111 - !C0RNEUUS POSTOFFiCE EXAMINATION IS SET i ? Will he IK-U iii MilWvro. Satur day, M.irh It. OIIUI I'OS 1MUISOD UK USi IVoptc Kcidin hm ia IW-trkt Send Mj VWilc 1 II finOU e 3f I , t " 4 - 1 r ! - i - 4 ... i 3 1 t I - 1" . ? jt . 1. - 1 1 ti "'-4 ' 'At : ' si - - s ' ' " 1 1 ' "J ; J it i If It V I i'h ; 1 A Famous Musicial Aggregation iu Vocal and Instrumental num bers. The tvst ever visitiu the Coast, will le at the Crescent Theatre on the Kvening of Wednesday, March 11, 1914 In a Repertoire that eannot fail to please. Press aud people are unanimous iu praise. These peo ple come here under the auspices of the fmmp r nyiyjc, Every Moose should 5ee to it that he does his share to fill the Thea tre. Usual Prices, Tickets on sale by Moose, or at McCormick's. The lnito.l States i'ivil Service iVm mission amunituvs that on M Saturday. March 1 . !'.! . an ex- 3 ani'r-rttion will W held at Hills- Ihv . Oro.. as a result of which it is exiHvted to make certifica tion to till a contemplated vacan cV'irt the position of fourth class IHstmaster at Cornelius, Oregon, and other vacancies as they may ox-cur at that oiiico, unless it shall W ihvided in the interests of the service to fill the vacancy by reinstatement. Ihe compen sation of the lostmaster at this ot'ico was J'.'' for the last fiscal tar. The we limit is '21 years and over, on the date of the exami nation, with the exception that in a State where women are de clared by statute to be of full aire for all purposes at IS years, women IS years of atfe on the date of the examination will W admitted. Applicants must reside within the territory supplied by the jHist office for which the exami nation is announced. The examination is open to all citizens of the I'nited States who can comply with the re quirements. Application forms and full in formation concerning the re quirements of the examination can be secured from the post master at Cornelius, Oregon, or from the I'. S. I'ivil Service Commission. Washington, 1). C, Applications should be proper ty executed and filed with the Commission at Washington at least 7 days before the date of the examination, otherwise it may be impracticable to examine the applicants. WlTHHNii A.NMMiKSARV Pacific States Fire In:uanct' Comptny f Portland, Oregon. The ouly big Oregon Old Line Company. Losses Promptly Paid John Yamlcnval Hillsboro, Agent Oregon Will You DulM ? If yon re going to build this Spring or Summer, nee J. S. LORSt'NO, for pi ices on building and excavating, fcstimutes given fee. All work is guaranteed. No payments until w nk ii completed. J. 8. Lorung, tfruth Thiid Street, at S. P. Tr.i:k; Tele phone Main Hil'sb iro, Oregon Give Me a Trial SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of i Oregon for the County of Washington. ' Clyde E Taylor, Plaintiff. vs barah (i Taylor, Defenilaiit. I To ."arah 1 Taylor, the aluve naiueil Itefemlaiit: In the Name of t lie Htaleof Oregon: You are lirply notilied nml reiiired to appear in the above entitled nnirl and aiiHwer the complaint tilel atrainxt yon in the alove entitled caune, on or tiefore Saturday, the 'Itli day of February, 1'tlt, haid date being alter the expiration of mi weeks from the date of the lirst publica tion of thin hh 111 in on n in the HillMlxiro Argun, the date of the lirtt publication tieing Thursday, the I rt!i day of January, 1M14. and tlieilateol the laKt publication thereof beiiiK ThiirwlHy, the Ufith day ol February, 1H14; and you wilt please take noliie that if you fail to nppear and answer (aid complaint, lor want therein', II' e plaintill will apply to the court lor the relief prayed tor in Ida complaint, UiWit: For a decree former lisolviiig the marriage and marriage cintract, now and heretofore, existing between the plaintill and defendant, upon the groundM of cruel and iiihuinaii treatment, rendering ti in life burdeiiHoine, 'I'Ihh auliimoim i served upon you by publication thereof, pursuant to order of the Honorable I) B Heasoner, t'ounlv Judge of Washington County, Oregon, mailt), rendered and dated on the 10th day of January, I'll 1 Kiwley A Hare, Attorney for I'laintlff. WEIL'S Wish to Announce the Agency for the Famous American Lady Corsets New Spring Models now in Stoch. Prices $1.00 to $5.00 Tpiip 17 Ladies Home T KJC-eJL JOURNAL Patterns for weeh from Feb. 23. to Feb. 28, 1914 Come in and get one free. We are Showing New Spring Wash Goods Silhs and Dress Goods Weils Dept. Store Hillsboro, ? & Oregon A pleasant surprise was triven at the homo of Mr. ami Mrs. 1-VrJ Klatt. at West Union. Friday eveninir. Feb. the occasion I'einjr their :50th weuMidt anni versary. Theeveninif was spent in sri trin j;. conversation, etc. At a late hour refreshments were served, and the quests departed wishinir the couple many more happy anniversaries. Those present were: Messrs aiH Mi'S.idines Wm (iraf. I'eter nrcher, K (Jyirer, John Crtw-ni. Julius Crueni, F Klatt; Mesdames Schmitt, Sam Graf. A F.jiKiman, llitfenacht; Messrs 0 Kich. Kmil Stalder. II and Clarence Gtaske, Hen (iraf, Clarence and Jonathan Klatt. Will I'iiIm.Is. Herman and Albert Schmitt. Solomon Gytfer; Misses Martha Stalder. Alda kii-h. N'eoma and IvUher Klatt, Clara I'ubols. SCWI'KISl; PAKTV Notice of Final Settlement Notice" of Final Selllemcnl In the County Court of the HtateofOr go n for Waaldngton County In the Matter of the Relate 1 of Frank Herb, deceased.) Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of naid eetate. baa tiled in the above entitled court hie linal account and report In tha matter of said estate, and that aaid court lias fixed and apiinted Momlav, the Hth day of Kebru ary, 1HI4. at the hour of IU o'clock A. M. of aid day, and the County Court room of Wntthingloii County , Oregon, in Hllle boro, Oregun, ax the time and place for beering objections to aaid final account and lor the final settlement of said eaUte. K. J. Boot. Administrator of Raid estate. Bagley A Hare, AttoJneys for Adinlnia-traUir. Notice is hereby given that the under SUfiied ban ll.ed his final account as administrator III the ollire of the county clerk of the Htate of Or gan for the Colin, ty of Washington in the matter of the estate of Tlllie Johhuon. That by order of the aaid court the 30th day of January, 1!IH. at ten o'clock A M of naid day in the county court room in the court house in the City ol Ilillalioro, County of Wash ington, Htate of Oregon, hae lieen fixed aa the time and place for hearing ob jection to the said final account and settling the same. Oliver Johnston, Administrator or tne eetate of Tillie Johnston, deceaned. Date of first publication, January IhI, 1'iH Klegel, Reynolds Klegel,' 402 W Failing Building, Portland, Oregon, attorneys for estate. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THK HTATK OF ORKOON FOB W AHHINOTON COUNTY Willieliiiina liebrens, flalutlfl',) vs. V Kdward ISruebl, Detendant ) Ry virtue of an execution, judgment, order decree and order of aale issued out or the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, to me directed and .dated the liith day of December, IU13, upon a judgment rendered and entered In laid Court on the HHth day ol November, 1I3, in favor of Wllhelmiua Hehrena, plain tiff, and against Kdward Hrueh I, defend ant, for the Burn of $1022.22, with Interest at the rate of H per cent per annum from the Otb day or Kepteinlr, l3, and tjfc lurther Hum or $7f.U0 with Inlereat there on at the rate of tier cent per annum from the 2th day of November, 11118, and the further sum of $24.25 coeti and dia burNementaand the cost of and upon this writ commanding me to make aale ot the following described real property, to wit: The Northwest quarter (N W yt) of Sec tion Twenty eight (2H) Township Three (3) North Range Two (2) West of tit Wlllam elte Meridian, Washington County, Ora-Kon. Now, therefore: Ry virtue of said e cutlon, Judgment, order decree and order of sale, and In compliance with the coin mands ol said writ, i will, Momlav, the 2)th day ol January, 1014, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of aaid ilav, at the Hoiitli door of the court house in Hillslioro, Washington County, Oregon, "oil at pub lic auction, subject to redemption, to the highest lildcWr, for cash in hand, ail 1 1 the right, title aud interest, which Hie iKive named defendant hail, on the Hi h day of July, 1910, the dr.te of the inorl gage herein foreclosed, or since that dale had In and to the above dcscrilied proper ty or any part thereof, to satisfy said exe cution. Judgment, order and decree, and the aaid coats and accruing i-osls. J. K. Reeven, Hheriff of Washington County, Oregon. Wheelock & Wllliaum, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ORECION ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland s' a m 6:59 am 8:45 a m 10:49 am 1:19 a pm 3:55 p m 6:15 pm 8:20 p m 9:18 ,.,.pm From Portland 7:48 a m 9:07 am 11:25 , am 2:28 pm 4:48 pm 6:24.... pm 7:38 p m 9:22 pm 12:30 am County Court law: Sal6 realty in re Climax Milling Co. versus J. W. Masters, confirmed. A delightful party was fivt'ti Walter KcllYr, of ru-ar (Iruvf land. Thursday f'venfnp;, Ft-b. ID. The evening was spent in play invr cariis, music and dancing, and at a late hour a splendid sup per warf served. Those present were: Walter Keller and wife, Mrs J KelTer. Kthd Keffer. Hd and Martha Kauirmann. Henry Krnrick and wife, Myrtle I 'anker. Hubert Kies, (,'arl .Jossy, Fred and.. John Wenwer, Hickter and Oscar Fenestein, John and Fred Zurcher. Art Huntley, Florian Hemnv. I'Ved (IroHHen. Amlimu.. and Katie Landaur, Lena Moore and "Uncle Tom." Fxpert tree and Bhruhhery pruner; twenty years experience. Lawns moed and kept in shape. Mower heiis fnadt! and planted. If you desire the choicest of roses you should have your hushes propcrlv tiruned. How ahimt your fruit jrarden? It also needs pruning, hverything furnished for the fruit and flower garden reasonable. Drop card or phone, .1. M. Wickizer, Hillsboro, Ore., phone Main IW2. 40-51 There will he a wrestling niiiicn at irie r tremen s tiym, tj'ilnphnl mmrlr,. I, '..I. HU ll!.l ""'"i"i uveiiiug, l ull. cr. VVUl- ter nrruit, who has wrestled 3 mat m will iKht, i-i. OIIIIH, VVIIK 0 wit; hero before, will try the wiin i;en rage, uoth moi tn mlfi flu. mIV r.4 .....nl .... mi,., uih; iiiik Ui, eiUUI weiKill, and the oromoters sav it will ho worth while. Ringside tickets will costs 75 cents, and general admission will be 50c. There will be boxing preliminaries. The rural carriers hnH a bbr load of mail, Tuesday morning, having enjoyed a holiday, Mon day. This made three days of mail piled in one load, and, to gether with a big supply of par eels, pot.t, the boys had a busy time delivering. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Calloway, ( T Corvallis, were here the last cf the week, attending the luneral ot the late Uay Taylor. 1 ABB VA In Every Department in the Bi' Store of the Hillsboro Mercantile Company LADIK.S are invited to inspect our new drr kooiU. tKt finest pattern ever brought to th city. OUR NEW SHIPMENTS offer you the choice! of mtt. chandise. OUR HARDWARE DEPARTMENT offer you the oppor tunity of buying mill feed and land plaster. FARM IMPLEMENTS of all hind. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT ata nds second to none in the county for quality and prices. Give u a visit We save you money. WE WILL DISCONTINUE rfivinrf green trading Mmpt. March 20th. Please fill your boohs and presrnl them by that date. Hillsboro Mercantile Company ir- Flippant Flings. rVnsnrtiln lins a flylne arhnnt, tint I'hIiii Itciifh tins tlm lilirti m.-ri,- tml. villi. '.nirl.-r Jiiiiriml. Why nn-n't tlin wimtcn nf th i.ln. tis niry wirltiR nullum liistnul (1f dU iimtiilsT I'lillaHeliililii It(..iiri. "IIuw miitijr t'ouiiilH mnkp n Indyf Itul.m Is n'lklni; Mur-li ili-in-mls on whetlirr tho rw,iii,(U nr sti-rllriB nr svolnlnisilH -Vnrk Wnrlil. It Ih nsiinlly iis-suim.mI t,y iwlfiitlntM that a siilisliiiicc. nf wlili'h IIoIm Is known will cum n illmiuMt ntsnit wlilrh iintliliiB la kiiown.-WiiMlilntrt'm Htnr. Battleship Rubbers. ftnlilier nrinorwl tmttlMtlilr? Pitd fur with olnstlc furrwwy, nf cnurm--lliHlnn lli-riihl. I'.rlllsli lifiiili-shlps nr. to h rtibrNf Iitntisl. M,m, iMTlmpa, In ftint Pri,.niy'a Ktmt will lH)litir'H Imrk tllul kill Vlil. New York Atm-rli'im IIiiIiImt pluti-s f((r wnrxhlim will not tm-i't Urn npiiniYiil of Ihn timtorlitt who hnH Wn i-diirntcd to th tidU'f tfmt tlu r,. Ih not imoutch mnti-rtnl on 'hand to inwt tlm demand fr nutotnot.llo tlroH.-WiiMhJngton Htnr. Tha Popular Miss. Th wuh youior wotnan Who llvi-it In a slew, flhn hnd so ninny swmithMirts Hlie didn't kruiw what to do. Bo, to trmit tin-in with klniliH'SS Ami bo partial to none, Btie klssiid thsm all soundly And riUKKtxi evnry ona. . Jurlara. Jon(-Tli widow of Umt cornmtitpr killed In th wntck has bwn nwnrdiHl X),()tK) dnmiiKM. Ills Vlf-And I'vo )(.f.n trying to bnvo you move to tin, mibiirt.s for niontliH, ym tn.Min tliliiK!-Unlvirnltj of I'unriHylvfinla I'lim h Howl. 3 lis Scholls Roller Mi Wm. HANSON, Prop. Flour and I'ccd, Aetna ltraud ..f Spray, Custom Clioj.pinn a Sjn'cialty, Poultry SnnM Manufacturer of Whole Wheat Flour, and Wheat Heart Flour, Oraham etc. Owe Prices always ReasotnMe TRY US the Next Time R. F. D. 2, Hillsboro, Or An Inference. I llks thn ulrl with smimth hands well enouKh I "Oppose sho's os nlr ft another But I think more of tilu Kir, wl)ul() h a Pit roiiKh Denote she has been h.dplinr mother. -KuriHaa I'lly Journal. n I IlC WALL PAPER AND PAI1 .My New ,,,4ln.-kfrl3 nishrs ami Wall i sti a . t - .i.lir ami i rraiiy n j y Rrlalt I'rlifS arc nsrsni" 15 , ,5 ,r rrnl V I'ortlnnil. ,Snvt your csrl1 larKrst niiiii' tf stis-t ol in WsliiiiKln l are for ynmsrir. wall tintini? '! WM: mate furnislieil n)' rT j MURROW WALL PAPER PA,nT 0 J. MURROW, Prop. Second Street, Hillsboro, 1 cc