n no more. tacn ciaimeu ueiio......
....... oHonH .... 'I onri od. n na. Ore.. Route 1. 4-0
cordially mowu . "vvv- , itnai ne was uuiui huim...u .
A pleasant birthday pavty was
Kiven at the homo of Mr- ,ul
Mrs. Toni Sinay, aUive Bloom
ing, Sunday evening, Feb. U'-'.
when their daughter. Miss Mar
tha, celebrated her 'JOlli birtlulay.
A very pleasant evening was
spent with mimic and games, af
ter which light refreshments
were served, and at midnight the
Wests denarted. after wishing
Miss Martha many happy birth-1
'lays. Those present were: Mrs.
Smay, and the Misses Martha
and Frieda Sehulenherg, Kmma.
Minnie, Lizzie and Irene Sinay.
Ulailys Pearson, Klsie Pfahl.
IiOuiHc Holier, Alma and Mary
Kwh. Lydia Thurhner. Mary
Mary F.ischen, Lillie and Helen
GtM'tzo. Thidmn l.vneh. Clara
Kpler, Messrs. . Henry Schulen
l'rg. Fred Sinav. John Koehnke,
Will Thurhner, Charlie, Oscar
nd Herman Pfahl, Herman and
'rank Koch, Alphonse and Jlos
?)h Kischen, John (Joetze, Kay'
Lynch, (Hen and Kd KpUr. 11
and Chris HofTman, Wilhelm
OiH'tze, Henry llaase, Fred I ta
ker und Kugene Hrown.
i wiiitnf K Nowoll. of
; vere in Independence jej
day. attending meet. ng ot
Ul,. Willamette Va W I
Ulls Ass n. Mr.WalrtM)orts
un enthusiastic mecui.. -
Maci of McMinnville, was made
.HJnUont chairman of the Iwly.
VVnnted -1 will
Mf.ll IlVIl ---
Relatives. . .
Hillsboro, Ore., reb. 24. I'JM
A Tribute to "A Man"
this opening service,
II. Upton, pastor.
No political announcements
have as yet been maue in mc
county, and things are quiet, u
ti,.. omac. c. Lim-e win
Tomieaie Blilg. Rooms 5 and .
Main and Third. .. ,
DR. 6. H. POLLOCK, ?'
Dentist 1
"I Aiiif an air
In the tre.t u.l In tt.
NnvKrnu.Mi to mwt and itrw-t th.-t.
Kut Kwi hii.I blttawt ..Mii,
iJ,ton.totli i
h i.r thv wtwry spirit
i i, u..vrern young "" . n--.
, : ..dule business in ten weeKS To in. . --
1 H: ..ssist them to gooti .vr.,v.v k j -:;-
. . No rhnrtre for tuition e- ' .rnlrilmtP.l
(llltll I 11..""'
3 'Tuition is seaired. Write
,hv I S- V' Automobile
Samuel m;ttd stealing the chickens,
ond lsn the mi II feed tor tneir nr rraahed into a
horses. Angeles, the other oay, wnue
landing from a flight, and stnp-
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS ped his machine, ihe mraman
suffered no injunes. tw "
been making exhibiUon nignta ai
Silas Chnstofferson, theavia- n T:nkiater Delta
fence at Los -r - -
iiuuaing, mam oncct,
Hillsboro - - - Or
ho now being
far as is known
rah vnhio Homo in
dustry stamps, with every pur-
hase. tiet your i ..- -
A il ii-
You should not oviw Ui8boro's stores.-n. u.
big two-reei leum"-. - motu
-TW iSJS?Sf The MWonary Society of .Jo
row. H IS ...rh L.uuh ,nir church Will moot wit 1
The Beth-
the deputy. As a0nday, f& ruary 2 run only every other Saturday.
v,oQ. nroni that y8 X, n. nnfpa of mnn ng. - February 21
rvu viivw-w i l m ' mn rpnai.t win ucoiynwi vv - . a
J, bn,.. I If 1 f?4 XI ATA aw a L
have in any manner maue imu H AH taxe8 are due and payaoie iuareu .,a.u
their intentions, and these have . . th , t day of Aprii 1914. Croem. 480
not tiled yet, or circulated peti- Hftl payment8 can be made be- Groff. of Ninth and Base
tions. fore the 1st day of April, 1914, une ieaves Monday for Hepp-
. . . v.,1,1 ..,.ii bnwn here as hut nenaltv of 1 per cent per np, where her husband is work-
1 brothor-in-law of the late John month will be charged on remain- mg for the power plant operated
P.rucger. died at Salem yester- ig half payment woepaia pnur by Messrs. liates & rruyn. ue
I v He was an inmate of the to September 1st, 1914. Where cil Humphreys, formerly of Hills
.wv l'nm whence he was conveyed no payment is made before the boro, is also working at the same
from the
poor farm
YVK- .wiSl S5J. TTamiesie. next Wed-
in ine I'iOR - - . " o-Ul n m
with many exc.u .K - neauay,
K. C. Mulloy, of Laurel, was
ver to the city yesterday.
in me
.lent: King t JJi , h me thoroughbred
next Monday, hi Harred KocK cocKereis
tective story with wme splendid Harrea TeU,phpe Ma,.
f..atures. 406. or call at Anuerson
. .1 tnt bna bargained hta street Barber Shop.
t nn First Street to Mr. and . f Ximlatin, made
,,..... . f Nenoi a. rn- ....
the Argus
homo on mi"- -o.i.niu Aug. uianK, m -
wno Win ia
March 15.
Washington County
He was aged about
1 . n...-.M mo,..
Tt years, anu was uevti
rietl Some years ago he suf
forod an amputation of a foot,
while ho was at the county farm
and that im?ht he walked down
the newly acquired
M'ii- 1 1 , , , . 1 .: "I ,n
"stump and neipeu nuuaeu v
-'j-ini .,f water even when he
bv the side of his
1. ..I 1 1., an flared no ill results,
i'i,; i.ur healed. His mind
failed several years ago.
1st day of April, 1914, the tax
becomes delinquent ano a penal
ty of 1 per cent per month t is
Wafl from that aaie 10 unor
V M . a A ft Ai .
tA Sntfimher 1. Alter
September 1, 1914, a penalty of
10 per cent, ana interest, at u
mto of vi ner cent, per year win
be charged on all delinquent
E. R Sappington,
Countv Treasurer and Tax Col
lector of Washington County,
Commercial Bank Block
Hillsboro Oregon
Frederick Andersen, M. D.
Successor to Dr. Cunningham;
New Spring styles and fabric
for men's and ladies' suits and
coats arrived and on display at
Christ Wuest's.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Olden de
parted Monday for Heppner and
other eastern uregon pomw tut
a fortnight's visit with relatives
and friends.
J. Millar, of Reedville, was in
town yesterday.
Office and Drug Store.
Orenco, - Oregon 5
Tchllne connections. -x
School District No. 32 (Cherry'j
Grove), this county, h author-j
ized the issuance of $50W.W
VumiHs six ner cent and desires.
to sell the same at once, ror
further information, wnw jonn
M. Wall. Hillsboro, Oregon.
Argus and Oregonian 12.25