SUPREME COURT HOLDS THECITY ELECTION GOOD pnMtW MM II I MtU fit Sal""' " Ifr.amiaf Hir Suirin' Court. Tud.iy. Th ,,.tl it iS'll nil tin- i;.nHir !' 1 tinti taii'H, a mi i in ,,11 th'it u!l the l rrit.ry w.t-. dry 1 l),- .imrt N.ivriuiM r in l ill iry. ,..!.llltk' that the I.c t,uniu lli!M-r. Suit-in. Or.-p'ii Ctv. ai"l '"'r l,l-,,,'H th' slat-' x a' ' ''Ult ''"'r'' Hill. i 1.1 I'V hill l"Kt 1 , frt i,UU'r'rt i'.i'.' r'V.r.d nil thr )iru an'' ''.ihliiiti.-d i"i' a-t tai " i'"1'-'! '.r.s.- ''"' thf .l-n ""1 rsi!ff. there. Willi U'" "" i i 1 live IlilNU'i'o ?n . 1 t i r.'inuiu .M-d. ami tt " ':' ' '' "" 'I'M"" '.iti"ti 0( litJ'HT in WitshlHKl"ll'l t'O'llilV H.jtt. JwV' P inx tt. n .r i 1 1 1 1 i i t 8( iiri, v: Hi" ii'illi-ir nf th. ,. diss, litini? ulnhi.iii, md hf ,el.t H' lt t1"" that "" ',H'!I' 'a r,iinr-l f.'iHt.rol v-it.rston th. m titui it nuMi.t reuist.-r.-d vuliTi. mi l iHitliink' .-Is.'. Juik'f !urni t(. in ilr hluar in the tlllh.HI It'ill 'lolilllH ill.' I I' I I Kill ali.l. x:ii'l. "lhf S iff !' '"'ft h,v invr M'l II'"! I" niuh.i.t r.i tralH'M w ;i-i M'l'l. im l:ifi;l lnit'ii!:i'' :,! I ' fo'i'i'l'"'! ii'i ih j.imm i." 'I th't if il on ft.tstil'ili"i. tl ll H iinr-iir lllu lliilial ("I' '.l.'-'l.i.rt . M il'.d pro hllntH'in 1 4 I'l'fc.'. t'.iiiiit ( "irl hill mi juris Julum t'i n. r I'H iil it i.iti elrctii'h'. iMtii'i-i- tin' Mtitiiii rr'iu t 'iiyix 'l I') li i- ri'iiil putiiU r uf n 't i. Siifn" V. ' - iiliiii i i"it an c. rrrim-iif tl . 1 r;i I lii liul II '- i "1 lituli'ii Jil ru'l'l Vole I" ii'it nr. ih Tin- ! !ii,itun il tin' li-rni "n 'i-lrr.- l . th" ji nut In l fmiii'l in U i- n I'litnilmn I n v nf I'M, br It it hill l. rii tin Ian-.! Ml-s t I. . lff Mr. O,..- A :.-:i ,i. , at th. flmilv hnitH" iii llilUUiro, IVIi, 3. I'.'ll aft. t in . vl.-n.,-. km. If.-r iinii'lrti iiiiiin' w ;is I'am.lx, mi. I sjn w:n U.rn l (Kim.i, I rriii lriiti. Ciuihty. Wix., &'it, 17, Wti Sin ntiirriol lo K.:i. ul Mitch. II. South l.ik..t.i, .Inn.' II. IwV Thf iiiiii. .) to Huh i.iri in Uml II.T hil lialul. lm Wat It M tiTilll of thr i mi War, iIumI m v ral years m-ii Sin h mirvivi'il ty the filling iiiK iliihliMi: Mm. Koht. . Kriur r, Hurry. I.m. fly.Jf an. I Mi Kiiiiiiii lira. HillsU.rn Tli" fiiin ral t-i"k phiii- l.xl.iy, ; l .ifi. m i m. i h In nirf ln l.1 at the li.iinN,,!) uii.l.rlakiin; par torn. Ihi.Pii. iii was in tin- l.O u, t, ft in. t. ry liy the huIh nl hit miMi.'itni, Mint iaxm'l away Jan. 7. I '.hi,'. Sin- l.'avi- thrt-i' wti-r iii t h t a nu .Mr,4. J. I'. YoiiMk'. M,-. i '. Smitli an. I MrH, ('. A. W. f-t. Mr. It.-a win a sullVn-r frmn Wcin.iiiia, ami 1 1: rouclutnt Iht illnrsH sh.. Mirc lu-r atllii-tioii ith fnititii.l,'. She whs a 1 v inn witf ami ktml iii.itlu-r, ami a jarirr cm li' of frii-mls liol.l lu r n hiuh cstfi'in. O l likl.l M k'S My tu nl .inir Jinia( I 0r,,r wrviiTH ,,f ,v tiniiniinli-liriil Hi'lsti'in l i H'sian Lull. Sir .lolian J ("nlantlia t'oriiiiciiiiia (H.-nl Hik Nu. i,'721..ta limit.'.! hum- wr of l.rci'.i.Ts. His dam has n A. II. I), i ci'iinl of nciirlv L'C " "I I'utt. r in 7 days, at four years of uK(.. n! (; anjma jM Kraiii:iIM uf ("olai.tha Jolianna lM. in turn a rt.ui of I'olanthn i mm thn I.' ... -, '"nun h .iniianna, tlic row "'lit II III 'Il 1 for (Up.. ..HUM I tut (lrM r.Timl i milk pro.lnc whirh was 27.1:12.5 " milk nn.l l, 2.17.K2 pounds uf ""Jt'T in mi., v.-ar. JlMiihlim.nta hIkiuI.I lo ma.lo !"."y as tlioimniliiTof Horvioos feJ h". limiti'il. I nlso have a vnn ,,.ln'' "'niijflit, viormis fr Zi n'K'('H from lhirt Hir' i, A. IlcndliT, h.'liiis, ()r,.i( t lf Jl'A ""vii's, of Hunks, was a My cull,.,- Momay Hli-rl(T ltvf Tii.inv urmt. l a man l.y th nun, r rh.'. k UiiiB.-tliinf win- nn.1 U,.r in th.- wiKhU.rUi.1 t tlar.l. ,, I loin... nBh.-ritr w antohl that h.-.k wu4 .. liir. an.l h- ta. k- U-'l ( h.'. k. Wh.llM.1,1 th.- (.!i. i H4.itu U , r ami wm. win... ,. th.'ii ha. Anton HLwuit, n,ak.- a purt haK. t i. t tnor.' t-viih ri.-.-aii-l .la.i-. fh...k un.l.-r urr.-st' i h.-. k wan workmif for Mapilm.' "I a ri.rtlaii.l iTi.,r tor-. Kii'l fliinr from a wnoti. ( h.'. k was turn.-. .MM4. l u.lay ,.v... oii.k'. uii.l.-r ImiihI. an.l th.- rai.. will roinv up lat.-r. h.' Hh.-nlfH .'HI.-.-IH now Iill.-. with klMHit Uhi ttl. n of hoic.' wiii.-s ami Im .ts as a r.'Mti i ,f il... r?..,i 1 1 . . inak.-s two loti of li.pior ov.r th. r.'. an.l th. i.lii. w hol.-Ha!,. li.mor Ktor.'. tor nal.-: Wh it. I J-i'liiir rhirk. lis a frw rhoir.- ami ul-nit U l.r.'.-.lmi h.-tm: also t'l's an.l .lay o, i hi. ks in k...-, 'i. Ilnl.-r .arly as Hiipply i, liiml.'il. Karlv rhi. ks i.,:.L.. il... Kail luy.-rs. Writ.- for pn.-.-s ai,. p.irtuulars. artitl M-l 1 & R.,,.,. I''ultry I'arin, iCtut.- 4. Hox LH. H. avrtoii, Or.-. lot f J. F. Sti. hl. r. iif.-.l 1"). his Kur,. I. H.i ntr.-. 17. ami ('has. ak t'. ami his son. .lun-r. ai'.-.l 17 w.rc hr.nit.rht tothe rountv jail r..... CI...... .. I .. . . .. ' w..k. Ih.-v arc rhari-cl with Kt.-almif i-hirk.-im in th. ton Ktrtion. ami all of th.-ni hail from Yamhill county, where, it is i-harir.'.. th.-y hav.- Klol.-n k'rain. N.t on,. mi knows w hi th.-r tln-y pl.:i'l.-l guilty to' larceny, or were commit te. without hail, as the commit ment .I.m'H not nhow. Sh.-rill Keres, however, is hol.llDH lli. in. as th.-y hmc confessed to Mealing. Ye have received an order for I1' carloads of's fur Texas xhipineiit. and we will huy all in.r.harital'l.' KitatHs you have to wll for the next ISM days, at the hivrhest market price. Ke meinU r. w. will not U- in the market alt. r Fell. 7 for any val ley Mock. HillslMiru Mercantile '. 12 C. Tiie I'Jld leyiHiature passe.) a law that all erniaiient roa.J work, of even repair work, cost IHkf over I."hi must Im' let l.y contract, and the su-r isors are in a 'lu.mdary uUmt other and Kinaller work. I'hc law dis-s not n.n say that a miiiervisor can Ki out and ctK iid three dollars. r four dollars, to put in a cul vert, wh. re it has ix-cn washed out, and travel is ohstructed. Of coun.'. th.-y are iroinir ahead and keeplliu' the roads oN tl, law or no warrant of law. Ihe (i. rman Speaking Society will hold a nieclinvr in HilUUiro. the liit Saturday in Fehruary I-eh, 7 at the court house, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. All meiiilicrs are earnestly reiu.sted to he in attendance, ns husiness ol iuiHirtance will he called at the Hession. The fifteen-Yenr-oli. son of Ad mit I'.eil. w hile chopping wish! with a companion, the other day, had two tendons severed on the hack of his hand. The ax llew out of the hands of the other luirty. causing the wound. lr. F.A. Hailey stitched the- kIm. and sewed the tendons together. Masquerade hall at ISethany Crane Hall. Saturday eveninvr. Feh.II. Four prizes -liest sus tained and most comical charac ters. and L'cntleinan. (Iih1 supper, tine music, ami orueriv management. All are invileii. lickcts. includint; supper. $1. N. V. Kirkland, who has spent several months in Oakland. I al. arrived home Monday. Ho says he had rather a nice trio up on a Unit, notwithstandinir the wrath .-r wits had at times. Ills many friends in this section are pleased to sec him hack to llillslmro. Kclial'lf patty wishes to rent k'ood dairy farm, fully equipped with cows, implements, etc. Must he close to Fleet ric line, or cream route. What have you? Call A fiTlW. or address L F. Falkenherir. Ilollmsik, Ore. It! Sup!. Harm's has heen moving into the surveyor's olliee, in the oh! hmldinir. this week. His old ipmrters are hointf urranned. with tlu ol.l assessing otlUv. for it county court room. Have constant calls for farms 10 acres and larger, at $25 and upwards per ncre; can also use a few tracts of lowod-otj land. Hhitnld write lhnitflas M..i'i.u..v i'a)2 Title & Trust lVYMIU'li Jl F.Mk'., Portland, Ore. 45-i ti,.h,.l is carrvinjr a I I linn ' - r , ..: t c..,.l in one of his letfS, the result m a I'icce o l.reakinjr Uhwo. while dnvinit wede Dr. KoMi attended the . . . .. . ! r n ul.tiiiri, wound. Ak for (ash vbIuo Home in dustry stamps, with very n.r - chase, lifi ymir v " Uillslmro's stores.-H. K. l.m- mott. A.i-...., ondniT. aired 80 yearn, . . ,. ... hill lino, has been critical y ill. i..,f iunow imtiroving. ne is mr Mt - - COMMERCIAL CLOB TO I Miner.. Will Slnrt Cno.aitn lor 'iniitg IMIslM.r., n I'ayroll Mil I IONS IIVH'.IK IN SUillT All Huinr. M. n Will be K-lti In IMp M.irl Kail Kin IIm- Hill l-anl .,f Ixini t nrri'iicrcial (!ii! '.v. -rriors mi t the l:wt .f th. wn k and iir'iiiiivi.d for the j.-ar l.y .i.etint' John M. Wall; J. . Carr.-tt. vi-e president; r. Iwin. seer.-, tary. ai,d Willi Ireland, trea-K'tr.-r. ;.!r. 'a! f was named as assi'-tant. fieeretary. The new preiid.'i.t w:ls vice president la.t year, at,. he promise- to inaugu ral.' a campain that will he cf. f.'ctiv.' for Hi! towards ettin things .shoro. of I that th ivt rnors have town needs a rrsnlvi' 0 full, and th.-y see no Letter way u! ins!ini;v this than instal- latiu" of mills at thi-county seat. Ihere are millions ui.on millions of feet of inerchantahle timher within a short haul of Hillshoro. i n the Tillamook line, and Hills. Ixiro has more j'nod mill sites than any other town in the coun ty. The town has two railways. with connections with the(). W. U. .t N. and Southern Pacific on one system, and the .Northern Pacific and (Ir.-at Northern, as w.-il as the North Hank, on the ill lines. There are several Liu mill sil. s l.. r. . and the club will einleavor lo v'et options ot some of the property and then start the hall ro'hii. 1 liere is already one concern that has plenty of means w hich wants to tfet a lo cation here, and the local busi ness men are re.piested to .'et in and a-si-1 to the limit. A mill that would cut l'HHHHl daily would help and t.vo mills would help stiil more. WI AI. I S I A 1 1. J kANSI lik II l -:uti!lir' I" VI ,'!'.'U S itll.lirr, I ', I . IJ 1. Ii A. II. nv. ilo'i f tx Vhl.i!. loll SI U..i(. ;trr, 151 67x- ", 1 1 h 1 l. in 11 lo Wa.lrt lliih.m . ('.ii. '.V k.'li)', I la. t l I - j v ? - , So W K 'I'm ! In I I. Gh rti, lot 10 ', !( II I' k 7 Smiiih n' ml ID K I. I. In-ill I.. VV K 1 1 !"f l n. lie- ft c . In Alio I .;! ! I.. I- i: 1 o r. ,v ! ....'. ic I s I I n 1 4 - IO :i.. it w. :, I. i w a rum, 1 t :(-. M"itil"!l View llili-liU .... IO I n II 1 1 i: l-i M A li.iih.m. .iiiil- i-'diiu: i7' ;j.i ii I ii Hi. kiltl il I C I .'. I. I .ii.isu i ;.. M V 1 i 1 1 : m . I..I 1 1 . ', !n' is Afirni- lo I. J ;i .i.k 1.1 II ,". .1 II Kt nl, I JW al 1. ml. 11 1 1 t: i- 10 A t. I i . : 1- m'i 1 t. .'.' rtnu- V' it'll- .1 hI.i.o.Ih n S . 'n-ti II mVhI.iIi .11 C in Jii!u-i I f. il i I i I' Mi!r, l"." n lira I. '.In tl -!, t I ltT W'll.r . , tli II II .llmWiY. lt. .Inn K. i .1 .!'. H llrllirit l',i nil. m ti;illtl J.illllM'll, i.l n rC I.Y I 1 II I 4 - ,0 I I' W nn. -.' I., II J YY'tl lit. iy- IS; ', II v'iiiI: miS iliv ! l'.lnr.... IC i li kivi;. ti' W V !'itv-. il, lout III ..t I I'ik 4 1 lii-iiir'n .el JJ.h VV J l.llt.nrv ti. V I' AII'll.'W, I MC l I I II I I w I A.irlm Stitt I 'll nrv llilm.-v Jiilim liinklirnii.'i, l'''e.7 1 ft MT 7 I I I I w I" .1 1) Ttuliini;. i i l i; rnMiin, lei h .!k X l'.iiui - 1 ) C I' I 1! etuti. 'nl 4n in MiV.lll Act. I II A 1 MX 114 i' v till il.ttC iMvilK, 17,- s,m nlune He ki loo V ' tint I .Uf I'm" " I" I I.riuif llvl, . S" "''I'M' ! "k - Nl"1 K.iIh.I I'm kit ti W.iiImi I'ixM V'o, t...l iv in rit iiili-.hv I J V I'.ioirH to l.t V ntlU.iiicmii, a loin in Vil: Act - 55" Sun.- to I' Vnnl'l.nui'Mi. 1"! U ll' 5"" M .1 l ttit.ii in t" ' I' V'tiin'ci', 1 w o u t 1 t a tilHt J 1 I'.uili.iiini I" W U 1 1 tull , trnet U Kun-i.lf -KM ,li Ihnnlt v In M t: "til .1 ilmntoil, d( lilk i) lii nvritoii - ' J V lln.ll. v t. l-.lw S i iu tsmi, .'i re tS t 1 11 t 4 1 C K llixl.lon t. J VV B.uli-y, 4lx fl 7 I'llllMl W - It'""' R KSunt't n t.. .l.-utnr K 1 1 titles, w luH 5 .V I'll: J 1'iiitvuw I W 0 liom li Jnliii l"mfitil, lot 1 Hiiiii'liifV niiii-n.lf.l 'l.. 3".' Sione to N.'Im'II l V li.inilifilain, lot 14 In miiii' ml J,w Wallet Mi'l. r to li 11 II nl', lot 5 nlk It. I'nnii Hint - t'5 ii 11 li!,.u 1.1 Mis Wolf, wiine I IK) VVenletli Oii'.:oii Toi'.l V'o to .loll" Newton inil M'wis reiiniimn, irnci a 1 Viu'inm rli.i'e .1I.H1 Title 5 'I'm"! I" 0 vv Tin lor, 3t lotH 0. I'm ne tr ti l North lMittlii IO Smne In I'M I litk'hett, S l'ti nwve U VV Taylor lo S.tine, I hi S6 a nenr North I'luiii lit nee Row.n to '-'hii' Liimleihuliti. 10 i., a arc 1.1 t H r l W 3 TOO ,1 K Moth'ick lot lu'sler Tiki e Biul Kmil I.iibonow. ttiut in lot 6 lilk 15 Slifiwooil 45 Tim von, old child of R M ISrooks was badly scalded be tween its wrist and elbow, the nihoe morning, while at the i.e.mkfast table. Th" little one t ..I . over n cud of hot coltee. ti, ehil.l was sitting in a high chair at the side of the father when the accident happened. lie Fink liter attention ine nine - (i'oivr l.'or sale National cash regis lor-kevs up to $5; will dispose of this reasonalile.-City liakery, Hillsboro. 4G-8 H.ynfU I'1 Johnson, of North Plains, was a county seat visitor r,w... HKUBOKO AtuCi, PrCRCARV i 114 ' J. T. Ktcr. of Varlv. wunwr! I town TueHday. visiting tho dem 1 onstration train. I Cl.-m Shancr and wife, of Jolly ! Plains, were city visitors Tues- lay. Mr. ami Mrs. A. W. Tupt r, of Portland, were fuests of Wm. T upix r and family. Sunday. Jos. lltckenltottoui. of Shady P.rook. Ktartel for his ranch over in the N'ehalem, this week. Photle Inland Red trjf. or hatching' purseH. Call City t'.7. J. A. Johnson, the x sujx-r-visor from Im-Iow Ileaverton, was in town yetUcrday. r dance at Morse Hal!, Hea-vi-i-t ,n. Saturday ev.-ninif. Fe!. 7. Music Ly Tn.-lle'8 orchestra. Father b-Miller. of VerWtrt. was in the city yesterday, on Lusiness at the court house. Chas. (leiU-ryer, suiterviwir, ami Iuis Saiiert, of Tualatin, were in tow n yesterday. Any lady's suit ordered Ufore Feb. 21 K' ts a ten per cent, dis count allowed from Btock. Christ Wuest. J. Murrow, of the Wall Parn-r & Paint Co.. has an announce ment in another column. Read it - and save money. (j.'o. M. Christenson and Ile Ix kah Y'oder were united in mar riage at the home of McDonald Potts, this county. Feb. 1. PJli, Kev. Henry lieck olficiatin. T. C. ISailey and sister. Miss Fva, were in Portland, yester day, attending the wedding of Miss IOuise Frnmons, a frequent Utiest at the P,ailey home. For sale -Two fresh milk cows; cow and heifer, fresh in March; Jersey Lull. 2 years old. K. C. Masters, half mile south of Aloha. . 40-8 Mrs. Ida M. I'rown and daugh ter, Mrs. Whitehead, returned here from a visit at Pigeon Falls, Wis.. Sunday. They are guests of Mrs. (ieo. Grotf, of south of Hillsboro. Karly show ing of Spring Mil linery. During Fehruary wo are making especially low prices on our millinery for early Spring. Save money by shopping early. C. K. Olson. Poles were set as far as Main Street, on Sixth, the first of the week. The crew will be on Main all week, and a part ot next, and the over-head men will follow them up as rapidly as jHissible. Mr. Merchant, I have a method of handling business chances that gets results. No publicity. If you want to sell, see me alwut it - ('. S. Farker. Heidel Huilding, llillslmro. Kichard Crowther, formerly of aUive Forest drove, was taken to Portland this week on a charge of non-supiKirt of his wife. The Crow ther in question was wed ded in May, 1913. We are in the market for a carload of cedar hop posts. Plen tv of time for delivery. For particulars write A. J. liay & Sons, S.U Sherlock Huilding, Portland, Ore. 4G-7 Mr. and Mrs. Henry McFntire departed today for a trip to Cal ifornia. They will visit at Los Angeles and San Diego, but will put in the most ot the time at Ventura, where Mrs. McFntire has relatives. They will return via San Francisco. School District No. 32 (Cherrv Grove), this county, has author ized the issuance of $o(XX).00 IhuuIs. six per cent, and desires to sell the same at once. For further information, write John M. Wall, Hillsboro, Oregon. Oscar Thayer versus Emily Thayer, suit in action to restrain prosecution of an action, appeal from Washington county, was rev erseu oy me oupreme v-uun, i i , . r i Tuesday. Tongue & Tongue were attorneys for the. litigant who had an adverse decision in this court, and who wins at Salem Notice: Property owners who wish their trees and shrubbery pruned by an expert prunerof 20 years experience should toie- nhono Main 392. Garden and lawn work done in season. J. W. Wickizer. Nurseryman, Hills horo. Ore.. Box 633. East Base line. -w-8 Leo Perkins, county recorder, has moved into handsome new mmrters in the northwest corner of the new annex, on the first n.v.r. The room is large and light, but none too large, after nil The abstract people now hnve room to turn around, and attorneys examining the records are not falling over one another, Miss Marie Tunzat, formerly nf Hillsboro. was granted a li cense to administer anesthetics to patients, the certihcate com ing from the State Medical Board. at which fourteen nurses were the privilege to assist nhvsieifins. Miss Tunzat cradu ated as a professional nurse from st Vincent s Hospital in June, 1012. Miss Elsie Hollenbeck, of nbove Vancouver. Wash., wel 1n.iu.n in North Washini County, was another who passed the ordeals of the state board, n iici nu N AT SLOW RATE No Incentive fur I'jyurs to tk-t Into Line at i.arly lay OVIK TWO TM0I sAMi DtlLV. OMV Trcaurrr Sappin;iiii I .petto Ku-h Li I lie Later on in Month reasurer F. H. Sappin;-:ton om- menc-n tne co!:.i-t-',n Monday, and ' 1 ? f rt . t tri vim " ' LC4 A rj the rjsh to the pay counter has r.ot Le-n as great as in former years when the rebate of thr-e imr cent. was given thos" wh mud's piy- ment oil th.; re 1. The receipts from Monday morning until the tvs- of last night were ii',''U, or a triile over 2,1 W daily. Th trtavjrer thinks th:t paying will increase toward the end of the month, as all have until April I to pay and not be in the de.i.T, ;.-nt list Heretofore tie; cilice force war rushed daring tlv; ...arlv days of collection, but this wa largely ue to the ret-at--. as weil as the fact .hat in former times itexple could pay half their tax. Mr. Sappington thinks it would Ix: wise for tli .se .le.inn to pay to get in eariv. as if all defer itil the last m oth there will be a rush on at tr;e end that will be time-killer. COCNTY SCHOOL NLWS 'he Paient-T.a'' Chb. of Sherwood, is a r"al li. working organizatiAn. It has financed theschemo of putting aComrner- cial Course into the high school, and has purchas.'il ttiree tyfe- wnters for tn students. This i3 the second scIkhjI in the coun ty to take up this work. The organization has under cnn.sider- ation plans for putting in manual training. Miss Dmohue. Mrs. Saltus. Mr. llierly and Miss Graves are the teachers. Mrs. 1. W. Warner is President cf the Club. The Coast Culvert ov Flurne Co. is sending to the schools of the county a Iteautiful calendar en titled "Washington Crossing the k'laware. " The t "-ompany oiTers three prizes for the best essays on this subject --five dollars, two and one half, and one dollar. The essavs must not contain more than 223 words. The Washington County Spell ing contest will be a big success again this vear. More than fifty scnoois nave sent in reixins. Next week we will publish the names of the ten highest stand ing of the county. Now is the time to prepare for the local con tests, which will be held April 25. The grand final will be held at Hillsooro, May 2. "Groundhog Day" was a beau tiful demonstration of what Ore goncan do when the old girl gets gay and wants to smile. Mr. Groundhog certainly saw his shadow, and if the old adage holds good we will have six weeks more of Winter, although the legend has been shattered, time and again. I lie earnest Springs we have enjov el have generally been when we had a bright reb. 2. Monday opened rather cloudy and cold, b it by noon the air was balmy, and the sun was as bright as in August. Even the crocuses, according to Dr. Linklater. were heard to drowsily remark that it was time to put out a bioom - and Dr. Linklater knows, for on his cash ixxik, every vear since time hrst got aeouent with him as" far as Hilltovvn is concerned, is a lit tle enry, giving .lav and date "Crocus blooms today." Six-room modern house, on arge lot, close to car in Port and, to trade for Hillsboro or Washington County property C. S. Parker. Ileidel Building, Hillsboro. -16 A. 0. Sellman, of Greenburg, near Garden Home, alleges that he was held up by two unmasked men, Jan. 25. He says they took $35 from him. The Portland au thorities think they are the two men who held a pitched battle with two poheemoh the other night, when one of the robbers was shot. Sollman says he thinks he could identify them, as the night was not so very dark Sheriff Keeves has been looking into the matter, which was not reported for several days G. G. McCormic. of Garden Home, was yesterday granted a franchise to lay water mains in Garden Home and its various ad ditions, as well as on county roads, where necessary to sup dIv patrons. Mr. McCormic has a pumping plant that has a ca pacity of 2,000 gallons hourly and it comes from a deep we! of sparkling water, lie says that Garden Home is now thor oughly metropolitan in the way of water and lights, and trans portation facilities. Mc. is one of the valued men on the Port land Journal, and he made a friendly call on the Argus while 'in town. f.!l . 1 tmmmmm Th-re will b a gupervlsors' convention in Hillsboro. on Feu l i -1 nday-and all the road masters in the county are expect ed tit le in attendance to receive instructions from the county court as lo the work of the vear. Prof. Gordon Skelton. of Corval lis. one of the best road authori ties in the state, will lie in at tendance, and deliver an address. Judge Keasoner says that Prof. Skelton is one of the most ad vanced thinkers on road matters that he has ever heard. He listened to him at Eugene, last rnday. where Mr. Keasoner and Mr. Nyberg attended a road meeting. The judge found out one thing that gratified him down in Eugene the road money xpended was but half the money expended here in permanent road work. Instead of Washington County getting double the road in rock thoroughfares he discov- red that we got three miles to their one. That is some irood how ing. anyway. Free Your choice of a 25 cent Maurine Preparation with everv purchase of a Maurine Toilet Ar ticle at the Delta Annex on Sat urday. Feb. 7. only. We are sole agnts in Hillsboro for these goods, r.n I positively guarantee them. A full facial treatment all day Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kuratli re turned Sunday evening from a six trip to California points. They visited at Lou An geles, San Diego and San Fran cisco, and report fine weather nearly all the time. David Ku ratli and w ife are expected home this week. Emil says that while California is a beautiful state he is more than ever satisfied with old Oregon. While in the South he met many former Hillsboro people. Cows tor sale -Ourentire herd f 21 head of choice dairy cows. lolsteins, Durhams and Jerseys. All fresh or will be in ten days. leavy producers, large, and in good condition. Peterson Bros., orest Grove. Telephone 0198 and 020x. 40-8 Henry Challaeombe, of Corne lius, was in town luesday, the guest of his son, Frank, who works at the condenser. Mr. Challaeombe says that some of these days he is going to trade or some Hillsboro property, if convenient, and then live here. where he can be close to the ad ministration of affairs. Will exchange city property, worth $1,500, corner house, on Garibaldi Ave. and Glencoe Road, Iillsboro, lot 100x150: for farm or acreage. H. Jeibmann, Hills- loro, Ore. 46-8 Miss lluth Blanchard, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Blanch ard. well known years ago at Leisyville. now residents of Kern 'ark. Portland, was united in marriage at Monrovia, Cal., Dec. 5. 1913. to Clyde Doty. They are residing at Monrovia. Mr. and Mrs. N. II. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller, of beyond North Plains, were in the city Tuesday. Mr. Jones is 55 years of age and his wife is 50, and they are very proud of a babv which lately arrived at their home. I want to exchange $2500 equity in Vancouver, Wash residence for improved or unim proved land in Washington Coun ty. - S. M. Barnard, Vancouver, Wash. 44-6 S. M. Tunstall, now over to Waldport. writes over for his taxes. He tells Deputy Clerk Kuratli that the ocean air is good for him, and that he thinks he will live forty years yet, if he stays over in the land ot clams and sea fish. Pure-bred Buff Leghorn eggs, for hatching $1.25 for setting of 15. J. P. Hornaday, Oak Park, Hillsboro, Oregon, Route 4. 44-6 Alfonso McCuistion and Bertha Mabel Steptoe were united in marriage at the home of the of heiating minister, Kev. J. M, Barber, of Forest Grove, Jan. 30, 1914. The bnde is a daughter o Ebeneezer Steptoe. Barred Plymouth Kock eggs, from pure bred fowls, for sale, for hatching, 75 cents per set ting ot 15. John Vanderwal, Hillsboro, East Fir. 46-8 The property formerly owned by Mrs. I. M. Humke, on Main Street, has been sold to Clyde M, Morris, a younjr attorney of Port land, who has purchased it with the intention of erecting a mod' em business building. The new Spring and Summer styles and goods for ladies' and men s suits have arrived at Christ Wuest's. Tailored suits from $15 up. Trephon Dierickx, of the Greenville section, was down to the city yesterday. He expects to receive some relatives from the Fatherland, about the 25th inst. Lost New black Rlove, on Main or Sixth. Please leave at Argus office. F. O. Sipprell, who owns a sawmill near Farmington, was in town Monday. He started up Tuesday morning, and will run for some time on orders., rsorENBioNAU F. A. BAILEY, M. D. PhysirUa aaj Sa,ra Office: Upjtiit im ScbsliMrick lw fcr-lMie-'SuuUal rumr Hawlln uJ fvHl KtrvaUL PbotM, nm. t'lty 3W; nontax. 111; M S. T. LINKLATER. M. B. C. UM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 5 me atair over Tli Itrlta knag HUr KMi.ionea lut of Court Hooaa, la lh turuw or tha blank. R. M. KRVVIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Sargcoa S. P. P. K. A N., P. Oi&cc ia the Tamieaw Block, Thinl aat aiam MrreU, Ilillattora, Orrguo. ELMER H. SMITH M. D. D. Ol PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OSTEOPATH Office Hour o to n a. m.: to to. bl Tueatla-r. Thursday, "Saturday -atoll Caila aniwered day or aiaht. Hotk phone. Ot&ce over Uillahoro National. J. 0. ROBB, XI. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OFFICK:-Uj airin Schulnxrich B'dg, PiiosKS-OfCce, City JS4; Rr. City 864 HI'XSBORO. . ORfXUM DR. B. L. SEARS Physician and Surgeon Office hoar 9 to 11 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. Calla aoiwereil dav or nishfL Both phone. Office la American National Bank, upstair. HILLSUOriO, OREGON Ar,rrrrrrr,WWWMVMVMMt Caatfay W. . Ma O AO LEY f MARS ATrORNKYS-AT-LAW U.Mim 1 and t Nhat Kalldlaf HILL.SB0H0. . . OlKttON lrrArrrIAAirVMWVMkJ E. B. TONGUE ATTORNRY-AT-LAW Otftcea np stair ;in ;Schulmeri;h Block JOHN M. WALL ATTORN BY-AT-LAW Upstairs, A. C. Shute Bl.lg, Main & tad H1U4BORO. - ORKQOM. W. li. BARRETT ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Or r 101: Main 8lrwt, opp. Court Hooaa HIIXSBORO - OR BOOM HOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, Office, upstairs in Schulmerich Block Hillsboro, - - Oregon S(a. 3- CAiuM O. . ctaMt SCHNABEL & LaROCHE XrarfAlktrsirBk It. Maura, i)iliaaiin, ftmlaltaf aaa enrrat9lrd)tMnc, mtjlttatlfac Mb stm-ticn. Ztltunmle. Uriunbca in aiU aefoa. Iiam attrnftiUc auaarfttUL Bialll7aaa7lai am In teutons mil unfetta ttsnwa mum. Vmrlft a aura atwriatiaafra SaAluilrnfAallrn, Urerrtiaauidta. f rifTOMiiei ma uinrrra Mttalta. tllrak'iirsi-iaatta: aaia( Ma WIH Zelrp(cn: SiatftoU 200: H-loif; i(siu-IlHon: Slain iM a Slaiain 4M-04 Cka-aan at Cai aas aaf HnaBnaaaa. PORTLAND, ORE. DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist Office tip-stairs over HillHboro National Ban. HILLSBORO ORKQOK DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Tpmiesie Bldg. Rooms 5 and ft HILLSBORO, ORK. Main and Third. DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Linklater Delta Building, Main Street Hillsboro - - - Ore BOWMAN & VALUNDiGMAM Attorneys-At-Law Commercial Bank Block up-stairs Hillsboro Oregon Frederick Andersen, M. D. THYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to Dr. Cunningham.1 Office and Drus: Store. Orenco, Oregon Telephone connections. Wm. Hendricks, of Leisyviltou was in town Monday. .