The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 12, 1914, Image 3

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    J - mU8B0tQ ARQCa, FPfiaCAgy u
Our Motto
I V von 11 r - 1
,,1 ,.,. i the t"11'' to live out-
"' I '")"' """"n". Il-M urn) summer
II I U ' lip III)',
Three Fine Trains Daily
jni'i "i'"-' s;ttt!,a l train "f modern .-r.
Ull. with ull eti-t l tip to ll,c-mitiut,. equipment,
l M IM'KM AMSAN l ltANl IM Km IU .NS Trains
Wltl, Suinlarl. Tourist ami Chair Cum um liming
y,ru..- tl .'t will l'l-aHf.
(:ion in-jr"l S. I'. Agent ninl M him outline u trip, quote
jn l furnish inning meraiure on i aiilorniii a fatuous
M. S. "It. ti' iu-rul fa-tsengcr Agent. Cortland, Ori'Kn
-1 .
7Vi JillM JlllHl nlf 14V "H 7 '111
5f M.llWliUCJLU
v. :
am aw i
0 :. H A
IT i , I r
.1 Y
"itiymfk" WKmI !( I,!
Juat Hi" l ! i I . ralrb-
Inn at llllrfra lllijf
''rw linirUlr Imitna
Ikl. ltiruUy ttllKift4
(..m li ItliKhl.
PortUnd Flonrirtjf 7
tin r r.4.
14 . rr. i . ii J .,1 f
i.l T III I 1 1 K At I S AM)
On Any Ituil'linii J-h
Mkc )Ouf t in i!oi(! nurtirv K
Uillirl, Mir llrlr lil Iftlrf
ir.nilt I.) ni l Hi lw'MC Wall
ilnl fil ! ml crl'lfi.
I i o i-rl trtil IrM llim ilirr
lu !)-liaki Ivttrr nd ltt
lung li t tUllllll-
No t iaikrtl W't'.'.t
"llitliojuu " mill ttihtiiii
ir iin.llnltil l v ilir 'l
" HmmmiMmt Wilt tmnituit alilili I1"' r '
Ttt. , ,,,( kr flu, h, III io aiilUiv Dial )!vrl UitlfK Wllpfaillon
U 'I ,; m ii !,!( ainl ilalri rvrtliri (ui rulttra, luiin!. llollir
IolK l.u:..l i,K-r t-aianta. out lmllilinK 'l I rvrijf kiml ( lioctuir.
Havra a M.iiilh'a T mr
Imii-t i i .i . 4 f,r n,i,ir, irmly lot Ma. ('. on iln
.! i , , rrl'ina aif ira.U tt iln-oiatim tin aattir ilav.
Mp mm r.rnly-h i .anrllr nrntril. No kill nrnlnl lo appW H-
a im mil, t,ttlr In liuiMiii. t'.rl a Vtfr hample at Oiht.
Non Main a MllUboro. Oror
ia US-
of Lime and Sulphur Spray
''it ( Hi,
A'liw ll'.iii,i
Hint" A
f"! A, In, v
UW tiilin,.
'llUII iiii.,
S . Wi.
Mr Vil i ii
IU. i, .
""Ailn, i,
I Wallj!tnll lotintv folttooiL VV. K. N'rwrll, Prcai
'. hi Slalr IUhiiiI o( II mirnlnirr ): " 1 ! ""'I l'
i" ii v nulmiil fu yri, ami I am ante vmi timkliiK a K'im.1
i ; ililrli, Conimiai.nrf of lltr I'uat lMtilil, ' I l"tvf
Vi mi, I have fuuml rvcry liarirl full up in ""'I vrl flr'
' i " II. C. Alwrll. vi .tviilrnt Onvn Smlf llurlu-ullnml
''"H I lllillk llirif la Iwllrr iV H'H'1'. " J- '"I1""';;
Hiya: " Aflrr tsrtt Irata I liml Ilir Aflna lltnml . K.
"v. I niil InajTrtur for I'taKop Co.: " I li"- cmigiKi"
Hif Miirmr ntliclr nf lum? mul iil'lm' H'liilien, ttir Arlim
io irMiltMRtiiltiiihTraalinllalnrllmi " Ulmihileiy uiwtiiiilff
"i"l to ilo llic wmk if llic PjK-mtor ilora Inn l't, l iuiurt i
l'liono Ki'uvcrton Central
5ilire In I li ililoiH
'"Cmniy,-. ,t,u. ,Su,e(lf lhe,
K"" ft Whini.lmi i,11iv
Mill.. ... ,i.. ......... . .. ,
u . "IC r.mnie hi imniia
'''"'"''v Klven Unit il.e.imli r
ft m d " lllllv "IM'olntrtl mul rnn-
miri .,, ' ",' tP nliiiv- rntlllril
, n,, i n,,.,,.,! .,,. , , . .,.
,n1,ri2,','!',rv' it'ctii t.f
1 mil h, " ""limiciit (if Dai Inn
no at-i. 11 '""y ohii-
All ! '."" ' ' l"r,.lMl. '
".lull.,,, i, " "'viiik I'liiiiua nKniiiat audi
""ut ii,!'' y "'""'"'I nml ntiulmt lo
"""'for i , '' r l""HT voliclirta
"i'Mh i. ".' w i.lli.-e of IImkI t
iiiiil.ll,, Nniloiml Hunk
"l.lln... :. 111 llllMmin VVu.1,1,,. ......
ilatc hfrf.Vr" tti"'in from
WM,,h''' ''"). rj.,..r,, .9.4.
I.iniiin Hvelyn I' iti,
a... Mxi-i'iihi. .r...-..i.i
Ilil, " Atmrrfva for Hxitii
The Parisian
Hair Store
llnlr K'xlo of llminU nm'lf In onlcr.
AronipU lrllii'i'f rrmly niMile nwitcll
vs from l.V 'Sl,", "?'"l,le
t.tu- you with t'i P.v hiuI we will
iriul K(xala on m.ptiivitl. CoinlilliK"
nm.lf to onlt-r. I'nll Hue 'f "v'
Umk, Hfiy !"". C'""11
DyrltiK "ml ul.nclili'K 'V exiwrtn.
389 Alder St. Portland, Or.
CIT TllW iht
L . V" .',r,t n,i " m,m-
Wl;i,y of Slat-.
J-nm-u-H .nkn. .Wr,.Ury Tf
: .l" Hury. W ,Iham (o.m M,.A,J.
Nnlary of Wlir ,Jri)J1
.arr.Hon ; A ttorney ( U-nml J.i
,Jrk Mrlyno,,,!; CffMfc
..-nfra!.AllvtS,.ln-y liurl.n;
L l i rrr'"lary ' Interior.
. ariklm knit Uh;
Vf Aw-'ltuml. Davi.l Frmklin
l.aru i ... l:.-ltiel.i;.WrHry of
IJtlxir. l ll.m l...l ... .
Supr.-tne t ourt: Chief Juntire
L,J"""' mi; AHK-iat' Jus
linn: J..-;(h MrKenna. Olivfr
V . Iln nii.u V' ,n; i.
Uoriiie H. burton. CK.rlen V
Unvlv W. Van Devanter. Jos.
Ulnar, Mahlori i'itrry.
A tnuKiral play will U irivt-n by
ii.e ."vH iai . inie of the Christian
Church and the younir eople of
the Kvamcelical Church. It in
entitled "The New MiniBter,"
and will be itiven Feb. 13. at the
Crencent Theatre. The principal
livinionH are "The Choir." "Old
Maiiln' Club." "Udieii' Aid"
ami the "lloublu Male (Quartet."
The following are the leading
kr II. A Itiu.a Mr. Prrkina
1 1.
f MH'lit
.. I..l
Ii THK rim i it . ..
i r i ii a,
W ASIIIMifiiV i ,, vT.
WllUlmlna) IVI.r.... , ,
Ilf irtit..r an ,,,,
'M tin ra aiwl . ..I ...
Ilb ,U. ..I I. . . .." . 1 ",
)...) n,.,.t ,, I',;-."; '
. "T ! .... ,.,lr l-.l :
a..f .i HII..,,. u.,,,.., ,
m. K,.r., .
lor lit amu i.f iur.
., - " '. ."1 ll.l.l.,f.
II.. ......1 a
a ..I PHr,,l,. I . , ,,
at Hi r.i. ... h . .
. . . ' I"'' am. in,,
'I.. III 'Zat H fl.v ... K... . .....
U. l.iiil. ., .,( j, A, p, i( ll.r.u.,l .. ,,.
. r.H.i.iiat.,1.1,,. ,, , B Mj, if
brllo ... .U r,i I ,,, ,.r.,(-.rly Uli,
Tl .,.Hhl ..Mrl,r N A i ,,( w
ZH U f ' HI...,
Nuar tl.rr..M. I .
. i "
etillon, .M ,. ,. ,,.,
u. . ao, it. r.,.,i,, ,,,, ,,.
JWh .lay ul Ja-iuary. mi. .,i u, ,,, ,
III 'iiiii. b 1 il . 4 .... a
. n. a. in aaui ,ia . ai it, r.,mii
r n tb e. urt tutu u. If , .jlMr.
l' Aal.lliirt.t. .' t ..a ..... , . . . '
Up au.ll..ii. aal,jt U r.pi..,n f. i.
tiinlwl t.i.., .,r (...I, , i,,) , , )
1 1 ti.hi .iti i..... . ...
...... in,.,..,, vtliiri. ,.
al) tiaiuvj l. l.n.lai.t litvl. on tl.r Ull.
-mj ... iiif. in. in ii:.i hi ii, iiM.rt
Ctf hrln forn loMal, or aim ii,,). ,1,
Bl In ami to Hi ala.v .l.-til. , ,,r,.H.r.
Ijr or any arl lliri..rf. i., .ati.i ,,,. ,
rution, Jii.Ikiiim.i. nr-lpr an. I .1. i-r ami
iii.ui.1 - ..... . ...
J. K. l.r.m,
Hh.IH ..f Waliihrloti t'onuty, Ornt'ir..
Wlw!m-k A Wlinaiiia, Attorn.., ,
(of, loonola.
Kalpliy Buiilrt
Srllj I'rik in,.. . ,
lln.klali I' Miain
l.. lliKMiik
C.rarrnilu It Halt..
I'lirlc Alc
lai.y iy..
Mi. I I ii.
iMi lia llaa' in U'lt.l
I'rlunia I'linpVi ....
II. BiirOa hliaiy
KvuurtU Kubb
Ka Siulcr
Saauirl hVntlrt
A. U. 11.
Mr Ktir.tli
Mr dirt It
... W. N ilar.i.
Altrc Sttiltb
... -Mr Stauffrr
.Mrs. M((ru,1r.
Mrs. ('.at
la Walch
Annie llairiUKlou
Others that arc taking part in
varmtiH "roups are: Mrs. Mark
burn. Vera Tipton. Kvelyn I'ar
ent, Iteth, Fay ? and (lussie Sif
Ur. lU-sHie Simon. Kuth JoneK,
Florence (iarrett, Maude Morrill,
!.. Ilrown Sr . L lirow n Jr.. F
Williams. J. II. Jack. Cer'ha 01
Hen. Miilnmes Ui'eveu liuun
Vallandieham. Frentzel. Harr.
Shinnalerrer. L K. Wilkes,
IVrcy unitf, Whilney.
If you enjoy a good lauh,
etime and hear the "New Minis
Prices. litres, iWc: lower
tlntir. Itic; balcony, 2.rc.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. neichman
were tendered a surprise Thurs
day evening, Feb. 5. at their
home on Fourth and Kaseline,
the occasion bem their twenty
fifth wedding anniversary. The
evening was enjoyed in games,
at which Mis. Corwin and Miss
Arch hold won the prizes, ltev.
Mvers "re-married" the bride
and groom, but w ith somedigres
sion from the usual form. Sev.
eral beautiful presents were re
reived, among which was I
beautiful silver set. Icecream
and wafers were served at a late
Those present were: Messrs.
ami Mesdames Iavid Corwin, U.
Crandali. M. C Case, K. L Mc
Cormick. K." L Perkins, G. C
Combs. Thus. (nnell, Joseph
Connell. W. D. WixHi. Kev. My
ers. Geo. Stevens; Mrs. M. M.
Pittenger. Miss tagleton, hliza.
beth Archludd. Hillslwro; Mr.
and Mrs. M. M. Iiridgesand Miss
Victor. Portland; Mr. and Mrs,
Jacob Wilson, of Orenco,
(Of Horses)
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic sale at the Second Street
Livery Stable, in Hillsboro, at
p. m.. on
One team of black mare colts, 2
,.n.i :t v.nm 'MIX): one team. 11
and 12 yrs, 3201); team, 6 and 11
years. 32(H); horse. iu years, ijuu;
mare, weight 1075; colt 3 years,
i:?(H): Itain wagon. 31; 2 sets dou
ble work harness.
All thKse animals are in good
ihupo and are all first-class work
horses. . . .'
Terms: Six month a bankable
note at 8 per cent
T. C. iMiney, owner.
Tcnclicr of
Sininrf and Piano
Terms arranged to suit.
1100M4, - HANK ANNEX,
Every Day.
vi. tft.p.1 nf irnvprnora of the
1 III ir.Fij v. V.
Commercial Club met last Satur-
j.... .,. i niithnri7(d Wm. Nelson.
U. aim
one of the members, to get a
survey of the various mm sues,
A member of the Club. Dr. Tam
lesie, stated that a rate for haul
ing logs, In train lota, could be
procured from the Southern Pa
cific, that would permit milling
here as cheaply as in me huh,
. 'i'.. man ia rendv to DUt in
( JlllOIIIU - ' .
a mill here in case a suitable site
can be procured without too high
a payment He is said to be
1 . . . . in hu haa
anxious io cone ncig v
timber up on the r. K. w. a
payroll from a big sawmill would
do much to build up Hillsboro.
S. A. Holcomb, of Portland,
was a city caller Monday.
Ferd Groner, of Scholia. wa9
up io the road meeting Saturday.
Wm. F. Haase, of South Tua
latin, was a city caller the last
of the week.
Nolle of final Srllleimni
In Ilia fouriU I'H.urt of Ilo. hut ,, Or
(on for Waalilnelon r.on.ij.
Ia th Watlrr ul tin. r.tai.
Krank l!rb, ilrivaar.l. I
Nolliw l hrliy irt tlmi I nr.M.
aiffnril a.lniiulHrior ol . I Miir ho
lilnl lu Hi alxitp kiiiIIIii 1 r. ma I,., ,la
artiniiil a.,,1 r,.Hirl in liu n hi. r ,.i
nlat. anil that aalil rurt I i i, I Hii,
aiaii,ll MunJav, Iho HI, lr ..I
ary.l'ill. al th li.iur l o ,.'ri k A. M
uf Ml, I Ujr , an I tin t'.iiini y i'.i'M r.Niin fouiiiy . Uir.ui, ii, i .
Imni, llrrfMii, aa Ilir iim i,. ,, !.,.
Iimrinr .il-jrriiuua t',.a. Inn, rn,nt
anil lor lit final wti ipiiih.i . i ,,i.i nui
y. J. It.-...
A'lii,iil-lrl.,r .,f ,,,1,1 .ti..
Itaxlry . liar,-. AUoiorya lor A.lmiiila
W,lilliUill ilotl, Motnlay. Wi-!i- lay
ami Krnlay
Dr. Gertrude Phillips
t aleonalluc I'iit.l lan
OH), llourn, Ui 4 p. in. II, ,,ii" rl .a.
Ui M a. in.
Phone City 2:12
Hillsboro Commkrcial Hank I!lg.
Our Fiction Story.
TImtt n h ImillitiK tnlllk mystery
(II.oV.t.hI In the rallrniiil Nt:itlun." '
"Wbnt wiia in IfV
"SoImhIjt tint tin. oh nor know. I(
eiiH out from l he IwecaKe sMinsheni
wltlumi av ntt. h." Ittiltliiiore Amer-kiD.
Thpreaa a ,. tliut wmMlnl through
Her Uf. nml nlKlif anil morn,
Ai f,mla In ki'iutiiI Ilk lo do.
Sha RAtherr.! rrnlna of corn.
Bui Una noon. ilirr.Tlim from th lot,
Ala Hill rorn rueh day.
And moat of all On- Kriilna aha got
Ami al)ly atorrd aay.
Thara i a timn ho llvp.1 his Ufa
In frrniy hot and alraln..
H Mtmrl hla daya In nnxloua airlfe.
And d, ilium thus hs K'uin,-,1.
But thla man apr-nt by ilny or iiikIiI
Kw ilollara nun the w hllo.
In aavliiK took h vnt drlliiht
And adding to hla lle.
It would tw cuatom nnv to nam
Tha gooaa a aikisr In, 1,,1
And lo tha rich man m . l I - fam
Award as proper mml.
And ao thr llni'a no moral hear.
For what would t the u?
But did you evrr nnywhi're
Know auch a foollah iiw!
ItHtitlina MtiKft
The taiiKoiueter hIIiii'IhhI Io the lan
guor r iniiKrtKii reoonls the tlLslnm
tniiiKHl. If your MiiKometer roulsters
ilxltvu uillfs In oiio evening you iiiiill
fy as a tntti;of:iii.
A new Invention for ripening rotton
preinntnrely HetMiis iinniH-eMsnry, rivIiik
Hint Wnll street exinTts usually nivr
the crop kllUnl, r.vlvel, plckiil mul
billed nlutiK HlKiiit May.
A Purls m leiillst rises to Insist Hint
the npiieiiili.x Is a hlclily useful fentnn
uf the human equipment. Possibly the
aolfiitlst tK n miii'on mul liases the ns
aertluu iihiii Ills ow n c xihtIimico.
A wronmn's debate In New York ns
to pitlntlnt: ended In the decision that
pnlntltitf the fail' Is nil rlcht If the
pnlnt Is put on proK'rly. After this no
niiuoiillno sneer should be dlrin'ted at
the feminine lack of loftlo.
President Wilson uses a inonoele
when rendlug.
President Polmniv of Kiance may
Visit the United States lu 11t:.
Dr. Alexunder (iruliain Itell has been
wardisJ the Hughes medal by the
Itoyal stniety for his Investigations
Into technical electricity.
Senator Henry I.n Fontaine of Itnis
dels, Helgluiii, on whom the Nobel
peace prlre for ItHH has been confer
red, was formerly president of the
permanent Intel-national iieace bureau
of Ilerne. Hwitwrland.
Celestlil Ueinhloll. a Hoelalist liiem
her of. the Belgian elninibor of depu
ties ami professor of literature al the
ilrulti uulveixltv. Is iiliimiltig n lee
uiv lour uf the United States to pre
aerit' Ills 'views' ou the oi lglu of Shake
ilieure" play. " '
'i ;!
1 '.Vr-UUS-a
See and Compare It With ALL Others -9
P-m a ratir to t aa tt r frr,. Ifyoa von Id
at4uul7niraaf alrta atwf rt-aWt buy fru. ,.
4 mi,i.-i tha Cm MaMar. cara it .. for
aai wita anraancrranr. ol slwayoa tharaa
Van buy ,aU tiMtamUy. b4 te aura of areata lAat auu a lilrtuna.
(Great Majestic
Malleable and P)
Charcoal Iron
vniiwcar, inraa urainary tcangea
Mi u -M-n. un k.-l iu mmat I- .nj
- Urn Mnu rnr,, ...
AJCw Movakk Knw-OlW.,km Faalana
.ikw.w paitfMj f.-iura.
amajii -w
l-J .j.
A ill
Fuel I
J.iiiih, Huiilh WimmIIioiiiu. ,f Itinu..
Ala-nl. ii, Si ntlainl. who la Juat eighty
liv ).nni of ng... a atill living
In the Hiiinp Iiimim. In whlrli be was
la,rn nml l.i- on 1H anme ik bl-Mi-ad
on w In, 1. ht- find miw tli light.
II.. Is v.-ry m tlve for bin go atnj In a
kn-n garib-iH-r.
Pert Personals.
TIip li.-w C'l,ii..u. mlnlsiiT to W'Huh
I -1 . i U SI, , KhI lull. SoiiihU like a
rollcg.. j ,11. - I'illsl.urgli iismti h.
Tin- f it,- uf a.'trrnl ,re.vding lmlitig
lin n w.nilj wfin in imlinit Hint Krltzl
S, In IT h llni.l will ii. .f Imlil Hie MsitioU
loiii: - VViivliinu'toii 1'ir.t.
Anna II. 1,1 .ly that iinwt Auierii-sn
t .ii.i.-ii nr.. fiM. fat an, I too .-.wirse.
Vim i u .iu .1 1 1. i ii. litti... hiiisiiin- mod
el of ili-li. ii.. r.-liiH'iu.-iit - I Mroit Free
I'l ,.H,
After .-arvfiil ioli-l,l,Till,, of Ir.
I'.riil.-.-s h-iii we sr.-u't sure that we
didn't spend Mv..ral years Ix-lni: unjust
to lb.. Ii.iv Airr.-. Aittiu -llartfonl
r.itiiicr Anilmssndor Rryee h;is lavn
Iliad., n l-.inint He In i.' lit well have
it,-, ihc boi.or. ns lilmlstoiie did.
f .r no title will mid a whit to the high
repute of James Itryce. ail
llior of "The Allien, an ComnjoD-
weallb."-New York Auierk-an.
Forest Notes.
The sen .-e rollevtetl UI0
tmiiinis of tnv see.! at year fiK-use lu
refui-esi.-iiioii woik The I dal urea re w as iiInhiI .'lo.nm nerett.
Mote than I 'JO.i , lauird f.vt of
1 1 ml ht was given away free by the
co erniiieiit last year to settler and
miners litlng iu or near the national
Herman la-mll uiauiifiifturers are
lihikiiu to ('Mlifornia lurense cedar for
a'ii il The establishment of a
Ifinil faelory lu I'aliforuiii is not Im
probable. There art' sixteen luniles in Hie t'nit
fd Slates, most of lliein lieiug east
ern sissies. The most Valuable, not
only Iss nuse of the product of lt sap,
but also of the IuiiiIht, is the sugar
Electric Sparks.
Electric radu in Kdinburch, Scot
land, have Just li.s-n r.'diii'.sl by the
city eiiiiiii il fnun C1 cents to fi'i cents
vr unit.
Telegraph w ires are lietter conductors
on Monday than Saturday on iiNtmnt
of their Sunday rt. ami n rtt of
thiw wiM-ks, it Is said, adds ll) per
wnt to the conductivity of a wire.
Jacksonville, Ma., charges 2 cents a
kilowatt hour for electricity for cook
ing mid heating. This is atl average of
less than 0 cents per person per
month. It keeps the municipal electric
plant busy In the daytime and Is ex
pis'tcd to mid materially In increasing
the city's profit from the plant.
Popular Science.
According to an English scientist, X
rays are the most extreme rays at the
ultraviolet end of the siectrum.
That the tsiwer of a magnet Increases
.i It teiiOM.riil nrtt it.., reH s.m uwina ... I
have Ims'U shown by recent tests.
The moon Is getting nearer to the
earth at a speed of about fourteen, feet
In 'joo ycai-s mul astronomers cannot
explain why.
The microscope Is In daily use In
the examination of metals and alloys
in more than 'Joo lalsiratories lu the
United States.
Short Stories.
A human being has half an ounce of
sugar in his blood.
The largest range tinder in the Unit
ed States navy lias been mounted on
the battleship I'ioiliia.
An Australian has obtained a United
Slates patent for a process for traus
plnnt'ng living hair on bald heads.
A famous statistician says that his
tory show s tu ity-iiiiie iwrsona to have
lived for 1'JO to Kit" years and fifteen
from WO to 1 10 years.
Fashion Frills.
Possibly this year's fashions were de
signed by the nrtists who draw tha
ciinilc pictures. Chicago News.
The doctor who says Hint too many
clothes a iv the cause of colds certain
ly talks like an apostle of the modern
female fashions. -yNew York Trlliuue.
"The spring fashions will be a reve
lation." says an Item from Paris. The
fall fashions were iilso pretty good at
revealing thiugs.-Chai'lestou Courier.
The Daily
Costs .$ 6. per Year
The Argus
Come to us -with your Daily- Subscrip
tions and you get the Argus for nothing
and you do not even waste a postage
Arg'us and WeeKly Ore
g'onian One Year $2.25
In other words you get the World.s
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