HH.L8B0R0 ARari. JASt ARY. i tin A Desperate Situation BY El'NkX. PLAtX M an r.ixttal uitsia on lb CM r iiuM t.,tii;itet far (ro ttj hit .- MU-iii.-nt I lie lie. Mr. Wattftn, l iu ami huiikTy kasV.in.il tavlak t.ili !' went to ttw uprlntet.uVBt. Mr. lUau. h.inU attnl Mid: -I liavv Ihvu latmaiiit in tbi tWUI i .iw fir twenty ar ik1 b .tr I . . ii nss,H latsl with iit but Chintrss) ..ins ttiat lime f only my o- i ot W.-nt. 1 must rlsu nd g ttt n ui.t Bold." Mr. UlaiuhanL uuwUliug to lots linlilt ail asxtst.tnt. Mid: "SiiiMwiut:. brother, a -ompokii t ui 1.1 In niveii yui- wife to labor x ith. you ami rlit you... Mr. Waterman thmiKbt Id that raw I'm lie .-oiild stand it awhile knfe. I it lie .IMii't know whore lb wife v is t. tvin friu. There wet oulj i ..irri.sl white women at th station. j .1 lie wi.til.l not marry a heathen Chi i k woman. Mr. r.l.iticti.ird tld bim lat there were women without bus 1 mil in eivi'lW Liml who mUht be i ..luo-d to .vine out a ixl marry a clef- i ; man. .V few month, after this conTers t mi tlie KcT. Mr. 'Sonthsate, twenty l to year old and a baohekir, wu iihliut' on tli d.H-k belonging to the : :atin Hwaitini: the coming f ship t.iut ar:nvtl t the eastward. II uu ho homesick that anything coming fioiii a Christian land interested him, i iid his object in being on the dock Mas to see a ship that had come from ttie hind lie ktvetl. .Vhen the ship was docked and the ':inunlank In position the only woman who wine down It was not only white, l.i.t comely. She mvnied much cast 'own. Mr. Sonthirite approached her, i.ils.sl hl hat and asked if he could tio nnything for her. "I have some business with the R, Mr. Waterman." she mM. "but I dont wish to co directly to his house. Can yon direct me to a place where I can I.xlce t-niMniriiy T' "I-et me take that hag,' was the re ply, -and the other things. I will think f some place for you while we sre walking to Hie station. There Is not iin li iu the way of accommodation here. How long will you need a lodg ing placer "That I can't say. Do you know Mr. Waterman?" "Uti, yes. very well." "What kind of a person Is her "A very excellent man Indeed." "Is he pxi looking?" "Oh. no. Mr. Waterman Is not good looking." "How old is her "IMween forty-live and fifty." Tight or darkT" "Neither. He Una red hair and many freckles." Tl'e young woman stopped. Mr. Soiitiigate looked nt her inguirlngly, "I'm going back on the ship," she i aid. "lioing hack on the ship?' "Yes"- sobbing"! came out here to marry Mr. Waterman, not knowing anything about him. r'rntn what you wiy ho must lie frightful. There was a long silence, during which the young woman wept "You are sure you wouldn't marry Mr. Waterman" "Yes. I inn. I'll Jump in the sea first. I have nothing to go hack to and am d.-Kpenile. IVrhniw the best thing can do is to drowu myself." "till. dear, no! You needn't do that Would you Lie contetted to remain here sis the wife of a man about my age?" "I'crhnps." was the Indefinite reply. "1 wouldn't mind helping you out that is. if you would crujlt me." There was no reply to this, but the M1 were lesa frequent "If you're going to Like roe," con tinned Mr. Soiitiigate, "it might be legs embarrassing fur yon to marry me be fore you see Mr. Waterman." "Perhaps it would," " Itut there must lie some reason giv- en. It must be reported as a mistake. "You might tell me you are Mr. Wa termini." "That would le untrue." "I have never told a lie, but I hae never lieeii placed In such a position before. I will say that I forgot the tmine; that I thought It was South' Kite." "There comes Waterman, now." "Oh. heavens!" "Jrt us turn down this walk." . The sight of Mr. Waterman struck tin; poor girl with terror. She clung to licr escort und trembled. They met a young clergyniiin, and Houtbgate H.ild to liliu: "Marliury. got anything to do Just now T "Nothing particular." "f!o lo tin; flmiiel; I wish you to d something very particular." Murlmrv consented and In a few minutes was joined by the couple. "Many us," said Southgate. "Marry you!" "Yes. This young ludy came out l.ere on a venture to nmrry old Water- man. I'm her only hope." J lie iniirriage ceremony was per firmed ami the two were made one. Vlien It was over Southgate said to Marbury: "Ho to Iilunchard and tell htm.' !et hliu to fix it up with Water loo ii. (hat's a good fellow." "I'll do It. Are there any more like yu coming?" he nsked the bride. She smiled nnd said, "No, I hope not foe your sakes." Mr. Plain-hard fixed the matter by Kf'ridlng Mr. Waterman to civilization to find ii wlfis for himself. 'Tis lnv that makes the world bo round. As has been said before; 'TIs lovo thnt causes wheels to turn; 'Tis lovo that urge men to earn The bread they need and more; TIs love that brings the teardrop to The sighing mnlilen's lash; Lovo lures the cornstalk from the ground! 'TIs love that makes the world go round Hut mostly lovo of cash. Chicago Record-HeraJd. Patience He spenks go quick ons can lui nllu uudcrHtiind him. Piitrlie-oh. I don't know. It took hltn four years to propose to me Yuukeia BUlesuittlL. TMAfU BE ABOUT ALL nOWkte How h lla with rH, t uiha la item rrof. How tar tra a kty 0 That M 'inM lWJ tHH. Tw k taaKha and (ham to gla. How fc aaskwt choka wHh Kr Waaw ura OMMa fcaU AiJ aha Khlauara. "H a a)f " jU La HarmVL How M arohia aa in Hoa ha ra.aa anJ aa.! f Hw ha aiutcra la himaatt Aaful l.Uml.w lltatra. Ha) hla min.1 la lull of hiM And hla hrala la la a ahm. Whan lit nuraa conwa lo hla aala And aha athlaiwrm. "It's a girl " - Im AngvlM Ktpraaft Hew ha clulchaa at lha a alt Hoa h i t a hraath, H.w ha rrrta. as it lo fll And hia faca lurna alula aa Jvalh. Hew ha grxani in ha Jviwiir. And tha aura adt.stly anna Aa aha marts him on lha alalr And annouiH-a ' Th ara twin" -t toula lt tHailch. tt.w ha stand In hlank amaaa. M!laa. h.Hh1 i d-tfaah; Turns to haij hia canl ga. Hat ao rs' tram a thuughl; ( Hoar his rwt ao powon la. h. Ha s all In an,t lo tha had. And ha drop dad In his tracks bra tha num says. -TripU. dad. Nrbraska Stat Journal. How ha oprn "U b moulh. How hla a il.l scrMnis nil tl nighl. How ha runhaa north and suuta. Fit tot niurdrr. arson, fight; How h hurhlaa In Ins ain. How h rajiva. ern-a tor t m. Vlwn lh d.K-l.w counts asala. T huiwrlng lo him. "Thar ars four." -Nfar Vork Hua. Fatal tacagnitian. Th mlnbtter'a wife was btttdlT ea- gaged one afteruoou mending the fam ily clothes when a neighbor calks) for a friendly chat After a few moments of news and gossip the caller remark ed, as an begau to luspevt a Usket of button: "You seem to be uuusually well sup- nlied with buttons of all kinds. Why, there's one like my biisbttud bad on his last winter's suit." "Indeed" said the minister's wtfs with .ii,h "Wull nil the buttons were found In the contribution tot and 1 thought I might as well make some use of them. Wbat-uiust you goj Well, goodby. t'oiue agaiu aoon." rhlladelpbia Ledger. An Auspicious Beginning. The young man edged himself ditB- deutlr into the presence of the old man. "What can 1 do for you, sirT asked the elder. "I shall come directly to the point.' said the younger. "I wish to marry your dauchter." This was the old gentleman's rue to get oat bis handkerchief, and lie did It "Alas!" he wept, "bow shall I evel spare her? Her mother Is dead, and she Is all I bare left. And I am an old man not long for this world." "You Interest me strangely," put In the suitor cheerfully. "What other recom mends t Ions has she?" ClcVel.iud Plain Dealer. A Terrible Slight "Why did the great pianist refuse to playr "Temperament He got mad because bis name was printed in smaller type on the program than the name of the piano on which he was to perform." Chicago Record-Herald. Easy Up ta a Carta in Point "How did the votes for women Idea get on In your village!" "Very well, until it came to the vot ing. After the campaign was over so many were not on speaking terms that no one would go to the polls for fear of being gnubbed." Washington Star. A Ballroom. Old Timer Is your married life one sweet song? Newly Wed Well, since our baby's been born It's more like on opera, full of grand marches with loud calls for the author every night.-1'hlladelpbla Ledger. Unfeeling Wretch! Mrs. Scrappington You amounted to anything until I nerer married you. If I were suddenly taken .i . .i i t .. -i away n uere wouuj juii inrj Mr. 8crapplngton-At the funeral, If ..t ....... A.. 7 .. . ',!.-. aoorr euuugu w go. imiuhbh Times. City Insinuation. Boarding House Mistress Mr. Dig Inn. do you know what butter costs now? Hearty Eater No, ma'am, but I'll Inquire If you'd like to buy gomel New York Globe. Sure Thing. "There Is one crusade which the young people at least will always set their faces against." "What's thatr "The autl-klnalng reform." Baltlmora American. Lots of men are slaves to their mon ey, but then the world Is full of eman cipators. Strangely enough, none of the op pressed has suggested government ownership of hens. Very few quarrels or misunderstand ings are fixed up satisfactorily by means of a revolver. Take care of the pennies, and as for tha dollars-well, some kind friend will car if tbea fur you. Tb; mtM bo can say "Vea' and "N-r nt Lb rtht time baa tha) great ri rwoiiiMial of lauuga lws .fthlng worth while caa be a.wmpltkaW l twelve saontba by a truly r;pvaaia cooiiiiuuHy. A new dnt a new aiacbiiH. a aww serum may any day radically affect tb cours of axn-ial erolulhisv A l"hh-ago bypan4fc4 has evened a actkatl ftr tvk agents. Most of 'eat ara ot gradual la that art A Minnesota college offers a court In sausage tusking The atudeuU will ivrlaiuly have a tunc grind ahead of them. It IS said thee U about iriTXVOisV lUi ia lite .M-ld And !. lr cent t'f the luhabllaula coutrol the last all nirurva The I'leveUnd physician ho ran titer a holdup wan has dbavverea a new and protuialug use for the auto, mobile. The bapplcHt wife la not always the one who marries the ts-st moo. but the oue who makes I be beat of lb luau a lie marries. It does sound In-lteT to say that we act-tiited the Kltlou than to aay we nearly ran our laga off aud told forty Ilea to gel it The iiuluckkcst man Is the one who the day after he has puid a tat ou hla tucouie tiiuls wot that the cashier has rnu away w itb It. The times when a farmer's personal knowledge of tlnum-e was limited to a very faulty Judgment nt gold brk'ks are nay Ixt.k Iu the pat The tieuuan crowu prince Is said to 4eud much of his leisure times mak lug fiinilimv. At last we kuow what Is meant by a roy al go.) time. Dr. Wllry says Eve was created tie fore Aibtm. The good doctor la evi dently the oue who can tell us wheth er the egg or the lieu came first When a man tells a woman of forty that she apia-ars lo be growing young er all the time she Is likely to gueaa that she has met a cheerful liar. Lord Roaelary says Kngland ought to have fs'MH") more babies than she has. Can't the suffragettes lie per soailed to do something about It? A M.Mirish woman Is not supposed to know her own age. which Indicates that the proverb beginning "Where lg nornnce Is bliss" hits been translated. The New York gun men who assassi nated Rosenthal now make the plea that I her were "lust bad boys." "Had'' Is' rather strong. Woiildu't "naughty be better? Ad exchange says that there are no less than nineteen "Raid mountains' in the lilted States. When a moun tain begins to shed its hair there's no enre for It. The Coat All kindly humor makes s hit With mn nt ane:. But f. w of us care much for wit At our eipvnse -Eichsnga. Playing by System. "They teach the children to play by n e in' " "Yes; s kid has to have a cookbook In make a mud (!.' IxjiiIhv It le Cou rier Journal. Bacon-What's become of that young aian ty(ewrlter you had? Egliert Ub. he's gone away for awhile. "Not discharged r "No; I've sent him to the house of correction for a time." Youkers Rtatesniun. Son, this is fnrt I m telling you. You'll flml It s good advice: If you mui-t Ki t a rkale on, you Will never cut much Ice. Cincinnati Enquirer. Craw ford -There's no doubt, the wise thing is to practice economy. Cralmhaw-Rut this is au extrava gant age, and we seem to be out of practice. Judge. A silent place this world will be. We'll peuk but once a week. If at some time we all agree To think tK'for we ipesk. - Eichange. "You said you would make papa come to terms." "I did. and they were the vllet any one ever upplleil to me."-Loudon Mall Should you n 1 1 it I n to knowledge great A certain molness will Ix full; You can't any one to wall And listen while you tell It all. Washington Star. Mrs. Newgold-Oenevlere, Alhertlne, you are not playing that duet together, One of you Is a bur ahead of the other. Genevieve (proudly) Well, I wag the one ahead, anyway! Puck. When you count up the worries that enter some lives I not stop Till you add In the husbands who go with their wives , When they shop. Cleveland llaln Dealer. "Are you familiar with the Mexican situation?" "Only up to 8 o'clock this morning." -Detroit Free Press. "Let us fly," said the ardent lover bold To his fairest fascinator, Not that he feared her father's wrath, but that ha was sn aviator. Baltimore American. "Time works wonders," quoted the sage. "That's because It Is always on the job," returned the fool.-ClncInnati Kn- i rjulrer. Artronomers snd golfers ara Alike, so It appears At any rate both meditate The motion of the spheres. Mail Francisco Chronicle. stared at lha W . ' Hxsn Oragu. aa end fla-a ''1 U A. MN. r.lltoe 4Hillt OtlK'l.ll t'l'vl ailacci4iM): . ir k; laaaie) (Caeti 1'hara.lat -h - IrftNt) a M.hlNXI- Senator Hit. II t'liaml-. rl.iiu h numHHlo.1 in r.ttinv: bis Alaskan raitrvnil lu'l lliMucfi tlic St'nato, an.i that it !' t"'j house in a short ti n., is c-noral Ijf COIHVvlotl. l(lt lull is 111. ! I fonous in all rsHvtsan.l ht. r may Ih a.l.ltni to nnlv in i t.nl. , The moasurt' r.v. ivt' I .1 i mul, Strong siiKrt. lie St'iiatm- lias 1 aidt-U rortlun.l. ami tr. ...n. in Retting the bill thiiii. If Portland's wlmlisalc im ii i!l now gt't tusy tluy will lt aMc to pick up the trailf tlu-v have lost in Alaska tin- pa-t lil'tccn years. Now is tii. !.- 1,. .irtv-.it moment. Seuttie ami lac. una hustletl for tratle while rortlamr.h-elaretl forfeit in oinmit eoiitt. It rvmaim .l for an tre j Slept. It reinaine.1 lor an gon man to initiate an Alaskan henelit that has long heeii a ne cessity. A last an husiness nun will not lie slow in reei.gt.i.'.ing this, and it remains with t Iu linsini men of I Itvcon's .I,;,.! uismess m, n of O- kon s In-1 iun. u snotn.i mem mum of traik with Oregon, for the Alaska of the future is not the Alaskaof today. Senator Cham- herlain apHars to have some in fluence lutck in Washinirton. C a fact which his friends have known for some tune, his political enemies . , I I'ol have .are - fully evaded. It is now hU'h time for the Portland dailies to, start a campaign to minimi.-e the measure correctly narrow, petty, and torial tHilicy. ilepieting a partisan el Gov. West says he wi!! not run for governor, and assures thi nv..e Kij..un cl.Tonlor.. II,. " are many men opposed to him,' however, who say that he would be a hard man to he-it with nil .passed awav. was circulated on uc a naru man, in in ai. wiuiail the opposition centered against11 h,l,,',f' h' r'"' M' ,1,il' s r- him. West STlV'S he WailtS to re- I ... . ..i... .1 .i I tire-l ut may take a il.ng . tl,,.; campaign, .f only p. justify hisj administratioi). , Will Durety and w ife were in from North Tl aius, this ttiorninu'. F. L Drown, supervisor iu the Laurel section, was iu the city this morning. .Mrs. J. Ii. McClarkin, of Lau rel, visited relatives and fri -nds in Portland, this week. W. Mahon. of the Shute Sav ings, returned last evening, from a trip to Clatskanio. W. H, Forney, who has read the Argus ever since h" struck the Oregon country, was in town yesterday. . Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller are in the city, guests at the homes of T. K. Morgan and T. Iv Cor nelius. Herman Krause and Miss Ha zel Ullom, of SherwiMiil. were granted license to wel hy Cli-rk Luce, yesterday. Chief Dlaser this morning ar rested a man who has been mak ing the rounds of the houses, begging for money. J. B. Imlay, who has handled grain in the Ueedville warehouse for many years, was up to the city, today, registering. The Missionary Society of the Cong, church will meet at tin home of Mrs. M. M Pitlenger, Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 4. I. K. Shute and Ceo. Payne departed Tuesday for a trip to Los Angeles and Long Peach, Cal. They will be absent several weeks. Henry .1. Powell, of Airlie, Polk County, and Mrs. Marie Fisher, of Hillsboro, were united in marriage, in this city, this week. They will live at Airlie. C. T. Young and family leave for Gateway, Mont, where Mr. Young will look after business interests. They h'ave made many friends during their residence in Hillsboro. The Supreme Court has not yet decided the liquor case con cerning Hillsboro, but it is confi dently expected that a decision will be handed down about next Tuesday morning. The Commercial Club met Monday evening, and elected tin; following as a board of gover nors: John M. Wall, W. Mahon, Dr. Erwin, J. II, (Jarrett, Father Lappen, Willis Ireland and Writ Nelson. The chair appointed the following committed to investi gate the market day proposition, advocated by Mr. Sehomburg: J, M. Wall, J. W. Connell and .1. W. Bailey. The new board will probably meet this evening, an elect a president and Becretary. Peoples Theatre To morrxiw ami S;tunlav FIKKS OK 1IATK " A h itur.' Unit has the Urg. st Kire S. ne ever hhn hi the Screen, t'uniintr Moinlay unl Tiifslav " Unto Tl.f Th'trtl Csrnrraition with Florence jtrfiue N atlvatue i u vs. ,1 st itcmcnt of hi vciirt.n.iisines,i'.l for their homo in lillam.s.k. with the Stale Came t mtmii- . stt r.lav. after u month vwil sum for l.H:t. ami Ihev t.-ll him with f. I'.ias.-r ami wife A- a that he has a ire.ht of $ I .V, result Cran.lim IHa-u-r U .lis.-.m-cnntit; to him, in over pavmcnt. isolate hauiik! no a'Mii.lehll.l " This over ii.tvn.ent eanie in through pettv small iharM s that th. elerk was enlltl.tl to reeeive. I his statement i out of the or dinary, as the hoard generally wants more than is sent. I. M. honahtie. whose huil was last week, arrived here from l.a t'lne. Kastern tiregon. luestiay. ami his trial has Urn ret for rfli. I'S. Umahtie insists that he did not know the date he should have Uen in rourt. and that he was far in the interior, IS Call IhiiuI w ill pronaiuy iTt- u BtMlll!h no action has as His hail IhiiuI will nrohahly he re- , , . " , . . . ... t Andrew Story died at the fam ily home, tiaston. Jan. 'JS, I'Jll. iik'e.l over TO yeurs. lie was; Uirn in Canada, and tame to Washington County aUitit W years ago. ivsiding at Cornelius. .1. I,'.,.. l.tt..t (IW.C. 1 1IHU ill iuii-v III.'.., Itin t.iCaston. A wife, four sons 1 ,lni tw0 ,;U..titers survive. The ' t. moral takes place tomorrow at 'he Almoran Hill cemetery. n,,, iillsU.ro Hramatie Kra teruitv will present the "Man of the Hour." in the tint distant future. Their lines are xM-ctfd h. r- any d iv. and when they arm e the cast will get down to study. Ilillshoro has some good theatrical talent, und the fratern- it V always gets a glHld hearing. The report that Hon. W. H II Mvers. of Forest t 'trove, hud, Ml.it Ulill oltt,l 111 I ll. II ll illU ,. i;.:,. la " iliso oi, lull i io h i I, an. I tl.r tl ,Uceund Ih puty ..- i ......a,..,,.. Kur;Uli li:iv,. ,, r,gi,,,r.;-':,::;.:.r!:o.:..;;:.,T,rr vtt rs, ail Uu xw of last r " all having he. n ih-tiareil null i,..,,,,.! i,r . ,..,,, ami Void I.y Hie Mlpreme t tiurt. "iluw l. ..iir Sli.ik.'niirinii .lull Coll In;! mi?" ,"S.lcii.l.lly V Ht.'l'l l.i-t w.-. li " I It-amd two uew .ife. Il - k'o ot Ii,. rliui.-h unawl A'. I ii.ttn.-,! Ihry t,ii) ,,ut Am. I v.:- H h. il I. is I,. ,n aai,. 1 ti- m-. Is no .If MiUl I'lKB .1,1. k My nioiliiT iiili 'l for this c.tit lill My in.-! h.r tin a i hiirj-c i .Mini Mo- m-ii-r iiiys fur nuythliiK - '..Hii r k H.-rlly I i-. u , . n ri.m iiitnol Mni-li-r, W I, h -hi,, luril p,ln rl-lnr II. . II. l .,n I,, ,mit. :. I ,1 .1. ... I,.., ti.oun An.l .1.11. il I ... I it .l-mil l,r-,.fl hrr S...li.iii. HtM.k,..r.in lCvlw "I r lh.it i. Hi- of the l;oll.- SHVS I'lOiiiiM i iii i. r oni;lit lotiKirry." "I Mi.io-... kin. Is iniiirli-l or iIih-kii'I Kiioit a (."'iil'is uho wuiilil l.o likely to ek her iiii.iljow" rhli iiKo It.-, onl II, i. ,1.1 i . ..i.in i K, i .iitia: n it l. ,,i t thv a live llMIM.ill l,f .1,11, 1'iit Itin.llv ,r'ivil..iira, fnmi pso- J.I.- W tl., i-Hpl.tlM - Itll.-is Nrai 'I'ltotoy Pupil. II river la fe.1 hy 'm ill - in-mi-.. n't II? t " l - e-.. my Hon. 'I' niiiin 'I lien I h',iihi. that H whitt i iu niontli Muter l n lniiiK-e II I l'r,o.v. (,lv wy, Iioii.k , ml. Iliil. I nil M.- riin- iiihI (.ivi- Hhui shoulil rail A I, mil i.a h,Hi - JilIks "Vihi l.i ,1 ,. very iiiiosi-i , ,. " "Well, lleill.-:," toll. ' iii;i . I 1 m " fiHill-h W hen yon reillci Mr. Meck WiiiIiIiikIoii Hliif. t.tne t.uii- , In, v.- ii r.irnll y Kliot, A ml ,,l!i.. ,n,. llm, 'tin fiii- tin. .,it,.r Ml n nil, A nti.nl,. ,,, Irt,, II,,. In.nl ,,f ( Kinimis l ily Jouriml, "Vmi nm't h, lilelit." IiiiIin lii Unit ii run- " 111 ImlV" "I'.eeinise It h over hull) fiicta.' P;tlM le Alnerli nil A tti-inlni nhn wnra n rnik limb Wi.,!.. . ,;, ,,.,, ,lh, Mlll mM (i( (lh "I wiii- h ue I,, liiiiKh W'lii-n I l,,k , Pot, f ,oi.-. ., lh,, tent on,,, K'h Bllmb." - ' in. Iiitiiill I'liHiuirnr. l:ilie I ilo ,. (lrm.M W )( I'lmeiileiilly. "Isi i :t Why V With 11 will ((. thoroughly ' s'u vIvm her cooklhK iukI I'l'Uio iilnyliiK. - NVvv Viirk Clol.c. Tin. law r.,i,,H tte. Ami . r , hiM.. -tin huIiI. V.'liv t r- iii.ii i Km-,. ii,,.,, ,(,., II e.ini.-H iiiuler Ihut lien, I. - HI. Louis I'liHl-Wlnpiitch, P.lx MomI of IIiiikc ,i ctilleil HlKrets, tl '-.v kiiv. tin. only ImiHehiilr. liX - VlHt. ",lle..l'l I- . .. . ie iiiunn'. iiohIoh Truimcriiit P 4 a' Wu. e KvereMt ami isileilepirri. tlainlle on Iiih knee. mum: io i wpwi.irs N.itue is hiTeliy given ihat the I'tlJ ta roll for Washington l'ounty. Oregon, will ! pen for , the eolletiion ami paymetil ol l ives .... Momlav rei.r.iarv r.n I. ,o reoaiewiu i" ii"u. All tas are due and paviihle 'U fore the 1st day of April. I'.U t. Half pawncnts ran oe made ! fore the 1st day of April. VM I. hut a jn'tialty f I -r rent. K-r month w ill W rharge .n remain motuiiwiii ....-" .ig half pavm.-nt to paid prior to SeldeillU-r 1st. I'.Ht Where no i.a metit it made In-fore Ihe lt day -f April. It'll, the tax Imv.mucs delimpient and a p'nal tv of I nt cent er iiit.nl h is charged Irom that date to prior to SeptciiiU-r I. l'.ll. After Scplemher 1. l'.ill. a i-s-nalty of pi per cent, and interest at the rate ..f L' ier cent. -r .ur will U charged on all ilelimpieui taxes. I' I!. Sappingtun. Countv Treasurer and lax Col lector of Washington t'ountv, Oregon, Administrator i Sale nl teal l'rcft V.lee l.i.l. tl.O tt ui.lrr s,giia.l, tl.r ,l..ly ail-lnl..!, ., nii." - .lulr.l, ,,iaiihiat an.l .tan- of --ii. ,,, ,., , ,,., , it.ir m i,i it. 4tr i t.li, 4.1.1 sni-H . iw,i :j . i h i m i ..u.ii iwi..! ih hui l ....- w..,... .., ., I.I II,. it f.o ll.a .Uv ,.l fc ..... O.I I u II ...... I ai lo llm hitrhaal li.i.l,.tl.i t.4 lot. ii-tn.siirr .ir- t.i--.i is..a i tn. i.i.i , t llln. ail. I llile-4 1,1. I. H.fall Joir Hii I al at llir lima of hmt .tnatl, I., ali-1 It, 11,, I illoa n n iImi til.nl f.sl f.H lyo.K l-liiaT so I sit'iatr in 11 sioniri..ti i "iintr, nrr .o. all. I .riu loailf .Ina. ll. a. I . I.I Bil ln,K all I ,. U . ( Hi. M In,.- . f lit. I ..rlio. 1 1 . I -I l.,.. ril.r.l in e. . k h ek. ii i,..i i ...,i, ii I.1. Ir. ..f.l. ..I ,.,,. ,f -,0. l.l. '".ll.l I ! Hi. I,, i lr U.lOliK At a..,r At , t! U '-fitrr .,f It -I. .1 : I', J IV 1 VI. I. Il, Ul. i-.mf , W r.l, . I. .Illrl.l ...Mi. I ..( II,, till. .1 ii. 11.11 I- '" S.. I' W a. ho,, i.. mi, I, nt, ti.'ll. II. "II. f ell li-rt I..,),),, I,,,,- t, ,1,- "I lulu W I : .I,. , H.. H I., r ..f ll,, vt ... ill. ,. , it,, i iiii" ..i-.iin ito- x tin. ..( r.,,,,. s a, I'll lull, I, Is."'. I, I., , I, t, ,t l"l"-. II"-!. ' ... Ho' I I, ti. ,. caitl lt. I N i ,1, , ,, w , . , h I.. It..- M U . .,ri.. t .,1 . . .. u ,, ,, t ,...., i,, i-,.,,, , i, N lli.f ..f it I. l ,,. it., t ii,, ,,, ,. i..n ii..- h in,. ,,r i. ,M, 'i U.K. I It -i ' . . I,. I,. ..i.l.r ..r .,,io,i, ,.,, ii,.,,,,. ,, " ' ".. n i .. k i ... inn. i. i I .,' lis. li...- .,t lea., I., .l..f,r ,. Ho- ii,,,. ,.r nut ,, ,, ,, , ,,( '"ol t i.l-.l in !... K .,,-,. .-ii in. i i ...a, ii ,,,lK ,, ,,,,,,,, r ,1,,1, fur W i -lill.,: I..H i '..iinl, i ,,, K .. il,,,,,, ''" ""Ll lllo- H il .I.- tin tt, I'll Ii. I., n nt,,llr ni H,, ii.,, , ii. .ii t.r -.i.i in,, am, i, j,,,,. ,,, ,, w V i .i,n...i, t k" ,,,. irn,i ii,,,,,, nl..t. lh,- S In,. ,.f ,,,,! it, ; ! in in in W ; i: , I,,- i n Ilo lo .- H ,! ,. ;i , Vl . '. i l,. In a . ii. . il, i t,, , n i, ,,. - ,((tn 1 '-' ' h ! it si.., ,, s , f Hi- W V I. .1,1. '..ii lii , ,, ,,, , ,,,, r N. ' a. u it, in i -t il , i,, ,,, B sloiie ill ll. w . ..i... r ll.. itr lli.loi. I . t , K III- S In,, ,,f lh,. I a I.. hilt... ii 11 .1 ,i. t. ,, , w 1,1, , hit '" " Ho- I'lWii.lo,. lit,,, , , '" " .1'. I' W '", " I'll" of l.-KlllhlltK . ..nltilnliiii ! , I'l.l- in V I ... siil.inltiml to t,n iiiulrt 'llfiiwl at his reahlrnt-n nlioiit one unit, hioil of Osstoii, llr.Koll, or lit Thus 11 '"il0iejr.,tlii..wuii. i, Miil.lHtro, lni(..ii Mi,l nsle , ,,,p s,.P, i ,,, ,,,, . liriiinlion l,y H, r,,h,r ,,rl nir lta of llr,.Ki, hti Wii.hi.K,,i, r,,i. '"''' ''"" '- " M II I l.l AtiMiit.inirni.tr .,f iht. minin of H.irith litne Mill, ilii.-en-.ril Tlim. II, Tiiiik-oii Jr., A I lot ni, y fr Ai. i.ilt.lHrntnr. HI MIIONl. Ill loll. Hi" I'lnnll '.i, nt ,,f II. e HI, lie of Mliuil 'iiilio-M. lihoioirr L, n hen- .niif .tninrn, .1. r. i..l mi '" l ,,r" iiilio-s. Hit. nhi.Vf loiine.l id ti ll. htm In Ho. mime or Hie Hii.i,. ,,r in,.,, yon nr.. h.-r.-l.y r. ,,,,,, i,,,.r , """"'r 'ollllililllll flint l.'illllll I '". Ill lilt. Ill, me , eilllBt, ,,,, (,r h.-f.tre HI, Wl I in nil mill Iih Ft ..hi nil. I nrier Hie ii,,. flt.,1 i.iIiI.iiI,.ii in ii. in n. iiiiiii.iioi tii-atl: l-'rliliiv. the lllli iluy of Miinh I'M I, ninl if . full lo fllllM-lir llllll I.I.MU..M tl... i' ntirr r.ir ,,i ,i.,-eof, ni iy 0 llie ..hove e, ,t, II,, I ,.,, fnr ,,, 1 f .le.,.,e, In her e,llnl till file "iIh iiiill, lo ll: F,- , f ..." ...., .IIMHOIVIIIK the I, ! ....,,,, now exlrllnu li.liv eeliaa IIS lieiiiiliir, Minnie In Itx.M, nml i, ,. lK lo II,.. (ilMimirr, M, ,,!,. ,,, ,,lP , . ..noHir linn fi,i r,, ,,f (, ,! nr i iiniiniirr nml .i.-f, i, limit, to an. Mitr.-us ilHlnen, hoy, nUe, ,, nhool H y.,,lrHi ,, flf m(( ti ni l her relief s lo t , , llln, una nil imiiniii. nml tin priiyeil for In lilMliHlff's .on,,,!,,!,,, y r"r I lit" "Minim.nn Is serve, I v hy v."r""f ,h" ""'" ArKl,M, n Weekly lie w K, r f eenenil ' r " 'omiHiiiiirH miii jbell. JuUkhu, th-K-LWlortJa; iii, atr'MT II Hilt ll i ll.u II.... ii'wvAit iiovV7r ir...i... ..i inir.. nrf MUS. CHAS i;UlN, SleiU pat.fi,!, frIni,.,, HII-I4IM. Wl I1-! o e.ia Whrn you lirr n Mtsrhrt. iUm, IlilUhuro I I nin Itlllk. 1. 1 I t . ww .1 I e i.ui sin..,!. . ' ' " . ..ilia, i . 1 1( ii i, . l at the stitir ,, t ,tt oi ar tut ...... ' - III. .1 I II al K...,x . i, ,h,t .. N.iu.ti.rt ar J s luksiv;,, . l.r. oh ..,,i. l.l. HI Irs I,, , Kust.iilrt.l S.'thehl,,,,,!, it t. .!.l..l. J h ,,g l!i. ..I M.,.- .t k ,. Tifci.x I limir Main 1 1 ll lia,u.t. (live .Mr Hie Job! rl.l. t,f ii.s..n t 11 t ibiiu I ti ,,, .'.. .1.1. I ii,. 111 . It I. Iu. t,t.i,, - i -l.l as aaa l.i f JMw, ' ""t t-t aks ii. iu.1,,9 ssal I. If ,1. I Km it.H r..i ii .ii.i t.t., ll.l.' . f fllal , , , lilt I'll.- .1 n.-i I ' I'll ' ''' " Issssru sttaa, kU, St MMuNS t. H. r. I , . it 1 1 t ., ... ,, , , lot H S'ltl ls.H I . to. I,, II. II. ! ll.!.,., -ii,rt uisalonaa Usty Jst.a UM.'io Ki.iwli,t I" a") Una IU.a st slats Mas) tllrtt.lal.t lo l.r i .it.-. .( the Mais ,4 Orvaj faj .i Itrtrl-v ...oifl t.t at n i saaat I, e, it 'Ui,.i iiti tf ,,a4 a ia s ti.,1 1 rli.iti.-l tttil a,!.. I. auss at af s . Il,c IK, ,af ,.( t.l, I,,,,, paj lata iMlig allrl ll,t , ,,,, stkas t It Itjut, ll, ,,, "il.tralaaa) at ua M.ti.itiitu t.,i ti ) .,, U, i i,, aiajaai aa .ttaaet I-.. a .lit lltrir. llMpnttsult . fi I.i in. i' mi , aiaaajtai lit. Ii).ls of ittatiott ...y tt.,a alsbaj -aowiOTt. i'. .titnt s'i I .1. i,,.l,,t uiia oat h fu.i.tr r l-liel i.i lh l uarl as) ; III tor.,! litis .1,111 .11, ft t. e.l.i.t.c taaa-st las !.. .t i...rt t,. airs.O. tits Hllltsss Iff-.i., l y o. 1. 1 ..I ll .l, l H kMtaw t..t ttt tttat , t.uttll I t..,tt ,11 V. Slllajlis j tioi.l., Hir-..ii, in ll.n ilaaai at lat , lrt-t.it Jinlfv lion. VI .tl,ii,.tiia lasstt ttt.l ssi.l ui-lr is -Is r.l lita He. 4tf Ui.ti.i t , IU t I Its .sir.. I tl.s l.'.l ...l . tin kaai t I a i . 1 1 a r t s. I'OI sn.l Ilia itsit si at is tl o.li.raittii t.r.,1 ,t rLiuatf H l'. I K I. ,rs, .ilui.iitv I'.aislit t A lilt. I Itl lll , I'.tlllsii.l tlrtf,. si tt mix In tltr l it. l.l. a '..ti t t I h HUUt! ,tt .l f -i nail!., !'. l'tinlt V I II. 11.11. I Ult l I l;l ll.rlt H.lt.1 ii.nl.ti.il si..! ail. i.ltu.i.Bs. Iw" VI llkr. frtrt I lia.l .lll 1 11 t t M I -tl 11 .. H.lk.l Ui Jt t . I i I ih ll.K.II it 11 t, '.I it' l H-.I I ft I I i I t ' t..t Ir tj n I t "I , , l-t It I H. I, . IU rk - ,. t.l., t.l nti.-a tl... in I I ,,. 1-1 1 .1 1, t,t Oil . t I Mtit v . l fc S SI"" ... hf ,an (lila-M .1 in t l ' , I I UMylSItt "' l" I 1 1 tl. a. Ill, .1 .1. ft ll'l ml ll, I lil..'ll, I II I 11 t'itlliiltl. I ,1,11, II , M.ri.ll ll.tt I M II..IS lir... ri- l.l.a I.,, in tt.tks Jl.-I , ,,.ti lira ti.tk ti.... ii. . I v tilr hi tnlrirl in 11 t-u I il.i-.l In I lir . i'"i .Hum and r il nJ k'JsH . . J iew Ulwll , I III I ls. i i.O.K I I lie pp"V ,,i,l. IM ll t .nr. I .1. f I n.litnl a III ll.tt liamr of lh. -I .I' nt Ion ..... Iii ni.. I.. .nil.-1 .."'I rSirsJ .el-, ti nml ..i.aa.i il- . ..niiisisl ., tlliM tt.tl III llir III '.r rlllilM 41,. . I I" f"ir lh' l" ' .f Man ll. Ill I, s tl.t .l,.lr Ii'1" "J' ll,r rvtuiitllut, ..f sit VtrrsS t'"' ..i.. ef ih.. m.i ,. ,i.ii-,. it"" ' ....lil.i.ni. Ill Hi.- IIHUI...I.1 arts I" lit of ttie III. I i-nl.ll. '""" i,.-lH 1hurl,t Hi- .in. l-il I, i.n.1 Hi- 'I i" "' " i.ul.ll. i n lit.-. . ..r l..-.i.a Tim'"!'' '"J I. -Ill .Itv of M ... I. I 'it. ''' ' "'j l of ail. art .mi il.-ht. i ,iiii,iriiy nei-o"t.. -- . k mo nml I-,., h of 1 mi 'H l''rW ... ..on, in,. i if ."i lui . . , .),,. I I.S P'"lr .no itn.tt.rr si.... ' "i"i - ,.. ..- ...hi t. i.. mil '"' " r.-I.ef inni.tl ..r in in ,M lo II r..f i " " , , .impN ,lnii,llff lo lie llir .oinris in l" I.y lh.. ri.llr.lv "f 'I" ,n" '""mM .!. i I.....-I- " , 9 ait, l , I.- In WitBliliintiiii i '""' '"".' f ul. No It.- lit '' '""J ..f ..ml In l.l... I. No m tr of I,.I.I.S. IIS Mir "I,",, lit the ,l,,lv .. ..-or I hi-' V olTI. e nf ll.e rt- "..I-. "' ""."""' ,lf..le. .1.1 en lll.lv I""1 k Ii AI... ii Irn. l of I ""1 h,,;r, .,,! a,.f il..l I,, lit... inl.llm " n .' itll- 1....1 i.. .. I.. Inri ' a J nml .inner of si"' Hi'" " . .. . H....H a ril . . 4 i. ni in iii rinitt- rtitiniia Wllhiinellit ttt- 1. 1 1 int. , M Iheii.e nnlli Ifi r...U in". " '. , IM Koi.lh line of Mm I" I ,""'' ;, mnrt fifon-.nl.l loivn of ,l""k"', ",j,ltH eiiMt iiIi.i.k il... norm ""","',, .run- 2S.I feel III It l-ollll V. III''! ' " ( l0M .i.l.l l.euliinlntt I'nl.il "r thW" .len.-l ll.r.l; tllell. e eiltl I"'1 ' noiili :i:-.!- it mi" "",Ltoc lllel.ee Ri.lllll I . '" .ltMl"', IteKliinlim, nml ,'"",',",l",'.,. yot i-o.ls. mine or lens; m"' La ri rJ eni h or ymi he fun-vr '",,r tM i lii.le.l finin i-liilii.ii.K '"' "',,' J l0 i hilm. imnei'tliiM ' ' .-.t 1" " e,l ti.iy rlKl.l, r,J" r .nVP"1 lo the "ill-1 ten! I.I'M" -'' ,d l; I hereof, ...Ivei ne In H''' 11 11 lei itut of III" iliilnll T" (t I" therein, nml llmt ." I'1,1' i. a nnl.l r-..l .r.,.erly , ' , h' ,.u ,.i llm i-lnlins nf ii" I"""""" soever, . on yon " This siiiiiinnim l se. vi-n i (1,,of . .ilill.-ulli.lt thereof I" 'n Hf Ai-Kitn, i.iir.iiiint t ""'"L", 1 1 II. Iteitniilier, I'mmtv ,,.' liiKton f.iunly, ireni.il. ""' i ..niiirr. nml itatiil on lh. SKlh , "y BK. mil. lit-afcu.., I a. Will Vmi r.inii