The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 08, 1914, Image 5

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raj hftinrRLL
,, l.r War
t rndniR
r-ti'if :t
iti.i.t Mfvrn
u tiiiil
' lu.n.
i . i
! L.fV. . ,
( the """"
, II. nn oil
4 iLim-it'
I, t. UH'1 H
It Wtli
, k .t, i:..ttim.
i n- tin irat
, iih . ii.l nf
tru Mr .""I
;- I'll I hi' "'lid
more r "
. i,v . I t'l
J. i
( tin. tt
vV,.t. I'
ll) fill
YjH.'V. !' '
. 11 .
tiiOV "''
i .
it l-v '
f t I" "
lrn- maa.iu,raI, annual. at
Ibur-flay rvrninR. wai wrll at-
ul-d by dancers mul HiM-t-taton.
hut thrrv wi-r only a nun- ,f
niuHLt-rM. Tlu iiri,f waltz wan
won hy flay Kri'ciimn.
ami Mm liiniiu Hahn. 1'orttun.l.
h Nut HUHtaiiitit t'tiitl.Timi,
harai tr pri. was won hy Than.
jiii if. of Hi HilUUiru M. rrufi
till-. who wag tru to lif a a
nwi-11 timt r. with a jait on ah
litrk'.. a Ml. IIihmI. The involu
tion ami evolution that h uti
Irrweiit, ami the i-in Un h rut
wen the ihlinht of all. Mm.
Chun. Yanderwat won the trie
for the Unt MUNtaineil lady char
acter, her role lieiriK that f an
Indian prineitm.
For ule: White hihorn
rhit'kefi a few rhoire rokrriln
ami ulxmt f0 hri-isdnR hen; al-Mi
ek'k'H an. I ilav o. chick in nrix
M k I 1 -
win. wruer eariy a nuiily i
luniteil. I'.urlv rhi k make thf
Kail layem. Write for iiriren and
articular. famiilx-llA ltit'ini
I'oultry t arm. lioute 4. 't LK.
lUavirtoii. the. t'tf
I he liyal Son ami llauhter
ria oi ine i ririHiiiin rmri n
heM a watih trieetmrf at thi
home of Mih Viola (ilaiN, )ef
.k k a... 1
.11. Mi l. llioKe lirenetil were:
Mr. Frame tllsriM'. Mr. ami
Mr. Ja. I'.rafnlaw. Mr ami Mr.
I ho. ShinnaU-rtfer. Mr. Hurtt;
Mine liliiia lirillith. I'aulnii-lli-nxki.
Alice Smith. I.ydia and
Ifc rtha Malchow, Mildreil ItoHter,
Svift. tirace and Uuhy Itrown.
May hr iKlayril hay or . I'.ul
Workiorn a it huty l..n( line
ArB Sainaabcrtrr Mill Mic up
til, WW line 1. tca
jt awav on
the lairy
r, I hv the
i , i. .- if a m a
v..,. wlien Wmifre.1 I'ltman. Oi.ul Shaffer.
H'i.m - .hoi .Him (oiiihm Ma H-lh Uurtt
llena llarri. Florence Ciarrett
Mer. Klmer Johnnun. Kdwin
(.ivnniiu, Alon.i) Creckiiauin
r hride re
..( Ilidiviil
I! AN. ha
S im lav. with Kutfene ,md. Fay l'ark. JVrry
l-'intit. aiKilolMon, Jack ami lister (ilasciH.
N-i tr.ll
i :ire run
i.i ..ihi-, ami
th- rh.-rry
, ! r d a hit
- t.o 1 1,'1 t, '.v I i 'i a !"'
i.. i.i,. tu i . v'i. on iin-
lu-wri! t..;. . I dollar
v .i.. rail
... I ..)... til f.ula
fi-h.V. ! lU-'toll, re
u.'h at' r i -t h.-re u
" . . . I
IV, I' ll !i I'" .11 II.IMIM,:.
It 'u' hli1.. I'eiice,
' k i:!i ri I it v'ri ut deal.
t j U'VfT I 'l l . IHi".
l.t the IM'-i-M M'-rcu
II. P.. I 'iiiimit. a in
I fi. f.T -.-vcral hour
i i i
i" in ni! i'i r ' 1'iai e couio
rininul, iin.iti
Fornale: NiceJerncy hull. IS)
month old. (ientle to handle.
Kicha'd tireen. t'orneliu. 1L 2.
Mlleeanlnf rdxuiiitu:. 41-3
lh t', Stokehury, the retl-
headed mad huildi-r, wan dow n
fnxn Forest tjrove, yenterJay.
He ehiltl an i-KK aliout the
sie of a niarhle. and nmd that
one of hi hen utarteil hiiinHM
after he had laid out $12 for
feed. . l na if Khe M'H'Hn't
do lietter he i k'oinir to take her
nit to 4ir:ilhi to take lessons
from the world famed hiddy at
(I. A. ('.. that han startled th
world hy herlayiiiK' iroenitieH.
Farm to rent: Cultivate loll
icre; notie ami nam; it miie
from North I'lain. Innuin K
and i,"K1''. HHHlr. Ittf
II. h.d
yA Li th
r I i r t
kl out tl,.- i
V.'l J!!I)'M'.
.4IN hllll
wmb.4 u;-"i the l.-aiiiiik' Mr. and Mr. J. r. ( arxten.
vi vie.v I ' 1 1 ot nl.u k I (lf Hank, were in town midweek.
-.m a i t'i' li'tloms. ('antten recently Hold hi bn
f. I'- r: ".i ' I. hose ,-tiiii of hop, and he Intik'hinifly
vr. jii i n.r nail. wnrnH ava that ninl alter tic iiai Hoiu
(int ,ii N rr. lout U the darne.1 thinir roMiiiiiTioe to
i i i.i i
t ri..r-. .ii-'M'iav. w line rniKi in uru't.
Ask fort'anh value Home in
dustry Htamii. with every iur
c II a hi, tii'i your iireiiiunn i
llillUiro'a Htore. II. It- Km
F.lva. the infant ilauifhter of
Mr. and Mm. A. J. (ewnett, die.
... i ii i .i ik...
i.m.I.J ... ii... I.r,.. in III INin. lHinewia. i ev
' " ... .i ... i ll-
w ,k ll .. I.,i..v. vi.. .11. I.M.l. ai Uie lioiue oi mi. an.
r ( '1 III' I' I, k 1. I . . . .... m '
1 Mr. I'hiiH. S'well. 1 tu lunera
Mji!U ...t ii... took nace f riilny. at ieu,
like niii.,! r, hut nave.! I' wluT ollicialinvx.
M'Kitiil Don't waste your money on
nr.t! ctrn. rt hid a hard oiuiHin ieddlen ami travelini,'
T.iay nn.i I ue , .lav. Jo m ruber mi ran irel U'ltor tmr
inin in tihotiv tor len nione
hy luitronuintf Johnson 8 Miuno,
Mrs. I,ee WilHon. of near Tilla
mook. an. dauirhtir. Mae, at
len.linir Hchml in IWllatnl. wvre
nuest of Mr. France CIuscm'
ami other friend, the last of the
'I he Portland. Ivu'itie & Man tern
will hooii have tram running un
der electric Herviee Jan.
inif the date net. It may come a
'lay or ho later, it all ileiH-ridiiiK
uimii iroi;reHM of overhead work.
The storm have delayed this
muuer neverai 'lays, ami it is a
.i : - . . ,
..i.-nii.iii v. neuter or lim llie
m-hedule can start on the time
set. Just as soon as the over
head i arrai eed in Portland the
crew will come to llillnlmr ar.d
tmt in the tMile and wire for
alxiut a mile, from Suth to Main
theiire to the P. h. & .V. ami
then to the main line. Trains
ill find !e routed past the
present ueiMit. and later will
iiited through the city.
A soon as the overhead is in
tailed Aeent Shinnaliere-cr ex
Ict to have hi oitue tin in
thi city.
Ihe cartkhops have all the roll-
inif stock ready, ltiere are our
tyieH of cars, a follows:
r.lertrio motor passenger and
inK'ifaife, electric momr passi-n-
K'er, electric trailer passim eer.
lii'tric motor havraire and ex
Ihe slrainht passenger cars
seat t'.l Mitple. and the passen-
k'er and haeae car seat .VJL
Ihe motor cars without any
lectrical apparatus w. iifh almut
MI ton, ami when equipped with
. i . - .. : :ti
motor ami reauy i"r service win
weiirh aUnit H tons.
A train consistmir of two motor
am and one trailer car will at
tain a speed on level uinK'ein
track of rl miles per hour.
The interior of the car pr
sent a very neat and artistic ap
lcaranee. The inside Imish is in
Mexican mahovrony. w ild a cream
. . i ... r - r
colon! arcn-uei-K d h- m i.ku
.ikrhtini.' will U- hy means of
Mazada lamps, one lamp Ix-mir
nluced directly over each seat
ihe . ii.n t i! are will u cut on
from the eyes of the passenvn
iy rellH-tors. Ihe seats art
xt.-m.lur.l Pul man hmslied in
Krecn plush.
Ihe hride i well known In Hills
Uri, where uhe was Urn and!
raided, arid w here she hasi a ht!
of friends. For many year she : dputy in the county
l.-rk' otiit-e; in the xst ofliee;
arid for some time ha U-en cash
ier at the HillsU.n Mercantile
The l'room i a son of the late
Jesse Cornelius, ami was Uirn in
this county, where he nuided
until sixteen years ai?o, when he
ent to Salem to accept the tx-
sition of second warden at the
state icTiitentiary. which posi
tion he held for fiye years, after-
;rd servinif two years as Chief
f Police, ami for the last three
years has leen street cornmis-Hio-
f of Salem. They will make
th it home in Hillshoro.
1 hose present at the weddinif
re; Mr. and Mrs. 15. P. Cor
nelius, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Con
ne ami children. Mr. and Mrs.
Kdwin Moran. Mrs. Frances
(ilascoe. Mrs. Henrietta Morian
and Mrs. Kmma McKinney.
;(t the r.uller
taken Miss
Vir M-rv t
irt.iii. Wa
..-I oir. Mr.
and w ith dif-
..if. hut the
Ihe Three I'cr Cent. iVchale ol
l'al U (lone ilimmerinz
at work on the tax roll, putting "
'Vt? TiT- F- A- HA I LEY, M. D.
and Mi33 Mattie W ilson are mak-
inir the computations. anJ those fkysirlaa aad Marc
placing them on the Uioks are office: Vptii Schaiucrica tiora
Misses Hinor Wilkes. Klizabeth tm''ZZTm'!lT BM"n
and Father Chalmers. Kinirsley ptM,... ..ft.. ntj .tA "i !"..
Lytle. C K. Ikichman. Hillsboni -
Ik' it t-)ll,, I ft I '
and North Hillsboro, ana 11. 1.
McUtxI. of Aloha. Thty expect S. T. LINKLATER. af . B c. Mrf
to have the mils completed by I physician AND SURGEON
t'cl. 1 nr ahortlv nftpr The I
V. - ' W, , T I t . . ,
0f Per Pcaaliy Exacted il Vm Pay force has been usinjf the circuit
hii rwiv. itrtan Anrii I court room in the work, this
1'JlS tax law. tiaaseil bv the e have receive.1 an order tor
w m
Kllne Kaal of Court Hoom,
In tlx eurtittr of tli blu-k.
R. M. KRWIN, M. D.
flaVS at I Snrueon S. P i' K. A F. fc. ft K.
John Wunderlich, of P.anks,
w as in tow n Tuesday.
Andrew Kostur. of Huxton.
was in tow n yesterday.
J. J. Shevlin. of Heavcrton,
was in town yesterday.
Coal for sale for heating. ('.
It. H'xldon. Tel. City Wl 41
Hum. to J. C. Whittakor and
wife. Forest drove, Jan. 3, 1014.
i daughter.
F. Havnie and Jas. Devlin,
of Forest Crove, were before the
ounty court yesterday.
I. Millar, of near Keedvillu
.i . l
was in trie ciiy.yesu'ruay, reti-
inu friends.
For sale, cheap for cash, 10
not corruirated iron roller, tel-
scope frame. - Zina Wood. 8-tf
Mel Hiatt. of above Forest
Crovc. was down yesterday, on
business with the county court.
I'hos. Nissen. of Scholls, was
a Yamhill county visitor the last
of the week, returning Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cassius Garnnus.
of almve Hanks, were in the city
J. 1. Philliui. of Monmouth.
has lieen the jruest of his daugh
ter. Mrs. Percy IiOnir, the past
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trullinirer
and son. Perry, of lamhill, were
quests of HilisUiro relatives at
the w eek end.'e Keasoner is sharpening
his pi-ncil these .lays, trying1 to
P R.
Office in the Tamieaw Block. Ttalfl aad
Mam Streets, ilillatxiru, Oregoo.
t 1 I . . AA. . T .
last legislature, has put a crimp wnowj oi puuiu jr
in the three per cent rebate on merchanuble poUtoes you haye
payment oi tax. .no rebate is to sell for the next 30
allowed. All taxes are due and the highest market price. Ke-
payahle lefore April 1. and all member, we will not be n the
taxes unpaid at that date become markf aufte rJ;ZJ Vtt
' ur at i a ir II illuranrfa Mprranri p
Winj'ifnt. and subject to iLi, " 49.5
penalty of one per cent, per Jhe Surof 0mrt
month. . Vk 11 Tri nf Men Hnr. in-
stalled officers. Friday nieht, as
1-.. ..... ... .t - . 1 -
lelinipient, and subject U 10 ier I follows: J. K. Marsnan. inieij office Hoar 910 . m.; 1 to jp m.
Mrs. Adams, Past Lriiel; J. d. I TueUy. Tharlay. N.tnrrtM to l
1.. f.V, nia..n I Calls answered dav or nisht. Buth
per month interest. ST -u " ""c"'; j ' onic. or iumo National.
Half tax may be paid before Ll. Meinier. CuidetCF. Ban- A
A 1 I a -L J L lf I r, - - ,
April 1. iiui me seconu sen ju.,: n m. Erwin. Ben
which must lie paid prior tobept u.,r- Mr Whitnev Mother Hur:
1. is subject to penalty of one iranjaWf Tirziah; F.Cher- PHYSICIAN & SURGEON
per cent. er montn. vanka. Outside Guard: Walter OFFICE:-Up-air in SchoinwrichBdf,
The treasurer will collect the hi,mm ina;Aa f.nard- H p..vrfn rn. ru: B.rii.s.
taxes, and after Sept 1 the sher- vNTiitney," Master of Ceremonies, huxsboro, . OREGON
iff will take charge of ihe delin- , . . .
mencies. After Sept 1. the Many, many people are taning w m
iherifT is also directed to levy on advantage 01 trie clearance saie JJR. B. L. SEARS
personal pnperty and charjre the pncea t yr-rr . .0 ...u
penalty and interest It not paid see us. and you will buy also, as
. i,..,., k ; H;,i n B..11 you can t help yourself thinjrs
rr;,.u; ,i.. n ia . are sold at such low prices. 43 office hoD,-, to , . m.; to5P
thonzed to chante this i tax The Club had a phonei. office in Am.,in N.tioa.1
ajrainst real estate arid it sha I se3sion ast niKht with about B.nk npsuira.
l.n K..n tharttnn .mill if lit tmiff I r. . n.i . t I ' f"
7. 1 , .V l ii . "ity present, me mauer 01 hilLSbouo,
uiiarcaiui me ii.iew procunng a business Men s rai
ment which ha3 been .popular Lndar was discussed, some con-
here, win cause consiaerauie tenng that this would not only
complaint Hundreds of small patronize home industry, but
homeholdcrs took advantage of would expensive. The
this measure, and they will have commjttee on Fair reported that
to hustle, many of them, to clear the 0j pair Grounds could be
their tax. or pay interest and secured for a rental of $650 per
penalty. ... annum. The committee was en-
The removal of the rebate is artred( that the situation
also unpopular with those who lK;tter canvassed. An
annually drawn uown mree per enterUinment committee was al
cent on their taxes by paying M appointed to look out for the
the ready cash. 30Cja 0f the body.
Physician and Surgeon
Big dance at Morse Hall. Bea-
M. M. mt0mg W. . War
ttooins 1 and i Hail Batldinc
Office op stain ;in .ScbnlmerUi Block
i maro.nn , .mi near thi
Hi plare, and telepholll
wii t" l.riiH' him in.
t-nnck l.r.Mi.-ht him in
'ssini; Ihe on find
M 1 t . 1
" iin. r. 1.1,1 10 iiihk.
nn' .iii.iv'. was,
tatiT h. ii.. v..,i 1. .....1
1 " ..".in. a. hi 1 1
t" Hie 11! eaine in via
Improve the opivortuniiy now
wS (if ll. .Ii.i.of.. 1,1 ofTere. at Johnsons MU.IIO I
r'ty liri.lir.s and tills rantre decorate your homes with gMl
w w Uentv thousand iMirlraiLs.
W. H. Hell, the architect who
d..ui.ned the First National Bank
rim. . 1 . . .
Ul I It NKS l.oil. iiur ami the a.St PUlllll'
structure built at Forest
I . . . 1 . a ...1 rt tl
'indirsifne,! il.i... in t. rove, was in we my yesienu.,,
" who so km.llv i..i,.i...-...i looking over we wiwn
empathy .luring the il - A ll.v'.ll imrtratt linished in
P'OllSI'miiesilf mir ,1-irlin.r .,...,-! .riven free tl I'lU'll
L1. . .Miaun.11 r.'1" "--
n UIH re 11111 1..M....-I..
for tin- lie. II. I i fill fluent
""iMrs. A. J. (losMidt,
Jn( Mrs. ( has. Sevvell '
ami Family.
1. n .
Is Vlini-iil,,,. ,i;.i .
tone, at, .an.
p. 1 Pitm an nii .L ,.f .1-
E in t :,..,,, ..
f. ami
I'illllt' til AlMiiriioi
(,.- . ' aiitu I IV ll
1118 pan-nu ul,
10 V'-ars (l , Tl u..iii...i
nd. i 1.. i'i 1. .
. 01 1001 ue
U VlC Ml I ll ! r...
1,1 , .111.1 nee
" on
""'re rcM .i.,.1
iaS lioi.n ....
aim,. in Viiim. sur
"k Wit 1 1 ... e .11 .
in' M.d ,. " '"nowing
l. 'Slen in,, 1,' 1. .,
, ,1T, or Km.
Ill Wi
""'iiiHiu, where they
. The
mh wife f Win.
Carto !-"-yvi1U.; Mrs.
f te,Wlf.,! "f .las. Car
familv orderimr and pnyinur for
$10 worth or photos ai jonnson s
Studio before March 15. -12-1 Si-cial $l.r.( size
Oil Poliso Mop and $1.H)
size (1 UT) l'lar Oil. Sw-rinl
for Saturday only. i.w.-nm
Uiro Furniture I'o. 41--
(K.irleu Sehneider. of KiiKone,
wits up the first of the week, be
in.f ended here to attend the
funeral of his father, the late
Chan. Schneider, of woominjr,
Hurry up. or you'll miss your
chance on the row waicn ouereu
as 11 premium nt Johnson s mikh"
II. S. Nutter, route airent for
the Wells-Furmo Co., was here
T.w.u.luu inMoectimr the omce
under chariro of Airent Ltntf,
it. u)ia Hnv groceries where
vnu ir..t no nremiums -but Kpt
low prices.-k. 11. Greer's.
Henry F. Johnson, of North
Plains section, was in yesterday,
nn liiiainess W ith the county
For lunch-pickled piRS feet,
home made saiwiiRcs anu
loRim-ll. Ii Kmmott
the nioneer 0
Buxton, was In town yesterday
a Ruest of his Rranason, iwnj
1 AWi:vi:t.t.
l.'ri.-n.U of Misn Sil ahelle Moore
t. n
eave her a lan.'weu ui nn.
Saturday evening at the home of
Mrs. Moore, on Second Mree
Miss Moore has resinned her kv
. . , i.:.
sition as teacher 111 we punuc
n. hools. and she departed j ester
day for Morenci. Arizona, w here
she w siM-nd the ituer u
her father, who has a ikisuioii
w th a mimmr company. .mi
u ill atoo in ("alifornia and visit
with friends and relatives. 1 ne
I'venintr was siient in Raines and h
music, and the impuiar yountr
lady was wished Urn voyaee and
a pleasant Winter in the South.
She may return here in the Sum
mer. Miss Moore had been a
conscientious teacher, and has
made many who regret
her departure. Those present
were: Messrs. and Mcsdames
Crover Combs. Orange Phelps,
(Ireer. Verne Curry,
Wm. Will (Tillamook.) .i. P. Ma-
.mi, .r- Mesiiames r.. . un.
" . . . .. l: V..IU..
Il...,l.. Sehom ilirkT: .tlisse.-i ixeiin-
WihmI', Fanny SchomburR. Wanda
(Mid. Florence lempieion.
,t...wimt siirnrise was Riven
i'" " - . . ...I . ..r
m. Mm . tick wniie, 01
1.11. M.I" - , , ,
almve MannmR. Jan. 1, i.n-i.
ik.. oeivis oii leinvr in nonor 01
their 2Sth weddinR anniversary
a u.imt.tnniis 1 inner was serveu
n.u,. nresent were: Messrs
.....i M.wdumes .lack White, (
(III. I i,.v --- ., ,
Irown, M. It i resio 1. 1....
i.v.t rlois nes. J. M. nrown
M.iv! Mrs. liCO. r.ueiei
F.kl.K . ... . - , , ,
klioa.kd Mni-tf A. nrowil, i.euui
;ilerer, ftiene nn..
Messrs. tiny fair, i-exi
LansinR SelfridRe; Masters ( has
White and Adolph I'.derer.
VALENTINE" I verton, Saturday eveninR, Jan.
10. Music by Ashworth s or-
Aiioa limmv VlMntini --which chestra. If vou are out for a
il IHJ Wllllllll - - - I ... .
the McMinnville Dramatic Com- Rood time do not miss this dance.
uanv will stage at theCrescentl pnri ivmlev. of Ranks. wholtiMuirs. a. p. shut bi.i mh a md
. . . . .-r
theatre, aluraay niKni.jan. ii. nas ier, ai)Sent from Banks for millhoro. - oukoom.
is a piay 01 a reiormeu criminal Spvera vears. is reported as hav-
three of them, in fact but the in(r uen workimr in the Califor-
tiirure what the freshet will cost principal one is known as Jimmy n;a 0n fieija ag a drill dresser.
the countv. Valentine and the others his pa s, at eoo& waKes. He was there
tied Jociyn ana Clil Avery, ine nhnut four or five months airo.
Miss lxmise Kreos leu lues- . . tokes nlace in SinurlT" : : hn,,kt tKot h 5, Rtill
dav for an extended visit with - tk. w0 intrMt f"".,fc.,J " Zl "Z." Y"
her aunt. Mrs. Chas. Litz,
Camas. Wash.
(V s; Reynolds has k-en reap- to the Denitontiarv. amonR whom inn,a hut thpv now think he is
IKiinted iKistma-ster at Mountain- is Rose Lane, the niece of the weli amj hearty, and that his I THUS. H. TONGUE, JR.
lale, ami ii. r,. rurain-ri mc iieui.enani-iocrnur. me maivooi giience is aue 10 nowinR more ATTORNRV-AT-T.AW1
new lHisimasier ai v nerry uruvc. g tour 01 insK-vwuM. in-x u ithan a pecuiianiy, 1
Covers in Jimmy uic man .,o . . . 0ffi uUir. in Schulmerica Block
rultian twol inei" 13 i -
r whom she Portland to buy of cash stores. Hillsboro, - - Oregon
1 1 it. . a . . I una inrr-ii iwtiu. v vi oiovw i t u: i
liiiecKO, 1 asior. u;a ,nin ,nit nr-vnila save you money, iry mm.
P.k.I rooms in Hillsboro are L him to cm West with them er $coni and Main-
now closinR at ten p. m. under amj accept a position in their The potato market appears to cpu MA RFI A I ROPHP
... 1: tl..... .i,.i rn-kf. in I. , 1. cj 1: .. 1 1 j ii;r.. i. ' i ww
oruiiiiinee, u.i mi-j ...u nnnK. nere we unu uiiinnv, non 1 oe sironit uuwu m t-i.Mc 101,
Orr 101: Main BtreK, opp. Court Hoaaa
in iiii- V'aJ Bnuna up ... v..v "-"I ana nirs. ueo. uooiey, were very 1
act also, in wmcn some visitors anxious over his prolonRed si- maawwwaaaa
SinR prison. The love interest in tue locality. His parents, Mr.
Herman Lutheran services,
Sundav aftenuHii
Conirreuational church. K. W.
(to. 3. C4naftf
. CIMc
... k.r.,1. . nM..U..
ninir. Jan. iu. waiiver uruu-s
tra. One dollar per number.
Don't forRet the dance at
lillshoro Hall. Saturday eve-
... II ' 1 1. ...... .j.Vt ...a
ninir. Jan. in. huimms uni:i5-
tra. One dollar per number,
SiT Tliorunur-
WZ ? in the Catho'-1 Mrs. K. K. MnR is visitinR rel
" "-"ih ol Cornelius, ativea in Salem thte ween.
'hristmas week.
for the Hillsboro Mercantile Co.
Xta-iartftaraM auMltMa. 'IMIIM,
... .-.i: 1 . 1 1. e 1 saamitai aai
ne is I has an oraer ior 40 canoaus ior CTCTOi.jifkta(inae, Ktftntttatafaat. oa-
nka ant alia atfea.
under his real name of Lee Kan
,k. r..-....i m.k Amoa nt ria . -inree vears iaier,
IOtl l lUmev l., w.,vv. . , . . . . tM-,,
II. I V.itill,l!ll7 PVM. I I HMllieF Ol IIIC uaun, nnw M ir.aa otklLi.l.l.l.kM P.-1 ...i
Iiail, Irtt.,lt"J v.. 1 1 1 1 I , , ., , . . r.,-. ... I .., M'.U UVkC?IVt44, rWM
watchman, lieieciivei'oyie, wuuitnem in nasniiiKiuii wA-uuiji 1 am in utapa mu amnen nanwa
bears a RrudRe apainst Jimmy, and then some but the roads ,llrr , nftm.
has meanwhile raked up evidence are just now in bad shape for saunf4ani utwntn
atrainst him for an old otlense hauling. r-rrftaftni: m wm
. . 1 I ! a - A. tttafet atal TlfalfcaTfhaiaBl
and Roes to we oanK w rresi. r-reer's profits on Rrocenes are leumon: Kotnau 200: ioaf;
h m. The scene in wnicn jimmy k...ii,i. .iui tku "-: ""
.. ... wii.u 1 1 i.i... 1 1 r. 1. a mi i i.i.b ii.vj uimhbm niMt hu ma
1.1. .dr- U ;n In Knli.-.n.T ho lal"'" . . . I -"
uiuus nun oo Mr. nnt m vAawav nremiums. IOU
I . . . III, I III.l. V I I., f . vu
AdelluTt L Laiu and Lois A. not Jimmy Valentine by provinR . benefit That's why
of near NewberR, were an alibi which ne nas ciexeriy r 49.3
m niarrmiro. Dec. 61, been hxinvr for the last J years,
..i.i ii. i I? 1,'Andnnai- n ama nf ihn mnet inT Arocii in tr in i
Hillsboro. o.liciatinR. the play, and .rtW wmtan- Cw
The Annual MeetinR of the
,H,.ru. oil,,...,,.,,,. V.f" ti; ntprpat and held at the church Thursday eve
Pictorial Review patterns, the """ , tl i" ' .,i 'Jninn .inn IS. All members and
patterns for which we have so jmja ---gj - ' Sd7aVrinvited; also those
many calls, can be bouRht at -callinir for interested in the church throuRh
Our new stock ha? just 1T ' llU in -hlVh ita various orRanizations
arrived. 4-"J a nf th1 little children has be- Sunday School, or by contributinR
VI IV. VM. aaw aawwav - . . .
Z. M. Lallue. of Forest tirove, come accidentally locked. Doyle to its support
was in town Monday, and reports pauses, and when they rush into Lost A black fur neck-piece;
more water alonR the highways the vault room, follows and is a kween the Grand Theatre and
than for many years. m. w tness to the intense vaun op- (v,n(r. church. Saturday niRht,
wore his hip boots so as to keep enjnR SC(7ne, for Valentine is the Jaru 3, Finder leave at this of-
his feet dry in the hacK-oea, one man who can open a combin- fice anj receive reward.
.. 1 t,., .,.,,.ii.l ilu low nlaces. ..:n K.. tho sonsn of tonoh. I .
wuen ..-. - u ' ?:::,V:; Z- k "i,T; Sheriff Reeves is receiving
Ti... .t..n . nner at the AI. Aiier we cimu 13 '", "--
1 HC .,,V ,.v -- -
are invited; also those Office up-Uir over HUlnboro National
dinner ai toji. -" nnite a few etters from women
1.' ehnrt-h. ast al hursuay, was mm ' t .v wV tt-pro vetm zed bv Mrs.
larirely attended., and the pro- tect, ve. n n u - nQW , jai, ch
Trtaiesie Bldg. Rooma 5 aad 4
Muln and Third.
Must Sell
r .",v ' otIt Pd hut Dovle Droves that even rwn. now ... j-.. v.. -
ceeitswiu oeuseu IC" uow; hoaPta whpn he 0t larceny, oomeoi ine ioien
improvement payment, a snon '"'7 sheer combinRS are in the woman's
program was one of the features lets his Pgt0f Lips at the jail.
we utnin-,. ien 8edng how thjnRg are lie 1 yeg Greer haa cut the pnce
Mia Kdna C.ilkev. stenoRraph- onj nnw nt Whv? Because we
- - . , ... 1 mix 1 ik.ii . - VA p, . . - - 1
er in me vumiij - " This is we oest piay me Rive no sutmys nu. jjicmmun M:i1-U-.- ri-.
,.,., -n.k.i th, tirst of the week 1.: m., cnmnon hDa atnwpd -Df woinoo 42-.-. I nnisDoro - - - Jrt9
I VlUl 1 1 V vaiv I ill 111 II V IIIC WlllVailJ liJ wva-ft-wv., i j UO W M-vaJ I
from the Coos wuniy roasi. and the cagt is made up mostly . . stwiu of CriDDle Creeu
Upstairs, in Linklater Delta
Building, Main Street
New,; piano le
ii..r..i.i l- Call Farmer b. 4..
CORNIil.ll'i? M0W1AN
k ..:.. Vkrkni. weddinR was cele
in Hillsboro. Tuesday,
Jan. fi, 1911, ftt the home of the
dim. Y ' ,,.., ('.nin.. II1S.
bride, wnen mo-.. ;
of Salem, was united in marrt-
m to Mrs. susie m. .
Uev. ValianiiiRiiam, v., v,... -tian
Church, oIliciatinR. Ihe
ceremony was performed at five
l La nftor a buffet lunch-
"on wa9 semd. the wedd n
partv accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Cornelius to the OreRon Wee trie,
where they departed tor lot t
land Salem, and other OreRon
uoints. on a short honeymoon.
.Li...,-. she enioved the Holidays,
She returned on the Steamer
llreakwater, and reports a tern
pestuous trip.
Mrs. Kirby. aped 63 years, re
sidinR at Scholls. slipped and
fell, Monday morning, break in r
her riRht arm just below the
i,.,.,!, Dr. Robb went down
and reduced the fracture. On
arc-mint of her aRe she will be
,w mikdieal care for some
I'aul M. Hay and Miss Rhoda
.1. .Inekson were united in mar-
riaRe at the isapusw v n7l
Jan. 2. 1914. Uev. B. C. Cook
oIliciatinR. The Broom is
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ray .and
runs the auto truck for Schmelt
zer The bride is a hiRhly re
spected young lady of this city.
of the old members who appear
ed here in The VirRinian.
Seat sale beRins Thursday,
January 15, at McCormick's.
Col., is the guest of his niece, IbUWMAIM
Mrs. Jos. WolfersperRer. Mrs.
Lee Commons, of Ona. Ore., is Attorn,eys-At-Law
also a guest at the Wolfersperger
home Commercial Bank Block
Contractor J. S. Lorsung razed up-stairs
tha nld water tower vesterdav.
We desire to thank our friends it falling to fine advantage for u;1, . nrt
noin'hnm txrhn so kindlv I j: n;r, if .oia tka UiiiisDoro ureeon
uiauiaiii,i.i.s. 1. ouicij kiiv
view in that part of the city. I ,',.vva
Miss Lena Thoney, of Oregon Frederick Andersen, M. D.
City, was tendered a party at the physician & surgeon
Henry Staffers home, where she L t . .
is the guest of her grandparents. Successor to Dr. Cunningham.
and neighbors who so kindly
tpn.hirerl us aid And sympathy
during our bereavement, the ob
sequies of our son, the late Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman.
Bacona, Ore., Jan. 8, 1914.
Argus and Oregonian $2.25
County court is inspecting the
Mmatrpd hridcres and fills today.
No supervisors have been named
Mrs. Blanche Bride has taken
Office and Drug Store.
the teacher's position made va- URENCO, uiusuw
cant by the resignation of Miss Telephone connection!.
Willabelle Moore. wmmwmmmmmmi-a
Frank Lackey was in from the 11 Weekly Oregonian to Jan. 1
West Union section yesterday. 1915, 75 cents.