HlUiBORO ARUCB. lT.PtfVAKV It. ORfUON IXI CTKIC I WAINS STEEL TOWER FRAME To Portland -... . am I!! ro JURES mo 119 j u yi iyiiy;vyiiyiyu ) A Famous Musicial Aseregation in Yoc.il and Instrumental num bers. The best ever visiting the Coast, will be at the Crescent Theatre on the livening of Wednesday, March 11, 1914 In a Rcpertorule that cannot fail to please. Press and people are unanimous iu praise. These peo ple come here under the auspices of the P j 1 7T Every Moose should See to it that he does his share to fill the Thea-' tre. Usual Prices, Tickets on sale by Moose, or at McCormick's. mStm 10: S:W IV 15 S:S Tirt i nuo mi rbh-v ID H'f I y Old Strutter IWog WmtW. ll m i l nt i tn 1Mb $! 5nic Let ! The steel tower frame, to m south, ftt the water and liht w f..ll vtstiriiav afternoon. From Portland 7:4S CITY BAKERY are now baking the strength pivinj? Roman Meal Dread that you have heard so much about Try it once and you will always eat it Our line of other foods are put up as clean as if it were done at home. Main Street. Ilillsboro J. Wolferspereer. Prop. Pacific States J'ire Insurance Company of Portland. Oregon. Tlie only hlg Oregon Old Line Company. l.nseS Promptly Paid John Yandcrwal Agent Hillslwro, Oregon SUMMONS GET READY NOW Get your harnen repaired riht now, anil be ready for au Early Spring. Special atten tion to repairing ami oiling harness. Pine oiling vat in stalled. Best Mock of harnesa saddles, whips, oils, etc , in the city. H1LLSBORO HARNESS SHOP Second Stkki-t, HlM-SlIORO, Oregon In the Clrrult Court of tha Btate of Ori-Kim fur the County of Wahlna;ton. Plaintiff, Clyde f. Taylor, w....). ri T..l. Ilafondant lo !aran u lajior, me aooTo uainmi lipfemlaiil: In th Name -of the Htate of Orison: Von are hereby notilied anl required to appear in the altfive entitled iinrl ami answer the complaint niei ni'imn you in after an eye-beam had been dis- connvcted, and the entire tram fell anjtlinur westward. 100 feet. to the roof of the distributing station. Joseih LorsunK Jr.and John Lorsun.:. brothers. .oris of Jos. Lorsuntf Senior, rode tno top of the frames to the roof of the station, and sustained broken less. John had one ler broken near the knee joint, while Joseph Jr. sustained a bad fracture, half wav between the knee and ankle. It seemed impossible that the men could have lived con sidering the fore with which the steel frames fell. Jus. Jr. was taken to lr. Smith's office, where Ihe frac ture was reduced and John was taken to the home of his parents, u'kr Hrs Krwin and Uohb at tended. Dr. Smith, and lr.W.l. Wood, who assisted, do not think that Jos. Ixmmnu Jr. is internal ly injured, although at first it was thought that lie was m-yorm hope. A tew minutes after the fracture was set young Ixrsung came to himself, and both the boys were resting easy at l:ut reports. The collapse came about two o'clock yesterday afternoon, w hile the funeral services of the late Dr. Linklater wre being conducted. Had the tower collapsed in a hehn. it would have demolished the water and light ollice. where Mr. Jose is the Uiok-keeper. Mr. Doyain. of the Corpora tion, and Mr. Kaster. superin tendent, were in the distributing house when the crash came. Insulators crashed around them, and bv a miracle they escaped ininrv. Mr. Kaster rushed to switches and turned otT the cur rent, thus saving a possible fire. The auto belonging to the com pany was in the path of the wreck, and it looks like it had passed through a Mexican battle. COUNTY SCHOOL MINN'S Results of the first month's spell ing contest are being watched with keen interest. The follow, ing schools have made a very Kio-h standinir in one or more grades: West Union, Laurel, l'urdin, Uisyville, North I'lains, Dilley, tlaston, Greenville, Scog gin Valley, Hanks. Shute, Mid dleton. Ueedville, Grable, Scho field. Orenco, Firgrove or Whit mnn Mountainside. Iowa Hill. Helvetia, Barnes, Arcade, Cedar Mills. Harrison. Lvda. Buxton, Bethany, Witch Hazel. McKin ley, Sherwood. Oak Park. Deth lefs. Garden Home, lialeigh and Hiteon. Highest school aterages were 6:21.. 7::5S... i:22.. 12:31). u in a m a in p in p m p tit p tn pni . a in Winter B.tscbalL Th W-a N.tall cln-li thU Ui!.t-IvimII Prwaa. AMtw -ll wf thrwnti n.ol Hafait war arv IkvuiiiIh alm"l rular a Mi'ln iwolutlotia.-Chi ei Kiwrd-HrmM tl la minor.! that Monua WaKtx. pivuilif hrtt.p fr many ywm U to war la. Ken with w.t-n W t ilil twwt aoiii of Viu.-HI.-b niolkl Ttniea Ibat-b AUCTION SALE of Horses Town Topics. CttH-ttinntt watita lmi" on tmby ear rlrK.. Pat tonn If tho Infanta h taaeu to Joy rUln - Nw rk Amt katk Han rVamHw" la to ha hiIIU atrwt ilan.va thU wtnti-r, ir It may U Jnat another yarn t th. I-I climate - Chl.ftBO lUr ll-mM Now that Chl.ttir.' tl rlt-rk hav rl.mmM roller km- t riUU hul niM New V.rk may I m-1.M r tallato with aiToplan.. mall l'llv.r In akyw-miN-r ortVra. - W !ilni 'u I'xt lie I a elever man li n n UIt et hut hla wife kuow h U a f n Tlit unilcrsiftncil will U nt ullic Sftlr nt the Second Street l.ivrry Slahlr in HilUboro. at ltO p. m. on Saturday Feb. 21,14 uaT life on thta i-arth haa only I.V ywtra ui.r to -Ut. wlial t tli It a all ruttit to Mirva "lily half r1" hir, but tl trouMo i to kuow wlil. ti half. Cold atoraci. la a nwwwity ami la chloroform. t racb l.u.ta Itwlf rra.l lly to alaut. BiMaolr arv now r-iitrt for a lap do. I In ahouM I aulU.iiiM alnt muling tu lltiv I'rUiL If The MaiT prov lua.lrtiuati.. why Dot auhmlt S'iior llurtia'a nw lo IU national tmaohall ruumW.uT Tbat whli-h known aa Mlo tiri.S tjr U fr tho memt ift a.tlve. Uo awakn, alp4aa and mut.KW-. ftinna worw-n in Kind to H lh rotu. for.vliiif tbat lhy may yl I bl to ftia'-t chMip fur mur. Kalwr Wlltiolm la baring aa hum h troulilv In dlaiMMlui of a rntl a AnnTl.au diplomat bar In fiu.llrin BIISWIK umniin". c ... - - - II 1 L J Urn mImivc Kiitulwl cauiw, on or Iwforr I oatitlircd l)V ShUtC Kalt'lgtl anil t!ti.r.lay the Wth day of February, lull. i)pfi...,f, scho)l9. The next meeting of If You Have Any Hind of TROUBLE with your Machinery or Automobile, go and see PETE THE BLACKSMITH in Reedville. Turning Lathe in Shop, and we do all kinds of fine MACHINE WORK We can repair any kind of machinery at reason able prices, and if the old machine is no good we can sell you a New Machine cheaper than anyone else m the county. Do not forget "Pete the Blacksmith" Reedville - - - Oregon hhI.I ilatx'hciiiK aflnr the expiration of an wr'KH irolo llio oawf oi mo um iiuiiiut Hon of thia summons In the HillHlioro ArKun.tlie date of the tint publication ln-iiiK Thurn.iity. the Iftlh day of January, I'M I, and the .Into of the laxt pnlillUon tlisreof tinx Thurwlay, the aith day of Kebniary, l!14; and you will pliie tak nolic that If you fail o to aponr and answer Mid complaint, lor want thereof, tl- plaintill will apply t th court for the reiiff irayol lor in his Romplulnt, towit: For a dwrrwt forevor illnnolvliiK th iiiKrriin'p anil inarriaKA contract, now ami heri'toiore, oxttlfiir Imtwenn the- plaintill ami ilpfDinlant, upon the irrounilM I ol rriiKI ami i.iiioiuaii ircainiKni, : ri iiilorint; bin life liurdoiiMome. i 'I Ins HiiminoiiH la aerveil upon you by pulilii'alion thereof, pu niiant to ordnr of ibn Honoralile l ii Itnasonnr, County JihIkh of Washington County, Or((oii, iiihiIo, rfiicli-riMl and daUxl on the loth day of January, l!lt Itai;ley A Hare, ! Attorney for i'lalntlff. Notice of Final Settlement Noticp is hnrfliy f?iven that the undor Hit'iicil Iirh llitxl hin final aif.oiint as uilinliiiutrutitr It, I h (, IU,, itf 1 1 r.itll.l V ' ... ..... -j I clurk uf the hlatfl of Orvgon for the Coun ty or vvaMriinKtou in inn mailer 01 ine ntateof 'l illie Johnwin. That by ordnr of thn aaid court tho 30th day of January, l:il l at ton o'clock A M of naid day In the county court room In the court houae in the City ol IlillHtKjro, County of VVaeh in(ftn, Htale of Orm?oii, haa Imen fixed an thn time and plane for bearing oh jK;tioiiM to the Haul final account and wttliiig thn same. I . 1 . L. ...... ... Uli.rr rfoitiinwii, Administrator of tne eaUite of Til) le JoniiHion, ueceaMmi. Date of lirst piibllcatimi, January lnt, lull Uneel, Roynolda A FIokoI, Vtl 40H Kailinx lliilldinif, Portland, OrnKon attorney! for eatate. the Teachers' Association will be at It. State Sutler- intendent Churchill will be pres ent, tn inform the teachers ot proposed schwl legislation and other important Bubiects. This will be Supt. Churchill's last meeting with the teachers of Washington County this year. All school children of the coun ty who arc interested in prepar ing articles for the county lair will be pleased to learn that the premium list this year will be Innror nnH better than ever. Supt. IJarnes will have charge of the school department and ex pects to have the premium list ready for distribution early in March. The Superintendent has at his disposal a large quantity of seeds for children's gardens, rupus should write Mr. Barnes for a free package. SOUTHERN PACIFIC-P. E. & E IVrtaspa the Anierlran irlrl who was arreated aa a apy Id Italy waa mer.-ly RidtlnK rvftily fur a ninarlne mm pnlKn. The kaKer la rvported tn tw at out gain with hla ticlr. Tlie roo-ully pho togrnplird royal Wlaa muni have fnllin) to Uike. A relebrntwl music tpmher aay 'i-ry limy hna idi,'ht uottv tn hla vol' e It is to tat hoptnt they don't nil full d'ie t tU'aiiuin time. Aa an Oklahoma row awnllowed a "wad" rontnliiliiL' tZ) It follows thai roll Unit would rlmke a cow iuuk! rotitaln moro t tin u that. All thn world la to K'd IN time from tho KlfTol tower tn 1'urU. That la nil rltjIiL 1'iirla hna never Ixfli m-cuai'd of In-lnif Im'IiIihI thn linn. Aa a metier of fact, Monn Mm has the ptH-iillar audio of tlw wife who has Intely rl(lil li(-r huslmiHl'a po knta In the atlll wiitclion of tlx iilbt. Mi'iiellk of AhysHlnln la ntiiln re portil did, ami ltiilxiill of Morocco la K'lln rcMirt4 riiKiir.Kl limy IuhIhI on keeping nt their old tricks. "Keep only well hnl hi-na" advlaos fnrm Joiirtml; hut, I lien, moat of Vrii hnvo nlrctidy Jolml whnt thn Rortnl lata mil the uouproduclnK rlaaa. Aru3 and Oregonian, $2.25 Will You Build ? If you are going to build thia Spring or Summer, ate J. S. LORSUNG, for prices on building and excavating. Kstim ites given fiee. All work Is guaranteed. No payments until work is completed. J. H. Lop u tig, south Thud S rie, at S. P. Track ; Tele phone Main 334, Hil'sb to, Ongon Give Me a Trial The Southern Pacific and P. E. & E. schedule, as now running, is as follows: To Portland McMinnville Electric, a. m...G:50 Willamina, Steam E .8:.'W P. U. & N., Steam E, p. m...l:37 Forest Grove Electric 1:47 Eugene Electric". 5:05 From Portland F.iHrenn train Rronm. ft. m... 8r1 fl Forest Grove Electric 10:05 P. II. & N steam, via Os wego 10:22 Willamina, steam, via Os wego, p. m 5:05 McMinnville Electric 6:41 Minn Ann! T)uffv Arrival Tnmu a A a a aay irom t-mco, uai where she has been attending school and visiting with tier sister, Mrs. E. M. Mahoney. She is now at her , home with her folks, Peter Duf lly and lamiiy. Oyntera grow on trw In Wont Afri oa, tiny a a report from London, hut doea tuo money with wlih h hi pur chnao tluMn grow tlw anmo vrny? Thomaa J. Lynch did not vnrnto hit Job aa nri'sldmt of tl Without !KUUr1l( kick. An old bull pmyer iinu.a u Umi n gnme anywny. Joy la tho peculiar felliig expert oy iuo nuin who eounta Ida inm ey wid dlMcovora tlmt he hna all hi. thought ho hnd uud a fow doling niore. Thn r1f.f.rititnl .lnl.Mi,.n n... ""lioii Ol l.lll. urMi fllirht bv Um WHi.M l.r,.il,..u in ..i.... .. - ""n". i""uinn in iiin.lj a rainlndi-r tlmt tlm rent rompicHt of j t4i ak I.. ..alll t . - on n nun it vmg nignt mini renll cntlon. Othnr mflnflini.. l. . n)FiTim iiilT winiei . "linking $r.,OHO lii one nnotlier'a fac ' l.ll r. I.. w.. .... . voiiuiu miii K ruimiiiiH riili.'tly nl home mnklng aofn p0wa of mirpliu pI'lllllllllH. Zapata proMcrvea tho niiieiiliu hy nimmielng thnt he will linng Huortii when he cntchcH him. Lntln-Anierlcnn wintry In iui miguglug quullii of Um lluxkau charakctar. One Team "f UUtk M.irc CU, 4 aul years .'J on; One Team, 1 1 ami II years, J2; Team, ami 1 1 years, 32i; 1I.HM-, u years, l,V; M.uc, weight C.'h, y years, iy; W.v.n Waoti, y l-l;3Sritlohlc wmk liar tics All fl these animals arc in k1 sluijc ami .ire all first class work horse. TKUMSt Six months linkable note at St T. G. BAILEY, Owner Scholls Roller Mills W; HANSON, Prop Hour ami l-ecl, Aetna Wrand of Spray, Custom Chot.inn a Sjiecialty, Poultry Supple. Mamifacturcr of Whole Wheat l;lV ami Wheat Heart l-'lour, Graham etc. Our Prices always Reasonable TRY US the Next Time R. F. D. 2, Hillsboro, Or. WALL PAPER AND PAIHB My New .9.4 J5 nislira and Wall and I. ready M ) our Krlall Prim are K""""1 , la .s r I'orthmd. Have ynur " ' targeat COll.pVIr al.k ol I In Washing!"" I'o'"1- v , ,w m for yomself. wall timing ' P,,l"r '''f' male, furnished " WV MURROW WALL PAPER ?A CO- Secotul Street, J. MURROW, Prop. HiUs1n.