The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 19, 1914, Image 2

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    mi om mcir rrinrv i
A Southern
Historical Drama
Hollowing the Close of the
Civil War, will be presented
by the lrama Class of the
Pacific Universitv at the
Crescent Theatre
Friday Feb. 27, 14
HeneSt of Hillsboro focial
Circle. A play Replete
with Pathos, Ro nance and
Comedy. Popular Prices. sale opens Wednesday
at McCorniick's Store.
Found In the Ice
eopyriRht, ia. by Assortattd Lit
erary eress.
On tl:e Till of Oefotier, the
Ptii! I'rlticpsa left Australia with a
l iii-.'ti .if wool an. L her articles valued
at jf..M. She I. ;d iu lior treasure
rmnii yiil.l in (hi.' t. I irs mill coin aggre
inn ins Jl..!XU.tX. i Ue was never beard
In June, lsW, eighteen yenra after
ttie loss of the Irim'esn, I was one of
die i-ri-w .if the Boston whaler Tails
nun, which u trying the cruising
f,-runl mi the south of Cap. Horn.
W hud hat! a fair run of luck when
we i;i)t a pile from the north which
lasted for four tlajs and night with
out :l ltre'ik. This drove us away south
aiiioiin tlii ice. ai.d mi a dozen different
asioiis the .ship wan within a bair
i ividih of lHtiir east away or over
v. lielu:eI. After the fourth day of the
Bale tin-re was a calm lasting thirty
horn's. I uin'ntr thin interval the Tall
man lay tietweeu two monster leelterRS,
v. itli her boats down uud ready to tow
tier out of the way should they close
ia 011 her. Then we gut a strong
lireexe from the east.
ouie!inu's we lay moored to a berg
for several hours; again we were
iHiiindins anioiii; the great caked of
i.e. wliii-h threatened every moment to
crush in her sides. We had been drlv
ins: to the southeast for three days
when the breeze fell and left us on I
heaving sea, with a monster icelierR
about two miles away to the south.
The ship had thus far sustained little
damage, but the crew were exhausted
w ith the hard work and constant vigi
lance. The men were given an all
day's rest, nnd no Incident occurred
until late in the afternoon. The rnasp
of ice had a front a miie long on out
side, with an average height of 300 feet
What its width was we could not say.
We were astonished to see smoke rls
lug from tiie far side of it. No one
doubted that it came from a tire lighted
by fdiipu-rccked sailors, who had
caught sl-ht of the Talisman nnd were
making her a signal.
The third mate nnd three men were
ordered olT In one of the whaleboars to
Investigate, and I was one of the three
selected. We took with us a broakel
of fresh water, a lsittle of mm, bread,
meat, blankets, a Isiat compass and a
lantern, and darkness fell as we pulled
iiway from the ship.
We pulled to pass the western face
of the berg and found It to be about
half a miie long. As we reached lt.
southern limit and turned to the east
we caught sight of a small fire on a
ledge about loo feet above the water.
As soon ax we got up to It the mate
Imilitl and was promptly answered
that there were two men on the ledge,
one of w hom had n broken leg. There
upon 1 was ordered to remain by the
boat nnd hold on, while the mnte and
the two men landed on the berg and
began making their way up to the
Twenty minutes later the berg spilt,
a fog settled down, and with it came a
breeze. I did riot know what to do,
and so I laid in my oar, wrapped my
self In n blanket nnd sat down In the
bottom of the boat. You will think it
queer that I fell asleep under the clr
eu instances, but that Is exactly what
happened, nor did I wake until day
light came again. Then I found my
self In an Ice floe which was drifting
to the south at the rate of about three
miles an hour.
I am not at all sure how long I drift
ed, but the general direction was south
and the time was at least four dayt
nnd nights. On the morning of wbal
was probably the fifth day 1 awoke tc
find that the floe had ceased drifting
nnd a quarter of a mile to the east ol
the boat was a mass of Ice.
It was a mile or uiore lu length and
not over thirty feet high and lookec
more like a wall resting on the water
The ice was yellow ami dirty, witt j
rocks embedded In it here and there.)
and I have no doubt that a good ior j
thm of It was the lower part of at j
ceuenf wa.en mm turned turtle. I w pa,inK Tjmber 0ut 0 the
mr aim iur w;,,i w;is jntlHIM
of Ice. over which It seemed ininossihif Ualloway Place, North of Town
to make my way. but as sism as I hac J
" : . VJ" " DIED in a few minutes AFTER
twfc ujc- at tun unur lo luukt nun ipiar I
ter of a mile, but at length t reached
the wall and found that I could easilj :
get up Its rough side. When I reachec j
the top it was to dix.-over that thl j
mass of Ice was nlm-irt a ci:be. with j hii! In It.. . . t Jt
one of the crater of a volcano. i Juat 83 the Aru9 3 to press,
In the center of this hollow lay t Or, Frwin telephoned that Kay
mass of wreckage, ami after a lonn Taylor, a Son of Walter E. Tay uau oeueving my eyes .leceived i f .l: ki,
me, I slid down and began Investlga- i ' ... CllV' 83 KliUfU
tiou. No one will ever see a mon j tree, while work in in the tim
curious sight. A space several bun ; ber at the place of S. J. Gallo
T""" 'aV'mN,wtl way, north of Hillsboro.
broken masts, yard-., Iieams. planks ! . ,, . . ,, ,
boards, ropes. Mocks and sails. A largt the Uwitfilt Ponieroy farm
ship bad here suffered destruction
Just bow I could not determine, but It
Soa-ia-liw ol S. J. Galloway Ltavct
Wile aad Oae Child
seemed to me as If a great body of l.i
had fallen on it as she rested In tin
crater. No other force unless gun
powder could have so wrecked nn
scattered her about. Some of the wreck
age Isire the name Princess.
Late in the afternoon the floe liegn
to break up. and I got back to mj
Isiat. By night there were lanes ol
water lu every direction, and a strong
breeze set in from the south. I drifted
to the north all that night and all th
next day. but as the second night cnm
on I was picked up by the Scotch
w haler Jennnette. which had captured
and was cutting in a whale, and
months later was landed at her home
This household efficiency propaganda
may eventually discourage the great
American wife from using a hair brush
to drive nails with.
A new Island, of volcanic origin, has
appeared oh the coast of Japan. Na
ture may yet solve Japan's overcrowd
ing in this simple fashion.
Taylor was a younif man of 21
years, and was sober and indus
trious. He was falling timber,
and lived but a few minutes, dy
inr before Dr. Lrwin reached the
His widow, a daughter of Mr
and Mrs. S. J. Galloway, and
child of three years,and his fath
er and family, survive.
A woman hates to look her age ul
newt ill inucli us h niuu hates to fei'
bis age
It's a poor rule that won't work both
ways, nnd a poorer one that won't
work our way.
If lectures on the blessedness of
peace covered all, war would have
ceased long ng.
A young New Yorker tells of commit
ting a murder for $2. In view of the
safety of murderers in New York tin
price seems almost exorbitant
About this time the Martian astron
omers are probably discovering the
canals on earth.
It Is stated that the first dining club
In this country was the Beefsteak club
of Philadelphia. No social organlzi
tlon would dare to use such a pluto
cratic title nowndays.
Perfumed theater programs are a
novelty In Berlin. Before Importing
th Idea New York managers should
niuke sur? that scented paper can off
set a malodorous play.
An Italian poet Is seven feet three
Inches tall. What a swell bollermuker
that i liap would have made!
Dr. Wiley says American women arc
...c i-ihiks 111 i ne worm, nave
you never been In England, doc?
vwiiit Hurts most when a man fulls
on a slippery sidewalk Is the thought peopl. are laughing at him.
a wise and considerate wife Is one
who never makes suggestions while
her husband Is putting up a stovepipe.
A New York Musician
would be no such tiling as cancer if
Iieopie would bare tlielr bodies to the
sunlight. Perhaps some of the ladies
dress as they do to avoid becoming vic
tims of cancer.
A Chicago physician says, "flood
health demands that the mouth tie
kept closed while asleep." Cases are
known where a man's health would
be In better condition If he'd kept his
mouth closed while awake.
In Kil.'l the powers sient $,O0O,0OO
for warships, this being what might be
termed the high cohI of peaceful liv
ing. Every once In awhile an aviator's
wife obtains a divorce, presumably on
the grounds that her husband was too
A derma n
A noted tenor declared In court that
many women are in love with blin.
Funny how some of these tenors hate
mathematician figures
that a man sixty years old has spent i tlltm jruin iniuoriiiig uis collar. This
cannot be true, for at this rate his
wife will have spent twice as many
years ns she Is old putting on her hat.
If the king of fipaln visits Argentina
be should not fail to take a little more
mid have a look at the rest ol
the hemisphere.
A New York tree expert advises'
Harvard to cut down its elms, old and
young, to destroy a fungus that has I
attacked them. That Is much like n
surgeon killing his patient to stay a
disease or like tho man who burned
bin barn lu order to get rid of the rats
Whether a wife earning $1,400 Is en
titled to alimony from a husband who
earns only $1,000 is the problem before
a New York Judge.
Where are the editorial paragrapbers
on the camera trust proceedings with
their puns on negative results and pos
sible developmental
..f Mr
man V
knlr4 i lh oat m- at MO
U A. !.. frUUt.w
tkunt f ip.t
uhTtiiB; tl ' (" Aici.ui..
I.IIVIl a M,
It haa tnvn a Ion; time since
Washington County has had a'
Congressman, and isn't it aUeat
ime that we had a candidal-,
for that honor?
Kx-Senator Itrowncll is out t'r
governor on a proiulutioii plank,
running as a republican, t Icorgc
the silver-tongued cv idem hadn't
boeh attorney in a liur tition
for some time over iu Clackamas
The report was current on the
streets last Friday that Hon.
James Vi;hcoin!e had with
drawn in his race for governor.
The Argus learns that tins is nut
the case. This makes two
former Washington County men
out for the honor-Mr. Withy
combe on the Republican tick t.
and Judge A. S. Innett. of the
Dallies, on the Democratic ticket.
After months of senseless
criticism by the tug press Mr.
Hrvan has at last heard the
silence broken by a word of
honest and sincere praise.
President Wilson, in a letter to
a Baltimore man, paid the
Nebraskan a very high compli
ment, greater than any comoli
ment paid any secretary of state
by a president. The praise was
from Wilson's heart and must
have warmed the cockles of the
heart of the old campaigner
from the wild and woolly West.
Ernest Page, of near Orenco.
is under bonds on the charge t
carrying concealed weapons,
Mr. and Mrs. John Kmrick. of
above The Dalles, are guests at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
A. W. SiegrisL
Henry W. Scott has sued the
Washington-Oregon Corxration
for cedar poles in the sum of
Thos. Tallmt was in town yes
terday. He says Cornelius will
again vote on license or no li
cense at the coming election.
Philip Hergert, of HliMiming,
and Gerhard Goetze, of Iowa
Hill, were city callers yesterday
The Loyal Order of Moose will
give a dance at HiIUImuo Hall,
Saturday evening, February LN.
Tickets, $1; Walker's orchestra.
Everybody welcome. I.S-U
The offices of I'.agley & Hare
have recently installed an addi
tion to the law library, and it is
now one of the finest in the stale
of Oregon.
Dr. C. I!. P.rown and family
and Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of
Portland, were guests ut the
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Cor
nelius Sunday.
Sherman I'aeon. of Forest
Grove, was in town yesterday.
He says his brother. Arthur, is
now at Moiintaindale, where he
is engaged in sawmilling with
his brother-in-law, I). P.. Roe.
K. L James, of Varlev. suffer
ed a bad burn the middle of the
week, the result of falling on a
stove while in a fainting spell.
Dr. F. A. Railey attended the in-1
jury and thinks the patient will
sutler no serious results.
A young Swain hit hard with
the darts of Cupid blew iu here
from Portland the other ni-jht
after a marriage license. If,.
found that Deputy Clerk Henry
Kuratli lived on Third and Oak.
and as he was eager to have the
knot tied he struck out. lie
happened to strike the house of
a newspaper man in his imiuiry.
and the scribe at once discerned
what he wanted. He sent him
to the Kuratli home, where, in
turn, ho was s:nt to the school
louse, where Mr. Kuratli was
instructing the Iniys band, lie
found Kuratli. but did not ask
for him, supposing the deputy
was attending a school board
meeting. He asked for the board
and was told that thev might be
in session at the other school
)uilding. Going there he found
darkness, and, returning to Ku
ratli s house, he met the deputy,
whereupon he inquired the way
to the residence of a member of
the school board. After a few
queries he finally told Kuratli
what he wanted. "Well. I giie.
am the man you want," The
icense was issued, and Rev.
Myers tied the knot. He asked
the deputy to have the newspa
per men to keep it out of the pa
per -and. of course, il was kcot
outand Dan ('upid is now ac
companying Mr. and Mrs. Mes
singer on their honeymoon.
As the Argus goes to nrpss it
earns mat the infant daughter others,
Tmnorrow and Saturday
A Remarkable I'wi Reel Drama
ott Should Se I'hts Sensational Feature. Automobile
to Race with iVath Dashes OverClnfs.
Next Monday and t'uesliv. The American Fcijir
Preseuis a Reu'itiful Scenic Dram entitled.
l1" ' from .a .
" mil rift.
and Mr .
aw ay
Franklin Everett !
:st tttw?hl. Their j
sympathit witlr
tluiii in their bereavement. .
C. It, Rucbaieiu, of Cornelius,
was in the city I'tiesifay.
Eugene Del'!anche, of S'hief
felm. was in town yesterday.
Thos. Fow les, of atsve Moun
taindale, was iu town yesterday.
Mrs. Herman Siegrist. of I .a
Grande, is visiting relatives in
town this w-ek.
Tonight the py thiaus celebrate
their fiftieth anniversary at their
Ca-itle Hall, on Svond Stre t.
Andrew Itendler. the North
Tualatin Plains stock breeder,
llolstcins. was in the county s ul
For Sale I'oiv, in tiulk, giving
giHid tlow ; freshened in ,Nov-m-ber.
Also a Jacob Doll piano.
Corner Ninth and Raseline Sts.
Prof. W. M. Proctor, of Forest
Grove, wo! preach in the Cong.
Church, next Sunday morning,
his subject being "True Hospi
tality." It is rumored that the Corne
lius Tribune and Ranks Herald
haw pledged Mr. Fernsworth
their supsrt to tight the alleged
Illllsisiro ring even to the extent
of forcing a recall.
Last evening members of the
Comin-rcial Club, with their
wives, and a number of young
people, enjoy i-il themselves at
We desire to thank our Kind
neighbor and friends, and e'c
ially the Uvul Order of Mmc
for their tiianv kindnesses to us
while our two sons are con
valescing front their injuries.
Mr. atut Mrs. Jos. Irsting.
Miss Helen MeCourt departed
Die last of the Meek
with her brother. Run McCain-
ish. at Dadlas.
I be infant ciiihi or sir, an
Airs. . jessuM. ol VV like. i no,
died Tuesday, the funeral taking
place today.
Notice: ProjH-rty owners who
wish their trees and Khruhl-ery
pruned by an expert (miner o
'-M years ex(-ricnee should lei,1
phono .xtain t.ariicii bio
lawn work done in season.
W. Wickier. Nurseryman, Hills
Um. Ore.. P-ix tillt. East Rase
line, (r, H
N'.Su-r hrrrl.t gtta ltil Hi ui. lr
Uttf,,. in ihr ,m .,i4
hir.i iii. vlili,in in l. r (.,ii,i i ,( i
VV.h,,i)((,m I i.ncv ,iie.,i, u,btK
Bppli.-aiioa ! o. i-.i,,i I ,.,
h, Bauir lim lonr.l XI l.i...a
hlllr.t ( i ...r ll.o Ullrt na
t a v i ti K l-ni u.r. I I, him ud
Ixtiiiit tm knnait it, irnl
trit un.lrl llir tiK, i. I
t 'llftl Old II I iKhrt, ! ll .1 ,,,.1 aiu i lrli ( I V tin, t
I iu,l mi ih Mh Mt.l., t tt
I'Blr.I II lliil. ..... ll,,,,.o ,,, u,r,
i; .......
Mrhrl. ,,.,,Kt
1,1,1 -"'"
the Cluli r.Hims with music ami al'u" ' ''"..
r i,.t I Htllf.l VI l,l...
I rl M ..hB,
loon M yy.ll. Au. iw, (. ,,,,(I
"Hearts are Rigger than Sec
tional Prejudice" at the Cres
cent Theatre. Feb. 17. Forest
Grove P. If. Drama Class, assist-
ed bv HilislHiro talent. A play My herd
that is a play . s services
Cemetery hd ow ners and thosel Holstem-Friesian bull. Sir Johan
intere.xted in improving the cem-! "a ' "iantha ( ornucupia ill
etery are re piested f i t ii tid u ! """ ''"L ' a limitisl num
mietiiig at the I'n t House I N'r "r "t'"hrs. His d im has
Saturday afternoon, reb. L'l. ati!,n reeird td pearly LI
.... , i i o.a t. ..,.... .
.i"itu-iK'K. " " I'Mii.-r iii i nays, at lour
I year' ol nge. I his fine annual n
" ( a grandson of
rural I.. ,i.i ,
lo Uk'l I D k-s
Nmg small. oiTer the
of my Ihoioiik'h.liri-.
Win. Go.-tter. o l.aur
succeed G-o. II irro,y as
mail carrier on Route 5 out ofj
Hillsboro. March 1. He will move
into 1 1 lilsfmro within a few days, j
Mr. Harrow will devote his time!
to his farm near Oak Park. j
C. J. Miclielet, an attorneyj
who has had three years as as-1
sjstant with Ditrict Attorney
Cauieron, of Portland, has aso
ciated himself with the law of.
lice of I'.agley t Hare. t. j H
graihnte of Ann Arbor, and
comes highly recommended in
the profession.
Ira E. Ilradley was dow n from
Greenville este,da.v. He has
bought a farm near Monroe, ami
will move South with his farnilv.
af er his public sale, w hich i ad
vertised in another column. Ira
will be mksed i nr., an,j VVl,Ml
Washington (!ounty, where he
lias heen a familiar
number of years.
Colat.iha Johanna
turn a son of Clanlh:)
the Fourth's Johanna, the
which held for five years
worm s record in mi k nrodoe.
tion. w hich w as LT, I.12..1 hi.,s
f milk and IJIT.W s.unds of
ouuer in one year
a J
Apisnntments should M made
,.,.rli. ll I
. !. in 1 1 if iMiiniier ii uerv i
le limited. I also have
figure for a
portcii a
-lub has secured
The Reaverton Smoker had a
large attendance last night, many
attending from HTe and Port
land. Ilardv
siun over I'ronquest. and Des
singer winning over his oppo.
nent. Iviefi was presented with
a gold watcfi fur a prize
Smokers are growing in
larity in amateur alhletiej
Secrelary Erwin, of the Com
mercial Club, reports Ihnt ii...
on mill sites have r...
draft of a site on the
Garden Tracts. The
a rate of n no
iiisand on lumber t, !,.. .
land, and it now appears as
though a mill that will have a
minimum capacity f Kki.IKK)
daily, will soon be installe I
I he "New Minister." a plav
let 'staged at t he Crescent, Thurs
day evening, wa well attended
and brought many Hll(jjlH fr
the au.lienee, There were many
stars in the cast, and the char
actors had their lines in m
shape Ihose fakintf part were;
I', I , l er ( iim U , I. ii , i i .
... . . ion-Ill IUI II l f!iu
'. Simuel Rerdiey, A U Da-
rvu'ioii. .) ll t arret! W
lee Mnuil, M t i
. " n. if, , r .1 i
Magruder, Mrs II W SlaulFer, L
Rrown Sr and Jr. V .1 u;u; ' .
g'la W;, h, A,,Ki, I iirr rfi hi
Mrs DG Illackburn, Vera Tip on
welyn Parent. ,Ul, ,,HV(.'
GusHie Sigler P-eHsie Simon, .1
Jack, Ruth Jones, Florence Gar
rett, Maud,. Morrill, (le hu A "
um M,,. .... . "i
- ii, Jin nu, unes riuiviiii I ....
Vll..a:..l - .. ' "'. -'K
niKiiiuiu arri.
ew nice, straight, vigorous
young nun calves from this sire
for sale,
,. . A. Rendler.
Cornelius. Ore., R. .
Noliie ol I mnl Sclllrmrfll.
v i. I ... i
.iJ. 'l.. .T, . ",vr" ""' "' il..r-
' "'..nil II, n lllh ,U.,f (.,,.,,-,,
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Iilm r ,r ,...,,... ... ,
0 mine.
w'n"' ,!i .I.N'-. .:'" oi.-u..
,l..,,.:,t "' K. Mc.N
'' '"' M Wall. AlU,r,i.y ,.
Bl MMiiXs.
In Oi I'lri
vis, n
V t t f
in Harris.
HIiiIh i.f )rvHn
'I I" nniiciir nml
fUiil Hunliial
hhinnahmger. L E Wiu,.D i... "'.
Long, Whitney, M C Case, and
n nizel, arri
Ease, and
till ('mitt ..f it. .
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If Hill l.i ,. all MM
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-.I ...llirr uf ... I1..11 ll. In HM'
timlli uf r inn. li.t. t I
vVllla.mi.ltK nirti.lun. ft4 r
lll.lilr .uillli U (".I. nml I trill"'
iilh Hub i.f Mik. I tl"'!. ' "
Kf.irr.ul4 l.mti ut liotkt, tn4 !""
.-.i.l iiI.ii.k III ii. nlh llit f Mi" ','
i r..., I., . .......I .hi, h it int nr
Oil LrirlimliiK l"'l"l ' lh" I"11' llimiri. l '"'
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lllili.l fr.ui. 1-lniMilllii lit alionpii"! .
Iilllll .i.rHli ii' ultrl'il'H'1 '
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In Kin m, rrnl in i..-r t r J"
llier.'iif, itvri in Oi" "" ,j
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ivi.r M tt
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Ii liBn.iinrr, ' y Jii'K" ", I'niiiily, uri-Mini, '. ",,,,
MH.I mi On. .'"Hi y 'J""
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Allornova f" I'i""'""
In tlm
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rr tt.B coiiiiiy '
hlurt MiiMnklti, ,llnlllt,virin l,rp"
Mi'MhMii. ili-lniHIHiil. ,
o iBrimi Mi'Mnklii, H'" ho" Mn
iii'ii'iitiiiiii, fnil
in i ii.. h.i,if thtiNiBiBnfnwrjy
liHmli rwinlrnil In l'lr
Iivk diitltliul Piiurt mnl h
f..f Mi.n.Uv, Mr,4i'.VI i
WBLkimti-rlliHilHl..'..! Hi" lr;L "S,M
1 1-,., .,r ii.i. ti. mnl I"" i
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nil, iii,iii li.Ti'1,1 ll if i UK."." '..,,
it you mil to B,,,i..r mnl ".y,
llmrmif llm iifmil lit v W ,',t,lT.i- hV
Cntirt. for ilfiTfn Inriivi-r '""'''TiA
IioimIn of ntttt rlii.on v no" "'' , ""ZJ
fiiMinil iifiw.M ii roiiBii'i ""'' ,:, Willi
for nih'Ii iilhiT nml fiirlh'T riiMiw w
iiiinrt nmy .ruin tiifft. ou W
Hill niiiiiiiiiiiih I" .rion .
it I.l I. hi i.itt li, lint HM"".MutZl.
imtit to mi onlur of Hun. I. U' "'!'",
JlllllfB III UlHKlMIVH IIHIlinl '"''' -l
of tl, II rut ptililiimtlon '''"''."." iirt
loii.Hiiii tin. kni ui",m,";,:'i.M.
Ill, 1114. '" J- n,r0,lf
Atiy r,.r iiim m i ir. ,...Brfrf,
ti firiiiiiid
lU ' unction. JmU,,
701 UiHHIIW ' ' ' i iwbMP f
l',,r,lBd,Wr J