The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 05, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 46
tiifj I rum all loinl o
fml lu" llllartrl
y,itiutii Nt Mmmcm
TV count) iurt ha had amn.
iruiTL-li m ' Ie ling name for a
n,. front chilli tin' jury for
ihri'irvmt i" irl will I' eier,et
fur the )' "" I '' ' '"' l'"1 "u,n
t lilt:.- I"H tti:itt If M. ami
thi-y mutt I"' '" r,,H
t n ""Ft """ them,
iml lli'' I'"1 reninl-.l by
m roil i!i4'i!i-alinim, taken frtn
th't year, tin' women riot
four in tl"' r:iljl"k'. UllliMH their
mnirt w v--n without the f re
ft. Mm or .Mn'i. 'oret Grove
inj IlilliU t" fiiriuahe larger
immkri I'liii "titer premicl. a
hyr'''t I'"' renter of ipt.
liuon. From tin venire 'XI jur
or will I"' during the
jrar. lhe celeetion at large
in l,
( I...H J
tin,, t ' " '
I id ' '
,,,.,,1 ..
Ho'f i "
lti( I . !
.kl. '
). 1 I t!
II I ! '
ft..,.., e .
N i
JS ( U
J. ki.i. I '
li.HH J
l''4:l t
N ;l .
I. tl II ...
i an,.. . ,
Mf .
Nt 1.4
a IT-
V v..
H r. - j
.all i'r,!,
UliM I
knk J ! t, I .
Kill. A - ..
H.. I I. .
l.t .
! I , , .
h T..,;, . . .
,.k. u
i r u. !.,,,.
0t.. f..., ,
ll.l.l,, . .
WiM!. i
Ui II . ,
I" ,i , ,
,ll,m I ... i ,
it . i. ,
ia I
"if i .
Vi, ., .
.-. i ,
V H.. i
"I'l, tt n ,
r Hint I.,,, i , ,
Uiw. .;; ,
". )..,. It , ,
"""h Mm. i. ,
tr, ,,,,
"""M. I'm,
k"lm. li. i,
J'K w m. i
K v . .
nil..) u
J "
IniiiL t.
'n p.,r. . i
J' J'.hll.
. I . ' HI I
, .. I .. I !'.,..
.. . . li t,,..,,,
I. l Ir
! a . . J .1.,,
M I ' I. It I
... l,.l,)t hir . h
i'. Ml, ,.! U
. I H.I . I I.
I II. i).
I. I. i ,(.., .1 It. M
J-l.t. I ; . f
' .. - t t. ,t
.. V I, I. I i r,l
I ..It I r. I ...
I M it. U .k 1 1 . i
I. f' . I I'.. M r' a
, . VI , l, H I'
i n t I :.t., ,. I I .I i
U S1 , tr or rv
I' ,1.4 k J.. I,,, I-
! . 1 1, f i it in l
, H. hot
" , t It i:
. i. ii, tit. t.iiitii'
, i i J lUf on
M " . I. ,N
III 1.1 1 H. l.t !,
..If I lint.
I Tl-.i.ii
.Mi'lihtir (
li ill ii riia r .,11..., i
rhrHtiui, 1 4mf,.r. t-,. wiw h.-l,l in
i..iiM.r, Ailv.nt Thritian
'I'll lun K? t
,uin h Jan. 27 to 1. i,icu
iv. A h.jiuL-r of nuriiHtn
Mflli.i.. t I I .. .
-"K ni in iM-inif r.lili-r t. F
U .Smith. i.aHtorof Ui. 'i,rtlan
'ur.h: ;,,.r A. Krii-kwm. .,:
l-iw. I lah..; J. . SUab. ri-
tlirV Of fhi
I . A. M,.tt,. of wt
Intnl. arnl II S Vi,,,.t....... .
tiirii.-lm. iv. A. J. lu-ir
l,..l.l - i . . ..
.-... iiiiu-n.n'ni 01 the pro.
iiiiiiuiiri liariv. (If ivi r... .n
I. i.l'g'.M
I. in . r
! I'll I I lt I 111
k -, ,l -M,
U l: ki i l.
." .!! J -I . I
I' I .! I l l
I " I II. jii
I I.mi.i... I, ,i,i,
k- t. I I. .1 M III tl,
U.-n. i ll I'.. I
I' ii. ii..n. J.i.i
i, I. i Him I !
-I i'IkiI.. Il.iii, I
I . M.h V Kl.
Mill.. I ' l ill
I . 'i,. n i ' It 1 1 1 a t.
. II ,,,l.ii, i
in- I It N. . II
'' I' H II lini-.
I .. All. n It..!.,
I Hull, in, liitiil
V I li,l
I. II..II. ..! tl. t .
K.ii.,., i Z M
" i ! r - i. k. .
. i II. in f ait, l ti
man Ut i nni.l.
I i,ill.iat. All
I' ,l.l K.r.l Mm
Kui.illl. Ul tt- W
"" K.ii. J
"...I. II. .Iiiltn iliii.lirr
ll,.. liM, II, iiii.ii,
" ". J II 11,11, 1, t.
N UlLlHm.
1 ii,l II M. Inn.
i Mr.,, limn, llhr
I' it .lliilrr I In II II
"I ""II 1 1. Ill, III II
"l-lll. J.'llll J J.lllll
nm. li. i , . "'I""'. r T
llV ",' V" " ' "'",'
I , J '","-x
i: ii Mitiin
r,li , I li n.l
t' lllrlHiitl. Jnlill
M' V im, i, iMtmut
I ','t I'l null. tirtili.'!.
' ' lit Vl'l llliiiVtll(
II I 'I II, lliff
' ' '"I'M II l-i.llli.r. A I.
J 12 I ... .
""i". ii." ' "'". t n II, lluik
iw !; ?', u u i i-.'.i
nl li . "Il"ll. .laiium Allium.,
C' . l m' '"''. ''. l
w,p : 1 '-
0 H Uv,.. l """ 'l' ' M. Mn.fli.l.l,
Mi,l """
N-flri! ,i""i, ' A"''''" AiiiLTmin.
Hli,n i ' '"'"I Hi'll i. .Ir.
I.,! ,'"'? "r"""""' '''"r
T"ti.i, i, iMin-nl.Hniii, .Mli-n
""'ai'i'u" -""1h"''' J'I''T Kl-ffiT.
Horn... nl".ii. , i. ..,,, ... .
I,. . I'' Willi,,,,, ,,.,.;,., , ,.
kr.i.: ' ""-II. 'i,..,u rl... .....v.. ...
. '" .in, i.. ...
1 VI'T .llM'llliHUn,
i1""", Krn'iik I' "' l ""!!"1'. '"'' 'n-
""limn I, ,. l".l,l, J Mi.l'i.tiilrk
1 s, ..." i '' r i , ,. i . . .
i. " Mlilii , ' "ill , iiimiiiii,
'.li. I ' ' ,1,11,1,,, b I.. ..I utH.t.
Ttrk ,. . r'-llllim li.. , .
'"' ' li'i'iikii, l. i'i. 'i,.(.
"mi in. 1 "" Mim, ..,.,i n ii,i,ii
i'i! Ii. fliiik,
" r. I
i. "r " h, ' 11 ''' " i uv.
iV' K ",',"K' "",", M..U.HI.
1., . " A. IM,h.
STVr-' a. v.
i, "iirrhi ,,. , . ""'"iiiiii'R, .in-
..I'lvi,.,, " iiiiiiiiMrK.
,. ir li'
ID I ... ,111... II... . .
ii l""", II,,,., ' 1 1 111,11, 'till-
L "' "Il'llllll, Jill, III
?.. I.,"ni111' WlH,.,l k .1...
111! Jul,, 1 ' Jl.llllH.lll. Kll-
. ''"I'll
i "II. All u II
'lr.-HH on Am.ri.-an Patriotism.
Min-h rr.Mht uduf ;., r luvun
I'uMi.r ..f H. ,i!Ur Chrrn
au.J also ,r.-ii.,-i,t of thi cor.
f.T.-lii-i'. fur urr.iri.r, .,,,..( ..t ...
,m ..... ,,w .,itr
I'rojfram ami id., car.- of vimlm
l-'nr unl... t'... ..
'" i rrrn, ri)
of F.I.Ylrie nurvi-y;
mil.' of Kor.t.t Cirow. mj
..f :t Ht.,rr. I'. O,, ,.kHm.
oriop. hi
tu rf, mil,.
ami i Imrrlii-ii ii,n
- -- -. inn, I.. f,.r ... A ....
" "' nnru dim
k'ar.-n: uls-. walnut lan.l;
aUmt i iirr.- ha In n t t. itr...l
now rovi-r.-. with Mmall r,rt.'..,-Jl
"ritiK; "'in- million f.--t aw tim-
it. or niDiiti iirii cordHof WikhI.
Will take H.iin.1 Ktm k a nnrt imv.
m.'iit. Aihlr-H Kitti.. M I'lii-
'on-t (;im,-, jjg
("ha, t VtwtfiH, furmi-rly of Jo).
1 I'laiii. writ.- that hv ih In.
rat.'.l at JiukKon. I.lalm It..
a the Vk.-uth.-r i fin.' up thi'r
liriL'1,1 iin.l aimyl,!.,,. II.. ;
the irrigate.! district. wat.-nM hy
a " ranal. ainl ksvh
th tun.' i iomink' up there vhcn
ni'ile will heat. r.ik an, I liirht
A ith I'li'i-tru-il v ii, I ttmttu li.inu.ui
.... n..'a .,,; iiiiit.t r
in the town are now huilt with
out rhiiiinev h l'kl-,1,1 l..l,l,lr. '
lion. ue of rl.Tlrii- juiee U-int;
fritlelit fur till tltXIIeHtic pur-
ill ini.-t,
I repreHetit Sninlla rornit
not 4ii iii dtore. Will rail at
home on remiest- ami ilo the
fill ilitr. an, I teai-h how lnn,liiiKt
ainl wear the ror-t. Our tailor
ed ma,e to measure rorxeU, in
rlu.luik' the latent fmnt lare. with
an eiN rieni el iorH'tier Hervue.
cwt ii.imore than hik?h rla ror
t. purihase.l in tore, Mrs.
M. K Caudle., Fifth
nm Jackson Slre t. I'lione No.
hSl .VUf
The On nco Hemlil i the latest
venture in the county fiewpiier
tiehl. The new pajn-r i publish
..I hy II. V. M.-aile, Iki-tter known
here n "Van" Matle. It i to
lie published once a month, nnti
the pulilinher Hay he will be at
islietl if he Hhall break even,
t he January number i initial,
ami i filled w ith haml.ome half
tone, depicting the nocial and
structural, a well a the busi
nes life of the little nursery
city. It i a credit to Van. and
ii r red it to the town.
For sale Span mares. 2Ht0 lbs;
harneH. nearly new; 11 hoe Ti
k'ar drill; II inch walkinjr plow;
Winona wnnun, nearly new; '.
section steel harrow; 2 horse
disc; mowing machine; lecrinn
rake, new; new milk cart. 2 inch
wheel. Koy Hay. Ilillslniro.
Ore., one mile south, on Jackson
Pxittom, between bridges. attVm
denser pumpinkf plant, on left
hand ide, KiK Houth. I2tf
Mis Irma liishop. the four
teen year old daughter of Mr.
and Mr. Oaniel Hishop, died at
the family home, Orenco. Jan.
2.1. 111 1. Her malady wa heart
trouble, RUerindiu'ed by an at
tack of the measlo. The funer
al took place at Fort Grove.
Jan. 27. and Rev. H. fook of
liciated at the service.
If you want a raw that lHat
the world for the money, call on
Pavid Corwin. Hank Annex
Huildintf. nnd sec hi (uality
Ivantre. nil the wb.v from $2.1 to
S.1.1. These are the best rank's
ever plai'i'tl on the mama in
Hill.slMiro. I 'all in ami see mem.
Thos. Tal.Hit, of Cornelius, was
n HillslHiro cnller Saturday morn-
.... i . . ...
inpr. l luw. savs ma couniy, vuj
nnd state tax thin year costs him
imr nere ami t hat he tried
to rent his place, the renter to
pay the tax, and he couiun i k'i
a tenant
Mare for snle-9 venrs old;
bred to l'ercheron. Will sell on
account of havinjr t" "ia"y
iw....u liVnnk f'.reener. o mi ea
Hill nrn, . it.,," - - .
.i. r iiiiiuitnm Hoeonil uace
noil in oi iini."'".", i ,
across !i(H)d Mdgfi. Phone, Kood
Line XB1.
Hillslwro's HiKh's basket ball
team went to the drove, triday
evening anil were defeated by
Forest Grove's second team, by
a score of 2 to 11. Newber
bent the Grove's first team 28 to
For sale: Hronze turkeys,
pobblera and hens for brcedinR
purHses.-Mrs. N. II. Jc9'
Hanks, K. 3; North Plains lele
phone, 4F 11. 45 7
Named by County Comniil.,ncr
Court at January Term
llcvliM Matbiarry Win Co.t Ibt Coaaly
Sthla Thi Vcar
The C,unty judue and commi-
ion.-ra have at last finished the
task of tiamintr iudkresand rlerk
or election for the year l'Jll-
.i i ... ... .
in.- jear w nerein there will ! a
general flection, a well as pri
maric. Many precincts have
day and nik'ht board appoint
ments, owinjf to the imnossibilitv
of one, t of officials lieinK unable
to Hit dunrik' the day and then
work all nik'ht in fact, sotm of
the precinct will hardlv In'ablc
to cmclu if in one day and nik'ht
I he lint follow, the first thr....
named in each precinct 'U-Ink'
juiik-e. and the last three named
U'lnif the clerk ami vim w ill n,,l..
that "Mrs. Voter" is in the run
in k':
llr ,t.,n
' i"M. It. A, ,,, J,.tl1
II M..i. M i,,,k Mr.
II ll, J. W l!,,h,,,,l
Mull.., W k Mull,,,, J (-Urr
l.ii 1 h,, ml... iii. kl ii .Ii it fliiil.r Mi.
'. Hlilr. Mi kilhnliw. u ii,-,,.
K ''. I' .) Hi.4,.1 J J Vankli-. k
" H,1(,rr kli. All,-,, loth.tnla. Mi
h" " I Mi. All, rulllmr I. M
II""' Nil-hi ll, i II k in,, I
l,,lri...,. Kf.l II link, kit A.lrlla
kli.,11. M. M llli V A l.iti...
N'liflh II..,,. .. ll,,ul,l: J.,kr
Ml,., ii l... Uil.i,,,, J.,L.,. ..,
II. kli, ,. Sill,,- l,,r.l..i, J ! ',iu.
VkM It..,,.. I K u M... I' u .l.
Oi. i '1, 1 1 1 . A. Millrr. A K M.Viim-
k". I. It. j, h. J.,li l.f ,
T ir .i.l l ,..,, r y, TlKur.t. O
Mirth. W. K hh.n.-r. i 1. Hp.rk..
J M i ,in i,,.it., r. J K. Iii.ih.n Nirhl
It.. u.l . Zi. nrr. N.l l,.lm. II lt,.h-I'M-.
J. N Hinllh. J W. H'.miiiri
tin. ltr klttlffrr.
""if" Jiii. lt, rl, k. Jhn lin h-
Kt., liani.i. ( . Wami. II V
Mr.,l. T I" li Iii,
l'i lr i M Hint. V. It Hlr,hfn
J W tih,. i' A i. n, W l l
lm c.rii, lmn II A M i-kin.
kl',whi,iin liiir l.n, r. Ia'- Si hv:,n.
In. J...n T,.,ih ..n. H I. Il.,;. nl.r, k.
il ..ts-' Mr, h mi Ivi.-r ll"t(ni!in
fui.llii lt..r.l V II Hay, ra.
I'ui.lln Kt.ii.k Tlial. hi r. II, rmun lli-r-ri.t
ll. ni) k. Ill rl lirlttuin
Mlihl l..r. k-nhk Itrtinrtl. Allin
lln.lrn. J y Ij.vr. H.rliiM
Han, n.l. thill, k'ratik llrraarkpr.
Tualatin iit I ; ... r .1 H N M, .,!)
f K I'a.lrrl. J K Hr.lKi. J. l
luirni K li,, S),ltny MlUir
M.M li"..t.l i: A K' J II. nitilno,
k i' Imlrv. .' t V Ctlm, Jt S.haiiinni
I'liarii iirit.rK'-r
South K.i.1 Mill!iiir.i - tn- tli'Snl. 0
V lli..liii..nt. t'harlia t"t,M kiT, Thnitiaa
fiiiiiirll. I r. V K I'lmtturr, Kr!
Ilw.l. J V TrulitiKi-r. MkM !l"r,l.
l II Hli vi tiun. ! t'nrta ln, Ollvt-r It
tlali-a. t'al J k. I. T. M I'.-ii-rti. lli orn
Hi,uil.rat lv llnar.l: 3 V Con
liril, k'tril Srhiillil.rtic. J T. Shannon.
l:l.h w itl,.-..tnt.. I' II. HutkliwltiT, K
I. M.mir Nli;l I ll,,.ir,l Ina ,!
William KiiUi-r. K I. rratiK'T. Wlilla
Irrlitn.l. A Slk-rlt. Tlmnina llallry.
N.nt! mat Hilulmrn -I'av ltnar,l; J
V Itallri. W J Ori-Ku. V. It. Mmil
...iii, t J II .In, k. Tim ma Urns, liny
Hi,.-. NikM li.iit.l A A M.rrtll. Il.-r-tnati
kainatin. .I,ii't. S, htt, l,li'r, J,.lin
lin. kiT. I rril Sh kiIhI. kllrii'tiuili
Nrtlrat llillli,ir,i ln llminl: It.
t Vaunt, t. Tmii Kirr. W. V. Hnai-nw,
K I. .Il,ti,ii, Waril Itnwna. K. J. Wil
liam MkM lt..t,l K.l Si-hulmrrlfh.
I. W linn.'. I nri-n Jnrkann, I'avlJ
Kuralll. Kn il Scmrll. I'luy Knu'itian.
tlut.l.n II, mir iHiy lluartl: William
M,,rf anrti. ti . Smith. t"li tlpim, l
A Unit, T. II )IDI. l H M,i:ir.'.
Nlattii ll,,nt,l A V. I'i nny. .1. I' Ih-nny.
I'aul llrii.l.r-.'ti. Il.irry Itnlilnann, U. I
KIM', '. t'lirlMiTtinn
Vr,l Hi at. rliin Imy llnaril: OonrKf
Tlnttr. W. ' lluikiti. J. A. HlK'imril.
I'aul M,ti nr. f:iun-r Slip.'. A II Sl'raln
rr. NIh IK Itimr.t: J:inn Short. All ln
r. K. J Thoma. S, II. I'.ivla, Koy
lirrt. ll r. irn i'iii
i,vprtoii lnv llnaril: Jak
Strotiil. M M Atialln. W. K. Sitilro. I
K 1 1 1 K at . K V- ril'if. W. K. lolnil
r'r MkIiI Hour,!: Unlwrl Ilmkln. J. J
St,.. v II n. .1 A Jiilinmin, U S Wolf, J. 1
llar.H. J Krjitik SH'oinl.
Northraat r'orist t!roi-Jay lloar.l:
y lion., II T IliiMoit. Ilatrv
SiiufflK, ,1. W. In. Frank S. Unr
,l,iii, Arthur Nlimri-r. MkIh llonnl: S
il iluuhi. .I"!"" Taylor. '. M. 1j.rin,
It K Kimrnn. Wnlti'r Itoawurm. .c
Spark . ,,
N.irth, l Fnrrat llruvi'-I'.'tv llonnl:
t' M Satirnr.l. I! M Taylor, II. Hamil
ton II, It F.'rrln. K. .1. Uooko. Atiuunt
,i..,'.ir NiBhl lloatil; II. I'. Hli'Vi'iimui,
W ill W'i'ltfli l. .1. S
i, li w H
n.,n'iiirai Kor.'t ilrovi'- I'ay Hnnr.1:
vv W Uroff. K. II Sloln-r.
I.:n,i,h Moori-. I. I. Hi""!' Muhl lluartl: I'. M
l.lilli'hitli'. riturli-a .
ilanlin'r, K. I. Went.
S,inlhHft Format tlrovt lny Honr.l: U M. I'irahiiiii. J. I
I'ltiia. A. It. rai'i lia. W. N. H.'tira. K. r.
liinton. Nlnht Koanl:
u t-ralitriio. J
i,- w i,!ii,..roii. ili'orKi I'Btt.'ru.ti.
I'hi'rry llrovo It. I". Kolmrta,
i ........,...' t.ihn Klahiir. John
h'oii. I'lliihrokit I'nl It'll, lli'orRO W.
i,.t t'rui'k lav Konril: J
lioliitl J J. Ailkina, Mli'haol MonniT,
W. A. Si'irui'iit. .1. Hi " llati'timn, Frnnrl
ii l,lh, S'lullt II, HI t'.l
L,....,ii i.,kiii. it. it. Lilly. J. K
Htm, in. Harry Km-
llanti r, I'lirtm l UoikI.
i Pttyt'k,
r. C. Slnr-
Morttnn. V. 1'.
.1. .7. Wlita. F
11. Smith. K. 11. Wlrtn.
W. Mf
I'harli' K. 1'i.tta.
..'.....i I it fnraona. S. S. PnHaa.
Vi.rlmort W. A. Ili'rimin. I'tin I'lim
tnliiK, Jiilltix Klmllo, John H. Mnrsh,
It 11. I'tirtrr. J"i Knont'lor.
'. ...,r..t . Ham urmluff. K.lwtiM HtiRf.
.. n Mnil.iv. F. U llrown, l.oiilK
MfVcra, linear Thayer.
l'l,u,k-l'ay ''! ."""'T ,9- l,"r
., i k ItiiulU'V. J. W. Vnnilor
vi'lilfii. Milium Hiit'tiflt, Kiilph It. Kin
ton John lK'i'h. NlKht llimnl: John
i.- i'nrm,.iia. John J. I'rli'kttt, Snmiifl
f' lnkliy, Jm..'1'h A. Monro,
,. i... 1 1, I I. J i'IIHt',1.
.""a... m,iiIi,.v Itotiril: Kli'haril
.. ii. ii.,i,.,it ThiiiniiHoii, I'hrlH
i: , , il",, II. I!""V""' A- ll..,k.n,
,,n V. lltirlon. Nlnht Hourjl: J. J.
Wlmimr. JiiH" IVI.'"ii. Fie, H.-r-ur.
ll.'.trno Th.mi'.'ii, ,",u"''
Siumn'l iliaff. ,
Comiell I'ay Bum-
Jnlin M
AXtrod Cluer-
t-r. WillUm kit vjr. tiatrul Wni.i
W '. I', I, In,, r V.llr, Ji,r
Krff.r N,Ki,t M.,, w' J
J.inii iu.ri.,,,,1. , mi,,!,.,, r,iHB l'i,ra.
in. a, r.l T I. k-.t.k
Ttntl,.-r i'l.iik .l 1,1. ij yt Wat.
Ill-h,lr. J f ll HH,, l,U
I '. 1 II Uru k
II.jii.iii- J It llllry, , vtar
mi W l.liain l i.arl.a t-. .na.
i.i l M-., i. i.l h- hmnllln.
.. Iiln -. . Ilri.i flrl . . ,-t,w
fid, Jrptha .;.,rriy,i. J.,hn llruarn,
""mi ll Hull, Mk. II. rn,n
lt-..Jlll.. i A ,,,lar, i U Jhn.,B.
f, w inoil. i;r..,K- j j..a, a. w.
I'ahl. k Ir.'.r
kl'.ha --J II M. S'.w, tt It M'h'.l'
Arthur Mill. II., i, I Sproat, S J,
1, r.riii. I.iv.rrunr
Hl.i.niilrn- - lli nry K imna. A.lim
HtrKirt. Ilmir llnKr.-fi- 1.1 s. hrlnr.
' till. M. hrh.lrl, I ,,rl I f.ihl Imy ll.iar.1: K K Kurd
H it K W 1'ar.i.ihaii. II Klnla. h iurr.
K W l'..rtr. y. I. K.,Mrtrin, W illiam
I'.nl.y Miihl If--;, rl I: J Ward,
It, iin Jon.. 1 II . ,t. j i, .
in. K f M.iii.H.n y lUmriik
M"rw I I v I!, ir.l liinr An
,:,t. ,i. W V Vat. a. i: 'i ll.iitr). Jamr.
ii. y. M. HmhOi ,h'. W Saklur.
i.'l.l,l John k .ui.rf. K. Munlur.
II. lluh,,i,K, k. W J'.htiaon,
I. hi . Virail W Wi , k.-rt
Mt. ' II. I-. i, -.'h ,rl, 1 ,Ur. w U Vrtm.
It y ll.t.,i,M,,,,. i h.iii, Il4). Allivrt
klli.'r. I.lmrr r,,inli-r
( .'..rii, liu I' o !,.r.i- J u
lt..ii,.-i..v.r, ' Ilt,. .k. M II Urn, i;,,h imiri. y. it hi, i,;. iir,,ra
I I-.I-. I,, r Muni lt-.a,. lirant M ini,
W. K, .f,r... Willi it,, llaiiirlmann. F. U
'i. ,i:. r lliiimn t..... . Tlt.tiilt.
S.,ith . ,,i i, ill, i ,iy , fl.,ar, Kit
V..-f. Ji.l.n lli.r. I.n, l'.,rra. Mikr
Su.l. iu. r. A S I.) til. . M.trlin S. hwatl
Niil. It.iar.l: J.,liii i ip'-iilaii'li-r, llrthi.10
l'i.,i,tlKl,t,.n. rpiu.i M'.'urily, It.iy
' , . k. h.i,it Wnif. V i: Hh. rhr.n.k.
We ilesire to thank those who so
kindly assisted us in our liereave-
ment. the death and obsequies
of our daughter, the late Irma
Mr. and Mrs. Pan 1 Bishop.
Orenco, Ore.
('has. Iieilinir, of Hoy. was in
the city Saturday.
W.K. McCourt was a Portland
visitor the last of the week.
Verne Curry, of Orenco. was a
city caller the last of the week.
Perry Stream was in trom
Sew ell plains, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. IC. Heach. of
North Plains, were in the city
Wm. Will went to Orenco the
first of the week to assist for a
few days in the Verne Curry
Miss Mariraret Hancock, of
Forest drove, was the jruest of
Miss Marie Ionjr, the last of the
Sitmcer and other varieties of
sweet peas - ami all kinds of test
ed garden seeds and fertilizers,
at Morton's Greenhouse, Hills-
boro. 44-7
Clarx-noe Young, superintend
ent of the county farm, was in
tow n Saturday, lie says tha the
now has but nine inmates, all of
whom are quite well, considering
their age.
For sale - liarred Plymouth
Rock cockerels, 0. A. C. Stock.
-Mrs. C. W. Redmond. Wash
ington Street, between Fourth
and Fifth. Hillsboro. 45-7
A chimney burning out in the
U. Lee Soars' property between
Grant and Kdison, North Hills
boro. giving the tire department
a run, Friday afternoon. No
For th.. best values in hard
ware of all kinds, call on Dave
Corwin, who can sell you the
best at the lowest tigues. Plumb
ing given prompt attention.
Second Street south of Main.
S. F. Olson, of below Farm-
ington, was a city visitor Satur-
av. He owns the former Cal
vin Jack place. Mr. Olson Bays
the minis are unite heavv. but
the rock road between here and
Newton is a relief.
The North Side Dairv will de
liver you milk on city route. Pure
milk and cream. Try us. Our
tirodnet is first hand we milk'
and then deliver. Tel. Farmer
4oU-R M. Gillenwater. 41-0
Peter Hoffman, of Bacona,
was in the city the last of the
week. He returned home via
Kuxton and then crossed the
ridges, with the mail carrier, C.
C. Nelson.
VVnnh-il- I will teach several
young men the automobile busi
ness in ten weeks Dy man ana
assist them to good positions.
No charge for tuition until posi
tion is secured. Write today.
It S. Price. Automobile hxpert
Hox 463, Los Angeles, Cat
Horn. Jan. 21. 1914. to Mr.
and Mrs. L. N. Gilnett, of North
Hend. Ore., a son. This is thetr
o.momt son. The young gentle
man is a grandson of Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Abiwtt, or MiiisDoro.
Wont in!- T will teach several
young men the automobile busi
ness in ten weeks by mail, and
assist them to good positions.
No charge for tuition until posi
tion is secured. Write today.
K. S. Price Automobile Expert,
Box 4(13, Los Angeles, Cat 46
use site bo::ds
Building Committee Jubilant Over
Fact That Huildinz ia Assured
Layal Order f Mmc ta Erect Tare.
Slary Stractare m Scctvad
The building committee. Loyal
Order of Moose. Joseph L. Meek
UKlge, of Hillshoro. have closed
their campaign for the sale of
bonds for the building site, at
the corner of Second and Wash
ington, and the building of a
three-story structure is now an
assured fact The bovs on the
committee worked faithfully un
til the last dollar was subscribed
for the real estate, and as soon
as the necessary instruments are
secured the campaign will be on
tor tne building bonds. The
monev for the atmrturo has al
ready been arranged, and it will
now be but a question of time
until the premier building of the
iown win grace me site where
the old Commercial Hotel burned
iew years ago.
The buildinu is to rrwt in tha
neighborhood of JL'tO mm onrl l.
" - - v- v mum arv. -
sides the three stories, there will
be an ample basement with all
modern conveniences. The Moose
is the strongest order in the city
from a nomerienl stanHnninf
- - - ..V. UM..,Um,
and the boys are determined to
have a home of their own.
G. M. Turner, who was the
first Dictator of th loH
worked hard and faithfully for
me commmee, oi wnom Laurel
M. Hovt was chairman, and his
canvass was successful, although
the work was arduous. The com
mittee, Messrs. Hoyt John W.
Bailev and Perry I Arcr fool
- - - . wi
elated that the financing has
been completed -and now begins
me preliminaries to get things
whipped into shape for con
Mr. Hovt has been reepivincr
congratulations for the success
they have attained.
K. Schumacher had a trial for
arceny of a piano last Thursday.
and was found guilty by a jury
of twelve. The court sentenced
him to an indeterminate of from
one to twelve years, and paroled
the defendant upon condition
that he pay the money back and
pay $88 costs of the prosecution.
Schumacher wld a piano to which
he had title only as lessee. The
jury-Willie Hamel, W L Par
sons, A T Buxton, And Pierson.
Geo M Hines. J C Smith, W M
Smith. H T Koeber, J J Adkins.
Aug Blank. W J Gregg and John
H Porland.
Receipts for the week have been
cattle, 748; calves, 15; hogs,
5243; sheep. 6243.
tattle liquidation has been ex
tremely light this week and bus
iness not very brisk. Decreased
receipts have undoubtedly had a
sobering effect on prices, but
trade is not active as yet A
few good butcher cattle were
sold during the week, but the
market was slow. Bulk prices
were as follows; Prime steers,
7.25 to 7.60: prime cows. 6.25 to
6.60; heifers, 6.50 to 6.75; calves,
8 to 9; bulls, 5.50 and 5.75.
Swine pnees climbed to 8.15
Thursday as receipts have been
very small since Monday, when
the .second largest run of the
year arrived. Buying was brisk
all week and prices maintained a
strong front. Bulk of choice
light hogs brought 8 to 8.05, but
occasional sales were made at
8.10 and 8.15.
The sheephnuse experienced a
temporary slump this week, as
killers drew off unexpectedly.
and mutton and lamb sellers had
considerable difficulty in dispos
ing of their stock, especially it
quality of sheep and lambs
graded less than prime. Bulk
prices on Friday were: Prime
yearlings. 5.60 to 5.85; prime
ewes, 4.50 to 4.75; prime grain-
fed lambs. 6.50 to 6.75. Poor
quality mutton hard to move at
any price.
Do not forget to ask for a
Schiller when you want a good
lO cent smoke no "cough dust"
in the Schiller. 12tf
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miltenber-
ger visited in Tigard, Sunday.
For sale: Indian Runner ducks.
Fawn and White. Phone North
Plaint, 17F11. 484
Where you will find many fancy articles
not usually found in the most up to now
city drug store. We have a full stock of
Symphony Lawn Paper the Acme of
Perfection in Writing Papers. Try it
and yon will be pleased. Toilet Articles
of the best grades are in our stock, in
fact we have everything needed for mi
lady's dressing table. Onr line of pianos
include some of the best makes as follows
Baldwin, Hamilton, Monarch, Howard
and Valley Gem. We also handle the
Famous Manualo, The Player with the
Human Touch. Come in and sec it.
We handle only High Quality Drugs.
Absolute Accuracy of Prescription Work
is our motto. Bring in your prescriptions
The Delta Drug Store
and thereby creates an accurate record of all expendi
tures. Many, both men and women, through the
absence of such a guiding record, permit small, un
necessary outlays to drive away the joys and indepen
dence which increasing dollars provide. A checking
account affords the safest, most convenient and satisfac
tory way of handling your money, besides adding to
your prestge. We solicit pcrsonel, as well as business,
accounts and the opening deposit need not be large.
Capital and Surplus $57,000.00
A. C. Shute, Pres., C.Jack, Jr., Cash., W. V. Bergen, As't
TMrttSfs., Hillboro, Orm. Q
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
BanKing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De
posit Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
Your Old Jewelry Made New
You have an old Cameo, perhaps, that has lain for
years unworn and almost forgotten; or it may be old
fashioned ear rings, a brooch, or a necklace. Don't
let them lay there any longer. The Cameo can be
effectively mounted and nothing is more popular just
now. I can show you how your other unworn trinkets
can be transformed at small expense into attractive
jewelry in the prevailing style. Now that the Holi
day rush is over it is the very best time. Designs and
estimates upon request. Prompt, service on all orders