The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 15, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 43
kxk llM otk.n,
t,H,HtO. "lS,U '
I Hud l lnTl' Smrnmtw
4,j t ..f II""'""
, r S'. !."n. 'f P-"". last
,',VL ' ,r..ui.-l.t in the lii'Wpa"'r "huh lf,il ,,,-"r
Huffman. ..f r.afa. rrmilting i"
k l.'ith I e"id-nt u rnl
.,Br ("'- 1,11
, 1 r, -I,.- tlif v rinin as
Hcai r-'i
-With 1 1. U-ft '' bmken in
ami t:.-l t iH'ttvy
k-r.m.iw m l. I.. . Jo"'"
of th.- I'aati.' '" ''
-...v .r:iwli-d VfMti-nl.iy
mornmu' b" "v'""" mil- l lh.-
1... 1 ... Id.- uttmful trip
,u nu l.' thr-.uh 1 1.- howling
mi .! t:t' "'v1 !,u;
.n.. .,,.,..! in.-i.nv of Hi' Nmu-i
(ht hi i"n ani.-n. H-my I IiT-
..n !H Unr -Will III
filVn ! l-'1'
IL.ih J,.! .- "M ! 111'IImnn tin
no r-Mnv i" I'"' Pi-h-"ot hi
;..! .i.'T.rif f villi ".-ri'iii n
f.m.s J..1,!, ...11 i tlx- ! aU in-
urv.1 of t! l". ,lH '"J,,r"-t
..-iik,- ..( u fiaitur.' t'f thi
Uft Ulilil II'. I !' ft t''t''-
1.. f it .Hv in mr.'.i Hi
,i.,n l,i.M-1 f r.i. lured. :tn. Or
it,,,, f. ...r, 11 ,1 ho inav ! Ih
turo of tin
lull ..:.r 11 . l-.i of tl t.rain.
The t a.i in. 11 wro n il
..ri v.-.i. r.f.iv tiii.rning to n
'ac fi.-ar tlx- M'i hodsi
tho Hr a ; h ill', y r.ui.l. AUnit
9 .iVU-W 1 ,. k:iU. .1 forty-foot
hole to li- m ii wiro which IiikI
fallen. Ih.- t .011 on ll.o mli
DninM t . n. u h. caning it t"
iMpnrar ll.o ktoiiiuI. I U 1 1 men
iff trHi'... -.1 t.) the llo ami
(uul.l not 1 ill. 11. tho most Ini ky.
fillinir t.i 1. no m.Io of tin' I"'!''
hili' 1! i:Tiii:iii sv at rui rio l
tally im. I. t it. llio latter him
M n i;;ii. ! ciiwt i.iHHiii-HH Hinn
th acciilrhl.
Yralrr.l.iv viu-4 .I.iIhi.iIi'h od
dinif auniv or-.iry nu ho ami liin
Wif.. hii.l iihiiifi. il to lltti'llit tin
fleliratiun iv. n at lilkn' homo.
11 is Inmi. i niton. lol by I r
Kvrn-tt (ir.n "
Krarxiiiotto vmlniil
0.I t.n falifoniia : m k bi tho
kiri.l that Kn vik'i.r.u ami
la-am ln avy rr. h ro in West
ern Dreifoii. Ili-.-.-iillv I r...
reiveil a fmrti a imrln
near Vanri.uver. W'mh., Htatini;
that he liarv hIimI nt..l
...I 'rml . l.
tree averak'intf 17 yearn ol.. Bet
:tft feet apart. mTUpyinjf 1 1 aero,
that ikiI.I fur 1JJ renti jkt hi?ii.
iiiiihinir tt k'rinit Hinuno t,l
I'un ..ii Irf-at thiit with any
other iron? Mv lirt anil .-. nri,l
lufi tifiw'H. r ani I", yearn ..lit are
IM-Kinninir t i U-ar. I alHo have
veti h Heed iniimalliir lari'o iiuan
titien Ker.l (Inmer. IlilUU.rri
Orevron. Itouto 2, hono Si lolls
ffcVi lino
t he last Ounrli-rlv if IIim ( Ir...
(.(in UlHtnrii ul Sn iety in ilovoteil
HI IU entirely to the life or the
lato Harvey W. editor in
rhief of tho Orti'iiman. The
liuarterly rontairm Homo excel
lent half toneH. re.reHenUtiv of
the irreat editor an a Imv. vouth
and man It in of mmh interest
to tho ol.ltimern in WahiiiL'tun
Coittity. who knew him when he
wan at laritio t'niversity. and
know liin hero in war timen.
when le wan provost mamhal.
1 ho nketrh make a fair Kie.l
iMMtk. and w ill U tiled ly many
an niHliiricui.
I r.-iireHi-nt Si'ir.-lla romet.n
nut Kaiid in nt.iren. Will rail at
homen on reiiet. and do the
liltink'. and tea.h how toadiiiHt
and wear tho mrset. Our tailor-
d mado to meiLstiro rornet-H. in-
rludmk' the latent front lin e, w ith
an eH-rience. ronn-tn r service,
c.wt no m ire than hiirh cI;i.hs cor
et.n iiuri liiiH.-d in storen. Mrs.
Caudle. HillHlmi. Kifth
Jacknoli Street.n, I'hono No.
Cortland. Cuicrnr A l atrrn liivr
I'uhlk Nolke ol 0H-ration
Omkcid u Sum KciJy o line
I rra Puilland la Cortillia
"Marvi'.i.l.- I Ytilia Co. I. J.inu
ry l.-Hmry UolTman. Pacific
lian.l I'.i.vtrio ( ompany lino
man. u Im ,w'h '. C .lolms.ii!
Suin'iiiiteiid. nl of ti.o Power li
vumn of il.i- i-'ttntiiinv. wax in
ltirl ul . i. -i I.. i lhiv
hid 8tr;iiji.-d UiomHelveK, wan
blown (low it in ar tho len-Milt1
houiii', (In .1 at tho Uidoout Hon
pilal hero at 1 o'clock thin tnorn-
J'lhtisun and llolTmati were ro
PaiririL' a imwcr lino mid had
itniiH'i tlicmni'lven ti the tolo
w Keep uio-tcrrilio win. I irom
btowinir tliiin otr Th. nolo
lnapM'd in ar n. ground aml foil
w'lfi thi nu n.
lin n were rendcriHl tin
conscious. When Johnson camo
In thoiiL'ht HiitTmnn dom .
With ftrut l.tir f !.! 1 1 I tit t ta'l
..... . K I UK I 1 1 I t I III VT
placw, h. rrawli. n mil to
P'Kiry. II,. ih,. i) drovo to Ton
Mile 1 l.u-;o and summoned hell)
A tn-culiar situation iirenents
itself in tho iHilato market. With
tho Mercantile asking
for I1' carloads of jMitatoen for
the Texas market, Portland in
making no price olIerinKH worth
while. Onions, however, are in
tho runnini; htronir and the .'niw-
em are inakinif a cleanup. 1 ota-
tn men l.xik for food uncos, how
over, and there will U plenty of
delivery as 8n as the toa.ln
anno dry enoiich to make haul
mi; nnytliiiiK' lit a hardship
If von want a ranko that In-ats
tho vorld for the money, call on
liiivi.t Corwin. Pank Annex
r.uiliimt.' and nee his Oiiality
ILmk'os. all the way from $2T to
f.V. These are tho U-nt ranires
..i.-r u ncoil on Ult' IliarKOV in
HillsU'ro. Call in and hco them
Clvdo (I. Tavlor has sued Sarah
i: Tv or fur i ivorce. aiiokrinif
that tho wife told him nhe no
.-oil for him. and that
ui,., u.iinl.1 mnrrv annlhcr if lic
fr.... Tho plaintilV has
I l fin I ,,r i ho treatment and w
oivo her a chance to re-marry if
i.ia ..r..v..r for d ivorce In' irrant-
cii. The wife in now In-lievcd to
k' in Now York state, acconlintf
to tho husband's ailidaviL
On and after Jan. 1. 1911. 1
II. Creor will not irivf away pre
mium r tradimr fltamps. nor
anythimr rise of that nature to
induce people to trauo wiwi ion.,
I. nl nuloml Will niBKt a iai
ureater inducement in the price
of irrooorios. 11-3
After months of anticipation the
renidetitn of Fourth Street. Port
land, were k'iven a surprise, last
Saturday, when an el.-ctnc train
ran down the tracks, oiling into
the city from Peavcrton. Presi
dent Strahorn ami lo-ru-ral Man
ager Campk II wen on tho new
train, to nee how it would
The company has ken several
months Ki-ttinu the .street paved,
and the overhead w iring in place,
and at last tho main lino is ready
fur operation. 'I he company
Saturday tfave out word that the
regular schedule from Portland
to McMinnville would k estal
lishisl on January IH.
It is exss ted that tho electric
service will Im- two trains each
way, daily, besides the train for
tho Tillamook line, which is now
making through trips, via the
transfer method.
The Portland Commercial ("nib
cxpcctM to run a train out to Mc
Minnville, Saturday, stopping at
all towns enroute, and then make
tho trip down tho West Side,
past Forest Urove ami llillsboro,
to meet with tho jieople of those
towns, in order to celebrate the
CLAIMS Al.l.OWl.t)
The countv court allowed
following claims last week:
y J Mi lr, I'lrmium on lii.l
r.Minly fsi
Ktut, .-I .1 Bii.t riirimt rvp . -lioio
Shri.Hl Stmt hhrrl. .lvrillIHK J y
John Nili(.riir.'miii t V
V. C Lurr, clrik m rt) i7 i"
Tn-ilri iiwiO-.n C.i, tlrik ol 11 i
J I'. Krrr, tliriill rip . I?" S
III... iJvrif I'o, cliiMl i. olluf. 4 5'
I.I 50
- I I .V
.. "S '14
. 14 (HI
7 oo
. 64 IHl
nn ti were brought hero for
treat m.. , I
'-.111 III.
HiilTman'.s skull wan fractured
na ms jawliono broken.'
A party of IliHsltoro peoiilt wont
"v m nil- iioiii,. of Mr. ntnl Mrs.
ranK inilirio, near Oivnco, Sun
ami v'avo them u Hiinirisi1,
we occasion being in honor of
ir, ami Mrs. Imbrio's twentieth
anniversary ot I heir woihlinir.
Thiisu making up the pnrty were:
Mr. ami Mrs. John W. Connoll.
Mr;n. Mrs. (1. M. Tumor. Mr.
m Mrs. , A. Ling. Mr. and
Wrs. (',(.(,. Kmniolt Mra V. II.
smith ami Mrs. K. C. McKinnoy.
'no party returned on the nine
"r. hi lor dinner was Bcrvt'd,
a pioasiint afternoon was en
joyed. The host, in a son of the
r K"i't. lmbrie, and tho
"teHS is well known lis tho
jauKhter of tho lato Mr. and
nn- Win. Hay.
Mrs W. J. (Jregg and dmigh-
Sturd ,'IMyv'lll' wero town
ti '
wLV,n w'hiilmorich, hero
J" Ynnciilla, visited with his
El-V1"!'' Schulmerich. at
o, me tirst of the week.
of groc
1..1... w l.iiel and Carolina
tf Willi n .
M. S-hmidt were married at the
home of the bride s parents.
Washington l-ounty. iw. r1 Kev. Scheldsknecht ollicia-
u'lii 1.. uhorthnnd and tvH-
in ... - .
.,! lit. it in IlillslHiro provniing
enough pupils will join class.
Address "ScIuhiI ol Shorthand.
:W3 11th Streid, Portland. Ore
it uuii. of near Heaverton,
was'i to the city Saturday, lie
: o:.... ,.ir stock, as he is
contemplates leaving the farm.
the old Perkins piace, m
near future.
i....- iiw. lu.ut vnhies in hard-
1' III tin7 a.
ware of all kinds, call on Dave
Corwin. who can sell you the
best at the lowest ngues. 1.
. . . .
.riven iiniini't
Second StreeU soum 01 m..
and Ixwiso Jesse
were united in marriage in I ort-
land, Jan. K, tun. iwv.
llennett olliciating. The happy
couple reside near Hanks.
Save money. Attend l.reer s
first annual clearance sale, Jan.
3 to Jan. 17. No stamps, no pre
miums -but low prices. 41-6
ry n t annnn nnd Mary A.
Williams were united in mar
riage. Dec. 31. 1913. Kev. Myers
oEting. They will in
tho Vinelands section.
Wanted-Girl for Reneral
housework. Phone. City 2D3.
It Pubols. of West Union, was
in town the last of the week.
C l. Kcllrr. ouiiiv r-.n ....
Iltto l.itm " "
I tt CirTk l.unilr Oi. tiii.ljr.
t'.innrr .V Korl, "
A IW-iiniolif, tiii.ltr.
K X lUolittK. i P
J. II Jk, 1ii! ivrvl.f..
it'.. T..f.-r i.illor
K I. 1'rikiiM, irrui.lrf 1 5c xp...l$ 5
J l" Alrulr, U ot pos HI cw
lllm riminmcy. c h .V iil S h5
Vli Co Nc Timr. rorl V 5
lllx l.tvrrv l'i. roroari ollire.... 10 110
a- 11 VV...1 rn iimllh olliit-r -Ill oo
I) II Kr"ii. CO ju.lK ....107 95
u 11 niul. in ci lrrltrr . . . . So to
n VI' It, lira m Ihh.1 illt Hill . f IPI JS 70
Mullic Wi1im.ii, "Icp -ir .V trt 7.S 00
i;iitrlti Slin-w, pi oiiiiT yt '
k 11. 1. 1, nun 111 ilirm 5i exp 44 70
11. II T.muiir ilrl. Ct nit V W
riirni-r Yotiiii!, Mipt Ixxt fatm... 75 oo
Mm Cikii.UU. co l 00
Motion V 1 rrriimn. r p""f foi- 5' "
Win McymlUn - 4 "o
u 1 s,... rod 5: - S 5
W l WikmI, Iiimh' S 00
I' II Ftv. i V cm1 3 00
0 I, lron, K'kii.I il'y ' - 5 60
r..-1-i... II..I1I i-ir rt A 15
lunini." -
.. ri. court o 35
' K.trcllo..- Ii I Wnl ti. M
ih ... C K Km.H 1 no, llii Council
i ti.mar rini llillsboro Tel
... . Wnali llrr Corp 47 STi. UilU
Imio TrnWrr Co 6. I. W Hou-e 50, l
Coiwin 4 6j, I'oienl l.rov rirsi iuon
,1 lt.nk 100. C K IIixiK'lon 1 50
..n..r c i ll.iu ix-k liS. S J Clonk
to Mrs ChM I'.nr.!"" w 0 I"clon
..." M. M II Wrlch 15. Ir Wo. 55 5-
r..rni rlwim & riudliomme
.v I1., hi iS. Wilkm At
&imi no, .iiii. ."-pi .
rZ ... v. n.i. i. ft o. Orriton Cltv Kn
Irrmiw J. Crrrtrnt t'lirmicil Co 4, Iv 1
1 I . . .. I1.I1. !.... .f.r c
, .-Corinli-x in w, " - j
II, liiilrprmh-nt 05
Nellie F VerBimon
til Mnv l'lxon 4. My Mnoip 17. hv
A.liun. V ! :"" V R w 55. h '
Fowlrr, Clnrn
Crnnc, Joule St'. i-inoii, ,im
Ulnulr. Itt-rtll I.rtrsoll
tliim i.'i... x ----
.... .-.,. Ktrnmlc. Kiln riiitlcn, en
17 tie I'll"-' lvi JS ,'"ie A.lniiinon,
An.'in Vmilo, Kv WUlUnn.i-ncti.JS.
In.iiet of Mnrtin Scliulti-C C Nel
on C I' llnr.tiiiK, Tctt-r Hotrmnn. Pnve
C.'ucr J B Oilier, J II Johnrm, jurom,
enAi fuJ llCamtOII Oh'rr Mr.
lU-U (.owiimn, wih.i-., a
Harrett, coroner, 16 Ho.
Komi nml hluliwny-F L Hniwn fS 7R.
llnlitiiu: VI 5. throve Lumber Co 16b.. 5 60. 3 McOee 65 So. 1 1 Ik.
i'... fn. Co tOC. J C l.ninii. '
. . I liiratrc . lolin McClnren,
' " . 1 x w 11 T Koetier. J
tlvro n, 1'nlWy Stowell, Aiitiii.1 llUnk.
V ? ;...., ench ti Win OreKK. Cm
::" ..-nil. iia..... I Hrnnk Stroud, en
Kollertn S, Andrew IMetson j6. Winer
ci.u c.u.cSlRt vr Klcn
T"" J." n , 8t K,e,l 1'ni.pel
I l.,. Will Kl KOTCi illivmnni
UeltnneO M l..t..l".e. W D Smith j p
,6 io-Win AUQnilUn con S 5. 8li
j6 30, .""j ' w-iionw Nitclininn.
1. toimwinv: 11 111 1. w" -1
r j;inpw. Stnte va Col
..Vw.V.".TmiV Ti- Solmlt.. end..
KKtenle. lnk'Aliiop. e. 8 6ot
Goodell 9 o- . m
. ... n..-.,....T t. ThoniP'on
4. Kri.k Vnuleil .
State v Iv! Nvl..r-K M nnd Mr V.
iijcr, encli, IJ
K. F. Cmover. of Scholia, wan
in tow n the last of the week.
J. H. Vanlm. of Onterville.
was in town Monday.
W1.1. Irmler. of Oirneliua. waa
in town the first of the week.
Alex Todd, of Forest Irove.
was in town Monday.
Fred Perger. of Ik-thanv. was
a county seat caller the first of
the week.
M. N. Ilonham. of near Scholia.
wan up to the city batunlay af
Stevens 22 ral. rifle fur Rale
reasonable, or will exchange for
chickens-Pox h'J. llillsboro. Or.
Peter Crossen. of near Helve
tia, was a city caller the last of
the week.
K. H. Greer give3 no premiums
after Jan. 1. Instead, he gives
you prices. Investigate. 41-3
H. II Findley. the Cedar Mill
lairyman. was a city visitor
Horn, to William Kilifore and
wife, o! near Cornelius. Jan. 0.
1911. a daughter.
Hon. Ira K. Purdin. of Forest
drove, was greeting friends and
transacting business in llillsboro.
Wm. Schendel. of south of
Cornelius, was a city caller, on
business with the county court.
Do not forget to ask for a
Schiller when ymwant a good
Hi cent smoke - no "cough dust"
jn the Schiller. 12tf
Alex Bcimrohr, of dales Creek.
was a county seat visitor me
list of the week, on business at
the court house.
I-Vi'sh enws for sale. 11. M.
'.as ford. Hillskiro, Or., Pleasant
ome Farm, telephone Iwood
515. .
Alfred Heywood. of Oak Park,
made his annual call on the Ar
gus Saturday. This is Mr. Hey
wood s twentieth year as a sub-
scrik-r to the oltienal paper.
T W. Sain and Arthur Knox.
two of Scoggin Valley's enthus
iasts on good mads, were in tne
itv Saturday, enroute home
from a Portland trip.
J. E. Uorwiek. who spent the
Pnit in California, is now dairy
ing down at Woodland, Wash.,
where he has bought a place.
lo was in the city Saturday,
greeting friends.
Thp Knrth Side Dairv will Re
iver you milk on city route. Pure
milk and cream. Try us. Our
product is first hand-we milk
and then deliver, lei. rarmer
1315.-P. M. Gillenwater. 41-U
Held Annual Meeting In Hillhoro
Monday Afternoon
Spkidid Showinj of a Partly Washinf-
inftoa Covnty Mutial
i w
sAs-i if.., I. A
1 J.iw-
B I ''I i '
1S7.75 OO
I.(j64.6o4 OO
149 "4 00
Thos. and Austin Sims, of
Farmington, were in town Sat-
iirrt.-iv. Thev retwrt the usual
high waters down tnai way,
with the damages to small
bridges and tills, and some loss
of fences.
For Sale-Ten head milk cows,
fresh, and others fresh soon.
Graded Jerseys. Selling on ac
count of leaving the farm. Also
selling one thoroughbred jersey
bull, coming 2 years.- V. bnaw,
Heaverton, Ore.. K. 4. 4J-i
v. Cmf. of Rethanv. was in
town Monday, attending the an
nual meeting of the tire insurance
mutual. His district voted rock
roads again this year, and Mr.
Grat says that while they are ex
pensive, they are tne tntng.
Wanted: Will buy a light 2
seat spring wagon, and also some
yearling heifers. Write u.uaar
mnii Hillshom. Ore.. Route 1.
or phone Walter Bros. Farmer,
282. Three miles nonneasv 01
lillsboro, on Grabel place.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Cornelius
from their wedding
H.H.. ...... - --
trip. Friday, and are residing at
Second and Haseline. The mem
bers of the Pythian Sisters call
ed on the arrivals that evening
and gave them a welcome mat
was demonstrative as wen as
The K Hand Power Stump
la heinir demonstrated
dailv on the George V. James
farm, four miles soutneasi 01
Cornelius. If interested, call or
...;t fro. rioqerintive iieraiure.
VVI..V .v. r - - - -
Address-C.usuv Krause, vorne
lius, li. 2. 42-5
Unhara fintps nf Forest
llia. v. ,
thp oruest of her son.
J. W. Gates, ana ms iwhuj, oi.
Leisyville, the first ot ine weeK.
They were in the city Monday
morning. Mrs. Gates Sr. has
just returned trom a tnree
months visit with relatives and
friends, back in Nebraska and
Illinois, and reports a pleasant
trip, with much good weatner.
The big annual meeting of the
memk rs of the German Mutual
Fire Insurance was held in Krebs
Hall, Monday afternoon, with
Samuel E. Graf, president, in
the chair. The officers for the
past year were: Mr. Graf, pre
ident; Erwin Hitter, secretary;
John Meier, treasurer, all of
Bethany, and Alfred Guerber,
Helvetia, and Wm. Haase, of
South Tualatin, directors. The
report shows a splendid adminis
tration, w ith a cost that is ad
mirably cheap. From the report
the following statistics were
Amount paid to nil officer,
director nnd appraiser,
ulary and per diem f
Amount paid fire losnr dur
itiif v jar
Amount paid fire loe lnre
onrknization of mutual
Total insurance in lorce lec-
emlwr ji, 1911 -
New insurance written dnr-
in Tr
Cnrellel, vitlidrnwn nd
eipired ilurin year
T.rti innurance in force Itc-
emtier Jl. 19IJ.
Net mn dnrinir vrar
S'umlwr of mcnilwr. D -cem-
h-r jt, 191a
NumUr of memtiern, IVceni-
lr Jl. I9'J 73
Vn. cenl loiwe. jmid. to ench
$1,000 insurance in force,
Running expense for erh
ft, 000 intnrnnce in force
f 64
Tolal cot for ench $i,
nrinr in forr
T1ii in the lnwrnt insurance vet renrh
ed bT a mutua', with first clnspiotec ion
The new officers are:
Snmupl E. Graf. President
Erwin Ritter. Bethany. Secy
John Meier. Rethanv. Treas.
Alfred Guerber. Helvetia, and
Wm. Haase, of South Tualatin.
J. J. Krebs was elected audi
tor to succeed Henry Kamna,
who dwlined to atrain serve
An important transaction was
the vote to raise the insurance
to $3000 instead of a smaller
ln Ua tKirfv vonra nf thp or
111 .lib fc.ll.VJ . V. --. -
rjnni7ntion the Mutual has col
l.tpit in nremiums and assess-
mpnts the sum of S2G.591. and
has oaid out in fire losses the
sum of $18,169. Assets on hand
today total $2300, which leaves
HX 11 na ennstitiltinff the total
iwn9i of eonrlueiinir the organ
ization, outside of the above fire
loss payments.
Tf vnti Arnt tt-nnt tt mm tfi town, iiist nhone vnnr
order in and it will be promptly attended to as if you
.1 1 tit Hit It J
called m person, we specialize m iicrry up oraers
ana jo:i can get a prescription raaae up very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
Kexall Remedies by Parcel Post, Prepaid without extra
The Delta Drug Store
mmm mm aauaisam
HANK H'W."EAvr i
between the bank-book and the pay envelope.
They should be made to travel hand in hand
in a mutual prosperity that re-act to the ever
lasting benefit of them an possessed of both.
T 1 .J... - 1 lit.
Jveep your pay envelope acqu.xniea wua ouc
of our bank books. You know we pay the
highest rates of interest.
I American National
Marfn mnd AM Stm.,
Tho Washinctnn-Oreiron DeODle
lost 600 feet of pipe in the recent
freshet, and water from the For
pst Grove svstem has been flow-
ino- in the mains for several
davs. Superintendent Easter
an va that the water ud on Sain
(WW. where the Hil sboro sup
ply flows, was 200 times greater
volume than low water, wen
nrp nt work on the Dit)e line, and
hu thp last of the week: ?ain
Creek will again furnish Hillsbo-
ro its water supply.
Unhprt Thomoson. of Cedar
Mill, was up Monday. He says
that the Goff Bros.'s range he
won at the recent county fair is
0. K., and Mrs. Thompson states
that it is a fine baker."
Erwin Ritter, the secretary of
thar.prmnn Mutua . wasuD Mon
day, and feels very proud of the
record made by the association
the past year.
Dalton. wife of Dr. Dab
ton, of Valdez. Alaska, is the
guest of Mrs. J. W. Bailey. Mrs.
Dalton formerly resided in this
T .T Kurntli. of near PhilliDS.
wua in thp r-itv Mondav. the
tmpef of his sons. J. C. and
Mike Kehrli. the Hillsdale
dairyman, was up to Hillsboro,
Monday, taking in the Mutual
H. K. Ediger, of Bethany, was
one of the Mutual throng in the
county seat the first of the
Casper Kehrli, of below Oren
! co, was transacting business in
town the first of the weeK.
Ed. Dixon, the Forest Grove
contractor, was a city visitor the
first of the weeK.
.Intin Schmidt and Harrv Cline.
of near Laurel, were city visitors
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
beautifully engraved with initials or
monogram makes a pleasing gift that
will last forever, l nave an assortment
that will satisfy every imaginable taste.
I can meet any requirement in weight
and quality of gold.
are so captivating to the eye of every
woman. . From time immemorial a ring
has been the token of friendship and
love. They are ideal gifts for loved ones.
Hillsboro, Orton