The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 22, 1914, Image 5

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.1 l ,',,
bI IHaiiolu. Uu 1-I.Ha.a.J
I, V':i!i-tillll
i"T 1 ' . I. ..v.. I- .11 liiei-.l
t-h " ' ' . ..
Mi Mum wile I'raniaur
I S.itur-liiv v iurn.'.
, , nil Ul'lO'Ult f II"
,.,,-, ov a break in
N ( hi. :inl w ill l
, , chtnv' t tomorrow I
, t 1 li-.itr.
,, :i laree fi'luiici'
i ..ft. it,..
I l, I'll .11 II" " !
! i 11.I V r
t . ,.inii' tomorrow
foni.3"- '
lu-l.t. '
(hi- i!"'1' '"
h.-rJ 'n'1'
jttti.1'" '
S'l'l I"
dark n"-
brraki"! :t!1'
IV in--' :"
all of '
hill I'"1"'1' '
..J S.' '
gnn " I ' '
imTvial ' 11 '
,r.J a ; '
h. mr b U r
(iwmi'ti "! '
i, ;.-; .-4ui
ft, r,-ii !,r:i!'
riiiaii) " '
dab ilmmi
f.irmal M'""-
U Mf' i r'
trf. :"l - "
irxk t" !
!.! !
much I"
Itirti t! '-
u v, f
In fiiiir!
i , .if tin- eomoany.
- .h al in tin ion
, it. vvnr luki ii in
i, evenm, ami
n. nt. I In- Com-
iooIIH ttrl'l' uM-tie.
(ill. I III llmr
!!iiin I Iramatie
vi it-r-i wire
llli'l U'l tin
-,. r- t I lhe
,. ll.rir li.llS tin-
t i n.' iH.'ir'iiiii f
I "Ji nmy." I In'
.i .i i iiil'l. .I t" t ft -!
..,'11, vv l.t-ri un in,
! W .IH I t JllV I II. I ,.
i I il 1 1 i,l' I Ml Jit
I t t .m il,"n VV VT'
, . lin- :iiM-iiiltl .
A I. il !l ! "HI III''
, , i;.;i I, i'f'n -i l. ili'l
:,, I hell Hi. t I"
,. tv n illl, IIU'I
aiU- affair.
,:i, il.ill'l fur.'rt I'l
i tim liiuirr
i'iuhljr Jiiilif Itom.t rf Ikk ut
murl lnniH4' that U in :,v i .
hux lakfn iHu-mifi, an.) work-nn-n
ttr' imttinif .,.wn lin.,. tmi
nl 1'iittitiK in the firnitir.'.
A tinvr min U-vtal ahiuH !
vait'. no luiivi-r fur a M-ttlf-
itum. ami tiun ja.s
lnu k"iit tn tin' nmtrarti.r ainl
Uni.l itiH'ti. ' lie r-aur.-r. r
t unli r ami U rk w ill si-m . jn
talU-l in tin ImiiIiIui, uri!-H.H, i,
iturir. tli.-r' i it m mi.-
i., vsliirh minor.- than h.. nmrt till hUi
iikiik'V iii tK' Hum of $17:11, ,iit
will nut pav until full M tt.'-im iit
it nn-iii-ii. i in' iinnm win
"m iii i 1 iifH.lay fvt tiin y tu pn
liatf f.r v'fttmk' tli" iiuart'TH in.
t hliaiw, anil Konl'r'M aU.rn.-
ina h' ili inati.l fur tin kt-VH. whu li
w a r fit i. I Im' emirity lakt-i
tin- Hwiti.iu that it v.riH tl.-
r al i-Mtati', ami it m I'liiiiif to u
any xirti"ii it ki ht. ami tl
lit'ht itniHt now Im' itu,.' hy tin
UhhI .rn. ri ari'l roiitrartur. Sn
far all att-mN at mttli-tiM-nt
havf MiK'tuilly faili'.. 'lax roller.
to liml turn itTitti w' mi. ami all ii'iart'-rx
. I I I'l I, ,1 IT I 1... ... ., ,rl . I..... I...I
H I -.'I" ... .ft. i i ... . .. ,,
Umt) H-V'ai ailvire, t" laki' ttw III
itiativi' ainl thi-ri' you are. he
liiiui.f hai4 ri-inairieil varant for
ovi-r a year, with the i-x(vitiim
that tin' hasetni'lit hai l-etl USimI
for heatmi; tnirKiMen ami a lavu
tory atnl toilet. 1 he new huilil
iriK' wtttinitialeil vestenlay. when
tin- jury in the Frank Tolf.-lt
ra-ie welit mil lor ilclllvrratlon in
one nf the new jury rooms.
ir nale: White Leghorn
hli'kenn a few rhniee ciH kereU
an. I aliout .'i'l hreeilmif heim; u!ho
'VV ainl ilay "M chicks in Hea
Mm. Onhr early ai supiily is
lnniteil. Kar!y chiikn make the
Kail layers.
I iiu j $7 ami Cusl, iin.l U ill
Mnv In Jul ,17 ,.iv in iK I.iiill
IKWIv CM 1 1 1 I Al Ml 101 Ml dl II IV Sl....n M.m lnuiiij In IIjnc
S.iIJ iiiinr n Miimc
I'ircuit court h.n I.. . n .. , ,r,. in;-1
thu week, with jury r.i i A.
II. I'hicki'roo-i, whowai i ..n .-i)
with ht.-ulin,' a ch. . . r,,-,i p. ;.
J' teien, jit (In, ton, i on . irti il
!'V a jury, ami tir. 1 ,',:, ami
t . Il-- w ill r.e 'M .i r, 4 in
an as eination ot hi , la ill.
11.'- j .ry: John i;,r,i'i, W.
M. Smith. li i!.- Sto.M-,;. J. C.
Smith. J. J. A-lKir.i. li. M. Him s.
J. II. l. riar..i. W. ,1. i.n
m. r T inlm. W. C. i; ! ,. I. i rui.k
Strou-l ami A. I . I! i t,,:,.
Iaiil'e S ii i r ,! ill-
viTce; also l n ii,t.
U'lHint. ami l,o'a 1 . ! i v
U rt blilv.
Shute Sav i f : v- i .. II.
t uls, rofiiirmat:uh -.u
avMf s ua.;ace
(laHtnn. (iru-il j.Vi for
jMirter cuntairiii; ' i
cohol. Paul In,'- ami
other counts.
iraml jury rei.ort
Krank ("oifclt. a Sl.erwo -,, sa-
mtt man. was louml i: i,;tv of
Helling liuor to liim.-r Mil.s, a
minor. ll,e jury; J .1 ,,lki:i.
s ll.T.
N' a I. aril,
-in ra
'-.-fit. a!
parol.-il on
I M true
rite for , rices ainl limes. Mr( laran. Am. In w Pier-CamilM-l
- Uoi-rs son, Stow ell. Parsons, V, M
J. I'. Ii! ,'l.i i.i v, . ' is i',.
in h.A n I !.,
J. II. ilal,-.'.. li. I:, h,:
tin, a:h in to-. ! :. -,
"ontl'ietor i - 1 , t ; i,
ruriniiiif mi tlr- P. I " I .. 1'i
tr.r Service.
i;,-. ;. ii.if.e-H : i .
.nr. e, was .1 . .. i, i '. .!
at Satanlav -, . .
Carl Pfahl. ... ai-.. V.
vv a i "low n to t ,i ' . i t . r
afternoon, vr ' - -.
pur sale, rhe:ti 1 ,- . a h,
fmt corriitfat'-'l i. r.- '", 1
i -..eoH" f ra'"e. Zl' iVi.H 1. r
Ilr. A. P. ISailey. ..: I'-,;-! ;,r
V. a i the (Ue"t o! ill. ! A. Pa
I.-1 ; i'l family. ov r S .- !-. .
P. K. Poop' r :n i . ' , . i
aritoii. were Hr !. . , '.or
Sat unlay ami S w
( l. ori'e I loo!, ,-, i ' r , ar i 1 if. ,-.
was i low ii lo it,.- i . - -.:.-n:a;.
Mutm relative a- -! .", t i r
f rn-mls.
I'or Sale P..n- !.-! .1. r
hall. I'll month : "M. l.-;',;. .
n-i'istrv. '!'!. '! l.;m- S. '
r.eliui.'lt. 2. I .os !!. V, :,
'lhe seiui-aii'iU:.. ; a,
interest on the V .
satiitary sewer e.,t,,,
now ilue atiil jri.a!-'.,
nllire of I-reil J. S-v
I n-a-urer.
Ask for Cash . a Hum"
ilu-try stamp i. vnih r. f
rha-e. o ir ri !
Iliiislmro's Store,. .
I looks it Wool J t-a I.hiJ Thing
I or ll.c Cil l I ry Out
l of
c :v
I. P.ov LI I,
1 1 llll U' IHk'lh'XMI'l
hrte.l at ti.r
W. lUrlr.t'ni'f
umtnl in ii
rr. ll. V
brUllflll I
batk vrMi ' "I
M lUrri'i,
dirg ni.irr1:
the r"MI'.e
(Hto llirtf i'i, pi
grmnmiiKifi, ;ui'l
llartnimpf a
tht Iri.le a;
UlUtlimiie. u ore -i
tinmili' hi,
llfiilf n.
. ,l lH4' w as i
l.o'lie of Mrs. .1.
W e.iie-.lay !
I'M I. Wto ll tier
Miniih'. was
, - ,.,... to I. atl l.uth
,,, ,.: tie M. P..
, it,! I he ci It
i . rlorme.l uioler a
.1 ivlll-. Will
e' v'l 11 11 M l"" -leH
! phivc.l the we.l
1 1 mi Meii.lel-.sohn as
. i (. '. .1 the nxmi
olh. as
.Miss A 'naiol.l
the lin.lfMliaiil.
a pa. tn 'I iii w hit
i I'M
Poultry larm,
U-averlon, (Ir
L llav. S ipt. of the l in at
Northern liming ami Sleeping
S-rvice, ami that company s re
sort hotels, ha, I his olhce hi-ikI
the Arus one ol the Christmas
menu ranis, an,) it is a work of
art Irom the printer's staml
Imiiit, ami a charm from the iras-
Iroiiotnir purview, lhe tlmiii-r
was certainly a fea-t for an rpi
... . i
cure, ami tin' slew am turner
Sup rintenileiit Hay must have
eriiiluate.l from the Wahlorl-
Astoria, in New York.
We have receive.l an oliler fur
Smith. II T K oelu-r, .1 ' Smith,
W J Cnr. W Ham. 1, Stro i I.
l-'im-d f'.ixi ainl six months in
jail. Parole.) as to jail sentence.
Mrs. Patrick,,-.-1 with
arceny of hair, switi ln -i. ami ar
ticles from More, was ti n 1 the
rosis aim seiiience.i in one war
in thecmiiity jail. Sentence s is-
M-llie., hut ilefelelent IHU t re-
Mirt to sheriff once each month.
I os. Iiors'.iiijr Jr. re.-.r. cl a
susH-iiei sentence, having lileil
a lml to pay i monthly to
supMirt of chii.l. lie is to w rite
no letters to any woman except
iiiK' mcmliers of his family, ami
must keeli out nf sal.HinS. Hi
M caroa,s of HitatiK- for lexas has one year to pay costs of
shmment. am we will luiy all
mer.liant.tlile otatiM-s you hav
to sell for the next M ilays. at
the hu'l.esl market price. Ke
iiirmU-r. we will not U in tin
market after Peh. 7 for any al
ev utork. llillsliro Mercantile
I hurs.lay. .Ian. :h.. nt X n'clin k
in the i vi imu'. a Iree lecture oil
Christian Science, to w hich the
i.uhhc is conlially invit.-.l, will hi
ilehvere.l in ViTt'n Hall, at lor-
est C.mve hv Wi ham K. uatn- niirht. apparently
von C. S P... who is a meinher health. He ha l
i i ,i I. ol I lie I .o;:
etKoi . .. ., ....... ii... .;r.
,arrie. "' W1111''' tliunn. to. . ..
. . . . 1 1 l,,.r. h ..f Christ. Scientist, in
iiriiii wiii'iin i "
Masipiera'li' ha;', at !
Urarn'e Hall. Sat inlay .
Feb. 1 1. Four prize !,,
tame l ami most cofniea-ti-rs,
laily ainl t'ent'eman
upper, tine inus!.-, aa'i
manau'e'iu'iit. Am are
I ickets, inrl'l'liri suppev
' na".y
f it. ',
t su--
( iooi
or U-rls-in
. iteil.
rvGlds-feii, onW the sltfti hi
w"o!(l aep. ftr? how th si'irn
of gwi st-nse. In the daVaof
the old style douhlc vision Klaw
es. older iople hesitated about
wearimr them beca'is of the
uIy. conspicuoua lines. Call at
the Hotel Washington. Saturday.
t i ..r me cny lo iry out Jan. 31. 1311. and let Drs. Lowe
i I tv i urnifr siidw juu me new in-
CHMVtl KCIM tl t B SHMI I f) TATHf RIT Vlsit,le' which enahles
you to see both larana near, and
serves the purpfse of two. yet
Mill- lhe Bimi M.b Should Gel Hooka Hit,, n sinirle iair. Thpv
i - - j
I T. . t I - t.. .1 .
Tnzethcr ami I'.iahli.h milKe 01 yountf. oui m noi
maKe you iofK oki. ?oi)fxiy
lie I , .- ;(,, of a monthly '"r- Hoor.U.viainn rrl-ioo.l until tK.u
r., t .lay in in the mat- have worn them, and yet. as far
t-r f h jvini.' ami sellinjf live- as apfiearance jroes. nohody
-lock ami farn p-! a ts has kn"3- fome in and let us talk
, r , , , it over with you. Free demon-
:,-re,',V. fad son,- di.cMjssion straUon Satii.faction ,fuaran.
.r. thu city, ami jH-aKir. of the teed. Don't forget the date.
i fair, the other day, Fred Scores of Hillsboro references.
Si ho'ii'i ir.' said lrs. Iwe & Turner will be at
"I thirl, that it wo, hi 1- n rarest drove. Friday. Jan. 30,
.a r, w i ;e thin j.'.
had a horse, cow
lock to
the i-ity (,n that day. and. when reinilar mppfintr with Winona
the market was established. 'Iranjre, at Tualatin, on Wednes-wo'il-1
a! wa .'.shave buyers. P- day. Jan. 28. The general topic
pie would come j'rom a lonir dis- for discussion will be "Commun
tance to look over dairy stock or ity InU rests." Kev. Hoozer, of
hors-s. ami the ntv could, with Orenco, wi l di-scuss this from a
hut little expense, j,r ivide a .v)cial standpoint, and M. S.
plan- and sheds, at no expense Shroek will talk on the subject
to s. 11, rs, excepting for feed. If frfrn the dairyman's standpoint,
the market could he made a sue- while Ii. (i. Leedy. former mas-
s ami then- is no rexson whv ter of the state irranjfe, will talk
it should not many would find "n the topic from a business
it profitable to brinsr in their standpoint, and tell what the
hlo'xled st'K-k for exhibition. State Grange is doing to forward
particularly where they have the co-operative movement in
lock for sale. Oregon.
With sucess, it means more jhe state Game Officials have
money spent in the tow n, for wanted a nermit to the Wash-
i ler ,'ind Seller Would Clin- imrtnn.l Wtmn fW-nrstinn tn An
F.A. HA1LKY, M. I).
FhysirUa u& Sarfwi
Oi'.fr: tptiri ta fchnlrnitrtck Bloc
KnitlviK (Vxitbwml rornr Haavlla
it.t nw-uo.1 Htrtwta.
pbmir. offi.-ontr w-; nMi.lnwv.1l17 $4
CHli utir eirrTl.r la-lla Itii tUn
Kw.Uiit Kaal of Cuurt lltxiaa.
In tna enniw of th lilurk.
---ri-r 'rllVLrlAAA)lJ
R. M. I'RVVIN, M. D.
SorKio S. P. p. Ii. A !., P. K. A R.
Olfir- in the Tinimic Block. Thlr.l m4
Main Sln-rU,, Urrgon.
,. , and at Hillsbfiro. Saturday, Jan
1 anin'n nnoijj 4-1-5
, ur other live- T. ... r n
COUld hrin it to r.ranwo will holH itanoirt
Offic Iliiur q to 11 a. m.: 1 la( & m.
TarU)r. Thuratay, Hatonlay 9 to la
Call aniwrml da or nia-ht. Both
phone. Office ovrr Hi National.
i.'iUie more or less to cnannelS .m.. hlnotincrnn nn saPn Treelr
'Till; NIIW MIMslhk"
l'he S-K'ial Circleo'" tin-1 'Lri-1 i'in
Qllirch and the Vn'i People s
Society of the l'r,il.ei
i! Church are prepannr a p
ailie. ell
embroid li"-t"n. Mass
ri' iiitik
ttw, ainl 1 .0 ne, 1 pmk carnations. Have Iwodrav? saws with out
The pari, r . '.s . re decoiat'.d in I tM and will ! in a (Hisition in
ihitcaml i". n. ami the ilinilii' hiUnil two weeks to take larg
loom was in imik and whit
Afti'fllie ceremony, the wcildiUK
tflrtv as J ton iMiuntiful
dmmr, lis" e present were
Mr. Il;n'r.i!ii.i. mother of the
bnde; Mr ami Mis. A. P. l.uth
f. liuri-n.s of the erooin: Mr.
nl Mrs, A m. Il.irlr.iinpf. Wil
our mnl ,) laiol 1 ll.n Ira-npf. of
oivst (Iru-e, Mr. ami Mis. F.
t llartraiiip!, Uobt. Hartrampl
lad huh, p.. ., Mrs. Thtos, l.ily
IN Ksther I hies, Albert. Otto
i"u Miss Aniamla llartrampf,
lv. Mvcn an, I wile, and tin'
Minstn An,,,. tn, Jessie liar
fink'tim. M, Amanda Har
ifuniif caucht lhe bride's Um-
AiUTfnii;;ratulalioiiH. the hap-
Wfoiiple .1. parled for 11 trip l
vaiitornia ami Arizona, where
wy will remain several weeks,
ln their return they will take
JP their re; n'nice on Jackson
swet, het .vei n Fu st ami Second.
TL ...
yitf V'riioiii ih well known us
asliiif i assistant at the
wuimi Paciiic depot in this
"ly. and the bride is well known
very iiopiilarhen
n aim 1
tlaWt...l . . .
"""ii win, ii,,. city telephone
lhe Aiyus joins their
"my friends in comrra! illations.
li t lull.
J M I lonahue laileil to appear
in court to answer rha'yv of lar
ceny nl limiier irom i.;i,aiiein
- reeman. I.ail oi vi,ii cam w as
mil-red forteit, and bench war
rant issued.
Ill Nk'N A. I h'Nk
a 1 : i a
enry A- v rank, a re-mieni 01
II lville. died suddenly. Jan.
III. l'.dl. after retiring for the
in the best ot
Ian nod his la
ird, of lectureship of Hirs for the follow ing day. and
was full of hope and ambition
for the morrow. Mr. 1 rank was
Isirn at Meipion. Wisconsin,
in lSol!. In 1S71, he w as mar
ried to Kliabeth llulischen. a
native of Lrsheim, (lennany
l he following year they depart-
1 r.. ... w; ;., f., 1 1,.. . ill
tsi irom n imcoii.-oii i"i
and stiarselv settled plains of
Nebraska.' where they en. lured
the hardships of pioneer life.
I'hey made their home and raiseil
their lamiiy ot seven etin-ii in.
. an,reiie-
entitled 1 he .New .Mi' ll'T. to
be rendered in the Cr. -cnt The-
ater, on rnday evemmr. l ei,. 1.,.
Watch these columns tor the an
nouncement of thecal of char
acters. McPAKt.ANP-liSOCMS
James P. McFariaiie ami Miss
P.lani'he L. F.noclis wen- united
in marriage, at the M. 11. church
parsonave, January l'.t. l'Jll
U.-v. Dunlop olhciatin. l'hi
bride is a daughter ol' Mr. an,
Mrs. F.noclis. of this city, am
the groom is the son of Mr. a:..
Mrs. J.Y. McFariane. former!
of this city, the father havisi:
been in the lumber business here
Whereas; Our Heavenly Path-'
1 to rest Henry I mi;
trade. 1 would lue to see the -A here their DiDe line suffered
'.iimiw-rrin ( 'Urn himim I.i: uA ....
- . - r - - - - - . j
tftrm Thp rnmnanv nut in jwv-
i ; i . . . a 1 i.i' . . . . r ' r
sei iay 10 see 11 11 can 1 oe maue ,.ra h asts w thotit trettincra ner-
a part of our business life. mit. and there was some hus-
It would m. an broader markets tijn,, arnUnd by the authorities.
tor our livcstocK raisers and our M ho men in charge say that they
producers, and a tie,j market ,;,! not know it was necessary to
lav would give us Yamhill and
fillamook counties as customers.
1 think the plan is well worth
get iK-rmission to blast in the
stream, but the law requires
such procedure.
Fo" sale: Forty acres, mile
of Oregon Klectric survey; six
miles of Forest Grove, 1 miles
of 3 stores. P. 0., blacksmith
shop, school anj churches. Hill
land suitable for orchard and
J. P.. Oowning, of below Heaver
ton, found Lewis Yelt dead by
the roadside, near Fanno Station. Ljarden; also good walnut land;
.Monday aiternoon. 1 elt was in about 10 acres has been eleared.
! io of water, by the side of now covered with small firs; good
the mad. He had been seen spring; one million feet saw tim-
early in trie ai tornonn ny jonn her, or about lOuO cords ot wood
Miller, who saw Yclt's hat blow Will take some stock as Dart pay
otV, and saw the Austrian chasing m0nt Address Kittie M. Ellis,
Station Agent H. A. Lowry, at
jobs of cordwo.Nl and rick w mnl
cutting. I hose mtercSletl pieasi
write t'lias. I, Uolunson. Mil
H.n. Ore.. II Ji. '
leu .1 mini v Valentine, at tin
iV.e.iil rrulav evening. .1
Z. I'on't miss it. Those who 0IU. ,,f whom only answered
have seen our neigliiHirs.
Mmnville talent, sav it is some
thing par excellence -ano
om as any of the Paker Stock
nlavs staged here a year or -
ago -ami many ' ,l ls ,l'n, r-
. i...m t finished in and
f e eriML' llll P.IVIHK I ..- . . ,, ,, r
.." V V7 i..l,,.,'s ida:John .hand uswaio 1... i
fio nui 111 .., .
.. r .1... ....... 1 i
ca 01 uic v;i 101 iv. ,,', ,
put'., Mr. Frank came tn Oregon,
and settled near Keedvill
where, with the exception ot one
..,,..,( I. he has since resided. He
...v....... ,.
fi t.. mourn his oSS Ills Win
iv .
six e n dren. as toiiows
P., of Peigh. Nebraska;
,.f 1 :t...i s;t M.-n-v. Klor-
famih ordering and paying
OlOS III .JOIllle' 'I l ..... M . I .... V l!o,-;,.L-
' - . . , . .. . -,., V I' ll .
Studm before Maicn 1... - ; Wasl, !U1( Mrs.
C r..l Khiniieer 1). W. Camp- I...I..I, , f Portland. The
Till IH ..."--.-- , , P.. I H.MIi'l
1...11 of the S. P. Po.. stated to f . t k ;,iT last Saturday
.1.. rennrter. Saturday
i....c lieine- held at St. Mat-
;.,.r 1 hut the overhead men P. ' ,'mr,i, Hillsboro. am
1.1 nolle short work of the . ,' nf ;n the Patholic
1 mm mi." - - - - - .... M"""1 " . 1
11, end of the line, " hvmeterv. southeast 01 .Newum
ihat i-nrs wcmM be running up . 1:,'.ank sva3 highly esteem-
of a few days. I.i 1... neivrhbors. and was
vow 11 in-.- hi ., . r
1. -...1 i'o. 1 ;...,t i.niv! 11 1 inin in 01
...1. 1 iii inri. -111 111 1 o i-o n .ei . 1 ..-.-
iMir ' I I ' .- I intein-ilV
I China hoars, yearimg nnin-i n
s; also some pine-in
la...,. 1 . .nk i-iJ
where lor " " ' , ..,.,, lnuuiro NOIkl
VI line re-- . i.i r.
Mi rnncn.
has callei
man, the beloved son of our l.s
teemed Neighbor, Peter IloiV
man. and wife, we, the ineinbers
of Cilencoe Pamp No. If.l, Wood
men of the World, hereby ex
tend to the bereaved Neighbor
and familv our sincere sympathy.
"V. S. Hahn,
Fred (J. P.rown,
Allen P. Tannock.
W. 0. W. Camp No. lol.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace, of
near Farniingt'Mi. cntortained
their many mends last ihurs-
dav at'terniHin and evening, Jan.
l.Y the occasion Inung their thir
tieth wedding anniversary. The
afternoon was spent by the la
dies with their fancy work, and
in the evening thev .were joined
hv their husbands, when th
hours were passed with cards
mid social chat. They receive
many useful presents in honor of
ti,. '..v-ent A bountiful dinner
:w served between six and
The gathering dispersed at a
late hour, alter wishing host am
hostess many more anim ersanes
Those nreseiit wore Messrs
nnd Mesdames Frank Wallace
Dan P.urkhalter. J. P. Stewart,
mm. . 0111 tvamna, nam.
.hiilmorich. Will Stevens, K
it. t-oroner Parrett went to the Forest Grove,
;cene uon notification, and held
in ii,,,n.,ct th. IwviK- hnvintr Vuen
taken to Yegg's undertaking par- lleedville, is always on the job.
i..rj -.t '...! .-...-ton Yelt whs rp. ana me omer aav ne was rneas
..v ....... v ... .... 1 ,
.1 .or h a n nn. ven UnniT IIW UlSiariCC W toe tna!.
o,,K nivn .....v, ...... 1 . - , ., r tn o. w
;ii. ; ti r,ir .t . step 01 ine new r. r c
0.0... v.i... v. ..... .........j I .. , ... : ,o
mt from home when he met coacnes. ne lounu uwnv
tth. It is supisised that he
d as much from exosure as
mm strangulation. That there
is w foul play is sustained by
e fact that on the man's per-
on was tound i..i in money.'l. .01. 1 elnc.i 1 ,v wiome
'. . . . . "... It.-. irmio fivm a Umi.K-iHe
riH'enes wnicn no was uiKing -v -
Hie county court last week trans
ited the following order ot bus
Mi! or bridge aoove
CAk'll or thanks
J9iHh to evlend our Hineere
"nk t ,IP t,.,,.,,,! Iint ,.jK,.
P0", wh.i so kindlv assisted us
,n7 iK'reavemeni.
. Henry Frank Cbihlren.
"Nville, Ore., Jan. 'JO. MM.
FOR- $2500
"v. . .
icn nfii.,n I ... I , . I .
M-vei good sou nnoiu
'irieiutes in cultivation; young
hi .' ll"";,"' chicken
t,'iu "f nuiles, good '21
r wagon ; wnd house, fruit
'mJ'. situated one mile miiilb
a1 Helvetia, on the United Kail-
"He mile vuevil of West
"n :hun-h:$riiM) cattli; Imlaiifi
r0f T' '"'Hiiwat tliephu,',
Qf J' '1. Klineiiian, Hillsboro,
Arus and
. 11... 1....
, w ,' . Kemoer of Notice is hereby given that the Nj , , wil (;aotter, Mrs. Hur-
Mr. mul Mrs. jr. .n J fM for Washmgton Mr9' wm Schulmerich. Mas-
below Newton, were 11 liw ; OroKn. will u open for Uirslj()Von Schulmerich nnd Fred
Tuesday. ..f ( K ,e collection and payuu-nt ol ;;K,Uor
Clmlys Holuuf. of r mi ,um Monday. February 2.
who has been the guest ol uu a- n,lmU,wiU he allowed. y-i.i-2.l-U?
week of Mrs. Kemper. , (hu, an(j payable .
4 n i.iv.ij
a.. 1 VII lilAV'T - . -.,
Mas,Hh ball at ,H. bu-e the 1st day ol
M"W A, Oil.
.... hi. ih(T Hlllimii ( OI-.I I' IL llll ' f--
vx. . . " "l ,11 invited. -An- V. "'Mv of 1 percent, per
goon 11 u. "", .115 I . ,.u I... eh.'irced 011 remain
nn and liuo.v mvi........ 1mnn.11
..... 1 1.' vv-iILm nnd ilaugli
Birs. ii. ", ;,, iirdav for to Septcnun
l,M 'wJkls no payment
Soehren. at iam,
.....i f,,.. mile for heiilinvr.-U
K.K.l..n. Tel. Pity 702. 41
1 v FleUicr. of l-'orest ('.royo,
was n wn Tucs.lay. nyg
He is still the same old joiiar.
Mrs. l ri,?Mrr.nthKi
the Kirkwood Millinery, at 1 w
csUirove, and taken possession.
There's another ln-211 combina
lion in the Hillsboro Honor case,
now Pending in the Supreme
Court that of the number on
Ilia lelllot
rii,. hoodoo legend now reads
the ipiostion was No. Pi on the
ballot; the injunction was ar
r half pav men t to bo paid lrior
September 1st. 1914 Whore
nt iv, ni.-ide before the
m, -- . v, kes no naj 1 iv ov ....
h,,rl vim ;,', ilis 1st any .if Al'nl. ml . u ; -- , jlinl the 13th of tho
V . . ii. .11., l. v" ' .li l., lo nrior
charged irom u. u ... . - .-
to September 1. r-'l-b IU
September 1. Wl-l. n pena ty o
ll'ir eent. ami interest at the
rate of 12 per cent, per year wu
.hirrel on all del.miuent
lnxW' K. P.. Saminton.
County Treasurer ami ax Pol
ledof of Washington County
J. 0. ROBB, M. D.
OFFICK: Up-airiin Sclfulmrich B df.
Piionks Oilii-e. City JS4; Rr. Cily
Physician and SurjreonJ
Office hours 9 lo 11 a. m.; t lo 5 p. m.
Calli aniweml ilar or niirhL Both
phourt. Office in American Natiooal
Bank, apataira.
4W. m. Brngtrnj m. m. Km
ttooiu 1 and t Staat balldiac
OfBcea up itaira ,in .Schulmerkh Block
Upauin, A. C. Shnte Bl.lg, Main & and
Orrici: Main HUsH, opp. Conrt Houm
fifteen inches of a climb, and
u-Viila ho wnnM tpll nn nnc what
his measurements were for, it is oei aPll,r io Schulmerich Block
well enough to let the ladies who Hillsboro, - - Oreeon
I..UI.I. L.nn. n.knt
wear nuuuie smivs iviiuw uo. 1
they are going to encounter when
thev board the trains. This came
Sam Stott. of Portland, well
known here in pioneer days, was
out from the Rose City, yester
day. He says that Tim Thomp
son is now conducting the Gas
ton mills under his own manage-
r.,r..!t ment. Stott has a wide pioneer
. . , . f I nA.nmintnnA ViQ3 Qnrl tollQ thP
Urove. awarded to ld. nixon ior au-iivaM ..v.v,
n.i 1 .1 .fie 1 Aririis inaL r raim mcjcis, iui-
llo. I.OIMIHU inn. r"",-- " .1 A
i:,mfml nf ;:i7.r.O transfer- meny. is miising a guuu i.u
ed to countv fund. torunou a ijooiuioatci.
Koatl district specials were The members oi the Hillsboro
Hand are talking of reorganiza-
74 tion and will meet with the board
1 of directors of the tommercial
l1-' Club some night this week. The j
i &4 pRand has been a feature of Hills-
'': 84 boro's social and civic life of
10 01 which all citizens have been very
12 lJ 5M proud.
Koad district funds were trans- Hon. S. A. D. Meek, of beyond
erred as follows: North Plains, has been laid up
1 to 2 ?1 00 since New Year's, with an injury
2 " Hi : 3 2 nansed bv falling out of his new
0. a. ciasin
Irmififrrin.f ttMlalra. flraMaalPttat,
Baafalcat aat aaata.
CTrral.JtfAiandna. ttiftrahnHVririaiC. tMb
taitirn. intamfnte, Uifunan ana all rr
nam nrirniiuj au4rfl(Ut. lletMtaaMaa
aa In Huropa mil unfnn (trani aiwl
Vrairilf ta aim WrrlaliMMn aiftaVtl.
SoiAlaileitlifiiiltni, Utbftltaaantn. Swlfa)
nrfitirJ)lfl nil anlma Mtoatta.
nia-etraara: Caaia Ma t MM
aa aal Vnatnaraa.
2((t6vn: SWutftoU 2oO: M-lUtf;
niu.znvn: main 8M aal aVISM,
jiamrt xi 004 Vtaaiatt af baiaKTrf Ma
ransierrcd as iooowt..
No. 1 to 2
:', " 0
21 " It!
21 "12
OtUcn up-ataim over Hillaboro National
o 1
" i
1 98
7 29
i.r.oiiut ii-ense was o, me
State's brief, on paire 21. har.
died the question of the sulbcien
n... of the notices, and it win
argued before the Sunrenie Court
.,r Sulein on the 13th of the
month. And. to make it more
'binding, the election was held in
a year that ended 111 1.1. inu
case will probably bo decided the
first of next week.
2 33 barn and has been unable to
- t I . . . 1 . . XT
H vvak. it was a nasiy hcw
10 75 Year's present, but Steve is tak
3 51 inff it cheerfully.
r ,i:1.l. nnin uriaViaa tn fpnt
O 1 t mm f.ilKr a.-oiirina.t
Ii: KUV UailJT UUUI, imij viiTl'
W 1LI1 IUIV9. imyiciiiviivi v.
Must be close to Electric line, or
cream route. What have you?
Pall A 5799. or address L. h.
Falkenberg, Holbrook, Ore. 4G
The semi-annual payment of
interest. on the 1912 storm and
tv... sanitary sewer extensions are
.t..i D now due and payable at the
countv official papers, year of office of bred J. Sewell. City
1011 No other netitions pre- ireaaurei.
sen ted. Dr. S. T. Bowser, who will
Recorder's recipts. December, soon celebrate his 75th birthday,
.'i:orvr. p1o,.i 'b fees $71X5.50: made his annual call on the Ar-
approved gus, Monday. He has quit active
Franchise cranted Farmers' practice since his runaway injury
Telephone Co., No. 17. with a year or so ago.
usual restrictions. Petition tiled Pure-bred Buff Leghorn eggs,
by C has. Walters, lor franchise, for hatchine $1.25 for setting
Trniieaie Bldg. Roomi 5 od 6
Mum anil Third.
Uoad No. 5S7. petition Wm.
Schulmerich et als, ordered es
Hillsboro Arirus and
Grove News-Times designated as novv
Upstairs, in Linklatcr Delta
Building, Main Street
Hillsboro - - - Ore
Commerciai, Bank Block
line connected with North Plains.
Farm to rent: Cultivates 160
acres; house and barn: 1-5 miles
from North Plains. -Inquire E.
11. Tongue, Hillsboro. 38tf
It is rumored that Hon. VV. H.
Ilollis, of Forest Grove, is think
ing of running for governor in
tho Republican primaries.
of 15. J. P. Hornaday. Oak
Park, Hillsboro, Oregon, Route
4. 44-6
Hillsboro Oregon
Frederick Andersen, M. D.
Qnnoaaanr tn Dr. Cunningham.!
Chas. Metzger. of Tigard.
cently exhibited a sack of pota-
toes in Portland, the tubers Orenco, - OREGON
uroicrhimy two tvniinda fAdh. Thev Telophoim oonneotlona.
were nice and uniform in shape, vvvvwMa
and were not "sprangly," as .
0..r.h haw nnM trpnomllv are. ITArgus and Oregonian 12.25
Oregonian, $2.25.