The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 26, 1914, Image 2

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ft Southern
Historical Drama
Crescent Theatre
Friday, Feb. 2714
Jeuncss Miller. Edw. Dibble, Jos. McCoy, Miss Alice Smith, K. L. Perkins, Oscar Axelson, Miss Mdith Swanson,
Miss Elizabeth Hope, Chas. McNeil, Ivan Donaldson,
Kntri t the Pota-olttce t
' OrrKon, u Heennd-clsMi mail niattoi.
li. A. liO.NO, Rdilnr.
County Olficial Paper
riiiburription: per Annum,
t'.yrrj Thnrsday
President Wilson ha3 signed
the Alaskan railway bill, and the
government will soon have con
struction under way. The road
will open Alaska's interior to de
velopment, and give rapid and
cheaper freights, and make busi-
ness with the North a pleasure
t trio Panifin fVmst stntps Pnrt. I
land is already giving the Alas
kan trade attention, and their jcost n0more than high class cor
Commercial Organizations are j sets purchased in stores.-Mrs.
passing commendatory resolu-iM. E. Caudle, Hillsboro, Fifth
tionsforthe part that Senator j
' i i .. ; l. .. .1 :K ,.u !
viiaiiiiit'iiani uau in lhciiiiliiuimiik
the measure.
Herbert Miller, of below New
ton, was in town yesterday.
K. Wenstrom, of near Scholls,
was greeting friends in town
J. A. Chapman, of near Mid
dleton, one of the Oregon legis
lators at the last session, was in
town Tuesday.
There is a decided change in
the styles of the new Spring
Millinery. Come to C. E. Olson
and see the earlv models.
C. Schoenbechler, of near
Farmington, was up today, get
ting medical supplies for threeof
his sons, who are all down with
the measles
Hon. Wm. Cake, of Portland,
was out to Hillsboro, yesterday,
on legal business. He crossed
over to Connell, on the United,
by team, and from there made
his way into Portland. Judge
Cake complimented Hillsboro on
its neat appearance.
Following the Close of the
Civil War, will be presented
by the Prauu Class of the
Pacific University at the
Ucnefit of Hillsboro Social
Circle. A pliy Replete
with Pathos, Io nance and
Comedy. Popular Pi ices.
,eat sale opeus Wednesday
at MeCoruiick's Store.
,.hiW .
H. II Kdiirer, of Bethany, was I
in town Wednesday. j
For Sale Cow, in milk, pivinjr'
j?ood flow; freshened in Novem- j
ber. Also a Jacob Doll piano. j
Corner Ninth and Baseline Sts. :
The Loyal Order of Moose will
pive a dance at Hillsboro Hall.
Saturday evening, February 28.
Tickets, $1; Walker's orchestra.
l i i it, n I
Everybody welcome. 48-3 !
The city council will consider
the report of the viewers in the ;
matter of widening Fir StrPf-t !
down in the South Coast Addi-
tion, East Hillsboro.
I represent Spirella corset3
not sold in stores. Will call ati
homes on request, and do the !
fitting, and teach how to adjust j
and wear the corset. Our tailor-
corsets, in-:
elilHinir thp latf frnnt Info u-itW
inn OYriorionnufl pnNiifinii uiri'inn
J Jackson Streets, l'hone No.
On Saturday the G. A. U. and
W. R. C. of Hillsboro met at Odd
Fellows hall for a joint pro
gram and social time to commem
orate the birthdays of Lincoln
and Washington. The following
program was enjoyed: America
by congregation; reading on
Lincoln's anecdotes, Mrs. Wheel
er; instrumental music, Mrs.
James Pritchard, of Merrill,
Iowa, and J. L. Crow; reading;
Mr3. Nettie Jeffers; instrumen
tal music, Mrs. Carrie Kelling
ton; reading, Mrs. H. K. Haines,
who spoke of having relatives in
all of the wars from the revolu
tion down to the Spanish, when
her son-in-law, Jas. McGruder
was a soldier; instrumental mu
sic, Myrtle (Jrabel; reading, Mrs.
Olive Newbery; instrumental
music, B. K. Haines and Ray
mond Beeler; reading. "A word
for dear old dad," J. L. Crow;
song, James Pritchard and Mrs.
Newbery; reading, Mrs. Smart;
"Learning to Skate", Mn. Car
rie Kellington; instrumental mu
sic. James Pritchard and J. L.
j Crow.-Contributed.
i, 5Q'fc
..,,, ,i . ,. , , "
Wliiitu the liuitliT. Hilly?"
My Hlst,.r lMh osk(Kl the qu.
'""' wiieu I wnii itila
i"n h l",,kil' Urwimiiy on the
,l,llt w'r, " the tree.
"Notlilnjr," 1 n-plU-d.
"Ye; there In."
Ci'th mid 1 were (rent clnnnn. Ther
wo.) nut mill li mure tliiiu year te
tw -en UK, mid I was lined to giving her
my roiiliiliMii-e hIkmiI everything. I re-nolvi-ij
In throw my luinli-n upon ber in
this i-asr.
"Vnii know Aliee Woodmm"
"i ill, a I'iise ot i)veKlrknirfm.H
I made m reply to thin. wan iiorrj
I hail Imcuii u iiilifinclori.
"lioon, nilly," Hi-tti lidded.
"I won't. You'll only poke fun nt
"Not hit of It. I'll help you. Don't
you know lli.'il I, helng n girl, know
JiHt how ii k'lrl should be treated to tie
won 1"
"Von luh't tell me how to win Allee.
In Hie Hi xt place, nIic'h In love wilt,
I'reil I'eikiiiH; in the Niii-ond, Hhe m-eiiiH
to linve Home Hurt of grudge agulnHt
me, and In the third"
"TIiiiI'm enough. Vou needn't tell me
miy inure. Now, listen to me. I knew
nil nli'iiit tlii-i tiefore I iiHkiil what wan
the mailer with you. I've been watch
ing yon and watching Alice, ami I'm
convinced hIii-'h playing you." .
"Haying yoiin mirt of cut imd moiiHe
"Oh, hosh! For n week pant nhe Iiiih
treated me nlioinliialily and nil the
While lias I .cell liMikllig up with her
eyes at Kred like h"
"Like n chick In a thunderHtoriii.
Will you do what I tell you to do?"
"That depends upon what you tell
"Tlie next time you mi-et Alice pre
tend to lie thinking nhoiit Hoinethlng
elHi; and don't Nee her."
"That will mnke inatterH worne."
"Very well; If you won't take the
medicine I prcxcrlhe, go your own
1 concluded to try Itcth'H preHerlp
tlon. The iMxt time I hiiw Alice com
Ing I pretended to he iihwirlwd In Hoine
tlilug cIkc, and Juxt hefore we were to
comu toKftlier 1 turned off in notte
I GtHUV W. Howell, of lt;mk.
I thi mornintr le'll K'uilty to
the charge of oxtortinil f li
from Cha. ..ipi-vrt. Ju-e
(,'armMl svtitviu-is. hun Ifnvo
months in the county jail. l'"t
eav him a parol.- .luring- toot!
.behavior. The ease r.M.l.v
to proceed to trial, when tt.e plea
j was entereil. It aHvarv.l from
' the argument of .viiiim!. in ak
! inn for leniency that Novell hal
! arrive, home one eeninu an !
' found I.ipm-rt in the luuwe. talk - j
inn with bis wife. He avue.l ;
! l.ipKrt of commc to .see Mis.
! I low ell, atul with the in-rsuasion
f a win scared Lit pert into pay
kinr$l2f. Coutwel for the state'
said ho was ready to prove iv
! medical testimony that l.'ppe.l
I had not invaded the sam-titv ot
j the home, and Or. W A Tailev
i was ready to t. stity thatsueh;
was the case. I'he court, how-!
lever, said he granted the parole
i fteeause bethought .well was
honest in his belief that l.ippcrt
'was iruilty of wronir il.-nig-. al
thouth mistaken. I'he case
; would have been salacious, and
it ended much better bv the plea
of Kiiilty Umih: entere I.
Mrs. Wheeler, resi.luik'
Kikfhth, Ivtween I'ir and li. l,
celebrated her TiTth birthday on
rnday, reb. Ji. by invitimr in u
lew neinhUrs an I a few of the
W. U. 0. I'ho afternoii was
; spent in convorsation. and at live.
two course luncheon was served
The jriusts then departed wish
ing' Mrs. Wheeler many happy
returns of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. Hartley, ol
Hanks, are visit inn relatives at
Mary hill and t'.oldendale. Wash.
Mr. Hartley's father resides at
Maryhill, near the Columbia
Kiver. in the famous orchard
C. N. Johnson et a.s have ask
ed the court to order nn account
inif from the Shaw -Fear Co.. on
property between here and Ilea
I verton.
FEBRUARY 27. 1914
us Alice Is lulu i-rniii ii rut leave the rcn
lo Ine?"
Since I felt entirely Im-apnlile
nirrvliiir nn hik Ii a im.t.-.t iu .. If
ncrissl .i this Tallinn l! y. I Hiring
die next few d.iys I kept out of All
W iNiiison m way no far as I could
When I siiw her mining Inward (tit- my coiii-mc. I tried not to ..uU
troiihiisl or angry or iinythlnt' In par
tlciilar. I did my lsst to nlmw n.i c-.e
em i eniolloii wiiiie walling fur lielh l.i
do HKiiift hlnir.
O lay I met Al fine lo f i. .
She Imife me good iimnilng in n rutin
huffy tone. I replied to her .ilut itl..n
"I can iiiidi-rstiiud now," she sal
your recein iiiirrleiiillliic
alnee I have learned the ciiiinc."
"What cause?"
I ii, .i...... ............ i .
-'ii, lion i I'lt'if-ini iKiioriince; ii-e.
in iiiiiik i mm i you uau ii linn. I nr mil
"And you don't think so nowV'
inure me nisi man i ever knew
who would permit his sister to nil
1 liegati lo cnlch on lo what was al
the IhiIIoiii of thin. Itetll hud eviileiitlv
Ufu at work.
What do you menu hy mv sl-tei
running me?"
"I'm not MiliNsed to tell, hut I mail
lio promise. Iteth has told me nil nhoiit
"Alsiut whiif?"
Ahout your new fancy, Mr, Ino
iiiine, nr, iiiuier, ner lancv. Any one
ran nee that nhe Is trying to Inlmi
It ahout herself, mid with hik ti n pll
utile hrotlier I dure miy she will."
I plucked up a lot of courage lit this
Iteth had evidently produced n revoln
"lo you nieini to say that my nIsIc
Iiiih lns-n hetniylng my confidence?'
lour conllileiice! Why, kIic toln
me herself that Mlie was held on Innk
ing a match for you. She Hiiid hIii
waincii you to marry a gin Hint wnf
her friend."
I was pretty stupid, lint not no Mil
phi as not to see Hefh's device uni!
wtiat it hail nccompllHhisl. I cut tin
mutter Hhort hy snylng that when I
married I would consult n hut tin
girl I winded and Iickiiii to talk of
Hoinethlng else.
It would have linen heller for me In
have had the pluck to miiuiige tin
affair myself, for my wife has nevei
forgiven my sister for "trying I.
HWlti'h tne off to one of her especial
friends." I have told her the rm
story, hut nhe won't hnlleve It. Met!
doesn't expect, her to helleve It. HIii
says she wouldn't hcllctt Kilch a thin
atory herself.
K.ubIe Feature Troani tomorrow ami Saturday
"When Ursua Threw .he Dull"
The SeasiMt greatest Two J,vl ( onirHlv Ssii-ation.
Von will want to nee it.
"The t'Ush In the VmrW
A Two Part Wrutern Feature.
Watch Net Momlav for
i tiki l ot its
Mv herd small. I offer the
serwee ot my worouKii-nreii
llolstein-FrieMun bull. Sir Johan
na Colantha Cornucopia (Herd
Mk No. y'iT-1. Itoa limited mint-
er ot hreeilers. 1 1 is tiam lias
a. ikik . I . W
in ,-. li. . riwni oi nearly t
lbs ot butter in i days, at four
years of ao. This tine animal it
t grandson of t olai.tha Johanna
idd. in turn a son of tolaiitha
the Fourth's Johanna, the cow
which held for five years the
world's record in milk produc
tion, which was 'J7. t:fc!.fi pounds
of milk and l.'J IT. S'J umndt of
nitter in one year.
Appointments should be made
eany as me numier oi service
will Ih limited. I also have a
few nice, straight, vigorous)
vomur bull calves from this sire.
br sale.
A. Heiuller.
Cornelius, Ore,, li. 1.
Mlri-.ll!) Hi it in Hip lli 'n.llii
III If..- !l I li'Mltt .if li..' :llll. ilijr wi
ll.. I .i.: mi I i .ml. In I .lm I In- aam
U til Ii'l' III UK' Still ll. Ml
ki .1 .it lo-r Mie ! .k. . al uir. ,
or. rillier li.- st ind nl me llli eld
hi. ink ilI.. rli1K- at ire Hint frole the
in. nr.. In ii. v Unni I went In lUth
in. I .. I.ii..l ln-r f..r ni'tllnii me Into
-ii. h ii pi. kle
" Vmi n sin i- ik n h uliriil milk I ni
won I to it. i anything )iit
I . In i love a nun nmld Mutt
like "
"W hat .ni. jr. m Mint hi in In'"
" 'rush toe like a worm"
"l i i rnh iiiir'
"Will i mi i . n "it m fal
Guarded Slalmnl.
"Tls-re's ktillielliiiiK eljr simple and
hamuli).' and dire. I I the Ainerl
an mI" .i. 1 1 1 Ii. . Ill.nitriiiii al
donor in he.illle
' Hi. e, In (lie f ir Mi-sl, I initrrli-d a
pri-Mi A li in tlrl n a i. .!..)
" Ini m.ii tlii man f..r Uttrr
or uiirwT I linked her
"Mie "lirntKil her ailpple ulliillldera
" I can I l. ll till I . had bliu
l lille.' she tut li " Cii hutik'r.
Tt' t.mri.iii rr i.iriirin t.iiiaaril,
t . l.i I -rl hrlit.
Hut .l". ..t, II. ink ..f
Aii'l f ifnirm tliina .,f iirna.
Tim l fnt-l.- lidvr.l
H .mi. i.i. it-r.irmrra ri-lt
lll-l... l. Ink nt lUl. lgll
At.'l ki.H of I In irrlti-a
Tim iniiMiiit'l i.i.ini
ll.iii Iwiriiitt i h 1 1 iirvrr aim.
V. I r..'t.i- f.ilkt II. Ink ut iiiNrtlti'aa
Ami winm nf I.i-iIh nf ilii
TI." . .ilil..i. kli.t l.h.l.h.
Ill III l.t", i.r rk In li.n,
llinls I. limit In llin i-lidliltta;
'In aim-, i il.lnKi,
Hn II.. .iikI. I hkmih Utl-.n
AfT. . ti I In- Itnil-w n t t.ina
W i t It nil lii i iiiiiittiin.
Vi t in.iki II mrti ttlk own
- Ilrunklyn t'latfla.
"I tlilnl'. Archie AIN. ail. Is Iiiis niltdn
ip ids iniii. I In iiiiirr)," mild the viva
loiiH lil. mil
"To marry Vlrgle Ski-emerr' iUertel
Hie si:llkllllg hrunette.
"I'll It 11 tt "
"W hat syniploins 1I0 ym notice?"
"Well, he Hears 11 sort id resl(tied
A tint's the use express!. m nn ,N rurr
nn. I doesn I run when he sect her rum.
Ing now " riii, , ik,, '-r
Tha Fiarr.t Thing.
the hi t .--.t II. Ink 1,11 iiulli,
I 'it,
A tliliin l.i mil fur mht a
W1111I1I I... :i I,.I ,,, iMtiw.,,,
A ..l nf lu mil, i ai rll.ra
lirnvrr Itniiiilillcan.
Alu.lli.i tin.!-! ii,i:il,nK llilnn,
Wf Ii. I ! ,11 I-1- III any,
Wnul.l .i 11 ilriinnl in tnj hy
'l lin iiltli s i,r Ihn piny
Ynnntiainam 1i.ram.
Aimtlifi IMiik wniilil ha i.ia Mnrra-
lii'l. f.l. In- iulii, n e,i,,.r
'In lit I In- kl.ktra In yniir tiittn
Just tiy In run ynnr (mn.r.
Yniiknrs Htiilraiunn.
Poor Teachtr!
A teacher, noticing the hoy'a luterent
In the study of Insects, and especially
in moths, inMseil I, In, (,, (IH in
Mie llhrary upon the Miiliject nf mot ha
"I did. 11 ml It wasn't any help," a,ih
It., I.l, v.
wiih tlie name nf It?" aho
Tlie hoy iinsweri'd Ncnriifitlly, "'Ad
vice to YoiitiK MothfrH.,"-l'hlliid,.pl,
Id cord.
On Triumph Laft.
Let willtieli vnte, ninl Irriunei-a w,.nr,
Ami r-or-i y i-him-h, iih, i.r,, nl(,r hM,r
Ami KlVf ll. i lievtlliK Ki , p,h '
Ami copy nil mi, knKKf,r ,(
Ami nil our iiln leiit nl,,ii., ,mre
Anil nay ", hiif What iln I careT
l.i t wiiinen vole!
Their work will, , tIIHy wH,
In cmiiictltiin fn, umi f,,r)
Hut w lira hiife-t-xeiiMe tlii-'s Krlna
I'lmy lan l urnw whlkkera nn lliclr china
lit wuuwa vuta
AJittlnUtraim' N.lkc.
N,.t. it twt.l.v flim lliai II.
I II ..I W .Ii.i.i.ii iii..ii
.a ili.ll Hi" uiutwaitnxl k-linn l
attaint ill I It tial nl I' I I'l.tlt.!.
Inii.l, aiel ah ll iiial.i..l
va aut'h
All a..a hat Ii. a t lalma aa-aoial Ml.l
Kiiaia at h'i nniin.! ! .ii"n
ll.nui lii ni tilth .oirtit ana It
at Hi la ..ititi. lu.on.tit t Val, al lllllal. .. t'tj..ii, a
at t mtttitli Ida .tat el Una Untie
lla.l fh Isli l"l
' Muii.i A. A.lnin.Ulia't.t i.l
K Kfalai.f r IV Hiiiliat.1. .'"taxsl.
Ittttiiiait.i allatiiltgliait , Ati.itni'rt
A linli. .!.
Mil WM i .s si i:
Nete la halfl f tfiktlt, thai I V tllln !
ail alivilttoli il.rir jlnl tti.lrff ,. aalr I
...I ..ill nf ami u.ulM ll tnal nl II. t it
r 1. 1 I .Hifl l Iti Nial Hitf iii lor
W I'oiliit ila'ollha I'sk .!.
nf raX'uarv l"l I o. Ia.. nl Vat!' I'tnat
i I tiintaaiv. a riia'falitt . i.tainll'l ai.l
j aamtl li. !'. I , ami MttaK I. I 't'o
' h a il. antl 'A K aaltt, illi.H.katil
..lha nl N.ti ll.iit.l't"! Ik. I
lata ).' Hit h.lafU llintatirt al ll
I at nl a liar itsltl t aiiitutu ann .n
rinlatf ath I'M." Hi l.itllmf i.iiii nl Hi li.
Ih l.nlliot t.iin ..l inn tat III Inilli-i t int
el l.'Uti tll.ilnrli lata, aid l'i
I it l'i tula ant i.
I uraillirlila an. I aiMnlna ela, .
In ,ur,t. an.l iliMlttlatl, linn
tnatidlitlt !! I'1 Inak" aal' of lh Itsa
irt.sttlr lirlttallri iltartilaal, I hat
lat ln iiMitt. anil imfattattl l.i ta'.l t
rtilma ilaetv ami nilr i.l tat- nt ei
i ana k a til un M in tan .lat ..
Mao It fill, al lliHuuih .l .l ..I llw l
hnilt 111 lltllttwiiti. VI aa01itlnii I't'iiniy.
itet.m at tl. Ii .t.r in ' k VI .1
ail.1 ilaf. al t al puhlir atit-4imi l.t Ih
h gllaal I.I.I Uf f .l rath Ill Hal I all nl II. r
nlil, IIH ami loir itsat ' h and a. I.
nl III ileh-n.laitta n In antl I" lilt l.nlnM
111 irt.ftts fal tf..rlt tVln. Istiti
aiel tlluat III H ah.lilt.ti I .ntlitt . lit-,
foil, ami art!ruiaf IV ilnat tlitl itt .i.iit I
All nf In nuiiilril hrr 11. Ill lli trk
litlllilaitml I. I ;i ami tit laillwrielf
t. an. I Ian h4 ..I hi ii.ntiitr.fw I
I an 11 III II.. k iiiih U tttl Ta.i I In
H-tulli r.a A. I. III!.. 11 III Ilili.Ui.n .( II,.
I'ihoiIv nl VI Mat of I Or. ,
Alan, la-tflnitieit al Uir Sir'ttti' t-.,t
nr nf tti tt.Miih lia.l nl in t.iiiaiini la -
iailll nl t aili.t l W.I... a. aiel raali
Anil I. Wlr.. Ina alf In S..I..., i
1 . ntl.l. una III S. (Hi ..( lU'itfa Ta .
1W.I nl Ilia M Hiano-M Mfielitn, a I
rum. ii. llianc iumtli Tit rti II. i an4
nl ..It nn hni.'t.nlil.a . .I i l.
Ilia I ntiitlv ItMft, lltatnsi. a.a,i al tat I
tab I ri'tall ate I I. It I.l J a
lilt' rl.a.i.a I!....... S.ol'i II. lilt Un-
aml Slnrtjf h iinlft lili. li .ii t ltaiiii
tll tllttahtll lilt latl aan tltr lull
a. nl Ilia H-ittlh hall ill lli a'. .o ia . I i ma
1 1.. II I Jill. I t'lallil llin.r. VA n ,i II.
pla. a nt haliinnig , mitla'tiiti KntltJ 'I
a.'lrt llinl nt ii a,, r lrr.litt,- ltl f.f4,
Irarl nl Ian. I rin.l.,, I l.t tlnral In Met
llnjr .lalr.l J.inalUli I'lli ami I I
III II... k I., .i .7 .,( tr,ian W aatt
OK'. ill I nil III , Or. . S. ). I l.i li,, .ft
K In Ian 1 1. ...I. an. I kila'a with
Inlrrrtl al l(ltl n trill In nl
lliilrl Itatnanlt. tlalnl N nn 111I...1 ;li ,
And all Ih I .M III mil l liiimaal, llm
aal.l ilalantlailla, an I tat. It ol lliri...
tii'J mar hat lia.1 on (h .1 .1 nf 10.
OmllKafr ,i ail Snt .ii,lr. Ii fcVI .'
t.f liat alncti ac,inr' nl, in ami to aal-l
lotii.i. alma .S .triol.f in. u J. Hi
ilat n tai.l 11 . r 1 g at " I 1 ta'ialv Hi li
iniluta naiiirii t a, ami h.f lit r .ala
and ria-npr-t i.l tael aal antl aahl ttf.l
Hal. I aar tt tit It n.a'lr ml l.i. I 1,1 fiwlrmt.
I. ..II at la-r Slalnli. ul 111,.,
I 'a it-1 al HiUth-nn
I im atoii
II' It .'Is!
najr in rriirnari, I'll I
I. K l(ica Sin nit
I'tllllilt . I lrtt,tt
t f VA ,ii..l.if..n
Jnllll It. Unghi't, Alli.forr fnl I'lalltlill
Notice lu Contrnvtora
rtolli la lirrri.y ,,,,11 aralnl I.l. Is
till h rt-it. 11 1. Ui ; u't'liH-a . 111. nn
.siareli II. I'lII, l. Uir I tniiiiy I'.iurl nl
i tti.ti.Kinn rti , Hi... (hi- ,.i.iii
1 itvanii rltrlit nl way Ih" li'N l"aO
latlarnn I iniiMtt and Itali a I rrr
( learliia- 1 'flit ..f May nn thnftiailt read,
liltar Pli linlla,
Ma-Illt all nia n ay I- al Ihr rlt tk'a
1 111. a or al lint i.lli.r ..I ihr t'l.itniv I11.I1 n
I ha I'l.tlll tistrnia flirt ll, lil In f.m I ant
or all liiila. ami iniiti 11
tiarril 10 furnish a tn'tu-lnnl I I w
laltlilul iiriliiriiiaiir
l II Itnattninr, t'linnly Jieltfn
lit I lr.h r ol Ilia I iiiiniy 'tniiiiiasotira'
1 inirt.
Ilali .l llila .hilt il.jf ,, Ki.t. . I'M I
.N't I K K IS IIKKHHV lilVKN ; Thut
II. I , roriiellua. J. I.. Kerr, Hint r'
h. lltlllrMllipf, the Viewers herelofnre
.iiiolnlrd hy tin. I'll) ('1.111,1 ll id the
'lty of lllllHhoro, Oregoii, lo view
Hut proposed . ul.. mi, k umi exi.-n,,!.,!,
"f Kir Htreel In tin. I'll, nf Hills
iMiro, llri-Kon, iih roll,, mm
lit Klltti I11K at the liui lli, mil i-oriler
of llloik I, South foil,,! Aihllilni,
lllllslioin, IIii-koii, Ih. In 1. N, Nil" TiV
K. along the soiilli Iln.. ,,f Kir Htreel
from the wi-at, iiriHliict d, .r, feel
'" 11 asterly i lly hoiiiuhiry, Iheiice
north along said illy hoiiiuhiry lilt
feel, then.,, h, Hit" I,t' V, I -(i.l. ft I
feel; thence aolllh tilt feel to the
I lin n of hcKlnnllig.
and tu determine and a .certain, how
tniii li, if uny. eHH v, ,1,1 ,1,1
nf the r.'iipis live land imtieia ahull
ini rendered ,y retuaiii t,f u, widening
He f Mil, Hlri'i'l,!
tiiin Ulan asc.T-1,,1,, Hl ,1H, ,hl( ,,.
"'Ha and iiiIviiiiIiiki m tu the owner or
owner.i or null! lands , rill tl hv!
he Wl.lenlliK and exteliHl f Hi. i.l
Hf Htreel, did on r'ehriiury :Hh, I'.M I
file their ri'lHirl wllli ih.. ii.u....i...
of Mil It I city. j
Thin hi. Id report will hn conslderi'il
'V the C,y ,.l1(., . HH( (., a,
;lr next regular in,K t ,'
O'lil ut the 'y ll,,,,, ,,, HH(, I
IM. at the hour of ',::iil
im.. mi pohiohH luierenled
otih iTr",,y. ' l"-""1 t'o'lr
1 '"K .'i H"1'1 '" " 1,11,1 M
'l S'IIo ih. if llliy ,,,, ,,..
with imaUI r,.H,ri w ,, ,, ,,.
''d l.y aald C,ly ,;,HI1I,. H, Hu,
place and lime.
lailed thla Kehntiiry 24lh, l!l
(.,,. . ;- A' MKIIiKli,
tlty lUHioraur of llUUiuoro, Oregou,
Iin For.r,
on k .
I i M 11 1 It i .. 1
llll-V ll ,. I. t
.a ii.. ... lw wi
in 11... to. ,
I.. 1 w .-,,
I' II. IM .
tint. a
Wai Jt. r I . M ,
.. tti 1 1 , 1
In Hit . at,,, f
at hi-lrl t 1 , 1
1 It it'll 1 la.
t'.i. il.. .1', .1
I "I III. M I,
lata I . 11.,. , ,
aat.a In.
ttlitmi .,,
an. hi 1 ,,
I I'1 1 ' 1 ' -
III.' Is. nla .1
I nl a nr.t , a , . . '
an It lieli.rr 1, .,
art 01 ii.trl
I Ilia tin,.'.
I .l tl I it.i., ,
1 1 rna 1. 1 !,), ,
III l,t el l, I .
I It, ,v ,,.
I II. .Ill J.. I... I
ami Ml. I it- 1. ,
i ami ti 1 10 1
I l.t .lain . 1 .
a I aiiuai y -laal
I'l.l I . a' .. ..
I'll I
I M t
.1 l... 1 H..I. I
' I 0 siaia at i
'. I u
'"I Hn't
"' ' -a ,
" U-uJ
' l'"llttlak
1 a 11 ,
'" aiaaaal
' fclv.
ili4 la, 4
' fsatu,
n-l laa a,
!1 k
""si "f
N.tlU r id I mat Atti-)!
V.ll. la l .i. I ,
... I a.l... v
M ti y J tin. 1
-at ..I I r-l .. ...
' taaaa
I. aw..
1 'II Ca
1 ...ill t.f tt a.l.i .rttat t.T
Ina 11... I a- . ... .. h.M. ,a4 B,l
Itaa a. I tl,. t., 14 baartat aW
'livt'lti nn l 1 tf j.. juJ
Mai. h. I'll!
Iktit.l al II ..... Utajaa.'
lai el Irl-L.ti. i-i.t
tl 11 Ji" w, l lit'i.ttairaAatafM
f J 1' i
J..ini vi w a. Au,.r,at laraaji
Svl if ul I Hal 51kH
V- lir In
1 i im, f, UaJ
aalir.1, I
Jt t. kat fat
1 iltt WaUat Dbj
'' atiaal a
1 ratal ol Uaoki
... I sail antrl kal
1 .M ltlt t .
M a.l. 1 f .
. It mailt 1
anil, Jn.t.
11. It I M...
I'M I al in
lit, lOr,-.....
M. ,. ,.
l. ha IkklaH
. ...,,., ..ati rotai a I
.1 11 . i,.ir M aataj
. .1 l.'ia lraaal'
I ' '-.In aaal lax n
I; -M,tiat4alaji
I Ity 1 1 rtatwrl
. . I'latlaatnMf
,e o 't t' larittat aril
ll I'ilJCT t IK
Itisaroit t.l,
tn-l .t Hi.
I ' r-1 II,,
I . nl I
M 'I ..II 1-4 A
Not li r la In
Itfllrd nil ll.i
11 i.l lilt " li
.1 -'it ul ftVtt-i
. ui Ihr Ceaati
ni llttra,
anplirail nt t.
.11 1 nurl tW
lilt Hatlir I I
urtl VI Oral
1 th kttli
I'llKtl M
havitttf ta
iiK.i M n
ll at III Urn kin 11 tht Ktf
tail trait nti.tri Ihr Btmt aiM
I'lihrn and 11 ..din, a4 Ik l
l.tlrailoli at l.t lr lirtnt MmlJl
l mill till lli' r.'li, .lat at Ittk
lUlr.l at II -lit ..l.i
.lav of I'.-lirntu wit
. m.
I'liiril M l.i-siak
k'inr.l M t i.lo 11
JnhB M Wall. Att.-aryfa
Nuliir at final Slil
N a. la hint I t ultra IM
IHlir.1 tl I.l nil I lie llth 'lf
I'lII, lil itHli lli I .Hilly """J
0 ifiiin I iniiilt, 1 'oi'iin. Il l !
Ill ttatltl. nl I V.
ami lli t Hurt 1 M"1
lay ol Mart-It. "II "
o'l lis k a. in. "t -e l "'"J
plartt for hear ", '(l',','
tll atin. ,J
Kinl r. v. S. ur. r:t"iw,l5
Will ami 1 ralauirl ' nl V- "
.ll-nat.n.1 .,J
Jnliii M. Wall. Atltirnny M
at tuitia.
1.. 11.. ..... .. 1 r.iuit nf ik
iir...... ..r V .. .I.liiiilon """
Mnoil" 1 .nil.
ilinit tl'iini-a. .1
. ...1.11I.
.1.1...1. IX
'In Ttim.itnt.-naini-il
tit f.-ti.l'i
In tti num.
ymi an- In ri lo
ni.i..r in.
mi In lliu ni
1 'iimi' nn r t" t
after 111- tint" '
Itf tills tl tt t tti' !
I tilt tiny nf M
full In an i'l
, r ih
-Iillrrd l"H
, w 2
.1. wrrkl
rital 1
l.."'l'"' "Ll
. ..,.1 t"I
,. rr r... ml titer"!. - j
to tlm ai.ot.. iiiiMl"! '"ur',,!
,. . . ...1 , r I'linipl"'".
Ill'l lll'llllltni' "I " ..-!,
i. 11. 1. ..01 I,. 11 it r"' ' .
litis court ill- ,hk,l,1
iniilrluioiiy ii" .-t itttaa 9
I'la ff. M '"V",'':. ittH
i... 11 1,, 1.. liuln'. Tu
IHR to t'l ' M'"j'f"1
ear. . us V Hint '"''.'Vy
.... ... . 1 rr nail r" ji
' "on "i I"' . t,t, U"l
all: Marcus ':"l"!'",! tmli""!
,l... nl It years, "i"l rt")
...n. r ,.h 1,. tin' r"u ' J
. . ..nil '"'
lliei'l nil '" , ' .
Ill hlillllllff'S . ..llil'l"""- ,,
'liila aiiiiiiimns l "'';" ,, H'
niliiliiHiinri 1 .a,ri"e
ArttUH. 11 wtskh '"rpa4
elr. ulatl imlilH '' .iiJ
1'niii.tV, o. H ' Vi.tU J l' 1
nil enter mml" ' "l" Clt.
Itell, .liulKt. of ll"' ' ,r' ,, (''
HI 11 1 1' of Oli'M"" f''r. ..,i,rl'
..r ill
Wnslilimlon, ami rfJ,
ft vi. 1 iiaien n. -
I'm. ......ill'!
flyilt. III. Ito.ilHi.l'. 'V rft
ir ms 1 'hum her nf ""'
Ina! Piirllaii'l. JMi
Imln nf first tin"'" " .....n'
1..1 1 inn., of hint P"1'1""
ti, inn.
rent Thi-alr.'. ''Vilf
(irovo V. mZK
rd bv IlillHlmro tal"1
that ia a play.