The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 29, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 45
111 COLLECTlOfl 10
u,tr Hundred 1hounl
UI ii W " Cr Counter-
t,jit Kti la I'll
Ti OMi-t""' will ciMn Monday
-...mine in t !) new Ollirra of the
county "r, r- v" ls.l'l'"K'-
it will I" ! ' with a rui-h of ut
var. a- the legUlature has
lu'd a r '-li"vt the rebate
feature. r.M'Ti4 will have
until A i l l 1 t-i lay ta H. ami.
if the followed, there ill
ttfnoha'.t i'.)t,lH, Ihf law
"K.i r ! it.- will allowed.
All tav ff 'I'"' n"d all
M'-rt- tl - l-t l y of April. I'.U I
la!f 4vm nt inn made !
fun- the 1 t dv April, l'.l I.
but t p - .i tv .f I lr n nl. r
month vi.! ! rhargiil on ninam
inif ha!( . twtiint . U'piii.l prior
0 Sfl'lrm!" r l-t, I'.lll. Where
no ''' t i made lwfrf the
lt itav "f April, l.l I. Ihf tat
tronii" ;m. n iit iiinl a -nnl
U of I H r i nt, J r month i
rijrtffl f r it that l;tlf t' prior
tu S-pt.-. .U r I. I'.tll After
SrjitrmU r I. I'.'l I. n jH ii.-ilty f
10 -r I'fiii. .mil mteret lit ihf
ntcof I- per tent. x-r year will
t char," I on nil ihlimpn iH
To J'urti.i'i'l
621 - m
6ifl . urn
I I". a rn
10W a tn
1 I'J P ni
SVV ... p m
615 P in
8 3 . pm
iM . . . p tn
From Cortland
7. is
9.0J . . .
once thi niifn nf
W, an fiow Ihf Hiirn
6.21 .
7;3S ...
9 23 .
a in
a tn
a tn
p tn
, p in
p in
p tn
P in
a in
Receipts foi tin- week havf Ih'imi
fittle, 7 .'.'.!, calve. I; houji.
4VI; hIii-.-,,, r,'(i.
l.iv(t'K rirfipN h'M thin
wh mill , iMin-HH not wi hrink.
Only on whm tluTf any
intiTiiit :imii- i i. A ffw curs tf
thnin Mrrrs hnuiKht 7 ) titul n
wl of imiih- rows rt, 7fi. Hulk
Of KttVs . i, ,- Hali'H HVrrilKCll "
tn i.i'i una ciimm t; ti'i.2r. All
OthiT Imtclu-r rliisttrH WiTfdlow,
na iritui;;ti raiisf nf pncf
tfakni-ss w.ii infi rior lu-ff ipial-
iiy and ti... much of it.
The h.. in;irk.'t tnaintnini-il itn
trvnuth. Pricca ni'ViT nM
alwvv S.n:,, l.ut i In.icf linht ntiu k
avcra..l ar..utnl Strut all wirk
1 l..a r ......
nionii xuiiif llial lacki'.l prinif
HUSH Si.l.l lit loWlT prilTS. lut
Rood 1 1 1 : . 1 1 1 v liiiru mi,! untiuitll
fvy Ktuil louii.l n .piick huIi nt
u-any pm . H. iw nls wi-n
firly lit.t t at. hut Homo II(KH) Ifss
man fur ,sanu period hint wi-i-k
"ii arrival! ot nlu-op wt-n
'hit man I or previous hix
m. Wi'th.-rs sohl nt f. ST inn
1.7;, "ir nirs." Umt
uers I'iivi. f;.r,0 for the fancy
'1S "'in wcrt' not over-sup-
P"l.i'itliiT. Tim market doxeil
-jawMiker hasm with it 10 to
."wit il.rlme in mutton
. , .,
nt l'ih (tt imc. In th. ,iv, ..f
thf J. I Atyle .Jouhle v in ion ta
en. i.l.U-r HMiii h.-Hitat. d alnmi
wearing Hu m twHiHe .f tt ,
uifly. linen, ('all ;it
the llot. l Wxthirivton. Satunlay
Jan. :U. P.MI. ami let Urn. I,.,
& lurtier Mhnw you Ihf n w m-
WMihlf. hi fm-al. whieh ftiah.H
you l. int. l-ith far and near. ar.
Hi-rve the purMe of two. .i
lookn like a niriflf pair. Ihey
make you fe. youn. hut do not
make o. look ohl.
known the con ven ietue of tj,,-s.
diud.le-V Ihion if!a.HH4-n until they
have worn Ih.-tn. and yet, an far
as apiM-arancf irm"i, nolMy
know. Conie in and let tin talk
it over wild you. Kree demon-
titration. Satisfaction ifuarari.
...... i 1 1 .. . . .i i .
.I. i nmi iorifi-1 me naif.
Scores of HillnUiru nferencen.
Irs. !iwe A lurtier will U- at
l-ontit Crow. Friday. Jan. .'50.
and at Saturday. Jan
Mm. Ihos. l-'owle. of al"v
MiMintaindale, was in the city
Saturday. She states that Mr.
and Mm. (J. A. lioUrts, now in
Phod. mil, Smth Africa, are
iM te. in Dreiroti aUmt June 1.
Mrs. Ui ImtIs is well known here
and formerly was Mihs pert ha
powh-n. a popular t. arher. and a
dautrhteruf Mr. and Mrs. roles.
Mr. and Mrs UoU-rts will noon
ntait In America, hut will top
alonir the Ped S a. and visit, an
well as s.iiits of interest in
Southern liurop... Italy and
rrnnrf. The husl.and is in
charge of the agricultural work
nt tin l.irp-t mission in that
eclioti, and Mrs, pi.U-rts is
ti ui hm in the school room.
I represent Spiri lla rorsets
not sold in s. Will call at
homes on re pies t, and do Hie
filtmif. ai d teach how to adjust
and wear the coret. Our tailor
ed made to measure rorsets, in
cludiiik' the latest front lace, with
an cerietu'cd corset ier service,
it s l mi more than hith class cor
sets puri haed in stores. Mrs.
M. K. t'au.lle. Ilillslioro. Fifth
anil Jackson Mrceis. rnone .no.
The old Herman irame of
pinochle has turn revived in the
cluhs of thf citv, and it has
trutisci tuied all other card irames.
After the victim of pituN-hleiti
is once iniH'Uiate.l wmi itu uis-
ase there is no other card en
tertainment that whiles away
the time. It requires mure study
and more rare than all other
mimes comhincd, and has a fas
cination that urows. Ihr tut-
mans are said to have worked
ut the card scheme years atfo.
in their military schools -and it
is some Kami'.
I'o' sale: Forty acres. J mil.1
f Oregon I'.leclric survey; six
miles of Forest drove. 1 ) miles
f stores, P. O.. hlacksmith
hop. Kchisil and churches. Hill
. , i t i i i
unit sin I ai Hi inr ornuini
unrden; alsu k'msl walnut land;
iilmiit lit acres has tn't n eleare.i.
now covered with small lirs; itihmI
si.rinL': one million feet saw tun-
" . i r I
ier. or aUmt uaai conisoi woon.
Will take some stock ns part pay
metiL Aihlr-ss Kittio M. F.llis
Forest tinive. I' "
Oree-on Inst Fri.lav had of
. r- - - -
.in own over it' iii.iik.
ri.infulh since .Sept. 1. 1 "i
weather man kept advertising
.ow.rtior.. ,lnv after dav until tin
i.iir .Intoiarv freshet Mad
tilled, and the rains of last week
took a spurt anil caiitfni up
with thf procession of averages
in a marathon. Just walcti
.iireno relmrt. Itllll V'OU H
t in ohl man averaf cruoon
to iret ahead of the moisture.
.,r nh. Ten head milk cows.
I fresh, and others fresh soon
Cm,i...l .lersevs. Sellimr on ac of lelivitll? the farm. Also
l Willi V 4' n . .
sellinir one thoroURhtireil .it rsi y
hull, cotnimr - years.-1 ' '
"iitiK for ollices will Boon lt
w oruer of the day, nH the
Mnmary ri,,,,,,.,,,, js, B,M)Ut to 1h,
T,iiior Scott, 0f the News
imra, was down from Forest
V"". I riday, ami made the
"kusoiiuv a i,rotUTv ,..
if ..
ii vnn it i .. . il ..i i a..
Ik. """t a raniiu inai items
"eWorld lor the monev mil on
. - j . -
ii.. . .
Ruiu' t0lw". Hank Annex
S""d,n anil we hi Ounlitv
fiPWftll the way from $1 An
r- nesearetlu h-st rnnire
M- piace. i i,n the market
Old ()ro
('all in and soo them
. wn-Konians allepe that wo
-- more rainrall this mont!
ninanv rorrtwiMimiinK mont
th. i y(,urH' Th0 fallin,r
th ur . as I'een ho persistent
" thclenuthenlnKof
I ine I.UI ol i;juialor Will Ac
lompnny the l irm A Dairy Car
will Krh M.ll.bur at 125 md Wcmiin
I mil S10 P. M. ,
TI'" S. P.. Portland. Kuifene &
Fa. tern, in conjunction with the
exti-tision service ot Orejjon Ajfri
cultural College, with a finespi'C
ial dem instration train, w ill reach
Hillsln,ri) next Tuesday, Feb. 3.
at and remain here two
hours and five minutes. A fine
list of Hpeakcrs and practical
agriculturalists and dairymen
will accompany the service, and
they will make a number of
Washington County imints. Wm.
Schulmcrieh is on the list from
HillsUiro, and Hon. Wilbur K.
Newell, of alnive Ihilcy, is to
talk on horticulture, while Hon.
Jan. Withycomhf is one of the
valued contributors to the lec
tures. This makes old Washing
ton County sit up and Uike notice
particularly when it means
that we have one-piarter of th'
program list
Thirteen men besides the rail
road otlicials will he with the
visitors, and this will mean that
the subject of dairying, agricul
ture and horticulture, as well as
Hiultry. will receive a full demon
stration. The matter of hou
raising will also exploited.
The hours and dates are as
lasion. Feb. It KhW
orest drove. Fel. .'5 1:10 Feb. :i :5:ir)
Sherwoml. Feb. 1 UhlM)
Fvery dairvtnan, imultrytnan,
ok' raiser, orchardist and farmer
should attend these meetings.
he Southern Pacific and V. F
& F schedule, as now runninir.
is as follows:
To Portland
McMinnville Klectrie. a.
Willanuna, Steam K S::iS
'. Ii. & N.. Steam K, p. m
orist drove Klectrie 1:17
luirene KliTtric 5:0.r
Fmm Portland
liU'cne train, steam, a. m S:l.)
orest drove Flectnc 10:0,)
. U. & N-. steam, via Os-
" l K"
Willamina. steam, via l)s-
wciro. p. m 5:tk
McMinnville Klectrie 6:41
Admitted That he Tore Tonruel
From Horsc'f Mouth
Tw Lmjiw Lav Violalars Plca4 Oailty
aa4 Pay Flact
Wm. Penny, of Gales Creek,
son-in-law of Lilian McCoy, a
Henry I Jew. of Chehalem
Mountain, was over to the city
M. Sturm Jr. and brother, of
beyond P.lootninK. were in town
Jphn S. Kwalle y. of Reedville,
was a county seat caller the last
of the week.
C. C. Nelson, of Pacona. suicr-
visor up that way for a number
of y ears, was in the city Friday
Chan. Heirn, of Portland, was
out the last of the week, buying
stock for Seattla shipment
Ixtus L tanley. of Portland,
was out rriday, on business for pioneer, pleaded iruilty in circuit
a client, in circuit court. Itus Lnurt Fridav. the rharo. hfint?
is still the same genial old jollier. that fae mutiIated a horw by
Mr. ami Mrs. 1. 11. bmith, of teanng iU tongue from its
vJZZl 'ZZ'..1 ine c,iy mouth. Penny entered his plea
. CO.M.K. I . . . J J
.,,,., - i auer it jury nau oeen cmifu, anu I
P, rJ,r;rlaSJ Judge Campbcdl fined him fifty
the week laouars ana cos is, a jan aenience
,, , r. . ,. to follow in default or payment
m. iianson. ii acnoiis. wu ti. Deirumia. of Cornelius.
taking cut machinerv for his pldl Wty of giving liquor to
mill. minor, and was fined lw and
. . I costs, on one indictment, and
lady agents wanted. (-in tain and one vear in the iail on
make rrom J.J to W) daily. Nice No8. 2 and 3, and was paroled
line to handle. -Chemical Co.. Ln th laltpr two tirmn nivmrnt
niisooro posionice. 43 of the J50.
W. 11. Connell. of Portland. Anton Christener. charged
wm out Saturiiav. on business, with Wilfully and unlawfully
Mr. Connell still holds a lot of selling liquor to minors pleaded
. ' I .. . . . .
tine real pMiertv out on the uuuty to uniawiui saie. ana was
tinea t:) or a nays in jaw. 1 r,e
fine was paid. Christener pleads
that h&ilid not know the minor
ii- . 11 r 1 . 1
North Tualatin Plains.
I)o not forget to ask for. a
Schiller when you want a good
0 cent smoke - no "cough dust"
in the Schiller. 12tf
Pcaverton. Ore.. Ii. 4.
John l-oftis, of above North
ti.,in ii.iw in town rriuav, 00
probate business. He states inai
the Knights of Pyt uns of old
dlcneoe. are seriously thinking
..r i..,; n hull up at North
III iruil'tn-B , .
Plains. The Imys airea.iy ..
- i.. ...1 in town, and the 01
building is becoming too small to
tu'comniodaie ineir iiieuu..-.. -n
which in now over miv
1....- ii heut values tn hard
ware of nil kinds, call on Pave
twin, who can sen yu
1 ii,., lowest tiirues. riunuv
ing given prompt
Sex-ond Street, south of Mam.
K. II. Croier. awiifltant Kcnt"
eralpaHHCMerugen ofthcS l.
x, s . lireiron nunm
If you don't want to come to town, just phone your
ora.T in and it will be promptly attended to as if you
called in person. We specialize iu "Hurry Up" orders
and you can get a prescription made up very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
Kexall Itemed ies by Parcel Post, Prepaid without extra
The Delta Drug Store
was under 21. and therefore de
murred to the "wilful" part of
the indictment
and the
Hill eW-tric lines, was out from
, tland. Friday afternoon and
paid his respects to the news
paper fraternity.
Mrs. Zoa Sigman was a
and visitor Sunday.
Mrs. K. Pany, of near IVaver-
ton, was a city visitor jaiuraay
Kuirene Pant, of P.eedville,
was in town Saturday.
Frank Greencr.of below Roods.
was a citv caller baturdav
Chas. Hickethier. of Cedar
Mill was in town Saturday at
.1 A. t'roeni. of near Cedar
Mill, was in town the last ot tne
Geo. Denton, of Keedville. was
up to Hillslniro the last of the
T C. Sutton, of near New berg,
was a Hillsboro caller the first of
the week.
p. M. Cillenwater returned the
tirst of the week trom a inp
the Springs, up in Washington
ll-irliin Kellv and wife.
above North Plains, were in the
city Friday.
C. N. Johnson, Forest Grove's
former mayor, was down to the
city Friday.
Herman Sehulmerich departed
Tuesday for Yoncalla. Ore., af
ter having visited here several
For sale: Rronze turkeys,
gobblers and hens for breeding
purposes.-Mrs. N. II. Jones,
ltanks. Ii. 3; North Plains Tele
phone. 4F 11. 45-7
Mim Collins arrived here from
Pendleton. Saturday evening, to
visit his brother. Capt A. M.
Collins. He was accompini.-u
hv his wife.
Kor sale-Rarred Plymouth
Hock cockerels. 0. A. C. Stock.
' ill i' w Redmond. Wash
ington Street, between Fourth
and Fifth. Hillsboro. 45-7
i u iimwn. of Portland,
where "he is engaged in buying
and 80 ng norses,
? LiJ; the last ot the week.
Postmaster Frank Mvers. of
ortland. was out to Forest Thos. Connell Sunday received
Grove. Saturday, to visit his word that Ihos. Macauley, a rel-
aged father. W. H. H. Myers, ative of Mrs. Connell. was found
who is very ill. dead in nis Deo, in roniana.
u . . . i . sunaay morning, air. oiacauiey
hdw. Benson returned the last ..... a. u.
oi tne week irom a year bi ,j fn- man ., ..a
ulare, Lai. tie says mat wnne tv, r,lnf ws
mecumaie is lint? oow n inuiwajr .:. WT,t veV to
he still likes old Oregon. He re- u,'ian0;n tn, hnriol H una
mains nere inaennueiy. mmhr h ifith Winnin
SiH'ncer and other varieties of and had his baptism of fire at
sweet iH-as-and all kinds of test- Shiloh. where, after the first
ed garden seeds and fertilizers, day's battle, he placed the father
at Morton 8 Greenhouse. Hills- of the Argus reporter on an am
boro. 44-7 bulance. Mr. Lona had been
.. r...... t t.. shot through the right knee.
fM Uno4nit I cauu ca&M.a vii. hwwmhivw wvw.
SnVlrZ Vtiard where he My -nt with to Ijoj- 2
left Mrs. Guyton in a santarium. P'te,?"l ffHS ?
If she is benefitted
. I t Ml .ni.- t..m n
iravei lie oi bouu wrc oci iui a . , .
i i: , leaves many iricnus in 1.11c ioau
cnange oi ciiimw. Pm Baa vaDra ha k.o liiroH
Mare for sale-9 vears old; out here, making frequent trips
bred to Perchoron. Will sell on to the East Many Hillsboro
account of having too man v people will remember nim as
horses. - Frank Greener. 3 miles having judged the stock here at
south of Hillsboro, second place the street tair several years ago,
across Kooa Uridge. rnone. Kood Vnr oaip-Snan mares. 2400 lbs:
vri C t I -
une aoi. hnrnoM near v new: 14-hoe l-
Fruit buds were swelling last gar drill; 14-inch walking plow;
week as a result of the warm Winona wagon, nearly new;
.ninimrv. the lack oi snow in section sieei narrow: -noree
the hills has caused a warmth disc; mowing machine; Ueenng
lown in the valley that is un- rake, new ; new milk cart, Z-incn
usual thromrh the premier month I wheels. Koy Hays, Hillsboro,
of the vear s cold. Ore., one mile south, on Jackson
, . ,L a t- :o j- Bottom, between bndges. at Un
ine r.orm isiue iairy win ue-i ,ff
ii r luciisci uuoiuo.K n..s
Z nTXrW ,2 Our -d side, goingsouth. 42tf
product is first hand-we milk In its effort to co-operate with
and then deliver. Tel. Farmer the people along its lines the
4IU5.-P. M. Gillenwater. 41-0 Southern facitic .company 13
bringing a great Hog and Dairy
Hon. Ira E. Purdin, of Forest demonstration train to this city
Grove, was in the county seat Tuesday. Feb. 3. and is especial-
Saturday. Mr. Purdin says that y anxious that every farmer of
the present Winter reminds him this vicinity take advantage of
of the Winters or years ago. the opportunity to Inspect the
when the weather was always exhibits carried on the seven
mild, with heavy rainfall. cars of the train and listen to
The K Hand Power Stump the lectures which will be given
I in double doses. Lectures on
dnilv on the George V. James dairying and hog growing will
fmii. mi m annfhunat nf P camcu oil k mc oamc umc 111
andthereby creates an accurate record of all expendi
tures. Many, both men and women, through the
absence of suchja guiding record, permit small, un
necessary outlays to drive away the joys and indepen
dence which increasing dollars provide. 'A checking
account affords the safest, most convenient and satisfac
tory way of handling your money, besides adding to
your prestge. We solicit pcrsonel, as well as business,
accounts and the opening deposit need not be large.
Capital and Surplus $57,000.00
A.C. Shute, Pres., C. Jack, Jr., Cash., W. V. Bergen, As't
IMmf St.. HIIHboro, Or: II
If interested, call or different parts of the train. The
l rain win ue at me uruuv ueiwccii
the hours of 3:25 and 5:30 p. m
Flat cars are used for exhibiting
the stock.
Dr. and Mrs. Linklater went
I to Portland, Saturday evening.
and attended the supper given
at the "Bobby Burns" celebra
tion. There were many notable
write for descriptive literature.
Address -Gustav Krause, trne'
lius. II 2. 42-5
Ernest Haas, of Sheridan, was
down to Hillsboro and North
Plains, the first of the week.
He spent Sunday at the J. W.
Jackson home at North Plains,
u ; . 11..
returning ;XrfI hI Mit speakers, among whom were
says that Sheridan has rebuilt McCamant and a,,. a
since the tire, and that there are s W(WV, uMnoit v,re nn.
now some handsome bricks in . in - of the degd
that little city. atfh nrwt whmu writinm have
rant A M. Collins, the well la ways appealed to the heart
bnnn.n veteran, suffered a stroke hungry and the humble. Dr.
nt wo failure on the street inlLinklafer reported a large at
front of the new r. K. & K. de- tendance.
not. Monday morning. He was N. R. Wilson, with the P. R.
talking to his brother. Man Col- & N returned Saturday from a
lins, and Ed. Sehulmerich when trip to San Diego. While there
he was stricken, tie was car 1 he met Eat I uoneison ana uoren
ried to the office of Dr. Linklater, palmateer. He says the weath-
where he became conscious arid 1 er was bright and warm down
was taken home. Capt Collins that way.
snolr:,", IZX f. "r.n John H. Humphreys, who has
KofSwWhtK been at Reedville for a yearor
malady leaving him very weak, two, was in town Saturday. He
maia.l 1." kniisir . flu, inot has been relieved of his postoffice
nTlurrformany weels and duties at that point, and has
Ji2L;KKS Una to Woodland. Wash., to do
L All Vila manv frina hone SOBie WOrk On hlS rtnCh.
Geo. Harms, of Mountaindale,
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banking in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits.
er. All nis many inenua uuiwi
this kindly old veteran will re
Watch Repairing' That's Right
To prevent wear and keep it in good condition for
good timekeeping your watch should be over
hauled at least every two years. Just now
is a good time to leave it with inc. I
will attend to it promptly and
properly, it will be kept in
perfect order. "So that
it will stay put."
Hillaboro. - Oregon
cerna-i . u,,! .moninK8 are con'
Geo. Carter, of Oak Park, was
cover his health.
was in town Monday.
meeting with friends,
in town Friday auernoo..