IB COLLECTION 10 SHUT FEBRUARY 2ND : jrr,,nr-r lic Call t'n.k-rlam jMtl bv I eilLliii tll!Vt Of fill PM My. I Ik- I'jttl ) ptil County In ;ur r II. H. Sapping tint. H" ""' ''"'' '"""I'd tax p4ltt-tr for U ;i.liinKt Cunty, ,n,' ti t ii in utillu-r column that tax i"'' ti"' will Ix'k'i'i on M.m.l.iv. I I ruary Z His un ikwiio in" 'it is i" ri'iiHiinaiu-i- w ith the hl.il' iii i't inHi! in luhl nk'i An"-1-4. that r Late Ih- a ' lln law pr- fulut.- till, h ' ntutt-.l to Mv half of the tax liy April 1. l.iil the other half will U-ar on. trr cut. i ' rr?t each month until Sept. I. an. I then, in ad Ii lion there will l u iH-rulty of ten i r ft -i.ti.iM. f n 1':imh lit ut nil i mad. t,y Apnl I t'l'" llil'Tchl chaw ''I '"" I1 '' ' fit. t month until N id I. w hrn tin jiriultv t f ; t !, ill tell Jht o-nt. TVri' is a w r i . I if complaint ill over un- c,iiiy in mose win. hive ai l a half tax f r m-viral ear pawn' H"' remaining half hi tho hr-l Monday HI October MciiiUn fl tin- It .la'uro put h blame on tin- tax roinitiiHsmn in in rii'!"-anr ( sluH r- hihi Miiiy. in' i" 'mi' wiiii navi Ukrti a i tr i.i.:-ii uu- mrec i r rnl. rebate ate a!i ili.Hviti-.heil ith tin' i a law . From all in (jioi(i"in ii ! law was ,-rx tifacliir. at. I it H I hmu'ht that llf next !.-.riH!;,turi- will r, hi-jl lln- in . nt law and huIi !. itituti tli-' "M inra inn-, ai.d it i Ml unlike!-. 1 1. at tin- tni-asiirv ill be toi tin- !allt at tin fen ml rlirtio'i ik-x t rail. Ul .l.r 11 ti,rn.-. V r i u- u , ..Sh.-r.tr ii ... ' "."" rtuiif Ih, m throne!, V....I ,; -UII,lv 11 . ' """"II tilll car v " " l .Tiir .,n,M that th.-y H1(,ull, ...V i. V" a,V. 'v.-Hw.iul.l ",,,".l""tliii.k' I.H.-than .i V "',k "", '"""ty l-Min- wuiitiny ihat t(lill ww .... j.i.iiiHmn iiunjf 11)1 ifiLMiiOmi A Ret a. ja.M'ary a " Ml 111 III LT tarnlt r at thin tirwuf y.-ar. ,fV Whit,- I.-J.om " k "H a f,-w .-hoi.v r,M k.-r. H ami aU,.t ft, ,r.,!inif ti,.n. aU KKari.i nay hn kii in m a Sll. Ir.l..r - . . , '-". 'iptiy ih L it I ''ar,V "''. thl Ul layrm. Wnt,-fr pri.-.-n ami artinilarn. fan,M. & j, I i.try Kurm. Ijuut,. 4. I'-lx Lm Uav.-rton, ()r.. .j()tf ' Tn-asiirrr K. If. Sappin'ton had it"l.--t,-.l t. followini; toaxsixt in tax: o.l,-ti..ri: (, tt.u. ra.hu-r; C. A. Umkm. "'Ik'' rman; coHiTtoni. Kl lw " .-m ,,n.v... arm m,km Mattit iimni-m.. Ah y t th tnamir, !" not know what ipiart, m h win .M-nipy. sh th,- nrwr arm.' o.. l.oi y, i ,.,. UlT, ,t,.. (V,n 'oi"r rimicr was out 1 1,.. ..t it , . . "Pl "t lllf W'-t-K. 1(111 Birr.... . - - ..-r H.'ll IIM III was ,-u, ftt nH (l, (a,, 0V(.r tinn iur,-. It ih ntill m. th.- air. ami H.-ttl,.rn,-nt .-i-ms as iar iH-icrr.-il as ,-v.-r hav' r.--,-ivi-, an ord.-r for anoa.H of iH.tat.N f,.r T.-,.u M.ipm.-m, 8M( W ( nl m.-r.-iiaiilatil,' i-.tatm' you hay i luf ii,,, r.xt ,.)H wi- riifii.-it mark.-t urii-,' I:. i "i.-niiM-r. wi will not Im in th, mark.-t aft. r l , li. 7 for an v val )' Ht-H-k. IhllsUiro M.-rranlil.. FORMER HILLSBOROITF KILLED IN PORTLAND M. lrnl.,S,rua he Mead by I ll.nic Coiurrle I ill u. . c i "r,r,w" IMilK IHi: I II ATOW I'yllr. K,..l. ..... 7 ...... mm tariKBUr.t. !,,,,. IX'; 1 1 :. . . . """am . f,.ritim w,., kf)((Wri ""l-ro. K,-v, ral y.-ars apt M ""ftantly ki!!,-. Tu.-mJav by hi- jailing f a ,-nm.f,. i,It ''vator. whil.- working , huil.linK at Fift,.,.th & yt ..u.in,i. n-nton was a i-ariM-r, ........ i "..an., was ,mpoy,-, ,y the J. i . iaylor ( (.ntra.-tiriL' rrni.i,M ,. passing iiri.hr th. wn.--n a i.u l.-v hr,L iVANOERING ARMY PASSES THRO COUNTY - H'Mljf'lon. city 7'J. i f r.il IVarh. ,,f North wan in tow n Tu.-nday. John Sxif,-rt. of I'hillijH. WM a nty ra!I.T y.-st. riay morning II. Malcolm, of VV. st Union Cmp at l'verU,n Over M..nJay was in the city 1 ,.s.lay. ' Ninht. the lir,,c I uesdav M.hi it i uarun ani,-h-y. of N.-wU.n Miss Hsi- Svifarln.,. .t jVtlan,!. i th.- K,st of lira. U. IckM City Park .. It o CI.Kk. ..d II. .St.-v, nsori thm k. T. M , : lima na 10 rel ijrove and lift th.- rs. iM-xti & Turn.-r w:ill vEIm? in llilititx.ro unJay. H.-rrnan Uannow. of Farming. ton. was transacting business in tow n 1 ucHlay. Il"nry Harms, of Schit trt-lin. th- 1'. 1L & was in th. city -8t r(lay. II Korn. of IMv.-tia. was a county seat visitor Monday af- Wuhinton (unty was Mondav afU-rnorm invad,-.! by an army of 75 men ami i.n n; k.. ' . muiSl . , ' -.! '"ctuniainea rejnsterei voters. Attorney Gvx R. Ilajrtfy, rep. resvntin VV. V. Wiley, and Dis trict Attorn.-v K. II wn at Salem. Tuesday, anruinjf th" Hillsboro hqw)f election case, which was aJvanced on the cal- enaar. anl a decision is expected the first of next week; Several valley towns had like case U- rore the supreme court The plaintiff aaks that the election in Novemljer he set aside, conten.l injr that the law does not war rant a city election at that time. I he notices, they allege were al so insufficient, and many other points were raised, chief of which was the questioning of the local option petitions, which must PROrCWIOSAL t.-moon. . i I'-vator. with its f..n , . v.dnu",: ',IJy swmd " nanu raneif i.m- u r-.j 1 1. lead, crush- lelenhone ( itv f:'l i- - - - at Hi-fi Mint uii (harlH Il.-tin. fi.run rlv of Hills. ro. n 1. 1 Mr. and Mrs. ( Ihm, tt'xl Mi ,-!, n (Jati-s. n'. ma tirm i MiiNIhim rvxi,i-nt, OaiKlitir of II. -ii. . . t Jut,.- ti-rv mnti'1 i.i ui.in lav'e ut riulo math. I'M-f.f..fi (' . ml v. On- Jan ii ini ii... ... iv i.'i. inn an- well Known Mtl'Wnh and I'l.ttland. wh. r.- ivy tia..- r.-.i..d f.,r H.-v,-ral 1m man. tm t.u.rlhv and in iii.lr.niw .... I , I. . I . ' . .1 " I I'l'- ITI. II', Willi ipt-M her v'ir h.MNl I,, re. h:,s wnyfn,-., h t ,.H VV1 , limit.' in ('..rtlmd. vuixi: to i wi'wi.us .x.jiirf h h.-r. '.v nVen that the WJ tax r.,:i f.,r Washing,,,, i.wtity. r,-..i,. , M. ,. fr w nuiivt,,,,, and payment of on M . ,.., v. I VI.ruarv L. '"!, N"r. !. .(, w , U. allowed. A. tau's ar,. du. and payable ' in- I d .inv of April. I'.IH. "i iiauii. nt .' mad.. I. April, lull. I!. Statrett. a Forest Croy .'i.l.l r.. . J . . I ... I . tot. ,iii-,i ai ins in. tin-on Monday. January T' Hill, from paralyms. J,. ia,j jH.,.n r,.Kj 'I il III lilt .rnvn f,.f )am. tie is Htirvived by two "on. ( . j. and II S Sst .rr..ii lorfland. n ilauirhter. Mrs S i: UiiPison. Ilardinari. Ore., and i . I'. Starr, tt. a cimneilman at the (,roe, I ii-e, am-d wits a xet. ran of the Civil War. and at .... 11 . i.-oin-u i ne ,eliy.urif ellCBtllp num. ihm year. Many, many eplo are takint adyantai,e of the clearance Hal. prices at t.reer's. Come in tun s.-e us. and y,,u w ii buy. also, as you can't help yourself thinirs are Mild at such low prices. 1.". Forest Uroye held an elect inn xi ... , i i . . . ..mi-way. wun nui one ticket in th" liel.l. Hornet liihi; uncommon for that city, and the new olliccrs ue: Mayor. Ii. J. t lotT: Marion Mark ham. recorder; K. 1. Wirt., treasurer; II. II. Johnson. II. F. rurdy. John Wirtz and U. F. .inerson, councilmen. Mayor elect (.olf is in the hard wan1 business, is one of the directors of the First National Hank, and is also president of the Commer cial ( lull. ik Ih.. I i v ii M. iv hi Aiirii I'll ii it . t ii . . . .i NtiH'.mitvi.f . . w. i, himku ii i ' ' pHll.Tns lor winch we huve so "in t- i i;'irt... i .... r.. ........ , .. . . . . I. .if . . . ..i .iii- many raiif. can Im- tmiiK'til at " . I . t I - ' 1 1 1,1 lui I..II.I t .V I 1 l.i . i . . . ' V " reer S r- -turiit M r s i i ii I,,,.. fivnii'iit is m i.l.. i..'.r.... . i. 'i day of ,j,ri i . , , ., , II. I), b'dfiird arnveil at San ""'h d. Im i i, i,t ii, 'lose last Ihurs.lay. He writes r ' I P r r. hi ,,..r i. his parents that he cut irrass for nt"! from that date tu i.ri.,r rl'crs last week. Ue says '1'ti'inli.r rct'inl: Our new stock has just L'3 San Jose is a beaut ful city, and "r 1. I'M I a i,..,..iiiv. ..f ii'Hi uiey are caniH'd in siK'lit ol Pri'tit. and mt. r.i i 'ti... tin liiir Lick Observatory. II. 0. is Kinng over inert' some nay to see ii lie cum level the Iiik kIhss and take a siiuint at Oregon. I'here is no use of k'oinir to I'.irtlaml to buy of cash stores, t ..' "Tr,'"l- ht year will w1 rinrir..., ..... k'i nil a ,1.. I, ........... " f I- o... . -.. . ... . ..iiH-.'i' Htm lax Col- ' i W a, Inn, ...... i' ,.. 1 1 '......- i.,.., t. il,., .,., Ifiw... .! i .ii ii i ), 1 1 1 1 1 i i i till a i (inn ninii- iiiiitvun - ".. i 'i' i . ... . . . . sax i' you money, iryniiu. xiif' ..... ........ i .....i M..;., e 'i y.. 11(1 lllllllll, llllll llltllll. '". IPS ltd, . . i l.i I Ml IH tivc I i, i r I.. r I ..inn 1 1. iiiikk. loiiiuii.v i ..rii..l!nd t.tiil X.tiuu ll.tl.tll Stit.l. V l!-.!l... i ... ' . I lu.l. I u...v.k mi. it. t.l in mni,i,ltri 't,,ui i ,'ll I ei'l '1 1 .1,, I I ""'I., nil. tin, .in . ...r. t """ay aft,-in. ;.. i . ; It,.., II Mil l, l...u It I'lnr. fc. . ' ii, oi nonor oi ', " r Kutstof the week. M.-s li d. M'tice Cook, pastor of the Hillsbo ro Haptisl church, at his resi tience. Mr. nrir.rrrs ' now a I'oitlan.l mail carrier, and Muss wee, airs. ilton. of Vnl- the afteniiMin lre lllld It imem , ... aiii'ii.... is. A : I'., .... ,.r of ), fi'aliuv.of C'"Pl," l-ri. lirl . i f anil MM rni,, Fved th., "''"""'His wero I t, ' h"tess beiiur uutul. j. .', loniruc 1 'I't Imscow lliiil Miuu inu'h score nt J. I'. Tatniesie la Ii..-, U'"t forty ami very f'i i.iimihi. Soul Mild is Washinnton I'ounty resident. C.roer's profits on uroccrios nre small, but that'a nil rivrht. They do not krivo away premiums. You Kot the benefit. That'a why (!roor sells so cheap. Kov. It. Clarence Cook united Harry 11. Davis and Kllie Schnol ler in marriniro at his residence Jan. 11. Mr. Davis is a Multno mah resident, while his wife is a Wushinuton County resident. X.ta (.,. lino flit till! tirii'P l.'l IUII I lil, VIIIV, I,.., v .... .... Ol'tll thiu .......:.... I nf VX'lnr? It.wnilui u-i 1 iiiiii oiri;, i oi iin.-iirni if nj ....... ktive no stamps nor premiums "r Sluuly HriHik, UIIHt values. The Social Circle of the Conjr. Church will hold its next moot ing, Thursday, Jan. 21', at the home of Mrs. C. K. Shorey, at 2::U) in the afternoon. Furm to rent: (Cultivates lfiO acres; house and ham; 11 miles rrom North l'lains.-Inquire K. 11. Tonkrue, Hillsboro. 38tf i-'iilies were pres '".ioyable time (,l'!'rl(., f,.r her is l,, Dull,... r in tin. facitu .....I -v v.i er '.tL. .... ..i.... " i nay. nk Ih.i , . Uni " ' "I heyon.l Nuv ' w:iH 'ily visitor i"k' l eritnn on tin ii'- was th.' son of II II r.. t'in. well known h.-re in'the nine lien. Wec ased leaves a Widow he coroner's jury left the ver- .n.iojM'n. fixing ri blame. Th. wiuow win no doubt sun aamst th. cover damages her husband. The M. K. X. Hardinv. of Canton or.,i D. (J. Lilly, of (Jules Creek, were in town yesterday. For lunch - iiiekl..,l t... home made saima.n.a .,,1 i..' r " riiu r- '),:nas. -H. M Lmmott. L.-o Schwand.-r and daiipht..r for the death of an1 their Kuest from the Last' were in the city from Mountain dale, Tuesday. MLVS Clin I.m !,Lk..,... ., ... . .. I'umiiau, I. oi rarminc. ton. and Lrvine Hurkhalter. of South Tualatin, were city callers the last of the week. inmate a company lo re .... TAt I 'I . . I L t 1 ' ii . inn ne hi an oiu.n ii.vunjfai the Christian church. rrniay evening', and invited their wives, ladies and friends. Alter the order of business wits (lisiN-iised. a debate .-n tlx l,r..,ui, ... . . . ".r.in.,1,. mat Aature is More Hcautiful than Art " taken up. and a decision was I'lycn hi favor of Nature. Th. anirmauve was suportei bv f..U.-M i ' ,.. .... ami Mirath. and on the negative were .Messrs. nH n.r..c .,,,.1 Jack. t-. . ine audk'tice was very much interested and showed a keen de sire to Oct everv word uhi.-h was sometimes dillicult bv rea- Hon of the laiikrhter. occasioned liy Himt.s made by either side. After the debate was con hided. Hay Siller entertained wun a soio, and responded to an encore. 1 he male uiiartett. om)Ksed of .Messrs. L. .r.. Ismard Hrown. Win. liar ris and Frank Williams, was well . : .. i . . i . . . rtieneu, ami res nitii ei lo an ncore. Henry Kuratli delight- d the audience with a cornet Solo. The meetink' adjourned to as semNe in the basement of the church, around the hanmict ta I.'. Kov. W. N. Vallandiirham presided as toast-master, am kept the banqueters smilinir. by us witty sallies and introduc tions. The moinlK-rshin of the i.. i. . .. i , . . . .... uni respiinueu id toasts, miters who resKnded were Professors McKay and I'urtt, and Key. Myers, of the M. V. church. . . ... . I . . . ' - -...cm.-es unemployed." and tne law were followed. The me nrst niht in the county was v 10U3 contentions are suppf.rt- sjxfnt at IVaverton. where Mavnr .. ly mnY authorities, while Hocken. at the r..n. U J l 8 ale contended that the will citv. fornix,..,! i C " ine votera 8h'i Prevail. , .. , "- t.aac was exp'0iie(l very and black colfee ai the menu, rapidly, the election beinir held! iur Bupjer anu oreakfast. There ' ,JVmw-T. was no disorderly conduct, their Harry Kuehne. the Tirard liv. sixtkesman, J. Hice. saying that''ryrnan was brought toHillsbo-j they were all "broke." and they , 'Vb charged with the were simply ask in, not deman.i. of.a kuehne states inir. something to eat whilM. T. " "ut i .e route to Salem to see the (iover- ? W.. ? 8 res,dt'nt nor and to keep 'liened. Shentf H-ves went to iieaverton to see that all IO... ,...1.1.. I . , in, uri-nv, oui as trie men were under control of their lead ers tin re was no attempt at scattenntr. All remair.e.1 in the tirank'e Hall and there was no ureaKini: of ranks. Ka-e and his w ne came to HilIstoro. Tuesday at 11:.J0. but were told that they couiu not remain in the city. .xiayor dura to, attemot t,. fn,i a..i, ""'"u:nin"nac()wtn them uAnx unt.l Soring L-T'u"" '"r f ,,euer one. anil , nacj w nave some hav for mariner ika I He ma.h. Iha t.n,l., i... .i " iy oi me nrst part refused to accep: the cow Kuehne traded for. He says he tried to tret the party to trade back, but he wouia not, and the filinir of the papers followed. F.A. BAILEY, M. D. Offw: t'u(r in Scbolntricki Itocs '.a rWnMxl Mrwtt PUworm, .m. Cltjr Cj ra.MM',Cllf M rrrXrXrVMMMM S. T. LINKLATER. M. B. C. M4 PHYSICIAN ANOSURCBOM 5 ffir. ue-Uo. r Tlw Ik-lia rru Mlor Kmi.I.i1m aulof Tonrt How In lb euriuHr ut ih block. I iTinnmiiM, R. M. KRWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Sarm S. P R R. A R.t r. K. k K Office in the Tm.ie Blork. Ttirt and u oimru, iiuiaooro, Orefon. WrXVWVrVNrVWMMM ELMER II. SMITH M. D. D. OI PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OSTEOPATH Office IfTpr-? to ia . m.; i to t m Ait" Tlluruy. tM.r to la pboae. Ottte over Hilltrxiro National. J. 0. ROBB, U. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OPFICK:-Up-irin Schalawrich B'dj. PlIOMltS OlBce. Cil iJU- DM ri, iu;.- UIUSBORO. . ORECON ' .VrYVWumiVUxAJ tR. B. L. SEARS Physician and Surgeon Olave Johnson, who lives awav Office hoar- . .. The Orenco N'orv ,!,:.. u,a n'.'.1 rai the city, at the head waters of Fast Dairv en. I, ... .... . . I'ovBlllt ,.,,, II t I l . . II I. ., . and shipping house is said to '" 11 M oi- reen. miiesatiove Mountaindale. cover more Kn und than other i Z' f 'r was ,n me city yesterday on pro- ouildink: in WashinifUm countv aw"" -J'Puiies to i" ousiness. .Mr. Johnson Ire mai no nisrirtii.r t. nu-o.i ,k., wpnf ikr,. a? Chas. Hoston. who ha, u...n refimal Tb ." TZ ::r"' 'Z '.rVT'1 years .ko. e,n,,l..v..,l IV,.. II c . 1 ". r-- Jirsi IOOK up a -...e.v l"c,i , ' aweeus ineycau inemseives, reached nomestead he had deer meat lor several months, departed for the city park at one, and after a aliout the year around He savs his home at Sherwood, yesterday, half hour's rest, marched on to that this year oTafeiS lie wise. Itnv vnv.ni.1,,1 .. i,,.-o 1 1 "rx-si wroxe, alter u. i'he os se. Kiuea in his iwi nn th t.u "J ft'-'WIlia "IICU'I i . , "l .it vuv ox. H,!-- you tret no premiums -but 1,'i't T'n. 'rc uwh' ments scanntr the venison away iow prices. 1L 11. ( ref-r'K .I'll ""'. i..i-an.i some oi the r i . .., . c"a"iy omeiais raised private lati to see Jimmv a - Isnbspriot inn tn hf.lv, I-'.. .... . , 1 V,... Ml II " , I , H l ,'l tui .TiOVe '"iiiiiwnra. ures-ltake rare of th.. h,ir..r i, 1 ' J. J 4H.M VJXJ, and tney remained there all nik'ht, l estcrdav morninc thev The Knights of l'ythias and oroke camp and went to Yamhill 'l-tliein .. :il 1. i 1 . Don't entine. cent Jheatre, Saturday nipht. j.oi. 1 1. to other parts of the country. nuiauiy me isehalem. The Kuratli nartv timntr0i ifornia. was in Sun Diepo. last inuay. rvmii Kurat I rurvia IKa Ar'us as follows. "Went out . m.: iio.mi r . hi..u O.H9 phone. Office in American National Bank, nmtaira. IHUSBORO, . . OREGON rWrrrVMMMMMM w. m. mm DAOLEY A HAM ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW Hm 1 and i Nbnt Baildluf HILLS BOUO, . . ogiGO!, , ' 'i i iriviivijijvajjij E. B. TONGUE ATTORNRY-AT'LAW i.vinian Msters wi ho d io nt installation at l'ythian Hall, Fri day evening. Jan. lfi. For sale, cheat) for cash, in fik.t corrugated iron roller, tel- -row n escope frame. -Zina Wood. 8-tf There w ill Ik? morning and eve- ninir services at the First Chris tian Church, Farmink'ton, Sun day, Jan. 18. L. 0. Griebler an.l I.aura K. Davidson were married at Forest Crove. Jan. 11, 1'JIJ. They will make their home at Gaston. sk for Cash value Home in dustry stamps, with every tur- chase. (let your premiums at HillsUiro's stores. H. Ii. Km- mott a ioxii portrait, finished in natural colors, given free to each family ordering and $10 worth of photos at Joh for last nijrhL Sheri.r Ives old Ii Jhtfeu 'Th-V!Sit I "'' .Scbulmeriv'k Block was vurilant. and saw that the ' ' norne is pros- Xrtftfifi n a a . . - - - marchers exre ted their tmV, T . . Cl oi uieijo is thromrh to th,. Ynmhin i;a r 5 K.dl P'ace ior tounsts. J. Hice and w ife, in chanre of laS h iri lUjrar klnR' the brigade made advance s.'rtiesS i a::A0Ld'nhere- ..The y-j I'lunitiiii; ureal preparations ior tne iyia tan. The weather lsiaoai. Loren Palmateer is on tne x;ice force. to see that provision was mmlp lor the hunirry stomachs. Rice says that thev were all broke in Portland, and it was necessary to pet out They will try me Mate Hoard of Control, and see if they can't iret work enough to board them until Spnnj,'. Rice alleires there are no I. W, U' ... : . l . . ... a in ine crown, wnicn was a motley array. w in-Kin men, ami there were probably a few crooks in the Special meetinirs at the Rnntiot church every niirht heonnninir Tuesday niarht the 20th. The pastor. B. Clarence Cook .will speaK each night at 7:30 p. m. until the 26th, when it is expect ed that Rev. E. A. Smith of Some looked like VreKOn Clt' wil' continue for 10 aays. LSPeCia V pond mnaiP r.very one cordially invited to bunch. The two assistants of attend. Rice had verfect contml over the Cartoonist J Murphy, of 'MVVrrrrrWrXrXMMWrVMW JOHN M. WALL ATTORNKY-AT-tAW Upsuir. A. C. Shute Bl.ln. Main aiLLsaoRo. - orwor. AV'MA-1 i iliVifuvuuji W. N. BARRETT ATTORN BY-AT-LAW Ornoi: Main 8trt, 0pp. Co0It Hon HILLSBORO nuitnn. THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-LAWj Office, upstnir. ia Schalmerick Block Oregon . . i Aimui twelve o cl.K'k the tian- pieters Hiljotirne.l, and everyone Studio before March 15, went away feelintr that they hud went away .eei.nvr.tha they hud Get your seats early for "Alias . "w Uvn well and enjoyablv enter- Jimmv Valentine " bv the Me- p, s , 3 ?a b.in.,1 by the Cub. Hctween MiVinille Dran'aticomUy itffl .-l and wen. ,n attendance. Saturday. January 17, at Cres- ore armioJ xvH, . '.- v""- "'a uu-ie me uretron journa . was on ted tilllshnrn Davinir for an disorder, lhey came this in marriage nt Vorlw i n I ' nson's r!'J0 'HH-auso other bands were 1914. Rev. Bother LeMiller.' H .. 42-4 laKin? l lvlst " l a"d t was the Catholic church, ofliciatintr er ..... R. IH-'ILtT HP hnilP U'Qfl fnrmail.t T.l I " i ii iui inn iy hi i ."v ii ,Mi:mc.i. mi:n hvnoi i:t I'he first annual bannuet of the Washington Countv Medical So lely was held at the Hotel Wash ington, luesday eveninvr. Dr. ollmer, of I'orost (Jrove, the new president, presided as toast master. Those present were: r. Vollmer and wife. Dr. C. R lines and wife. Dr. Hnrnkbank and wife, Dr. KaulVman and wife, Forest drove; Dr. F.rwin and wife, Dr. Linklaterand wife, )r. Tamiesie and wife, Dr. Robh, lillsUiro; Dr. Kitikr, Aloha, and )r. Anderson, Orenco. Toasts it. n were respomieti to as toiiows: r. Linklater, "The Country lector;" Dr. Hines. "The Doc tor as Postmaster; Dr. Hrwin, The Honorary Members, the ,adies;" Dr. Hrookbank, 'Lu- a rix I irm krenics; or. lamioste, ine hvsictan and the I ommuntty; Mrs. Kautfman."The Physicians' Wives;" Dr. Robh. "The Medical Society;" Dr. Kitikt and Dr. An- crson. treneral remarks. Atter the bantpiet the company retired the home of Dr. and. Mrs. rwin, wnere iney were enter tained with vocal and instrumen- music by Mrs. hrwin and Mrs. Hrookbank. cent Theatre. You will enjoy seeing "Alias Jimmy Valentine," by the Mc- Minnville Dramatic Company. Its a krHd show. Saturday eve ning, the 1 1 th, at the Crescent For Sale Two pure-bred Po land China Uiars, yearling and two years; also some pure-bred White Leghorn roosters. Inquire at Dudley Mill ranch. 43-5 he fact that "Alias Jimmv Valentine" was presented three nights to crowded houses at Mc Minnville will assure the public of a good production. At the Crescent, Saturday evening, Jan. 17. Miss Minnie Morrill, attending Monmouth, was given second prize at the recent oratorical contest at the Normal, in which there were twenty participants. Miss Morrill is a daughter of Mr. formerly Miss Til. lie K.Crane, of Portland. Her notice parents reside at Fresno I'al that no I " niihlic Washington Countv naid the expense, and Mayor Hagley says state $1,001.50 for auto licenses Hillsboro, as a unit, will not feed ana cnatieur permits last vear. them. If another armv should After the expenses are taken out SCHNABEL & LaROCHE Xraiftfrftra HtMtatra, ""im-anili start, it is more than likely that they will lie turned back to Portland. Ernest Eggers, of near Cedar Mill, was a city caller today. wnixai.3Miiang,, efttallAifm. Balk mato?. it lunifiil. Iltai Z'TUt Vul aa mim -- . aaf KrtattrkaaaT o " "w-wi 9mrt if PORTLAND, ORE. DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist and Mrs. A. A. Morrill o t. i n i lodav 13 the 1:lst daylight for Mrs. S. Hrisbine, well known shooting dnek- nn,i m.i here when she was Mrs Agnes out yesterday 'and today, after Campbell, writes to friends that the finest water bird going. The she has just recovered from a viaim h.iv nnt k. severe attack of grip, contracted plentiful here this winter, for just after she returned td Moro, some reason or other, although after a visit with her daughter. seVeral good kills have been Mrs. h. h. Hoover. made hv the Hillshoro sniirtamon The Commercial Club, of Port- There will be no Free Methn- This was the first all'air of the land, will make a trip out over dist meeting at the Hillsboro . ; ' - III... P.-vi-rlan.'t nirnnn Xr li'datm.. I L..mMff..l,'rtnl 1U.,MU C . .1 . . i society since reorganization. mc ,iuoiii ii.r,..v w uoiu ,, uvouscumi iiuuvjn, ounuay, jan. . loop, ciaiurua.v, ieauiK ruriiunu 110, as tne quarterly meeting tor IIIU.DA I'TMHL COCHRAN early in the morning. The news- the Hillsboro and Forest Grove paper men oi wun lammu ana circuit win commence at ror Washington counties were Tues- est Grove, tomorrow. Rev. Cof- ulda Fthel Cochran, the four day sent invitations to join the fee. district elder, will continue months old daughter of Mr. and party in Portland and make the a revival at the Grove until after the state will send Washine-ton County the balance, $834.46 to be placed in the countv road fund This would rock about a third of a mile possibly more, Mr. Fickens. of near Sherwood 1.1 1 a . V Louie Hamel. of near Orenco. LDLulcner,ea a past week, was nn to th. huh x-.,of..n,. in" porner x-eigning i00 oounds. "f l,'w",u".'' AmccA o.- .. ....... ; e , iuK-j.sK.-u. oi. men were requirea John iTiday, of Hanks, was to hnnHl. tho K;.r r. tu. down to HillslH.ro yesterday. was some hotr. hut if Mr Piokona Mr. and Mrs. J. .1. IlartW of had called on Jos. Galbreath and 'H no-stairs over Hiiiabom K.t.n-i . . . , ... ,T . . .. . I nanks. were in the citv Tuesday ,atK ness, tne trio would have i tt, . . - I I..-Jl.. J I.: l.-l. , I I ana vuMncs.iaw uixnuieu mm imetuaany experts. ....!.. . Airs. John Miller, of Port and. Know what Dennos is? and her son. Rev. Harvey Miller, us introduce you. A ham or ot uakland. Cal., were in the cheese sandwich free with each city Tuesday, guests of Mrs. T. glass of Dennos, 10 cents. Everv R Cornelius. Rev. Miller was day at noon, from 11:30 tnl-Sil ..I . 1 . . t- . I...At--T-t r. . eiiroute nome irom ivansas L-ity, ai me uan oi aweets. Jlo., where he attended a minis terial convention. HILLSBORO Rank. ORKUON r"waloll,T Iwis boutrht Ihn char!! ''''"ant. and 1. n- , fn a . C . M. iltenger enter- PV attorn rV Tnends Sat Rr. m:.' ." hi lonorof ber Trainman Harrv Lmerson lias Mcrryman, of heon taking a few days vacation from his duties on the P. R. & N. Mrs. J. F. Cochran, ot Orenco, passed awav, Jan. 13, 1914. The Cochran family are all down with the measles, except Mr. Cochran. The baby took cold, and could not survive the complications. She was buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery, Jan. 14. nt 2 p. m Rev. Cook officiating. The P. R. & N. has the line cleared through to Timber, and the company has been rushing men and material to the front to make repairs. trip. Sunday, Jan. 25. All are invited A bold hold-up, in broad day- The Knights of Columbus, last light, was perpetrated early this night, entertained at the new week. Many such have been Catholic School, the features be- pulled otT here before. The po- ing cards and dancing. John lice seem powerless to prevent it. Boeker was awarded the booby This is how it is worked: A prize. Mrs. C. VV. Rollins and high school girl buys a big bag Mr. Seus won the two first of candy at the Den of Sweets, prizes. There was a good at- i .) aVxrt ia rr a rwi n i t ntlf nf f ha tanfania nnrl an aniAirnklA niiu one i3 v vi vitv i itcuuaiivc niivj ciii tujwj' auic tiltit i . . - store than she is pounced upon This is the second of a series of taken possession. bv her classmates, who make parties to be given by the Cath-j Phil Masters, the Dilley veter her "divvy" up. This further olic young people, the Girls of an, a former resident of Hilla- proves the popularity of the can- Sodality giving the first dne on boro, was a city caller yesterday .1., ,,tnrld ot tha 'ltan nf Stueotn Naur Vi.ni-'a nvn irMAfSnn k: -i J . ' . ." UJ III ..lit. mw . fc. .. w. " . fc. . v.. ".--"-c M-'-l lt.i yTmmw 9 I DR. Henry Frank, of Reedville. was stricken with heart failure, Tuesday, Jan. 13, and expired suddenly. He leaves a widow and several grown children. Mr. Frank was highly esteemed, and had resided at Reedville for a number of years. Have two drag saws with out fits, and will be In a position in about two weeks to take large jobs of cordwood and rickwood cutting. Those interested please write Chas. F. Kobmson, Hills boro, Ore., R. 5. 43-5 E. VV. pant, of Reedville, was 2v.WM. "e Commercial . - vv Hijuiauuii was in creased largely for a few min utes, Tuesday, when the I. W. W.'s passed through the burg. For Sale Pure-bred Jersey bull. 20 months old. Eligible to registry. Tel. 52 Line S. Cor nelius, R. 2. Box 44. 43.5 N. A. McConnahay, of North Plains, has rented the Will Lich- iy piace, on uast Plains nn,l DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Trtnieaie Blilg. Room. 5 and HILLSBORO, ORE. Muin and Thin!. C H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Linklater Delta Building, Main Street Hillsboro ... nM BOWMAN & VALUNDSAHAM Attorneys-At-Law Bank Block up-stairs Hillsboro Oregon fm Frederick Andersen, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to Dr. Cunningham.1 Office and Drug Store, Orenco, Oregon Telephone onnneotloM. A. R Mulloy, of Laurel.