The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 19, 1914, Image 1

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JnlELLSB0R,oki;(;oN fkbruary id, 1014
NO. 4S
gill IHffl
Mr and Mm 11 1 1(1
diuv'htr. Helen, of Kvan Place.
wert mil over . wuay, irm-Hi or
Mm. ltuth P.lair. Mr lilair a.-.i.
th old town timnn'l wim the
snm place, ror one thmy.
in- i mr ui r ai in r
hal riTl ClitK ('ttt,iiH nun Canirn unl (lanh-
Out ' W '""'
AM, llll Ht MM
, V
i.lm M
. 1 . .
luck. i'1 1
tiT Canine, nn the court housi
square. "What" the matter
with iliIUUin. anyway?" uuoth
I!lair, "I alwata naw a dog fiht
over n the wpiare, ami now I
,tf lih ilw tfc. nut even a l.rindie imp."
Wl.i-n toM llat there was an r
imance aauit lon runrun ut
liirL'o llt'nrv rotu.'ratulateti him.
m't( that hi hadn't l.ruunl t hi
dog along with him.
Sad Cm I rum l.auriUix.d Camp
IWIwrc O.urt Monday Morning
Hard ik and Worry Cm.,-.
Mi In I ox Hi Mind
I mod
I'vcry ttoad District Represented
at Friday's Ijectures
.-.inill l-y
at lieavi-r-
.. twei-n II
A Had case wa; brought before
the county judge. Monday morn-
in moriunif. wh.-n JoBctih II.
i I,
(,,'!) "
.n.l it I
L lull,...-"'
hrrr !''
0 BH' " '
Um-. ef A I
M Suit. !
::V;'; .
ltTV I'M."1'
lg l-t.-ii'" l
j Ihr dti'r.'.
A .11 hid "
nd U-lt r ' '
Jw. II'' A:
.rf. ti-ti;-t
fnnii Is
I ri'itrtiiint Sftir,.l!r r.,i..t4
lt.wviTy. not M in sti.n-H. Will rail ut vs. of luii.ri-Uo.Hi.
UKay'-tti-H" '" r"pi.-t. an.l ! UirM.a-ston. ui cxammel for insan-
ILllhUmi. ",l nf- Bn' i-" n now i a.ij.iHi ,ty. r. Krw.n Win the att.-n.l
in i.hymcian. 1 he imticnt M
i-u niait Ur-mi-a.iiirr rors i. in-
i I ll't rlu.lin tin-tat.-Ht front la.o. with r u''''' an'' irM U
l whil "in an ruiH'ri'-m-f.! cor tn r m rvitv, fartuly of eiht. tin- !i. t
i wi-r ct noinorf than hih tiitss cor- in IT! y.ars, anil th
. . . . : ..:
i i I ... I iinTiiai in morr
. aw mi in
f lulllH'H tt
in III., am
t ,t u la'iil
1,.,'h (nun
k. M-vrral
tin, hOIIH"
in uSti car
! !' with
yoiiiicst H
yt-arn. II.- liven on a little home
lo:ht in the A'lventist ttl
men t, where the acudetny is lo
catod. has U'en a hard w ork
T all hid life, and a model of
Ml'riety and interity. Fifteen
yearn ago In- Hulfered a sunstroke.
and at tim.-n he has U-en u suf-
Jerer from melancholia. II
imaines that he has not slept
the mar-
are ell-
, . ;i't for a
,riin t'arl-
H -a he was
, i .,t uwar'
, t'. rials had
: 1 .r!i. e l.r
. i-lrv 'nii
if hinr
4 t lh'- '
rr l-rii'
l -Jfillcl i
L? h,!V,-
Lj.1 (if I'r
d I
. s , i . 1 1 i. w as
..I;.' ..f Mm
a l Cornelivis,
t it .l.l'lhter
!'i:ifnae to
. , .,f Tortland.
I tlil'. Iiu
h. Mrs.
iro Iiflh
and J at' km in Streets, I'hone No.
' ln (Vmnty court t.Nik inrHH.-s-
nionof the new court room. Mon
ti a v llioriiilik.'. 'ihe old L-ueS'iiir'l
ollui and th iillic.n of treasurer
and HchiKil KiiiM-rint.-ndeiit were
ma.le into nuartent. I lu re is a for the rommis.Hioners made
out of the latter two, ami Jmle
Ueasom-r M an ollice where the
aiisitiiuir formerly held forth.
This room is ronticeti-d with the
new ollice of County Clerk Lure,
no there will l- nmmutiicaiuin
iM-tweeli the two ol!ici-s when
Mr. Luce moves into the new
FirHale-Span mares. LMmi ll.s; fair. Imt Ur. Lrwin thinks the
harness, nearly new; II hoe ii- r.reiun hospital will l.nn him
.nr .lr.ll- 1 1 inch n'ilWn.L' i.low: around in two or three weeks.
F I . ' . t . II. ... . i .. t ... A C ..
Wm....n uit'iin near v new : i- w un care, i le w as laKen in ra-
s.Tti.m ittei-l harrow; 2 horse lm, Monday eveinn. and J. II
dis-; mow in machine; .-.-riri Mollrnan. a tieiMmr, accom-
.L.. r iri .' me i I'ani.ti the nurse w no was sent
nh.4.1,! -i:..v ll us. down a! l. r the patient.
( Ire one mile South, on Jackson I I"""1)' l" rH I"1' r' lH1
- I. .- . I.I .. L. L...
ii.... L.i.., I. r., ui i -jin. i union nu iney nave iiu- jini
. i . I .1 I. .. ..r 1 1. ,. ,ini.ttmil.
. ..nm r i.umliinif l linl. on lell l'"1" ' '"""""""J
hand ilr. zoinz south. 42tf
.. . . i. i. IMON Sltvk AIS
I ne Mimvinir i.MHii'-,
Junior and John, have
I ('. Francis, of Oak Park,
was in the city Friday.
Carl Her, of Timber, was in
tow n the last of the week.
J. J. Hartley was down from
Hanks the last of the week.
F. L (lustin. of Sherwood,
wa i a city visitor Friday.
Ir. A. I'. Failey. of Portland,
was in tow n Sunday.
Henry Fuey, of Phillips, was
in town Friday.
F. K. Kowell. the Scholia mer
chant and saw mill man, was in
town Friday.
A. VanAckere, of near Corne- inton was at the rxad mei'tin
lius. was in town the last of the held in the crwrt house last Fn-
week. Ii... l. w i .
nay, wj nrat inrr mtuicg uu nia-
Fmii Duycke and Ceo. Harms, cafjam mad building, and the
of Mountaindale. were in the i j- .. i
city the last of the week.
Herman Praner and wife, of . h andone.half yt.ar8 in chare
near Ix-i-y ville. were in the city , , , . .. ,
.... ' f.f maeH:im worlr in Multnomah
.. . i i. j l UMiniy, delivered an address on
r nr k;ih'' irininn iLiirwitT nut nn. i .
v ..nci,;uiiBvn.i, rock road construction m the an. nil. wr. a i."..t; vn t
i'lains 17F11 4G-8 lorenoon, ana in me aiiernoon
I Preif keltnn tif Oregon Airri
. w. liloom ana daur.u-r, oi , ... .. ...
helow Witch Hazel, were city cullura.' Mm' wl' rT1"',
visitors the last of the week. 3VV". 1;'"
mil n. iui uiaiiuii, iiiuniaii nmv
... Muuoy. oi uiurei. was drainae and surr-drainae,
.MC.....l.. 1 1 ...ill imi !u.. I f-1- L.IJ .L.. -
iConnljr Coarl The Give IwdnKliMii
l adcr the lIJ L
Every road supervisor in Wash-
inton was at the road me
held in the court house last
in town Saturday, lie win raise The Prof, held that a road
hops aam this year. should lx iust sufficiently ova
to run the water otT as raoidly as
fr L'l .lavs, and complains aWut intori, was in town Saturday 't falls. He contends that if it
pains m his head, assertin thai afternoon. were male lo Min(r it would
ers.H-hn had m-ttled in his , T. . ..,.., T; be danerous to travel, besides
l.rain yt'- 1 encourain a tendancy lor
l r u i...,.ra I,.. i,.,u l,,c ' teams to straddle the "humD
' I ' tl l I'M II U II .. .... I.. t
..v...,!!, ii.,. a.i, i r... utinuay. an(i thus make ruts, where the
this reason selected Uurclwood John lli-ichen. of near West roadway should be smooth. His
as a horn.-when he came to Ore- Union, was in the city Saturday talk was lucid and comprehen
e,m i. I.,.., -ri,,. f!imiiv evetiin. sive. and- if followed will mean
ia., i.. ,....t..A ii,.. ..r . . . j, r. . .l bi-tter roads everywhere.
' i .j.ioii ih-ii oirnaiu tn .v.u c. . i . ... . ,
... . . -. -. . .i l Aiier me lectures were tun-
1 U.ll.UIU. VtiUS t
i . r . . . I
nrsi oi uie ween. -.4 o. c.;n iai
A..MM:.a mutt f-L- nnrl
I ill UUll'liri, vi I crillNK IIIKI""J "W"1! auJ
wan ilown to the county soat the the supervisors were invited to
I t a 1 I. 1 l ! It
:ts i oi iru wwk. asK questions, many nucnrs llamel. of West Union, were propounded, and the ses-
u na irr...l n.r f anrU n town t hl OW" tt3 a lUHMlun; vii W .
nui K"" linfc inviiw- i.i v" . t i . I
f . k concerned, u nas Deen many
iyeBreiin.e au manj oupciiau.s
Do not foret to asK lor a turned out to a call meeiinjr.
Sc uller when you want a rood
ID cent smoke -no "couh dust" NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS
in the Schiller. mf
1 1.1--
CO"- ,, . .1 I. l..... I
" ----- - ... - ,, i i i. IkfCl'llU-s I or mr wren nil' e .' u
h, a own of valence, nicely, and will le ahle I ,.r.. ,,... ...
.1 . . . r -Li Itaitn. 1-1", i an i a, .
. ii l carried to Ihmhi rntlciie in a loriniKm
r'n'H. rnc i more, or ruin inivi. .,,
'.i s Vera tmy are in a lare nm. toeth-
e l All ll er. ll'l iney iiomi n niuumi v..-
4iil.iii.m" M'Hsioit every day.
They have bad a host of visitor
h was
' I
Vmus. a r, p . r oi iiu
W I 4 'ffuuli iilinti.
ik ,,v ti ,iu iup. I ,'pv .1 11 nn. I Ihe M.mse men,
Vd the el ii i ' paity was In-m and the Uivn Cath.ilit
kWMim-i.di I di'in. r. friend have kept them com-
I;f i short weddtmr trip puny iiinuwl day ann ninu
vA Mrs. 1 1,1'inp.oii w ill U
Mr Ui their I rien. Is at
1 bt I ! wnth Street,
jL ll.c !. has chare
t midline department of
iVitif (Va.t S.ifeA Vault
I iflil h:is a r. i,.nili!e h
In the rattle division
best rain fed steers
sold from i i' to S and one
load brouht S. Nut much choice.
Dr. H. Smith has bought a I Notice i3 hereby piven that the
new Hupmobile, and it has eiec-ng Ux n for Washington
inc uKiii--' o"i ' DM,vi',iijounty, ureon, win oe open ior
.bulk of The machine is a two-passener, tne collection and payment of
olTcrin and carries !W homo power. taxes on Monday, February 2,
Where you will find many fancy articles
not usually found in the most up to now
city drug store. We have a full stock of
Symphony Lawn Paper the Acme of
Perfection in Writing Papers. Try it
and you will he pleased. Toilet Articles
of the best grades are in our stock, in
fact we have everything needed for mi
lady's dressing tabic. Our line of pianos
include some of the best makes as follows
Baldwin, Hamilton, Monarch, Howard
and Valley Gem. We also handle the
Famous Manualo, The Player with the
Human Touch. Come in and see it.
We handle ouly High C,)uality Drugs.
Absolute Accuracy of Prescription Work
is our motto. Bring in your prescriptions
The Delta Drug Store
l' m f;t., wivn Fnnwt u. Nn rebate wi De aiioweu
. . I all a J.... nnnnh A
.i i a a i .nil wnv vi Fa n i n j utiii Hinr
: tt - ii trnj iirivi'n in i tim t'liiirii v i rvn ua.wa aic uu. uiu
hav fed stock was in evidence. niay( and made his an- lefore the 1st day of Apnl.
I'.utcher cattle trade was tirm mla, ca on tu Ariru9 office, Half payments can oe made-be-..niv
for cnu of which there was .. l:i :.....,. ., a (nro t Vi 1st dav of Auril. 1914.
" .......... - I VV Illll lull OIK l.l.wa. l."" - - . ". -
liUriil sh.iwin. liesi ones a but a penalty ot l per cent per
.....i; I C. rj. ... ,--. uith the .Mr. anil airs, r . v.rauirei; w u i . u .ui 1 ehnnrpH on remain-
pany iimitwi o -no rali.od 6 W to . iu. witn me '' ." month will be charged on remain- .
If youwnnlarani.thatl-ats usual discount on lesser ra.lcs. dauhter neLaunce. were in intr najf payrnent to be paid prior J
h . wori.r f .r the money call n Hulls sold up to f IK) and w ere own Sa urday Mr. Crabtree & uu im Where J
i vTl Vn l k Annex unsteady. Ueceipts were lare has ren e, n p art f 2rS; no payment is made before the J
aid torw n, iui a Aiim . . nr. and will take thins easier after 1afVau f Anrii iQii the tax I
tlljdin. and ee his tjual. y Mon. . wnon . ' ' Vh-- s"7nT- -n-l.
I' ln.o.s nil the wav mm m nvcu umn mc u'wi ii vfc.t . TOuiiir5inmiMut.i..,.,.- f;,"-:
lt.Uii , Ml Wli wn ii' " f .. .. ,. f Mflwlnn r.f 1 ir r.nt ner month IS I
These are the im-si ranes uvi- uujj. . . n. nan, .v. f -r . . j V
ver Plan.1 on the market in Swinemarkct not only mam- M1 froni the runnin Rears o a chared mm that da U to pno
i..... . : i ...... ii,., m iit.n....i i r nn "sm iiul ni 1 . iiktn, u- i tt'nirmi i ne oliiit uav. aou sua- ui HruLeunL.iv 1 a, ...i
ill HI llie
and thereby creates an accurate record of all expendi-
tures. Many, rxitn men ana women, iurou;u ius
absence of such a guiding record, permit small, un
necessary outlays to drive away the joys and indepen
dence which increasing dollars provide. A checking
account atiords tne saiest, most conveuieni auu sauMa.
tory way of handling your money, besides adding to
your prestge. We solicit personel, as well as business,
accounts and tne opening aeposu neeu noi ue iaigc
Capital and Surplus $57,000.00
A. C. Shute. Pres.. C. Tack.Tr.. Cash., W. V. Bergen, As't
Ms mmd Third Stm., HUHboro, Or: I
Y1 thwe i.r nt at the M,ni,u,r,K - ' ' -1 i-.siii.n live to ten cents. ia;,i two broken ribs and a Sentember 1. 1914. a penalty of
l"U sere Mr. Mary lien- UoU rt Ivlier, of Unsin. tv,,raj hun.lred choice liht scap wound. Dr. E. H. Smith 10 per cent and interest at the
I Mr. a. i Mi l. II. K. Micbian. was in town Satur- hnmht 81 durin the attended the injuries. rate of 12 per cent, per year will
riirif. All ,-rt and F.uene day. th K'iest of his brother, ( j l)ut tu, l)ulk Wadsworth of North be charped on all delinquent
Wing. J.,!,., nienlander II. II Kdier. of Hcthnny. lb- v , 8 w to" 8 w u,Tair. Kill- .sj fj "i the last of taxes. Mr. a-,d Mrs. John has Ikto railroadin or ) vears 0Ver the Northwest "'"J03., " iIu'be ?J E. B. Sappinton,
1 lln. ;,r,i .,!..; back in and this is Ins 'r. , (1, for hos. The on, ,B,1' '1 ni k m in County Treasurer and Tax Col-
close was steady to t.rm. 8 wi to " readv for lector of wasnmton uounvy,
II , .t .
n. t, 1 hi iir j
I II .. . 1
Ii. Iliout;
Vi-ra Mitchi h.
nirt'ni'aiid Mi
irli tanada
"KSviiiMii. ciiii iwi;n
I'rj'. C111111111 t rial;
tjl Ixiy and yu in the
p of Oreon may be en
. I . ... .... I VV i.UI
11. .Mr. aim iirst trip wiwi"""1
.11. Howard He remain here for an extenu
I'.rockman, ih visit, an.l will also visit at
1 Portland. Dallas, Polk County.
I red Kliline. -ei ...;n iu, mvial nt the
1 nt Mi- nnd Mrs. Fred
v to tt.; ., ,: z, "wi .r' v. " . .. KiiMh
t 1, "no- "'"'"HlilllHI .1 iroill nn" , ,
lie fan- ... ... i r . I . . ". . . . . r R 1 - ...,,l Mrs.
nenuiii ii lav'iiuei ;ar(( daiinier oi mi.
). , ' r..iv ""ii',, ii. jiiuni.
. ---,..,,,( u, ill'l-IH 11LIVI'
niu.i-ni ion this Summer.
ci,,,. .ti house transactions werep
...I ii.. M.m.l:iv nnil ti... v,;..l,of lonrl tioint in the!
conuneu iiiiwnj i, , , ne iiiKiioi, .....v. f .... ...
. , i ....... .....t h.,ra I .. . .. t ci.,Hla ia luif lfMll
luesuay. Viihhi r.iiu " ii" onnre siaie ui nmiunw viimvv
were scarce, but a liberal offer- fett hiher than Hillsboro-is it Th t t f the iate Dr. S. T.
Ih is at the lour corners, three ink, 0r owes sellin fmin to anv WOnder that Hillsborois dryT Linkiater wa3 filed in probate
m.le Houlh of town, Saturday 4 75 according to. quality pre- TBiahassce. the capital, has the Lt wetki and the Court, upon
. i...i. -i Nne uire for vented stanation in uie iiiuiioo sanie amuul0 as iiiusooru. Uoiitinn of Mrs. L nk ater. ap-
eveniiiK. . I market . ... . .f. l"."V . ' . 1'Y-...: ) a
ndmission -but Tin peniu. t epunnieiu. JudeCampoe was oui mon- pointed me peuuoiier, oou u.
? " J"i- J it,., am-iion. ai.'ntlv to stroncr this wk J , v 5 of ly. ..p. and w H Wehrun,
lllltl lllCMin iv. - ... . . 1:... ...,li;.,.r nt '1 7.1. '""""Ih , . ."."... ... tk
mm v V Orth f Forest wiui hcsuiuaiu, -.1. circuit court, ihe jury wiu De to admimsier ine u.c
Mrs. r. l. .'rin, . M.m.tnv morn n. vn n nf wh ch is estimated at
HIRl llDAV PAWTY i hpn the ju'ry probably about $50,000, so far as the peti-
Will lUril HI SOUIv IIIUIIHIIVIIW UUII 3l w. vn. -r.
. . . i .. i... ,irv was and possibly a report for the ses- 000 was filed and approved. The
A .lelihtful birthday party a ani kui instrument askinjr for appoint-
nt the home oi mi. o
ti, n A l.
i,.,n,iin will enrrv a half-tone
imoi. . ,., "... ,
cut of eiht Jersey calves, raised
Kit Wm Sehulmerich. of Farm-
' . . ...u"
inton, showinp wnai can uc
done in Washinton County. The
r" . ineeon may iu' en-i r. v-. v'rin, " i"ii-
W lu hae an active in- ('.rove underwent a major opera
111 the On, ,mii nn.l .. I...,. ...... ,L lr K. H. Slllltl
. i . . ... v ...... . Mlnv " . ,
V hAn,l,,,,..u. .. .1. ....I.
!'.,4'.,(mu wi s id uie rem (lperatm. mic is cim.
Pacific Imposition ut njn.y. Another piece of surery
ncwro. I.very division was performed by Dr. Smith.
JchrKiU i,!M ,uv nn 01),mr. ii8l wi(lkt wh(,n u. removed thj'
Mrs. John lippeilianm-i. i..
. iv.: I ..L.tMiur hiMI. l.S.
Varloy. rruiuy rvumiM - -when
their dauhter Minnie cele-
....... i i i?ih birthday, a
II. mum. luraicu mi -v.. - ".,,
... . ii,.. evenin was spent
There will boa aance . ve , ': .,, .ames. alter
New lieivenu
r.m Uien,vnn i-rounds
ramiscu. I :y concerted Nl'w. VT est o nuisic w h a delihtful supper was
J lawns of the Oreon f 1 k"Vranteed. UvinUmi the puests departed
SlrtrWK !Sot,,Ki.tST, II- for thdr phonies w.t niany birth-
S this mat. ot Sre Mr.and Mrs.
mven some onblieiiu in Th North Side Dairy will do- " . imi,nllind0r. Mr. and Mrs.
riwli... ' .. " ... :.,-,,. W i' -i. ,-- -. ,1,., Miaaes
ver you mim on tn.T - i,.rmun Keese auu ..
;u;;lvird that tbeSpo- milk and cream. Try us. Our I 0pp0iamler. Irene and
iNliunl lV Seattle Uy.. product s first hand-woniilK i Klilin. Zona and Anna
ten l,ni,,k Ky..lh S id then deliver. TiOjnner ' I iru t d
Uy.and the United l:M.-D. M. (iillenwater. 41-0 MarU, 1Vrthold, I cart L ck N
LWlli Pnivide fre tnuisiHir- tuif! ('.unton. who ,n. Miller. Una Lnlor. l-otu-
- ment alleges that no will was
C, in the future f d aftersearch. and it is be-
lieved none was maoe. ine
widow and the six children are
the sole heirs.
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit; Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
u.iiuiin u nnw nn the uress. ine
UUIIV ,v' " , j
vounsters look sieeK ana nne
nml nre a creuii io j "
raiser's herd.
Fofi,.u .. ."l"",i Mrs. Winiired w"' " r Inez . r Mowra
Win . ,,',,nis-, u-. WIH'n uiis recent y operated on v '""and nuo'c ,'" " i ('..nnre
l "k .. i i tn iiiUHiioro. u.i" ----- "i".' : . .. io:n;,.m imniei-
the coveVed.
?fK. : ,,m,,,,r ,w ,h best values In hard-
Ws truly. ware of all kinds, call on imve
II. Cro.ier. Corwin, who can sell you the
A. 1. P. A. best at the lowes tfigues , 1 1.
Lornh--hUi,,,. 7.s. r.,.,t ZJa Street, south of Main.
MK.1 III ti I fcJV ----- -
II- . I'.uimott.
Uti til a .
II p iT . "" m- Krwin Hitter, the Becreiary Kirn insur-
I'.rwui ivii,m'm ". ..- i.,...
f ruly- Saturday, on Mutual business.
C7 oheie: William llamel
man, Albert and Eimene Render-
. fi-..a nf Hanks, was
n. v. v . , . Mrs. L.
the Riirai o. : f thfi
ii M..K nnev. ine im -
-bin nf Laurel, was
jas. flicA.iui"." ----greeting
friends in the county
seat saturoHy.
icmotT Simon, of Middleton. died
. , - in
at tha hnmp or Mr. ana Mrs. r.
Mr n,,d Mrs. 0. D. Horner, of Mandel. at Middleton. Thursday,
..... l Cot. ! iviia. ne was uurn in
vvS'in at the K Ati JuneB .1841. and came
weeK Hi' ...... L. a mk. I., woo a vnrniir
aennies of the ate Dr. Linwaier, io A,,,c''0 T i ' u j
seiiuits n ull i . . Tne funeral was held
Jetot of he w ek " 'm Sunday: He leaves to mourn
tne nisi ui v."- . . n.i-L. h.:. Ia.. nia tuifo Mm Simon.
Horner was lormeny nnao uhm m hji n.
Warren Mr Horner was well land his stepson, F. Mandel. He
known here 30 years ago. and had been aL resident of Middleton
- i l a. a. . a mua i rxM n niimiuir ill v I
wa3 connected wun me nareii
mi aier. i ... .. . ....
Sam B. Oates. of Spokane, hia piace as a soft drink
Wash., was in Hillsboro, r naay. Md ci(rar .g ince jan, t
He is engaged in electrical work cloged tne doors to the establish
nn that. wav. and holds a re- Sntnrdav eveninar. Mr.
.:ulA .u.uitinn rOr tWOlm. n . 1 1 lM k.tainooa
gponsiuie ci... - ,MCOUri am inrcii in uuouivoo
.......yii ui nsa i'fii iii ... Mh.M ami nimHAiT ior manv
atru;: h. m. .iw.i-i--.
Yesterday seventeen young ladies by actual
count, just raved over a new assort
ment of beautiful rings. St Valen
tine suggests that here's the young
man's chance; for his girl was likely
one of these seventeen. Give her
one, and see her eyes dance. You
may date the real beginning of your
life from the day of giving of this little present.