The tax IIILI.Sr.OKO, ORKC.ON, l'l-hkl ARY 20, 1914 NO. 41) MP AGILITIES MI .r ..... .. till-J M.-rlnt 11 ru-li'"1 ... I'm i it v Bitht. I"' ltd IjIV tl.,- center of OIIC ti,.t!! of Wash- j , after railway :, j,erm;mcnt or- .e pel flltl'.l thi February li. ,. tnn; lat Satur t i!r storm pre at Ii iul.tlii'f. Wl af- nrtfatiUatioii it i . .. ....1.1 ,hrtitt-- .'!(" citi etiMnti m ,ud t !" I N'- Wl '(wn;rN v r- Uiniun lit the U n-r.lnr, At tlx- mci-r Ll,uc eminence jkrr the 1- iM.linir "I n tr J ,rUi tV.hir M.ll. Front thai r inJ a carlo..- 1 n""! "I ' l f,J would f t n c l np. Uh fr m Irriv'it un.l u 1 ... i .. i.. Ifrf lnvr H U OH.' .'llil- L th. ro. atvt the - 'il i very ixtiw. I' " '"I " '',li,r I I ll I kill not ''"I1 ""in j t. temutmati"" I'V rail with l-taml. Arpiif tr.t-ts that the I-' repic etuau.e A rr hue rmiunu out from Un. l'. ami paism,' ltnfh t.-br .Mid. with a Inust "'it in tie I'.elliativ ill kiwi, wotiM pay iitv Hemi tu the ktfi'iMin.- f 'M ratltn. .man in ti.c community r I ii ttmt ilnm t I' tvot at f'i" '"'' t'ii-' tinn. vitici: to t wi' Kt IK hlTi ln I.T. I'll iliut thf tax r',l f-T WHtliimtHn kjr.ty. (Irci'i'ii. will lw i i.-n fur rvriiTtiHii ati.i pu imiil "I It No M i!l i- nllnuiil. Umh arc .1 ,n- nihl niitli' l.thi Ut .!.,. i.f Afiil. TJll. Ll wivmi'iiti i :hi miiili Ih' hth hi h t April, l'.tl I. itliN-naltv i'! 1 in-r ffnt. imt ifithill ! rliuririMl on ri'inain- w hit imvntrnt t ! pntil jirior SrplMlllHT I t. l'.tl J. Wlt.r.' liajnuiit i'i iiki.I.' Ii. fi.rc tin- day of A i ill. I'.U-l. tin tax rmH(li'l!iui.iit tint I n n-n:il- oi l i r ri-iit. i.t moiitli ih Ff J fruisi that il.ito t,i iiriiT S.'iitrnilHr , hill, After fctemUr 1. 1 1 1, a m iiallv f Pf wnt. ami intcri'st at tin- i't f 1'.' it. r .-.111. m r v-:ir will cbrjji;,! ui, all lii-litmiii'tn ! I ! 'tliliilltrf rin ,, ri"'f wnty I'ri aHiiri raii.l lux Col- f!'r of WasliiiiL'tim CmiMtv. LMON MiCK YAWIIS h'liU fur U n wi'i'k Inn i' lii'i'n Hill: calvi-M. I: I.ol'M. A llltr Wcrk ..i 11,1a Ki'irLnt P'ticularv tin- lirst Imlf. OlV.-r- 'W (ir Ullrlu.r Infers, 1. 1,. i ...i.. . i -v.. nni' l-JUVIII. IJ pjjt nf tra,,. ncnlrt rnmiarci I'lh sti'cr fimsiLMimciit!. 'Ilu Ft tiunlili ;.. C..I f 7 So ts. nrulrowNfl 7.r r fulfil !:,,. After M..ii. . ri'i ,i,i .. - i i i'i- i ri: inn, an n ''Xlwterf. Wert I In Knii;ht! f 1'yUiian cnr l.rute.l tlu ir tiftn-th BrmivfrBary Unt ThurH.lay niitht in vrry ilk' rMim in thf county. Forest (nv hml u tiru tn-iivi-im urul ('4riifliu Hud (iUni'iw Mire fit- iiiiuiy ii.tvm the nnivTnary. Ilt-r nt IlillHlmm thf hall wu rniwrftil til th limit. John Itm-krr ih'h-I thi IlillnUiro tni'4 tinif. anil I'unt Craml Chan cellor John M. nr.Mrnt...l - vctrrun lewcU. f uriiixlnMl t.v !), IratHl to the miliorilinatf Ur'; to li vt mt-mlM-ni who hail iN'fti tiii iiilx-rn for 2T yrani - L W. IIoiihi-. T. S. WVathcrrcl. L A I"if. U II. Cr.rr unl John Northroii. V. C. Han ilrlivi-r. I a i Imt ai ti rmtio aiKlrctw, anl thin ronctiiilfd thcHfrriMHi com- nu morativi. I'h n K. L Mortf' tulillfi- KiriitTH riiitiiimml of niciiiln rn f th Imlk'i', tavo thf uu.lM'ncf a Imryl rork fntirtain Hirnt that was vrvit Cm. Km molt, OrvilU Wilkc. Wrn. liar rin nrnl K. I Moon wen the cml men who farnmhitl the humor, nml all wi rr kikmI rnouuh fur n milniimlitan auilinee. J A'leiate arte an the in ter.cutir. I h Imiv rauirht tie houM.1 with their lion inoU ami xlo4. an.l they were iriven a liU ral utiiiluuxt'. L llruwn. K. J. S-well. Mmirr. Ilarrin. hrank Willianii ari'l Kmniott wen the uiititrt in Hunt, ami were amt- cl in the choniH hy the entire cointtny. ' chicken nU intnxlui inif Hal laylor wu a clever iiie of minstrelsy. Mimic wan furnished hy Vinrcnt Knehlinvrer. .ian; J. !!v Wilken, violin. I", S. 1'arker. cornet, ami O riie!rt. ilrilllH. "Alalmina." a play deHcriilive of Hrclnmul fcehnif enjenilereil l.y the Civil War. ami how hearts roie HUierior to prejudice, wilt lie .rreritei at the t 'reticent Iheatre, rnday Wfnintr. Feb. .7. Ity the prama CIiih nf I'aritk I'liiviTHity. l U IVrkins. of IIiIImU.i-o, jn in the cant, and it in :ai I that the rendition of this H.nilur play an kivcii hy the lo cal talent of the two towns, in xiiler.lid. On Fell. 11 the play :w Mai'i-d at ronmt (invi, and all upeak hiuhly of the creJitahle manner nf jwrforinanri. Mr. iVrkin hai the leading charac (. r. and it in naid that he does the part justice. The play utNttiml in put hud, ctxiUHly anil climaei. I'opular pricen. and Heats will U on Hale ut Mclr mick'rt. next VediiedttV. A Idif houii' ii evM-cte., Thf net pro- .ee,h will io into the Social It. fund I fci not overlook thin fiplen.Ii.l prmluctum. BLQYD HIES INTERESTING LETTER Nm at l akrtlrw. Tell l Url- lllnc OIJ ItoyliiMiil SitiK't HAkl S TBIP VU SACIfAHl nt V U 1 1 V Si Ria in the .Wh Woulil I'ul Ore- (ui't MuU tit ShjiBc Fditor Artrnn: After leaving I'ortlaml nothinir disfirhed niv Irearns until I reached h.,K'!a-? 0unty, except th hatnimrin of tin piijn in the nlecier. 1 touirlas County looked pkmI to me 1 wan a boy thpr" nearly .Vt years bko. The first tiling to at tract tn u a yyinj? man. near ly 7 feet tall, who left the train at Kuthcrlin. Altout two iniU -i fnro Sutherlin ! saw a jrrajM'vine from which 1 ate irrapes years aifo. At Wilhur. the Hem Hill house, a womk-t) structure, looks al ll llld IS Veil IN li.'11'L i-Veel.t that they havu changed tint color. Viitcn I looked at the lull he twee ll Wilhur ami huselniri' ! hand of memory dropped hack 37 yeani to the tinio vi lien if it wre too rainv to work we took tl,l' itllL'H lllll'lt n I'lllllilll (ll mil.w and would kill one or more deer. , lun iMirx nix- i.r tin, r.iu m Hut im t iu Jim Conn kIiiiiii I li., I IM IM -l lll i lltll r till- Mixlia- r In I"!. In the hiiiin.iili iiriirv. Imlr itl tlul Huh' ImMiij; v. ry lx llllil llltl- II li'.hl .ni l li In liruth. r ut i,,,, C(,i i, oiu tu llio UiimI I'tlUi' Kl I NEW TRAII1 SERVICE ELECTRIC 1'ID SIEAr.1 I Schedule Started Sunday Morn ing;. Uivinc A Electric Trains M'MINNVILLE GETS ON MAP BIG kiul . tidily J.!i,jr'l. Iitt! ' I.w . a!1' f kit il,l.:U tail ink- i !., f'l ny Ir-Hii il. :,. ! jlm I f 4 "f!:ii).ii k l.ul Wli ul!tilt. I:,.- .,(iii.. i,t 'I r, Hir lal ,i I!... .icria N.-ulu. Vim er t'.xjn y. I .! , i,.ar ljk: l.i kixt t ''v. i in an iitHorly ilif'''!! ty l ! I'' ,'irili unci -nit l.-ti If I., l T4- i i' ,1 linn ll.Mx-ai Ijik' ii nrrt ll i, frt- ever lot III -nxl ifj I' irt on Hun Utile 'r. :im lu Wajliiii. Mi;'. N v . In a t-:niiifiil vsitli y pfj mi i- i. ii nr imt-ivc nii'm a nin wir , .1 nm..... i,y Wty huij i,. timuit,.. fwir Triiii ThraafV Mail Slrtel Each i UI Hi ki.or, IIjjO f i l,d ttirl e. n.! v ..f l;. im. it town wT lHut V,,M.l J J I. li h-r.- tlmt tli'-y h.ivt- liul wiiukI .r i i,. i r iiK-:!htM trv.cHK. Tt.! !-! II. . I . u 1... . I land. Kutrene & rsUrn in-1 VISIT OUR NEW APEX The Southern Pacific and Tort- Iland. Eujjene & rAstern in auiruraUnl a new schedule Sun- I ,r li. ui) year ttim tj.m lpt-n Uutl . . . . , , . . ,. ..i .i..,. f.,r.t,-w day morpinir. invinjr four electric f i, .1,-a t. in t iiiifortiia iimt th train? daily each way on Main . 'im linvoii Well ;u mift n c. . t Ml Nrv..i! i 1 hi r have four bunks ', v !u'(h, Im aaiii-it i ii t ioi I As arrivals and ,' '. k, liur In, anil nitkmini K3 ' in.- uf ite moral nnlitUmii ti- ,T" aV.iil :i lli.-y wi-r- In Tort l-i'l Imeii'v y-arii iifi. Ti, '. r iiily l taktii froiu Ihf I pii k e liner in ur lie- foot ol th- i : r i ami tronicM lliru otiiluita to : ! r re.-ni!r In tin- f'iliill ftetir ii,., i i'i ik r. it nivi. I.ak' i!', rvn Street, departures now stand at Loth depots the timetable is: " Klc-ctric Service Main Street To Portland McMinnville Train C:47 a. m. Forest Grove Train 1:00 p. in. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. KuRene Train 4:58 p. m. From Portland Kutrene Train arrives McMinnville " ..9:42 a.m. Forest Grove " . 10:57 a. m. McMinnville .. 6:37 p. m. Where you will find many fancy articles not usually found in the most up to now city drug store. We have a full stock of ,.. Symphony Iawn, I'aper the Acme of Perfection in Writing Papers. Try it and you will be pleased. Toilet Articles of the best grades arc in our stock, in fact we have everything needed for mi lady's dressing table. Oar line of pianos include some of the best makes as follows Baldwin, Hamilton, Monarch, Howard and Valley Gem. We also handle the Famous "ManualoT TTie Player with the Human Toctfi.MneSti an6Sec it. We handle only High Ouality Drugs. Absolute Accuracy of Prescription Work is our motto. Brinj in your prescriptions -8:15 a. m. in Imt thai Im Sam Stott. of Portland, out Friday, on leiral business. .1. T. Fletcher was down from Fores drove, Friday. V. W. lleiner and ('has. liahn, nf Groveland, were in the city I'riday. Inlina Aal.ntir if South Tuala tin. v.n t'reetinif friends in thelSheridan Train city frniay. I IV Ik. fli irain I For lunch pickled pirs feet, home made Pausaires and bo ltvriia.. II. li. Fmmott. l Kkoi..nH KalU (ti..n,, ;, l I' red levers, ot .VhOIIS. wno . . . il Ik il K'... 1.....U B.lnAn rt Uilef In Ijtk. -m. . IKMlk'I'.l llie .cuieiKii iJiai.t-, a KiM.miaj Uii I tiait aUmi tt.iu year or s't airo, wasup Monday, iitluutt- In nitar.-, mal n-ini -inlx i U t- tia i n if taxes. lii r it. y I to tl..-; . . . . . l i u: t.ii. t . i 1 j lutmbl.. Iliu.. l f 1,11,1.1 lioU-n! Do not lornet to aSK lor a Riven uy mia iia ocnwanuer, Troi.-n nmi if.-. h hiotnis i.-t Schiller w hen you want a pood at the ijchwanaer home, above y.ii ief..r- my m iin.iSntan. uii iiim n ,-, n sttiokeno "couRh dust" Mountaindale, in honor of her HnitiiiOiltiv lllf.- . ..fir-H (it-.. I . .. it t -it - 1 ' AAitain Miaa IAAAtia Clamnfli if III X. til iM'Illller. Vl-t -VIUOIII, tltlWa VWtlHI UIHMII, v. I t(Mi... Tk. M.MS "i ,, , .i . ... .f iuuiiuiiia. . iuc cuciiiiik " I l.'ev . etitha (.arriirus. Of abovel . j j ... ,.. - gpem in (rames, music ana uano Hanks, was in town i Monday re- , urtunii irom inwner . "e Mesdames Leo he had l-eencalle.! to officiate at - . , G p v. Meg. a fll,H ral- dames T. A. Fowles, Seufert. G. Guy Latham, well Known nere years niro as a my, is now itiiit tic lir: ikesmnn on the 1 electric service, through lliilslKiro. The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE H1LLSDORO. OREGON j Steam Service Old Depot To Portland -..8:38 a. m. 1:37 p. m. From Portland IP. R; N. Train. .....10-22 a "m Sheridan Train 5:05 p. m. A ,.... . . i . - - ' ' SURPRISE PARTY I A pleasant surprise recently was k , icavy sensation lone; IIS It llUd produced n reaa .I t i, ttn i- ii i. rem ik.. . . r as (hev opened up F Mont lav ut u it. .....i .... ?r i , ' ' . nun (..ot it. y Wcdnesilav in thn fnce ' itt'liiiM li,,, I.,, I,.., ..,,, .a . . . Ill llllll- Will llt.V a-", cimer as it maintained Ln imnt rivrlit up to the el .ic week '.in, .. ..r ts.n .. la. . . '..H .1 rw Sllll-il... .... i .!.;... WB,i .'. compeuuon r-K it n KMiers to net stock o n "fin l Kn v.e market V..,,i. irahHactions carried oil iil: hnni,. :.. . i . . , in i ne snoot) imise. rera i.iu ..r v. . .. i km ' oieoium nilioe "n i ... i ... .... Ibtm,.k r . , r..1 ", an. K hir "llk rmiitUni?lo: UK i( lamim hoi a ui L. ' Miiorn stock ol l lie nrnvcd this week. 1liY"n,,11' "1" Tim.r. - ii wns tile l-iul .r I I.., lr n-. "l'H IM I.III.7 Wi t Hi "HVB t .hut -c;...l. : . I. .....!.. OrVl.,l I 'OIIO.T IS IOOKII1K iiirui.u I V.j . . a to n nrouooroim venr. Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Holmes, of Portland, visited here last week with Mrs. P. M. Jackson and l P. Juckson nnd wife, and spent the. last of the wetk with Mr iUln M C I'uniin. at Hanks I'hev start for California this ....u.k i.. i-..tinin I lit rest of tin Spring, and then fro Fast ami Hpcnd it season in Furoiw. Mrs. Holmes is a daughter of the late P. M. Jack son, and l vveu known in Hillslxiro. When in Portland stop at the Hotel Huston. West t'ark ami Morrison Streets. Im'ated In the heart of the theatre and shop ping districts - with nil the con veniences of a modern hotel, at reasonable rates. Glen Hite, Manager. I..I.,., tti.iwiin. of Klamath, l mils'. It.ii.lioLf court here Inst wis-k, .....j t tut eitv ncain. Monday, ttin oi vi. ' j "r : kiiarimi inurnment in the Case 01 Noble vs. Wutrous. a tax title rase. I lie Jilok'e wen. w '.niv.1 in the morninir. w meet with friends. Judite Henson is .i . i:. l..i.. a fnf the ono 01 me cnu.nuoiec nomination ns Siipnme Ju.i?e N-.ti'if f.Y!in I v ollicer has been ''a , vrk III KM t.iiitrv m Hens tin i" iiM.i.K r w - , .. r.m,t ntr the pnsi lew louut..- ei ... nit 'l mivitiiiin nassed many new laws that have effect on the various county ollu'i'S anu men .. i...:.. i.,. an nml everv uiin- HOIOOll-l-i ant'" - - , i in n while ft new one is .": that hoft-toforc has noi receiver consi.lerutioii. J. W. Hailey returned from his inn tne asi oi in i. I to ulnnneil Otf at Tlir lock, and Haw Kd. U few hours, lie says maiionne 1 1 in. ,t. ..-..;.. iti Mi ii n ir wen. n'1" Iiiiiaooion- -. has mado many friends down there, ns he wns one of the pio neers of that lorttie secuon. Ahaprved US Mommy . , i- i no wnnninifiuu birtlulay came on 'U-Ji r banks and some of theollkesln the ctnirt hotiw were c, the town wns Riven a Sunday appourance. Mrs. Sylvia Tucker ytiy . ti. Mm M. A. 1 0W- ot nor mouid, . tn till lst week, has returned to her home at Clarkston, Wash. iv -i i-v.....!!- uiaa down from riUlll WBIIVI . .L M,,r, aindale. the flrt of the tuieUiliiK Ilk. ?' yeiim npi Tin1 nni up llirniit-li (itiihi anvtiri w no Ktatitl. tin. i-t-ek In li.t: I rtmrinjc Inrrt-m hy nsiMui of ll. ris mil ratin I Hml of lit'- Un- 111 till lll-aj aloliK til in a.lllli' tli ". ill ,1 On. n-vol i iff I tl Ll tit him- AH routitl Itoatu l(n r lulli y On' It : lit. t-r.- ilri-Mitl talult- ili n., ii. tU- lite tow Ittiiil. At AhIiIiiihI I nut u ioiikhi t a Aruiiti l.i Immii I lv.i.1 Wiri il it'u-st.l In iiu U i rt let ni k. tlml 1 H.ul not n .inn. Im it an a little Itrn .. i V. .u- llttil. il.aiL uf tin' (nit til klvouet itn llijul.- Ui I lie il ktti'iH-iiliii: .iitlt tiii-iiiioiiii tin. lolml.tlil Witt.-r llilllilll ..r ..... ..I. ....... I- it.,., u.uil.l tint I I'l.M. I It ll " t ' . ......... ..... urally hiiiihi' If 111-') tlnl not kimtt Iteltrr Unit III" S. I'. II It. t il. MiiK nioOiiK Ihi'lr IhiIIi t fiirtury mi u p;t -i it? r tniln. After nm hli lh. SIuihI.i M.niut.ill.H ami ruiiniiiK tiinle nkm lor noun tinii' , . . i ti... .1....1 .w .a.,.,1, ,i .Law mi I unuiii). Ulttl IIUO.I..K I.'"-.. - I lieitrtliK tt Btln.llnit, nmtitiK liolie iwiUtiKt tlw nkle of my ear nml m ..tlier tu,i. I uiiule up my tu ii il tli-ii I woiikt fulfil' my Hiiuliiw nml look nut Ui . If I I'ouM ili t.-nintH' li;it tin. tnwlile ih. nml l my mifinii.-. at IK W my hiiul intn tilt" wm, Uiat lie mx H ilt'ttti. We Itlltil ii;i) !i"v lliinu llk.i lii loui .ill Hi; on m. I In.. illlM hailiLt! ni'Vi'ii 111 liilr.liitl anrl tliprpbv creates an accurate record of all exoendi tures. Many, both men and women, through the u, un-depen- A 1 JIUoo nfiMiiHit . ihAi-il'ltirf and r reda Jones, urace Sipp, Ida " aence wnw:n mtrciisiug umuis .v...U6 Ibeck, Dorothy Wrisrht, Lucile f account affords the safest, most convenient and satisfac- LV... L'll Can,...)... Maanai I at . II ... t,..lj. .J.t.'. . n ell as business, niinn?.m.6y..otcm . o s.ich a cmidinff record, permit sma tT I neeessarv outlavs to drive awav the ovs and in l i i r I'Mri Airrv . r i ivr w ic-r iir-. niJiuiEf: i i j - t .; ). u lliilslKiro. ibeck, uoromy vyriKnt, uiciie account anoras tne saiest, mosi couvenit- r,r,u:",rs1", l There will lie a dance at the Ella Schwander; Messrs. tory way cf handling your money, bes nt ''. v ! "t Nevv Helvetia Hall. Saturday Ate We solicit personel, as w .. .uiK ... .i.e!eve..inir. Feb. 2S. Best of music Jil f counts and the opening deposit nee linn tin. hi i-..-ti ii-t. i . . (I itn-u kirio. eiiximn t itiiii.l and then neiivir and a line time Kuaranteed. " ",,cn .fV ""' "TI"""' Tickets, includin, supper, n.- Ann,ean.Ku.,y iscnan. 1 M5rtin. -Italy -(tapAC Delbert i l. v.,.,1 1.K.ii nf Pnrtlanil . .1 111 . J in:. d.iiiti iiiniiiii'i'. " 1 vt mis, An.nur, viuerk anu vms was out Thursday evenine. at- W;ii Vollz. Fred May. Joe the Pythian Golden Jubi- NaruPt Harve Keenon. Brady Ice exercises, and carried nome yowm wm Wter. Jolly Jones. with him a twcntv-tive years naro-u Harms, Fred Schwander. veteran jewell, conferred on him by the Indpe. - PUBLIC SALE The North Side Dairy will de liver you milk on city route. I ure T. ...jtj tt.;ii Bpii flt nuw milk and cream, lry us. "uniicsaleat the Ira Bradley farm, product is tirst hand -we milKl . .. :t .. ..r Croonvillp nt I t I accounts and the opening deposit need not be large. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $57,000.00 A. C. Shute. Pres., C. Tack, Jr., Cash., W. V. Bergen, As't Ikfrf St., HUHboro, Of. g ii, it iOii.-.! on 11 all tin. fi"" leit liiiul. llie further Booth llie l.:utltr. till t. at rue k the UI'INT euJ of Un c... ....... 1. 1.. lall.-v ami frniii III r. to kiu noiM'titii i lly It ul.l put tivi;oii t.i ttiuiiix for 11 r.sil ilowiiiKiiir. ti.. mi. ii.-.. of Hie RriMiml lit'liiK amiofi ww It ta water. lliivliiK li. il the eillilUll city of tlio t.ol.lelt Milte atitt wmhtliK to tfi' iw "nurll of It it" MMtlilt iK-fore my tram mioiii.i mine for Hi'l.O, NOV.. Vlll.rn wotnu i altoul tu hour, ami on leanium tiiiii the tllalo hoiiw wiw '' ;l '''w l,,", kH illHtant fnun the l.'tt. I mane up u inliitl to lilt.' U KiHl'e ' " li) Ai r,' of IxMiulinil I'-iik Ilk. unmn.l whhh were net will, over three Imn ,lr.Ml dlfferellt klll.ts ol tre. " tnimt of widen 1 as unf.o.illli.r, imt ,l, uke uolUo lo tin' Ian ami laU' palum. ami oniiiKe e. U'ter two kWiil li;uiKiiiK fnilt. . . Mv iittmitUm wan next ilUVftetl i the Hplemlld Htate House, lit.' top o which I noon ri-Ju hy el.-valor ami uhHllHK "Wl ,.'H,k ?. ll,lN.,, birtl.v view or urn .-. II. ..r iUkllllll'V 111H1 IIU' l"'".' loll.-- D. M. Gillen water. 41-0 T7Wlw!p half mile east of Greenville, at lei. tarmer 1n . ... , 10 a. rn.. on PPtnAV PVRKIIARY 97 ti- 1 .!... I It1 Poratono I.. . iiiwl i: lt iir. nun t.ti. . "-:" 1 tiorse. o yrs. iiw, ycarooK tun, e I.....I.- i tllw Orttl 1tafl V.V I 1 t. .11 Ll.. J. J ll.lMH.J ot nanKf, utm un. . ". isacid e Donv. iuu oiowieu W. Williams. Mountaindale. and China brood sow, 11 shoats, 4 doz Mcsdanics J. W. Gtwdin and Jul-Barred Rock hens, 3 white Leg- o . 1... ,i.r r V.-irlh I'lmna. I, . r t.. -i,o HIS CM IIIK II I'l l vt . ... ... , . tt'ot-i. in Thursdav eveninir. at- tendinir the Pythian festivities. Knm tvtnatera. nair of turkevs. pair iruineas. 5 Highland geese, tmn wheeled watron. hack, cart. ... I IO MMAn..iat n,n,rnn Mif Virmiplr I . . . . . 1 r 1 ' ....... 1 ... 1 iMr u v 1 n aLuih 11.1. 'v. i , . , v , I r ioa oiirn, 01 ociioos, 5 , - , . . l in'town Monday, exhibitin, SSS eW t at eclipses in JJJ. sulky , plow, 1-horse recently .noted in the Journal y . 8et I8 mI!., to the ends The hack harness. 5 tonaoats. 10 tons clear through to the enus. 1 ne household iroods tion of Washington Wuntv. " ; . V .v; "j" Mrs. A. .1. Kavmond atea last $10, cash; 510 ana over, 8 monins 1... 1 . i.v.t. m 101.4 nf lha tlm t D tma Mnt nn nnnrnvpd lnursuay. i tv. i.'. i"i ivnuc aw u wn. r- family home, at Thatcher. She notes; 2 per cent off for cash on was aged Hi) voars. ana was a all sums over iu. native ot Canada. Her husband Ira E. Bradley, Owner. died about live years agro. She J. W. Hugrhes, Auctioneer. children, an 01 ueo. r . wayior, iierK. SHDTE SAYliGS. BAHK American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus.: '92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 taBBBBBB.aBBBBBBBBB(aalB.-l?lil. DanKin in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand ' Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans. Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. ' Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. ,.H,mu..t er. .. ' , i " ""f tj, rimirol which that a W.Mllth)' M.K.IHU eo, can, - WM .... " ' r.arri. l!u'V.T. !.,..J..i,,L. out tim 'iot nun ine. s.-.tiirdav. llcv. Garri- I renresent Soirelta corsets 1 c....;,.in...iui river nml ldinK '!,.., f iL-a oflu'iatine. not sold in stores. Will call at III IIU' W - kiU?, t't '. .!'. I . , . 1... tk.n,Aai nn voniinat nnd tin thp 111 ent well f S'.' i'otent. city r;aronce BarlnT and wife, of fittine an(j teach how to adjust .,11 it., hii.l rtsicht'd ft small town on , vitsltinir in the Ne-1 . " . fv nraot v,r tailor. u.ra hIoihi or u.o s'- ' . L-n ennntrv. arrived at York, r u Fob. 15. to visit with Hugh Keed . ,. th eiatest front lace, witl tho .NlHU'ru '"- .'' '. , viultiH. not far iron, i.m - ,oker ami Mn nT' n1 tlieiii proven to un hiuii. t o. unlll a wnr wlil , ' "'L1 ...... . I.,, of loud UilklnR 1" 1,11 n. ". "- . .oniilier of men fmiii mv car, and tmw of from my '",. . fl,1..,li t(, wojinm i". , ,'..,. sin-nrlite wlutt It all luew. ' ., , Un. Indians wen ',. , , , , all flKht, T T !, i l.h nlr win-re oi.-.. "" .!... .111 bBve been, ai.a mnor. I i8t ma pwHw. 1.1 nllirht ill nn H- 1 Bm . ' whlh otliera were tamllnR !' on t. p J. It m an... ami ba. k. bfamllsl.. IM their Kunaano am.- ... .1.. Nt 10 inako then with BtnriiiK ey nn """ ,, beat a . 1 f..rt...i V vtVaia aafkj wuv - - tor of Mrs. Barber. Thev af- t nomore than hjKh class cor- ....... : (t.t mAtninff nnn . . riven eany ... '"V ""' " j sets purchased in stores. Mrs. found the Kortlu yet in bed. and M g Caudiet Hillsboro, Fifth .v... mmir tvim mute a surDnse. I o. Dk.a v Uli- 10101 1-, , . i ana JttCKSOI. ovrecu, 1 iiuim as Mrs. Heed had not expected gg. 5otf Mrs. Barber to mane me inp . . .. i, . .. :.i. 1. f larhr I - Phoa Trim, nf near Middle .. . , . onA ikt,. ton, was jn town Friday after- For sale opan nm. . w noon . Mr. True has many harness, nearly new; ii-i.uc 1.- Par (inn; M-men j .K wi, rir. whn , Winona wbrjhi, . ,"cr' . ti7 rii: v -J ko .1 section steel harrow; z-norse m wim. c" ""w.""" disc mowing ntacnine; ieennK uxurci, rake new; new milk cart. 2-inch Friday morning. wlicvls.-Uo.v Hays, . Hillsboro, . Carl PfahL of above Blooming, A STANDARD WATCH Is always a Pride to the Owner. We can sell you a timepiece at just as much ol a bargain as any dealer in the country, and we can save you money. A fine assortment from which r elect.. Get one for that boy's birthday. to .1 1 I r Ore., one n tie south, on jacason wag jn town Friday. Bottom, between fringes, ai con denser pumping plant, on left hand side, going south. 42tf LAIREL M. H0YT Hillsboro, Oregon VroA Moat nf above Mountain- dale, was in town oaonaay. aaal At 'I; W th(! nii,lM Pxp'Pt Boon to I miRht slaw mi i"r . -It, Uiat there wa. no one MIM. but week,