The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 29, 1914, Image 4

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    HULAPOKO ARiU'H. JAM'AltV a t4
We have just added to our stoch
rv '
of Handsome Patterns in Ginghams. Regular
12 l-2c Grade. Bought so we can sell them at
Lots of New Embroideries, wash goods, per
cales muslin underwear, etc. When you
come in to pay your tax, just call at our Store
and g'et our prices on merchandise. You
will find such values that you will save money
La a,
Hoy Swear They I Kiimmt
Irvm IVIcnJanl. at Cornellu
are now linking the stronpth pivinjr Roman Meal
Brea'l that you have heard so much about Try it
once and you will always eat it. Our line of other
foods are put up as clean as if it were done at home.
Main Street, Ilillslmro
J. Wolfersperprer, Prop.
I On account of the heavy rain
last Sunday afternoon, many
I were prevented from attending
0. H. Joy's talk at I. 0. 0. F.
hall, on "The Judgment Day
The World's Hope." Fur the
i benefit of such, Mr. Joy an
1 nounces that the study will be
! repeated next Sunday, at 3 p. m.
I All are invited.
Oet your turner, repaired
rinht now, and be ready for an
Kirlv Spring. Special atten
tion lo repairing noil oiling
humus. Tine oiling vat in
stalled. Best stock of uarnesa
saddles, whips, oils, etc , in
the city.
Pkcomi Strf.kt,
HirxsuoRo, Orixion
If You Have Any Mind of
with your Machinery or
Automobile, go and see
in Reedville. Turning
Lathe in Shop, and we
do all kinds of fine
We can repair any kind
of machinery at reason
able prices, and if the
old machine is no good
we can sell you a New
Machine cheaper than
anyone else in the
county. Do not forget
"Pete the Blacksmith"
In the Circuit Court of the Kioto nf
I Oretfon for the Cuunty of WnehliiKtun.
Hyde K Taylor, Plaintl!!. I
Sarah ft Taylor. Iiefettdant. I
To Harali ii Taylor, the above named
Defendant :
j In tho Name of the Slate, of Oregon:
; You are hwret.y notified nrnl required u
appear in the alsivc entitled .nurt nrnl
; answer Mi complaint hied airninst you in
the atstve entitli-d (nisi., 101 or before
Saturday , the Zmi.Ii day of Kehruary, I'M I.
said date Lriog after the e piration of an
week from the date ot the lirxt puhlira
tion nf this summon in the HitlMhoro
I Argil, the dale or the lirst 1 1, 1 1 -n ( ! 1 1
j licing Thursday, the loth day of January.
'I'M I. and theiliUenf the last publication
thereof being Thursday, the ;iti day of
1 Kehruary, l't I; and ynii Kill please uk
J notice, that if you fail so to apear and
answer said complaint, lor want thereof,
the plaintitl will applv lo Urn court for
the relii.f prayed lur in his couiplHiut.
tnwit: For a decree forever dissolving
the niarriHire and marriage contract, now
anil heretofore, enisling between the
; plaintitl and defendant, upon the ground
jof cruel ami inhuman treatment,
rendering hia life
) Thia summons In served upon yon by
.publication thereof, pursuant to order of
j the Honorable I) It Knasoner, County
I Judge r Washington County, Un rnii,
' made, rendered and dateil on the loth day
ui ,1 aiiunry, I
Hairlcy ,v Mare,
Attorney for I'lnintiff,
Pilriti Atlarwo AicurJ
AlKmplcJ k Bct. ilk
Koscv lUvUith. of Corm-liu.
was Tmsday convittcl of St'llinjr
liiiuor to minors, the date of the
alUvr I sale U-irur S-i't. II. 1912.
The itate indicted on the evi
denee of Clarence White and
Henry Johnson, who went l'fore
the jrrand jurv and testit'ul that
lUvkwith had sold them thref
lvttles of lver. Johnson and
White, minors, when tiuestioml
by Oistrict Attorney 'lnriu. at
the prvsent trial. swore that they
had paid lvkith for the beer,
while Heck with went on the
stand and swore that he had
several bottles of Ikht in a liv
erv barn, at I ornelius. and that
w hile he was out of the ollice,
the bovs stole the U'verace.
lSeckwith at the time of the sale
for which he was convicted was
also a minor, and it appeared
that he had sent some urn els?
to ret beer for him.
district Attorney Tontrue
closed the case in a scathinir ar
raiirnment of IVckwith. and the
jury was out but a half hour,
when they brought in the ver
dict of truilty.
The district attorney said that
he would use his utmost power
to tret at those who violated the
liinior laws, and that he would
be just as drastic atrainst those
w ho were not conducting saloons
as ajrainst those w ho did comluct
saloons. He stated that many
times a man in the Iiijuor busi
ness was imiatsed upon by a Uy
who would lie about his atre in
order to tret booze, and that such
a saloon man had his sympathy.
although tie would pnwecute
such cases to the limit, hut that
a man outside of the business,
knowing lys to be minors, and
yet trivintr them liipior. should In
triven the greatest punishment
the law prescriU'S. Mr. Ton true
adjnonished the jury that the
only discrepancy in the Uiys' ev
idence was that one had said the
liiiuor cost 50 cents pi-r bottle.
wniie the other, not tH-tntf txsi-
tive, thoutrht it cost him 75 cents
per U.ttle.
I want to exchange $2500
equity in Vancouver. Wash.,
resilience for improved or unim
proved land in Washington Omit-ty.-S.
M. liarnard, Vancouver,
Wash. 44-6
ore. ii to rrn ti
Notice of Final Sclllcmcnt
Notice la hereby given that the under
siirned has li,e. his linnl account as
administrator in the oflice of theiv.unly
clerk or the Male of Oregon for the Coun
ty of Washington in the matter of the
estate or Tillie fohusoii. That hy order
of the aaid court the .Wth day of January
i ni, ai ten o ciock a XI ofsHi.l day in the
0Ri:i0N i:i.i:ctuic trains
To Portland '
1:19 .,
From Portland
a m
a m
a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
p m
a m
. .a m
a m
p m
p m
...p m
p m
a m
Dr. Ira K. liarrett and wife
are the proud parents of a son,
liorn Jan. 24, 1914. The Doctor
now resides at Heaverton, and
he is triad that he lives where
there is plenty of room, and
where his increase in size, since
the event, will not mean colli
sion. The new arrival is a grand
son of Hon. and Mrs. W. N.
Harrett, the former of whom
says that there is another doctor
or lawyer Iwrn to the Harrett
Janitor Tupper has been hav
...M,,, ,,.,,. rsiiii in me court house In i "K a uiiiililture IIOOU tlOWn in the
TSi ! nt of the court house an-
Ztul1 'lnal ac""""1 ""itobe tf)d, but there has been
so much moisture that the acqua
has leaked up through the seams
in the cement floor. Had the
floor been solid, instead of beint?
marked, the water could not
have seeped through.
1). II. Stowell, who six or sev
en years atro left Hillslioro, Wis.,
for Hillsboro, Ore., and then set
tled up the Dairy Creek way,
was Monday the recipient of an
t t..i . .I V "a''c, """wiiik mai
it-vc-i, Kooti son; attout Wisconsin, generally wintry is
three acres in cultivation; yountrjhavinjr an open Winter with' no
orchard, house, barn, chicken 'snow ur to last uoolr
Oliver Johnston,
Administrator of trie estate of Tillie
1 Johnston, deceased.
I Date of lirst publication, Janiiar? 1st,
; Flnge), Reynold A Flegel, 4U3 40H
failing lluilcliMg, Portland, Oregon
I attorneys for estate.
Artrus and Oretronian, $2.25
FOR $25(X)
house: team of rtinlpa imnri 91
inch watron; wofid house, fruit
house: RitiiatfH
of Helvetia, on the United Hail-
1 he Oregon Klectric has been
sendintr a local express car, at
tached to the midnitrht
Ker, as carrier of freitrht for the
covsEii, n,
He Goes Forth In Search of Elu
sive Game.
itinu :i. a. p nr . i
tlninn f'hi.;itt "u.V..V-";c'ty. Forest Grove has ben
easy terms. Inquire at the place T" 8 u 8lrv,ce' Lb.ut U is not
Or Of J. O. Klirpm.n llillEkn.Wn h.WW this Will be
Ore. 4.r i11 ' a8 lne witchinjr here
wn lilt; nCIIL'lJUie.
NX V - Sr l MM
W.tH K RmuII TKal H Hm
f Hul Iiwi
r-urrtbt. tl4 f IMmrt
tV h.l failltvi an Vt
aftrrtessa. ami Mr Ituwawc
hnj rwutluita Uul
thitM( rJng to happen.
' Wlw-thof Mr. Unwr mm l
Intent iw liln4 v
Bialio atari for th oorth le
tfiilJ not T. M V"1
aomvthlug ttmnM-tett with III
mh a un
Sh oia.W Bii nilstaW.
When Mr lU.wscr arHmsl bo wnU
have hidden pari! In th vltoW.
but. Ndng raiujht at It, h mIJ:
"Ifa shotgun I NsrTowtsl. and you
Ml want . f4 with It I hll Uk
day off tomorrow to go banUtiC"
"So atilp "
"If then t lranl calleO th win
ter anlxs I hare turner heard nf K.
upisshtt the aiilp waa an early aprlii
and fall .lrl "
"Well, when I Iwiux bona a buabat
tf nli tomorrow nUht you'B aup
poM atf)uthllif rW
Mr. BiKwr Aaka Ban QuNtaM.
Nothing more - mM trll aftiwttla
th-r. ami thru Mr. Vwsr )dcrtaal.
"Wbere tl. Jim g after tilr
"lib, down Ih mars he." b rrpllnl
' Ihit what H a (r
"A nlT yon nxssn to tell m
thai you bar llvrl lo t f.wty year
old and don't know what atitp U?
A tit U a hlnl "
-What ortr
W ell. It a neither a tmiiard nor .
MuetdnL It It a anil It file
be.UtfbWh gtmm with ail In In
atliHi vt btrf in ul !. Imi
aju(blu offrrvd. Bs4 n NuJy
It waa itnt uul dqr f Ur u
Nnl dnjr fur atUp. When n ritual;
jwrgnl frun Ifenl rah M waa to
rani a njtat annil'f wan.
U and lrantt for two Vsin la
titn't (tl any. wtor pte-rWl tna
farnwr "l wa thh.itn after yun'd
gun that I uualil l ba attl you
Tr Hi In vtnrr way Tbal'a wbm
th aul ad appvnr la gtl loarvlbtsr
ahtt ltd Hum of day lo dlavuaa the
over mat-shea and la sl eatlix
Knit on twist Is a dlalt fit for a ktnr
Mr. Ilowaer talked ery confidently
tint he had never seen a ulw, a ll
or lad Mm. Iliwi-r wanted tokuow
lot of other thing, but ha choked her
off In tluic to v lit pnut lg
got to ld early, an a tit get an early
atari, tmt bw dreatua were antpe
liauntHl At midnight b yelled out
ana aiimmt niiisj out of td. At 2
oV.rk ba got tip to loo mit of Uie
wtndiiw ami liatctifor the note of
bird, and at 4 o'clock b waa uo to
Haik at tua weather, and at 0 ha drvaa
ed and Went downstair to load bl
Daaf I Cntraaty.
'1 wish you wouldn't." pleaded Mm
Ilowscr. "Vou don't know anything
alamt snli hunting, ami you'll ba
'Stop right there!" Iiilernintwt Mr
Itowacr '1 go forth to hunt the anion
.m a . '
nna in num. li.itn,. nth . ,nH.i4ful
Nothing will hnpMn exi-ept that wall
nnveanlpa on toast for breakfast -faL
Juicy anlis."'
With that he waa off with the run
on his atmtilder and thn atunll boya
nim a nog iniiiing la-hlml. At tho cor
m-r his retinue left him, and he took
an electric car for the country He to get a Hue on anhw a mM,o
aa HHlhle, and ho he asked Infornja
tlon of the conductor. Tlie ponductor
replied thnt the anltw were an thtek
Jiiat lieyond tho tcrmliiua tlmt farmer
were killing thetn with i luba.
Mr. Ilowner clnukusl .. 1U olei,.,.
Mra. Jlowacr'a climfriji hen !..
d home with a wagon lond of blrda.
no ait orr bravely and lit Inat atmck
mnmh. Ho (.Miked wnrlly around him
for anliH.. but rcii! nft.T a inlimte
thnt a bird of brulna would b hidden
awity where the reed wcro thlckmt
im1 lilgli.Ht. Then, waa wat. In the
rnnrKh. There were n.i old root and
log to ehHiiiue. ,id ,hn hlnU,r
plowed hlM wny nlong , got , M
every ten feet. H,, h,ul flll! hi.
with water and torn hnlf the brkm off
Ilia hat before he irt through
tniirMli, and tho lilcc,-t thlnff h- k.A
w nriHl up wna a wmxlp,, ker. On tho
uriuer .id,, or tho ti.arah ha ram
'roH n fimner, and ba npproached
Mm to aay:
i'ln out aflnr anlrw. !. t
think I vo atruck the right apot Thoy
linng nrottnd th iniiinliei,, don't Mu.yr
'They dew," r-pllwl the fitfuier ..
he to nt hi h.i.
Yea. tlM g il,l.,. k...'
Wound tha maralus, nnd keep ,m OTrh
tu&y' '" lis
"But I don't aee any anmnd."
Rat urn to th Trait.
"1'hnt'a 'chiih.) ti.v. .
that marah ,., lb(( Wimt Th
Plonk 'em by th. million."
Mr JWr'a M ulutk,n
d to him atl)i WM
hrt .a he climbed the fenc.
wV,;n,ou,i,,,,,u,h -22'
Wy Into the largo mnh. II .h.
f4 through water Mrf uili aJrw
"I waa tkl that Invra wrra fhnty
thl mnmmm. ald Mr lUiwarr h.sjw
"MlllknB of 'era. but tley dn I allu
atay In tna plai-a. Try ltd utbef
nwruh "
Tber wa mtra walvr In thl iuarn.
al Mior otiatat'le, but Mr llowarr
pluugrsl In with a tool hert and look
ad usu n fall luto a dlt h or a tonl
Into the ree.1 a all In the day a work
After b had tuniblel along for an
hour without raising a bird art. I bad
(sni out 'on tha old farmer fur Iba
third tlma ha ).He.
"Sea bare. Manieil aid MM! I
am ls. k,ai-lnr
I drsiar. If you atu tr ratanesl Iba
Mier "Vby. yo nmt ba hMvV4i
walk In nerln I I hi wayT
Me. laiaaar La Ha Tapar.
"Van 'e a liar! I rain down bar
after anl c I don't twllava tber la
ana In tha st te!"
"I dunno. uulraa tbry'v all crawled
tut holler I. Hi b get out of Ih Wet."
ventured the farmer "Hill If you'll
kang on you It find Viu fl)ln' arouixl.
wallltt' la t plunked"
Tha rr which cueyrt Mr Uwer
from Iba till- grouud In town run
teyad a rruaa )!. buw legged Man
who l on a back and .(usdnl
poelry relating lo awamp ourlta and
ulp bunting Thrra war forty
vera, ami th end of vry Vara U ft
tb hunter lo a dll b or on hi n In
tha gras Mr llowaer Vownl ba
would hunt that rra ryeil man lo Ida
doom b. n h re. b hi own gal
ba saw Mr lluwarr and Mm lUiwaar
aaw him Mr kwarr rallnl out:
"Nothing for you thl rieulng! I
hav neither cold vMuala nar naunay
for your, n opened Iba gata and ad
"If )u ciina In bar I will rail
poll. en. an"' stirta-trd Mrw IW.Wsrr
Mmrol lUiwarr wa taken for a
tramp by hi oan wife!
BuugMban U""ld.
"last aprlng." said Mr I
"thai twit d-r helgtilr of our plant
ed Urge iitin!ie of awiwt rsru and
pea and tlir that ttoUsly has
anu all e "
' VrUit," replied ber bu.Ulid. '"IhiI
I'm lou busy a man lo follow up any
of litre 1 1 : als.ut burul lrur"
Waahlngb'tt Mar
'aWing II Canity.
"lUlloat Mil doati I belleva you
bar mdii to ask tua"
"You hav a tm-n mlitifrrosl I
haven't routa lo ask yoti anrlhlng "
"W hy, understand you"
"I carua m.-rvly Iium I nbbad lo
ba Orel o loll yon a bit . gi") Mews
I am g'rfug lo marry your daughter "
- Hbort Htorks
Ml 4
Thaogh T-. w... . .
A--u .. ...
A &W...I ..... '"
,...H.I., ,,
VMr; u,., Jj
1 " ' I ii,l y
- , ;
f..r Hr
what l,,
b a l'h,e 1 1 1 ,,
for a ,, k ,
cultural id.t..
lid loll. i...
Wolf. ait, . ii
a'U btu ..
lr ill tha left m.t
l""lt'sr t,.
tha a ik
ta il
. Ill ....I . .
It,.... "
I . I. .
"l. i so... '
am l
u .
'll t'll tluu, .
r-oiie .. , ,,, -
f coat. ...,
er lo (.. k,
II .
""" w
asti in. ii i IIC(
A Maamag ftamark,
"Isn't dUrwtliuf tba way aha
brag abtaul bar laatuty'T
"Why. I did tvA bear her aay word
about It"
"Iddn't aha any aha entered rn.wd
ed car tat avenlng and every man In
It Jumped up and offer! her blaaaatr
- Houston ',t
and right of
hours f..r us
bad lao bink:
me of tlu i.i I,
Plauaikl Sign,
, . . . . . . ...
i.iauje-jan u norrvi: Wben w
war out tonight a little bug Itew right
loin my niouth, and I asked him of
what that waa a sign,
Clytlw What did ha aay It meant)
ilady-That I abotild keep my
mouth abut-Judge.
Anticipating Har Naad.
'Marriage I a aertou buslnea. Ar
you pn;rtiig yourwdf lo be a giaxl
houaewifa, my dearr
'V ya, grandma! You ought lo
a th bourn gowna am having
ninder-Kansa tHy Jottmal.
Th Ind of Ih Ramanc.
"Tli 4a r a will dreary" mI4 ha,
"Whn you ar far aaav
Thuuati hlii atmva th aklea may ha,
v im iii7 stiii ii gray
My avnry thuuaht ba of ymi
I'ntll aaatn w. nin-t
II la an hr4 to any adlmi
Tiuiuah (MiHIng la a awset "
I'll think of ymj , h day." is 1.1 aha.
"And riraam ,r inn ..... .i.i..
And every thouatit th.t ,' ni
a you I II gladly writs
You've prnmlard thai each day you'll pan
A word of !.. ti. ma
And that will help t rh., nta wh.n
i n noura uing dienrtly."
Mill day by day no leltera ram.
Hlnca flirtlnn hem U t. s
For Im furgut tha umlden a name.
io ana miaiaia lila enrd
. . -iHitroll rrea Praaav
ol)el prlns ar new only In uma
Hcfodotua, thn father of hlatorv. waa
given th Nol-cl prit of hi day for
lltarttnro at the Olympic game mora
than 2,300 year ago,
A Knnana City man ha a invented a
contrivance to dry a wouian'g hair, but
tha only way to button Iter tip Km bnrk
b' t1cll hyaterlca combined with
more or leaa amnthcred profanity,
A well known hiedlcnl writer ana.
Jpfta thnt overy Hillceinan almiild also
he a health ofllcer, the
Idea being p,im tmt tho ,M,wnmrj
"hoitld be nutliorlr.Hl to nrr..t .tu.w..
on Right.
Modern children are tiiklmr a
never to bo nfrnld. esliislnllv In II,.
dark. Now. If hey rim only he got In
Uke another, pledging II to keen
thia pledge, the mutter will he dl-poaed
am uiy,
The f'hlcagoan whose ,,, wn, ,nl.
d.,n while h w.a trying t gMI u
r. r ll. teleph Hl,
Ittft to compliiio f, "
ii I l.n ttlttry
"es altk Ikaav f
!! It J
to lake i.iau am ,iln( tliaiJ
rnigtil alsli to nuke V!j
oo ni.-ii Mr m iti
tne lntriiti..iv i.f the nt os at U-i.t f4 tjjjai
uiti)r of lilt r i.l mi i,nk kstl
trained rrl ll -n . im, tht em
lo )ir I "1. ami ttotMaf aV
our hth aiil run Ihlng - I
.11. In I atari f -r it.. It Par h4i
of going th. re i., tW fi ta I
a..nli.. again
The !.) mar , af
r lsl.-r. Lot at M ftfajl
wiwrry i-r it
Mah.r Hi. I .) i. i.n. h nmJ
rrotit ,Nea .. sirtttf tat
l-en sii,g inm .( rn
gr.-ol pi.. si, ... . Into i
ills. 1ln.ili with I, rUrM
tha sMi..tb. e th.. ..Hi. r da;, iai
oliia led n.od, Ind i
I In r lies cnll-d It t lit a llaf Ta
made a grent shew ef tiling a I
ami Cnsll) t -A a sitek"!. ll
rcelllt tint the lulrftdel k
tnan tell fis t an i) iMitrfisI Ui
fisd Mr tnrtte, l iuMM
wa ba. king off Ihii la 4 The ad.tlr vluaaiatl
half a iloa.ii i lllt. iis, and at ft
wa Ihcir urr rotite(tl
the'a worlinamhli Ikal
to limp away tin isill, IU'
U ri wn prulli i' f evm kl
laat thing be nu ik b
lrel U to get . ut ..f I".
Two Week a t;o e uMkel
o the effect that IU"J M"J
W hile Haiin .il..n li.ul kera t
i.mI In I l.ili fir l.llltilt off
none. We but.- tixthlnal nTJnt
a a cllliu'ii. but role th Ilea,
wa I.. Is- true, lo Ml
of four line nl the Isitt.anrfl
timn on th I" l I''1!"' "r
Vlellwl the Kicker ol'l'e I
day ago and n letW
diM'ii nta to urovo I lira t a
error, lie was ncer In VUk
llf.. but inn ii'"
mils, he not into a tlgltl "I14 1
Id tig ral liiiili nnd ilieisl kl .
chewed very aoflly.
W b-g t f'"f
Wa wen. iml nt Hie "at
bv Mr r.doiii'1 I tll ! k
on I'.e lilse plm c hint M.nidaT
inthlii:' nf Itlf "rt '
i.. ti.i. ....... HI,,. ut niir sdrVv
.-i. .... n III Wilt
nssis.i.i.i e, .. j. on etl.iu. Hc The NJ
off her list In otd. r I" gl "
at.iih ami to proe Hml "M',"2
. . .,..11 uff
Willi IIOI s-.isiii, i " I . kJ
fill fund As n ""lt ' "W
waa aerved fr.uu a ,ll'l,ll,',,;VlI
klna were not corns Hy f.ikl-4.' J
rnbblt anlml wita iToiiulit
hud iicllhcr l. ttuic n.r
gled With It. TI.-. nffnlr
In, nr. ..nrlter I hull llsillil. Infl "T. i
alolo the ileit.ljohiis mid ! w
r,!r;..i, .i... ... nil in .iii. b,t'!
tcnlny nn oitlcr nrrlvtsl h""
..... I .U'llV III I" '
.11. iiiiiFi.ei .e 11 I
...... ... ....Il.....l,.llll.llt. WJ
iron lor cm. - ,n
... ... i ... I her W"1
aociniiy aniiiH'cii, 1M
..... i rien liiii,
lilted bv niitiirc bi li'!l ""W'J
cm ttiiiNt follow. W
Too ninny khI r ntl'"D,rJ
: TL. tkj
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ly grciiHe apot.
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