The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 12, 1914, Image 5

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; aiRnnnrs .niinr otq
vv,,w"-" u uuill UIIU
uuiono ian. rrrnCAty u. 1914
I 11, , 1 ll.trr. Well Known
,rf. Urral Age
ii mi-matt nigh.
I11 """""'""on. w here Sat-
J 'ini.iy, niihiirnr
With Kim win
road meeting
II. V I 111! -
I'l'll lH lull-flt r- virw l,r..-..l. . ..
"f !. W.llmn. tt.- Vulliy ;.)
L'.iid Ahmi. Jnlh d.iv.-re, in.
i.M-iurrH on the road
i BiMKlllll'KIN IN till I viioHtt I''I'I'''". and a bran.), for Wash
"g" ;'' 1 'y a form,,!. J,.,n
A. Th. I. . 1 a
IMFIIIL II U. II m iUl..,l ......
.. . . .1 ,1... I si.' ih.iuii.hl U !. : 1 ..... . . "' nr
- , i"-"inii, uihi i. a()Mirit i John
p ,,,.! Ik., cu M- ami Wilbur K. Newell
!'" '"twith him uh an advisory
oMiimtti-,.. h.- i..-a 11 to iM
On-of tl ' ""' ' wo amain jMrinatn-nt road. i.r-f.-r-
' .1 i' 1 nihil. ..f I I . .
!;i!r i.i i runri H 14 nun', through
! A-t..ri.i. who .... fiiiiifi immIy of th,.V,t Si-I.-
. ... 11 .11 '""'ti'H. John M. Wall i,r...
' ' I" at tilt" HI'HHtOfl
I i. Mrs. iri' hIiII ,,
nni viri for L'fPi.Ti. I,..,,u..
llfphoii Main is
Yikn II-'"'
JiCfl t'irti
p-taitu h"'
.11. 'X. ami inj..) W(irlt
;,i.i. ririi h-r i,-f:it UillHtMiro
! ft
Tin. 4 r .. $
J' ' A '.
...Vttttli ,,,0
; -, i-
Mr., Iljrr. I(r tOl Veil.
UkiU U
I r-i'!. ( '
in lh' t i.
thniT. .iM .
Il'-r vr.n-li-i
!wff ar- I 1
Mm. fir;.',! M.
Ilmri.tti M..I
an. 'i . ,
Mm. II.,,. 1
f A-li.ri.i mm
mk ol (r,. i ,
! - n, other of the
H ire, for e;ir
1 1 it . 1 in' li-'e'l
1 hi . . it e im
in 11 I'll h now 11
III!-', 1',
! 'I I ' il lle'lll l, M rH,
.11 ati.i Win, ;.
"f ItilUlHint.
. I . . tl II 1 1-0, 1, 'lit
e:,r(y ila , uiul
no I 'V a law
,l v I II IN
HI!" il,,r
The uml.t-n-i
lie a!i nt !
Livery ;,
1 30 p. in . . m
On? tram
1 3 yrar
JfJrs.Il'ji.i, t, ,
Ml. r.',t
All the-.
w nn. I ar.
hpM. T'Tm.i; Sin
I, (
I ei.t more mihhIIiU' jurors
for the i ;ir l'.M I omitted in last
week' Imt are. John lletiniM. 1
i' r.;uli v. IVe.l UihnI, J J Krelo.
K I. Kreil Iliillinif, V, J
jl!ir.Nell, Murrv !inner. John
r.allar.1. ih. t ontirll. 1 1 IS Jim.
ruk. f I! lieirhman. It It I'.urk-
i halter. (Iini V I'oiikMv, John
Kaiima. .ma WikI Jr. t'reil I'n-
;i.'ir. K II Sitiisoii. M 11 Hoard,
W V Wile, I: A W ithvcomU-.
(oh fop Kn!e Ourftitiri' herd
f l!l head of i hoii e dairy row,
i'deiiin, (liirhams and JerryH.
All fri'sli op will Im in ten days.
'Heavy (.rod'uer. larjir, ami in
'k'ooj condition. IVterKon Hnw.,
jl'orest (Jrovt. lelepligni' Dl'JS
andOLUx. -H-S
il t
iith'n hankalili'
IlleJ , ( h ni'P.
Thf lleaM ,!
J'11 Kive a mi:..
day evt-riiiij.' at
thre w ill , M
lwe,,n nnial.
mimUr n,
t-riiniin,) ; i
n ill Hi ll at i, u..
t!.- S.toiul Stu t ' After Hii'illnesH of inoPf than
.. m, at ,tto y,.lir;, M1HS Stella Md'onnHI
1 i.a ised nwav at the-homo of hor
W. It: IV L'l mother. Mrs. June Mel'onnell.
la. k e rollH, 2 'tn. I. The rauso of her
I', one team. II death was heait trouhlo. The
team, i'. and 11 funeral was held Sunday from
1 'ai -, Mini, the home. U. v. Foster olliriatiiiK'.
In.,", e .t II ears ; Interineiit at I'leasant Hill t'em-
it, sets ,oii- elery. MierwiHHi .lournai.
' I Male lleln Wanted I will
in eimd . .. ,i several voutik' men the
!'ii; t i lass work 'automoliile husiiies.s in ten weeks
; hy mail and assist them to tfood
1 intuitions. No rharK'e for tuition
until HMilion is seoured. Write
itodav. U.S. I'riee, Autonioliile
h'Apert. l!o Itk!. Los Angeles,
I Kmil I. Kuratli has bought out
his brother .1. I'.'h interest in
the Ueal Kstate and Loan busi
ness, and will eoinliiet the busi
ness himself at the same plaee
over the llillslioro National Hank
! Ituildinif. List your proerty
!vith him. he will nive you u
s.iiare deal. Money to loan
on farm security. Notary Pul
,lir. ''tf
1 I,. Jean, the superannuated
; minister, died at the home of a
! relative, in Seattle, Wash., the
last or the week. The remains
were brought here for interment,
i by the side of wife, who
died in llillslioro. some cm
avro, when they wow residents
of this plaee. The iimcral took
place from the M. K. church,
yesterday forenoon.
Masiiuerade ball nt l.etliany
Cramre Hall. Saturday evening,
hdi. I I. Tour prizes-host sus
tained and most comical charac-
Valentine's tors, lady and .iHieman. y "
little o,,d I supper, lino music, and cm or V
i ... ; manniremotu. ah mv ......-
'II Athletic Club
1 r tievl Wedlies
i'e.'i erloll, W hen
n classy iM.iitS be-
The Chili has
;tt is interesting,
'"is; Hardy, who is a I tea
man, u,. I V..,,, 1
W" w to the :,aver Club, ..r
1 A ; penal tram will
'"" I'.uthui.i. I'Vlh and
Ul"1 'I'Mir roach
S '"''I t"Hond.
win!.? n"",,"'' from llillslioro
""' Blll'lll
chL..hlll":. W'U" l,.Rhrn
iaiKinl r.
athletic series.
Kltle; Whit,.
'"S a ,; , ..,
'.il I ii- i;.... i i ...
PiriN ... t ""k ni'iis, aiso
Zn, "l'l Hncks in Hoa-
imitiMl. i.
V,rl,". Oil. ,,)f
Sul.. I
niniay m m
o''-lv tin
'"VI'. iip , ,.,,a . . r
. "' . II III
;:u1.v iih supply is
l,;v chicks make Ihe
Wrile fur prices and
'aiiinlii'll ,Vt Uo.fs
I vUrme Warr.nlrJ I ,i2
UUroe in liUy Company
l.idcaiC SpidikM IJc Thit I1i).i.
tlaa H, Slrmk ay t Car
Coroner )r. Ira H. Jiarrett. of
Iteavi-rton. impanelled a jury
luemlay. to investigate the Jaets
nirrounilmjf the .i.-ath of )r.
I.inklater. The jury, aft.-r hear
" all theovid. rire. that
I'r. I.inklater rame to his death
h' Ix-inif struck hy an Oregon
llectric train. Jhe motorman
"ore that no lights were on at
Klmi.nica. hut that he saw Dr. I
l it.kli.ter at th.. oast .-ml of that
Mution. but that he did t
U'nal tor a stop. TeUiinony
ir,ai in.. i,o,v was found
i" in aluiit eijfht f. .-t of the
"lis. bu the brakestnan said
SAli.'.l I .. . I I 1
..iirMeu (ie K.VA' flO
of"-, ami the train therefore
'Ihe jury viewed the promises
at Klmoiiica. Tllesdav oveninir
and it is thought that the H.H tor
miihi have M', n struck hy the
nar car the freight ex press car
that is switched out at
I he jury selected were; Kdw
Schulmerioli. l C Vautrht. K !.
MiCoriiiu k, Willis Ireland. J C
Kuratli and .1 Carrott.
I h'1 jury had three sessions
me at Klrnotuca, one yesterday
morion and imo yesterday af-t.-riiiH.n,
aft, r the funeral ser
vices. 1 1, .puty district Attornev
..i'.riie attended as counsel for
the Mat-, and Attorney tjeo. U
llak-ley eainu.ed lor the railway
I to
r krv-
.- 10
wen,,,,, 1 .-.My, imiiii- ,.1H i
Oiitko . "'"'t been sendiiiir, tickets. inciuuiiiK ""l'l"'. ""
"I'lil'ls ol" Int .. .1 rl ... . ..ii,..
T w, MISSOS msoil oe.u. iy
ostmasler l,amkini
US a I'OMIlll hlll'.i Iv.w.l, I
"v, hi... in til
"I fnreo,
80 hnui. 1,'
read 'ti,,' v l,!1Vt'n't had time to
""weHent to patrons.
Shor,l o',,('ltz,,r hm K" t0
Mil, 'mw, for a two
Ulurngy 1,1 llw resort on the
lirs! of the week to ma m;
lections lor their SpruiR milli
nery. Ask for Cash value Homo in
dustry HtampH, with every pur
chase, (iet your premiums 1 at
llillshoro's BtorL8.-H. K. bm-molL
W.llr. U I In J l Mom, ,
I .U II' . .1' III- II nr ,
-" II I! l.l J II Mir ,,r,,
fl I' k 11 f i 1 .( .lmr
;p imp nn, he ., ';r:
r.'l . I.i in I h .01, ..1.1,1,.,, jri
"J I' i.iri 1., , ni., I'll, 4. 1,. rr
I'' 1 ' 1 I.S. o
k ... M... A. t . In I, i, 1. 1 1
I.l, J!HW ...
M I H k I.. I R ll.l.litv, l,i
l ...I it- MiriwtMMl w Jy,
I'lni'l, Willy I.i H.iM-y C J iiiih, in
.1 S Colli, 11 . I t y ttM)
rkr N.r.llinin In H-iIh-h Kci I,
I ll llrl.j V .Irlnnt; 'I..I..I lull , V'
II. nn. Il M it.r. k In J.itm tn.h.iilr
mi, I Williittimin, 144 v' "
II Ml Jl . o
v I Clk'ti. In I. I' ki-l.iu.Miij, lot ill
I ll Vir Slirrw ,l 1
Siiir I.. M h l.iii k, lul alH.vr.. 1
J I. Slirll t I vol C.irr, mir arte
-,i,l, 1,1, 10
Jrir I-.(on to I. mil
Hr.r I nliry . . 1
llrilli. Toiikiip rl .1 lo W.ll koliin-
urn. Ir on Not III Kni;r Sltrrl imo
O A I'.lliillu In llrniy S!mi.ii, our
fir r.,lK .MM 10
Mn ( '.u.l 111 In J ; I, u. nil, lilll Hi
v .1 I rrf if , 1
J no W 1'ilcr to Nellif .1 Mit'in, one
rrr ll.tip'i 1'rriy K.M.I
W U II.H krn lo Amur M l-i.tiklin,
w 1,1k lli. krn'i I'.ik llr.v
.Sjimr In ;li Cmlrr, r , aHvr lilk
MVn M, Poiirll to II !:, f
ml In Ox. wr K t 1 n r 4 w ... .
1 ll Millrr to J II I'uln.iii, a lull in
IIiIIIh.o Acirt ?jjo
K nt It Kr.llv In Mitiv.rrt Sloirv, 1
lot lit k 7 Niit h I'l iiii. 4o
II 1 1 ! rl.lutt li lol .ro I. I'l.ltllMII. 1
lul. I.Ik tin-urn 1 MrlK'r to I' II t'tli-r, lot
h l,lk 4S Mrl(rt Arrr. 300
Kmplic Inv I'o In Stinr t' liirot-
IHii.lril, .11 I. ml il (Irruon I
Sour toll tt W.b, 5 lotit Couuril
irw Arm 10
t'liilr.l Bl.lif Inv On In S It l'ooli.w
I lul Aoir Tr.oti. Sis
Win C.lnvo to A W Vnlr. So a we
S I 1 n I5 - 10
(Vi Hwrn tnUtriii llatlwit, H a arc
6 t y 11 f w I
Parties interested in improving
ami beautifying the Hillsboro
cemetery are reiiuested to attend
n meetinir at the Court House.
Saturday afternoon. February 21,
at LMH) o'clock, for the purpose
of orK'anizinv a cemetery associ
ation, and disciissinvr matters
pertaining to the improvement.
Tins call is made iy tne louee
Club which some time atfo raised
$KH) for this purpose.
The Kinton Hand will put on a
drama at the Kinton school
house, entitled "Chip of the Fly-
. . 1 . e U
nitf U. Miliiruay evemun, re...
21, 11)11, after which an oyster
supper will he served at 25 cents
a plate. The public is cordially
Last Sunday completed two
years work of Uov. It. Clarence
funk !1S Hnntist pastor on the
field. They have been years of
steady vrrowth. During uus uniu
the pastor has preacneo 000 ser
mn.w. conducted 25 funerals,
married 'M couples, raised ap
proximately $2700, of which
$1200 was for the purchase of a
lot for a new location of the
Hnptist church, at the corner of
Fourth and Lincoln Streets. 1 he
church has received; 88 new mem
bers, of these 21 have been by
baptism. The church now has
about 170 members. It is the
desire of the church to sell its
present lot and building, or lot.
and then build a splendid com
modious building on its new lot.
Argus and Journal $2.26.
J. M. and 'Hnry VanDyke. of
errnn.rt. worv in town Monday
J. . Iturhanan. nf (
was a cuy caller yesterday.
J. J. WVisenU-ck and wife, of
i.e.tivine. were m itie county
seat yesieruay.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H iirr,riHin
of South Tualatin, were in town
the first or the week.
I t i: ..
j. j.ivuraiii. one of me pio-
ni-rs 01 uie 1'hillips w-ction.
was in low n yesterday.
Ir. Ira H Ikirrett. of Iteaver
ton. was in town Tuesday and
W. F. Taylor, of Mora. Wash,,
has leen visiting his Bister. Mrs.
1. m Ia'wis. of Ilaseiine Street.
A. Kaufmann and Chris Oefin
ger. of near Huber. were in the
city luesday.
Mrs. Myth
was in town yesterday a guest
ai trie i. . Weatherred home.
LhiMle Island K-d co-ih. for
hatching purpiises. Call city
Hon. A. U. Flint and wife, of
N holls. were in town yesterday
KDrs. Iiwe & Turner, eye
VEspecialists. of Portland.
will he in Hillsboro. again, Sat
urday, ret). Z
Tennis l'yl has Ixiuirht the ().
J. Ilruster place, over in South
Tualatin, and takes jmsession of
trie ji acres at once.
Any lady's suit ordered before
Feb. 21 gets a ten per cent, dis-
nt allowed from stock.
Christ W'lleHt.
Mr. and Mrs. Iarl Luther re
turned last week from their wed
ding trip It California and Ari
zona. J. W. liaynard. of Scholls, was
in town yesterday. He says the
roads right now are the worst
he has witnessed for years.
Fop sale National cash regis
ter; keys up to will disxwe
of this reasonable. City liakery,
Albert Tozier. of Portland, w as
out yesterday, coining to pay his
lat respects to the late Dr.
For sale -Two fresh milk cows:
cmv and heifer, fresh in March;
Jersey bull. 2 years old.-K. C.
Masters, half mile south of
Aloha. 40-8
('has. Morris, of Cornelius,
was a city caller, yesterday
morning, and while in town
implied a word of cheer in the
Argus ollice.
Wanted -Farm, about 'forty
acres, improved or partly tm.
proved. Must be within five
miles town. C. S. Parker, Hei
del Itkig. 47
John Wilkins. of Portland,
was out to Hillsboro yesterday.
Mr. Wilkins spent his Iwyhood
in the rarnunjrton and bouth
Tualatin sections.
Parred Plymouth Kock eggs,
from pure bred fowls, for sale,
for hatching, 75 cents per set
ting ot 15.-John Vanderwal.
Hillsboro, Hast Fir. 4(V8
11. P.. Goodin. secretary of the
State Hoard of Control, was down
from Salem. Tuesday. He found
it imiKissible to attend the funer
al of the late Dr. Linklater ow
ing to a board meeting yesterday.
Will exchange city property,
worth $1,500, corner house, on
(Jarihaldi Ave. and Glencoe Road,
sUiro, lot 100x150; for farm
or acreage.-il. joiDmann, tiius-
boro, Ore. 46-8
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Bah
meier, of Denver, Col., are visit
ing with the wife's brother, C.
C. Arns, of Phillips. They ex
pect to locate in Oregon, and are
much taken with this section.
We are in the market for a
carload of cedar hop posts. Plen
ty of time for delivery. For
particulars write A. J. Kay &
Sons, SM Sherlock Uuuding,
Portland. Ore. 46-7
The McMinnville Elks will hold
a big circus at McMinTlville, Feb.
27, in the McMinnville city audi
torium. Many will attend from
Hasten. Forest Grove and Hills
School District No. 32 (Cherry
drove), this county, has author
ized the issuance of $5000.00
bonds, six. per cent, and desires
to sell the same at once. For
further information, write John
M. Wall, Hillsboro. Oregon.
J. C. Kuratli has sold his in
terest in the Kuratli Heal Estate
business to Emil Kuratli. J. C.
sold on account of his health,
and will take things easy for a
while, but states that he will cry
sales occasionally as a diversion.
The W. C. T. U. held an in
terestinir meeting Feb. 10. Bus
iness and social affairs were dis
cussed. The Mother meeting
will be held later. The next
meeting will be held on Feb. 24,
at the home of Mrs. Lucy Sigler.
Well improved 50 acre farm
near Itethany for sale, at a very
reasonable price; 11 miles from
Portland; -10 acres under cultiva
tion: irood buildings, good or
chard, living water. Investi
gate this place. Inquire at the
oilieo of E. 1. Kuratli. 47tf
The drram of three years ago
has been realized the Portland.
Eugene & Eastern Hail way is
now running its electric cars
through the old county seat
Hillsboro. Agent Shinnaberirer
yesterday moved his desks to the
uptown office, and with this
morning the red cars of the new
service commenced running up
North lianife. thence on Main.
and thence out to the main
line. The freight offices are
yet held at the main line
track, and the Western Union
othce still stays down at South
llillslioro. the tintnwn and Knnth
Hillsboro offices being connected
uy telephone only.
A new schedule 19 to ) ar.
ranged and published in a short
time, as there will be some dif
ference in time, owing to the
halt mile extra distance" caused
by making the detour.
Passengers can now pet into
the Fourth Street district in
Portland, direct, and land in the
center of Hillsboro upon their re
turn. Conductor Chas. Cline,
who for over 30 years has run
past llillslioro, and who, during
all that time has but once Keen
the train street of the city, now
sees w hat old Hillsboro has up in
the business district. Here's to
you. Chas. E., and may your
shadow never grow less.
Kenneth ltobb was the first tn
buy a ticket at the new UD-town
Portland. Cugene A fLattern Now
Uunninz Through County Seat
Ajcal Saiaaabcrter Drufc to the
City Mike m Maia
'hoenix Lodge, Knights of Pyth-
as, will entertain Knights of
'ythias and their families and
the Pythian Sisters, Thursday
evening. Feb. 19. at the Castle
tall, on Second Street, the occa
sion being the fiftieth anniver
sary of the founding of the
order. There will be seventeen
numbers on the program. W.
G. Hare will deliver an address,
and then Past Grand Chancellor
John M. Wall will present veter
an jewels to five Knights who
have been members of the order
for 25 years -H. H. Greer. L W.
louse. L. A. Long. T. S. Weath-
erred and John Northrop.
A minstrel entertainment will
be given under the direction of
E. L. Moore, and a Pythian or
chestra will furnish the music.
The boys are determined to have
a session that is full of brilliant
entertainment, and the evening
will close with a splendid
A snap new house, five rooms
and bath, on large lot close in, for
$1250. Terms. -C. S. Parker,
leidel Hldg. 47
Fred Cornelius is now cashier
at the collection window over in
the taxpaying department at the
treasurer's office.
Ward Downs returned last
Saturday, from Tillamook, where
he has been expertmg the coun
ty's books.
New Spring styles and fabric
for men's and ladies' suits and
coat3 arrived and on display at
Christ Wuest's.
Mayor H. T. Bagley departed
Saturday for New York and oth
er Eastern points. He will be
absent several weeks.
The county court will soon
have new quarters, the rooms of
the old offices of the assessor and
school superintendent having
thrown into one.
The new Spring and Summer
styles and goods for ladies' and
men's suits have arrived at
Christ Wuest's. Tailored suits
from $15 up.
T. P. Buzhard, the carpenter,
suffered a paralytic stroke at his
home, fourth and Jackson bts.,
ast evening, and is under the
care of Dr. liobb.
Wednesday evening, Feb. 18.
at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Cowles, a mis
sionary, will lecture at the Cong.
Church, on her experiences in
Africa. Everybody fs invited.
E. B. Tongue, district attor
ney, was at saiem, yesterday,
arguing a case for the Elmore
Packing Co., in the Supreme
Not being in a position to put
on a sale we will go one better
by giving something away on our
eighth anniversary, Feb. 2s,
Watch the papers and tour win.
dows for further announcement
Den of Sweets.
J. B. McNew, of below Reed
ville, was up this morning. Some
miscreant stole a young pit? from
his pen, the other night, and J
B. says he can keep it if he will
only stay away and not molest
the rest of the youngsters.
rkyakiaa sail Karrtoa
Offire: I'pataira ia Scaatmarlca Store
wnnnw-wmniiw reraar rmtrli.a
ud twvutut tttraata.
Phonea. i.tUraCity ;W2; rmi,aafUt S
Z Ac ni-aUir vr Th fclta IrU( Htoro
Ktdne East of Court Mu
Office up stair, jo .Schulmert Block
lo uh eorrmr of th. t.i.fc
R. M. ERWIN, M. D.
Sarjfeoo S. P. p. B. N , F. L t R.
Office in the Taraiei Block. Tbinl tad
Main Street. Uulahoro, Oregon.
Office Himrv 9 to it a. m.; I to J p. a.
jueaia. inurMay, MalarOa 9 to l
Calla answered dav or aiht Aitk
phone. Office over Hillshoro National.
J. O. ROBB, II. D.
OFFICE: Upa-airilo Schalmericb B'dg.
r-no!K-0(uce. City 1S4; Ree. City 864
Physician and Surgeon
Office hour 9 to 1 1 a. m.; a to 5 p. m.
Calla answered day or night Botk
phonea. Office ia American National
Bank, npstaira.
HirxsiiORO, . . OREGON
oo. m. aaay W. m. Mm
Room 1 and t Nhaf ttalldlBg
The Cornelius Tribumj'i Ani
madversions on printing, in last
week's issue, were so laden with
tributes to the Argus that this
paper can not find it ennaiatnt
to criticise the text of the stat.
ments, in any way. shape or
manner. As a matter of fact
the entire list of road not
should have been published in
the two county official patters -the
Anrus and the W.Tim
of Forest drove, the two papers
that have the lists to lay down
before the countv court, against
an comers as papers 01 general
county circulation. As to the
matter of nrohate notieea attnr.
neys themselves generally want
papers printing their notices
which can furnish nronfa and
affidavits at a minute's call and
it is up to them. The Argus
thanks the Cornelius Tribune for
the splendid bounuets tnven thp
Argus in it3 resume of matters
relating to newspaperdom.
The revival meetintrs closed nt
the Baptist Church Thursday
evening, ihe house was filled
ar v everv nitrht Hnrinw Mr
Smith's stay. There were fifteen
or twenty confessions, and
twelve additions to the church
Ihere are five to be hantierl A
number of others will come into
the church at a later date. Hev
A. Smith, who wa3 the evan
gelist. during the meetings, was
a splendid soeaker. He nresent.
ed the gospel in a scholarly and
sympathetic manner. He is lo
cated at the Dresent as co-nastor
of the Oretron Citv P.Ar.tit
church. He is a graduate of
McMinnville College, later at
tending Ilochester Baptist Theo
loincal Seminary. He was a
college mate of the pastor of the
aptist church here. Con t d.
The "Delta Aloha" Snndav
r. . . . . .; . . '
scnooi class ot the United Evan
gelical church met at the home
of Mr. and 41 rs. Andrew Bran.
daw, Tuesday evening, for its
regular monthly business meet
ing. After the business and so
cial hour, the girls were invited
to the dining room where they
enjoyed many good things.
hose Dresent were Kubv Gallo
way, Gussie. Faye and Beth Sig
ler. Evelvn Parent Katie Kran.
daw, Laura Saxon. Kuth Black
burn. Ethel Lightfoot, Blanche
Hartramnf. Marv RranHaw I.
vana Blackburn, Cecil Lightfoot,
Mrs. Galiowav. Mrs. Brandaw
and Mrs. Fisher.
V. B. Peterson, formerly man.
ager of the Reedville hopyard,
has returned from Dundee, and
is again managing the P.eedville
hopyard. He was a city caller
Mondav. and aava that as far an
mud is concerned there are places
up in xamhill that are just as
muddy, and more so, than the
Reedville section. He states that
he is glad to get back to old Wash
ington County.
Sen. Chamberlain writes that
the department will soon name
dates for examination of appli
cants for the postmastership at
Cornelius. The Dresent oectmant
of Uncle Sam's distribution at
Cornelius recently sent in a
resignation. The commission
will send notices to the county
press in time for applicants to
have plenty 01 notice.
The Nashville Students, one of
the best attractions in the coun
try, will appear at the Crescent
Theatre, Tuesday. Feb. 17. The
charge of admission is but 30
cents for the entire lower floor.
If you want to hear music, see
daneinc. and hear the best come
dians on the road, go and see
them. Next luesday evening.
A. W. Barber and wife re
turned from a two months trip
to Riverside", Ontario, Norfolk
and Los Angeles, Cal., Saturday.
They, report a terrible rainstorm,
with many washouts, there.
while thev were in the South.
They are glad to get back to
their old home in Oretron. where
the rains are frequent, but not
J. T. Fletcher, of Forest Grove
was in the eitv this mornintr.
torty-eight years ago t eb. 10 he
l- j r 1.-:
wiiM .r m in mi a ij. mint-?,.
on the Spwp donation a mi e I tn.i.r
and half northwest or this city,
Rev. W. E. bmith officiating. He
says there was all kinds of high
water over Washington County
that day.
Mardi-trraa. " a well known
fonar i.nlahrararl nn tha avoninc
preceding Lent, will be well ob- Upstairs, in Linklater Delta
Upstairs, A. C. Shute BMg, Main ft tod
Or net: Main Street, opp. Cnort Hoot
Office, upstairs in Sohnltnerich Block
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
- 3. danaart
inea aaa ail arfr.
tcwia)fmlrat KtMtttra, aumaHllla, '
Vnnal.f0i!i4ini(. Ktltiatlia tilfaaa, tad.
muuii.n. r.iu.iciiir, llllllllH
Ultra nrtrnfliM. nii4nrft.ll
am in iruiupa nit unfnra rttrara
Vt.ira .Hm blijktfi.
Sii41aflrnld)aflni, Urbntiaganaea. tauUM
ftir.ipn.irt mu anirrra micaira.
ntrak-Cat'Oaaakra: Caoaaf aaa a lafl
a. .t rmnitiH,
Ztlt0on: SiarltaU 200: k-lim;
i-iiX,7.lrl.b,in' nl sou a nil
3in ouv ut aaaaari at aaaioilii
Oltice up-atairs over HillHboro National
Rooms 6 and ft
Miin and Third.
served bv the Catholic Coterie.
of Forest Grove. The club will
give a large dinner on the occa
sion. Everybody will be wel
Viroil Connor, well known here
-w - , .... v
in the past as accountant for the
wasmngton-uregon corporation,
now in the piano business, in
Portland, was in town Saturday
Miaa Ruth Potman, stenncrra.
nher in Mavor Ratrlev's law of.
flee, departed Saturday for a
three weeks visit with her par
ents at St. Paul. Minn.
I have buvers waiting. If vou
have the value and vour nriee is
right, I can sell your property or
trade it tor what vou want. t ,.
8. Parker. Heidel Bldg. 47
Mrs. S. E. K ester nf Ottawa'
Kan., formerly a reaidnnt nf this
city, writes lor another year of
tne local paper.
Building, Main Street
Hillsboro - - - Ore
Commercial Bank Block
Hillsboro Oregon
Frederick Andersen, M. D.
Successor to Dr. Cunningham.'
Office and Drug Store.
Orenco, Oregon
Telophoua oonneetiona.
Argus and Oregonian $2.25