The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 22, 1914, Image 1

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    SIS i
IUM.SIi()K(),()Ri;r,ONT, JANUARY 22, 1914
llll GIVES
,M I.aUK CMUMS luadrd
alley lwn
1 p,,!,, liut.U l CwnmrfiUI Club,
Hjc I'cMwalUa
NYaHy U r" hundred eoiinion.
j,U m r ' H'"' i"v
0f th i " 1 'iiiiiiu-r' Club,
in turn all them r't of the
Vtia'l. 1 :!?-- & Kutrrn
Uil- parked" oat i'f Port
land. Sat iflav morning, tfoing
ith via N'I-V. t
and tlu-nee buck In
Portland 411 ''''t Grove and
HiIIhInT". Si"p were made ut, I t.i'imof import,
nJ tli'' I'i-' ' vfirnion had lunch
jtSi-rtl- r;-. an. I dinner at Hills
tru. I. a..i v In r.' hi N 'JU in the
rvrnW I kT wind alorm had
(Kit llilli rit m il:irkncs. an. I
fvr)'llnn :is r:tttllf lik'ht in
thCiMHilv K it. lull the niton
tmik tl"' i "i.litinii itli utmiwt
nat if. After dinner the
I'urtlat!'!'-'' V itli'-n-'l til ihi't'urn.
mcn-iah ! i!', In re .M.iyr Rat?,
ley I' tf.i hired I') John M.
Wall 1 1 " Manr ma ! ti five
minutes' t.i i'i which In- gave
lhmr'a! weli-miie, whuh wm
n-pluil t i l v IMi-'ar !, Pier.
prwiili'iit i-f tin' Portland Com
rorthmd. f.uRVnt nl Knilrrn Railway
Th foMi". nu; map. Khowim; the rli-ftriflration of the I'ortlaiid,
F.uiri'o- X I ".ailiTti Uailwav. will he of inti r.'Ht to Ark'im rehdcni.
The lir! unit, ktimvn iih tlii- hmp. from I'ortlatid. aouth on the
Yimlull lr,i.nn and from ,M Mmn ille. north via Forest (Jnive
ami lliil tfcini. H rninpletcil. and Herviee i- now inHtalliil. The
rrn wii! I- running through Main St reel. llilNUiro, within ten
day r tuo weeks.
.i.i.. n o .. jCn
1 'rvlmr- &
Ul.l.Url.'.J&",' v' -.i-
l"H II
hi waf ma.
'. i
h,iu,, ft . A
" -v 'iv
.' ' I h$ .fliis.'k. V f W.lh."t
I , , I 1 x . l f s.-.iu iiui
Y v llitat-lhln
WrlU.lnl.. L It
'..i. ..- svy
K "'-"'..VhK,. (All,.,..,v Jti.
p.,itrrr Icorva'lli
' a i4
; '; iJllntVla
' l ?
"frSi, PortlandEuoeneiEastern Rr.
l , C rrrtfuann 1
t li i . V W I Soul
Alvn.t.p,. f
' r,'l",',sent Spiri'lln cowls -r
M in Htiirrn. Will cull at
nomcHi oii rcpiost. nnd do llu
"nr, and 1,.,,,'h how tiuidiuHt
ll(l WlMlM I I I ..!..
, ineeoiMfl. Vlir lUMlir-
mailii,,.n,(,iWnri, corHts, in
c'',(l'nUIHat..Kt front lace, with
.fit III.. . 1 I A . I
fin n lll'llt liiei", vvil.ll
PXiei-i(nc(., vormliiT MTviop,
"Wl 110 111(11-11 11.'... I,i,l, m.H.
WW f
is imrehiiHod in ntorirt.-Mrs.
taj'l ""'It', llillslM)ro, Fifth
JaekHon Streets, l'hono No.
T W. Sain, of Canton, and J.
mercial Club, an managing edi
tr iif tin' Ori'nfiian,
The trip wa-i made in celebra
tion of electrification of the first
big unit of the mrvicenow Ix-ihu
installed by the Portland. Kunc
x r.aaiern.
1 1 and Kormt Grove, ami
other county towns, turned nut
l participate m th holiday, ami
all enjoyed the trip.
Hume prectit from the coun
ty, a mar an could be ascertain
i! were:
a HilUtniM-Mayitr li T IlayUy :
ounciitnen Mcvenson. Iatfirart,
K'v. Jack, Krrr; County Judge
Rcnsoncr anl Commissi! tiers (1
A Hartley and John NyU-rg; A 11
Shut and W Malum. i,t It.
American National; V N ',ar-
n it. nty attorney; (J C Combs.
C K KonnU. S C killcn. Wm
Schulmcruh. I! It Miller. W W
I'-wco. K i: Hartrartiif. John M
Wall, vice-president Commercial
Club; John Dennis.
Forest Grove- Mayor Golf, C J
Ihrnhn.-ll. .i.-sid.-nt I' U; A V,
llotroian. I, M (Jraham. 1 () Km
S K T.nI.I. A I! J ll (lurry.
K W Hain.-H. It Y Km.'rson. It I
Wirt. IS Fl'urdy. II Julmiain.
J W llilk'hl.
Iil!.-y A K Mil!. id.'.
Conn-linn I. A Kerna worth,
Frank SholeH. K.y Yat-.
lVavrt.m-W 0 Hm-ki-n. W F
HuU r M F. Klanton. ( J It.we.
(laiton I, I. 1'm.r. t. A M I'ort
t. K N. w.ll.
Al-.ha I) U W h.-. l. r. It A ( a-
II I! liirar.1. Tiuard; M Mc
lnal.l. On-iico; J ' Shroyer,
Tualatin; J W Mm in- ami M
IVti-rs. Iti-x.
''"""Vl "
u..i.i,.t-.i iItiI
IwmI Horn
toeite orW"'
i.. nf Unrest drove.
It, ttiaiim--".-'. -
i i-.....r. nn Mi federal
nave oeen ..
iurv. to convene ai lonioow.
Jan. 2li. to try out the land fraud
cases hrotittni iiKumai m.
Southern Oreiron.
Aent Shinnaberirer, of the
Portland. KuRene k Eastern
furnishes the press with a brand
new timetable this week.
Fred Ooetze, J. P. Koch and
Jas. l-oudon. of above Hliwrnlntr.
were in town Saturday.
-a . - c i i :
l orty-Sli I'alh Matter Named
ut the Week
Mi ol Tbtia Wrt la Harac U,r
Several Year
After several day of delibera
tion the county court the last of
the week made road miervisor
anointment. Many of the ap
tiintee8 have Ui n in their pres
ent inmitions for several years,
and there are but few new nann-a
on the roll. The list which will
nerve this year:
I iMtrict Supervisors
1 ('has JeilierKt r
2 Z T Cole
3 F Lllrown
1 H Fleischauer
6 J 1) Koch
Nels Larson
7 Jonas Moline
H Henry IIsse
'J A Zwiener
l' J J Shevlin
11 J J Wismer
1- Jos K lineman
II J Fllaynie
II James llevlin
IS J M lliatt
JII Hayden
17 John Herb
l'J Fred C Twill-
1M (5aU Fssner
2 Andrew Kostur
22 Harry Kohinson
121 .Arthur Knox
21 J W Frichard
'.'5 Jim' A Zimmerman
y John A Johnson
27 Henry Kccnon
'JH John K Zimmerman
21I UK Hateman
lit) J M Vanderzandon
31 Dick Taylor
32 Fd IVntzen
'XI I'.en IKrsacker
31 .Amhrosc Schmidlin
III ('arl Ht'rtrvrron
3T CC Nelson
37 (.rant Mann
38 C Iilazier
3D AblKi lVtors
40 AliTivld
41 F W iVssinjror
42 Carl I lor
43 AllM'rt Krutfer
44 (iin Conzclmann
45 Alfred 1'icrcn
4(5 I L Smith
The following from Washington
llounty were granted tenchers'
ccrtilioaU'S by the State lUiard
of Kducation. at Salem, last
week :
One-vear certificates - Flossie
Mae Lvall. Heaverton: Oliva Hoi-
kit, Kdith C. TfllH'U.. Nelson
Amasa Frost, Forest urovo; Mrs.
II It. Stretcher. Ruth Wi moth
Jones, Victoria Schmidt, Joseph
M. Stretcher, Frances ueibei,
Delia lihea Harnicott. Hillstwro;
Klsie McCullouK'h, Gales Creek;
Ivy C. IVterson. Heaverton; An
na T. and Christine Form, Cher
ry drove.
Kive-venr certificates Jas. H.
Trott, Heaverton; Violet M. Tay
lor, Hillsboro.
Life certiticate- Kdith Christie
Maris, Hillsboro.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and gratefully acknowl-
eiiire me mny Riiiuiivfneooiion
..a v friends and neiirhhors dur-
inu our recent Dereavemeni. me
death and burial of our beloved
'v . , .... .
wife and mother, Mrs. Mary J
Michael Fitzsimmons
and Family.
Tnni Sinnv. nf above Hloominjr.
was in Friday. He says that he
and his neiRhbors felt the trem
or that shook up Seattle, some
ufoulii nr more niro. He also
says that he found a stump split
open in the nins, ana mums
c.,u in thn mniintnins mav have
caused it, as there was no other
indications of a force inai coum
have accomplished the feat. of (Cornelius, was
r i vu uvi.wv"! - -(
a city caller Saturday. He says
that Cornelius win vc
and dry election, this Spnnir.
and the old contest will be
threshed out again.
A. I'. Wilkes, of near Scholls,
was in town Saturday.
Wanted fJirl for general
housework. I'hone, City .
Wm. J'hh', of West Union,
was a city visitor Friday.
Mi Althea H.-mhree visiteil
her parents, in l'ortland. over
' Adolph Ilonzaik. of Oak Park,
was transacting business in the
city Friday.
I. C. Nealciih. of SseKolln aa
a city caller Saturday, on leiral
Ous Kleier. of Chehalem Moun
tain, was a countv seat visitor
Frank LWer came in Satur
lav from Chehalem Mountain
to attend to his week-end busi
A. W. Walker and wife, of
South Tualatin, were in town
F.rncst J. Stauss. who has rentS
ed the New ton Womer place, at
Iaurel. was in the city Monday.
Ioiranlieries were in lilorim
the last of the week pressing
the season, some.
T. A. Gary, of south of lieed
ville. was in the countv seat
Do mil fiiriret tn nuU fnr a
Schiller when you want a Rood
W cent smoke -no coutrh dust
in the Schiller. 12tf
John Sinclair, of near Orenco,
was in town Saturday. A little
daughter was lorn to Mr. and
Mrs. Sinclair, Jan. 12, 1911
(loo. Harrow, carrier on Route
o, nas ueciueu w give up nis
work if the department w ill let
him have a substitute.
Spencer and other varieties of
sw eet peas -and all kinds of test
ed garden Beeds and fertilizers,
at Morton's Greenhouse, Hills
boro. 41-7
Freese Lilligard. of near Lau
rel, was in town Saturday. He
is living on the Lilligard farm
while his parenU are visiting
back in the Fatherland.
John Meier, Samuel Graf and
Krwin Ritter. of Bethany, were
in town Saturday, attending a
board meeting of the German
Mutual Fire Ins. Association.
The North Side Dairy will de
liver you milk on city route. Pure
milk and cream. Try us. Our
product is first hand we milk
and then deliver. Tel. Farmer
lllo.-l). M. Gillen water. 41-0
Frederick Peterson, of Bacona,
was down to Hillsboro, Saturday.
He savs the roads between here
and Hacona are something mud
dy these days.
For the best values tn hard
ware of all kinds, call on Dave
Corwin, who can sell you the
best at the lowest hgues. Plumb
ing given prompt attention.
Second Street, south of Main.
Dave Doty, the McMinnville
theatre man, was in town Satur
day, making preparations for the
McMinnville Dramatic Co., pre
senting Jimmy Valentine, that
For Sale Ten head milk cows,
4 fresh, and others fresh soon.
Graded Jerseys. Selling on ac
count of leaving the farm. Also
selling one thoroughbred Jersey
bull, coming 2 years.-D. Shaw,
Heaverton, Ore., R. 4. 43-5
W. H. Roiling recently received
a letter from his sister, Mrs. J.
A. Kbener. whose husband is
mining at Lenia, Idaho. Mr.
and Mrs. Kbener were married
several months ago. her husband
having mined in the Yukon for
several years.
Wanted: Will buy a light 2
seat spring wagon, and also some
yearling heifers. Wnte o. Odar
matt. Hillsboro, Ore., Route 1,
or nhone Walter Bros. Farmer,
282. Throe miles northeast of
Hillsboro. on Grabel place. 42-4
F. A. Harberg, the cattle buy.
or of Hast Plains, and John Mc
New. of below Reedville, were
in town Saturday. They report
the roads as wet, but found
Hillsboro the reverse. Mc. says
ho was so dry. himself, that his
clothing caught fire shortly after
he entered town.
The K Hand Power Stump
Puller is being demonstrated
dailv on the George V. James
farm, four miles southeast of
Cornelius. If interested, call or
write for descriptive literature.
Address Gustav Krause, Corne
lius. R, 2. 42-5
John Hoeker Sr., who has been
visitimr in California for a month,
returned Friday evening, and
has been busy greeting his many
friends. He says he is glad to
get back to Oregon, although
the weather was superD aown in
the South.
Large Crowd Attends Ceremonies
at Hall, Friday Eveninc
Bi( Baaaaet. laitallatioa. asd Atfdresf
ct, With Program
The Pythian and Pythian Sister
odges held a joint installation at
their Castle Hall, on Second
Street, Friday evening, with a
record-breaking crowd in attend
ance. The ceremonies were
marked with unusual features
and were pronounced the most
brilliant in the history of the lo
cal orders. F. J. Williams, in
charge of the military guard, es
corted the Pythian officers in the
floor work, under the softening
effects of a huge spot-light,
operated by L. W. House, and
the effect was brilliant and
Hon. W. N. Barrett W. G.
Hare and 11 H. Greer made the
addresses for the K. of P. Mrs.
F. J. Sewell presided at the piano
during the evening, and vocal
music was rendered by L. Brown
Sr. ; quarteL Messrs. Brown Sr.,
Brown Jr., Wm. Harris and F. J.
Williams; piano solo, Mrs. F. J.
Sewell; piano solo, Miss Florence
Mrs. W. N. Barrett presided.
and the officers installed by Mrs.
h. L. Moore, assisted by Mrs.
Janie Sewell and Mrs. L A.
Long, were:
Mrs E C McKinney. M E C:
Mrs H T Koeber. E S; Mrs Leon
ard Brown, Junior; Mrs Wm Nel
son, Manager; Elinor Wilkes, M
of R & C; Mrs T E Cornelius. M
of F; Mrs F J Williams, Protect
or; Mrs L E Shute. 0 G.
After the installation, Miss
Ruth Linklater. as Goddess of
Flowers, with the following little
girls as bearers, Isabel Turner,
Evelyn Sewell. Ipha Wilkes, Ethel
Linklater, Cecil Emmott, Ruby
Young, Margaret Long and Helen
Connell, presented the ladies
with floral tributes.
The Pythian officers installed
by L. A. Long, assisted by Wm.
Nelson and W. G. Hare were:
Fred J Sewell, C C; Jas Ander
son. V t; W is Harris, prelate;
L Brown, M of W; L W House.
M of E; Geo Stevens, M of F; F
A Everest, K of R & S; Earl Lu
ther, Master at Arms; D C Black
burn, I G; Aug Tews, 0 G.
No one in Oregon, and for that
matter no live stock man in the
Pacific northwest, needs to be
told that Dr. James Withycombe,
of the Oregon Agricultural col
lege, is a believer in live stock.
The doctor believes in live stock
commercially, socially, morally,
and one can not doubt but live
stock plays an important part in
his religious beliefs. So it 13 not
surprising to hear him declare in
the Pacihc Homestead that bet
ter live stock will do more to
keep boys on the farm than all
other agencies combined,
Spokesman Review.
Mr. Withycombe is one of the
real, conscientious, and practical
college men in the Northwest,
and his opinions on the above
subject are being demonstrated
every day in Washington County.
If you want a range that beats
the world for the money, call on
David Corwin, Bank Annex
Building, and see his Quality
Ranges, all the way from $25 to
$55. These are the best ranges
ever placed on the market in
Hillsboro. Call in and see them.
J T. Rnnka. of unner Vine-
lands, was in town Friday. Jos.
is hanging on to several hundred
sacks of fine Burbank potatoes,
and itava he is now sorrv that he
didn't nut in the twenty acres
he originally intended, the short
price of last year influencing him
not to plant the tubers.
Will teach shorthand and type
writing in Hillsboro providing
enough pupils will join a class.
Address School ot Shorthand,"
393 11th Street, Portland, Ore
gon. 41-4
W. J. Gregg, of Leisy ville,
was hauling in potatoes for, the
Mercantile, the last of the week.
He had a lot ot tubers on his new
hop ground, and the land cleared
ud over $100 per acre, hops, po
tatoes and all pretty Rood for
baby hop ground.
Born, to Chris Maurer and
wife, of above Mountaindale,
Jan. 9, 1914, a son.
If yon don't want to come to town, just phone your
order in and it will be promptly attended to as if you
called in person, vye specialize in "Hurry Up orders
and you can get a prescription made up very conven
iently in this way. All
earnest possiDie return man.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
Kexall Remedies by Parcel
The Delta Drug Store
and thereby creates an accurate record of all expendi
tures. Many, both men and women, through the
absence of snch a guiding record, permit small, un
necessary outlays to drive away the joys and indepen
dence which increasing dollars provide. A checking
account affords the safest, most convenient and satisfac
tory way of handling your mouey, besides adding to
your prestge. We solicit personel, as well as business,
accounts and the opening deposit need not be large.
Capital and Surplus $57,000.00
A. C. Shute, Pres., C.Jack,
Tfclfaf St.,
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings DeposiL Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits.
The Garnet Your Birthstone
Here's a riRht good wish for 1911 and if
January is your birth month, the Garnet is
your birthstone.
"No gems sare Garnet should be worn
By her who In this month is born,
It will insure her constancy,
True friendship and fidelity.
The Garnet is marked by beautiful richness
and warmth of color, comes in varied
shapes, and mounted alone or in combina
tion with Pearls or other Stones and may
be worn in ring, brooch, pendant, or pin,
according to the fancy of the wearer.
Let me show you a selection of Birthstone
orders are sent out by the
Post, Prepaid without extra
Jr., Cash., V. V. Bergen, As't $
lfMftofo, Or: Q
Hillsboro, - Oregon